1998-06-03 ARRA PacketAGENDA Regular Meeting of the Governing Body of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority * * * * * * ** Alameda City Hall Council Chamber, Room 390 2263 Santa Clara Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 Wednesday, June 3, 1998 Meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. City Hall will open at 5:15 p.m. IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE AUTHORITY: (1) Please file a speaker's slip with the secretary, and upon recognition by the Chair, approach the rostrum and state your name. Speakers are limited to three minutes per item. (2) Lengthy testimony should be submitted in writing and only a summary of pertinent points presented verbally. (3) Applause or demonstrations are prohibited during ARRA meetings. 1. ROLL CALL 2. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 -A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 6, 1998. 2 -B. Authorize additional allocation of funds in the amount of $85,042 for Building 530 upgrades. 2 -C. Authorize the Executive Director to award a contract for consultant design services in the amount of $267,000 to VBN Architects for renovation of Building 16. 3. ACTION ITEMS 3 -A. Authorization for the Executive Director to finalize and execute a five -year lease with a five -year option to renew for Building 90 with Forty Plus of Northern California. 4. ORAL REPORTS 4 -A. Navy presentation regarding lead -based paint abatement (LCDR Scott Smith). 4 -B. Oral report from the BRAG updating the ARRA on current activities. 4 -C. Written report from the Executive Director updating the ARRA on: 1. Touro University 2. Antiques by the Bay event 3. EIR/EIS delays 4. Building 5 remediation ARRA Agenda - June 3, 1998 Page 2 5. Alameda Unified School District land needs 6. Golf course feasibility study 7. Refuge size and management plan 8. Access to Northwest Territory and status of the 0' Club 4 -D. Oral report from the Executive Director (non- discussion items). 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) (Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the governing body has jurisdiction, or of which it may take cognizance, that is not on the agenda.) 6. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY 7. ADJOURNMENT This meeting will be simultaneously broadcast on cable channel 22. The next regular ARRA meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 1, 1998. Notes: • Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact Patti Van Mark, ARRA Secretary, at 864 -3400 at least 72 hours before the meeting to request an interpreter. • Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) is available. • Minutes of the meeting are available in enlarged print. • Audio tapes of the meeting are available for review at the ARRA offices upon request. APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, May 6, 1998 SPECIAL SESSION The special session was convened at 5:30 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding to address the following two items: (1) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL -- EXISTING LITIGATION (2) CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Attendees: Chair Appezzato, Member DeWitt, Member Kerr, Member Daysog (arrived at 5:50 p.m.), Alternate Sweeney, Alternate Brooks, Alternate Friedman, Alternate Omelas. Absent: Alternate Chang. Chair Appezzato adjourned the special session at 6:00 p.m. and convened the regular meeting at 6:05 p.m. He announced that the Board had met in special session, and that direction was given to legal counsel regarding item (1) and that no action was taken regarding item (2). ROLL CALL Present: Chair Ralph Appezzato, Mayor, City of Alameda Albert DeWitt, Councilmember, City of Alameda Barbara Kerr, Councilmember, City of Alameda Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda James Sweeney, alternate to Councilmember Karin Lucas, City of Alameda Roberta Brooks, alternate to Sandre Swanson, District Director, 9th Congressional District Mark Friedman, alternate to Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 3 Kathleen Ornelas, alternate to Ellen Corbett, Mayor, City of San Leandro Absent: Henry Chang, Jr., alternate to Elihu Harris, Mayor, City of Oakland Ex- officio: Lee Perez, Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) Gail Greely, Alameda Unified School District CONSENT CALENDAR 3 -A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 1, 1998. Speakers: None. Alternate Friedman moved approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Member Kerr and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: 0. Absent: 1. recycled paper 1 H: \MENSLEY\ARRA\MINUTES \I 998 \5- 6- 98.MIN ACTION ITEMS 4 -A. Recommend authorization for the Executive Director to finalize and execute a 14 -year sublease with the California School of Professional Psychology. Speakers: None. There was no discussion. Member DeWitt motioned that the ARRA authorize the Executive Director to finalize the execution of the proposed 14 -year sublease of Building 16 with the California School of Professional Psychology. The motion was seconded by Member Daysog and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: 0. Absent: 1. 