1912-03-05 Regular CC MinutesEL:L1.1,2 LEEITIL(T COL:;1Ci: w L:o:1 meetinr uonvenea with L:-or The Roll was called and Council= a.1kor,z,rurn.,2;11s,florrenstern,2robst and Builock,(6) were noted 'present councilen Lai'inond a7ria .3-ponco,(2 absent. T le minutes of the '.oeti of l'e-oruary .20th wore road ana ordered amroved. The minutes of the adjourned mectin y o Zobruary 23rd were read ana oraored ap))rovea. Councilmen Lamend. anE T)ence arrived durinr the readiiv; of the miputes ana were notea -p.resen. A comunieation was received fro Eaor in w7Jich subject ±0 the aP-proval of to Council and in confority itL tLe T)rovisions of Article III, I,3ection 3 of tb.e City Charter,he aTrooited Charles 'J.Mac Rae a iomor of the Council to fill the vacancy caused by the acutT1 of l'eter Christenson. Hr.;ial::-r moved that the aP*pointlent ile confired,scconaed b,7 7/ir.Probst and carried L the followiA4-: vote. Ayes:Counciinen .ialker,rum-o,ilammoud,S7;once,Ells,o'enstern,1?robst and Bullock,(0 Ir.oes:llone. Zosent::lone. 1.T.r.c -Rae Presentea hi][1selD' and to0J: t1.0 Oath of Office ana assumed his seat as a member of the Co iC commnicatioE. was recei-ved !resi ullocL: a)'pointin Councilman ac 1.-ae,Ohair: of Ulo. 2ublic and Grounds Coittee and as a ne2ner of the Streets,Sacers ar;0 :iharos Coittee. The sa.e was d,aly aT)proved and ordered filed. 3ullocJc moved that th.o Council ap-:)oint J ac -.ao a no: er of [,00 inaacco Committee to fill too vacarlo7 caused I.*/ t:Le death of ?otor Christor.sen,seconaed by Or Snonoc asd carried 1, the followinr 'vote S-)ence,=s,brenstern,i2robst and 3ulloc]:.1.,6 1:oes:IJone. Absent :::.one. V tin7:Colincilmah Rae,(1). Coneral tacO amounti to :..06;arainst the Colico OmOL amountinr: to ::,253.45;a!Tainst tTle .]lectric YJul t allountinp: to ::3383966;1ain0 t no Street amountinr ;:::105C.36;aainst the Lib-oary :ound amount-l.nn; to ,:055.50; ac:ainst IH')rovement ]o.8 ( iebster Street Roadway) acJo1::1ti.ni to .:250.12; arainst ocal Imi)roveme:st Ji'und Uo.770 (J,abor) .:11tir to ,Al.60;ac:.ainst Im- roveent 1a).772 (],abor) amo=tdn to 1502.05;arainst Local Im7)rovement '.;)'und 7 .772 (1:Laterial) aL.moutrin to 4.-5,.)1.25 and. arainst the fail: and 2layround 2und amountinr to 142.86 havinr 10e1 a-.)roved am audited 1)y the 'pi-0er officials were road. n the Clerk as follows: GEJ.i]R,LL Alasceda - nn-us 1.05 r1 iT ii U 25.00 irada,Scymour Dra-y)in City Hall 20.00 California Oil Burner Co. Oil for hooter 15.51 Carlisle 1.52 Ancinal Coal 5 Ice Co 'Supplies for )?ound 1.55 2.50 .1']lectric fl.ant Labe-- fo-;' ?ire Lla-H2: 202055 OaldaYla Soc ct C at sines 20.00 Chis S Electric Co. 0," 5.a9 Peoples ,ater Co. .;ater 10.24 March bth 1U12. 72oeblincs Soris Co.,Johr IT IT St Sure,_.,L.2. TT IT 1! Underwood '.1:;v-pewri'Ger Co. TT If IT jesterr Uniorl TelerapA Co. Jiro 3-p.puai Cooper iro 230.50 127.20 435.20 Soap 1.50 IT 1. Y!o.pe:; Advarcea 1.20 __'ypewriter 60.00 Repairs 1.00 Teler,:ram Total- 2.00 °46.06 202IO2 2UED Co=ad,jo-hil incidental :_lxenses .. 15 • An) Police Jiro Corlicsioners Coptirent 250.00 l'otai- - - ,:i.,.; 263.45 L;CTR1C LI= 2= Alameaa Dail:T Yl.rrus 2rinting 6.75 APti-Toreao 2aiffu Co. Paint 50.25 IT IT If IT 30.00 Board e:Z Electricity incidentals 61.02 Crape Co. Swpplies 11.42 IT If II 10.02 IT IT IT 1.05 Der-op !.),eltir Co. If 2.30 Dow 2111n-pi inc .i2lilr; Jo. , 260 .L,. T1 6.50 2ccies ,°,..3 S-flith Co. TT 10.00 Fischer,C.P. Laterial 1.05 2assett, J.0. Cervices 100.00 Hellor: Ey.7press Co. -.))rayae 6.56 King,A.. Horseshocinc:; 6.50 Koerber,A...i. Y-oa 20.00 1-,omax,i,'..r,,. HoriJeshoeirc 5.2o 1.;:arshall-*iewell au,pply Co Su*p-ol-i 0 2.75 IT IT IT Ti l' 5.41 II If TT II Supplie2 5.0 TT IT TT IT IT 1.60 IT II If IT TI 2.30 Mason,Y.E. 1ent 30.00 2,:iaxweli Hardware (Jo. SuTlies 10.05 2aci2ic States Electric Co. LaDp 5.14 IT IT IT II Sw c, 11 .37 voli, IT 11 IT IT r-ips 75.00 TI TT TT TT 5i1ioc 15.50 IT IT TT IT La',Jos 51.90 TT TT IT TT IT 51 .90 TT Ti TI IT 311j)ifieS 60.5,1 II TT IT IT TT 5.04:: IT u u ,all 54.60 IT TI TT TI IT n u TT Suppi7Ies 40.12 Pacific States 2lectric Co. IT 11 IT TT Peonies iater Co Plu_mmor Son,ijeo E. Rhode Jamieson Co. Roeblinrs Sons Co.,John A. IT Schnoider,Honry Stanaard O1,1 Co IT IT IT IT IT II IT Co estinouse IT 11 TT IT IT IT TT IT 1iittier7CobTrim Co kotor 13.3C 9.37 6.52 livaber 91.00 Coal 1.95 12.80 iire 200.00 Stationery 5.30 1.1e1 Oil 1171.60 Gasoline 7.95 Distilate 3.75 Turbine Oil 15.59 Sunn1ies 4.15 Transformers 279.40 ilios 4.50 Trsforiflers 227.56 1.1eters 303.00 Suo1ies 4.60 Total 72.60 i12 20 PUliD ToamLng 84.00 California Corrugatea Culvert Co. SuT)7)Jies 306.44 Caairman,2_,.k. Assist ng City 2rigr 1.00 Clark Sons,E. 3u-pplies 5.4-4 11.84 TI u_ 22.3A Grant Gravel Co. Rock 36.00 Jamison,J.S, Teaming 107.50 Jones,O.E. u 90.00 TJeKee,J.H. Labor 10.00 CU))lies 10.70 Pennock.,D.. Teaming 21.25 Peo-oles ater Co. ,iater 33.40 Elummer Son,Geo E. humber 21.35 11?oweli Bros Construction Co. T:iaterial 172.40 u II IT IT 55.75 IT IT TT II iT 11 IT 107.50 TT IT IT U 156.00 l',earaon-Grist Construction Co. a-2-4ring oBstor S,.Roadway 261.06 Serraluna,L. Labor 160.00 Stackler,jos Blacksmitin 25.30 Vosburc.,:h Hardware 15.60 it IT IT iT 6.50 Total- - - 1.650.30 Alameda i:aily Ar;-us LIBRAM Yon 2rintin .35' arcn OtA .[oierican librar;y. Association 1]venin,-, Tilnes-3tar Long :T rational Lacrican 'Society ilowbef;in,J.j. Peopl ,2.ter Scribner 's Sons Sing Tliornsoal 2ublis11n Co. hoeler 2nblishinF Co Cues 5.00 Books 9.00 Sul)scri-Dtions 2.60 ' llewspa-pors 5.00 CIurm in C :Supplies 17.35 SuFoscra-Aions 4.00 Cooks 59.5A Services as 'St 17/ Teller 12.00 ,;ater Boa:: 6.66 2,eseatiTIE: Chairs 9.50 Book 17.10 Cent .;ost 25.00 3oos 1.00 Total- - 1=C12AL LUROVET TLT.a) -.Jo.0,( ie'hstor St.IZoacluay) ',-?.cardon-Crist Construction Co. 1-iei)airs LOCZL a=OVE: DJ.770,(Labor Builman,Geo labor loreose,L].:E. :me y heys,O. Samuels a. Sanday,. J- • Shannon " Sorenson,J. IT TT TT II Ti TT TT Total- LOCLL PITI]d) ITo.772,(habor) J3onnott, Jos 2. La-por • 11 Burns, J. TT 3ur'Gon,J. IT Concannon,J. T Costa,J. 17 L)alushe,J. 11 Dobbs 0.C=. Ccc Proese,2].. Heeb,Lozi.is J2reitas,H. Heys,O, Lano,J. T L. IT IT TT • TT r 17 TT IT TI 1 7 150.00 -,„; 356.60 .12 3,45 1.25 1.25 o • 1.25 12.50 10.00 2.50 3.45 41.6C 7.50 54.05 55.60 2.50 12.90 30.15 60.76 36.55 49.05 20.90 17.00 60.45 56.70 67.15 5'2.00 56.75 16. 57.00 r.17. 01Z 1La1'cn Y1fl J2-.)12. Louis .1. Labor 46.55 Lossner,C. II Minifle,G. II 47.20 ;icholas,I.. IT 52.50 OT])onnoli,P. iT 54.05 2otorscm,2. .1 l'j.90 Samueis,J.C. TT 59.20 TT ..)alau,ky,. 