1909-07-06 Regular CC MinutesLEETING OF THE COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF ALA:LEDA, TUESDAY JULY 6th, 1909. The meeting was called to order by 1,layor Eioy. The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen, Vialker, Krumb, Hammond, Ells, Probst and Bullock were noted present and Councilmen Crosby and Fisher absent. The minutes of the meeting of June 15th were read and ordered approved. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 79.1'2cagainst the Police Fund amount- 44.90; against the Folios Pension Fund amounting to 2 0.00; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to ;3200.36; against the Street Fund amounting to 1736.69; against the Library Fund amounting to against the Municipal Improvement Fund No. 8 (Iark. & Play Ground) amounting to against the Municipal Improvement Fund No. 3 (library) amounting 38,44 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the clerk as follows:- Ader, L.h. Alameda Daily Argus al!J A JU 1 Iv . 1.17-..7■1 Services in Auditor 'a Office Printing delinquent tax list .Alameda Daily Argus Books for building inspector Alameda Daily Argus Advertising Alameda Daily Ark Printing Alameda Daily Argus Publishing Water Rate Ordinance 7. Transcript Evening Times Star 2rintia2 for Building Inspector Hjul Emma G. Kilian, 7.N.Electri Co. Lubbock, Beatrice Refund Tax Penalty Tamps and Shades for Janitor Typewriting auditor's report Lubbock, Oswald , Bent of P.O. Box and recording. Iazzini, L. Supplies for Found Oakland C.L & H. Co. Gas Peoples Water Co. Water for City Hall Peoples Water Co. Water For City Hall Peo:pies Bazaar Inc. Lerata, A. pplies for Janitor- Removing Ga-r•bagc, City Hall. Bee, rder Ptg. & Pub. Co Subscrittion "Cal. Denison" ',jay and Juno Roberts, S.R. Work in City Clerk' s Office San Francisco Hews Co. Subs. "League of American 1,1unicirality" Tattle, Emory 0. Tuttle, Bmory O. ervices in Assessor's Office Car fare West Disinfecting Co. Disinfectors for City Hall Conrad, John Lawrence, Joe. ,e1 h, B. Total POLICE FUND. Incidental expenses. POLICE PENSION FUND. Pension Pension Total cl; 75.00 486.14 8.00 11.15 24.00 3.00 8.50 2.36 2.45 6.00 1.75 12.55 .70 lo. 1.60 .65 1.00 3.00 16.150 2.00 75.00 2.50 17..50 79j, 2Q: 44.90 135.00 135.00 270.00 ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Alameda Daily Argus Printing Alameda Daily Argus Printing Alameda Daily Argus Printing Alameda Daily Argus Printing Alameda Daily Argus Printing Associated Oil Co. Oil Associated Oil Co. Oil Associated Oil Co. Oil Associated Oil Co. Oil Associated Oil Co. Oil Associated Oil Co. Oil Bahr, Otto Horseshoeing Board of Electricity Incidentals Chevelier, R.F. Tests Coustir Cons, Pepairing etc. Cunningham Curtis 'Th. 2÷',.,t-L)nrIcy Dudgeon, Hazel, Typewriting Fischer, C.F• Plumbing Co. Merchandise Hasse t J.B. Epert Services horse shoeing Harshall Howell Supply Co. Rags Marshall Newell Supply Co. Supplies Marshall tie well Supply Co. Rags Marshall Newell Curly Co. Supplies Moise Klinkner, Stards Payees Dolt Works, Cut shers Plummer, Leo. E. & Sons, Lumber Putzman f„ Hoffman, Repairs and supplies Rhodes, Jamieson & Co. hay anC, Grain Ritchie, L.E. l'remi= on Fidelity Bond Ro&blirigs, Jno. & Sons Copper Wire Roeblinr,0 Jno. 6-Sons. Glv. strand Sanborn, ail & Co. Index • oh Schneider, Henry stationery etc. Sterling Electric Co. Carbon brush Sterling Electric Co. Friction tape Supplies StefLint, Electric Co. Guy Anchor United Iron Works Repairs Vosburgh & Co. J.B. Supplies Westinghouse E.