4 -B. Recommend the award of contract for consultant design services in the amount of $1 28,837 to Muller & Caulfield Architects for renovation of Building 23. Speakers: None. Chair Appezzato noted that this item, as well as item 4 -C, was approved unanimously by the City Council at its meeting on May 5, 1998. Member Kerr motioned, and Alternate Ornelas seconded, to recommend the award of contract for consultant design services in the amount of $128,837 to Muller & Caulfield Architects for renovation of Building 23. The motion passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: 0. Absent: 1. 4 -C. Authorize additional allocation of funds in the amount of $75,000 for Building 39 upgrades. Speakers: None. There was no discussion. Alternate Friedman motioned to authorize additional allocation of funds in the amount of $75,000 for Building 39 upgrades. The motion was seconded by Member DeWitt and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: 0. Absent: 1. Chair Appezzato left the meeting at 6:07 p.m. and asked Member DeWitt to take over as Chair. ORAL REPORTS 5 -A. Oral report from the BRAG updating the ARRA on current activities. Lee Perez, BRAG Chair, reported that the BRAG has a couple of issues of concern. First, the BRAG feels there needs to be another letter to the Navy to resolve the housing issue, so that the current window of opportunity is not lost. Secondly, there needs to be improved transportation in order to fully develop the area, including another link across the estuary. If that is not possible right now, it should still be included in a plan to be reviewed at a future date. recycled paper 2 H:\MENSLEY\ARRA \MINUTES \1998\5- 6- 98.MIN Member Kerr inquired whether transportation alternatives will be addressed in the recently- issued RFP for the General Plan amendment. Mr. Perez stated he is not certain if they are addressed, but reiterated that even if not at present, the door should be left open to deal with it in the future. Member Daysog concurred that the window of opportunity for developing housing is narrow, and asked the ARRA Assistant General Counsel, Teresa Highsmith, if there is anything to preclude them from dealing with housing issues now. Ms. Highsmith advised that there is nothing to keep them from addressing these issues now, as long as they are consistent with the Reuse Plan. Executive Director Kay Miller asked Mr. Perez if the BRAG is particularly concerned about lead - based paint abatement in the housing area, and he agreed that that is part of the issue. Ms. Miller said she would address that in her oral report. 5 -B. Written report on behalf of the Executive Director updating the ARRA on: 1. Status of the Economic Development Conveyance (EDC) 2. Status of the Tidelands Trust appraisal 3. Alameda Unified School District land swap 1. Executive Director Miller added that there will be an all -day meeting with the EDC negotiating team (including the Navy) on May 11. They are not yet in serious negotiations, but still in the process of clarifying what the application and business plan contain. 2. Executive Director Miller stated there have been very productive meetings with the State Lands Commission regarding the joint appraisal, and there should be a full report by the fall. 3. Executive Director Miller said that ARRA staff has met with the School District to identify three potential parcels for the central cafeteria and corporation yard, but the District has not yet decided which sites are acceptable to them. It has been determined that the continuation high school will be located on the FISC site. 5 -C. Oral report from the Executive Director (non - discussion items). Executive Director Miller advised that things are moving forward regarding the Wildlife Refuge boundaries and restrictions outside the Refuge. Regarding the lead -based paint abatement issue, Executive Director Miller said that the Navy is still reviewing the cost of abatement of the 19 Big Whites and 30 CPO units. The cost appears to be higher than the original estimate of $2.2 -2.3 million; it now could be as much as $4 million. Therefore, the Navy will have to get approval from Washington for this additional amount. In the meantime, no abatement has been done because the full amount of the contract needs to be determined before any work is begun. This continues to result in lost lease revenues on these units. Several Board Members asked for further explanation of the status of this problem, and Dave Ryan, Base Conversion Manager, provided an overview of the situation. Mr. Ryan stated that because this is government housing, the abatement standards are much higher than for private housing. There are very detailed criteria for complying with the federal guidelines, which has resulted in a cost estimate recycled paper 3 H: \MENSLEY\ARRA \MINUTES \1998 \5- 6- 98.MIN of $80,000 for each Big White unit and $30,000 for each of the 800 sq.ft. CPO units. Since the cost has become so prohibitive, he said that one alternative might be to not do the abatement work at all and amend the Reuse Plan. Member Kerr inquired if the Navy has been in contact with the Alameda County lead abatement program, since they are very experienced in this area and could perhaps offer some assistance. Mr. Ryan said that they have; however, the federal requirements are much more extensive than the County's. Alternate Friedman recommended that this item be agendized for the next meeting and suggested that perhaps someone from the County program could join the Navy presentation. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) None. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Acting Chair DeWitt at 6:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Patti Van Mark ARRA Secretary recycled paper 4 H: \MENSLEY\ARRA \MINUTES \1998 \5- b- 98.MIN Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum May 22, 1998 TO: Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Kay Miller, Executive Director SUBJ: Authorize additional allocation of funds in the amount of $85,042 for Building 530 upgrades (07 -49- 03698- 530A). N . P.W. 11 -97 -29 Background: On February 4, 1998, the ARRA Governing Body awarded a contract in the amount of $501,630, including 15% contingencies, for Building 530 upgrades. These upgrades are required to make the building code - compliant and suitable to lease to Tower Aviation. Discussion: The project is 50% complete and is expected to fmish in June 1998. To date, two extra work orders totaling $22,472 have been processed for new and unforeseen work. These extra work orders are for rerouting existing utilities that were in conflict with proposed work and for retrofitting existing lights. The construction contingency amount is $65,430 and the balance in the contingency amount is $42,958. During the last heavy rains, staff discovered that the roof leaked. Also discovered during construc- tion were additional necessary repairs to the fire sprinkler system, parking and exterior lighting systems, and existing HVAC. Because of design omission, the existing door hardware also needs to be upgraded to meet code. These repairs must be done before the tenant occupies the building to reduce the City's and ARRA's liability to claims. The estimated cost for the above work is $128,000. An additional $85,042 is needed to complete this project. Fiscal Impact: A federal grant from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) to ARRA covers 75% of construction costs. The remaining 25% paid from local sources will come from a state grant (from the California Trade and Commerce Agency) and from ARRA lease revenues. There is money in the EDA project budget to cover the above requested additional funds. Recommendation: It is recommended that the ARRA Governing Body, by motion, authorize additional allocation of funds in the amount of $85,042 into the project construction contingency for Building 530 upgrades (07- 49- 03698- 530A), No. P.W. 11- 97 -29. Respectfully submitted, Kay Miller Executive Director Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum May 22, 1998 TO: FROM: SUBJ: Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Kay Miller, Executive Director Authorize the Executive Director to award a contract for consultant design services in the amount of $267,000 to VBN Architects for renovation of Building 16 (No. P.W. 05- 98 -14) Background: Building 16 is scheduled to be leased by ARRA to the California School of Professional Psychology. The term of the lease is expected to be 13.5 years. Prior to the execution of this lease, life safety, code upgrades and tenant improvements must be constructed. Discussion: Six consultants submitted proposals for architectural and engineering services for Building 16 upgrades (see attached list). Staff evaluated these proposals and interviewed all consultants. The criteria for ranking are as follows: • Responsiveness to the Request for Proposal • Technical quality of approach and methodology • Training and experience of key personnel • Record of firm in accomplishing other similar projects • Ability to conform to project schedule • Hours planned • Understanding of project Award of the contract is contingent upon approval of bond financing. The City's policy on "local preference" (per Administrative Instruction No. 5) is: "All other factors being equal, consultants whose qualifications are satisfactory, who have sufficient experience and capabilities for providing the necessary professional services and who have offices within the City shall normally be given priority in being considered for employment by the City. Otherwise, consultants outside of the immediate area or not regularly doing professional work on projects within the City shall be considered for employment for the particular project ". VBN Architects is the most qualified consultant for the project per the ranking criteria. Fiscal Impact: The estimated cost for the consultant work is $267,000. The project will be funded through bond financing. Staff is negotiating final scope of work and cost with