1911-05-16 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COU:TCTI OF TEE CITY OF ALATIP.DA, TUESDAY,MAY 16th 1911. The meeting convonod with Council President Bulloch,presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen 7;a1.ker,7rnm1 ,Spence.7,11s,Mor-e s;, Bullock,(6),were noted present and Councilmen Chrlstensen,Hammond and Probst, (3), absent. The minutes of the regular meeting of I,:ay 2nd,1911 re re read and ordered ap- proved. The minutes of the ad,lourned regular meeting of May 5th 19 ,were read and ordered approved. Councilmen Hammond and :Probst arrived during the reading the minutes and were noted present. communication was read from the Mayor in which subject to the approval of the Council he appointed Stunner Crosby a member of the Board of Education in the place and stead of D.L.Randolp7i,whose term had expired. Mr.Spence moved that the appointment be confirned,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen V11ker,Krumb,Haymond,Spence,Ells,IZorgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes :None. Absent :Councilman Christensen, (1). Mr.CrosIT took the Oath of Office and subscri'eed to the same which was or- dered placed on file. Re also adcressed the Council thanking it for the honor 7tich had been conferred on him and promised to give his best efforts to the city in upholding the school, department. The City Engineer presented a certificate to the effect F.H.Dahnke,had completed his contract for constructing a portion of the South Side Intercepting sewer and that there was a balance due him or the same of 428.SO, Ordered filed. Claims against the General. Fund, amounting to ,64.05;against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 67.50:against the Police Fund amounting to 190.65;against the Fire Fund amounting to ,;621.17;against the Street Fund amounting to c1295.93; against the Park (7 Playground. Fund amounting to 145.37 ;against Municipal Improve- ment Fund No.9,(Sewer) amounting to '4341,60 end against Municipal. Improvement Fund No.9,(School) amounting to ,:'3695.00 having been approved and audited by the rroper official were reed 17 the Clerk as tailors: GETF,RAL FUND. Alameda Daily Argus Printing 10.00 IT TT Ty TT' 2.50 TV TV TT II 2.25 0.00 6.00 Citizens Bank of Alameda assg Munson Supply Co i:eys for Typewriter 7.00 City Book Store 7ecord Book .75 Fox,Geo H. Premium on Bond 20.00 Inter-City Express Assessor's Office 2.00 Konigshofers Supplies 1.10 Pacific Tel & Tel Co Rental &c 2.45 Von Ah,Th Horse & Buggy Hire 2.00 Total-- Alameda Steam Laundry Bussenius,A.G. Towel Service Medicine for Pound tray 16th 131i Alameda Daily Argus Alameda Steam Laundry Assn Citizens Bk.of Alameda Davis,W.F. Denser, O. Magagnos,C.:'. Pacific Tel & Tel Co Park Garage Polk-Hu ted Directory chneider, Henry Steinmetz,Theo.F. Taylor & Co. Unna, Herman 17estern Union Tel Co. POLICE FUND Printing Laundry service assg Munson Supply Co Supplies Auto Supplies Sick Vacation Plates,i'rinting Telephones &c Auto Supplies Co. City Directories Stationery Blankets umber :deals for prisoners Clock Rental Total- Alameda Steam Laund,Assn Board of Police & Fire Commissioners Brown & Adams Co. Brown Furniture Co. Coustier & Sons IT TT Furey,F.P. Hay & Baird Jones & Forrest Jorgenson, P. King,A.R. Lomax,R.E. Larshall-Newell Surply Morp7an's Pharmacy Oakland Gas Light & Heat Co. Pacific States Refineries Park Garage Patey & Cocks Peoples Water Co. Plummer & Son,(eo T. Polk-Husted Co Putzman 8.7 Hoffman Hesso & Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Scott,Magner & Miller Sutherland' Pharmacy Wagner, Oliver P. Wagner 00.,L. Westall,Chas FIRE FUUD Linen & Towel Service Repairs Leather Carpet Repairs Painting Repairs TT Horse-shoeing TT If !T Supplies Medicine Gas soJ nme Supplies Hydrants & Water Lumber Directories Repairs Coal & idaterial Feed &c idedicine "anling Suprlies Coal Oil Total- 4.75 5.60 3.50 12.25 90.00 1.25 3.95 2,75 6.00 13.75 20.00 9.85 14.00 3.20 cT, 190.85 15.00 42.78 7.92 .75 2.40 72.00 15.00 .25 10.00 5.00 11.50 5.00 10.00 2.75 .75 29.43 15.50 .95 2.00 301.77 6.85 6.00 .25 7.40 15,95 184.89 2.00 10.00 7.26 7.00 821.17 May 16th 1911 STREET FUND Adams.John Labor 4% 12.50 25.00 8.40 25.00 3.50 26.00 27.50 73.00 IT 30.00 Fischer Plumb.