47.80 Shannon,T. TT 50.60 Sorenson,J. 11 57.65 Stoll,Geo J. TT 57.80 Wagner,F.J. IT 54.05 agner,Jacob R. TT 46.00 'Walker,J.D. IT 14.20 Walkup,F.C. TT 12.50 Alaley,G. IT 44.20 Vihipple,C.J. TT 57.30 Villis,T. IT 59.20 Total- - 1582.05 LOCAL INPR0V1,5i)ET FUND NO.772, (Material ) Crane Co. TT IT IT TT Dow Pumping Engine Co.,Geo E. Pacific States Electric Co. IT IT TT TT IT TT P TT ies Junction Boxes Lamps IT Conduit IT IT II IT IT II IT IT IT IT 11 IT Ti IT TI IT TI II TI TI S IT IT IT up plies Roeb1ings Sons o.,John A. .iire IT 11 TT IT TI If IT IT TT IT IT IT IT IT IT II Panama Limber & =1 Co. Total- - PARE: & PLAYGROUND FUND. Lumber 97.75 256.17 269.62 262.50 3750 150.00 222.30 222.30 444.60 444.60 444.60 444.60 154.42 285.00 285.05 241.00 241.00 88.25 4591.26 50.00 TT IT IT IT 30.00 Peoples slater Co. Viater 12.51 Putzman,E.O. Supplies 47.55 Vosburgh Co.,J.B. TT 2.80 Total- 142.86 Er.Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid,seconded by Mr.?robst and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,alker Mac Rae,iiammond, -0!? 7)(7) _waren oin A report was received fro 111 :the Auditor showing the balances on hand in the various funds on February 29th 1912. Ordered filed. A memoranda of data required from the Peoples Co.,necessary to be used in fixing the water rates for the year 1912-1913 was presented. Mr.Bullock moved that the Clerk be directed to send it to the said ia_ter Company with the request that the information desired be supplied,seconded by Mr.Krumb and carried. A communication was received from the Board of Electricity explaining that Mr. C.H.Foster who maintained a planing mill at 1429 Oak Street had been encouraged to install electric motors for power service by the offer of a cheaper rate than that adopted to take effect March 1st 1912 ,and recommended that in his case the minimum bill of 01.00 per H.P. per month be suspended and that he be allowed to pay the same rate as he has been paying in the past. Mr.Hammond moved that the recommendations be adopted,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Coun- cilmen Zrumb,Walker,liammond,Eac Rae,Spence,Ell Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent: None. A communication was received from the Board of Electricity stating. that -er- thcations had been received to have extra lamp posts installed along the streets of the same design as those now being put in and recommending that such installation be made on condition that the cost be paid for by the applicant in advance and that a contract be entered into for five years to pay for the light consumed by the said lamp at the rate of 01.00 per month per lamp ,the city to furnish the current and take care of the renewals. Mr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred back to the Department of Electricity with power to act,seconded Mr._robst and carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Krumb,aalker,Mac Rae ,Hammond, Spence,Ells,Morgen- stern,robst and Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. A communication was received from the City Assessor stating that he bad appoint- ed E.E.Decker as a deputy assessor for the present assessment season at a salary of 085.00 per month and requested that the appointment would be approved. Mr.Hammond moved that the appointment be approved seconded by flr.Spence and carried by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes: Councilmen Krumb,Jalker,Mac Rae ,Hammond,Spenco ,Ells,Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock,(9). Noe :None. Absent:Norie. A communication was received from the Treasurer suggesting that while the vault in his office was being repaired that or safe be leased. Mr.Probst moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act,seconded 137 Mr.Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,-aalker,Mac Rae, Hammond Spence,211s,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Communications were received from the Alameda Civic Conference Committee and the East End Improvement Club requesting that action be posponed relative to calling a bond election for the purpose of raising funds for improvements for the Municipal Electric Light Plant;for the present/and requesting that bids be solicited for current from outside sources. Mr.Hammond moved that the communications be filed,seconded, by Mr.Prob t. Lengthy discussion was entered into regarding the matter by citizens in the lobby representatives of the Municipal Electric Light lant and members of the CounciIkfter which Mr.Morgenstern moved to amend the motion and to refer the mat- ter to the Committee of the hole ,seconded by Mr.Spence. Er.Hammond moved to amend the amendment and to refer the matter to the Committee of the Thole and the Board of Electricity,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. n-P-Pranpfl +.11P -Pnllnwinr cm rroa mnvpa I fs nrInntinn- naren Oth C72,1'7".,1 Resolution:Determining that the Public Interest and Public Necessity of the City of Alameda,Demand the Acquisition,Construction and Completion of certain Per- manent Municipal Improvements to wit: A Building to be used as a power house,Lach- inery and Apparatus for the Municipal Electric Light Plant; A new Fire Alarm and. Police Telephone and. Signal System:Fire Apparatus and. Other Jorks,Property and Structures necessary and convenient to carry out the Objects,Purposes and. Powers of said. Municipality,the Cost of dhich is too great to be 1-id out of the Ordinary An- nual Income and Revenue of said Municipality. WHEREAS,the City of Alameda is a municipal corporation,duly incorporated and existing under alld by virtue of the laws of the State of California d ,iliE;REAS,tho Council of said. City is the legislative branch of said city,and the Mayor of said city is the Executive of said city and municipali y,it is now by said. Council after full examination and consideration hereby RESOLVED Section 1. That the Council of the City of Alameda hereby determines that the public interest and, the public necessity of said. City of Alameda demand the acqui- sition,construction and completion of certain permanent Ebmprovements and other works, property and structures which are necessary and. convenient to carry out the objects, purposes and powers of said. municipality and which are namely:- The acquisition,construction and completion of a building to be used as a pow- er house for the Municipal Electric Light Plant,the acquisition and installation of machinery and apparatus for the Municipal Electric Light Plant to be used in gener- ectric Light Plant to be used, in increasing the distributing system of said. Plant 11 estimated to cost the sum of One hundred and fifty thousand (0.50,000.) Dollars;the acquisition,construc- tion and completion of a fire alarm and police telephone and signal system,all esti- mated to cost Eight Thousand (08000.) Dollars:the acquisition of automobile fire apparatus,including one automobile fire engine,one