the architect. Recommendation: It is recommended that the ARRA Governing Body, by motion, authorize the Executive Director to enter into an agreement with VBN Architects to provide design services for Building 16 (No. P.W. 05- 98 -14). Respectfully submitted, V-0 Lui LtLei-(_. Kay Miller Executive Director Attachment: Consultant List H:\MEN S LEY\ARRA \STAFFREF\ 1998\ V BN -CON S.16 Consultant List (Not ranked) Consultant Ca3t Collaborative Design San Francisco MBH Alameda MWM Oakland The Onyx Group Oakland Thruston Design Group Alameda VBN Architects Oakland H:\MENSLEY\ARRA \STAFFREP\1998 \VBN- CONS.16 Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum May 26, 1998 TO: Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Kay Miller, Executive Director SUBJ: Authorization for the Executive Director to finalize and execute a five -year lease with a five -year option to renew for Building 90 with Forty Plus of Northern California Background: Forty Plus of Northern California wishes to enter into a five -year lease with a five -year renewal option on Building 90 and adjoining property. Since the combined term of this lease and option exceeds seven years, the ARRA Governing Body must authorize the Executive Director to execute the lease. Discussion: Building 90, an approximately 4,500 sq. ft. building adjacent to Alameda Point's East Gate, formerly served as office space for the ARRA. Forty Plus is an established non -profit organization providing job search assistance for unemployed professionals. They expect to serve 50 -60 clients at any given period of time. Upgrades to the building's heating and plumbing systems, electrical service, restrooms, and handicap access ramp will be provided as required by code. The gross rent during the initial five years of the lease term will be approximately $170,000. Rental income during the option period will be approximately $250,000. Fiscal Impact: The ARRA will spend approximately $95,000 from its EDA grant for building shell upgrades. This money will be recovered from the estimated $420,000 rental income during the initial lease term and option period. Recommendation: It is recommended that the ARRA Governing Body authorize the Executive Director to finalize and execute the proposed five -year lease with five -year option to renew for Building 90 with Forty Plus of Northern California. Respectfully submitted, Kay Miller Executive Director Anx Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum May 27, 1998 TO: Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Kay Miller, Executive Director SUBJ: Written status report on ARRA activities 1. Touro University. After the Board met on May 6, 1998 and gave direction to staff regarding negotiations with Touro University, Facilities Manager Ed Levine communicated the Board's direction to Touro. To date, they have not responded to our counter - proposal. 2. Antiques by the Bay event. Staff is finalizing details of a license agreement with an Alameda - based operator for use of the airfield tarmac adjacent to the seaplane lagoon for a monthly antiques and collectibles fair. This use was reviewed and approved by the Planning Board at its May 26, 1998 meeting. The Board approved a five -year use permit; however, the impacts of the operation will be further reviewed by the Board after six events. If it is established that the fair generates unacceptable traffic impacts or other significant detriments to the community, the use permit may be terminated. The Board imposed a number of conditions to mitigate impacts on adjacent tenants and residents and to assure that the merchandise sold is limited to antiques and collectibles. The use permit will be reviewed by the City Council. It is estimated that the fair will generate approximately $500,000 in license revenues over five years. Additional revenues will be generated from sales tax and spinoff business in the community. Because this is a five -year license, the agreement does not require ARRA Board approval. Extensive public review and comment has already been assured through lengthy consideration of the project by the Planning Board and now the City Council. 3. EIR/EIS delay. The City of Alameda and Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority have been diligently working with EFA West to complete the joint DEIS/EIR for final review through Navy's process, release to the public for the required comment period, and ultimate acceptance by the Navy for a targeted date of early 1999. The Navy cannot convey the Alameda Point property without prior compliance with environmental review requirements under NEPA; the City cannot accept the property without prior compliance with environmental review requirements under CEQA. An administrative draft of the DEIS/EIR has recently received a detailed legal review and analysis by both the City /ARRA's in -house and outside legal counsel for the purpose of determining compliance with CEQA requirements. The result of this review is the legal conclusion that the EIR component of the document requires some additional drafting. Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority May 28, 1998 Page 2 The City /ARRA are in the processing of making these changes to the draft EIS/R, aided by the Navy in supplying us with a copy of the DEIS/EIR on disk form. The City/ARRA are coordinating these efforts with local Navy review on a concurrent basis to speed up preparation of a final DEIS/EIR document for review up the Navy ranks. The additional time being taken by the City/ARRA to make these drafting changes and the review the changes will require may add 60 to 90 days to the schedule for release of the DEIS/EIR. This will most likely impact the ROD date by 3 months, pushing the anticipated ROD to July 1999. 4. Building 5 remediation. Eddie Orton of Orton Development, Inc. is in the process of completing his due diligence on Building 5. He and the ARRA are aware that the Navy will have to remediate under Building 5. At this point, neither the ARRA nor Mr. Orton think the Navy remediation will interfere with development plans moving forward. The Navy has prepared a Technical Work Document and the California Environmental Protection Agency has prepared a Remedial Action Plan which give a detailed outline of the preferred cleanup action. These documents should be available in June. Also in June, the Navy will host a public meeting to answer questions about the cleanup. The Navy's preliminary remediation plan calls for cleanup in Buildings 5 and 400, where former painting shops washed phosphorous paint containing radium 226 down sink drains. The cleanup includes the removal of pipes, waste materials, soils and surfaces contaminated with radium 226. A section of Taxiway H and Monarch Street (formerly First Avenue) will be excavated to remove industrial sewer pipe. 5. Alameda Unified School District land needs. The City Manager and ARRA and Community Development staff are meeting with School District personnel the first week in June to attempt to bring the AUSD request for property at Alameda Point and FISC to closure. (See May status report for more detail.) 6. Golf course feasibility study. The study has been delayed by about a month pending final determination of the actual amount of property in the Northwest Territory. We expect a draft report on the golf course study to be available by the June BRAG meeting, and it will be presented to the ARRA Board in July. 7. Refuge size and manageme t plant. The ARRA Board authorized staff to enter into discussions with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) regarding the size of the Refuge. The issues that we are discussing in addition to the size have to do with restrictions outside the Refuge area. The USFWS had expected to have its draft management plan distributed for review by mid -April. We have recently received the attached letter from Marge Kolar, Refuge Complex Manager, indicating a delay until August 1998. Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority May 28, 1998 Page 3 8. Access to Northwest Territory and Status of the 0' Club. Please see attached report from Cooperative Services Manager Dina Tasini. Respectfully submitted, Kay Miller Executive Director Attachments United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex P.O. Box 524 Newark California 94560 -0524 (510) 792 -0222 May 26, 1998 Ms. Kay Miller, Executive Director Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Building 1, Room 159 950 N. Mall Square Alameda, California 94501 Dear Ms. Mill The purpose o f t his letter is to inform. you of a change in out trhedule for preparing the draft Comprehensiv: Conservation Plan and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for the proposed Alameda National Wildlife Refuge. Our original intention was to release the draft documents for public review in March 1998. However, due to unforeseen Gircumstaaces, we now plan to mail out the docw a is in August 1998. The problems we have encountered relate to preparing a management plan for lands we do not yet own, with boundaries that still appear to be under question. The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) normally prepares a short conceptual management plan when it acquires lands for inclusion in the National Wildlife Refuge System. More detailed management plans (or Comprehensive Conservation Plans as defined by Congress in the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997) are usually prepared after lands are within the System. The Service chose to depart from nnrmal procedures for the proposed Alameda National Wildlife Refuge because of intense community interest in the future management of the area and because we anticipated that a plan for a comparatively small refuge would be relatively easy to prepare. Unfortunately, the latter has not been the case_ Dis action oi'the draft documents notwithstanding, I would be happy to meet with you and your staff, as well as with other groups, in the next few months to discuss the general direction of our proposed plans for Alameda. I w dl call you to arrange an appropriate meeting dare. I appreciate your interest in our plans for the proposed