1911-06-06 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE co= L OF Ti E CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY,JUNE 6th 1911. The Meeting convened with Mayor W.H.Noy,presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Spence, Ells,Probst and Bullock,(8),were noted presert and Councilman Morgenstern,(1) absent. The minutes of the meeting of May 16th 1911,were read and ordered approved. Councilman Morgenstern arrived during the reading of the minutes and was noted present. A communication was received from the Park & _ y,round Commission requesting that Geo—Pratt be placed upon the salary roll as an employe of the said Commission as janitor of the lavaratories of the various parks at a monthly compensation of 430.00. Mr.Bullock moved that the request he granted,seconded by Mr.Spence and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,17alker,Krumb,Hammond, Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 4546.57;against the Fire Fund amounting to 66.00;against the Police Fund amounting to .200.15;against the Elec- tric Light Fund amounting to 47521.39:against the Library Fund amounting to 4236.69; against the Street Fund amounting to 42180.10;against the Municipal Improvement Fund No.8,(School) amounting to 49455.06;against Municipal Improvement Fund No. (School) amounting to 45768.25 and against the Park & Playground Fund amounting to ,150.00 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows: GENERAL FUND Akeeson, A. Supplies for City Pound 1.75 Alameda Daily Argun Printing for City Pound 8.50 Printing for City Attorney 10.50 Tinting for City Treasurer 21.00 Advertising .10 u 11 U .11 u U U Printing 1.00 4.00 Alameda m Leundry Association Towel. Service 6.00 Painting signs 5.50 Express charges .25 Medicine for City Pound 5.00 F'urniture for City Attorney 26.00 Plumbing at City Pound 11.30 u ” u Arthur, F. C. Bromine, F. E. Bussenius, A. G. Crocker, H. S. Furey, Frank P. Material, and Labor at City Pound 2.25 Hicks, Gr-nt Services 12.50 Lundberg & using Supplies for City Pound 3.20 Mazzini, L. Election Expense 4.80 It fl Supplies for Pound 22.40 U ” Tv it u 3.50 U Tv u if u 3.75 Oaklr_nd Gas Light & Heat Co. Gas 2.30 Peoples Vlater Company \Vater for City Hall 12.20 June 6th, 1911. PronOlt forward - 168.81 Perata, A, Removing garbage 1.00 Peterson, J. H. Services as Deputy Assessor 85.00 Plummer & Son. Geo, E. Lumber 11.30 Rucker-Fuller Desk Co. Furniture for City Attorney 147.06 Schneider, Henry Stationery & supplies 11.00 TT TT VI 7/ 1.60 TT TV TT H TT 12m10 Simpson, Edna Salary 25.00 Smith Bros. Supplies 4.00 St. Sure, A. F. Court Fees advanced 21.10 7/ 77 71 Fees advanced 7.30 Vosburgh & Co., J. B. Supplies for City Pound 6.95 Wagner Bros, Teaming 1.50 Yawman & Erhe Mfg. Co: Furniture 35.10 Zellerbach Paper Co. Supplies for Janitor 7.75 Total 546.57 FIFE FUND. Plotz, H. C. Services Rendered . 66.00 POLICE FUND Conrad, John Incidental expenses 20.15 Daly, Geo. Salary 90.00 Pries, W. . Salary 90.00 Total - 200,15 ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. .Alameda Daily Argus Printing 15.00 Arthur, F. C. Painting sign 2.50 Lay Station Cyclery , Repairs .75 Board of Electricity Incidentals for Kay 1911 7.50 Bussenius, A. G. Drugs 4.75 Coustier & Sons Repairs 12.00 47.00 Crane Co, Supplies 1.15 4.09 1.46 27.25 c„.25 .10 3.15 Srno cases 71.15 Hiller :Lamp Co. Glass balls 68.00 . Island City Electric Co. Supplies 1.20 Kellogg Express Co. Drayage 24.40 Supplies 42.75 King, A. R. Horseshoeing 6.50 Leona Chemical Company Supplies 3.90 Tnma- P P z nn ff 11 TT IT T/ Crocker Co., H. S. Crosse-up, T. 0. Sodlizn phosphate Dow Lumping Engine Co., G o. E. Supplies Fischer Blurb. & Hdwe Co.,G. F. Material Gamewell Fire Alarm & Tel. Co. Supplies Gorham-Revere Rubber Co. Keystone Lubricating Co. I4') , June 6th, 1911. Marshall-Newell Supply Co. Moore & Co., Chas. C. Morgan, Ross Munson Supply Co. National Conduit & Cable Co. Pacific. States Electric Co. IT TI If TV TI IT U if IT 11 TT 11 TV TI IT TT fT TT TT TI TI 17 IT 11 If IV Pacific Tel. 8. Tel. Co. 71 TY tV IT Park Garage Peoples Water Co. Powell Pros. Construction Co. T? 11 TT TI rr H TV TT Plummer & Son, Geo. E. Pisdon Iron & Locomotive Works Ritchie, L. E. Pooh 7J_rgs Sons Co., John A. .1 IT TT TT TV Ti TI 11 TT Ti Brought forward - 355.52 Supplies 7.00 Ti 16.70 Assisting City Engineer 2.50 Supplies 3.50 Insulated copper wire 1041.47 Supplies 21.10 38.42 17.89 43.09 Poles 336.00 168.00 294.24 206.85 7ental and Tofls 14.00 II TT 14.35 7.50 15.69 3.7.00 19.50 TV Pt TT TI Copper wire TT Supplies Water Fire Brick Team Hire 1f 1? and .7 barrels 27.40 , Lumber Third payment on contract Premium on bond Copper wire /I TT Ehodes-Janiesen & Co. Coal Standard Oil Co. Gasoline Fuel Oil Gasoline Fuel Oil Sad Irons Meters White marble Whittie C b rn Co. Glass 1\): Oil Total - LIBRARY FUND Alameda Daily Argus Printing and supplies 15. Alameda Free Library Petty expenses 20.35 Alameda Free Library Eastern Claims 3.50 Cunningham, Curtis & Welch Book 2.70 Evening Times-Star Subscription 4.20 Fielding, G. Daily newspapers 6.00 Hauge, 01 f F-7-nellse 3.75 TI If IT Westinghouse E. „;. M. Co. It TY II 11 11 II Ti IT II Ii 7.75 96.2 10.20 388.75 395.75 2.no 7.25 1029.60 7.50 1024.80 5.50 1.00 19.35 48.12 7521.39 Library Burearu Supplies .90 Fuel 54.25 June 6th, 1911. Brought forward - Mazzini L. Plumbing New'negin, J. J. Books Peoples Water Co. Water Trirp, John B. Books Volberg, C. C. Rent of West End Peading ,00m Wheeler 2ublishing Co. Books Adams, John Alameda Doily Argus Bennett, Jas. Britt, W. Cal. Corrugated Culvert Co. Cavanauvh, W. Chapman, E. N. Chapman, E. N. Assg. 3. E. McGibbon Labor Clark & Sons )plies Costa, Joe, Tabor Evening Times-Star Printing Frayssac, Th. Labor Frier E. G. Hammond, C, J. S. Surplies Hasseigren, A. Tabor Rigby, Win. Gasoline Island. City Electrical Co. Suppie Jamison, J. S. Labor Lane, Thomas Nazzini, L. Morgan, Ross Morgan, W. H. McCah, • STREET FUND Labor Advertising Tabor Teaming Surplies Labor Assisting City Engineer /I IV Supplies Assisting City Engineer labor IV 130,32 2.50 5.40 1.95 11.52 .00 60.00 256.69 37.50 6.13 37.50 91.00 300.00 12.00 27.50 35.60 37.50 3.00 57.50 27.50 186.45 35.00 3.50 2.10 130.00 37.50 1.15 25.00 37.50 35.00 Pacific Tel. ec Tel. Co. Rental 2.25 Pennock, M. Labor 37.50 Peoples Water Co. Water 55.34 Peters, T. L. Teaming 102.50 Pingree, W. Tabor 37.50 Peioneer Bottle Yard Supplies 4.56 Plummer