automobile hook and ladder fire truck,six automobile chassis to be used in converting horse-power fire apparatus to motor-driven fire apparatus,one automobile tractor for steam fire engine,one auto- mobile tractor for hook and ladder fire truck,one automobile for the use of the chief of the fire department, in attending to his duties as Chief of the Fire Be- tment and Fire Marshal,also the acquisition,construction and, completion of water pumping stations,and also the construction and completion of repairs and additions to the iebster Street fire house,known and designated as fire station io.2,all es- timated to cost Forty-two Thousand. (,42,000.) Dollars; the ating electricity,the acquisition of wire for4Municipal Section 2. That of 4Lameda that the cost works,-ntilitiesoroperty and structure and each of them will be and is too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and, revenue of said. City of Alameda,and that the cost thereof and of each of them will require an expenditure greater than the amount allowed or which may be obtained, by the ordinary annual tax levy of said city,and that the cost thereof and of each of them in addition to the other expen- ditures of the city will exceed the income and, revenue provided for in any une year or in the current fiscal year. Section 3. That it is also hereby determined that said Council of the City of Alameda will or the public interest and necessity,and in accordance with the hereby further determined by said Council of the City aforesaid permanent municipal jmprovenents and other Yarch 5th 1912. poratilns for municipal irnprovements,and regulating he acquisition construction,or completion thereoi' (became a law under constitutional provision without Governor's approval February 25th,1901,),and acts amendatory thereof in accordance with which Acts of the Legislature this resolution is adopted,at a subsequent meeting of said. Council of the City of Alameda,by ordinance call a spec ial election and submit to the qualified voters of said city,the proposition of incurring a debt for the purposes therein set forth and as above stated. Mr.Spence seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Aye :Councilmen Krumb,alker,Eac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Ell orgenstern, Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. I:Ir.Bullock offered the following resolution and, moved its adoption: Resolved,that the City Attorney be and he is hereby directed to prepare and present to this Council such resolutions and ordinances as may be necessary to con- tinue and carry out the bond issue proceedings this day commenced by resolution of this Council;and that he prepare and present to this Council from time to time such notices,resolutions and ordinances as may be necessary for the calling and holding of the election therefor,and issuance and sale of such bonds as may be authorized. Mr.Spence seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Aye :Councilmen Krumb,Walher,Mac Rae,liammond,Snence,Ells,Morenstern Probst and. Bullock,(9). Hoes:flone. Absent:None. Er.Hammond offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS,an effort is being made in Congress to reduce the appropriation for the operation of the San Francisco Mint,and Whereas,any reduction of appropriation will result disastrously to an inttitution of such vast importance to the entire Pacific Qoast as is the San Francisco Mint,therefore be it RESOIVED,that this Council urge upon the California Representatives in Con- gress to do every thing in their power to defeat any effort to cut down the appropri- ations for the San Francisco Mint,and be it further Resolved,That Honorable J.J.Fitzgerald,Chairman of the Committee on Approp tions of the House of Representatives be and he is hereby earnestly requested to as- sist the California Representatives in maintaining the San Francisco Mint up to its present standard of efficiency,and be it further RSOLVED,that the Clerk of this Council be and he is hereby directed to for- ward a copy of these resolutions to the California Representatives and to the Hon- orable J.J. itzgerald. Mr.Krumb seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,Vialker,Mac Rae Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern, Probst and. Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:Hone. A communication was received from the Alameda Harbor Commission stating that it was the sense of the said Commission that the new harbor lines in Oakland Harbor on the City of Alameda shore as projected by the United States Engineers and as shown on three blue prints marked. Corps of Engineers,U.S.Army and filed with the City Clerk,were approved by the said Commission as an engineering proposition. Li.. Hammond moved that it be filed,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. A communication was received from Iieut.Ool.Thos H.Rees,Corps of Engineers, U.S.Xrmy,acknowledging receipt of resolution adopted by the Harbor Commission and endorsed by the Council of February 20th in regard to the completion of the project for the improvement of the San Antonio "istuary and the extension of some from Jeb- laarcn b/la 191'4. A communication was received from Honorable J.R.Knowlan ongressman acknoll edging receipt of communication from the Clerk containing resolutions adopted by the Harbor Commission .of Alameda relative to the improvement of the an Antonio Estuary. Mr.Hammond moved thatnit be referred to the Harbor Commission,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. A communication was received from Lieut.Col.Thos H.Rees orps of Engineers, U.S.Army acknowledging receipt of resolution concerning the damping of dredged ma- terial west of Alameda and south of the Alameda 'dole. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Board of Health in answer to the request to take action toward having an effective seal adoptea for certified milk and stating that an ordinance for that purpose was in course of Preparation. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Board of Health in answer to request to investigate the complaint against the unsanitary conditions of the stable whose en- trance was 2307 Encinal Avenue,stating that the matter would be investigated. Or- dered filed. A communication was received from the Board of Health requesting that the Council appoint a new member to the said Board to fill the vacancy now existing. Mr.Probst moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of, the Whole,seconded by Mr.Hammond ana carried. A complaint was received from residents of the neighborhood of Lincoln Avenue and Chestnut complaining of a building on the north-west corner of said streets. Mr.Hammond moved that the same be referred to the Street Committee,seconded by Tar. Walker and carried. A communication was received from Mr.C.A.Borle the owner of the building com- plained of at the north-west corner of Lincoln Avenue and Chestnut Street stating that he would be pleased to deed to the City the land obstructing the roadway provided the complainants would pay for the expense of moving back the building. Mr.Probst moved that it be referred to the Street Committee,seconded by L'Ir.Hammond and carried. A deed, properly recorded was received from Theresa Vogt,a widow,to a piece of land on the south side of Lincoln Avenue between Oak and Park Street the said land to be used only for street purposes. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Auditor stating that there was at pre- sent standing to the credit of Electrolier District No.4 under Resolution of Inten- tion No.780 the sum ad 8,918.59. Mr.Probst moved that it be filed and that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for the erection of electroliers in the district said bids to be received by the Council up totleigMuETClock P.M.on Tuesday the 12th day of March,1912,and that when the Council adjourn it do so to that time and hour,seconded by Nr.Spence and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Council- men Krumb,71alker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence Ells,Morgenstern,Brobst and Bullock,(q. Noes:None. Absent:None. Affidavits were presented showing due publication and posting of Notice of Local Improvement No.782,giving due notice of time set for hearing protests in the matter of the erection of electroliers under Resolution of Intention No.782 on this date. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that no protests had been presented. A communication was received from the North Side Improvement Club requesting that action toward proceeding with the work of installing electroliers in Electroli- er District No.5,under Resolution of Intention No.782 be posponed for thirty days. March 5th 1912. thereupon Er.Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: ';;hereas,the City Council of the City of Alameda did,on the 6th day of 2ebruary, 1912,p ass its Resolution of Intention No.782 to order the following improvement to be made in said city,namely:- That iron pipe electric lamp posts each with a cast iron to and ground glass globe and lamp and set up in a concrete base,be erected and constructed on both sides of the followinG described streets and avenues of said city,between the limits thereof hereinafter mentioned;said lamp posts to be plaoei at intervals of one hun- dred and fifty feet along each side of said streets and avenues,and arranged so that the lamp posts on one side of any such street and avenue shall be alternate with those on the other side thereof,and that said lamp Posts shall be wired and connect- ed by means of underground conduits of iron pipe for operation by the municipal Electric Light Plant of said city;that said. improvement shall be made and construct- ed on the following named streets and avenue to wit:-Lincoln Avenue from Park Street to Chestnut Street;Pacific Avenue from Park Street to Chestnut treet;3uena Vista Avenue from Park Street to Chestnut Street;Eagle Avenue from Mulberry Street to Chestnut Street;Eagle Avenue from Park Street to Oak Street;Clement Avenue from Park Street to Chestnut Street;31anding Avenue from Park Street to Oak treet;Park Street from Lincoln Avenue to the United States Tidal Canal;Oak Street from Cen- tral Avenue to Blanding Avenue;Elm Street from Buena Vista Avenue to Clement Avenue; ':ialnut Street from Lincoln Avenue to Clement Avenue;Hulberry Street from Buena Vis- ta Avenue to Clement Avenue;,iillow Street from Lincoln Avenue to Clement Avenue;Stan- ford Street from Buena Vista Avenue to Clement Avenue;Chestnut'Street from Lincoln Avenue to Clement Avenue;and HER3,there wene no protests presented against saia improvement,or against the assessment for said improvement;now therefore,it is hereby RESOLVED that the proposed assessment for said improvement be _d the some is hereby confirmed;and be it further RESOLVED,that the report of the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda presented and filed on the 6th clay of 2ebruary,1912,with the Clerk of said Council be,and the someis hereby adopted as a whole. Mr.Vialker seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,',/alker,Yac aae,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern, Probst and. Bullock (9). •Noe :None. Absent: None. Ur.Krumb offered the followinE resolution, and, moved its adoption: RESOLVED,that,whereas,the City Council of the City of Alameda,did,on the 6th day of February,1912 pass its Resolution of Intention No.782 to order the herein- after described work to be done and improvement to be made in said Cityof Alameda; and,whereas,upon the filing of the report of the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda,the City Council by resolution appointed a time and place for hearing protests in relation to the proposed improvement,which time and place were fixed as follows to wit: Tuesday,the 5th day of Mareh,l9l2,at the hour of Eight o'clock P.M. ,at the Council Chamber' of the City Council at the City Mall in the City of Alameda at the northwest corner of Santa Clara Avenue and. Oak Street;andiwherea notice of said hearing was duly and regularly published as required by law and the resolution of said Council,as appears from the affidavits of F.E.3rowning and John S.Daveler,now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Alameda;and, Jtarcn otn as aforesaid,headed,"Notice of Local Improvement," were duly and regularly posted along all streets,and parts of streets,within the assessment district described in said Resolution of Intention,at_mot more than 300 feet in distance apart form and manner as required by law,as ape from the af“davits of George N.Browning and F.E.Drowning,City Clerk of the said. City ol Alameda,wh_O,upon the completion of the posting of said notices,forthwith filed said affidavits in the office of said City Clerk;and,whereas,there were no protests presented to said Council against said im- provement or the assessment for said improvement;and THEREAS,said Council did then and there confirm the proposed assessment for said improvement,and did then and there adopt as a whole the said report of the Board of Electricity,therefore be it RESOLIIED,that the public interest and convenience require and the City Council of the City of Alameda hereby orderes the following improvement to be done and made in said city,namely:- That iron pipe electric lamp posts each with a cast iron top and ground glass globe and lamp and, set up in a concrete base be erected and constructed on both sides of the