1911-03-07 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR IEETIfl:G OF THE C0U7CII OF THE CITY OF ALAKEDA, TUESDAY, EARCH 7Th, 1911. The meeting convened with 74,a7or W. H. NOT preeiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen, Krunb, Hammond, Spence, Ells and. Bullock, (6) were noted present and Councilmen Walk Fisher and Probst (3) absent . Linutes of the meeting of February 21st, 7911 were read and ordered arTroved. The City Engineer presented a certificate of the amount of work done by 7. H. Dahnhe, Contractor for the South Side InterceptingSewer showing that under the terms of his contract there was now due him ;;647.42. Ordered filed. Claims against the General. Fund amounting to 246.23; against the l'olice Fund amounting to 35.75; against the Fire Fund amounting to '49.60; against the 2treet Fund amounting - to 2,155.09; against the Eloctric Light Fund amounting to j::4,708.76; against Municipa.1 Improvement Fund ro. 9, .:.ewer, amounting to (:646.0 ; against Z.Unicipal Improve- ment Puna Ho. 6, School, amounting to ::7,667.70 and against Lunicipal Improvement Fund f,o. 9, School, amounting ,000.99 having been approved and, audited by the proper officials wore read by the Clerk as folloWs:- GEHERAL 7uNr. Alameda Daily Argus Advertising 6.20 (Election Expense) 4.35 5.25 .SC 26.00 Alameda tom Launr7 Ass'n. 6.00 TRrowning, F. E. 1.60 2.G0 Oil for Heater 'ity Hell 29.00 16.50 7.00 12.00 1.85 5.40 7ou:nd 1.00 Pc rats A. Removing Garbage 1.00 Schneider, Henry Election Expense 55.28 IT fp If 11 IT TT 7f TT IT IT IT It T7 TI Printing for Auditor Towel Service Fees advanced 7! California Oil. Burner Co. Decker, Elmer E. Dodd, & Co., Vincent Lasen, A. C. '1 Clerical Work (Election Expense Insurance Premium Cleri Work (Election Expense Idarshall, 7. B. Clerical Work Tacific Tel. l Tel. Co. Switches Peoples Water Co. ',Voter, City Hall •1 T/ TT TT IT Surplies for Clerk 6.50 Ma7or 1.20 IT Auditor 7.40 16.50 17.50 PT TT TT '7 IT 71 Schuman, T. O. West Disinfecting Co. Whitc Diamond Water Co Conrad, John If 71erical Work (Elect ion Expense) Supplies for Janitor Filtered Water, Auditor's office .5 Total - POLICE FUI1D. Incidental Exenses for Feb. 1911. .75 41-)A• nr7 r.qc,040 171-1-7)7? ulm-17) 'larch 7th, 1911. Alameda Daily Arg-u The Bennett, Jas. Betton, H. L. Britt, W. Charman, Z. N. Clark- J; Sons., N. =4T FUAD. Pnblishing'Notice 1.05 Labor - 25.00 Sunplies 7.65 Teaming 75.50 sisting City Engineer 6.00 Sur:plies 55.00 Henshaw & Co. TT 2. ' iii6•)y, Wm. Aut3mobi1e 7500.00 Jamison, J. L. Teaming 105. Eny, Sr. , J. J. Labor 52.50 Liorgan, 7,os Assisting Cty Engineer 25.00 T'les Water Co. Water 55.00 Peters, T. L. Teaming Elurmer Son, Jeo. E. Lu&er IT TT TV II IV 2.45 erralnng, N. Labor 145.00 Thurston, C. E. reaming Total 2153.09 EL:C=IC FUAD. Alanoaa Thi"y ',rens Advertising .70 I/ .40 kscrpo-!atea Oil Co. Fuel Oil 295.24 IV TT TT TV U 303.57 . Prentum on Policy 40.50 Boaa'cl of Fleet r o'.ty Incic9entol ayronses 10.50 Brown -Tnyniture Co. 7,inoloin 1-15 .7,11scenius, 4. G. Draiss 7.25 Clarft, H. D. Ireinium 40.50 Con_stier 7'laolzsmithing r,.85 Croo;:er ,c1: Co., H. Addressograph pplies 1.48 Crosson:p. T. '. Trisodium Phosphate 27.15 Dow PnmlinL, ,_,',1L;ine Co. ksco. F, 1 liorizemtal dur1e7 plot 00.50 97 TT VT IT IT Tron sool:ets 1=1.50 TI IT TT PT 1 C1jnd.er Head 13.20 PeATr, Posts 25.00 Fvonina Times-Star, The Printing 30.00 TT TT TT 12.50 TT IT TI TT 6.50 7oHt;or Son, C, H, Lumber 2.00 Ca-,'.eTell Five Alarm Tel. Co. Battery Covers 15.10 qarlocic Yac],.inu. Co. The Beaver Twist 4.61 TI TV U •,7 Pao-king 1.92 Gorham v ore Enhher Co. Lubber valves 45.00 Co. Premium on Policies 81.00 T7ollogg 7,7,-ress Co. 7-)ra-,77ge 10.62 Ling, A. F. ,Ilorseshooing 7.77 50 Ilarch 7th, 1911. Brousht forward - -Q 1131.80 Lewis & Shaw Premium 40,50 Lomax, 7, R. Horseshoeins 6,7: Larshall-ewell Supply C o. Surrlies 7.06 Yarhall-Tiewell Supr 7 LI . n 5.94 Ylaxwall hardware Co. II .65 Osborn, Jessie N. Premium on Policy 106.00 Ritchie, L. E. Premiun on Bond 11.25 IT r, u it 40.50 " Policy Peoples Water Co. Water 5.96 Plummer Son., Geo. F. Lumber 32.50 1,heees-rehon 5 Co., Coal 1.00 Richrson, Al Sundries 2.50 Schneider, Henry Stationery & Supplies ‘ 15.95 Smith, B. F. J.,.erai s 5.15 Vosbursh, O. E. 3uT1ies 31.64 Whittier-Coburn Co. Oils 28.60 T7 11 II IT 15.39 ., II II 5.00 Glass Ziol, F. B. . Premium on Policy 216.00 Total - 1700.76 iiimIcirAl Iial:V=NT FUn NO. 9 (SEWER). Alameda Daily Argus Advertisins .:70 Dahnke, 7, H. On contrfIct 647.A2 Electric Blue Print Co. Blue Print .35 Total - _ - ,!! 