1912-02-06 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUESDAY, FEHRUAFIY 6T11, 1912. The meeting convened with Council-Preeident Bullock presiding. The roll was called and Councilman Christensen, Krumb, Hammond, Ells, and Bullock, (5) , were noted presented, and Councilmen Walker, Spence, Morgenstern and Probst (4) were noted absent. The minutes of the meeting of January 16th, 1912 were read and. ordered. approved. Councilmen Spence, Lorgenstern and Probst, arrived during the readin of the minutes and were noted present. The minutes of the adjourned meeting of January 19th, 1912 were read and ordered approved. The mintues a t1ie snecil. meeting of January :C'ti, 1912 were read and oredered approved. A report was received from the 1,1ayor, Auditor and City Clerk certifying that they had counted the money in the hands of t,!e City Treasurer on January 24th, 1912 and found the amount to be One hundred and thirty-nine thousand, Seven hundred and thirty and 90/100 Dollars (09.750.98) Rc that the same agreed with the Auditor's books. Ordered filed. A report was received from the Auditor stating that there was sufficient funds in Electrolier District 7o, 4 to re-transfer the loan of Five Hundred Dollars, (i500.00) made to Local Improvement Fund No. 780 on November 21st, 1911 back to the General Fund. Ordered filed and thereupon 11r. Christensen offered the folloing Resolution and moved its adoption :- WHE'REAS, it appears from the report of the Auditor that a sufficient cum money has been deposited to the credit of Local Improvement Fund No. 780 to pay the indebtedness of said Fund to the eneral Fund, therefore be it RESOLVED, That th.e sun of 500.00 be and the same is hereby transferred from Local Improvement Fund No. 780 to the General Fund and the Auditer and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon their respective books, Jr. Srence seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and rassed by the following vote:- Ayes : Councilmen Christensen, Krunb, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Eorgenstern, (1). rotas-id Eullock, (8) . Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Walker Claims amounting Fund arountin t ';1546.59 against the General Fund; against the Police against the Street Fund amounting to 038.42; against the Electric _Light Fund. amountin ,541.54; against the Iihrary Fund amounting to 41,354.88; against Local Improvement Fund No. 770, amounting to 001.87; against Local Improvement Fund No. 772, amounting to 708.87; against Local improvement Fund No. 780, amounting to 17.60; against Park and YlayEpuld Fund amounting to 441.35, and against .Tinnioipal Improveent Fund No. 9, (Schco 1) amounting to :15;7).60 having heen approved by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as fo'lows:- GrZIERP.I Alameda Daily Argus Advertising '1? .88 7ebruary 6th, 1912. Alameda Daily Argus Printing 12.00 4.00 12.00 TI 25.00 II 29.00 127.00 12.50 -y City Larket Supplies for Found 5.32 Billeter, H. W. Berairs to TyTewriter 4.00 Bloom, G. V.. :eparing Safe 10.00 Brown, C. Y. Betel Polish for Janitor 2.00 California Oil Burner Co. Oil for Heater 15.51 Deming, & Co., E. E. Oil tank for City hall 175.00 Inter-City. Express Subscription 3.00 Backenzie, G. H. Carpenter Work at round 6.00 Oak. Red. & Fert. Work ":',emoving dead horse 2.00 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Radiator 20.00 as 1.26 II II IT TT 17 TV 4.14 Pac::fic Tel. 8: Tel. Co. Switches 3.00 Peoplrs Water Co. Water 24.61 Russell, Eleanor Stenographer's fees 25.50 Schneider, Henry Stationery 4.05 H 2. Ti If 1.05 TI TI II 1.45 It TT TI 5.80 Union Savings Bank Repairs to Typewriter 2.50 Total 546.59 POLICE FUND. Conrad, John incidental Expenses STREET FUND. Britt, Teaming Burgner, Chas. Cal. Corrugated & Culvert Co. Chapman, E. N. IT TI It TI TT II TT II If TV TI IT II Ti 11 TT II TT TI It If TI TI Supplies If Assisting City Engineer IT T/ Assg. H.Vi.Billeter Typewriter repairs Clark & Sons, N. Supplies Empire Foundry Company IT Jamison, J. 2. Teaming