J,, ,,on. eo. E. Lumber 43.40 Powell Bros. ConsJ-ructio Co. Sea-wall, foot of Chestrut St. 250.00 II TV IT Pile 5.65 Sorralunga, L. labor 145.00 Snow, G. A. II 37.50 Stockier, J. Placksmithing 70.95 Stevens, A, F. Tabor 37.50 Thurston, C. E. Teaming 20.00 Tofanelli_ F. Tabor 37.50 If June 6th, 1911. Vacarazza, A. Williams, A. Woolley, J. C. Darnkroeger, D. A. Klenck & Muller Brought forward - Labor It I/ Total - AL IMPT017MENT FUND tiO. 8 Services as On contract Total 7 2072.60 35,00 37.50 .00 _ 2180.10 75.00 612.00 8177.75 375.00 215.31 9455.06 MUNICIPA MTI:OVEET:NT FUND NO. 9 Damkroeger, D. P. Service' as Supt. 4 75.00 Morgan, 8: Co. On contract Powell Bro. Construction Co. Extra Work on Haight School TT On contract Total PA= AND PLAYGF.OUUD COMMUSION Bruck, F. Carpenter 105.00 King, Manuel Labor 15.00 Pratt, Geo. Janitor services 30.00 Total - 150.00 Mr.Bullock moved that the claims as read he paid,seconded by Mr.Chrisensen and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb, Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes :None. Absent: None. 2835.00 42.00 2816.25 A report was received from the Auditor showing the apportionment of taxes made May 18th 1911. Ordered filed. A report was received from the Auditor showing the balances in the various funds on May 31st 1911. Ordered filed. A rerort was received from the Mayor,Auditor and City Clerk certifying that they had on May 25th 1911,counted the money in the hands of the City Treasurer and found the amount to be 20C,047 .23 and that the same agreed with the balances as shown by the Auditor's hooks. Ordered filed. A report was received froo the Department of Electricity for the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of Apri1,1911. Ordered filed. A report was received from the Poundmaster for the month of May,1911. Or- dered filed. ' An inventory of the property owned hy the City and inept at the City Pound was presented showing a valuation of 307.65. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Southern Pacific Company stating that it expected to run its electric cars on its High Street branch on June 1st and the rest of the road ahout the end of ;Tune. Ordered filed - A communication was received from the Auditor requesting an extention of time until the 1st Monday in july,1911,in which to present his estimate of the probable receipts and expenditures of the various departments during the ensuing June 6th 1911. carried. A communication was received, from the City Treasurer requesting permission to trade in the adding machine now owned by the city and in use in his office for a new machine on the ground that since the old machine had met with an accident by being knocked off its stand several months ago it had not been accurate. Mr.Walker moved that the request he granted,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,77.rumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morc,enstern,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes :None. Absent :None. A communication was presented from the Foresters of America inviting the City Officials to he present at the memorial services to he given by the said body in Odd. Fellows Hall on Sunday, June 18th 1911,at 3 o'clock P.M. Mr.Hammond moved that it he accepted,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried. The following persons made applIcation for gratuitous licenses, YM.A.Banshach to peddle fruit and vegetables. Eugenio Pucci to peddle fruit and vegetables. Mrs S.German to conduct a palmistry,readings &c business. George Miller to peddle toilet soap and a patent filter. J.F.Houston to circulate the Holy Bible in different , aFes at cost prices. IvIr.Ells moved that the requests he ranted,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. A communication was received from the Clerk notifying the Council that the tern of office of Police and Fire Commissioner Louis T.Viard had expired on May 20th 1911. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Mayor in which subject to the approval of the Council,he appointed W.K.L.gynes as a member of the Police and Fire Commis- sion vice Louis T.V;ard,rhose term of office had expired. Mr.Walker moved that the appointment be confirmed,seconded by Mr.3pence and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Valker ,Krunh ,Hammond, Spence , Ells ,Morgenstern, Drohst and Bullock, (9). Noes :None. Absent :None. A communication was received from the City Attorney in which subject to the approval of the Council he appointed Miss Edna Simpson as his stenographer to date from May 15th 1911. Mr.Hammond moved that the appointment be confirmed,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, VTalker,Krumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(9).. Noes None. Absent :None. A communication was received from the City Treasurer in which he appointed Leon Ader as Deputy Treasurer and. Tax Collector. Mr.Hammond moved that the ap- pointment be confirned,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried b y the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes :None. Absent :None. Oaths of Office were received from E.Mayrisch as Deputy Auditor:G.W.Christen- sen as Deputy Assessor and. T.W.Christensen and Deputy City Clerk. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Mayor in which he stated that Park and Playground Commissioner F.P.McLennan had tendered him his resignation on May 25th 1911,verbally and that he had in a written communicetion,accepted the-same on May 6th 1911. Mr.Hammond moved that the acceptance he confirmed,seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the following vote, Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,elker, Krumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells,'o benstern,Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes :None. Ab- e, 4- • TT June 6th 1911 stating that he had been elected President of the said Commissioner in the place and stead of F.T.McLennan,resigned. Ordered filed. An estimate was received from the Park & Playground Commission fixing the amount necessary to he raised for improvements in the 2darks & Playgrounds at a proposed Bond election at 25OOO.Cc. Ordered filed. A communication was received from I.7.Chapman,City ingineer,making a statement of conditions existing and estimating the cost of constructing a wharf at the north end of Grand Street at approximately $15,000.00. Mr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Harbor Commission,seconded by Mr.Krumb and carried. A communication accompanied by statement of conditions was received from H.Graff of 3350 - 23rd Street,3an Francisco,advocating a tunnel under the Bay of San Francsco to connect an Francisco and Alameda. Mr.Probst moved that the matter he referred to the Public Utilities Committee of the Council,seconded by Mr. Spence and carried. A communication was received from t Street Committee recommending that the request of the South Shore Land Company for the City to ray the sum of 643.45 toward the repairs to the bulkhead at the southerly end of the said Company's prop- between Elth and 9th Streets,be denied. 