1909-06-01 Regular CC MinutesUF TEE UOUig.:IL OF THE CITY OF ALA=A, TUESDAY,JUNE 1st 1909. The meeting was called to order by Mayor The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,V;alker,7rumb,Crosby,Ells,Fisher, Proust and Bullock, (8),were noted present and Councilman Hammond, (1) absent. The minutes of the meeting of May 17th were read and ordered approved. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 854.87;again t the Police Fund amounting to ;43.20;against the Street Fund amounting to $95 .33;against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 2736.63;against the Library Fund amounting to 322.37;again Municipal Improvement Fund No.6, (Bay Farm Island, Roadway) amounting to ;'45.12;against Municipal Improvement Fund No.8(Webster Street Roadway) amounting to 24.20;against Mun- icipal Improvement Fund No.8,(Library) amounting to •'131.00;against Municipal Improvement Fund No.8(Fire) amountinp. to "441.80 and against Municipal Improvement Fund No.8,(Park Playground) amounting to f'680.70 having been approved and audited. by the proper offi- ciale, were read by the Clerk as follows GENERAL FUND. Ader,L.H.,assg A.E.Wright Rebate of Taxes Services 75.00 Alameda Daily Argus Book for Building Inspector 1.75 11 IT 71 TT IT II 71 It IT It It U 71 11 It Printing IT IT 71 IT It IT II tf It II IT T1 if 77 Il if 71 IT If IT 71 11 II Auditor Tr II TT 11 Council u u Ty u It IT IT 17 Advertising,Pound TT u IT TT u u IT TI U ,, TI u Printing Building,wiring &c Ordinances 110.00 Ty TT TT Envelopes for Treasurer 95.20 Boegle,F. Transcript 3.00 Evening Time Star,The Advertising 43,09 Ewing,A. Services as Eoundmaster 62,50 ” Ty u ” TI 66.60 Gallagher,H.C.assg M.Halstead Typewriting for City Attorney 0.75 Gray,Geo D. Serving Process 17.00 Lubben Bros. Horse ('' Buggy Hire Assessor 3.00 May,John J. Services as Poundmaster 62.50 Oakland Gas Lt.& Heat Co. Gas 2.50 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. L.D.Switches .45 Peoples Water Co. Water City Hall 9.45 u u TT " Pound 1.00 Removing Garbage 1.00 Directories 12.00 Charcoal for Pound .65 25.00 30.00 3.50 20.00 16.00 4.50 24.50 2.50 3.50 .75 2.75 8.6C Perata,A. Polk-Busted Directory Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Russell,Eleanor Typewriting for City Attorney. 8.70 Amount Forward 726.64 Ochneider,Benry upplies City Clerk IT IT IT Smith,Robt R. Taylor & Co. Tuttle,F.O. Underwood Tyyewriter Conrad, John Bressene,G.E. Britt ,W. Crosby,E.0. ,assg J.Concannon Conrad,W.C. Curilo, J. Luci,J. Electric Blue Print Co 71 IT IT TT Gorham Engineering Works Hamilton,H.G. Hansen Hans Meeker Uo.,The Peters,T.L. Plummer,Co.,W.A. Serralunga, L. Smith Bros. Stone Co.,E.B.1 A.L. Thurston,C.E. Alameda Daily Argus 71 Alameda Stables Ashcroft Mfg.Co Associated Oil Co TI TT 7? Bahr, Otto Board of Electricity Crocker & Co.,H.S. Began Belting Co.,L.P. Erns ,•‘:im Foster & Son,C.H. Garlock Packing Co. Gorham Engineering Co. Gorham Rubber Co. Treasurer Auditor &c Street Assessment Lumber Services Ribbon for Assessor Total POLICE FU1Z Incidental expenses STREET FUND. Labor Teaming Labor TT tl Blue Prints IT TT Machine Work Labor Rock Bulkhead & Wharf Teaming Supplies Labor II Macadam Teaming Total ELECTRIC LICET FUND. Printing Horse Hire Supplies Oil TV IT Ho hoeing Incidentals Addre ssograph Leather Belting Supplies II II Repairs Supplies Amount forward 2.50 9.85 24.70 5.27 10.15 75.00 .75 4', 854.87 .20 22.50 87.50 17.50 45.00 10.00 42.50 1.93 1.15 1.00 11.25 150.00 175.00 125.00 .50 106.00 24.00 57.50 75.00 953.33 13.75 32.20 2.00 33.75 316.00 270.00 326.26 316.28 267.o8 8.00 10.45 116.80 1.55 10.10 5.90 10.55 13.49 .50 36.77 Halstead,7:anda M. Hassett,J.B. Johns-Manville Co. ,H.\. Joost & Sons Jorgenson,?. Kellogg xDress Co. Koerber,A.H.W. Marshall-Newell Supply TT TT TT 11 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Peoples Vjater Co IT Plummer & Son,G.E. Powell Bros Powell, John Rhodes-Jamieson & Roeblings Sons Co.,J.A. 11 If TT TT •T Shively Bros Standard. Oil Co Sterling Elect II TT If Tf 51 TT 71 TT 7? 11 71 T! If TT TT 11 TT TT TT 11 If TT 1! TT IT fl United Iron Works Wastell,H.A. Western Elect Co. Westinghouse E.