1909-04-07 Regular CC MinutesAT,ATIIEDA 2,12 IL 7 t h 11)O9. The fleeting was called to order hy L'..ayot Taylor. The Poll was called and Councilmen Brown, Thristensen iagaos Bullock,Ccee,Fisher and Loop, ) were noted present and Councilmen Noy and Probst,(2) ahsent. A communication was received fro City Attorney Simpson stating that after examin- ation of the abstract relating to the title of the Waymire Place he recommended closing with the owner upon their presentation and approval o a bond to hold. the City safe from any loss resulting to it fron such action. ,,,r.1.aganos moved that sane be accented aad filed, seconded hy Er.Loop and carried. L:Ir.Bullock moved tha. the Clerk to directed to notify the Hibernia Savings Loan Society to oonfer with the City Attorney and to take the necessary steps to purchase the Waymire Place ,seconded by LruOoj carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Brown,Christensen,DgagnesBullock,ee,Fi„,iler and Loop, ). Noes :None Absent: Councilmen Noy and Probst, (2), The matter of the Bearing the IZeselttion of Intention No. to open 731anding Avenue Between Oak and Willow 'Streets was taken up. A general dicussion of the nat- ter was had in which Mr.Y.W.Hoover of the :Failroad Company,Yx.Dow of the Dow Steam Pump Corks ,the Tayer and Councilmen participated after which Mr. Loop moved that the City At- torney Be directed to discontinue further action looking to the opening of the said Street ,seconded By T.,r.a,s1',agnos and carried. Yx.TooD moved that a committee Be appointed to obtain all the data lookinc< to the F7ranting of railroad facilities so as to reach the manufactories on the north side and report hack to the Ceuncil,seconded By :-:,r .Brown and carried and thereupon the 7,ayor an- ointed Councilmen Bullock and Fisher as such Cemrlittee. Y.r.Tioop moved that the City Engineer he autcorined to secure a craftsman at a pain- per day to assist him in 7tin the data for the opening of a street on the marsh on the north side, seconded By 11::r.Cree and carried ny the following vote. Ayes: Councilron 7-1',rownChristensen , ananroc ,Buiioch, See 7isher and. Loop, (7) Absont:Councilyer Foy and rrehst, Foes:Fone, Lo move0 that the matter of the clirtrp:es aainst Io-undmastor Ewing he taken -op, seconded. By ',.,ir.Browa and carried and therenron F:essrs.Aldrich and Sentry appearing for Br Awing demurred to the charges as not Being specific . y Attorney Simpson explen- th e position of the 7an,,,aor as to the filing of charges. After general discussion Fr Brown moved that the Bayer 'a suspension of Peundmaster Ewing Be di a.pproved,seconded by :r.Loor and carried 1Y1,7 the following vote. Aye :Councilnon Brown,liagagnos,Cee,Fisher and Loop, (5 No and 7rebst,(2). a :Councilmen Christensen and Bullock,(2). Ah,sent:Councilmen Foy The annual report of the Calico S Fire Commission filed April 5th came up for ac- tion. nr.T„oop moved that action as name Be deferred seconded By T:.r.Gee and carried. A communication was received from nk.? Police &, Fire Commission recomnendins- that a contract to . ,int the Bell Tower of the Webster St .Engine house Be let to 7-y1a:oder & Idortensen for ::47.eo, Eridee.moved that such action be taken seconded By Trx.YagaP:nos and carried By the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Brown,Christensen,liaganos,Gee, Fisher and Loor,c6 Noes :Councilman Bullock,(L). Absent :Councilmen Probst and A communication was received from the Police Fire Commission requesting permis- sion to incur an indebtedness of :78.50 for additional hardware for the new fire house on Yjehb Avenue Fr agagnos moved that a resolution be passed granting such pormis- sion,the same to paid for out of 1.:unicipal Improvement and Zo.8,seconded By 7.Ziro'iJisher and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Brown,Uhristensen,Magagnos,Fisher and Loop,(5). Noes:Councilmen Bullock and Gee,(2). Absent:Councilmen Noy and Probst,(2). A communication was received from the Police Sc Fire Commission stating that the Steam Fire Engine was in had need of repairs and requesting permission to have the same put in order the cost of which would be about 1000.00,of which '..475.00 would be for new tubes. Mr.Brown moved that a resolution be adopted granting permission to pro- cure new tubes but that the other repairs