Alameda National Wildlife Refuge. cc: Frierx is of Alameda NWR Sincerely, r�. Margaret T. Kolar Refuge Complex Manager City of Alameda Inter-department Memorandum DATE: May 13, 1998 TO: Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Dina Tasini Cooperative Services Manager RE: Status Report On Northwest Territory and O'Club Access to Northwest Territory for Recreational Purposes The Navy will accept and permit access to the Northwest Territory if the City submits a management plan for operation and management of the area. The management plan will address safety, security, liability and protection of the Fish and Wildlife Refuge. As part of preparation of the plan, staff is analyzing the cost of preparing the site for public access and continues operation and maintenance of the area. The preliminary analysis indicates the following conditions must be remedied prior to opening the site to the public: • removal of existing hazards such as scrap metal and concrete; filling of holes in grassy areas and roadway; securing vacant buildings; • erecting a fence along the roadway to restrict access to the Fish and Wildlife refuge; and • removing existing electrical power boxes that are no longer in use. These items may result in a cost which will make opening of the area cost prohibitive. Staff expects to complete the analysis by the end of the month. Honorable Members of the May 13, 1998 Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 2 Officers' Club: The conversion of the Alameda Point Officers' Club into a banquet and conference center managed by Miraglia Catering has experienced numerous delays because of required County Health Department code upgrades, hazardous materials encapsulation by the Navy, roof leaks and escalating costs of above improvements. Prior to Navy closure of the O'Club, the City requested access to this facility to inspect the interior and exterior of the building and an inspection of the kitchen by the County Health Department. Permission was denied by the MWR Division. After the fact, the City conducted the above inspections which confirmed its worst fears. A roofing consultant's report indicated the roof was in terrible shape and had been neglected over the years due to a lack of corrective maintenance. During this year's rain, numerous leaks have been found in the main lobby, bar area, main dining room, storage areas and kitchen causing extensive damage. This information was not disclosed to the City during negotiations to purchase MWR property and the City is trying to negotiate with the Navy to make all necessary roof repairs. After the Health Department completed its inspection of the kitchen, the City received a seven page report detailing their concerns and required code upgrades. The City is working with a kitchen consultant to develop a scope of work and costs estimates for required work, which must be completed before food can be prepared in the Club's kitchen. All food catered by Miraglia Catering is prepared off -site at their San Leandro facility and delivered to the O'Club in heated containers,. In March the Navy completed work to encapsulate exposed asbestos and other hazardous materials. The City has made the following improvements to the Officers' Club since last summer. Exterior landscaping clean -up was completed last summer utilizing personnel from the School District Summer Youth Employment Training Program. Dangerous and dead trees have been removed or pruned using the City's fiscal year contractor. Additional landscaping projects are scheduled for this summer. Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority May 13, 1998 Page 3 Interior improvements include the installation of a fire detection system, building security system, exit and emergency lighting hardware, replacement of panic bar hardware on all exterior exit doors and sound doors in the main dining room. Plans for restroom and handicap accessibility were approved by the City, and a required ramp was installed along the main entrance to the club. The Navy has challenged the need for this ramp, and negotiations are ongoing between the City and Navy to resolve this issue. The Officers' Club is available for rent as a banquet and conference facility. Until required code upgrades are completed, the City will have the responsibility of renting the Club, and rental revenue will be deposited into General Fund Reserves to replace money that was advance to fund code upgrades and improvements to date. Miraglia Catering will provide all food and beverage service and pay the City a percentage of gross revenues as specified in their contract, which also will be deposited into General Fund Reserves. Once all code upgrades are completed, Miraglia will assume the responsibility for both rentals and catering. Correspondence ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Interim Leasing Status Report Signed Leases Ise5- 98.xls Page 1 Tenant Term of Occupancy Building # Occupied Bldg. (Sq. Ft.) 1 ACET (Environmental Tech. Incubator) long term 7 15,550 2 Aircraft Carrier Hornet Foundation (Pier 3) long term 3 Alameda