1911-05-05 Regular CC MinutesADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAI=A,FRIDAY,MAY 5th,1911. The meeting convened with Mayor W.H.Noy,presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Kr b Spence and Bullock, (5),were noted present and Councilmen Hammond,Ells,Morgenstern and Probst,(4) absent. The minutes of the regular meeting OfAT 17th 1911,held under the provisions of the Charter were read and, ordered approved. The minutes of the regular meeting of/ay 18th 1911,were read and ordered ap- proved. The minutes of the Special meeting of hay 1st 1911,were read and ordered ap- proved. Councilmen Hammond. and Probst arrived during the reading of the minutes and were noted present. Claims against the General Fund amounting to Q409.29;against the Police Fund amounting to 136.45:egainst the Street Fund amounting to 01959.37:against the Li- brary Fund amounting to $269.67;against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 0.0592.25;against the Park & Playground Fund amounting to 46.00:against Municipal Improvement Fund No.9 (Sewer) amounting to 028.00:against Municipal Improvement Fund No.8(School) amounting to 07922.81 and against Municipal Improvement Fund No.9, (School) amounting to 6293.94 having been properly approved and audited by the pro- per officials were read by the Clerk as follows GENERAL FUND. Alameda Daily Argus,The Advertising 23.65 TI IT TT It TT IT TT TI IT II II American Surety Co. California Oil & Burner Co. IT Printing Printing Premium on Treasurer's Bond Oil for Heater .34 3.00 4.50 150.00 19.25 TV Burner Tips 2.00 Dahl-Thorns Awning Co. Election Expense 27.00 Furey,LI P. Plumbing 4.25 Hendrickson,W.J. Dog Meat 3.35 IT II II 1.65 Magagnos,C.P. P ecorating 30.00 Muller,Mrs.E. Election Expense 6.00 IT TV II 1.50 Neville,P.R.,assg D.Hicks Election Officer 5.00 Oakland Gas Light & Heat Co. Gas 3.00 Park Garage Election Expense 14.00 Perata,A. Removing Garbage 1.00 Peoples Water Co. Water,City Hall 7.30 VT I? TI Pound 1.00 Peterson,J.H. ervices,Deputy Assessor 85.00 Polk-Husted Directory Co Directories 12.00 Robertson,J.M. Tainting 3.50 White Diamond Viater Co. Filtered V,ater Total- 409.:(2) POLICE FUND Conrad,John Money advanced 22.45 PrieqG Services May 5th 1911. Total- 33.00 -4$ 136.45 STREET FUND Bennett,James Labor 0 35.00 Britt,W. Teaming 84.00 California Corrugated Culvert Co. Surrlies 490.00 Cavanaugh,W. Labor 35.00 Clark,I:rs.M.F.,assg L.Wing Labor 15.00 Clark & Sons N. Supplies 41.40 Costa,Joe Labor 35,00 Fuller & Co.,V1.P. Supplies 3.50 Frayssac,P. Labor 35.00 Frier,E,G. TV 18.15 Frodden,V.M. Incidentals 2.00 TI TV T! 5.rr5 Jamison,J.S, Teaming 122.50 Hasselgren,A. Labor 28.75 Jones Auto Co.,The Auto Supplies 25.00 Tt TI IT TT TT .40 Konigshofer,J.J. Supplies .25 Lane,T. Labor 32.50 :IcGah,J. ,, 35.00 LicGibbon, .E. u 18.75 Morgan,Ross Assisting City Engineer 7.50 Morgan,W.H. Labor 35,00 Pennock,M. TT 30.00 Peters,71.T. Teaming 245.00 Pingree,W. Labor 35.00 Powell Bros Construction Co Screenings 24.50 Reardon-Orist Cons.Co. Repairs 93.36 If II TI It 11 84.06 oa day,W. Labor 2.50 Serralunga,S. 7, 145.00 Snow ..A. II 30.00 Stevens,%F. ,I 35.00 Tofaneli,F. TV 35.00 Thurston,I.E. TT 52.50 Williams,A. IT 25.00 Woolley,J.C. TT 27.50 Total- - 01959.37 Alameda Free TV TI TV Blake, Moffit & Towne Fielding, G. Hicks-Judd Co. Roerber, A. H. W. Newbegin, John J. LIBRARY FUND. Petty expenses 6 28.67 Eastern Claims 6.00 Supplies 4.30 Daily newspapers 6.00 Binding 104.11 Fuel 55.00 Books May 5th, 1911, Iolk-Husted Directory Co. Schneider, Henry Strom, Oar]. E. Volberg, C. O. Wheeler Publishing Co. Alameda Daily Argils, Forward - Two Directories Stationery and newspapers Repairs Rent of west end Reading room 210.97 l'.00 7.20 1.00 25.00 Books 13.50 Total 269.67 ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Printing 0 94.00 It It IT ?V 9.00 Banta, Chas. F. Insurance Premiums 64.80 Incidentals for April 6.45 Carbolineum 11.00 Assisting City neer 3,00 IT TT TT II It Tt 2.00 142.50 Pipe, etc. 3.57 Addressograph supplies 1.40 ?I IT It ft TV ,, 1.58 Cabinet drawers 28.80 Dodd ,,,: Co., Vincent A. Premium 67.50 Garlock Packing Co. Supplies .39.61 Gorham Revere Rubber Co. tt 16.63 Hally & Co. Insurance Premium 142.50 Hammond, C. J. Cement Posts 160.00 Joost 8: Sons, M. Gasoline 5.65 Kellogg Express Co. Drayage .50 King, A. R. Horseshoeinv. 