17.r.Hammond moved that the recommenda- tion he adopted,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,alker,"rumb,Hammond,2pence,=s,orFenstern,Prob , and Bullock, (9) Noes :None. Absent :None . from the A communication accompanied by a map was receiv,1 showing the property lines and Harbor lines of the Oakland Harbor bordering the Alameda shore of same which he had made by direction of the Council for use of the iarbor Commissiont mond moved that they he filed,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried. A communication was received from Street Superintendent Frodden stating hat he had appointed A.U.Van Cott,engineer of the street motor roller in the place and teed of Tdm.McConnell,resigned. Yir.Walker moved that the appointment be confirm- ed,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried. Mr.Krumb moved that all action in the matters pertaining to Resolutions of In- tention No.759 and 761 for the erection of electroliers on certain streets he rescind- ed by reason ol certain errors having been made,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Coun _men Christensen,alker,:7rumb,Hammond,Spence, Ells,Morgensuern,Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes :None. Absent :None. Mr.7,rumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption, Resolved,That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following improvement to he done in said city,naxnely: That iron pipe electric lamp posts each with a cast iron tor and ground glass globe and lamp and set up in a concrete base,he erected and constructed on both sides of the following described streets and avenues of said city between the limits there- of hereinafter mentioned :said lamp posts to be placed at intervals of 150 feet along each side of said streets and avenues,and arranged so that the lamp posts on one side of any such street or avenue shall be alternate ith those on the other side there- of;and that said lamp posts shall be wired and connected by means of underground conduits of iron ripe for oreration by the municipal electric light plant of said city;that said improvement shall be made and constructed on the following named x c,4-"nt,4-c nInr3 caTrninilmc 7i1,471, .gfraaf -Prr11,1 -Drani-Pin 41741-rnin i7r1 171.1ra "Rnir June 6th 1911 Francisco;Veber Street from Central Avenue to the Bay of San Francisco:Caroline Street from Santa Clara Avenue to the Bay of San 7rancisco:Hawthorne Street from San Antonio Avenue to the Bay of San Francisco:St.Charles Street from Santa Clara Avenue to the Bay of San Francisco:Bay Street from Central Avenue to the Bay of San Francisco;Sher- man Street from Central Avenue to the Day of San Francisco;Morton Street from Cent al Avenue to San Jose Avenue;Benton Street from Central Avenue to Encinal Avenue;Central Avenue from Benton Street to Ninth Street;Fair Oaks Avenue from Caroline Street to St. Charles Street:San Antonio Avenue from Ninth Street to Lorton Street. That the following is a srecification of the exterior boundaries of the district to be benefited by said improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof,namely: All that piece or rarcel of land situate,lying and being in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California,and bounded and particularly described as folDows: Commencing at a point on the southern line of nbific Avenue distart thereon twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Ninth Street,thence southerly along a line twenty ( ) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Ninth Street to interseotion with the State Tide Land Shore Line ;thence easterly and following the vieanderings of the State Tide Land Shore Line to intersection with a line twenty 20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Sherman Street; thence norther- ly along the line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Sherman Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of San Antonio Avenue; thence easterly along a line twenty (2,0) feet southerly from and parallel with the outhern line of San Antonio Avenue to a point thereon dis- tant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Lorton Street ; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Morton Street to interseetion vith a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Morton Street, as the said Lorton Street exists south of San Jose Avenue, (said last named eastern line of Morton Street being commonly 17110P11 as the East Fitch Line), thence northerly along the line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Morton Street, or east Fitch Line, as the said Morton Street exists south of San Jose Avenue, to intersection with a line twenty (se) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern lihe of Morton Street, as said Morton Street exists north of San Jose Avenue, to the southern line of Encinal Avenue; thence westerly along the southern line of Encinal Avenue t/intersection with a line twenty (2n) feet westerly from and parallel Ivith the western line of Morton Street; thence southerly along the said line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Morton Street, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of San Antonio Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of San Antonio Avenue to a point thereon distert twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Sherman Street; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Sherman Street to the southern line of Encinal Avenue; thence northerly in a right line to the point of intersection of the northern line of Encinal Avenue with a lire twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Central Avenue; thence easterly along the said line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Central Avenue, to a point thereon twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Morton Street; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Morton Street to the northern line of Encinal Avonne! 