& M.Co. Westinghouse Lamp Co Whittier Coburn Co Woodin & Little Alameda Public Library Jr II If Argus Publishing Co Canningham,Curtisb & Fielding, G. Library Bureau, Inc. Jr TT 441.1 V #3 Tbta ta- Typewriting Expert services Supplies It :epairing &c Expressage Feed Rags Supplies TT Phone service Water 11 Cross Arms Material & Labor Helper Feed &c Rope Galvanized Strand Copper ire Bicycle Repairs Turbine Oil Guy Anchors Tape Supplies Sockets Supplies It Torch insulators Supplies Material Horse Hire Generator Meters Inc .Lamps Eng Oil Pulley Total LIBRARY FUND Petty Expenses ?astern Claims Printing Books :Iewspapers Supplies Amount forward - - W.3.1 Va., • r 11.20 100.00 11.52 2.40 3.10 1.40 37.35 4.50 7.36 6.60 10.95 4.30 1.00 30.00 70.00 7.50 44.90 39.65 23.15 51.70 .60 17.96 30.38 6.00 9.46 18.59 13.32 5.60 15.64 7.14 1.97 3.85 .40 17.88 2.00 9.00 34.95 160.60 86.69 13.39 2.70 22.03 41.00 6.50 100.74 6.00 4.80 183.07 _amount l'orward 183.07 Peoples Water Co Water 1.35 2olk-Lusted Directory Co. Directories 12.00 Sherman, lay & Co. Rusin 10.50 Rent 25.00 Books 90.45 Total 322.37 MUITICIPAL IEPROV=ENT FUHD ru.8,(Bay Farm Isld Road) Alameda Daily :l_rus Advertising LIUNICIPAL ILIPROVE::_EirT FUT:D No .0, (Webster Street Roadway) Alameda Daily Advertising 24.20 LUITICIPAL L2ROVEIENT FUND No.8,(Library) Furniture 101.00 Newspaper Racks, etc 30.00 Total- 131.00 MUNICI2AL FUDJ) No.8,(Fire) Ells & Co.,E.D. Beds etc 344.30 SchTartze,H.G. Clock 8.75 Sterling Elect Switchboard 00.75 Total- - 441.60 YIDNICIPAL ILFROVEL:ENT FUND No 6, (Park and Playground) Services Volberg,C.C. Wheeler Publishing Co. Library Bureau, Inc. 71 if TT Donovan, Jerry Dunleavy,R.E. Dunn,H.H. Fletcher, I.D. Gutleben,j.S. ilicholson,Peter Peoples Water Co. Siemsen, John If Salary for Bay Services Water rvices Total 69.40 58.70 90.0.0 67.20 65.00 65.00 60.00 70.40 65.00 ?-6g6:70 Br.Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr.alker and carried. by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Walker Krumb , Crosby, Ells , Fisher, Probst and Bullock, (8) Noes :None. Absent :Councilman Hammond, (1) A report was received from the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of Apri1,1909. Ordered. filed. R.B.Tappan,City Judge,addressed the Council requesting that he be authorized to pur- chase certain law books for his department the cost of which would be about '25.00. Mr.' Bullock moved that the request be granted,seconded. by Ylr.Probst and carried by the follow- ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Th,lker,rumb, rosby,Ells,Fi her,Probst and B1- lock, (a). Noes :None, Absent :Councilman Hammond, (1) A bond in the sum of 'T;100.00 was received from A.Ewing as Poundmaster in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance 233. • Ordered filed. A communication was received from the National 1:lastic Roofing Co.,withdrawing their opposition to the payment to James 14.Boyd of his claim for the construction of the new fire house on Webb Avenue. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the General Supt .of the Southern Pacific Company stating that repairs had been made to thealarm bell at the R.1%crossing with Everett Street. Ordered filed. A communication was received from Lieut.Col.John Biddle of the U.S.Army regarding the leasing of canal frontage and acknowledgin receipt of copy of resolution granting Dowell Bros.permission to build a wharf thereon. Ordered filed. A communication was received from W.H.Pollard,requesting a share of whatever insu- rance the City might place. Ordered filed. A communication was received from J.Emmett Clark:M.D.in which he tendered his resig- nation as a member of the Board of health. Lir.Walker moved that it be accepted,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried. Mr .Bullock introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved that there is hereby created and established a fund to be known as the "Park and Playground Fund" into which shall be deposited all moneys apportioned from taxes for the support and maintenance of parks and playgrounds and also all moneys de- rived from the conduct and management of the same. The Auditor and Treasurer are hereby directed to take the necessary steps to open and account for said fund. From and after this date all demands for services,supplies