0.50 Koerber, A. H. 17. Feed 37.30 Library Bureau., Card Case 13.20 Lomax, 7. R. Horseshoeing 6.75 Marshall-Newell Supply Co. Supplies 5.30 Maydwell Co. The Supplies 43.00 McCraith & son, Thos. D. Insurance Premium 108.00 Morgan, Ross Assisting City Engineer 3.75 Osborn, Jessie.M. Premium on Policy 54.00 Pacific States Electric Co. Supplies .88 TV It TV TT Cutouts 6.50 TT VT I1 TV Supplies 231.74 L IV If If t1 Lamps 24.50 It IT ft TV Supplies 9.00 TT II ft It VI 15.12 If 11 II 11 It 272.84 IT IT TV TV TV 50.60 It ft It TV Absolute cutouts 33.00 IT It It TV Tungsten Lamps 15.47 T1 TT If It Absolute cutouts 132.00 Board of Electricity Carbolineum Wood Preserving Co. Chapman, E. N. Clark, Herbert D. Crane Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Premium on Insurance Policy Vt TT T1 It May 5th, 1911. Brought forward - - 94.44 Pacific States Electric Co. Supplies 41.65 II Ti TT TI Ti 19.54 TT II 11 9 9 49.95 It TIT TT TT 15.96 Ti TV Ti II 11 154.20 II TT it ft 11 36.00 11 99 II TV TT 3.31 TT TI Ti IT IT 88,43 TT 11 VI 9 TT 2.25 Ti IT 9 9 Lamps 50.10 TT IV ' 9 If -I Commutators 8.28 TI 9 9 Ti Brushes .60 IT 9 Ti TV Wire 2.63 TT TV TT IT Lamps 33.00 9 If II TT Wire- 143.40 It 9 Ti It Pipe straps .32 it TI IT T1 Supplies 41.23 It IT It 9 Paints 10.00 If IT 9 If Supplies 3.68 TT TT TT 11 Supplies 16.90 Ti If 9 9 VT 19,28 It If If TT II 36.74 Plumner & Son, Geo. E. Lumber 137.00 It TV It TT IT Premium on Policy 70.20 Ti IT IT It It Lumber 69.50 Putzman 8: Hoffman Repairs 42.75 Rickerson, Al. Sundries 3.50 Ritchie, L. E. Insurance Premiums 121.50 Risdon Iron & Locomotive Works Tube cutter 30.00 TT TT TT 9 IT On contract 1396.25 IT IT 9 IT TT It It 1396.25 Roeblings Sons Co. John A. Wire 171.40 TT If ti IT VI Conduit 97.55 TT TT TT TT 9 Galvanized strand 71.45 TT IT It Ti TT Copper wire 181.90 TT TT TT TT TT Supplies 171.39 Schneider, Henry Stationery & Supplies 2.70 Standard Oil 00, Fuel Oil 146.40 TI II IT II IT 147.00 II T1 TT Gasoline 7.50 TI TI 9 Fuel Oil '148.20 9 9 TT It TT 144.60 II IT Ti IT II 145.20 IT Ti TT Ti VT 146.40 9 TT II II IT 147.00 May 5th, 1971. Typewriter Inspection Vosburgh, Co., J. B. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. it 11 Ti it TT II TT Ti TT TT TV TT It Ti TT T1 TT 1,1! it ?1t Ti 9 9 TV IT TT 9 Ti TT 9 IT VT TT 9 'T TT IT IT TI TT TV IT 11 TI TT Ti , 7.1 TT TT TI II IV II 9 9 9 TI IT 9 TT TT Tir PI 9 IT Ti 9 it Ti it 11 II 9 it 11 TT T1 it 11 TT 111 Ti TT IT IT IT it T7 II TT Ti Ti TT 11 Ti Ti VI TI IT IT IT TT TT Ti Brought forward --------7637.53 'Typewriter InsT)ection 4.00 Supplies 26.20 Repairs 60.00 Meters 527.55 Irons 25.00 Repairs 23.87 Oil drum 5.50 Transformers 236.40 Arc lamp supplies 21.28 Oil drum 4.50 Transformers, meter, etc 406.91 Irons 18.00 Transformers 405.60 Motor Wattmeters 64.85 Meters 173.70 Supplies 29.30 Supplies 4.50 Meters 230.69 Transformers 276 .60 Irons 24,00 Supplies 5.49 Supplies .96 Meters 236.55 62.45 Whittie. Co) - Co. Paints 3.82 ,, 11 9 TV 9.00 IT TT II Ti 44,20 Total - _ - -0.0592.25 ',A= AND PTA=OUND FUND. Cunniigham, Curtiss & Welch Printing ,L, 26.00 MUNICIPAL IMPROVE1.ENT FUND NO. 9 (SEWER) Sutton, James E. Inspector's fees ,i e% 28.00 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND NO. 6 (SCHOOL) Damkroeger, D. A. Salary 75.00 Klenck & Muller Payment on contract 5031,75 Ti 11 IT Ti II IV 550.00 II V/ 9 It TV Ti 661.71 Morgan & CO. M. Heating Apparatus 1200.00 Stone, Louis S. Architect s 7ommiion 604.35 TOtal - - - - - - - -c;7922.81 MUNICIPAL IMIT.OV7MF,NT FUND NO, 9 (SCHOOL) Dankroe7er, P.. A. Salary 75.00 Powell Kos. Construction Co. On contract 6216.94 Total - 6293.9T-- Councilmen Lorgenstern and Ells arrived during the reading of te claims and were noted present. Mr.Bullock moved that the claims as read he paid,seconded by 1-.'hristersn Yay 5th 1911. Hammond,Srence,Ells,Eorgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (9). None. Noes :None. Absent: A report was received from the Auditor showing the balances in tTle various funds on Arril 30th 1911. Ordered filed. A report was received from the Auditor showing his apportionment of Taxes col- lected to April 27th 1911. Ordered filed. A report was received from the Board of Electricity of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of Earch,1911. Ordered filed. A communication was received fron the League of California Municipalities calling attention to the meeting of the International Congress of Hunicipalities