14:8 June 6th, 1911. twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Morton Street; thence northerly along the said line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eaetern line of Morton Street to a point thereon ditant twenty (20) feet south- erly from the southern line of Central Avenne; thence eaFterly elong a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Encinal. Avenue to inter- section pith a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and paralle with the western line of Benton Street, as the said Benton Street exists eouth of Central Avenue; thence south- erly along the said line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the said western line of Benton Street to the northern. line of Encinal Avenue; thence easterly along the northern line of Encinal Avenue to a point therein distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Benton Street; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Benton Street to the southern line of Alameda Avenue; thence in a right line to a point on the western line of Benton Street, as the said Benton Street exists north of Central Avenue, distant thereon twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Central Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty ( 0 ) feefeet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Central Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of St. Charles Street; thence along a Tine twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with St. Charles Street to the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence westerly along the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue to a point thereon distant twen- ty (20) feet westerly from the western lire of St. Charles Street; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of St. Charles Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Taylor Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Taylor Avenue, to a pont thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Caroline Street; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and paralle leith the eastern line of Caroline Street to the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence, westerly along the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Caroline Street; thence southerly along a Tine twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Caroline Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Taylor Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Taylor Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Ninth Street; thence along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and paralle with the eastern line of Ninth Street to the southern line of Pacific Avenue; thence westerly along the southern line of Pacific Avenue to the place of beginning, saving exaluding and excepting from the above mentioned and described district all public streets, high- ways, avenues, lenes and alleys. And, be it further resolved, that said proposed improvement is hereby referred to the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda, and said Board is hereby directed to make and file with the Clerk of the City Council a report in writing as required by the provisions of said statute hereinafter referred to. It is further resolved, that this resolution and proceedings hereunder are taken under and by virtue of the provisions of an aet entitled "An act to provide for the • lighting of public streets, lares,alleys, roads and places in municipalities, and for the 'assessment of the costs and expenees thereof upon the property benefitted thereby." June 6th, 1911. . Walker seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond Spence, Ells, Morgen- stern, Probst and Bullock, (9). No s:None. Absent:None. Mr. Krumh introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- Resolved, thst the public interest and convenience require and that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following improvement to be done in said city, namely: That iron pipe electric lanr posts each with a cast iron top and ground glass be and lamp and set up in a concrete base, be erected and constructed on both sides of the following described streets and avenues of said city between the limits there- of hereinafter mentioned; said lamp posts to be placed at intervals of 15C feet along each side of said streets and avenues, and arranged so that the lamp posts on one side of any such street or avenue shall be alternate with those on the other side thereof; and that said lamp posts shall be wired and connected by means of underground conduits of iron pipe for operation by the municipal electric light plant of said city; that said improvement shall be made and constructed on the following named streets and avenues, to-wit: Peru Street from Santa Clara Avenue to the Bay of San Francisco; Grand Street from Lincoln Avenue to the Bay of San Francisco; Union Street from Santa Clara Avenue to the Bay of San Francisco; Lafayette Street from Santa Clara Avenue to the Bay of San Francisco; Chestnut Street from Lincoln Avenue to the Bay of San Fran- cisco; Willow Street from Lincoln Avenue to Encinal Avenue; Walnut Street from Lin- coln Avenue to Central Avenue; Santa Clara Avenue from Paru Street to Oak Street; Central Avenue from Chestnut Street to Park Street; Alameda Avenue from Lafayette Street to Willow Street; San Antonio Avenue from Morton Street to Chestnut Street; Clinton Avenue from Sherman Street to Willow Street; San Joe Avenue from Morton Street to Chestnut Street; Dayton Avenue from Sherman Street east .to the end. That the following is a specification of the exterior boundaries of the district to be benefitted by said improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, namely: All that piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, and bounded and particularly descri- bed as follows:- Commencing at a point on the eastern line of Peru Street distant thereon twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence easterly along e line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallelwith the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue to a point distant thereon twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Grand