Joergen on, P. Blacksmithirc Pacific Fuel & Bldg. Hate Co. Supplies Pacific Tel. Tel. Co. Rental Pennock, M. Teaming Peoples Tater Co. Water Peters, T. I. Teaming Peterson, G. Teaming 15.70 85.75 3.00 273.17 2.00 5.50 9.70 7200 115.00 6.25 16.20 2.70 34.90 542.75 7.50 February 6th, 1912. Schneider, Henry Sum-plies Serralunga, L. Labor Stackler, J. Repairs United Iron Works Repairs Tott,a - - ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Alameda Daily Argus Printing 65.00 Alameda rarer Company rarer 1.80 Bay Station Cyclery Repairs 9.20 Board of Electricity, Incidentals 9.95 Carbolineum Wood Preserving Co. Supplies 51.50 Cataract Refining & Mfg. Co. tr 21.08 Clark, H. D. Premium on Policy 17.25 Crane Company Supplies 11.48 5.20 160.00 5.60 100.80 1558.42 II TI ” 4).0.; 9 9 9 428.91 IT 9 II 5.05 Cracker Co., H, 5. C' 11 2.12 Degen Belting Co. Supplies 1.08 9 62.50 9 II 9 9 9 9 9 4.75 u 16.00 7.50 67.50 14.75 II II u If II 71.15 Hall:: L Co. Prerriilun on Policy 67.50 The Hiller Lamp Co. 72.77 Johns-Eanville Co., H. W. 9 21.25 Kellogg Express Co. Drayage 7.77 Kin, A. R. Horseshoeing 6.50 Lewis & Shaw, Premium on Policy 67.50 Lomax, R. R. Horseshoeing 5.25 Marshall-Newell Supply Co. Rags 5.51 IT IT 9 IT Keys .60 9 9 9 IT Su:Ines 56.51 IT It IT IT II 51.22 9 9 9 IT 9 25.56 Eason, F. E. Rental of 1355 lark St. 5040 Eaxwell Hardware Co. Supplies 3.59 Pacific Electric Heating Co. Supllies 113.81 9 IT IT IT 9 51.58 Pacific States Electrjc Co. 9 0.75 9 IT 9 9 15.00 9 TI IT 9 IT 126.56 IT 9 IT IT IT 62.76 IT 9 9 9 9 54.00 IT 4P-dA Gee. R. Dow Pumping Engine Co . Eccles & Smith Co. Evening Times-Star, The Fox, Geo. H. Gorham-Revere Rubber Co. Advertising Proml_um on Policy Supplies S-un-nlies February btii, 1912. 'Pacific States Electric Co. Supplies 10.00 u If ft 11 11 37.73 Ti Ti IT TI ft 28.66 11 TT TI TI 11 29.50 TI Ti TT TI TI 25.11 Ti Tr TI ' II IT 85.00 If TI Ti Ti Lamps 14.83 TT fl TT Ti TV 51.90 TI 17 IT It Ti 51.90 11 TT TI TI Ti 54.60 It II Ti 11 Poles 420.00 Pacific Tel. ,c' Tel. Co. Tolls .45 II Ti II TI TT Rental and tolls 18.65 Ti '1 II 11 If Ti IT IT 13.20 Peoples Uater Co'. Water 16.21 Lum-rer 45.00 TT IT II II TI Ti 45.95 Powell Eros. Construction Co. Tearinc; 12.00 Rhodes-Jamieson l', Co. Hay & Coal 105.95 RoeblinFs Sons, Co., John A. Corer Wire 277.90 II TV 11 IT IT TT Ti 215.55 TT 11 TI TT It TI 11 45.75 TT IT 11 TT TV II TT 45.65 Schneider, Eenry Stationery 55.70 Standard Oil Co. Fuel Oil 1605.00 Ti 11 It Gasoline 7.25 '.,',:agner, J. • .: 77) k • Horse and wagon hire 50.00 ',Vessel, L. E. Eirror for Auto .35 Weinc‘toc17.-Nichols Co. Supplies 1.25 11 TI TT IT Ii 4.50 1:';estinrhouse E. - E. Co. Ivlaterial 5.00 TI TI TT TI II ::ieters 298.40 Ti Ti TI 11 TI Ti 59.72 it TT IT TI Iv 505.70 TT Ti TT TI Ti Ti 36..7 TT 11 Ti Ti Ti IT .392.52 11 Ti TT IT 11 Exrressage .50 TT TT Ti IT TI •i-) sters 20.00 TT TT TT TI Ti TT 10.00 II T IT TI Ti Toaster Stoves 10.00 Ti TI II 'I Ti Globes 39.00 TI TT u TI TI IT 6-.00 11 IT 11 Ti Ti Transformers 113.78 W'hittier-Cohurn Co. Suprlies 13.26 Total -------- q 6541.54 LIBEAT,Y FUND. Alameda Daily Arpras Printiny Sunlies ,;; 17.00 Plummer (°,; Son, Geo. R. ?J. 4 k_ February,. 6th, 1912. American Architect Book Cedar Sweep Co. Supplies Grafton Publishing Co. Book Houghton, Miff in Co. Books 3.25 2.63 2.94 1-oerber, A. H. W. Fuel 97.15 Lawrence, H. J. rebinding books 85.56 Library Bureau Supplies 3.90 Tongeley, C. P. Daily newspapers 6.00 Lubber Bros. Fuel 50.75 kachen, 2. J. Subscription to Journal 5.00 Newbegin, J. J. Books 361.54 Olsen, Eary S. Services as Story Teller 12.00 Pacific Coast Booklover's Library Books 250.00 Peoples Water Co. Water 4.56 San Francisco News Co. Periodicals 335.40 Schneider, Henry Sta'ion and newspapers 15.45 Volberg, C. C. Bent of Test End Reading Room 25.00 Wheeler Publishing Co. Books 25.00 aq tel - - _ ..... _3a4.e8 LOCAL II,T7.07-ii-TIT FTMD _NO. 770. Allen, E. Labor 12.50 Bulman, Geo. ty 7.00 Costa, C. ,. 