1911-05-01 Regular CC Minutesst, 1911. Y7ETIITC, 07 7117 cOU7II 07 THE CITY 07 ALAIIEDA, FJOT.DAY, I.AF 1st, 1911. 1:leeting convened. with 1.iayor W. h. Noy presiding. The roll WaF1 called and Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krunb, Hannond, Spence, Ells, Eorgonstern, Probst and Bullock (9) were noted present. The Clerk read the call of the meeting which was issued by the :viayor under the 'frovisions of the Charter, and was for t1 purpose 0i taking some action towards show- ing respect to the memory of City Attorney W. Cimpson, who had lost his life in a boating accident on Sunday, April ::;0th, 1911. The saYe was ordered filed, there- upon Council-president Bullock offered the following Resolution:- WhERE2,S, it has been the will of Almighty God to ddenly take from our midst the Honorable Eilton William Simpson, who has given the greater part of his life to the service of the peonle of this city, and WHEREAS, the Honorable Lilton William Simpson has for years been associated with this Council as it Attorney, giving ungrnagingly of his time and ability to the public business and acting as wise counselor to this body in both official and unofficial capacities; RESOLVED, That in the untimely death of Talton 7illiam Simpson the city of Alameda has lost, a tried and faithful public official, the City Council a wise, true and upright counselor and advisor, the bar an able and learned attorney, the community an honored and public-spirited citizen and the members of this Body a faithful and loyal friend; =SOLVED FURTEER, As a srk of respect to the memory of "Vinton William j.mpson that the flags on all public buildings he placed at half mast until after the funeral of the deceased, that the entrance to the City Hall he draped for a period of thirty days, that a copy of these :esolutiona be sent to the family of the deceased and also spread on the minutes of this Body and as a further token of respect, that this Coun- cil do now adjourn. hr. Hammond moved that it he adopted, seconded by lir. Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christenen, Wa,lker, 7rumb, Hammond,3pence, Ells, Lorgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (9). does :Lone Absent :Nono There being no further business to transact the Council duly adjourned. City