to be held in Chicago from September 18th to 30th 1911. Ordered filed. A communication Was received from Wynn Meredith of the Board of Electricity requesting a leave of absence from the City of six weeks duration. Mr.Walker mov- ed that the request he granted,secorded by Mr.Hammond and carried. A communication was received from the Board of Electricity stating that the electric wiring of the bridges over the canal had not been clone in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Department of Electricity and that the said 'Tepart- ment would not connect the said work with its power wires until the defect had been remedied. Er.Walker moved that the matter be referred. to the Public Utilities Committee of the Council,seconded by Er.Opence and carried. A communication was received from the Clerk stating that on account of the death of T.7.Simpson a vacancy occured in the Office of City Attorney,that the date of expiration of the term of office to which Nr.Sinpson had been appointed was Au- gust 5th 1911. Ordered filed,and thereupon Councilman Hammond in a few words deploring the death of the late City Attorney moved that the Hon.A.F.St.Sure be fir- pointed to the Office of City Attorney to fill the un-expired term,seconded by Er. Walker and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Yrumb, Hannond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes :None. Absent :None. Mr.St.Sure addressed the Council thanking it for the honor conferred on him by the appointment and promised to conduct the office to the best of his ability. The City Clerk administered to him the Oath of Office and on his presenting a bond in the sum of 4000.00,as provided for by :)rdinance,which togetber with his Oath of Office was ordered filed he took his place in the Council Chamber and assumed his duties. A communication was received from C.F. and Mrs.T1.A.Townsend claiming possess- ion of a certain piece of property ad,loining the Municipal Electric Light, Plant on the south which the said plant had recently rented from other parties. Er.Hammond moved that the matter be referred. to the City Attorney,seconded by Lr.Probst and car- ried. Alfred Nelson of Albany,Cal.presented an application for a gratuitous license to peddle notions;Martin Govenik of Oakland presented an application for a gratnitous license to peddle notions. Mr.Hammond moved that they be referred to the License Committee,seconded by hr.Christensen and carried. Paul Leon residing at 767 Taylor Avenue,Alameda,presented an application for a gratuitous license to sell and peddle tomales. Mr.Ells moved that the same he granted,seconded by IvIr.Probst and carried. A communication was received from the City Clerk notifying the Council of the expiration of the terms of office of certain officials. Ordered, filed. May 5th 1911. of the Council he appointed I.N.Chapnan as City Engineer to succeed himself. Mr. Christensen moved that the appointment he confi n,d,seconded by Mr.Bullock and car- ried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond, Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Prohst and Bullock, (9). Noes :None. Absent :None. A communication was received from the Mayor in which subject to the approval of the Council he appointed J.E.Christy a member of the Board of Electricity to suc- ceed himself. Mr.Probst moved that the appointment he confirmed,seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Chri tensen,Walker Krumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent: None. Mr.Krumb moved, that V.M.Frodden be appointed Street Superintendent to succeed himself, seconded by Mr.Talker and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Talher,Krumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes :None. Absent :None. Mr.Bullock moved that F.F.Browning be appointed to the office of City Clerk to succeed hinself,seconded by Mr.Walker and carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bul- lock,(9). Noes:None. Absent :None . Ifr,Christensen moved that Mrs.I.N.Chapman be appointed a member of the Free Library Trustees to succeed herself,seconded by Mr.Vialker and carried by the follow- ing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,alker,Krumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes :None . Absent :None. A communication was received from John J.May resigning his position as Pound- master. Mr.Hammond