Street; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Grand Street to the southern line of Lincoln Avenue; thence easterly along the southern line of Lincoln Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty 0) feet easterly from the eastern line of Grand Street; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with Grand Street, to a point thereon dis- , tant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue to a point thereon twenty (20) feet westerly from the west- ern line of Chestnut Street; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Chestnut Street to the southern line of Lincoln Avenue; thence easterly along the southern line of Lincoln Avenue to a point 6th, 1911. eastern line of Chestnut Street to a point thereon distant twenty north- erly from the northern line of Snnta Clara Avenue, thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue, to a point thereon twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Willow Street; thence northerly along a line twenty feet westerly from anC parallel v:ith the western line of Willow Street, to the southern line of Lineoln Avenue ; thence east- erly along the southern line of Lincoln Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Willow Street; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Willow Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue ; thence easterly .along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parnllel with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Walnnt treet ; thence northerly and alo line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Walnut Street the southern line of Lincoln Avonue; thence easterly along the southern line of Lincoln Avenue to a point twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Walnut Street; thence southerly and parallel with the eastern line of Walnut Street To a point twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence easterly, along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the north- ern lino of Santa Olara Avenue, to the western lino of Oak Street; thence southerly along th e western line of Ook Street te a point thereon aistant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern 1.in of Santa Clara Avenue; thence westerly, along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the exastern line of Walnut Street; thence sootherly, along a linP t7'enty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Walnut Street, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Central Avenue; thence easterly, along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and paralle with the northern line of Central Avenue, to the rentern line of Park Street, thence southerly along the western line of Psr1.7 Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Central Avenue; thence westerly alone said last named parallel line to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Willow Street; thence southerly, along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Willow Street, to the northern line of Encino]. Avenue; thence westerly along the northern line of Eneinal Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Willow Street; thence northerly, and along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Willow Street, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet souther- ly from the southern line of Alameda Avenue; thence westerly, along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of-Alameda Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Chestnut Street; thence southerly, along a line t.renty ( .0 ) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Chestnut Street, to R point/thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Clinton Avenue; thence easterly, along a line twenty 1 feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Clinton Avenue, to the western line of Willow Street; thence southerly along the western line of Willow Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the June 6th, 1911. erly from and parallel with Clinton Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (2C) feet easterly from the eaetern line of Chestnut Street; thence southerly, along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Chestnut Street, to the intersection with the State Tide Land Shore Line; thence westerly along the State Tide Land Shore Line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Chestnut Street; thence north- erly alone' the last named line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Cheetnut Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Clinton Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Clinton Avenue to a point thereon, djstant twenty ( 0) feet easterly from the eastern line of Lafayette St et; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line o Lafayette Street to intersection with the State Tide Land Shore Line; thenoe southwesterly elong the State Tide Land Shore Line to intersection with a line twenty ( 20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Lafayet Street; thence northerly along the line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Lafayette Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Clinton Avenue l thenoe westerly along a line twenty(20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Clinton Avenue to a point thereon, distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eaetern line of Union Street; thence southerly along a line twenty (20)feet easter1:7 from and parallel with the eastern line ef Union Street to intersection with the State Tide Land. Shore Line; thence westerly elong the State Tide Land Shore Line and the meanderings there- of to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Paru Street; thence northerly along the line twenty (20) feet west- erly from and parallel with the western line of Paru Street to a point thereon dis- tant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Dayton Avenue; thence west- erly along a lineltwenty ( 0) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Dayton Avenue to intersection with the eastern line of Sherman Street; thence northerly along the eastern line of Sherman Street to intersection with the line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Dayton Avenue; thence easterly along the line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Dayton Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Paru Strt; thence