45.60 Crane Co. Pipes 254.22 FT TT TT 235.07 Crocket, C. Labor 17.95 DeYoung, '. ,, .95 Dow Pumpinc, Engine Co. Geo. E. Supplies 162.50 TT If TT TV TV TT , Lamp post tops 330.00 TI .1 TT ,T TV Tf Supplies 37.50 Labor 58.60 26.70 21.70 Follrath, Geo. Freese, E. M. Hebb, I. Hiller Lamp Co. -ayme, C. E. Heys, O. "Iongeley, C. EcAvoy, H. P. 'O'Donnell, P. -Pacific States Electric Co. Ty If TT TT IT If IT TV If FT TT If II IT if TV TT - TT II TI ' !' Ti TV It IT If TT TV TV Globes 223.65 Labor 46.70 TT 44.20 11.40 TI 15.75 71 40.45 Wire 245.75 1.52 IT 222.50 Supplies 324.25 Conduit 246.98 Supplies 250.00 Bushing., 14.00 Lamps 207.00 Tt Bros. Construction Co. TT TV 7ebruary 61;h, 1912. Concrete Cork 187.50 TI 187.50 Sanuels, Labor 52. Sanday, 46.70 Schnejcier, Henry :'lubber 5tan y .15 Shannon, T. Labor 26.70 Sorenson, J. 46.70 Stoll, G. 21.70 Waennr, J. 7. IV 16.70 V;hirple, C. J. 7T 47.65 T. II 40.00 Total y LOCAL 1=077= 7ITITP O. 77 . Bennett, J. :labor 7.50 Brink, H. tt 7.50 Bulnan, fl 5.00 J. Burns TT 7.50 Costs, J. TT 14.05 Carno o. 5upiies 155.12 rocket Labor 5.00 7ol]rath, G. U 14.05 Tense, E. M. u 10.00 15.00 Jayne, C. 11,. H 10.00 7:eys, TV 7.50 Lane, 7• IT 7.50 Lane, J. TT 7.50 Tongley, C. IV 10.00 7.50 O'Donnell, P. 14.65 Paci'ic States Electric Co. Con6uit 222.50 IT TT TV TV Lanrs 150.50 Labor 6.25 TT 10.00 Currlies 1.50 Labor 12.50 IT 7.50 5.00 10.00 T 9.65 TT 7.50 Total - 70E.87 Samuels, W. C. Sanday, H. SchneiCler, Henry Shannon, T. Sorenson, J. Stoll, 'Wagner, 7, J. Willis, T. Whipple, C. J. ALA:17,M Daily , IV TV Sehneider, Eenry TV LOCAL I1;T20712: IT F UTI-0 no. 750. Postal Advertising 5u) lie Total - ;;; 11.00 .60 6.00 17.60 7ebruary 6th, 1912. Alameda Hardware Co. Frodden, V. N. Pacific Tel. 02 Tel. Co. Peoples Water Co. Potter, Geo. H. Reynolds, J. H. Rosmarin, G. W. Serralunga, L. I! Jesse Stone, Louis S. Idr.Christensen and moved that PAR.K & PLAYGROUND FUND. Hardware Teaming Telephones Water for parks Repair work Plastering Plants & trees Removing rubbish Supplies Picture frames Total - HUNICIPAL IMPROVEHEYT FUND NO. 9 (SCHOOL) Architect's fees the claims as read he paid, seconded by :,i.r.hanmond 3.50 285.00 2.25 12.20 3.25 25.00 07.60 14.00 10.00 .55 ; 441.35 155.65 ried by the following vote. Spence,Ells,Dil Walher,(1). Louis Guddal Ayes :Councilme-n Christens 11. Krumb , Hammond, c'enstern,Probst and Pullock,(8). Noes :None. Absent :Councilman presented a claim against the :lark and Playground nd, for the sum of 2i.95,being for medical services and medicine for his daughter who had been injured while playing near P. fire in licI7inley Dark. Mr.Probst moved that the claim be rejected,seconded by :Jr .Ells and carried. A report was received from the Auffitor showing the balances to the credit of the various funds on January 51st 1912. Ordered Filed. A report was received from the Municipal :Electric Light Plant for the month of Pecember,1911. Ordered filed. A report was received from the Poundmaster for the month of January 1912. Ordered filed. The Police and Fire Commission presented a report of the Police Department for the six months ending December 31st 1911. Ordered filed. The Police and Fire Commission presented a report of the Fire Department for the six months ending December 31st 1911. Ordered filed. The Peo-nles Ylater Company presented its report for the past year. :jr.ham- mond moved that it be filed and referred . to the Finance Committee, seconded by hr. Probst and carried. A communication was received from Dr.J.A.Riley President of the hoard of Health stating that Dr.Arthur Hieronymus had been elected City Physician the sane to take effect February. 