following described streets and avenues in said city between the limits there- of hereinafter mentioned; said lamp posts to be placed at intervals of 150 feet along each side of said streets and avenues ,and arranged so that the lamp posts on one side any such street or avenue shall be alternate with those on the other side there- of;and that said lamp poets shall be Wired and connected by means of underground con- duits of iron pipe for operation by the Municipal Electric Light Plant of said city; that said improvement shall be made and constructed on the following named streets and avenues,to wit: Lincoln Avenue from Park Street to Chestnut Street;Pacific Ave- nue from lurk Street to Chestnut Street;Buena Vista Avenue from Park Street to Chestnut Street;Eagle Avenue from Mulberry Street to Chestnut Street;Eagle Avenue from Park Street to Oak Street;Clement Avenue from Park Street tot Chestnut Street; Blanding Avenue from Park Street to Oak Street;Park Street from Lincoln Avenue to the United States Tidal Canal;Oak Street from Central Avenue to Blanding Avenue;Elm Street from Buena Vista Avenue to Clement Avenue;alnut Street from Lincoln Avenue to Clement Avenue;Mulberry Street from Buena Vista Avenue to Clement Avenue;illow Street from Lincoln Avenue to Clement Avenue;Stanford Street from Buena Vista Ave- nue to Clement Avenue;Ohestnut Street from Lincoln Avenue to Clement Avenue. That the following is a specification of the exterior boundaries of the dis- trict to be benefited by said improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof,namely: All that piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the City of Ala- meda,County of Alameda,State of California,and bounded and particularly described as follows:- Beginning at a point on the eastern line of Chestnut Street dstant thereon twenty (20/ feet northerly from the northern hue of Clement Avenue; thence easter- ly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Clement Avenue to intersection with the center line of Oak Street;thence north- erly and along the center line of Oak Street to intersection with the westerly pro- longation of the southern line of Blanding Avenue;thence easterly along the wester- ly projection of the southerly line of Blanding Avenue to intersection with the east- ern line of Oak Street;thence northerly along the eastern line of Oak. Street to a fr)n) .71.4 jc March 5th 1912. Avenue;thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Blanding Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Park Street;thence north- erly along.a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Park Street to the southern boundary of the United States Tidal Canal;thence easterly along the southern line of the United. States Tidal Canal to intersection with the western line of Park Street;thence in a right line to a point on the south- ern line of Harrison Avenue distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Park Street;thence southerly and along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Park Street to intersection with the northern line of the southern Pacific Right of Way;thence westerly along said right of way line to intersection with the center line of Park Street;thence northerly along said center line of Park Street to intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southern line of Pacific Avenue;thence westerly along the easterly projection of the southern line of Pacific Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Park Street;thence southerly and along the last named parallel line .tth intersection with the northern line of Lincoln Avenue;thence in a right line to the intersection of the southern line of Lincoln Avenue with the western line of Park Street;thence southerly along the west- ern line of Park Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Lincoln Avenue;thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Lincoln Avenue to a point t thereon distant twenty (20) feet easter1y from the eastern line of Oak Street; thence southerly along a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Oak Street to the northern line of Central Avenue;thence westerly along said northern line of Central Avenue to a point in said line dis- tant twenty (20) feetwesterly from the western line of Oak Street;thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Oak Street to a point twenty ( 0 ) feet southerly from the southern line of Lincoln Avenue;thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Lincoln Avenue to intersection with the eastern line of Chestnut Street;thence northerly along the eastern line of Chestnut Street to in- tersection with the northern line of Lincoln Atenue;thence westerly along the northern line of Lincoln Avenue to a point on said line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Chestnut Street;thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Chestnut Street to intersection with the southern line of Clement Avenue;thence easterly along said southern line of Clement Avenue to intersection with the eastern line of Chestnut Street;thence northerly along said eastern line of Chestnut Street to the place of beginning,saving,excepting and excluding from the above mentioned and described district all public streets avenue highways,lanes and alleys. It is further resolved that this resolution and proceedings hereunder are ta- ken under and by virtue of the provisions of an Act entitled,"An Act to provide for the lighting of public .streets,lanes,alleys roads and places in municipalities,and for the assessments of the costs and expenses thereof upon the property benefited thereby," adopted March 21,1905. Er.Walker seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- 1,aaren 5th IV14. Mr.Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved,That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following improvement to be done in said city,namely:- That iron pipe electric lamp posts each with a cast iron top and ground glass globe and lamp and set up in a concrete base,be erected and constructed on both sides,(except as hereinafter specifically described),of the following described streets and avenues in said city between the limits thereof hereinafter mentioned; said lamp posts to be place at intervals of 150 feet along each side of said streets and avenues,and arranged so that the lamp posts on one side of any such street or avenue shall be alternate with those on the other side thereof;and that said lamp posts shall be wired and connected by means of underground conduits of iron pipe for operation by the Municipal Electric Light Plant ment shall be made and constructed on the following Central Avenue from 6th Street to 4th Street;Palace of said city;that said improv named streets and avenues,to wit: Court from 6th Street westerly to its termination;Taylor Avenue from 9th Street to 3rd Street;Santa Clara Avenue from 9th Street to rd Street;Haight Avenue from 4th Street to 3rd Street;Lincoln Avenue from 9th Street to termination west of 5th Street;Lincoln Avenue from 4th Street to 3rd Street;Pacific Avenue from 9th Street to Main Street;Buena Vista Avenue from 9th Street to Webster Street;Eagle Avenue from 8th Street westerly to the Southern acific Right of Way;9th Street from Pacific Avenue to the northerly termination of 9th Street;Nason Street from Pacific Avenue to the northerly termination of mason Street;8th Street from Central Avenue to the northerly termination of 8th Street; Vage Street from Central Avenue to Santa Clara Avenue;Concordia Street from Lincoln Avenue to Pacific Avenue;6th Street from Haight Avenueto Pacific Avenue;5th Street from Haight Avenue to Pacific Avenue and 4th Street from Central Avenue to Pacific Avenue. That the following is a specification of the exterior boundaries of the dist- rict to be benefited by said improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and ex- penses thereof,namely: All that piece or parcel of land situate,lying and being in the City of Alameda,County of Alameda,State of Calif ornia,and bounded and particular- ly described as follows:- Beginning at a point on the eastern line of 6th Street,distant thereon twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Central Avenue;thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Cen- tral Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the wesern line of Page Street;thence northerly along said last-mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Taylor Avenue;thence westerly along said last-mentioned line to intersection with the eastern line of 6th Street;thence in a right line to a point on the western line of 6th from the southern line of Pa feet southerly from and para treet distant thereon twenty (20) feet southerly ce Court; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) lel with the southern line of Palace Court to a point on said line distant Pour Hundred and eighty- -d 78/100 (486.78) feet westerly from the western line of 6th Street;thence in a right line northerly to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Palace Court at a point thereon Four Hundred and eighty-six and 78/100 March 5th 1912. line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Palace Court to intersection with the western line of 6th Street;thence in a right line to intersection with the eastern line of 6th Street at a point distant thereon ± twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Taylor Avenue;thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Taylor Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Page Street;thence northerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with the egstern line of 5th Street;thence northerly along the eastern line of 5th Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue;thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of 8th Street;thence northerly along said last- mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Lincoln Avenue;thence westerly along said last- mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and par- allel with the eastern line of 6th Street;thence southerly along said. last mention- ed line to intersection with the northern line of Haight Avenue;thence along the northern line of Haight Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet wester- ly from the western line of 6th Street;thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of 6th Street to intersec- tion with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Lincoln Ave- nue;thence westerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of 5th Street; thence southerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with the northern line of Haight Avenue;thence westerly along the northern line of Haight Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of 5th 2 Street;thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of 5th Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Lincoln Avenue;thence west- erly along said last mentioned line to a point thereon distant six hundred and ninety-four and 42/100 (694.42) feet westerly from the westerly line of 5th Street; thence in a right line northerly to intersection with a line,distant twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Lincoln Avenue,at a point six hundred and ninety (690) feet westerly from the western line of 5th Street;thence easterly along the line twenty (20) feet northerly from and paral- lel with the northern line of Lincoln Avenue to intersection with a line twenty. (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of 5th Street;thence northerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Pacific Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned, line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of 4th Street;thence south- erly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue;thence easterly along said last mentioned line to intersection with the western line of =4-1, r.114-11m1.11r mlnIncr ±1- w17•1 lirn nf Strnetnto a point dis- March 5th 1912 tant thereon twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly frortand parallel with the southern line of Santa Clara Avenueto intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of 4th Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet norther- ly from and parallel with the northern line of Taylor Avenue;thence easterly along said last mentioned line to intersection with the western line of 6th Street;thence southerly along the western line of 6th Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Taylor Avenue;thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Tay lor Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of 4th Street;thence southerly along said 1..s mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Central Avenue;thence easterly along said last mentioned line to intersection with the western line of 6th Street;thence southerly in a right line to a point on the western line of 6th Street distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Central Avenue;thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly fromand parallel with the southern line of Central Avenueto intersection with the eastern line of 4th Street extended southerly;thence northerly in a right line to intersec- tion of the eastern line of 4th Street with the northern line of Central Avenue;thence westerly in a right line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of 4th Street at a point thereon distant two hun- dred and eighty-three and 