& Hdwe C 71. . 4.29 Frayssac,Ph. Labor 27.50 Frier,E.G. It 27.50 Goldstone,John Supplies 35.61 Hammond,C..7. U 118.30 Hasselgren,A. Labor 27.50 Hay & Baird Repairs 15.60 lane,Thos Labor 27.50 27.50 McConnell,W. 20.00 McGibbon,J.E. 27.50 Morgan,';;.11, U 27.50 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Rental 2.25 Pennoek,M. Labor 27.50 Peoples Water Co. Water 35.00 Pingree,W.A. Labor 27.50 Pioneer Bottle Yard Supplies 12.63 Plummer & Son,Geo E. Lumber 16.10 Polk-Hnsted Directory Co. Directory 6.00 Rhodes-4amieson & Co. Laterial 162.85 yir 120.90 ff 140.50 Snow,G.A. Labor 27.50 Stevens,A.F. /7 27.50 Tofaneli, . 27.50 Willians,A. 22.50 Wooley,J.C. VT 22.50 Total- PAR7 87, PLAYGROUND FUND Back & Hansen Building Partitions 4 145.37 MUNICIPAL InPROVE7:E7T FUND No.9,(Sewer) Dahnke,F.11. On Contract $4289.80 Sutton,Jas E. Inspector's fees 52.00 Total- ,54341.-8-6 MUNICIPAL IMPROVMENT FUND N0.9,(School) Powell Bros Cons.00., On Contract 4695.00 :Ir.Srence moved that the claims as read be paid,peconded by Mr.Probst and car- ried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Walker,7:rumb,Hammond, Spence ,Ells,Mor- Bennett,Jas Burgner & Martin Supplies Cavanaugh, Labor Citizens Bank of Ala.assg Munson Supply Co Supplies TI Clark & Sons,N. Costa, Joe Empire Foundry Co. Supplies Labor Supplies May 16th 1911. A continuation certificate was presented from the United States Fidelity & G Guaranty Company on the bond of Edward J.Simon,and employe of the Municipal Elec- tric Light Plant. Ordered filed. An invitation was received from the Cherry Festival Committee of San Leandro inviting the citizens of Alameda to participate in the said carnival to be held in San Leandro on June 9th and 10th 1911. Mr.Harnmond moved that the same he filed and the Clerk directed to accept the same on behalf of the City of Alameda,second- ed by ::r.Spence and carried. A communication was received from Alfred A.Parateau,congratulating the .layor and council on the various appointments of City Officials. Ordered filed. A protest was received from H.E.V:arren of 1 Lincoln Avenue and some fifteen others against the proposed placing of certain frame buildings on the north side of Lincoln Avenue 1-etween Everett .etreet and Broadway and ad;loining 2527 Lincoln Avenue. idr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee in conjunction with the Street Superintendent,seconded by Mr.'::alker and carried. Charles Thomas of 1222 College Avenue presented and application for the po- sition of Janitor of the City Hall in case of a vacancy. Ordered filed. Ir.Srence moved that the applications of Alfred Nelson and Martin Govenik for gratuitous licences to peddle notions presented at-the last meeting of the Council and referred to the License Committee,be granted,seconded by Mr,Ells and carried. Mr.Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: PESOLVED,That the City Attorney is hereby authorized to employ a stenographer to serve at the pleasure of the Conncil,at a monthly salary of fifty dollars per month. Mr.Spence seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(8). Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Christensen, (1). The Oaths of Office of Mrs.I.7.0hapman as a member of the Board of Free Li- brary Trustees and of J.71.Christy as a member of the Boar d of Dlectricity,were pre- sented and ordered filed The Oath of Office and Bond of Crant Ricks as :'oundmaster were presented and ordered filed. A communication was received from City Auditor & Assessor F.J.Croll in which he appointed 7.1,:ayrisch as Deputy Auditor and G.W.Christensen and Deputy Assessor. Mr.Krumb moved that the aprointments be oonfirmed,eeconded by Mr.'s.alker and carried by the foil owing vote. Ayes:Conrcilmen Valker,Krunh,hammond 3pence ,Ells,Morgens- tern,Frobst and Bullock, (8). Noes :None. Absent :Councilman Christensen, (1). A communication was received from the Mayor in which subject to the approval of the Council he appointed G.W.Christensen as City Hall. Deputy. Mr.T:rumb moved that the appointment he confirmed,seconded by :,.r..;,alker and carried by the follow- ing vote. Ayes :Councilmen V.a1ker,Krumb,Hammond,3pence,E1ls,orgenstern,2rohst