648.07 v NUNIC IPAL L'ILEPE.-LE'fl' FUND NO. 8 (SCHOOL) Damkroege.:, D. A. Supt, of Construction 75 .00 Blench & Miller On contract 2660.25 fl TI TI TI II 4932.45 'al ----------- 7667.70 LUnCIPAL LIIPT,OVET ?UUD NO . 9 (SCHOOL). Damkroeser, J). . . A. .pt. of Construction 75.00 Powell Bros. Construction Co. On Contract 5925099 Total - 4 6000.99 Lir. Bullock nevedt-hat the hills as -read be id seconded by Christensen and cafried by the folicTin vote: Ayes:CouncilMen Christensen, Erumb, hammond, Spence, Ells and Bullock (6). Noes :None. Absent:Councilmen Walker, Fisher & Probst, report was received from the Auditor showing the balances on hand in the various funds on February 25th, 1911. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Aviditor stptin p. that he had appointed J. L. Peterson, Der-city Assessor for the co-line; assessment season and su:-:gested that the salary be fixed at ;;,65.00 per month, seconded by idr. Hammond and carried by the follow- ing vote. Lyes:Councilmen Christensen, 7rumb, Hammond, Spence , Bile and Bullock (6). Noes :None . Absent :Councilmen Walker, Fisher and ('). J. O. Getz presented an application for a grat11-!tous license to peddle a patent Earch 7th, 1911 peddle a furniture polish. Er. :=s moved_ that they be granted, seconded by ir Christensen ana carried. A communication was received from the Committee on arranc,enents of the 7r)f1ters of American 7ovolution thanking the Counci1 for granting them the privilege of the use of the Counoil Chamber for the evening of Rarch Ilth. Ordered filed. A communication was received from Joe Hooker root 7Jo. 11, G. A. R. endorsing the application of Albert Rowe for the rosition of Janitor for the City Hall. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the South Shore Lana Comrany in relation to their claim for the sum of :873.45 for the city's share of the cost of repairs to the spa-wall at Bay rark Tract. Er. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney, seconaed by Spence and carried. A communication was received from Assemblyman 'Sumner Crosby stating that he had taken up the natter of the granting: of permission by the 7ailroad company to allow the policemen to ride free on the trans through Alareda and lhat under the condi- tions now existing he believed that the railroad would he willing to grant such permission. Er. Krumb moved that the Clork be directed to communicate with the Southorn Pacific Company asking it to grant such privilege, seconded by Er. Bullock and carried. Councilman rrobst arrived and was noted present. A communication was received from the 7,epartment of Electricity requesting the Council to provide sufficient funds to cover the expense of installing the necessary. electric power lines to work the three bridges across the Tidal Canal. Mr. Kruml) moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee, seconded by Ur. Hammond and carried. communication was received iron John Biddle, Lieutenant Colonel, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, with reference to leasing water front privileges along the Oakland Harbor Ti Cal Canal . . liamond moved that the matter be referred to the speoial Harbor Commission, socorded by Er. Christensen and carried. A telegram was presented addressed to W. H. 17oy as Mayor, from Congressman J. R. Knowlard answering the telegram Bent with reference to the dredging of the Oakland Harbor on the Alameda 'Side on "ebruary 21st, also a coy of telegram sent in answer to some and signed 71. H oy, as Enyor, Herman 1:rusi, as Chairman of the Harbor Commision and Councilman Wm. Harmona, Jr., as Chairmen of the Bublic Utilities Committee. Also, a telegram in answer to the last from Congressman 1:nowland. Hr. Hammond moved that the telegrams as follows he spread upon the Einutes, seconded by Br robst and carried. "Viashlngton C. Feb. 25, 1911. Hayor W. H. Boy, Alameci.a Cal. in answer your telegram record creation of alameda harbor board a desirable move. Eattor of expenditaro of appropriation 1)7 congress is left largely to judgment of local enFineer in charge, colonel John Biddle work confined of course to project approv- ed by congress very important in taking up this matter with colonel Diddle that you work in harmony with oahland chamber of commerce as I feel ce.rtz:in united request of both cities would receive his careful considen-ltion shall be pleased to join in such a request. In harbor as well as other matter Oakland and Alameda have common interests. J. B. Yn