& H. Co. Watt Meters Westinghouse Lamp Co. Lambs Westinghouse B & M. Co. Supplies Westinghouse E & M. Co. Transformers Westinghouse B & H. Co. Supplies Sterling Electric Co. Westinghouse B & L. 0. Arc lamp parts Whittier Coburn Co. Engine Oil fl 4- k..) 4.00 36.00 4.50 28.00 10.50 318.86 325.11 327.86 327.86 318.86 319.63 11.00 57.25 10.00 18.35 3.10 12.60 .85 100.00 3.00 4.85 2.66 4.73 .20 3,64 2.00 12.50 71.60 10.00 1.40 43.15 1.50 9.15 .45 6.75 2.42 15.19 20.30 5.50 230.64 42.50 12 .60 12 .24 35.61 12.40 13.65 3200.36 Alameda Da W. Furey, F.2. Jamison, C.. McY:ae, Chas. eOeu ,,auol Co. r AT gul,3 Peters, I.L. Peters, T.L. Roe, Tony, eralungb, C. OhivioLi 'Bros. Sunset Lumber Co. Taylor Laber Co. Thurston 0.E. REET FUND. Printing TeamiTig 5upplies Drivini.L. sprinkler Labor ater Teaming Driving jprinkll Dri\ring Sprinkler jtreet swooping Bicycle regi Lumber Teamir LLIff.bor T o t LIBRARY FUND. Alameda Public Library iotit expenses Alameda Public Library Eastern Claims Hicks, Judd, Co. Binding. Masini L. Plumbing und supplies McDov,oll J.6. 5ubsoption to Daity Argu Deoples Water Co. Cater Volborg, 0.0 Rent for west end reading room o t a 1 ------ MUNICIPAL Lii1ROVEMENT FUND NO. (Park .1: and flay gro- Bankhead, Boring veil in Waairgton Park Bankhec!d, Cleaning wells in DL hir.loy Park Citizen's 'flanT: of Alone dt, ..;:err? Co round Lincoln lurk Donovan, Jerry Laborer Dunleavy, R.E. Laborer Dunn, M H. Salary as Capt. of larks Fletcher, I.D. Laborer Ciutlaben, Jahn C. Laborer Hwmond, 0.j. Gro7e1 for, Wash-7-ngon Park Mighe, V. (Ass. Ale Bat Ennk Pole Jackson lark Nicholson, Deter Laborer O'Keefe M. Laborer MUNICIPAL IMPROII=U1' FUND NO.8 (Library). 2oster, Gen.& Son, Hailgo, Olaf Healey, Fn-Ink Library B-oreal. Strom, Carl E. Carr.onter Work linooleum Zainting etc On Contract Eloct,ric Work Total Total --- 10. 00 91.00 30.00 130.00 11.60 639.45 15-600 130.00 130.00 100.00 2.25 144.55 21.54 170.00 1736.69 2 .02 72.50 4.73 7.55 4.80 1.60 25.00 137.02 318.20 55.00 116.26 67.26 05.00 '0.00 65.00 63.00 120.00 15.00 67.25 67.25 1111.20 nr, or • 38.50 i99&.00 C. -14.66 38.40 zicilman Fisher arrived and. vac noted rresent. Ar. Bullock moved that tl-e claios as lead be raid, seconded by LT. Hmmon d. and carried by the following vote. A-,:es: Councilmen Christensen, '..alhor, Krumb, Hammond, Ells, Fisher, Probst :,,nd Bulloc-A.(8),K, es: Lone. Ahsent Counc ilman Crosby (1). Comunic-tion -ns received from the -Cran Francisco riows Co. calling attention to the foot that the bulletin of 'The :League of American 'Aunic raltty" expired in Lay 1909 nnd on motion or 1,12. Christensen, seconded by kr. jamLOl1d, it was ordered 2-e- ncl./ed. Ayes Councilmen Christensen, alLer, Arumb, Lampond, Ells, Fisher, Probst Luilock(8). Absent:Councilman Crosby (1). Communicalion was '/W01VOCi f 'Om Auditor F.J.Croll Teti:ming two unalproved claims c:',ainst the Fire Fund in f:vor of -2..Krauth, ordered filed. A communication was received from Auditor F.J.Cro shoi- n,„, the assessed vall,atien of the City or Alaredu for the year 1909 amounting to j7,908,000.00. Ordered filed. A ool,municrition was received from Auditor F.J.Croll askin for a week's o72,tension of i,ime in -offing out Auditor's rerort and 011 motion of 7:L.. Bullock, ,e.condod hils °S;rantod. Aes: Councilnen Christensen, 7alkor, A,mnond,Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bulloch(8). Bone. Absent: Councilman Crosby' (1). 7-,.--omptly at G o'clock the Dayor was notified by tiiu clerk that the protest against ' the prorosed Atlantic Ave. should come before the Council. On motion of Ar. hrumb, seconded by ho. 