Point Storage (1200 Mini - storage Units) _ long term near Bldg. 530 - 4 Alameda Unified School District (Child Care Ctr.) long term 258 12,430 5 Altair Marine (former Haviside) (Ship Repair) long term 43 10,500 6 Bay Ship & Yacht (Ship Repair) long term 292 2,700 7 Bureau of Electricity (Storage Yard) long term at FISC - 8 CALSTART (Electric Vehicle Consortium) long term 20 66,000 9 City Garage Carstar (Vehicle Painting) longterm 24 12,927 10 City of Alameda (Ferry Terminal Parking) long term - 38,976 11 City of Alameda (Gym and Pool) long term 76 & 134 58,450 12 City of Alameda (Officers' Club) long term 60 29,550 13 City of Alameda (Records Storage) long term 397 17,000 14 City of Alameda (Soccer Field) long term Adjacent to Bldg. 360 - 15 Delphi Productions (Exhibit Displays) long term 39 110,000 16 Forem Metal Mfg. (Sheet Metal Contractor) long term 114 20,000 17 Housing Units (31 units in West Housing) long term - 47,177 18 Interscope Communications (Film Co.) 5 months portion of 11 50,000 19 Love Center Ministries 6 months portion of 12 8,000 20 Manex Entertainment (Film Co.) 6 months 24 40,850 21 MARAD (Ready Reserve Fleet) long term Piers 1, 2,3 - 22 MARAD long term 168 117,419 23 Mass Illusions (Film Co.) 5 months portion of 11 10,000 24 Navigator Systems (Furniture Mfgr.) long term 14 40,000 25 Nelson's Marine (Boat Repair) long term 167 & finger piers 55,450 26 Piedmont Baseball Foundation 1 year 200,688 sq. ft. field - 27 Piedmont Soccer Club 1 year 280,000 sq. ft. field - 28 Polyethylene Products (Plastics Recycling) long term 398 10,000 29 Puglia Engineering (Ship Repair) long term 67 14,000 30 Quality Assured Products (Valve Mfgr.) long term 21 66,000 31 Richard Miller Photography (Photography) long term 621 5,770 32 Tower Aviation (Avionics) long term 530 82,250 33 Trident 3M Services (Port Mgmt. /Maint.) long term 15 1 16,603 34 Woodmasters (aka Delaco) (Cabinetry) long term 44 5,100 Number of Properties Currently Occupied: 34 Buildings (sq. ft.) Currently Occupied: 962,702 Current Employment in Leased Buildings: 589 Projected Future Employment in Leased Buildings: 1,083 *revised Ise5- 98.xls Page 1 ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Interim Leasing Status Report Pending Leases and Licenses Ise5.98x1s Page 2 Tenant Building Number Area (Sq. Ft.) Interim Use Permits Approved 1 ACET (Environmental Tech. Incubator) 64 986 2 ACET (Environmental Tech. Incubator) 112 33,650 3 Alameda Naval Air Museum 77 21,136 X 4 Altamont Technologies (Trans. Equipment Mfg.) 25 18,000 5 Antiques by the Bay (Swap Meet) - `portion of taxiway H 6 Boy Scouts of America Spike & Pitch Park - 7 Cellular One (Antenna Site) - 60' x 20' X 8 City of Alameda (Dog Run Park) - 185,000 X 9 City of Alameda (Tennis Courts) - 35,100 10 City of Alameda (Building I) 1 49,000 1 I City Garage Carstar (Vehicle Painting) 25 14,000 X 12 Door Christian Fellowship Church 564 8,600 X 13 Dynamic Marine Boatworks (Boat Production) 166 55,000 X 14 Emergency Services Network (Homeless Collaborative) 613 4,600 15 Forty Plus (Career Counseling) 90 4,500 X 16 General Svcs. Admin. (Govt. Agency) 169, 117 193,210 17 Go -Lo Entertainment (Car Show) - portion of taxiway H t 8 Harbor Bay Maritime (Storage) Pier 1 North 200' 19 Home Auto Repair 459 11,500 20 Integrated Technology Group (Computer Rebuild) 66 30,900 21 IWA Engineers (Fabrication of Steel Structures) 113 13,115 22 Manex Entertainment (Film Co.) 13 34,540 23 Manex Entertainment (Film Co.) 19 23,700 24 Marine Sanitation 61 I 1,000 25 NorCal Soccer (Dome) near Piers - 26 Orbit Development Inc. (Property Mgmt.) 5 270,000 27 San Francisco Drydock 612 4,000 28 San Leandro Womens' Shelter (Homeless Collaborative) 531, 532, 533 28,050 29 Sigi, Inc. (Crepe Mfg.) 42 3,000 X 30 Simmba Systems (Records Storage) 9 92,817 X 31 Solo Energy Corp. (Prototype Testing) 12.& 22 176,108 32 United Indian Nations (Homeless Collaborative) CPO Units 2,400 33 United States Customs Service 29 19,480 34 Zebra Mot ors, Inc. (Electric Vehicles) 23 65,500 COMPLETED LICENSES: Tenant Bldg. No/Space 1 Acad. of Model Aeronautics (Model Planes) port ion of Runway 25 2 Alameda Recycling Co. (Storage) Bay 2/Bldg. 24 3 Area 51 Productions (TV Show) portion of taxiway 4 Area 51 Productions (Custom Car Show) portion of taxiway 5 Area 51 Productons (Auto Mfg. Marketing Survey) 5A 6 Area 51 Productions (Rehearsal studio) 12 7 Area 51 Productions (Auto Survey) portion of taxiway 11 8 Boy Scouts of America Spike & Pitch Park 9 Chamber of Commerce/BOE (Inter. Trade Expo) 22 10 CINCPAC (Fleet Week '97) Pier 3 South 11 City of Alameda/Bureau of Electricity (EV Expo) 23 12 Clubhouse Pictures (Film Co.) 25 13 Disney Studios (Film Co.) 24 14 Great Benefit Productions (Film Co.) Portions of 24 & 25 15 Industrial Light and Magic (Film Co.) 400A 16 Industrial Light and Magic (Film Co.) portion of taxiway 17 Interscope Communications (Film Co.) 11,12,400A 18 Interscope Communications (Film Co.) 2 19 Interscope Communications (Film Co.) pool 20 Microsoft (Software Co.) 400A 21 Nadel Productions (Film Co.) portion of taxiway 22 Off