Pland." March 7th, 1911. touch with W ashuigton and know what is rreposed to be done with the money. In case not rro'posed to provide channel for Alameda at least as ±ar as Alaska Pac'::ers it would he a great loss to Alameda. Will work with Oakland if possible. Dont know if funds pro- vided wil7 do -271 Oalr7and and. Alameda want. 7117 you see that we get a hearing in Washington if necessary. W. E. Noy, Eavor, Herman 117Fi, Cwen, 7m. Eammond, Jr." "Washington D. C. March 6, 1.911, Mayor W. H. TToy, Alameda, Cal. Am writing you very fully concerning status of Harbor Improvements government rcgorts accompanying Totter. After extra session of oonress meets and organisation jt effected will come to California and tae up this matter further. J. I. KnowThnd". Beckmann, Bormann Co., presentef:.. an application and bona for a liquor license a 1917 Pacific Avenue. Accompanying the same was a commlication from Dora hechnann, Executrix of the estate of J. N. Beckmann, deceased, in whose name the license was at present hold, consenting to the transfer, of such license. Mr. Spence moved that the al.217)lication be granted, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the following vete. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Krumb, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Probst and Bullock (7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilrnen Walker and Fisher ( ). An affidavit vvas presented showing due publication of Notice inviting proposals for the completion of the South lide Intercepting Sewer, east of Bay 8/treet. Ordered faled, The Clerk reported that in answer to said Notice ho was in receipt of five 1,7U11-3. Mr. 1:_rumb moved that the same be received and opened seconded by Nr Hammond and carried. From H. 0, Sharp, accompanied 1y a certified check in the sum of Eight (0) inch sewer pipe in place, ier ft. 63 cents oi (6) inch sewer pipe in place per 59 cents T,:anholes, (New) Manholes, (Recons±ructoa ) - -------- ------------ -- 1,29.00 House connections - - each- c14..00 Four inch "Y" branches, each CO cents From Michael Murfhy, accompanied ty a certified check in the F115 of ::;150.00. iach-- 27 .00 Sewer 'Work- For Fight-inch Pipe ------------- - For :::ix-inch ripe For Fight-inch 7. branches For Y branches ----- For Llanholes, complete-- For house eonnections,each -------------- cents per linear f oot 39 cents per linear foot 20 cents each Extra 20 cen±s each extra -N0.00 per manhole -4 5.00 From Wm. Neafey, accompanied 17 a certified chec:7 in the sum of r,00.00. Sewer liork- For EiPht-inch ------------ .52 cents per linear foot For Six-inch .47 cents per linear foot For Fight-inch Y branches .50 cents each extra For Y lranches .50 cents each extra For Manholes, complete :0.00 per manhole Ter T:anhole, re-constricted --------------- -15.00 each Ter House Connections each 7.00 From John i:eafey, n,comormod hy ce '; tfiod o-L1Pc.7.: in th e of 1200 .00 76 1,7arch. '7th, 1911. Ter lineal foot of 6-inch sov7er pipe --- or Ifianhole, each comp-tete or manhole, reconstructed - Ter house connectien, each -- Per 4--inch "Y" branches, each extra --- .70 cents 4O .00 N2.00 ",;:12.00 cents From Hutchinson Company, accomanied 1-+7 f hond in the sum o± 7,200.00. Sorer For inch :ripe For Si:-inch Trli.r.4^..- .4 Per -kianholes, complete For House Connections - For Lanholes- reconstructed -50-cents or linear foot cents per linear root 42.0O "PI" 5.00 each ':15.00 each Er. Krumb H,7,70 that they ic referred to the Street Comnittee to re-port had: at the noxt meetin of the Council, seconded by hr. Christensen carried. Four affidavits were /)reseilted showin clue publication for twenty days of the fo'ar Resolutiens proposins anendnerts to the 71artor to ba sub-,r:itte6 at the ::.11flici1)al Election on lOth. Ordered filed. Hr. iloch. offered the follene Resolution IELI'ALA2ION OF C.ENE1:AI :0=CIPAL XLECTIOJ IOR THE CITY OF 'AIAEEDA. A ,',eneral hnnicipal Election is hereby called and proclaimed and for the City of Alameda, County • State of California and Till. be held in accordance Tith the followin Eoo1ution ado-rted Ly the Council on 'llarch 7th, 1911. ET;JOLUTIOil. Calling a C-roneral Lunioipal Election in and for the City of Alair:eda to be held therein on 'kionday, the 10th day of April, 1911, for the pin-pose of eloctins certain officers of said 7ity, ane, for :..ilbItt4r, certain porosa1s to amend the Charter of said 7ity and sb 2() snbrAttins certain rroi)ositions to the oloctorate of said REOLVED, by the Council of the City of A1 Ca • That a Li:enaral Dlilicipal Election in tirlt:i for the City. of Alameda is here'oe cO_lea and viii be held the-ain on Fray, the 70th aa7, of Ap :1J011 for the • election. of the followius names officers Of said city A LA.LJR AN AUDITo AZ]) A;:;SE.OR A TREASUREE COLLECTOR CUE COUNCILLAE AT LA:HGE &NE ConCTZ'i.AN FO'n ThE SECO'LD COUNCILL'IN FO THE FOURTH VLARD ONE 03UNCIaiAN —FOR-THE-FIFTE WARD --- 'ONE COUNCILERN FO: TEE SET= WA'RD also that at saia election the folloTin proposa le for the amendment o. ile Charter •___ • •.