1911-10-03 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR =TIN OF THE COUNCII OF THE CITY OF AIAMEDA,Tnesday,OctOber-3rd 1911. The meeting convened with Mayor W.H.Noy,Presiding. The Roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Spence and Bullock, (5),were noted present and Councilmen Hammond,Ells,Morgenstern and Prob t,(4) absent. The minutes of the meeting of September 19th 1912,were read and ordered aprroved. Councilmen Ells,Morgenstern and Probst arrived during the reading of the minutes and were noted present and Councilman Walker was excused and retired. Mr.Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS,there remains to be collected as taxes on personal property,the sum of Two Hundred forty-four and 64/100 (244.64) Dollars which represents the excess in tax rate for the year 1911-12 over the year 1910-11;and,whereas,the cost of collec- tion of said taxes will exceed the amount thereof. RESOLVED,that the Tax Collector be,end he is hereby authorized to omit said collection,and the Auditor is hereby directed to disregard said taxes in his settle- ment with said Tax Collector. Mr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed. by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes:Councilmen 0hristensen,Krumb,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. asent:Couneilmen Walker and Hammond, (2). Mr.Ballock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved,Thatthe sum of Three Thousand. Six Hundred and Sixty-nine and 60/100 (3669.60) Dollars,deposited with the asurer by the Assessor,be and the same is hereby transferred from the account of F.J.Croll,Assessor to the several Funds as hereinafter noted: General Fund- Less Deficiency - 244.64 ----------- 1024.74 ,1269.38 Street Fund Health Fund. Library Fund- - - Electric Light Fund - School General Fund - - Park 87 Playground Fund- Interest and Redemption - 677.35 97.86 186.84 91.74 625.67 274.30 691.10 and the the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to make the said Transfer and Apportionment upon their respective books. ilr.Spence seconded the resolution and it was adorted and rassea by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,3rence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bulloch,(7). Noes :Tone. Absent :Councilmen Talker and. Hammond, (2). Mr.Bullock offered the following Ilution and moved its adoption: Resolved,That the sum of One Hundred and Two (#102.00) Dollars be and the same is hereby transferred from the General Fund-to the Police 7ension Fund,and the Audi- tor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon their respective books. Mr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Dulloch,(7). Noeo:None. Absent :0 ouncilmen V;alker and 1iammond,(2). A communication was received from the Auditor stating that sufficient money had October d 3911. Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Whereas it arpears from the report of the Auditor that a sufficient sum of money has been deposited to the credit of Local Improvement Funcl No.770 to pay the indebt- edness of said Fund to the General Fund,therefore be it Resolved,That the sum of Five Hundred Dollars t;! 00.00) be and the same is here- by transferred from Local Improvement Fund No.770 to the General Fund,and the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon their respective books. Mr.Srence seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passel by the follow- ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen ChristensenumboSpence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(7). Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Hammond, (2). Mr.Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adortion: Resolved that the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty (250.00) Dollars be and the same is hereby transferred from the General Fund to Local Improvement Fund No.772,as a loan to be re-transferred hack to the General Fund,when sufficient money has been collect- ed by the Tax Collector for the Improvement and turned over to the Treasurer and de- posited in said Fund,and the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon their respective books. Mr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and rased by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Yrumb,Srence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes ;None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Hammond, (2) Mr.Bullock offered the following resolution and moved it adoption: Resolved that the sum of Five Hundred (500.00) Dollars be and the sarne is here- by transferred from the General Fund to the Park & Playground Fund,as a loan to be re- turned when sufficient money has been collected for Taxes and apportioned to the said Park & Playground 7und,and the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon their respective books. Mr.Srence seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,7rumb,Srence,Ells,Morgenstern,rrobst and. Bullock,(7). Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen. Walker and Hammond, (2). Claims againSt the General Fund amounting to ''157.23;against the Police Fund amounting to 4199.20:against the Fire Funcl amounting to ,136.85;against the Street Fund amounting to :198.00;against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 2552.56; against the Library Fund amounting to q;210,60;against the Park & Playground Fund amounting to '146.43;against Local Improvement Fund No.760 amounting to .40;against local Improvement Fund No.772 amounting to 6b4.39 and against Municipal Improve- ment Fund No.9.School amounting to i1350.00 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows: GENERAL FUND Bancroft-Maitney Co Law Books 11.35 Crocker-Langley Directory Directories for Treasurer 12.00 Hauge,Olaf Repairs 2.00 Konigshofers Supplies .75 Leroux,G.A. Services 30.00 Lubbock,Oswald Rent P.O.Box .75 " I ,Tax Collector Assessment District No.3. 47.98 Oakland Gas It & Heat Co. Gas .30 October ord. 1911. Perata,A. Removing Rexnoving Garbage 1.00 Putzman,E.O. Repairs 1.00 St Sure,A.F. Fees advanced 2.60 West Disinfecting Co. Supplies 17.50 157.23 Total- ye- roLioE FUND Conrad,'/ohn Incidentals 4 19.20 Daly,Geo A. Services 90.00 Pries,Vin 90.00 Total- 199.00 FIRE FUND „,chlam,Bert D. Services 36.85 STREET FUND. Lane, Thomas Salary Miller,F. Rucker-Fuller Desk Co Supplies Stevens,A.F. TV Alameda Daily Argus TT TV TV Bay Station Cyclery Board of Electricity Brown Furniture Co., Bussenius,A.G. Crane Co., fl TT Crocker Co.,H.S. Degen Belting Oo.,L.P. Dixon W. Dow Pumping .,Geo E. tt TT It Tt I TV Salary 7,CTRIC LIGHT FUND Printing Letter Heads Repairs Incidentals Furniture etc. Supplies TY Stencils Supplies Horse-hire Supplies Evening Times Advertising Fischer Plumbing & Hdwe Co.,0.F. Material Henderson Mfg.Co., Ladders Johns-Manville,H.W. Supplies Kellogg Express Co. Drayage King,A.R. Horseshoeing Koerber,A.H.W. Feed TT f t Konigshofer's Lomax,R.R. Horseshoeing Lubben Bros Feed MacRae,Geo W. Supplies Marshall-Newell Supply Co Rags f I TV t? f I Supplies Maxwell Hdwe Co Mervy-Elwell Co TI Labor 8., Material 50.00 65.00 18.00 65.00 7-198.00 $ 27.00 7.00 6.25 8.60 22.75 13.00 5.23 .59 40.53 4.47 6. 6.00 3.00 4.50 7.50 .60 7.50 4.25 10.17 3.75 17.35 24.80 2.95 4.00 15.28 4.50 5.20 9.70 1.01 425.00 October 3rd 1911 Mervy-Elwell Co. Material 160.00 ft 11 Supplies 152.00 Miller & Roberts Rent 1335 Park Street 25.00 Pacific Electric Heating Co. Supplies 88.45 Pacific Tel cc, Tel. Co. Rental & Tolls 13.90 Peoples Water Co. Water 9.43 Plummer & Son,Geo.E. Lumber 14.45 Powell Bros Construction Co. Concrete work 64.00 Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Feed,Brick & c 50.95 Riciterson,A1 Sundries 10.20 Schneider,Henry Stationery &c 4.20 TT fl TT 15.70 Standard Oil Co Fuel Oil 1168.25 Vosburgh Co.,J.B. Supplies 10.80 IT /1 4.80 ff U TY 7.85 10.20 Weinstock-Nichols & Co. Wagner,Jacob Whittier-oburn Co. TT .50 Horse & wagon-hire 14.00 Oil Total- 29.15 - 2552.56 LIBRARY FUND. Alameda Free Library Petty Expenses 14.35 gl Ty If Eastern Clalrns 134.98 Crocker-Langley Co Directories 12.00 Library Bureau. Supplies 2.40 ffewbegin,John J. Books 13.59 :eoples Water Co, Water 2.28 Rogers,Lily Substituting 6.00 Volberg,0.0. Rent 25.00 Total- 'Ip.so PAR7. & PLAYGROUND FUND Alameda Paper Co Supplies 11.50 Betten,H.L. 12.00 Bonne,J. Washing Towels 1.00 Dahl-Thomas Awning Co. Repairs 21.00 Encinal Nursery Plants 3.00 Gauge,Wm 30.00 Gee & Son,P.S. Record book 8.00 Hackett,Frank H. Plumbing,Iincoln Park 7.00 Kellogg Express Co. Drayage 5.50 el TT 11 .60 Loewe & Wilkins Mdse 6.60 Mazzini,L. Contract 200.00 Owens,.H. Plumbing 15.40 Pacific Woodenware & Paper Co Supplies 16.70 18.70 3.25 TT Potter,Geo H. Repairs October 3rd 1911. Rosmarin,Geo Seed 17.50 Skelly,Sam Supplies 2.25 Straub Mfg Co. Supplies 1.75 TT 17 TI TV 4.00 Taylor & Co. Lumber & Millwork 12.03 Y;agner Bros Teaming _5_._75 Total- - 7-446.43 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUND No.760. Alameda Daily Argus Advertising 9 ,, .40 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUND No .772. Alameda Daily Argus Printing 18.00 TV TT fl 12.00 Chapman,I.N. Fees- 624.39 654.39 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FU7D No.9(School) Klenck & Muller On contract 100.00 9 Powell Bros Construction Co. TT ft 1250.00 Total- _ 71355:0-0 Mr.Bullock moved that the Claims as read be paid,seconded by Mr.Probst and car- ried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,1:rumb,Spence,711s,Morgen- stern,Probst and Bullock,(?). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Walker and Hammond;(2). A report was received from the Auditor showing the balances in the various funds on September 30th 1911. Ordered filed. A report was received from the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of August,1911. Ordered filed. A report was received from the 2oundmaster for the month ending September 30th 1911. Ordered filed. v The Public Buildings Committee submitted a plan for re-arranging the Emergency Hospital located in the basement of the City Hall. Mr.Krumb moved that the plan be adopted and that the Public Buildings Committee be authorized to proceed with the work as set forth in the plan,awarding the work to the lowest respostible bidder,e conded by Mr.Bullock and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christen- sen,Krumb,Spence,Ells,Morgenster , robst and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Absent: Councilmen Walker and Hammond,(2). A communication was received from the Southern Pacific Co.,stating that it had investigated the complaint respecting the removal of the oil car which delivered oil to the station maintained by the Municipal Electric Light Plant at Jackson Park and found that as far as the Company was concerned it removed the car as soon as the same was unloaded. The Clerk reported that the Secretary of the said Plant always ern- tied the car as soon as possible and that there was no unnecessary delay. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was received from the ,1outhern Pacific Company stating that the post on which was placed a warning bell at the corner of Wainut Street and Enci- nal Avenue would be removed in compliance with request,also that the request to place a flagman at the crossing of Park Street and Encinal Avenue had been complied with. Ordered filed. A communication was received from R.J.Larkey of 446 Lincoln Avenue calling the attention of the Council to the danger to the traveling public by reason of their having to cross the tracks at the 7th and 5th Street stations of the railroad on October 3rd 1911. gates on both sides. Mr.Krumb moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee,seconded by Er.Spence and carried. A communication was received from Councilman Probst calling attention of the Council to the inconvenience to the local traveling public in disembarking at the Ferry Building in an Francisco by reason of delay in repairs to the slip in which the Alameda ferry docks. Mr.Bullock moved that the Council have a conference with the Harbor Commission on Thursday,October 5th 1911,at ten o'clock A.M. and that the Clerk notify the said Commission of such meeting,seconded by Mr.Probst and car- ried. A communication was received from the State Board of Health calling attention to the Second Annual Conference of the State,County and municipal health officials to be held at the Hotel Potter,2anta Barbara from October 23rd to 27th inclusive and recommending that the Health Officer of Alameda be sent to the said conference as a delegate and that his traveling expenses be paid out of the municipaliy's funds. Mr.Trobst moved that the matter be referred to the Board of Health in conjunction with the Health Committee of the Council,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried. A communication was received from the Alameda Chamber of Commerce,to which was attached a copy of resolution advocating w cent fares on the local railroads be- tween stations in the City,and requesting the Council to do all in its power to ob- tain such fares. Mr.Morgenstern moved that the matter be referred to the Pub- lic Utilities Committee,aeconded by Mr.Krumb and carried. A communication was received from John Davies requesting a vacation of two weeks duration commencing October 4th 1211. Mr.Krumb moved that it be granted, seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. Chas Aho a resident of Oakland presented a/lit application for a gratuitous license to peddle pencils,shoe-strings &c. Attached to the same was a recommen- dation from the Chief of Police that it be denied. Mr.Spence moved that the ap- plication be denied,seconded by Mr-Ells and carried. Mr-Probst moved that the matter of the hearing of the condemnation proceed- ings of the building owned by L.W.McLaughlin and located on the north side of Webb Avenue about 100 feet east of Park Street be laid over until the next meeting of the Council,seconded by Dir.Spence and carried. An affidavit was presented showing due publication of Notice to Feedmen and requesting bids for supplying feed for the horses of the Fire Department. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in reply to the said advertisment he was in receipt of two bids. Thereupori Mr.Bullock moved that the bids be received and opened,second- ed by Mr.Christensen and carried and thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows: From Scott,Magner & Miller of San Francisco,accompanied by a certified check in the sum of ,:i150.00fand a sample of oats, 150 bales (more or less) of 1 Straw at - - - -79 per bale 100 tons (more or less) of 1 Red Oat Hay at416.48 per ton 30,000 pounds (more or less) of ;7721 Red Oats at --7c 1.79 per 100 lbs 15,000 pounds (more or less) of Vl Bran at - - -30.00 per ton From Rhodes-Jamieson ,7; Co.,of Alameda,accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 150.00,and a sample of oats, Oat Hay- - 19.75 per ton Straw- - - .80 per bale Oats - 30.50 per ton 13.ran 34.00 per ton October 3rd 1911. bidders ilr.Krumb moved that the contract for supplying feed for the horses of the Fire Department for the ensuing year be awarded to the said firm,seconded by Christensen and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,I:rumb, Spence,Ells,::,or9:enstern,Frobst and Bullock,(7). Noes .None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Hammond,(2). A communication was received from Street Mperintendent Prodc3en recommending that James 7.Sutton be permitted to put the names of ar property owners in the block-book he had it made for the Street Department and also to make a complete index of the sane at a cost not to excedd the sun of c;2on.oc. Mr.Krumb moved that the matter be reffered to the Street Committee and the Street Superintendent,second- ed by Er .Ells and carried. A report was received from the Street Committee stating that the V.ar Department would commence the re-planking of the 7ruitvale Avenue Bridge on October 2n0 and that signs notifying the public of such repairs would he ylaced on Harrison Avenue and Froadway. Ordered filed. A report wan received from the Street Committee statng that in compliance with the request of the Board of Health,that both Park Street and Webster Street where biturinized would he flushed once each week. Ordered filed. A report was received from the Street Committee reporting that the bid of the I.H.VTestdahl Co.,for the work of constrncting the 7ast End Intercepting Sewer,was the lowest and recommending that the contract be so awarded also that it was late in the season that the Council waive the usual thirty day o and that the Contractors be instructed to proceed with the work immediately. fl Mr.Probst moved that the recom- mendation be adopted and the contract awarded to 1,..11.Viestdahl Co. ,that the said com- pany be requested to employ local labor as far as p e ihle and that the Clerk he di- rected to return the certified checks which accompanied the unsuccessful bids,second- ed by Mr .Christensen and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christen- sen,Y_rumb,Opence,Fals,Morgenstern,Probst and Burlock,(7). Noes :None. Absent: Councilmen Walker and Hammond, (2). A report Was received from the Tax Collector stating that he had completed the collection of the assessments for the erection of electroliers in District No.1,un- der resolution of Intention No.760,that the total amount of the assessments amount- ed to ',2891.31 that the amount actually collected was :;',:2655.0C leaving a delinquency of 0236.31,that the City had bid in the property delinquent the redemption of which with the penalty added for delinquency would make the amount 287.15. Ordered filed. was p-eilei)te A certified copy of R deedAor Ce7t,1n p,OpeTty which was for the opening of Atlantic Avenue between Chestnut Streetit .y Tn.M.S eitirt to the City of Alameda. Mr.Morgenstern moved that the same be filed and that the Street Superintendent and City Attorney he directed to take steps to remove the obstruction in the roadway of said street,seconded by Mr .Ells and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Council- men Christensen,Krumb,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Hammond,(2). A Petition of Remonstrance was received from James A.E11is,II.D.,et al against the work of improving Kilkenny Street