or other expense incident to the parks and playgrounds shall be made against and be payable only out of said fund, except where payable out of any improvement fund realized from the sale of bonds. Mr.Vialker seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,Walker,vrumb,Crosby,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock,(8). Noes: None. Absent :Councilman Hammond, (1). A communication was received from R..A.Postel in which he agreed that in case his application for a transfer of his liquor license to 1413 Park 6treet was granted that he would not sell any liquor at retail. Mr.Walker moved that the same be filed and that the request be granted with that understanding,seconded by Mr.Fisher and carried. A communication was received from Jean L.Candalot,reque ting permission to install a four horse power boiler at 1528 Park 3treet. Er.Krumb moved that the same be referred to the Committee on Fire,Water and Poll e,seconded by Er.Probst and carried. Albert G.Lawrence presented a petition for a gratuitous license to do an express wagon business and use two horses therefor. Mr.Krumb moved that the request be granted seconded'i:y irBullock and carried. J..Ledge t presented a petition for a gratuitous license to deliver sawdust to the trade without the necessity of paying a wagon license. Mr.Fisher moved that it be gran - ted, seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. Chief Gallardo presented a petition to peddle notions. On motion of Mr.Krumb it was referred to the License Committee. 0.Pouchi presented a prtition for a gratuitous license to peddle fruit and vege- table. Er.Probst moved that it be denied, seconded by Mr—Bullock and carried. A petition was received from a number of residents of the north side of the City objecting to the proposal to establish the City Pound at the north end of Grand 3treet. 7.r.Probst moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities mmittee,seconded by 1r.Bullock and carried. A petition was received from numerous residents requesting that the Council take immediate steps to have the Peoples V:ater Company supply the city with water from Lake Chabot and Alvarado instead of the water from the wells at Fitchburg. After some dis- cussion Ir.Christensen moved that not action be taken for a few days,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried. Affidavits of Publication showing due publication of Notice to Paving Contractors were presented in the matter of the improvement of the East side of the Webster street Roadway. Mr.ljalker moved that they be filed,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. The Clerk reported that in compliance with said notice that twelve bids had been received. hr.wrumb moved that they be received and opened and read,seconded by Er. Bullock and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Yalker,7rumb, Orosby,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes :None. Absent:Councilelan Hammond, (1) Thereupon the Clerk opened the same and they were read as follows From Ransome-Crummey Co.,accompanied by a bond in the sum of '3000.00 For Grading For Gutters 6. inch cement For Curbing 4 x 12 Redwood Asphalt Concrete Ease & Wearing Surface 10 inch Drain Pipe Catch Basins accompanying the same was a sample of the paving. From Pansome-Crumrney Co.,accompanied by a bond in the sum of 2000.00 1 cent per square foot 12 cents per square foot 12 cents per linear foot 15 cents per square foot 62 cents per linear foot :;30.00 per catch basin For Grading For Gutters 9 inch cement concrete For Curbing 4 x 12 Redwood Standard Asphalt Pavement 10 inch Drain Pipe Catch Basins (Complete) No sample of pavement accompanied the bid cent per square foot 16 cents per square foot 12 cents per linear foot 16 cents per square foot 62 cents per linear foot 30.00 per Catch Basin From Ransome-Crummey Co.,accompanied by a bond in the sum of '2000.00 For 'Jrading For lacadanizing For Gutters,roIcen Book Grouted For Curbing 4 x 12 10 inch Drain Pipe Catch Basins (Comrlete) No sample of macadam accompanied the bid. cent per square foot 10 cents per square foot 11 cents per square foot 12 cents per linear foot 62 cents per linear foot 3C.00 per catch basin From the Piedmont raving