'Oaner, the natter was laid over until the neTt meeting. Ayes: ColunciTmen Christensen, lkcr Kruub, Hammond, Ells, Fishes, Probst and Bullock (6)- i4)es: Absent: Councilnan Crosby (1). As the Fire Insurance Policy fo 1000.0C on the City hall Building and contents exrirco August lath, 1909, it was moved by hr. Kramb, seconded by hr. h alker that the same be renewed with the same company as hefore the Liverpool, London & Globe insurance Co, Carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen, Christensen, ,a1-ker, Krumh, Hammond, Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bullock ( 8 ) . Boos Bose. Absent: Counciln Crosby (1) Communication was received from the City Clerk Lr. F.E. Browning stating thf,:t mrs 000atioll commences July 2nd, 7909. Ordered filed. Permission was a:Tntod for the moving of a buildinR from the 2:oTthwest corner of Canto Clara Ave. and Paru to the 'Coutheast corner of :lo Ave and Jay It. on motion of In Hammond, seconded by P.T. Councilmen Christenoen, Vialker, Krumb, Hammond, Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bullock Crosby Boos. Bone, Absent: Couasilman Communication was received from Louis A. 6harp and others j. rote sting against the removal f the Oak tree standing on the East side of high Street between Central and Briggs Ave. and on motion of Lr. Probst, seconded by ijr. Ells, it was allowed to remain stnding providing a signal light be hung thereon and to be burning at all times dllriso the night. ALes : Councilmen Christonson, Kramb, Hammond, Ells, Fisher Irobst and Bullock (8). hoes : done. Absent : Councilman Crosby (1). Councilman Christensen stated that the above ruling should also apply to the tree on Pacific Ave. between Chapin. and Bead '.':;treetp,to which the Council agreed. B communication was TOCeiVeC from the Alameda ChamLor of Commerce eking remission for tie use of Central Ave. between nerman and high dtreot on July 5th for the purrose of hoding bicycle races. Ordered filed. A communication was received fro: the Rxecutive Committee of the 4th of July colooration requestin gratuitous licenses for runnin places of amusement durin the -e ebration. filed A communication was received from the Chamber of Commerce inviting the Mayor and Corocil to participate in the parade. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Chamber of Commerce thanI:ing the Council for the favorable action of providing the -Park and Playground Commision with sufficient funds for tree planting. Filed. A communicatior was received from Johu D. Calder, (2,ectotary 1 the , - I he Council for the use of Lincoln Fork for their Flag Day Ceremo/-lies, Flied. The Clerk presented on invitation to the Council to visit the Alaska-YukorH-Tacific hair nt Seattle, Wrsh. Filed. A comnunication was received. from F. A. Kober reciuotin that his liquor license for con- ductinL the Earrel House be transferred to Frank idurphy. The Council was addressed on the matter hy Ar, Idarcuse rd E. Z. Taylor favorin the ,nra.ntinL; of sone. Mr. Christensen moved thathe license of Kober he la to Murphy, seconded by ::r. Probst asnd lost by the fol 1owin6 vote: Ayes, Councilmen Christensen, Ells, harmer, 7runl, Hammond and Fisher (4). hr. Fisher then moved thai the sane Han:mnnd aad censrrie A the following vote: hot, and bullock 'joes: Councilmen nbsent: Councilman Crosby (1). be referred to the license committee, seconded by lt:r. Ayes, Councilmen Christenson, Walker, Krumb, Ram- mond, Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bi1oeA (C). Hoes: ',Tone. Absent: Councilman Crosby (1) On notion of H:r. Dullook, necoded —hr hr. Hammond, the sum of :`,:;100.00 'ms ordered trans red from the General Fund to the 2oli0e Tension Fund, me" carried by the follonainm vote Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, 12alher, Kruml, Hammond, 7.77s, 7isher, Trobst and EullocM sioes: Tone. Absent: Councilman Grosby (1') r-0 ) The rernrt of the '20a-nd of Health for the Fiscal Year 190S-19 was duly received. Ordered filed. sne Clerk read the Hesolution of the south Shore Land Comrany to make certain improbements I, n tho now Bay "'ark Tract formerly the 7.unn rad, ecept that portion callin for the Tract. 