under Resolution of Intention No.775 and a re- port was received from the City F,ngineer in the matter stating that the petition did not represent a majority of the frontage to be improved. Mr.Krumb moved that they October 3rd 1911. ing resolution and moved its adoption. Whereas Janes A.Ellis,M.D.,et al,have filed objections to proceeding with the work proposed by Resolution of Intention No.775 for grading,macadamizing & otherwise improving Kilkenny Street Therefore resolved that 8 o'clock P.M.on the 17th day of October,1911,and the Councilroom of this Council be and are hereby fixed as the time and place of hear- ing said objections,and the City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice thereof to all objectors in the manner prescribed by law. Mr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Spence,Ells,Norgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Hammond, (2). A petition of Remonstrance,was rresented against the work of improving Pearl Street under Resolution of Intention No.776,by Fred Nelson Delanoy,et al.,and there- upon Mr.Krumb moved that the sane be referred to the Street Committee,seconded by Mr.Spence and carried. An affidavit was presented showing due publication of Notice of Street Work Inviting Proposals therefor,in the matter of the improvement of Mound Street under Resolution of Intention No.767,which was ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in answer to same he had received two bids. Mr.Krurnb moved that the bids be re- ceived and opened seconded 1)y Mr.Prohst and carried. and thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows; From Power. Pros Construe 1 Co.,accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 0500.00. For Grading- - - For Macadamizing - - - - For Gutters of concrete- For Curbing of concrete- - - - - - For 7" X 18" Corrugated Iron Culverts- For 8" X 24" Corrugated Iron Culverts- From Hutchinson Company accompanied by For For For For For For For For Excavating - Filling Macadamizing - - Gutters(Conerete)- - - - - Straight Curbing (Concrete Curved Curbing (Concrete) - - - 7" X 18" Culverts Currugated Ingot Iron- 8" X 24" Corrugated Ingot Iron. Culverts- 2 58 14 - 30 0..90 - 2.00 a bond in the ent per Square foot cents per Square foot cents per Square foot cents per Linear foot per Linear foot per Linear foot sum of $500.oe 3/4 cents per Square foot 3/4 cents per Square foot 5i cents per Square foot 13 cents per Square foot 34 cents per Linear foot 34 62.20 cents per Linear foot per Linear foot per Linear foot Mr.Krunb moved that the bids be referred to the Street Committee and the City Engineer,8eC0nde d by Mr.Yrobst and carried. The Clerk presented affidavits showing due posting and publication of Notices V of Street Work Inviting Proposals therefor in the matter of the improvement of Foun- tain Street under 7,esolution of Intention No.773,which were ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in reply to the same he had received two bids. Mr.Krumb rnov- ed that the sane be received and opened,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried and there- upon the Clerk opened tkR and read the bids as follows: From Powell Bros Construction Co.,accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 300.00. For Excavating- For Macadamizing - - For Gutters of Concrete- For Curbing of Concrete- - - - - - - - For 7" X 18" Corrugated. Iron Culverts- For 8" X 24" Corrugated Iron Culverts- vy 30 5 8/10 14 - 30 42c00 --T6e1.90 - From Hutchinson Company,accompanied by a bond in the For Excavating- 20 For Filling - - cents per Cubic Yard cents per Square foot cents per Square foot cents per Linear foot per Linear foot per Linear foot sum of $300.00 cents per Cubic Yard 20 nArtg VorA October 3rd 1911 For Straight Curbing Concrete - For Curved Curbing-Conerete For 7" X 18" Corrugated Ingot Iron Culverts- For 8" X 24" Corrugated Ingot Iron Culverts- - 34 cents per Linear foot - 34 cents per Linear foot 2.2O per Lineal foot 2.40 per Lineal foot Mr.Krumb moved that the bids be referred to the Street Committee and the City Engineer,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. A protest was received against a petition to grade,macadamize and otherwise improve Centynnial Avenue. Mr.Probst moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee and the City Attorney,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried. A resolution of Intention to construct cement sidewalks at the south-west cor- ner of Eagle Avenue and ,hestnutA. u..Ei chell owner of some of the property ad- dressed the Council stating that he had entered into a contract for layin a cement sidewalk in front of his property and thereupon Mr.Probst moved that the said Resol- ution be withheld until the next meeting of the Council,seconded by Mr.Spence and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Establishing the Grade of Centennial Avenue",introduced by Mr.Krumb on Septerrther 19th 1911,came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.Krumb moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.Christensen and adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Krumb, Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(7). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Hammond, (2) . Mr.Spence introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Relating to Gratuitous Licenses",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. Iilr.Morgenstern introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Establish and Enforce Compliance with Sanitary Regulations in all Places in the City of Alameda where Food for Human Beings is Manufactured,Kept,Prepared or Sold:and to Provide Penalties for thelViolation of Same",which was laid over under the provi- sions of the Charter. Mr.Bullock moved that the Tax Collector be authorized #o employ an additional Clerk at a compensation of $3.00 per day for four days to assist in clerial work in hjS office,seconded by Mr.Spence and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Council- men Christensen,Krumb,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bulloc'.:,(7). Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen 'alker and Hammond, (2). Mr.Krumb moved that the matter of the widening of Encinal Avenue in the neigh- bor hood of Pearl Street be referred to the Street Committee and City Attorney,se- conded by Mr.Probst and carried. Mr.Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the Southern Pacific Company urging immediate action toward equiping their electric trains with more powerful head-lights,and to also call the attention of the said. Company to the matter of one train coming into a station while another is occupy- ing it,seconded by Mr.Spence and carried. Mr.Spence moved that the Clerk be directed to request the Southern Pacific Company to take immediate action toward the building of a station in Lincoln Park and to submit a plan for same to the Park & Playground Committee,seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried. The City Attorney reported that he had looked up the law in the matter of the power of the Council to construct sidewalks and charge the cost of same to the proT- erty owners and stated that it was his opinion that the Council had such power. Mr.Irumb moved that the Clerk be directed to invite a representative of the October 3rd 1911 Council on Friday evening,October 1.3th to discuss the proposition of changing the lirnite of Fire District No.1,seconded by Mr.Spence and carried. Mr.rrobst requested on behalf oe the Park & Playground Committee,permission to re-shingle the building in Mc rinley Parktthe cost of which would be about $240.00. Mr.Pullock moved that the request be granted,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Xrumb,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,2robst and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Absent:Councilnen Walker and Hammond, (2). Mr.Morgenstern moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the Peoples Water Conpany requesting them to lay four inch mains in Garfield Avenue, Grove Street from Central to Encinal Avenue,Bay Street from Central Avenue to the Bay of an Francisco and in Taylor Avenue between 6th and Webster Streets,seconded by :h-.Probst and carried. Mr.Morgenstern moved that the City Attorney be directed,if in his opinion it could be done,to draw up and present to the Council an Ordinance fixing the fare on the electric trains between stations within the City'd limits at 2- cents,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. Mr.Probst moved that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary papers for the advertising for bids for the work of erecting the electroliers in District No.1,under Resolution of Intention No.760,seconded by Mr.Krumb and carried. Attorney James Creeley addressed the Council complaining of the noise of the whistles of the electric trains and requested that some action be taken to ifliminate the sane. Mr.Morgenstern moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utili- ties Connittee,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting,Tuesday,October 17th 1911,at 7.30 P.M. City Clerk.