Company, accompanied by a bond in the sum of :2000.00 For Grading For Tacadamizing For -Gutters For Straight Curbing For Curved Curbing For 10 inch Drain Pipe For Catch Basins Complete No sample of macadam accompanied the bid 2 cents per square foot 7 3/10 cents per square foot 10 9/10 cents per square foot 14 cents nor Linear foot 14 cents per Curve 61 cents per Linear Foot Each From the Piedmont Paving Company accompanied by a bond in the sum of c2500.00 For C7-radinp: For Oil Hacadam Pavement For [.3utters For Straught Curbing For Curved Curbing For 17 inch Drain Pipe For Catch Basins Complete No sample of pavement accompanied the bid. 2 10 9 14 14 From Powell Bros accompanied by a bond in the sum of ':1500.00 For Excavating For Macadami7,ing For Gutters For Curbing wood For Ten inch Pipe For Catch Basins Complete A sample of macadam accompanied the bid 9 11 13 73 cl'35.00 cents per square foot cents per square foot cents per square foot cents per linear foot cents per curve cents per linear foot Each cent per square foot cents per square foot cents per square foot cents per linear foot cents per linear foot Each Prom L.L.Page,accomnanied by a certified check in the sum of ;1350.00 For Grading For ::acadamizing For Gutters 13 For Curbing 12- For 10 inch Drain Pipe 75 For Catch Basins !:50.00 No sample of macadam accompanied the bid. From R.E.Chadbourne Co.,accompanied by a certified check in the sum of ,1400.00 For Grading 11F cents per square foot Reinforced Cement Eacadan Slab 11 cents per square foot Reinforced Concrete Gutterways 11 cents per square foot 4 inch by 12 inch Redwood Curbing 13 cents per linear foot 10 inch Ironstone Drain ripe 45 cents per linear foot Catch Basins Complete ;34.00 each Also to place on roadway an oiled top as per sample of pavement submitted free of cost to the cents per square foot cents per square foot cents per square foot cents per linear foot cents per Linear foot per catch basin YrOM Hutchinson uompany accompaniea oy a Dona in urie sum oi cloutd.ou For For For For For For No sample Grading Macadamizing Gutters,broken rock Curbing,4 x 12 redwood Drain Pipe,10 inch Catch Basins, complete of macadam accompanied the bid. From Blake For For For For For For No sample and Bilger Co.,accompanied Grading Macadamizing Curbing with Redwood (4 x 12) Gutters (Cement Grouted) Rock Drain Pipe 10 inch Catch Basins of macadam accompanied the bid From Blake and Bilger Co. ,accompanied For Grading For Curbing Redwood (4- x 12) For Drain Pipe,10 inch For Catch Basins For Brick Pavement,including gutters A sample of brick accompanied the bid. by a bond 2 112- 12 65 .00 in the sum by a bond in From the Barber Asphalt Paving Company,accompauied For Grading For Asphalt Paving For Curbing with concrete For Curbing with Redwood For Gutters Concrete For Drain Pipe For Catch Basins A sample of pavement accompanied the bid. 2 11 14 13 1.25 20.00 the cent per cents per cents per cents per cents per per Catch of :fi,2200.00 square square square linear linear Basin cents per square cents per square cents per linear cents per square per linear foot Each sum of ;3500.00 2 q; 1.45 20 .00 30 foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot cents per square foot cents per linear foot per linear foot each cents per square foot by a bond in the sum of .2500.00 3/4 cents per square foot 16 ° '10 cents per square foot 35 cents per lineal foot 15 cents per lineal foot 16 cents per square foot 60 cents per lineal foot 26.50 each Mr.Yrumb moved that the bids be referred to the Street Committee to report hack to the Counci,seconded by Mr.Eullock and carried. A communication was received from the Pacific improvement Company concerning a dona- tion of 6000.00 toward the expense of improveing the East ide of the 7.ebster at:Load- way and stating that the said donation would he made only In case the work done was of a permanent nature. I:r.Krumb moved that the same be filed and referred to the ntreet Com- mittee in conjunction with the bids received for the improvement,seconded by Er.Bulloc:c and carried. A communication was received from former ::ayor 2.7.Taylor,accompanied by one from ::r.Luey of the Pacific Hassan Paving Co.,advocating the improvehent of the esat side