1st 1912. Ordered filed. The Clerk Presented the Oath of Office of Dr .Arthur iiieronyrnus as Health Officer and City Physician. Ordered filed. An Agreement was presented being a lease to a certain piece of land on the north side of Encinal Avenue between 7illow and Valnut Street adjoining the Porter School from C.G.Powell and Laura Dowell,his wife to the City of Alameda which was to he used for school. purrOseS. Ordered, filed. The Board of Education presented the plans and specifications used in the con- struction of the Haight School on the north side of Santa Olara Avenue between Chestnut and. Dillow Streets and of the 'ashington School on the east side of Eig .,h J-eoruary on The matter of the copy of the communication from t'ra Southern Pacific Company to Er. John 7eardon of 3537 Lincoln Avenue in which the said Company agreed to stop their trains at Stanton and Lincoln Avenue provided the Said .T:eardon and City Council would agree to allow the discontinuance if the Company found that it could not rake boat connections if such stop WRS made,was taken up. 1.r.Tear1on address the Council stating that he would not agree to such a proviso. ::r .Probst moved that the Clerk he directed to address a communication to the said Conpany requesting that trains stop at Stanton Street on Lincoln Avenue,agreeing to the terms of the said communi- cation,seconded by Er.Eammond and carried. A communication vas received from 'A.Whitney,Sup't V!estern Division acknowl- edging receipt of a letter from the Clerk regarding the request to at all tines have more than one car on trains and assuring that the natter would be given prompt atten- tiong Ordered filed. Tbe,f011owingeapplications for gratuitous licenses were presented. 71.r.F.arl an J.C.eynolds to solicit orders for soap:Janos H.Openshaw to peddle fruit and vegetables: Ada L.Crodfrey to solicit orders and sell a washing compound and Thompson to canvas for orders for coffee. The Chief of Police recommended that they be granted and thereupon Er.hammond moved that tey Inc granted, seconded by hr Christensen and carried. An affidavit was presented showing due publication of ,Joitice to TTinters re- questing bids for doing all the printing (other than advertisin) for the year 1912- ,n1.7 Ordered filed. Tine Clerk reported that only one bid had been presented :-..hammond moved that it be received and opened, seconded by ::ix.2robst and carried and thereupon the Clerk opened the seine and reported that it was accompanied by a bond in the sun of :300.00 as called for and was from the Argus Publishing Company. ::ro:Probst moved that it be referred, to tine Printing Comittee and City Attorney with power-to act, seconded by :Ir.:riorgenstern and carried by tine following vote. Ayes: Councilmen ,Christensen, 7rumb , Hammond , Spence , Bile, :orgenstern,7'robst and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Thl'far,(1). An affidavit was presented showing due publication of N'otice to Publishers of Newspapers requesting bids for doing all the advertising, including Street '::ork Adver- tising,for the year commencing at the exPiratior of the present contract. Ordered. filed. The Clerk reported the receipt of two bids. Er.harrond moved that they Inc received and opered,seconded 'by .,-1.•.]'robst and carried and thereupon the Clerk op- ened end read the bids as follows: From the Bve:ning Times-Star acconraniedby a bond in the sum of 50C.00 For first insertion, or square of 240 ems nonpareil measurement For second insertion .75 For third insertion and for each subsequent insertion .50 From the Argus Publishing Co., accompanied. by a bond in the sum of 5CO.00 Pine (9) cents per square of 240 eons nonpareil measurement for the first inser- tion and four (4) cents for each subsequent insertion. ::Ir.Spence moved that the Argus Publishing Co.,being the lowest bidder. me award- ed the contract, seconded by and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Coun- cilmen Christensen,Krumb,Hannond,pence,:als,::o'genstern,:Probst and Thillock,(8). Noes:none. Absent :Councilmen Talker, (1). A communication was received from C.h.Colvin claiming ownership to property situated on tine south-east corner of Alameda Avenue and Oak Street,comulaining of the stenches and smells coming from a stable with entrance at 2507 7:ncinal Avenue. February 6th 1912. A communication was received from John .F.Xrenkel owner and C.Ii.Eirr tenant of the premises at 3250 7ncinal Avenue complaining that the main sewer located in Mei- nal Avenue was clogged m causing sewage to back u in the private sewer connecting the said. property. 