• • „ _ „ • • of the City of Alameda shell, be and the same ore hereby- suitted to the e1ctoi of sai0 City, namely: Earch 7th, 1911. PROPOSAL NO. I. Amend Article III, Charter II, Section 7 relating to the office of Auditor and. Assessor so that the said Section shall read as follows: Sec. 7. An Auditor shall be elected at the sane time and in the same manner as the hayor. He shall be an elector of the City, and shall have been such for three years preceding his election. He shall hold office for four years. He shall be ex- officio assessor. His compensation for acting in both capacities shall be a salary to be fixed by the Council. The foregoing proposal shall he placed upon the ballot to be used at said Election in the following form: PROPOSAL NO. Amend Article III, h. .ter II, Section 7 of the Charter of the City of Alameda, relating to the office of Auditor and Assessor, so as to make the tern of office four years and the compensa- tion to be fixed by the council. YES NO PROPOSAL NO. 2, Amend said Charter by adding thereto a new section to be known and designated as Section No. 17,4,' of Chapter II, of Article II, of said charter, and which said new section shall read as follows: Sec. 17-. It is hereby made the duty of the council to appropriate monthly, the sun of Fifty (5O.00) Dollars for the use and benefit of such company or organiza- tion of the National Guard of the State of California as may be kept and maintain- ed in said City of Alameda. Said monthly appropriation shall be paid to the com- manding officer of such company or organisation and it shall be the duty of such commanding officer to make a return. and report in writing to the Auditor on or before the second ion in :day in each year, of all moneys received by company or organization hereunder, for the preceding year and of all moneys expended, accom- panied by vouchers, which return and report Shall be verified by the oath of such commanding officer. The foregoing Prorosal shall be placed upon the ballot to be used at said Election in the following form: PROPOSAL NO. 2. Amend the Charter of the City of Alameda by adding thereto a new section to be known and designated as Section No. l7- of Chapter II, of Article II, providing for the payment by the City of Fifty Dollars per month for the use of the National Guard organization maintained in the City of Alameda. YES NO PROPOSAL NO. 3. Amend Article IX, Chapter I, Section 8, relating to the apportionment of moneys for use of the department of electricity so that the said section shall read as follows: Sr A All mnnoircl icrn-nnri-innaA b r +inn nrillylnil eReannn-r.+1,1n,..1- n-P March 7th, 1911. be set apart in a fund to be known as the electric fund, which fund shall be drawn on only by order of the board of electricity except as otherwise provided in this charter; provided, that in making the apportionment for the expense of lighting the public streets and buildings of the city and for the cost of current for the fire alarm sys- tem and such other public use of electric current or supplies as may be required, the council shall apportion an amount adequate to meet such expense at the rates fixed therefor and the moneys so apportioned shall be paid into the general fund. There- after such moneys shall be subject only to transfer into the electric fund upon monthly demands to be presented by the board of electricity in the same manner as other demands and to be based upon service rendered or supplies furnished to the various departments of the city for the preceding month. Also amend Article IX, Chapter I, Section 14, relating to contracts for electric supplies so that the said section shall read as follows: Sec. 14. All contracts for supplies, materials, machinery or construction work where the amount to he expended exceeds five hundred dollars shall be advertised and awarded to the lowest bidder except that the hoard may determine to reject all bids. The foregoing Proposal shall be placed upon the ballot to he used