of the V.ebster Street 'eloadway with Hassan Pavement the same as the west side. 1Cr .Krumh moved that the sane he referred to the Ctreet Committee in conjunction with the bids re- ceived for the improvement, seconded and carried. A petition was received from numerous persons recommending that the east side of the ':ebster Street Roadway be improved in the same manner aa the west side . Tnr.7rumb moved that the same he referred to the Street Committee in conjunction with the bids re- ceived for the improvement, seconded by 2:2'..72111lock and carried. showiaro due lasblicetion 9f iTot-ce Contractore . Affidavit of PublicationAwere receive° le tie ma,ter e rorr: or imaroving the Bay Farm Island Roadway. :7r.7rumb moved that they be filed,and be be received and open- ed and read, seconded by Y .Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilren Christensen,Vialker,Xrumb,Crosb,,Ells,-4 sher,Probst and Bullock, (0). Noes :None. Absent: Councilman Hammond, (1). as follows From E.Schumacher,accompanied Thereupon the Clerk proceeded to open the bids which were read by a certified Check in For Grading For Macadamizing The hid was accompanied by a sample of macadam. From C.J.Hammond,accompanied by a bond in the For Excavating For MacadaMizing No sample of macadam accompanied the bid From Hutchinson Company,accompanied by a bond in the sum of 600.00 sum of 400.00 1 sum of 500.00 1 cent 4 9/10 cents cent per square foot cents per square foot per per square square foot foot oulucl4t1 ,ieou For Macadamizing 7 cents per square foot No sample of macadam accompanied the bid From Powell Eros,Consfruction Co.,accompanied by a bond in the sum of 600.00 For Excavating For Liacadamizing A sample of macadam accompanied the bid. No charge cents per square foot From Piedmont Paving Company accompanied. by a bond in the sum 'of 500.00 For Grading 3/4 cent per square foot For Macadamizing 5 6/10 cents per square foot No sample of macadam accompanied the bid. From IansomCrumrnei Co,accompanied by a bond in the sum of $1000.00 For Macadamizing No sample accompanied the bid. 6i cents per square foot From E.YL.Chadbourne Co. ,accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 950.00 For an oiled Reinforced cement macadam roadway 13 A sample of pavement accompanied the bid. cents per square foot .Krumb moved that the bids be referred to the Street Committee to report back to the Council, seconded by Mr .Probst and carried. A petition was received from Eutchinson Company requesting permission to construct a six-inch sewer in Versailles Avenue from the center line of Buena Vista Avenue to the center line of Lincoln Avenue ;also a six-inch sewer in Buena Vista Avenue from the center line of Pearl Street to the center line of Versailles Avenue, said work to be done accord- ing to the plans and specifications of the City Engineer and to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent;acconpanying the same were copies of contracts with the property own- ers along said streets. Mr .Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded by hr .Ells and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, V:alker,Yrumb,Crosby,Ells, Fisher,Probst and Bullock, (8) Noes :None. Absent :Councilman Hammond, (1) Er.Hrumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved that the City Engineer be and hereby is directed to make plans,specifications and quantity estimates for the following Street work to be done in said City,namely: That Stanton Street from the northern line of Pacific Avenue to the southern line of Buena Vista Avenue be improved as follows: That the entire width of said street between said linitsbe graded to the official grade;that concrete curbing,eight inches by fourteen inch- es in cross section dimension,be constructed on the curb lines of said street between said linits;that cement grouted rock gutter ,three feet in width of the "flat" pattern,be cons- tructod along the roadway of said street between said limits contiguous to said curbing; that the remaining portion of the roadway of said street between said lilits be macadamiz- ed with a layer of broken trap rock eight inches in thickness,as per Resolution of Intent- ion No.736,Adopted by this Council,April 19th 1909. And