moved that it be accepted,seconded by Mr.Spence and carried. A communication was received from the Mayor in which subject to the approval of the Council he appointed Grant Hicks as Pound-master in the place and stead of John J.i'tay,resigned. Mr.Hammond moved that the appointment be confirmed,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Conncilmen Christensen, Walher,Krumb,Hammond,Spence,711s,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes :None. Absent :None The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Street Superintendent Frodden end to City Engineer Chapman which were ordered filed.. The Mayor administered the Oath of Office to City Clerk Browning and the same was ordered filed. Street Superintendent Frodden,City Encireer Chapman and City Clerk Prowning presented bonds in the sum of 2500.00 each for the true and faithful performance of their duties and on their he filed the saia officials re-assumed their duties. A communication was received from the Surf Beach Park Co., requesting a reduc- tion in their licence from 0.00.00 to 25.00. After some discussion I:a...Hammond moved that the matter he referred to the License Committee in conjunction with the City Attorney,seconded by Mr.Walker and carried. A communication was received from the Southern Pacific Company statint that it would have the matter looked into regarding the building of a new station at Park Street and Lincoln Avenue. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the War -trent stating that in accor- dance with arrangements made with the City Clerk the San Francisco Bay Harbor Line Board would hold a meeting in the Council Chamber on May 16th 1911,at ].O o'clock A.M May 5th 1911. Council on the sr.id date for the said purpose be aprroved,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried. A communication was received from the Park & Playground Commission request- ing permission to enter into a contract with Ti.Mazzini to install the plumbing fixtures recently purch ed from the. J.L.Mott Iron Torks,at a cost of 200.00. Mr .Bullock moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr.Krumb and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Yrumb,Hammond pence, Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent :None. A communication was received from the North Side Improvement Club,contain- a copy of a resolution adopted by the said Club,advocating the use of all materials in public buildings of California manufacture where the quality was the same as of eastern manufacture. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the North Side Improvement Club inviting the Mayor and Council to attend a meeting of the said club on this evening the tth day of Liar. Mr.Yrumb moved that the Clerk he directed to address a communica- tion terdering the regrets of the Council for not being present on account of the holding of the Council meeting,seconded by Mr.liammond and carried. A communication was received from C.A.Borle as acting secretary of a meet- ing of property owners along the line of the proposed power wire franchise,pro- testing against the granting of the said franchise. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Police & Fire Commission estimating the needs of the Fire Department and the cost of same as 36,50C.00 to be submit- ted to the people at a proposed bond election. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Department of Electricity estimating the needs of the Municipal Electric Light Plant and the cost of same as 125700.00 to be submitted to the people at a proposed bond election. Ordered filed. A communication was received from E.7.Taylor,attorney for the Street Commis- sioners appointed for the purpose of opening a new street off of Webster Street rear its northerly end under Resolution of Intention No.731. Accompanying same were three deeds to property taken for the putpose of said opening. Mr.Taylor's request was to discharge the said Commissioners from their office by virtue of their having completed their labors. Mr.Krumb moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney to ascertain if the proceedings end deeds were in proper form, seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried. The Street Committee presented a report that it bad investigated the propo- sition to open Minturn Street through to Santa Clara Avenue and recommended that the parties