02/100 (283.02) feet southerly from the southern line of Taylor Avenue;thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and par- allel with the western line of 4th Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Taylor Avenue thence westerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with the eastern line of 3rd Street extended southerly;thence northerly along said eastern line of 3rd Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Tay- lor Avenue;thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Taylor Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of 4th Street;thence northerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet south- erly from and parallel with the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with the eastern line of 3rd Street; thence northerly along said eastern line of 3rd Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northerly line of Santa Clara Avenue;thence easterly along a line twenty (201 feet northerly from and parallel with the north- ern line of Santa Clara Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet wester- ly from and parallel with the western line of 4th Street;thence northerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Haight Avenue;thence westerly along said last ' mentioned line to intersection with the eastern line of 3rd Street;thence northerly 'along the eastern line of 3rd Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Haight Avenue;thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of.Haight Ave- nue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with March 5th 1912. southern line of Lincoln Avenue;thence we erly along said last mentioned line to intersection with the eastern line of 3rd Street;thence northerly along said east- ern line of 3rd Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Lincoln Avenue;thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Lincoln Avenue to intersec- tion with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of 4th Street;thence northerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Pac- ific Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with the eastern line of Main Street;thence northerly along the eastern line of Hain Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Pacific Avenue ; thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Pacific Avenue to intersection with a line twen- ty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westernline of 8th Street;thence northerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Buena Vista Avenue; thence westerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with the eastern line of 'Iebster Street;thence northerly along said eastern line of Vebster Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Buena Vista Avenue;thence along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and paral- lel with the northern line of Buena Vista Avenue to intersection with a line twen- ty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of 8th Street;thence northerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Eagle Avenue; thence westerly along said last mentioned line to a point thereon distant four hundred and ninety-seven and 86/100 (497.85) feet westerly from the western line of 8th Street;thence in a right line northerly to intersection with a line distant twen- ty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Eagle Avenue, at a point thereon distant five hundred and five and 80/100 (505.60) feet wester- ly from the western line of 8th Street;thence along a line twenty (20) feet north- erly from and parallel with the northern line of Eagle Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from aid parallel with the western line of 8th Street;thence northerly along said last mentioned line to a point thereon distant two hundred and eighty-eight and 20/100 (288.20) feet northerly from the northern line of Eagle Avenue;thence in a right line easterly to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of 8th Street,at a point thereon distant six hundred and forty-one and 76/100 (641.76) feet northerly from the northern line of Buena Vista Avenue;thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of 8th Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Buena Vista Avenue;thence easterly along said last men- tioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and paral- lel with the western line of Udson Street;thence northerly along said last mention- ed line to a point thereon distant five hundred and ninety-seven and 10/100 (597.10) feet northerly from the northern line of Buena Vista Avenue;thence easterly in a right. line to intersection with a line.dist t twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Nason Street,at a point thereon distant five _ hundred and ninety-five and 96/100 (596.96) feet northerly from the northern line March bth 131`4. twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Buena Vista Avenue;thence easterly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of 9th Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned line to a point thereon distant five hundred and seventy-seven and 34/100 (577.34) feet northerly from the northern line of Buena Vista Avenue;thence easterly in a right line to intersection with a line dis- tant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of 9th Street, at a point thereon distant five hundred and seventy-two and 97/100 (572.97) feet northerly from the northern line of Buena Vista Avenne;thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of 9th Street to intersection with the northern line of Pacific Avenue;thence southerly in a right line to a point on the western line of 9th Street,distant thereon twenty (20) feet south- erly from the southern line of Pacific Avenue;thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Pacific Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of 8th Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Lincoln Avenue;thence easterly along said last mentioned line to intersection with the western line of 9th Street;thence southerly along the western line of9th Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Lin- coln Avenue;thence along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Lincoln Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easter- ly from and parallel with the eastern line of 8th Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue;thence easterly along said last mentioned line to intersection with the western line of 9th Street;thence southerly along the western line of 9th Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue;thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of 8th Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the