be laid over until some future time,seconded. by Mr.Loop and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Lag- agnos,Gee,Fisher and Loop, (6). Noes :Councilman Bullock, (1). Absent:Councilmen Noy and robst,(2). A communication was received from the Police & Fire Commission to incur an indebt- edness of .)185.00 for the installation of Gas and Electric Fixtures in the New Fire House on Webb Avenue. Mr.Fisher moved that a resolution be passed granting such permission the sane to be paid for out of Municipal Improvement Fund No.6,seconded by LIr.Loop and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Brown,Magagnos,Gee,Fish- er and Loop,(5). Noes:Councilmen Christensen and Bullock,(2). ,Absent:Councilmen Noy and Probst, (2) A communication was received, from the Police & Fire Commission stating that they could not comply with the request of the Council to arrange the police patrol system so as to keep a patrolman on Webster 3treet at all times and, requesting authority to appoint eight additional patrolmen. M.r Loop moved that the matter be laid over until the new Council took charge of affairs,seconded by Mr.Gee and carried by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Bulloch,Gee,Fisher and Loop, (6). Noes:Councilman Magagnos,(1). Absent:Councilmen Noy and Probst, (2) A communication was received from the Police & Fire Commission requesting that the Fire Houses and apparatus be insured. Mr.Loop moved that the matter be laid over, seconded by Mr. hristensen and carried. Mr.Magagnos moved that a resolution be passed granting permission to the Police and. Fire Commission authority to appoint one additional policeman,seconded by Mr.Loop and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Magagnos,Bul- lock,Gee,Fisher and Loop,(7). Noes;None. Absent:Councilmen Noy and Probst,(2). Mr.Fisher moved that the. Clerk be directed, to address a communication to the Peo- ples Water Company requesting that immediate steps be taken to keep the water pressure up to the proper standard,seconded by Er.Loop and carried. Members of the Police and Fire Commission addressed the Council recommending that lights be installed at the ends of alleyways in the back of the alleyways in the rear of stores on Park Street. Mr.Gee moved that the Clerk be directed to address a. com- munication to that effect th the Board of Electricity,seconded by Mr.Fisher and carried. Members of the Police and Fire Commission addressed the Council on the necessity of providing now telephone boxes for the Police Telephones located at different parts of the City and that the cost of same would be about $100.00.- IJr.Bullock moved that the matter be laid over,seconded by Mr.Brown and carried. Members of the Police & Fire Commission addressed the Council regarding the matter of installing a red light signal system for the Police Department, Mr.Gee moved that the matter be laid over,seconded by Mr.Brown and. carried. Er.Magagnos moved to reconsider the motion to lay over the matter of the telephone boxes,seconded by Mr.Fisher and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Brown, Christerisen,Magagnos,Gee,Fisher and Loop, (6). Noes :Councilman Bullock,(1). Absent; Councilmen Noy and Probst,(2). Mr.Magagnos moved that the Police & Fire Commission be granted authority to have new Police Telephone Boxes made the cost not to exceed 70.00.00,seconded by Mr.Fisher and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Magagnos,Gee,Fisher and Loop, (6). Noes :Councilman Bullock, (1). Absent :Councilmen Noy and Probst, (2). Mr.Christensen moved that the Clerk be instructed to address a communication to the Oakland Traction Company requesting them to commence the work of irnproveing their roadway on an Jose Avenue in compliance with their promise,seconded by Lr.Bullock and carried. Mr.Loop moved that t.John J.May who had been appointed poundmaster at the last meeting be allowed ::i50.00 to pay him for the expenses incurred by him in purchasing an outfit to conduct the pound,seconded by Lr.Bullock and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Magagnos,Bullock,Gee,Fisher and Loop, (7). Noes: None. Absent :Councilmen Nay and. Probst,(2). There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to until the next regular meeting,Monday,April 19th 1909,at 7.30 P.M. City Clerk.