interested in the said opening make their own arrangements and raise themselves the money necessary for the said opening. Ordered filed. The Street Committee presented a favorable report regarding the matter of deeding certain property 10 feet by 100 feet at the south-rest corner of College and San Jose Avenues to the ad,loining property owners. Mr.Yrumb moved that the report be adopted and that the City Attorney be directed to draw up the necessary deeds,seconded by Mr.Rammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Council- men Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hamnond,Spence,Ells,Morgen tern,Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes :None. Absent :None. Mr,T:rumb moved that in view of the fact that technical errors had been made in the proposed work of improving the south end of Grand Street under Resolutions May 5th 1911. A communication was received from the joint committee consisting of the Police & Fire Commission and the Fire,ater and Police Committee of the Council recommending that an Ordinance be passed prohibiting the discharge or use of all fireworks excepting torredoes,torredo canes,and firecrackers two inches in size or under. Mr.Talker moved that the same be filed, and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare such an Ordinance,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Granting to the Southern Pac- ific Company,a Railroad Corporation the right,privilege and franchise to erect and maintain poles and wires along Grand Street from Clement Avenue to Buena Vista Avenue and westerly on Buena Vista Avenue from Grand Street to the right of way of the Central Pacific Eailrny west of Eighth Street,for the purpose of stringing a power wire" introduced by Mr.Hammond on April 18th 1911,came up for pasage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.Hammond moved its adoption,seconded by iIr.Prohst and lost by the following vote. Ayes :None. Noes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Yrumb, Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern„,_robst and Bullock, (9). Absent :None. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Fixing the Fees of the City gineor for services rendered in Connection with the Street Lighting Act of 190b", introduced by Mr.:Krumb on April 18th 1911,came up for passage and was reap by the Clerk. Mr.Yrumb moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.'dalker nna carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,rrumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells, Morgenstern,Prohst and Bullock,(9). Noes :None. Absent :None. Mr.Morgenstern introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Amend Ordinance No.464 of the City of Alameda Relating to the Inspection of Milk and Cream",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. Mr.Morgenstern rerorted that the Laundry in the rear of the Porter School had buildt an addition to the smoke stack complained of by the by the said school and that the principal had assured him that he had no further complaint to make. Mr.:Krumb reported that he had investigated the complaint made to the Mayor by the Taylor Lumber. Company of an ark located on the beach at the north end of Grand Street and that the Taylor lumber Co. ,was willing to allow the sane to re- main where it was and therefore withdrew its complaint. Mr.Walker moved, that the Public Building and Grounds Committee be directed to prepare plans and estimate for the construction of a combination Emergency Hospital and Garage in the rear of the City Hall,seconded by Lr.Hammond and carried. Er.7rumb brought up the matter of the purchase of certain articles for the use of the Pound. Mr.Bullock moved that the Street Committee be authorized, to purchase the said article seconded by Mr.Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes :None. Absent :None. Mr.Spence moved that the Finance Committee be authorized to purchase the furniture necessary to furnish the City Attorney s office,seconded by Mr.Christen- sen and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,alker,1:rumb, Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes :None. None. Absent: Er.Mc.Lennan President of the Park & Playground Commission addressed the. Council on the needs of the various parks and stated that he would bring' the mat- ter before the Council in a written form at a later date.