north- ern line of Taylor Avenue;thence easterly along said last mentioned line to inter- section with the western line of 9th Street;thence southerly along the western line of 9th Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the south- ern line of Taylor Avenue;thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Taylor Avenuento intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of 8th Street; thence southerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with the northern line of Central Avenue;thence in a right line to a point on the western line of 8th Street distant thereon twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Central Avenue:thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Central Avenue to intersection with the eastern line of 6th Street;thence northerly along the eastern line of 6th Street to its intersection with the southern line of Central Avenue;thence in a right line to the intersection of the northern line of Central Avenue with the eastern line of 6 Street;thence northerly along the eastern line of 6th Street twenty (20) feet to the point of begdnning,'sav- zaarch OTR 1V1iL. And,be it further reuolved,that said proposed improvement is hereby referred to the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda,and said Board is hereby directed to make and file with the Clerk of the City Council a report in writing as required by the provisions of said statute hereinafter referred to. It is further resolved that this resolution and proveedings hereunder are tak- en under and by virtue of the provisions of an Act entitled,"An Act to provide for the lighting of public street lane ,alleys,roado and places in municipalities,and for the assessment of the costs and expenses thereof upon the property benefited thereby," Adopted March 21,1905. Mr.alker seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,alker,Mac Rae ,Haimond, Spence ,il1s,Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes:Uone, Absent:None. In accordance with the instruction contained in the foregoing Resolution of Intention No.763,the Board of Electricity presented a report concerning the proposed improvement,accompanied by plans,specifications and estimate of the cost of the same, fixing the amount at 016,707.20,diagram showing the district referred to in said Re olution,the boundaries and dimensions of the respective subdivisions of the land within sai'd district and assessment roll of the total amount of the cost and expen- ses upon the several sub-divisions of land in said district in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by such sub-divisions which were ordered filed and thereupon Mr.Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:- Whereas,in accordance with the instructions contained in Resolution No.783, adopted Larch 5th,1912,and in conformity with the provisions of an Act of the Legis- lature of the State of California,entitled,"An Act to ptovide for the lighting of public streets,lanes,alleys,00urts and places in municipalities and for the assessment of the costs and, expenses thereof upon the property benefited thereby,"approved March 21 1905,and acts amendatory thereof,the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda, has filed with the Clerk of the City Council its report;therefore be it RESOLVED,That Tuesday,the 2nd day of Apri1,1912,at the hour of 8 o'clock P.M., at the Council Chamber of the City Council in the City Hall of the City of Alameda, at the northwest corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street,be and the same are hereby appointed as the time and, place for hearing Protests in relation to the pro- posed improvement particularly described in said resolution and report. RESOLVED,That the Clerk be and. he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as provided by said Act of the Legislature,and that the Alameda Daily Argus be and it is hereby designated as the daily newspaper published and circulated in this municipality in which said notice shall be published,and that the Clerk be and he is hereby directed to publish said notice for a period of two days in said daily newspa- per,and to post said notice as required by law. Mr.Walker seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,Walker,Eac Rae,Aammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes: None. Absent :Hone. A communication was received from the East End Improvement Club requesting that the whole city be assessed for the cost of the proposed widening of Encinal Avenue between Park Avenue and Fountain Street. Orddred filed. Thereupon extended discussion was entered into by citizens in the lobby and members of the Council rel- ative to the matter after which Mr.alker moved that the matter be referred back. to waron owl 1V14. Clerk be directed to address an. invitation to the Southern Pacific Company to have a representative present,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried. Er.Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for the erec- tion of Electroliers in Electrolier District No.5,under Resolution of Intention No. 782,said bids to be received up to the hour of five o clock P.M.on Tuesday,April 2nd 1912,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Coun- cilmen Krumb,Walker,Mac Rae,Hammond pence,Ell Morgenstern ,robst and Bullock,(9). Noes: None. Absent:Thne. Mr.Krumb reported that the owner of the building located on the south-east corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Webster Street demanded the sum of ;2500.00 for the property necessary to take to but the building back in conformity with the sidewalk line of the rest of the block and suggested that an assessment district be formed to pay the said cost and exempting the said owner from any of the said assessment. Mr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole,seconded by Mr .Morgenstern and carried. Mr.Probst moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the Southern Pacific Company and request it to establish a regular service on its lines on Lincoln Avenue west of Mastick Street and to give proper notice of such estab- lishment,seconded by T;r.Hammond and carried. Mr.Probst moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the Southern Pacific Company and request it to establish station on Lincoln Avenue at Stanton Street and to give proper notice of such establishment the Council agree- ing to allow of the discontinuance of the said station providing the said Company found that it could not maintain such station and make proper boat connections seconded by Mr.Spence and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until Tuesday,March 12th 1912,at 8 o'clock P.M.,in conformity with motion made by Mr. Probst. City Clerk of Alameda/