1x.Trumb moved that the matter he referred to the Health Com- mittee,seconded hy ,ir.Hammond and carried. A report was received from :er.Hammond,Chairman of th.,..e Puhlic Utilities CONMi- ttee,stating that the :eoples Thter Company had refused to hold a conference with the said Committee for the purpose of discussing the request to install mains in Taylor Avenue and recommended that immediate steps h taken to compel such install- at ion .7rodden,Ctreet Snperintendent reported that the :(e.ter Company was in- stalling two-inch mains in the said street,therenpon the report was ordered. filed. A communication roe received from the Alameda improvement Club calling atten- tion to the condition of the roadway of the west side of the .e.bei,er Street had across the marsh. /..nammond moved that the matter he referred to the Street Con- mittee,seconded by :r.Trobst and carried. Communications were received from 'cialter H.77.obinson owner of the property on the south side of Central Avenne,west of 7:aehingtor .7)ark stating that he world deed a strip 14. feet in width by 505 feet in length to the city for street widening rnr- poses provided the City would improve the roadway. if.r."I'robst moved that the mat- ter he referred to the Street committee and Street Superintendent with power to act, onded hy r.Christensen and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,7ramb,Hannend,Spence,,ells,orgenstern:Probst and 7ullock,(C). Noes: None. Absent :Councilman 'ialker,(1). A communication was received from Sarah '.Knower hy F.'e.nower,Atty in Fact, calling attention to the building extending on to the cidewalk line of Santa Clara Avenue at the south-east corner of ';:ebster Street. Mr.11ammond moved that the matter he referred to the Street Committee to devise ways and means to have the said building taaced back on the lire with the other property on said street,second- ed by 1.r.E1ls and carried. A communication was received from the treet lormittee recommending that Oak Street between an Jose and 'linton Avenues he narrowed from a width of 56 feet to 30 feet in accordance with a map attachedfsaid narrowing being recommended by reason of the installation of electroliers on the pRta street which would take up so much room on the sidewalk as to interfere with pedestrian traffic. 1,1r.:'_rumb moved that the recommendation be adopted and the matter referred to the Street Committee with power to act, seconded by :r..11orgenstern and carried. /, communication was received from the r;treet Committee reporting that it had investigated the complaint of the people engaged in the bathing business on the south side near Viebster Street of the carrying of the mud and slickens being dredg- ed from the che ,e1 of Oakland harbor and deposited on the south side of the Alame- da Idole,to their beaches and suggesting that the 7)redgins Company be requested to construct a bulkhead to hold the mud so dredged. Iir.KranTh moved that the suggest- ion be adopted and the Clerk directed to send such a communication the har he- nartment, seconded by :Ir.7)robst and carried. The Street Committee nresented a report recommending ;hat Encinal Avenue be- tween Park Avenue and Fountain Street be widened to a uniform width of CO feet,that the City Attorney he directed to commence condemnation proceedings against all prop- ,e, wieenire, tilt n. srecial meetinP: of the Council he February 6th 1912, held as a Committee of the Whole to take up the matter of forming an assessment d trict to be assessed to pay the expenses to be incurred. Mre,Krumb moved the adop- tion of the recommendations,seconded by 'Alr.Hammond and carried. A petition was received from Powell Bros.Constraction Co.,requesting an ox,;- tion of 90 days time on its contract for the improvement of Hound Street south of San Jose Avenue. Ordered filed and thereupon Hr.Krumb offered the following reso- lution an moved its adoption: Whereas request has been made and good