northerly along a line twenty ( 0) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Peru street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Clinton Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Clinton Avenue to the eastern line of Sherman Street; thence northerly along the eastern Tine of Sherman Street to intersection with a lino twenty (20) feet northerly from and narallel with the northern line of Clinton Avenue thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Clinton Avenue to intersection with a line three hundred and thirty-four (334; feet westerly from and parallel with the western lino of Paru Street; thence northerly along the line Three hundred and thirtyfour (334) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Paru Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of San Jose Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) r June Gth, 1911. eastern line of Morton Street, as said Morton Street exists south of San Jose Avenue, (said last named eastern line of Morton Street being commonly known as the East Fitch Line); thence nertherly along the said eastern line of Morton Street, or East Fitch Line, as the same exists south of San Jose Avenue, and the proection of the said line northerly to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Morton Street as said. Morton Street exists north of San Jose Avenue; thence northerly along a line (20) feet easterly from end parallel with the eastern line of Morton Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of San Antonio Avenue measured at right angles to n Antonio Avenue;thence westerly along a line (20) feet southerly from and paral- lel with the southern line of San Antonio Avenue to intersection with the eastern line of Morton Street;thence northerly along the eastern line of Morton Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the nor - thorn line of San Antonio Avenue ;thence easterly along the line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of San Antonio Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Paru Street ;thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Paru Street,to the southern line of Central. Avenue;thence easterly along the southern line of Central Avenue to intersection with a line twen- ty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Paru Street;thence southerly along said last named parallel line,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of San Antonio Avenue:thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of San Antonio Avenue,to a paint thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Grand St eet;thence along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Grand Street to the southern line of Central Avenue;thence easterly along the southern line of Central Avenue,to a point there- on distant twenty ( 0 ) feet easterly from the e S ern line of Grand Streot;thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Grand Street,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of San Antonio Avenue:thenee easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of San Antonio Avenue,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Union Street; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with Un- ion Street to the southern line of Central Avenue;thence easterly along the southern line of Central Avennetto a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Union Street;thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Union Street,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of San Antonio Avenue;thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of an Antonio Avenue,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Lafayette Street;thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Lafayette Street to the southern line of Eneinal Avenue ;thence easterly along the southern line of Encinal. Avenue,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Lafayette Street;thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel I 'V n n _JUs. 7,4 t A J. t, I. .11_ innl June 6th 1P11. feet northerly from the northern line of an Antonio Avenue;thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from an. with the northern line of San An- tonio Avenue,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Chestnut Street;thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Chestnut Street,to a point thereon distant twenty (20 feet southerly from the southern line of Alameda Avenue;thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Alameda Avenue,to a point thereon distant Pwenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Lafayette Street;thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Lafayette Street to the northern line of Encinal Avenue;thence westerly along the northern line of Encinal Avenue,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Lafayette Street; thence northerly along a line twenty 0) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Lafayette Street,to the southern line of Central Avenue;thence east- erly along the southern line of Central Avenue,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Lafayette Street;thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Lafay- ette Street,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Alameda Avenue ;thence easterly along a line twenty 0) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Alameda Avenue,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Chestnut Street;thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Chestnut Street,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue ;th n westerly along a line twenty (e0 ) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) fent easterly from the eastern line of Lafayette Street; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Lafayette Street to the northern line of Central Avenue ;thence West- erly along the northern line of Central Avenue,to a point/thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Lafayette Street ;thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Lafayette Street to a point thereon distant twenty ( 0) feet southerly from the southern line of ta Clara Avenue :thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and par- allel with the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Union Street;thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Union Street to the northern line of Central. Avenue;thence westerly along