at said. Election in the following form:- PFUOSAI NO. 3. Amend Article I, Chapter I, Section 8 and Section 14 of the Charter of the City of Alameda to permit the presentation by the Department - of Taectricity of monthly demands against the city for and current furnished thereto, and to provide for the let'in p. of contracts by said ,)epartment of Electricity to the lowest bidder. Y1,13 NO PROPOSAI NO. 4. Amend Article X, Section 2 and Section 3, relating to liquor licenses and per- mits, so that the said sections shall read as follows: Sec. 2. Subject to the provisions of this charter the council shall have power by ordinance to impose all license taxes for, and to confine within the limits of time and place and otherwise regulate the selling and giving away of any spirituous, malted or fermented liquors or wines or an admixture thereof; provided, that the council shall not have power to grant more than 20 of the pay licenses nor more than 2 of the gratuitous permits specified in this Article, to he in force at any one time. The pay licenses granted shall be numbered consecutively from 1 to 20 and not more than one of said licenses hearing any one number from 1 to 20 inclusive, shall be valid at one time; and the gratuitous permits provided for in this Article shall be numbered from 1 to 2 inclusive 'and not more than one of said permits hear- ing a y one number from 1 to 2 inclusive shall be valid at one time. . 3. No license provided for in this Article shall he granted for a sum less than five hundred dollars per Fnnnm, payable quarterly in advance, except that the council shall have power to issue gratuitous permits not more than two of which to be in force at one time to bona fide social clubs, duly incorporated under the laws of the State of California for the maintenance of a bar or buffet upon the premis owned solely by such club and for the sale, barter and g away by such other club upon such premises to bona fide members of such club only, of any of said. I:arch 7th, lUl. liquors. The gratuitous permits therein provided for shall be held subject to the pleasure of the council and may be revoked whenever the council nay deem it expedient. The foregoing Proposal shall be placed upon the ballot to be used at said Election in the following form:- PROPOSAL NO. 4. Amend Article X, Section 2 and Section 3 of the Charter of the City of Alameda, relating to liquor licenses and permits to permit the issuance of two gratuitous permits to social clubs in addition to the liquor licenses now provided for. YES NO It is hereby ascertained and declared that the foregoing Proposals for the amendenent of the Charter of the City of Alameda and each of them have been duly pub- lished in accordance with the :esolutions of the Council of the City of Alameda adopt- ing the same, for twenty days in the Alameda Daily Argus a daily newspaper of general circulation in such city designated in said Resolutions and that such publication has been completed at least forty days prior to the day of said election. kJ • Also that at said election the following Propositions shall be and the sane are hereby submitted to the electors of said City. BFOBOSITION NO. I. Do you favor a government of the City of Alameda by salaried Commissioners few in number and with direct management of the municipal business instead of the present government with elective council and appointive commissions without pay? PEOPOSITTON NO. ,. Do you favor the acquisition (by a bond issue) for park purposes of the tract of land known as the "Hays Property" having a fontage of 265 feet on Central Avenue and adjoin- ing Washington Park on the West at a cost of 30,000? PROPOSITION NO. 3. Do you favor consolidation of the City of Alameda with the City and County of San Francisco under the borough system of Eunicipal government? YES NO YES NO YES NO 3. The said election is called and will be held and conducted pursuant to the Charter of the City of Alameda and the laws of the State of California applicable to Eunicipal Elections. The rolls will be opened at six o'clock of the morning of the, day of election and be closed at six o'clock in the afternoon of said day. 4. For the purpose of holding said election the City of Alameda is hereby ivided into sixteen municipal election precincts heretofore established by the Board. of Supervisors of the County of Alameda, for the purpose of conducting and holding the last general State Election in said. City, a description of which together with the March 7th, 1911. MUNICIPAL