cause therefore appearing, Resolved that the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized and di- rected to grant 90 days extension of time on contract for the performance of treet Work to Powell Bros.Construction Coon its contract to improve iJound Street south of San Jose Avenue under Resolution of Intention No.767 provided that in no event shall any liability accrue by reason thereof agai st said city or offidials. . Mr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed .by the following vote. . Ayes :Councilmen Ohristensen,Krumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells,orgenste Probst and Bullecke(81. Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Walker, (1). A report was received from the Street Superintendent certifying that the work of grading,curbing,racadamizing and otherwise improving Fountain Street from the southern line of an Jose Avenue to the northern line of Washington Street had been done by Hutchinson Company under Resolution of Intention No.773,to his satisfaction and in complirance with the plans and specifications therefor. Ordered filed. lr.Xrumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Res lved,that the public interst and convenience require and that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following improvement to he done in said city,nam ly: That iron pie electric lamp posts each with a cast iron top and ground glass globe and lamp and set up in a concrete baee,be erected and constructed. on both sides, (except as hereinafter specifically described)eof the following described streets and avenues in said city between the limits thereof hereinafter mentioned;said lamp posts to be placed at intervals of 150 feet along each side of said streets and ave- nues,ana arrange a so that the lamp posts on one side of any such street or avenue shall be alternate with those on the other side thereof;and that said lamp posts shall be wired and connected by means of underground conduits of iron pipe for oper- ation by the Eunicipal Electric Light Plant of said city;that said improvement shall be made and constructed on the following named streets and avenues,to wit: Lincoln Avenue from Park Street to Chestnut Street :Pacific Avenue from Bark Street to Chesu- nut Street ;Buena Vista Avenue from Park Street to Chestnut Street :Eagle Avenue from Mulberry Street to Chestnut Street :Eagle Avenue from Park Street to Oak Street:Cle- ment Avenue from Pa 11 Street to Chestnut Street:Blanding Avenue from Park Street to Oak Street:Park Street from Lincoln Avenue to United States Tidal Canal;Oak Street from Central Avenue to Blanding venue ;lm Street from Buena Vista Avenue to Clement Avenue:Y:alnut Street from Lincoln Avenue to Clement Avenue :Mulberry Street from Bue- na Vista Avenue to Clement Avenue:Willow Street from Lincoln Avenue to Clement Ave- nue;Stanford,Street from Buena Yista Avenue to Clement Avenue :Chestnut Street from Lincoln Avenue to Clement Avenue. That the following is a specification of the exterior boundaries of the district to be benefited by said improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses +1t-P liarnml-s7, All 4-',,1+ February 6th 1'3.12. of Alameda, ounty of Alameda, State of C,lifornia,and bounded and particularly des- cribed as follows:- Beginning at a point on the eastern line of Chestnut Street distant thereon twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Clement Avenue :thence eater- ]v along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Clement Avenueto intersection. with the center line of Oak Street:thence norther- ly and along the center line of Oak Street to intersection with the westerly prolon- tion of the southern line of Blanding Avenue :thence easterly along the westerly projection of the southern line of Blanding Avenue to intersection with the eastern line of Oak Street:thence northerly along the eastern line of Oak Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Blanding Ave- nue:thence easterly along a Tine twenty ( 0) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Blanding Avenue to intersection with a, line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Park Street:thence northerly along a line twenty -( 0 ) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Park Street to the southern boundary of the United States Tidal Canal;thence east- erly along the southern line of the United States Tidal Canal to intersection with the western line of Park Street :thence in a right line to a point on the southern line of Harrison Avenue distant twenty (ao) feet easterly from the eastern line af Park Street ;thence southerly and along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Park. Street to intersection with the northern line of the Southern Pacific Right of Way:thence westerly along said right of way line to intersection with the center line of Park Street ;thenc northerly along said center line of Park Street to intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southern. lire of Pacific Avenue ;thence westerly along the easterly projection of the southern line of Pacific Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Park Street ;thence southerly and along the last named parallel Tire to intersection with the northern line of Lincoln Avenue:thence in a right line to the intersection of the southern line of Lincoln Avenue with the western line of Park Street ;thence southerly along the west- ern line of Park Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) ,t southerly from the southern line of Lincoln Avenue ;thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Lincoln Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Oak Street; thence southerly along a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Oak Street to tho northern line of Central Avenue ;thence westerly along aid northern line of Central Avenue to a point in said line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Oak Street :thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Oak Street to a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Lincoln Ave- nuenthence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Lincoln Avenue to intersection with the eastern line of Chest- nut Street;thence northerly along the eastern line of Chestnut Street to intersection with the northern line of Lincoln Avenue :thence westerly along the northern line of Lincoln Avenue to a point on said line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Chestnut Street ;thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet west- erly from and parallel with the western line of Chestnut Street to intersection with c,n114-1nn,"1-1 1 7ebruary 6th 1912 '54 e rnent Avenue to intersection with the eastern Tine of Chestnut Street :thence northerly along said eastern line of Chestnut street to the place of beginning,saving,excepting and excluding from the above mentioned and described district all public streets,avenues, highways, lanes and alleys. And,be it further resolved. tat said proposed improvement is hereby referred. to the Board of Mectricity of the City of Alameda,and said Board is hereby direct u. make and file with the Clerk of the City Council a report in writing as required by the provisions of said statute hereinafter referred. to. It is further resolved that this resolution and proceedings hereunder are taken under and by virtue of the provisions of an act entitled, An Act to provide for the lighting of public streets,lanes,alleys,roads and places in municipalities,and for the assessment of the costs and expenses thereof upon the property benefited thereby." Adopted ::arch 21,1905. ::r .Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Thristensen,l7rumh,hammofid,perce,11s,orrenstern, Probst and Bullock,(8). Noes:7one. Absent:Councilman Valker,(1). In compliance with the foregoing :esolution the hoard of Electricity presented :Plans and sPecifications,-Estimate of Cost,Diagran and Assessment Boll as its report. 