1.1r. Hammond moved that the resolution as mprovoment of Central Avenue, the exrense of which is to be hence by the city, be ndoptedg seconded hy l'robst and cmrried Ayes: Councilmen Walker, Krumh, Hammond, Ells, Fisher and Probst Christensen and Hullook Absent Councilman Crosby (1). • the following vote: Noes: Councilmen A oonnueLoak,tols us, Le,e_t_-eu ineer, I, E. Charimn st,utin thut it would cost '1.25.00 to construct a six foot board walk on nyu trect tniddo, and on motion of Cr. Probst, . seconded hy Itr. Hammond, the Clerk was directed to notify Col, John Fiddle, of the 7:ar Dept. to leave the bridgfe reraired at once. ;.;aco was carried hy the followir,., vote: Christensen, 7alker, Krumb, Absent: CouriciTnn Crosby namroua — " ' , 711 r, 1-Pri sher , l'robst and Dull o (8 Councilmen hoes: 7ono. The apr lies tion of Frank J. 1,f..urphy for a liquor license at 1329 hark 2treet cc on motion of iramonJ, socendea I, :Mr. Ells, referred to the license committee. 'Walker, Krumh, Halm oad, 711s, Fisher, Probst and :t'inlleak n.L, -oy t fl ) . Councilmen Christe-rrsen (C) Hoes: Cone, Ahsont: Councilnan The Cirri' : preeerto an affidamit skowirt, due pnblim3ation of Notice of ilea Appen4 on Ztreet rk done under 7eso1ution of intention 7o. 72:?. 7. B. Lott, the protestant, not heinfa present, the d!ity Attorney inforned the Council thst tho pretest wan without foundation. There- upon b]r. :rr1 .) of the lollovinL; resolution and moved it ed wtion. 7'ec I. 7. :lot lass filed an epT,eal to the Council fron the asnensncot for the work of constrnetinL; a sewer and nnnhole ir 71noinal vono hetwoon 7arh Ave= and Brodway =ler ::1-en of intention. Uo. 72C and after (ho notice and Tletrin,-:: :rt the tine apointed said appe,:l IT: vinL heen considered. Lesolved, Mat said appea,1 heen in the or.inion of this Council ne't Tell tahen hc end the sane re hereLy overruled. Tlle notion 1":.12 seconded ITIT Muncilnon Christensen and adopted hy the fol1owin vote: Ayes, ConneiTnec Chrisicnsen, 7:elher, Krunlo, IITco ITL, 7isher, 7roh,st and (I) Toes 7sTone. ir cot Connoilnen Cresl.,y (1). The Clerik presented an affidavit showinL duo ,uahliation of *he Deling.nont Tax List for the fison7 year of 1:i07-10E3. Ordered fIleT The Clerh presented en sf-idevrit Cue puhlication of the i'Saior 3ITnte Crdinance Ordered fi1c3 . L connuoication received flroa-_i Powell Bros. rjo4struction Co. anhin6 Trinission to p:rade, curie anC1 ceordanine Enaine1 Lvenue from the western lino o Mr's :.treet to the eastern line of Zhornan treet. iLr. Hannord noved tiat the rennost he Lrarlted, neconaed 1 -. lrobst and' carried hy the foillovins vote: loyen Counom I ne o rio 'nesen, Erunb, flenmend, Ells, 7inher, Prohst and Tribe': ■ci. 7c:, 7one. Absent, Cosioilnan Croshy (1). The Clerk read tlee specifie• rboo for ti,e inproveneet of tie east nide of Tiehstor 1::treet. . 11.cumb moved, seconded 1c; itc. 1:Tanrood, th,a1 idie specifications an red he adopted, and the Clorh he Clrodted to advertise for hids. Carried t'e fellewins: vote: Moistenc-,;en, 7a17,ser, Lrn-4'1, Han-o:3, Ells, 17'inhor, :robst and Bmilloo17: tnN Abost, Councilman Croshy (1). 