the Clerk be inttructed to noti- fy the City ,gineer of the adoption of this Resolution. The Resolution was seconded by Er.Walker and carried by the'following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Chri tensen,Walker,Krumb,Crosby,Ells,Fisher,Prob t and Bullock,(8). Noes :None. Absent :Councilman Hammond, (1) The City Engineer presented .lans,specifications and quantity estimates in compliance with the foregoing resolution and thereupon Mr.Trumb offered the following resolution and, moved its adoption: Resolved,that the Plano,Specifications and Quantity Estimates furnished by the City Engineer of the City of Alameda,to this Council,for the following Street work to be done in said. City,namely: That Stanton Street from the northern line of Pacific Avenue to the southern line of Buena Vista. Avenue be improved as follows : That the entire width of said street between said limits be graded to the official grade;that concrete curbing,eight in- ches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension,be constructed on the curb lines of said street between saia 11M1IO;INUI, OeMenb grouuuu rUei LtL, L1iee ieek, .1.11 wiuun JL "flat" pattern,be constructed along the roadway of said street between said limits con- tiguous to said curbing;that the remaining portion of the roadway of said street between said limits be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock eight inches in thickness, under Resolution of Intention No.736,adopted by the Council of said City,Aprii 19th 1909, be and the same are hereby adopted and approved. And the Clerk is directed to file the same. Mr.Walker seconded the Resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christen en,Walker,Xrumb,Cresby,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock,(6). Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Nammond,(1). Mr.Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Whereas,It appears to the satisfaction of this Council,that Resolution of Intention Ne.736 for the work of grading,curbing,Euttering,macadanizing and otherwise improving Stan- ton Street between Pacific and Buena Vista Avenues in the City of Alameda,adopted by this Council,April 19th 1909,has been posted and published according to law, ad that no legal objection to the doing of said work has been filed with the City Clerk of said City. Resolved,That the public interest and convenience require and the Council of the City of Alameda hereby orders the following described street work to be done in sad City,accord- ing to the plans and specifications adopted therefor,namely: That Stanton Street from the northern line of Pacific Avenue to the southern line of Buena Vista Avenue be improved as follows : That the entire width of said street between said limits be graded to the official grade ;that concrete curbing,eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension be constructed on the curb lines of said street between said liits;that cement grouted. rock gutters,three feet in width of the "fl t" pattern,be constructed along the roadway of said street between said limits contiguous to said curbing;that the remaining portion of the roadway of said street between said limits be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock eight inches in thickness. The Clerk of this City is hereby directed to publish this Resolution for two days in the Alameda Daily Argus,a daily mewsraper published and circulated in this city,and which is hereby designated for that purpose. He is also directed to post conspicuously for f five days near the Chamber Door of the said Council notice of said work with specifica- tions inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered,and to publish notice of said work inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and referring to the specifications posted or on file,also for two days in the said Alameda Daily Argus,the newspaper hereby designated for that purpose. Both of the said notices shall require a certified check or a bond,either as prescribed by law and for an amount not less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal,and shall name iuesday,the 15th day of June, 1909,as the day hereby designated on which up to the hour of 6 o'clock,p.m.,the