ELCTION PRECINCT NO. 1. Description: All of said city east of Versailles Avenue and the same projected southerly and south of Encinal Avenue and being Election Precinct No. 1. Location of polling place : Tent on the southwest corner of Encinal Avenue and High Street. inspectors: 7,runo V. Roebke and R. A. Meserole. Judges: Robert Arada and. H. W. Barnhill. Clerks: A. n. Lassen and Chas. H. Morgan. Ballot Clerks: J. H. Crenshaw and G. L. Hand. ITNICIFAT 7LT7cTio7 rp,77,:liTroT NO. 2. Description: All of said city east of Versailles Avenue and tl-e sane projected northerly and north of Encinal Avenue and being Election Precinct 7,o. 2. Location of polling rlace: 1305 High Street, Encinal Hotel. Inspectors: W. A. 'Mite and Charles Abt. Judges: C. A. Wilhelm and Geo. Hoffmann. Clerks: E. O. :ogers and. A. H. Bliss. Ballot Clerks : Percy Forsyth and Otto Ruf. INJNICIPAI ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 3. Description: All of said city north of Central Avenue and lying between Versailles Avenue and Park Street and being Election Precinct To. 3. Location of polling place : 2421 Webb Avenue. Inspectors: H. P. Decker and J. R. Wagner. Judges: Geo. C. Eunro and John Sath. Clerks: Vim. Rigby and W. P. Christensen. Ballot Clerks: W. O. Short and Edgar H. Young. MIJEICIPAL 7TFCTION P:17CINCT. NO. 4. Description: All of said city south of Central Avenue and lying between Versailles Avenue and Park Street and being Election Precinct No. 4. Location of polling place: Hotel Crescent, 2405 Encinal Avenue. Inspectors: B. W. Martin and 7,e o. Flemming. Judges: John Larkin and C. L. Metzger. Clerks: J. S. Sherman and G. M. Sutherland. Ballot Clerks: W. G. Vollmar and Jacob Boodt. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 5. Description: All of said city south of Central Avenue and lying between Park Street and Walnut Street and being Election Precinct No. 5. Location of polling place: 2310 Encinal Avenue. Inspectors: C. F. Bishop and C. A. Brown. Judges: Geo. W. I4acTae and Victor De Lorne. Clerks: W. J. Yisher and Chas. Powell. Ballot Clerks: F. W. Thompson and H. B. Fisher. Yarch 7th, 3911. flU"ICIPAI EL7f;CTION PRECINCT NO. 6. Description: /al of said city north of Central Avenue and lying between Park treet and Walnut Street and being Election Precinct No. 6. Location of polling place : 1517 Fark Street. Inspectors: F. 0. Schuman and h. Battersby. Judges: Dennis A. Godfrey and Seymour Arada. Clerks : F. W. Rally and Frank Walton. allot Clerks: Joserh Lazzini and T. R. Hanson. L:UNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 7. Description: Al], of said city north of Central Avenue and lying between Walnut Street and Chestnut Street and being Election Precinct Uo. 7. Location of polling place: 2103 Lincoln Avenue, northeast corner of Willow Street. Inspectors: F. J. Hargraves and C. A. Borle, Judges: A. McMenaman and G. T. Siemes. Clerks: M. T. Locke and F. F. Carson. Ballot Clerks: F. H. Kellogg and Eugene Ansel. YUITICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. NO. 8. Descniption All of said city south of Central Avenue and lying between Walnut Street and Chestnut Street and being Election Precinct No. 8. Location of polling place : Tent on the southeast corner of Encinel Avenue and Chestnut Street. Inspectors: E. J. Bevan and James Potts. Judges: F. ferrine and Ward Battles. Clerks: A. F. W. Delius and J. F. Bronner. Ballot Clerks: John Banta and B. Plot z, MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 9. Description: All of said city south of Central Avenue and lying between Chestnut Street and iaru Street and being Election Precinct No. 9. Location of polling place: 182 Encinal Avenue. Inspectors: Vi. P. Dillon and J. T. Hardin. Judges: E. A. Kober and Asa Hutton. Clerks: H. D. Clark and Emler E. Decker. Ballot Clerks: Harry Shed and Charles L. Porer. MUNICIPAL ELECTION TTECINCT 70. IC. Desc--iption: Al]. of said city north of Central Avenue and lying between Chestnut Street and Paru Street and being Election Precinct No. 10. Location of Polling Place: 1710 Lincoln Avenue. Inspectors.: J. F. Bradford and E. D. Rue. Judges: T. H. Judd arid J. P. Leonard. Clerks: Edwin M. Otis and E. W. Sichel. March 7th, 1911. :::UNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 11. Description: All of said city north of Santa Clara Avenue lying between Parn eet and Day Street and being election Precinct No. 11. Location of polling place: 1304 Lincoln Avenue. Inspectors: Joseph F. Stromberg and Jacob Houck. Judges: Wm. Behrens and Henry Boese. Clerks: E. A. Roberts and J. H. Bronberger. Ballot Clerks: H. I. Balback and A. J. Sousa. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 12. Description: Al]. of said city south of Santa Clara Avenue and lying between Paris Street and St. Charles Street being Election Precinct No. 12. Location of polling place: Tent on the northeast corner of Morton Street and Encinal Avenue. Inspectors: F. W. Steinmetz and S. N. Lamborn. Judges: J. R. Macauley and A. T. Sousa. Clerks: A. DuJardin and F. Seeley. Ballot Clerks: Lee Ransoms and Geo. Eck. Sutherland. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 13. Description: All of said city south of Santa Clara Avenue lying between St. Charles Street and Eighth treet and being Election Precinct No. 13. Location of rolling place: 1400 Ninth Street. Inspectors: T. H. Dunleavy and Wm. Paulson. Judges: B. F. Doyle and Chas. W. Neal. Clerks: James N. Eschen and Otto Riehl. Ballot Clerks: F.G. Wheeler and Henry Horst. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 14. Description: All of said city north of Santa Clara Avenue and lying between Bay Street and Eighth Street and being Election Precinct No. 14. Location of polling place : 903 Lincoln Avenue. Inspectors.: A. H. Peterson and W. W. Walker. Judges: C. F. Banta and E. N. Levy. Clerks: Henry Vlichman and A. J. Fromm. Ballot lerhs: H. Nielson and W. J. Richter. =CUM, ELECT ION PRECINCT NO. 15. Description: All of said city lying between Eighth and Sixth Street and being Election Precinct No. 15. Location of polling place : 1538 Welster Street. Inspectors: H. Traube and W. A. Rogers. Judges: T. Goff and J. H. Peterson. Clerks: T. B. Marshall and F. H. Sleeper. Ballot Clerks: T. Scully and L. S. Probst. March 7th, 1911. MUNI ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 16. Description: All of said city lying west of Sixth Street being Election Precinct No. 16. Location of polling place : 473 Central Avenue, northwest corner of Fifth Street. Insnectors: T. L. Ellis and P. J. Winters. Judges: ,C. R. Bond and Chas. A. Wakefield. Clerks: F. A. Frisius and John R. Burgess. Ballot Clerks: George Masters and. W. G. Dietz. 5. All persons shall be entitled to vote at said election who come within the terms or comply with the requirements of this section. Every person who was a qualified elector at the general State election immediately rreceding the holding of said elec- tion and who was registered as required by law as a qualified elector of any one of the above described precincts and who continues to reside within the exterior boundarie of such election precinct until the time of the holding of said election, shall be en- titled to vote as said election, without other or additional registration. All other persons in order to be entitled to vote at said election must be registered in the manner required by sections 1094,1096 and 1097 of the Political Code of the State of California as an elector of sand within the election precinct wherein he claifis to be entitled to vote. Such registration must be had and made in accordance with the provisions of sections 1094,1096 and 1097 of said Political Code, provided that such registration shall be in progress at all m except during the twenty-five days immediately preceding said election. 6. The returns of said election shall be forwarded immediately upon the completion of the count in each precinct to the City Clerk, Room 12, second floor of the City Hall. The publication of the proclamation for said election containing the measures to be submitted to the electors of said city shall take the place of the printing and mailing of said, measures as provided in the Charter of said City. This Resolution shall constitute the notice of such election and the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the same to be published in the official newspaper of said, city in accordance with law and the ordinance providing for notice of elections and to cause the same to be posted at least ten days before said election at each of the above mentioned voting places. Mr. Bullock moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Christensen and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Krumb, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Probst and Bullock (7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Walker and Fisher (2). A telegram VIRE received from the Merchant's Association of San Francisco re- questing the Council to request the representatives in the Legislature