the northern line of Central Avenue,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Union Street ;thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Union Street,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet/southerly from the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue;thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Santa Cia ra Avenue,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the, anqtern line og Grand Street :then southerly alorg a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and par- allel with the eastern line of Grand Street to the northern line of Central Avenue; thence westerly along the northern line of Central Avenue,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Grand Street ;thence northerly along June 6th 1911. Street,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue:thence westerly along Et line twenty. (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Santa Clara venue,to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Paru Street ;thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the'vOtern line of Paru Street to the northern line of Central Avenue ;thence westerly along the northern line of Central Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with western line of Paru Street:thence northerly,along a line twenty ( 0 ) feet west- erly from and parallel with the western line of Paru Street,to the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue :thence easterly along the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue to the eastern line of Paru Street ;thence northerly along the eastern line of Paru Street to the place of beginning,seving,excepting and excluding from the above mentioned and described district all public streets,avenues,highways,lanes and ailey s. And,he it further resolved,that said .. proposed improvement is hereby referred to the Board of Electricity. of the City of Alameda,and said Board is hereby directed to make and file with the Clerk of the City Council a report in writing as required, by the provisions of said statute hereinafter referred to It is further resolved that this resolution and proceedings hereunder are taken under and by virtue of the provisions of an act entitled"An act to provide for the lighting of public streets,lanes,alleys,roads and places in municipalitiee,and for the assessment of the costs and eypenses thereof upon the property henefited thereby." Adopted harch 21,190b. Mr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgen- stern,Probst and Bullock, (9). Noee:Yone. Absent :None. Mr.Krumlaoffered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved,That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the in- tention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the fol3oving street work to be done in said city,namely: That Mound Street from the southern lire of San Jose Avenue to the northern, line of Calhoun Street,and including the crossings of Adams Street,Washington Street and_Fillmore Street with Mound Street,he improved as follows: That the entire width of said street,betvmen said limits,from property lire to prop- erty line,and including said crossings,be re-graded to the official grade;that com- bined concrete curbs and gutters, (curb to be 8 inches by 14 inches in cross section dimension and gutter to be 3 feet in width) ,be constructed on the curb Tines of seid street and on the curved corners of said crossings between the said limite:that two (2) part-circle corrugated,iron culverts,one with and one without branches and hand- holes,shall be constructed,one on the eastern and one on'the western side of each of the crossings above mentioned:that the roadway of said portion of said street,and in- cluding said croseings,shallbe macadanived with a layer of broken trap rock 8 inches in thickness. That said culverts to he constructed hereunder shall he of part-circle corruga- ted American Ingot iron in accordance with "Plan For Corrugated Iron Part-Circle Cul- verts" adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda Lilay 3r 1.111,and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city,which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Alameda Daily Argus is hereby designated as the daily newspaper published and circulated in this City in which this resolution,and the Street Superintendent's June 6th 1911. publish this resolution by two successive insertions in said newspaper,and post the same for two days conspicuously near the Chamber door of this Council. Mr,Vialker seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote, Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes :None. Absent :None. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Prohibiting the Use of Certain Fire-Arms and Fire-torks",introdnced May 16th 1911,by Mr.Walker came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr,Walker moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes:CounCilmer Christensen,Walker,Yrumb,Ham- mond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern, obst and Bullock,(9). Vt None. Noes :None. Absent A Rill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Amending Aodinance No.577 Re- lating to the Public Pound",introduced May 16th 1911,by Mr.Krurnb crime up for •as- sage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.Yrumb moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.Wal- ker and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb, Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(9). None., Noes:None. Absent: A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Amending Section 17 of Ordinance 484 relating to Municipal Licenses for Regulation,Revenue and Establishing the Li- cense Tax Therefor",introduced May 16th 1911,by Mr.Spence,came up for passage and Was read by the Clerk. Mr.Spence moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.Ells and car- ried by the following vote. Ayes:Conncilmen Christensen,alker,Yrumb,Hammond, Spence,Elle,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes :None, Absent :None. Mr.Bullock introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Electing to have an Independent Assessment made by the City Assessor for the Current Year", which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. A communication Was received from the Finance Committee submitting 8 report as to the water rates for the year 1911-1912. Mr.Bullock moved that the report be