said propo- sals or bids shall he received. Mr.Walker seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Crosby,Ells,Fisher,Probs and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Hanmond,(1). The Street Superintendent presented a report that the work of grading,curbinr,macad- amizing and otherwise improving Hibbard St.hetween Lincoln and Buena Vista Avenues done under private contract by Hutchinson OompanyAnaa been compietea according to the plans and specifications for said work and to his satiffaction. Ordered filed, The 3treet Superintendent presented _port that the work of grading,curhing.,macad - amizing and otherwise inprovi hound -Street between Santa Clara and Johnson Avenues done by Hutchinson Comfany under private contract had been completed according to the plans and C.8 'or sala wont ana to nre satisraction. uraerea riled. The 3-1.;reet perinte-,lent presented a report that the work of grading our ng,nac- adamizian and otherwise improving Court ,etreet between .3ant lara And. Johnson Avenues done by Hutchinson Company under private contract had been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications for the work and to his satisfaction. Ordered filed. A report was presented by City Engineer I.H.Chapman,in which he estimated the cost of bituminizing Santa Clara Avenue from the west line of Park Street to the west line of the Elks property adjoining the City Hall,at about ;11,000.00. Lir.Bullock moved that the same be filed and referred to the treet Committee to investigate and report back to the Committee of the Wbole,seconded by 1r.Ells and carried. A protest signed by numerous property owners was presented against the opening of a new street as described in Resolution of Intention No.737 of the Council. Ordered filed,and thereupon Pr.Krurnb introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: nereas various persons have filed a protest against the opening of a certain street commencing at the westerly line of Grand Street at Clement Avenue and extending westerly to the Feralta Grant Line at the western end of Alameda as provided for under Resolution of Intention No.737, Therefore resolved that 8 o'clock P.L. on the 15th day of June,18C9,and the Council- room of this Council be and are hereby fixed as the time and place of hearing said prote and the City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice thereof in the manner prescribed, by law. Mr.Walker seconded the Resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,1alker,Krumb,Crosby,Ells,Fisher,2robst and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Hammond, (1) Louis Ferrari,representing Frederick 'hand John J.Cosgrove presented e written ap- peal from warrant for street work done pursuant, to Resolution of Intention No.730. Or- dered filed and thereupon hr.Krumb introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption. Miereas Frederick H. Cosgrove et al. have filed an appeal from the learrant for street work under Resolution of Intention No. 30. Therefore resolved that 8 o'clock P.R. on the 15th day of June,1009,and the Council- room of this Council be and are hereby fixed as the time and place of hearing said appeal, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice thereof in the manner prescribed by law. 1:1r.Yralker seconded the Resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,7ialker,Krumb,Crosby,Fals,Fisher,Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Hammond,(1). Chas .3chleesinger as President of the Pacific Land Investment Company presented pro- tests against assessments for street work done pursuant to Resolution of Intention 70.726. Ordered filed and thereupon idr.:Lrumb offered the following resolution and, moved its adop- uron. aereas,the Pacific Land Investment eomi:any by its President, Chas Zchlessin,er,bas filed an appeal from certain assessments for the work of constructing a sewer in Encinal Avenue,under Resolution of Intention No.728. Therefore resolved that 8 o'clock P.E.on the 15th day of June,109,and the Council- room of this Council be and are hereby fixed as the time and place of hearing said pro- te t,and the City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice thereof in the manner