Duty Productions (Film Co.) portion of roadway 23 Rosebud Touring Co. (Rehearsal Space) 12 24 Rysher Entertainment (Film Co. 24 Ise5.98x1s Page 2 April 24, 1998 Executive Director and Members of the Board Alameda Reuse & Redevelopment Authority Postal Directory, Building 90 Alameda, California 94501 -5012 RE: EDA Award No. 07 -49 -03698 Building Renovations Ladies and Gentlemen: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economic Development Administration Jackson Federal Building, Room 1856 915 Second Avenue ' Seattle, Washington 98174 Fax: (206) 220 -7669 Tel: (206) 220 -7691 MAY 0 1 1998 On April 20, 1998, your staff requested that EDA concur with the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority's request to renovate buildings 9, 90 and 114 instead of buildings 11, 12 and 400A with the funds from this grant. This letter is EDA's official concurrence with your request. Except for the substitution of buildings 9, 90 and 114 for buildings 11, 12 and 400A on the list of buildings to be renovated with these grant funds, all other terms and conditions of the Financial Assistance Award remain in full force and effect. Please note that all of the grant terms and conditions apply to the renovations of buildings 9, 90, and 114 as well as the other buildings to be renovated. This includes compliance with the environmental special conditions that apply to this grant. To date, EDA has not received SHPO concurrence and a determination from the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission that buildings 9, 90, and 114 are not under their jurisdiction. The other environmental condition that must be satisfied before construction can begin on buildings 9, 90 and 114 is the filing of a "Notice of Determination" in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Please send EDA a copy of your CEQA filing as soon as possible. Please contact your project manager, Ken Feldman, if you have any questions. Ken can be reached at (206) 220 -7691. Sincerely, A. onard S it Regional Director Copy to: Dianne Church, EDR Celia Karian, ARRA Press Release The USS HORNET (CV -12), one of the most •decorated Aircraft Carriers in U.S Naval history, has officially been given a new and exciting mission. This National Historic Landmark Was 'commissioned in the dark days of WWII, and she fought with:• unparalleled glory. She served her country again in Vietnam, and finished her active career by recovering the astronauts from Apollo 11 and 12. Afte '. walking on the moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's . first steps, back• .:ion earth were on the decks of the HORNET. The . Secretary of the Navy has signed the Donation Contract, transferring title of . the Hornet to the Aircraft Carrier Hornet Foundation, a non - .profit...: organization, • formed for the sole purpose of saving this maginificiit .:sfiip from the scrapper's torch and transforming her into a world class Air, Sea, and Space. museum. The Aircraft . Carrier.. Hornet Foundation has been working . diligently for over. .:three -years .to.'. raise the required funds, submit a satisfactory applicati n: to the Navy and complete the myriad of • • environmental' agreement and permits ..required to acquire the Hornet and open :her to • the . publicr .Hornet was homeported for most of her life in Alameda, and the Foundation has had the support of the citizens and leaders of the City of Alameda and the local community. This support was, crucial in convincing the Navy that the Hornet would be welcome and have a permanent home in Alameda. • Page 1 Post Office l3ox 460 • .Alameda, California 94501 • Telephone 510.521.8448 • Fax 510.527.8827 "These: are exciting . times because we are preserving a national treasure arid the , proud legacy of the Aircraft Carrier Hornet, to share with current ' and future generations," commented Gerald G. Lutz, Chairman & CEO: of.: the Aircraft Carrier Hornet Foundation. "This is the success story of a groupp : oof .dedicated and :talented people, who have persevered to convert USS- Hornet into a world -class museum while developing an economic for... the engine benefit of ':the local. community." ' The:,'Fouridation intends to • make .the Hornet available for cultural :and civic events, . overnight programs for youth groups, and educational prO,gram:s. The Hornet's presence. at Alameda Point (the former Naval A i r Station): Will have a profound • economic. impact on the City of Alameda that has, ':Suffered because of the closing of the .Naval Air Station.. A»' estimated 80(1,.000 'first: year visitors should generate a demand.. for `goods ' and services that will ' help jump-start the local economy. The: Foundation's work now starts in earnest. In . order to open the Hornet to:':-the: . public: in early August 1998, she will require : a 80 - 90 d a y comprehensive facelift. Owing that time, a . dedicated group of nearly-. 500 volunteers, : assisted by contractors, will clean, paint, and make safe those . areas that .w,il %. be opened to the public. Over time, most of the ship will be available to the public. Page .2