from the dis- trict in which Alameda is located, to support Senator Wolfe's senate constitutional amendment which would allow adjacent communities to consolidate into one city and county when they desire to do so. I;r. Krumb moved that as Assemblyman Crosby had already voted in favor of the said Bill that the Council would take no further action, seconded by Mr. Spence and carried. Deeds properly recorded were received from the Meeker Company to a certain piece of land at the north end of Oak Street. Ordered filed. March 7th, 1911. Clerk be instructed to write the United States Government and ask them to repair the Fruitvale and High Street bride, particularly with reference to the bulkheads. Mr. Probst moved that the matter be referred to the Harbor Commissioners seconded by Er. Hammond and carried. A communication was received from the Street Committee recommending the the Commissioners of Electricity be asked to abandon the condensing basin located in Bay Island Avenue, east of Park Street and reconending that a bulkhead along the southern line of Bay Island Avenue be constructed easterly from Park Street. Accom- panying the sane was an estimate and map of the City Engineer that the proposed work would cost 0094.00. Er. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee, seconded by Mr. Christensen and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. to Amend Section of Ordinance No. 536 of the City of Alameda Relating to Specifications for Billboards and Advertis- ing Sign introduced by Et. Christensen on February fast, 1911 cane 11.1 for final passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Christensen moved its adoption, seconded by Yr. Probst and carried by the following vote : Ayes:Couneilmen Christensen, ::rumb, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Probst and Bullock (7). Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Fisher (2). A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. to Amend Section 15 of Ordinance No. 167 of the City of Alameda Regulating Liquor Traffic" introduced by Er. Spence February 21st, 1911 came up for final passage and was read by the Clerk. Er. Spence moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Krumb and carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Krumb, Hammond,Spence, Ells, Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes: None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Fisher, (2). A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. to Amend Ordinance No. 233 relat- ing to the Public Pound" was introduced by Er. Hammond and laid over under the pro- visions of the Charter. Mr. Hammond moved that until the Rules and Regulations for conducting the Pound were adopted that the Poundmaster be directed to look to Dr. Carpenter for orders concerning the management of the said Pound, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Mr. Trumb moved. that a Committee he apponted to look for a new location for the Pound, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. Mr. Bullock moved that the Street Committee be appointed the Committee to take up the matter of a new location for the Pound, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. Er. Probst moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the Mayor of Oakland inviting the City of Oakland, through him, to appoint a Committee to act in conjunction with the Harbor Commission of Alameda with the object in view of obtaining the best results from the Government regarding the improvements in the Oakland. Harbor that would be amicable to both of salTd cities, seconded by Er. Hammond and carried. :r. Hammond moved that the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee be given power to have the office of the Police Department in the City Hall painted, seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Krumb, Hzumond, Spence, Ells, ProbSt and Bullock (7). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Fisher, (2). Mr. Hammond moved that the City consider the purchase of a lot runing from Santa March 7th, 1911. Street Committee for investigation, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Er. Probst moved that the City consider the purchase of a lot west of Fourth Street, which would allow for the opening of Lincoln Avenue westerly from said Street and that the matter be referred to the street Committee for investigation, seconded by Mr. Enranonel and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting Tuesday March 21st, 1911 at 7:30 p. m. City Clerk.