and Bullock, (8). Noes :None. Absent :Councilman Christensen,(1). A communication was received from the City Clerk in which he aprointed Christensen as Deputy City Clerk. Mr.::rumb moved that the appointment he confirm- ed,seconded by :dr.7,alker and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Walicer,Krunb, llannond , Spence , El ls ,Liorgenstern,7robst end Bullock, (8) . Noes :None. Absent :Councilman Christensen, (1). -PN.r111Q+ CI-PROM:3a +1-In f 1 nn pnd moved its ndortion: IIay 16th 1911 Whereas,there is now pending in the Superior Court of the 3tate of California, in and for the County of Alarneda,an action entitled as follows,to-wit:No,33786.Dept. 2. In the Superior Court of the County of Alameda,State of California. Alfred L. Bannister,plaintiff,vs.The City of Alameda,a municipal corporation,defendant; And,whereas,said action is now ready for trial; And,whereas,the Hon.::i.W.Sinpson,former city attorney for the City of Alameda and attorney for defendant in said action,has passed. from mortal vision; And,whereas,A.F.St.Sure,Esq.,the present city attorney of the City of Alameda, is disqualified from acting as the attorney for either of said parties to said ac- tion for the reason that he was one of the attorneys of record for said plaintiff when said action was commenced;now,therefore, Resolved,that R.D.Tappan be,and he is hereby authorized and empowered to appear for said city of Alameda as the attorney of record for said City of Alameda in all matters relating to the trial and final disposition of said action. Mr.Walker seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Spence ,Ells ,Morgensten , robst and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Christensen,(1). The Street Superintendent presented a report certifying that the work of con- structing the South Side Sewer from B ay St.,to 8th St.,along the shore line,and from the shore line to the North Side Sewer along 8th ..,=;t.,done by F.N.Dahnke,Contractor, under contract with the City of Alameda,had been faithfully finished and completed under his direction and to his satisfaction,and that the work done,and material used complied with the plans,specifications and contract therefor. Idr.Trumb moved that it he filed,seconded by :Jr.Hannond and carried. :1177.:Krumb introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 17,SOLVED,That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following street work to he done in said city,namely: That a salt-glazed,vitrified,iron-.stone sewer,six inches in inside dianeter,with 4-inch Y-branches,and without house connections,be constructed in Grand Street in a right line from the existing manhole at the crossing of Grand Street and Dayton Avenue along the center line of Grand Street to the exist- ing manhole at the easterly end of the South Side Intercepting Sewer. The Alameda Lally Argus is hereby designated as the daily newspaper published and circulated in this City in which this resolution,and the Street Superintendent Notice of the passage thereof,shall be published. The Clerk is hereb7T directed to publish this Resolution by two successive insertions in said newsparer,and post the sane for two days conspicuously near the Chamber door of this Council. Mr.Vialker seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes :Councilmen .alker,:runb,hanmond,4ence,711s,:lorgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes :None. Absent:Conncilman Christensen, (1) The City Attorney reported that the deeds received from the Oakland Y:ater- front Company,the Central Pacific Railway Company and the South Pacific Coast Rail- way Company for property for the opening of a new street off, of the idebster Street Roadway under Resolution of Intention i4).731,wre in due form and the City Engineer reported that the descriptions contained therein were true and correct and thereupon Nr.Krumb moved that the Commissioners appointed to open the said street be discharg- ed and that the City Attorney be directed to record the said deeds,seconded by Lr. May 16th 1911 for the construction of a power line of poles and wires on Grand street from Clem- t Avenue to Buena Vista Avenue and thence westerly on Buena Vista Avenue