1r.Yrumb moved that they be filed,seconded by Lr.Ohristensen and carried and thereupon 11.r.17,rumb offered the following Pesolution and moved its adoption: 'AI=A,in accordance with the instructions contained in. Lesolution of intention 70.78:-,adopted ?ehruary 6th 1912,and in conformity with the provisions of an Act of the Lgislatizre of the tate of California, entitled "An Act to provide for the light- ing of public s.treets,Tanes,,leys,courts and places in municipalities and for the ass- essment of the costs and expenses thereof upon the property benefited thereby,'approv- ea Larch 21,1905,and acts amendatory thereof, the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda,has filed with the Clerk of the 'City Council its report :therefore be it ,7,701,17-E7), That Tuesday, the 5th day of Jarch,1:)12,at the hour of 8 o'clock P.., at the Council chamber of the City Council, in the City ilall of the City of Aaameda at the northwest corner of ''',anta Clara Avenue and Oak 21Treet,be and the sane are hereby appointed as the tine and _ace for hearing protests in relation to the proposed im- provements particularly described in said resolution and report. B=LVD, That the Clerk be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing as provided by said Act of the Legislature, arid that the ilameda Dail:, Argus be and it is hereby designated as the daily newspaper published and circulated in this nun!- c! ty in which said, notice shall be published, and that the Clerk be and he is here- by directed to publish said. notice for a period of two days in esid daily newspaper, and to post said notice as required by law. hr.Christensen seconded the esolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Lrumb,hamnond,pence,Ells,:lorgenstern, 2robst and Bullock,(8). 1Toes:7one. Ahsent:Councilnan Walher,(1). Copies of :esolutions adopted by the Alameda Camber of Commerce and also by the Alameda Dairy Ben's Association e ing.'ufor..the investigatiOnHof certain milk supraied consumers in nameda,which were ordered filed,and, thereupon a rerort was received from the Health Committee of the Council setting forth their findings and making certain -recommendations which was read at length by the Clerk. Iiir.Rammond moved that the report be adopted,seconded by hr.l'robst and carried by tine following vote. Ayes: February 6th 1.012. 70es:None. Absent:Councilman Valker,(1). Mr.Prob..„ moved that the Clerk be directed to communicate with the Southern Pac- ific Company and request that it notify its Conductors and Gatemen to allow the employ- ees of the rlunic ,t).1 Llectric Light Company,to ride free on their showing badges or documents showing that they are such employees, to compliance with one of the provisions of the franchise granted the said. Oompany,seconded by Yx.hammond and, carried. lir.Probst addressed the Council stating that a division fence could be co met- ed between the property owned by hr.Rillen and Lincoln Park on the north side of same for the sum of :202.00 and that the City's share of the said expense would be 0_01.00 and moved that the Park and. Playground Committee be authorized, to have the said work dene,seconded by Lr.Eammond and carried by the following vote. Aye :Councilmen Chris- tensen,Krumb,Hammond,Spencells,Morgenstern,Probst and .73ullock,(8). Noes:Tfone. Absent :Councilman Walker, (1). 7.rs.Thompson who claims ownership to what is L. Own as the south end of Sixth St. addressed the Council regarding her claim. Street Superintendent Frodden stated that the same was an open street. ;:r.7robst moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee and City Attorney to take up with 1;;rs Thompson and her Attorney, second- ed by Mr.Christensen and, carried. ::_r.:clorgenstern moved that the Clerk be directed to address another communication to the 7',ailroad Company and request it to give proper attention to the request that had been made to open gates on both sides of , trains stopping at certain stations,second- ed by lix.Spence and. carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting,Thesday,February 20th -1.1,2„at 7.30 City Clerk of Alane