adopted,seconded by Mr.Spence. Councilmen Probst and Morgenstern addressed the meeting on the question,as did also Mr.Wilhelm of the Water Company and Mr. Bullock,whereupon after some further discussion Mr.Bullock with the consent of his second withdrew his motion and thereupon Mr.Hammond moved that when the Council adjourn it do so until Friday,June 9th 1911 at 7.30 P.:I.and that at said meeting the report of the Finance Committee be taken up,seconded by Mr.Morgenetern and carried. Mr.Bullock introduced A Dill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Deter- mining Water Rates and Fixing the Compensation for Water furnished for Private and Public Purposes in the City of Alameda,During the Year Commencing July 1st 1911,. and Ending June 30,1912",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. A communication was received from the Southern Pacific Company asking for a franchise for the construction of a power wire line on grand Street and on Buena Vista Avenue. Ordered filed and thereupon Mr.Hammond introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Granting to Southern Pacific Company,a Railroad Cor- poration,and to its Successors and Assigns,Subject to Revocation at the Pleasure of the Council of the City of Alameda,the Right,Privilege and Franchise to Erect and Maintain a Line of Wooden Poles Beginning at the Crossing of Clement Avenue and Grand Street:thence Southerly along Grand Street to Buena Vista Avenue:thence West- erly along Buena Vista Avenue to its intprspetior witel 1711P Pio-hi- ng wo7T ng June 6th 1911. Poles V:ires for the Transmission of Electric Power,and to Connect such Wires with Electric Power 7:ires of the said Southern Pacific Company",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. Mr.Krumb introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Providing for the Conveyance by Deed by the City of Alameda of Certain Parcels of Land to T.Mizner and Gertrude M.Bradley for the rurpose of naking College Avenue,south of San Jose Avenue of a Uniform Widtheof Forty Feet",which was laid over under the pro- visions of the Charter. In a written communication 7.T.Viard,Janitor of the City Hall,tendered his resignation the sane to take effect after June 30th 1911. Mr.Hammond moved that it be accepted,seconded by lir.:Probst and carried. Mr.Hamnond moved that J.W.Byrne be appointed to fill the vacancy thus caused the sane to take effect On and after July let 1911,secOndecl by Lir.Valker,after some discussion Mr.Hannond with the consent of his second withdrew his motion and moved that all apTlicants for the position of Janitor be placed in nomination,se- conded by Er.V;alker. :dr.17,orgenstern spoke in fabor of Applicant Albert ?owe,Mr. Christensen seconded Mr.Morgenstern vs remarks. A vote by roll being taken the result showed as follows. For J.T.Byrne,Councilmen Walker,Krumb,Hanmond,Ells and Probst,(. ). For Albert Tdowe,Councilmen Christensen,Spence,Morgenstern and Bullock, (4). The Mayor stated that a majority vote having been taken. in favor of J.W.Byrne,he therefore appointed Mn as Janitor of the City Hall the same to take effect July 1st 1911. Mr.6pence moved that the appointment be confirmed,second- ed by Mr.Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Walher,Krumb,Hamnond,Spence,Ells,Liorgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (9) Noes :None, Absent :None. Mr.Christensen moved that Dr.7.H.Scholtz be appointed a member of the Board of Health vice Dr.O.P.Terry whose term of office had expired on April 22nd 1911, seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen' Christensen,Thaker,N.runb,Hammond,Spence,Eals,Norgenstorn and Bullock,(8). Noes: Councilman _Ttrobst,(1). Absent :None. Hr.Hammond called the attention of the Council to the dawerous condition of the flooring of the Park Street and Frul.tvale Avenue bridges across the 'idal Ca- ra: and moved that the Clerk he directed to cell the attention of the 1?5' ')opartnent to the matte' with a request that they he irrediatel- reratred_secendod by Spence and carried. :r.7alker moved that the Executive Committee of the coming 4th of July cel- ebration be granted authority to issue gratuitous licensee to conduct he various coneessions,seeonded by Ilr.Femnond and carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,walker,Krumb,Hanmond,Spence,Ells,:.orF:enstern,7robst Bullock, (9) Noes :None. Ahsent:rjone. 1:1r.alker moved that the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animalc be granted permiseion to erect a water trough for animals on the nctth side of Central ivenuo a short distance east of Park Street and. that the 7;epartment of F.leetricqty be requested to make arrangements to furnish the seme with light at night time,seconded by Mr .Hammond an carried. A communication was received from :i:r.Morgenstern,Ohairnan of the Health Committee recommending certain changes in the Emeri;:ency Hospital in the base- ,--4- ni) +'v 01 fir ITA11_ Aannmr:mv sf41 wn.F1 i,Trnt0:11 of the -nretzlent condition of ;Tune 6th 1911. the matter be referred to the Committee of the 7,hole,seconded by Er .Hammond and carried. I.F.r.Nrumb moved that the Chief of Police be directed to have the provisions of Ordinance No .523 providing for the rero .1 of weeds from sidewalks, carried out and that the Clerk be directed to have 1.000 printed copies of the said Ordinance made to serve as notices for the doing of said work, seconded by r.Vaiker and car- ried. lir.-Krumb reported that James Bennett while working on the North Side Sewer had had his shoulder injured so as to make it impossible to do hard work and asked if it Was possible to allow him payment during his recovery. ir.1::alker moved that the natter be referred to the Street Committee and the Street Superintendent with power to act,seconded by r.,:r.liammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,V.'alker,Xrumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells,T;Iorcenstern,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes:7one. Absent :None, L..T.Burgk residing at 3257 71ncinal Avenue addressed the Council asking what inducements the City would offer with reference to establishing a scale factory site. 1:1r.Thlk-er moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Com- mittee,seconded by I:r.Spence and carried. 2,1r.Hammond moved that the Council adjourn until Friday, June 9th 1911, 7.30 P.T.d.,seconded by Lir.lrobst and carried. ity Clerk.