to the railway crossing of the.tracks of the Central 2acific Railway west of T]ighth Street, from the property owners along the said streets. Mr.Hammond moved that it be fil- ed,seconded hy Mr.4ence and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance N . To Amend Ordinance No.464 of the City of Alameda Relating to the Inspection of Milk and Cream",introduced May 5th 1911,by Mr.Morgenstern came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Morgenstern moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.Probst and adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Valker,rumh,liammond,Speace,Ells,Lorgen- stern,Probst and Dullock,(8). 7oes:7one. Absent:Councilman Christensen,(1). 1:r.7rumb introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance io, Amend- ing Ordinance No.577 Relating to the :'uhlic .1Thound",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. Mr.Walher introduced. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Pro- hibiting the Use of Certain Fire-Arms and Fire-orks",which Was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. Mr.Spence introduced A Bill entitled A Dill for Ordinance No. Amend- ing Section 17 of Ordinance 464 Telating to Municipal Licenses for Pegulation,Rev- enue and Establishing the License Tax Therefor",which v.as laid over under the pro- visions of the Charter. The various City Departments and )fficiais presented their estimates of the amounts necessary to ciary on the business of their said Departments and Offices for the fiscal year heginning July let 1911 and ending June 0Cth 191. Hammond moved that they he referred to the Finance Committee,eeconded by Mr.Krumb and carried. The matter of the proposition to construct a building for the use of an emergency hospital and garage in the rear of the City Mall yes taken up and Mr. hammond moved that the matter he referred to the Tublic Buildings & grounds Com- mittee in cora4unction with the Finance Comnittee,seconded by Ur.Ells and carried. Mr.:dorgenstern reported progress in the matter of making arrangerente with the Alameda Sanitarium for the care of injured or sick persons while changee 'ore heing made in the matter of changing the location of the present emergency hospital. Mr.Hammond reported that he had appeared before the Board of Supervisors re- garding the complaint made by the Department of Electricity as to the faulty wir- ing of the bridges over the Tidal Canal and stated that the said Board had promis- ed. to change the wiring so as to remove the matters conplained of. Mr. ammond reported that the Alameda iarbor Commission, The Public Utilities Committee of the Council and representatives of various interests along the Ala- meda side of the Estuary had had a meeting rith the U.S.Government Engineers with referrence to improvements to he made by dredging e on the said Alameda side of the Estuary and moved that the City Engineer he directed to prepare a map or maps showing the exact condition of affairs on the south line of the Estuary as regards the pier and bulkhead lines,seconded by Mr.Walker and carried. 17r.Krumb reported that the gasoline roller owned by the City and used by the Street Department Was in need of repairs and moved that the Street Committee be authorized to have the repairs made at a cost of 2O0.00,eeconded by idr.Hammond and x.^4-es m,r,,c,.0^1141-rnn,n 17:o11-nr Trri7m1, T-TamTnnnA P,Inimcrinta I:ay 16th Ells,Morgenstern,rrobst and Bullock, (€3) Noes :None. Absent :Councilman Chris- tensen,(1). Mr.Krunb brought up the matter of the opening of Page Street,southerly from Central Avenue and moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee in con,Innction with the City Attorney, seconded by Yx.ilammond and carried. Mr.Hammond brought up the matter of the opening of certain streets and moved that the matter be referred to Mr.Morgenstern,seconded by 4.4r.V,alker. Mr.Morgen- stern objected on the grounds that he believed that such matters should be left in the hands of the Street Committee. After some discussion with the consent of his second Mr.Lammond withdrew his motion. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting,Tuesday,June 6th 1911,at 7.0 P.M. City Clerk of Alameda.