prescrib- ed by law. Mr.,:ialker seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,Ailker,Krumbrosby,Ells,Fisher,i'robst and Bullock,(6). does: None. Absent :Councilman Hammond, (1). A communication was received from the Alameda Improvement Club urging the Council to pass an Ordinance which would compel the banishment of bill-boards. Mr.Orosby mov- ed that the sane be filed and. referred to the City Attorney for investigation and report. A polic;c, was received from the Orient insurance Company in the sum of r:2500.00 and numbered 122303 covering insurance on the Gasoline Road roller and the building in which it was housed at the Corporation Yard. Ordered filed. T.A.Pyne presented a requestfaccompanied by a sketch or plan) for rermission to move a wooden wall in the rear f 1323 Park Street,being prop ty owned by Dr.T.D.Tisdale. IfIr.Chris ensen moved that the matter be referred to the Council Committee on Fire,ater and Police in conjunction with the Chief of the Fire Department and the Building Ins- pector,seconded by Hir.Fisher and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Ordering the opening of a certain unnamed street in the City of Alameda,forty feet in width and extending easterly from the Eastern line of Webster Street at a point opposite Tract 35,as shown on Map of Ala- meda Marsh Land hereinafter mentioned,to the Western boundary line of Tract No. 9,as shown on said 1,:,ap,and appointing Commissioners to open said street," introduced on May 3rd. 1909,by Er.Krumb came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.Xrumh moved its adoption, seconded by Mr .Walker and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Obristensen,Walker,Krumb,Crosby,711s,Fisher,Probst and Bullock,(6). Noes: None Absent:Councilman Hammond. Lr.Krumb,chairman of the Street Committee reported progress in the matter of the widening of Encinal Avenue between lark Avenue and Zeroadway,also that Webb Avenue between Park and Everett Ctreets had been repaired as requested by the Police and 'ire Commission. Er.Walker moved that the request of the Police and Fire Commission for authority to appoint three additional policemen to serve during the tine that the regular officers were taking their vacations,as presented at the meeting of May 17th, be denied, seconded hy Er.Bulloc7a and carried. ICr .Walker moved that the request of the Police and Fire Commission for authority to appoint an additional second class driver as presented at the meeting of 2a,y 17th,be denied, seconded by Lr.Bullock and carried. Yx.Walker reported that the request to purchase a combination Patrol and Ambulance wagon could not be considered at the present time on account of lack of funds and moved that further action be posroned until after July,seconded by Er.Bullock and carried. Street Superintendent Frodden reported that he had investigated the matter of the petition of J.F.Neall to have a sidewalk constructed on the west side of Viillow Street at the southerly corner of Eagle Avenue and that; the owner of the said property J.R. Sloan contemplated building immediately and that he recommended that no action be taken at present or until such building was completed. Mr.Walker reported to the same effect and moved that action be deferred for the present, seconded by Er.frobst and carried. Mr.Bullock brought up the matter of the disputed ownership to the streets which lead off of 9th Street westerly to the Dunn Property on the south side of Encinal Ave- nue and moved that the matter be referred to the Council Committee of Streets, Sewers and narves in conunction with the City Attorney and Street Superintendent and City Engineer to investigate and report back to the Council,seconded by Mr.Valker and carried Lx.frobst moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the Board of Health requesting them to suggest a successor to ,T.Erunett Clark,ij.D. whose resignation had been accepted, seconded by Mr .Ells and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen 1 ' tensen,"T:alkerm7rumb,Crosby,Ms,Fisher and Probst, (7). Noes: Councilman Bullock, (1) Absent:Councilnan 1:ammond,(1). There 1)eing no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular neoting,Tuesday,June 15th 1909,at 7.30 City Clerk.