'Tone. 6 mnrtnieatien woo received fron the :7:11,11,Y0 Lt-to et-; Company l.a rdnuen for t*ires 7:30y,7, on the Avenue Eirc Elonze Contract askioL for release on 1,311:1s. 71eferred to AtI;erney. onn=in n c lcto wa 7. „ ii. IToIT II 0 i-t: Brewoiae, statie tShat the:, had ea :Tune Cots, 1 CCI, counted To none: in 1-be hand,: of lit Treesnrer, Oswald Lubisool::, ad torn ,:". 000 correct. Ordered fined. connnnicatien Au,ditor 7. 2. Croll cob 31;-; To for :sun° an:i notion of I,ock, seconded hy Christensen, -c-s referred to the 7inance 7onlnittoe. : Tounoilnen 1:,ho'reLoeseia, '11;:.,,n; 'onft, Ells, 7iohnr, 7rohst BuT1ech 7one. Aioent, -Thuneilnar Creshy (1). I. petition was receivod fron 3. Lott ststin -that IT Bacific :v.74 en Tncirel Avonne hot-een l'arh verc owl Broaray toJ, for pnrrosee for 7hleh it is n:,ekl, On coil; :-:000n,,qc2 't- Ean ' n of5 ;cC o 'H-_e Li) 1; ConH.-tetee. Ayes, 'Thuneilr-,on 21.1ris1 enc,!en, lno, 7i-urn, Too; o:$ Ells, Yisber, Lrehst, end acc.1.7„ocin / 70no. Oros by (1). cor=1.co-tion vne oece'lvoO fron 7. II. ::ott e;1-nostifIL, the lb Too TI:loenec heretefefe 30 lic 1.)0 tr::o-esforoeC to To Hotel Orescont HIT o, n Thol), To. r,l:rietonnen novocTt thf:t th te je L e r:Inte1 seeoes"ee - -r „ .roie '7 the followins rote: ?onne717non Tn.rtaeri, o, 7-rnnh, Ells, IT:'. -r, Trot 7117.apoI:. Ct'.). 1000, 5.5 5- n rninc,1Thn:ion for a Ii or li3ease from 7.:, :S. Lott tD soa-s,!ot !, saloon nt 2412 xli,.7 St, was on motion of ,Ir. Harker, !econded hy hr. 7rurdo, referrod to the License Committee. CS : onnell:Len Christensen, t:alkor, Kr2Lm1), Eam!'end, 711s, Fisher, :::robl.-t and Bullock (0). :Toes, Tone . :lhnent Councilan (1). :,prliontiona for gratuitous licenses were received flan:, :eterson Tros., for colleeting 'butcher and eyeet v:anon licenses. From Thomas Tskildson to :peddle vsEetel)los of Tni, on raisin! !ed excert was:on l ceoses . From L. tansliach, to reddlo fruit and vesetaliles. From ;:;on. Croon to read,le f7ags fc Toro on notion of .112!.. Hammond, ,.econdec, alocr ;]:ranted. 'yes, Councilmen Christensen, Ta7kor, rumb, Hammond, Ells, Fisher, Trobst and :Bullock (C. _:Thee, 7one. !sent, Ceuncileean (Crosby (1). The 1)ond of 7- J. '61.mon in the snm of One Thousand rollars ae collector for the Electric Li ht iCLant was ordered filed. le petition ms received from the East 2nd Im.!,rovement Club asking that a sign of wa e placed at High Street and Central 'venue informin the general public of the condition of H 3treet bridge and on slotieo o6 7rumb, seconded by Er. Christensen, wee referre:' to the :]treet Committee with power. Ayes, Councilmen Chrisensen, Krumb, Hanpiond, EJls, Fisher, Probst and Bullock (8). 'Hoes, ITolie. Absent/ Councilman Crosby (1) A oonmunication was received from the Host End Improvement Club calling attention to the conJition of the old wells on the Thompson c:i-rounds and on motion of Ir. Krung). seconded. Ir. Fisher, it was referred to the Park laayground Commission for investigation and report Ayes 'oe Home Christenson, 1i:or, Hiumb, Hammond, Ells, Fisher, Probst a-rld Bullock (8). Zesent: Councilman Crosby (1). The cThrk preeentedesImmons of o suit hrouFht by the Peralta people against the United. States et J. 7.eferred to the City Attorney. A billeentitled " A Bill for Ordinance Ba, " vacating Centennial Avenue enJ other;ei,„e atrots was introduced and read by the clerk. On motion of Er. Hammond, seconded by Er. Probst same was laid over until the noyt meeting, Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Ells, Fisher, :Probst and Bullock (0). Noes: None. Absent Councilman Crosby (1). A petition was read from the South Chore Land Co. asking permission to lay conduit and wires under-ground on the new Bay Fork tract and on motion of Er. Hammond seconded by Ir. Christensen permission was granted, the some to be under the supervision of the Superintendent of Electricity. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Ells, Fisher, Erobst and Bullock (8). Noee: Hone. Absdnt: Councilmal0i.osby (7). The eareel.qt and bond letwoen Ely 3chuelacher and the City of Alone do for ti se work improving the Hay 1.fm Island 72, aaway was -Iresented. Crdered filed. A petition was received from Lutchinson Co. asking permission to grade, curb and macadamize ;.;;anta Clara Avenue between Fountain and H10L Jtroots. On motion of Er..liaMmond, seconded by Walker sa'fle was granted and carried by tee lowieg vote: Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, 'rub, Ells, Hai-Amend, Fisher, P:eobst and 'Bullock (8). Noes: None. Absent: Council man Crosby (1). entitled "2. Hill nec Ho. to tb ii2nein of a1$tomololes'4(7,e ,sao on motion of Cr. I-Probst, seconded, Icy :r. Halssond, roforrnd to t'he City Attorney for ()ramie ation. Lyes, Chris esoh, Halker, KruJi, Eaond, Dais, lrolst and l!ullock (o;. Hoes, H000. ;:onnot 'ready 77no .otrent su,2crintendont' relorted on the ooan etion of curInin and i7tia Dneyton :'.vonne Fain and C..nand :treecs done under .hosolntion Therouren FrodOon reciuested that the eame he withdrawn co -!:).cconnt of actieon tatc)en hy r :orcr and asked ttat the Council pro-at a siry:ty days e:,:teosion Mristetsen noved tha the re,iuent he seceudead hn 7alker, and c)rried hy tTea followina: vote: Ayes, Councilmeo Thriatensen, rlTher, 7ir!(7,, 771s, 2isher, TreM)st and EullocIK mat Crosby (I,. Z!-:sent Council- The Clerk was outherixed to rurchose three cc lies of ":d-oter :rcu.. Taws of 7alifornis- on motion of :Or: Hammond, seconjed mr 7alicer, 7:ouncilman Christeraen, 7:alher, 7rum.b, Honnond, Em3, Fisher, Yhrohst aed taffilocb (C). noes, uooe, Absent Muneilnan cros-Uy(1) Tn the matter of 'he wideni'l:s of Ttein::7 nvenue, lotv een -Versailles Ave. and Eroajwny, 7J:taLmcod moved, co' ;:--t-,d 1.,y :v. 7z:,7J1,:er, matter 'be 7n up 1.):/ JC,o :ohlmittee in coniunotion with 7x-1:1Lyor E. L. Taylor Coitzlo4ler 2i2her, Lrotst (C). mat Cr :,by 7:Toes, Uone. AT)sent, oilucil- The City- Attorne;/ reported the Lrantin::: of a non nrial in tho ease of tlarshol Lavoust the City of Alameda. 'Thuncilman Vialker moved that tbe placyrj now on tho new V:ehh Avenue 'ire House he tatren off nud) that no J-lecord he allowed on ruhlic lo Alameda e7copt whore no is a donation. The motion was seconded h, Harmend mmd carried hy the f tilotel-n vole: Ayes, Counci.lmer, -7hristenen V:alkor, Vru-b, -Hoa)eJ, 11s, Fisher, Treest nnj vli1oci (C). itoes, T:Tone. Absent, Ceunciamao Crosh:' (1). :T. r)ramb rea,,aostej thnt a may) o City of Alameda costin,: ace ice 7,01.1tte :0010 opt on n4 ca of in rrumb, socondej hy )::elher, the nor rre ca-tenet nr- chased anj earried hy the folloniro: vote: Coueelron -:,hristensen, TjeLumh, riam-mon her, rrobst end -..?ullock (C): Tone: Ah.::oat, Councilman Crosh77- :hero hatnL. na further hn:iness to to- nsact the 'Thutoil uj:ourted. 77:e 301-re0 t; title 0f"_ Bill for Crjinance lio Vocal; Tan nd: Atnt on toli, to the .3outh :Chore Land Con; cot 7orporation,that rortion of Centennial Avenue in une :Made Tract between lots 14,15 B 16 in Eao0;: IS err]. Lots 17,1C S') 7(2' in "'nook 79 anj that portion of tan Aiatonio Avenue,fermorl Avenue,lyin hetween lots 14,15 d 16 of Bloc]- 1.0 and Lots 4 ,716 16 of Block CO to saint Tract aoj closince the sftre to T'ubilc uce",as appears an Z49. no correct title of 'A hill for lint trance 2i.ovin6 :10) e1 and Traffic Uon the Jtreets and Cther rublic rlaces of ti City of Alamoda,aud ProvidinP) a Tunishment for any Violation Thereof.",as aLpears on PaLo CCC .1,1.ty Clerk.