1912-04-16 Regular CC MinutesGUILIZ T G 02 THE 0 OU 17,0 IL 010 u TY OF TIES-DAY _LPRIL 16TH, 1012. The meeting convened. with Coll:00a - 1 dent if,. 3. Bullock prosid.ing. The roll vas celled. and Councilmen Ia-umb , '2,,iacRae , Humm ond , Sp en c e Morgonstor and. Bullock ( 6) were noted. Present, and Councilmen Jalker, lls and Prob st, 3 absent The Minuto ot the rep ar me o t of Tuesday Iril 2nd, 1012 were read and ordered _ approved.. Cour.° ilmam arrived and v.ras noted. pr esent The Minutes of the ad jour ned re 5;ular me et 1,317 of -Lpril 9th, 1912 were read, and ordered. approved. 0 oun ci. :Probst arrived. and. was noted. s en t A report was received from the uditor statin,- that stnt fie i en t inane had been deposited in 2loctrolier District Po 5 to repay a loan made to Local Improvement Fund ho. 752 ti on the Goner find on Pebruar y 20th, 1912 • Ordered. filed, and. there- upon Mr . I.,IacRao oftere d the f oll ow inE: 1.es olut i on and moved. its adopt ion:, - i!1A , it apnears from the rep or the L., udi tor that a suffi ci. en t sun of money has been d op osi ted to the credit of Local Imrrovomont ho . 782 o pay the inaobtodnoss of said fund, to the General Iound, therefore be it 1-)'J',30I,Ar.:2ii) That the sum of 3evon hzLn are 6. and. Fifty 750 ) Dollars be and tho same is her obi,: transterr ed from Local hip ro vemont Pun . 782 to the General Fund and the Au.d. e n and the Treasurer are here h directed to aft act the sai d transfer upon their respective books. dir • 3 ',en co seconded the 1,!esolut ion and it was passed_ aend adopted by the follow- i vote - ayes Counc ilm en Kr urn) , , Machae , :1•1 aiim end , Spence , M or Fr; ens te rn Probst and '3ullock, Claims Hoes Sane absent Councilman, Ms. (1). ad'ainat the Genera]. Fund amou nt in F.;. to 348.38; aaiiist the Street Fund art-tountin 362.90 and aga ins t Local I2unr overa3nt Fund ho. 7 83 en ountinc: „';17 .00 havina been u.opro tied umd au di -i.;ed by the -pr open officials were read by the Clerk as to 11 ow s 21.1E:.1-ne CUD, D-a. 11 IT IT II It TT IT IT IT Steam Laundry association Cc.] -.'o mi a 011 ".; Burner Co f31):y, Lira. B. J. Fischer, C. . runt , H . B. James, Lb's. F. Merit, Eob erts , S. a. Sohnoi. Henry 3c 1117.1ata , F. 0. 213P.D. _.aection .it",7en5e ; 18.55 IT H 63.75 Printing <-17 .00 Sample 'Ballots 30.00 Tonal Service 5.00 Oil i or Heater 15.51 on .1.:1::::onSe 15.00 op s Plumbing 17.00 Sleet ion ax.p ens e 15 .00 IT 15 .00 11 IT 6.00 Car pen ter ..; ork 5.00 Sleet ion _.,]:-.7)ense 37 .57 II II 15.00 4 iL '0 April 16th, 1912. STREET PUITD. a; Sons, F. Supplies 22.70 U IT IT IT If 4.85 Fischer, O. 2. IT 4.61 Goldstone, Joh U 18.82 Iichenstein, S. IT 9.87 Pacific Cycle :?;: Arms Co. Repairs Park Gara8e U 15.15 Plummer Son, Geo . E. Lumber 3.50 IT TT TT IT 4.00 Rhodes-Jamieson j!; Co. Raterial 186.60 IT IT If Ii IT 78.00 Sutton, J. Ass, C. Carbone Labor o.00 Traube, H. Repairs O.75 Total - - - 562.90 LOCA IMPi;OVEI= FUlTD ITO. 785. i,lameda Daily 2rinting 17.00 Mr. Eacae moved that the claims ead be paid, seconded by lIr. $exice and carried by the followinF vote:- Ayes:Councilmen, Krumb, :jalker, L1acRe, Eammond, Spence, Morzenterr, Probst and Bullock, (0). lioes:one. Absent:Councilman Lals, (1). 21 report was received from the Auditor showing apnortionments of tayes, dated April 15th, 1912. Ordered filed. report was received. from the l'inance Coniittee to which was attached a con- tract for the lease of a safe from the 2arcells Safe Company for ::10.00 per Month from APril 10th, 1912 until January 1st, 1915. H=ond moved, that the report be adopted, seconded by MR. Probst and ca=ied by the followin vote:- Ayes.:Council- men Krumb, o'alher, Macao, “-,,lmord, Spence, horenstern, Probst and 'Bullock, (8). hoes: hone. nt:Councilman 711s, (1). A commUnication was received from the Perk and Play8round Committee recommend- in: that I. Ilicholas be appointed a laborer in the pars under their direction, vice O'Keefe resigned, said appointment to take effect from and after May 1st, 1912. Mr. Hammond Moved that the appointment be confirmed, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Krumfa, .;a11.2.er, MacRae, Hammond, Spence, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, Hoes: Bone. Absent; Councilman .2;11s, (1). A comunication was received from the Mayor calling attention to the clangorous construction of a high tension line along Lincoln Avenue, maintained. by the Southern Pacific Comnany and recommending that the Council take immediate action toward 'having tho said wire removed. Mr. Hammond moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the said Railroad Company requestin7 the removal of the said line vi thin thirty days, seconded by Mr. Krumb and carried. The following named persons made anplications for gratuitous licenses: G. Pacani, to keen a peanut stand. .olnie L. _bbott, to sell c:_ndies, soda water, etc. Harriett Louis, to peddle rubber surgical apoliances. Paul Leon; too, eddle and o11 tomles. Charles :Deane to 'peddle brooms, brushes, etc. 16th, 1912 The Chief of Police recommended that the said apnlication be T7ranted. Mr. 'alker moved that the licenses be rante, seconded by Pr. Spence and curried. A communication was received from the Board of Ele tricity advocating the re- moval of the Municipal Zlectric hi-hi; 'Plant from its presort location at the south- erly cud of Park Stree' to the Corporation Yards at the north end of Grand Street, provided the proposed bona election of ;ipril 30th 1912 carried. Mr. Uamnond moved that it be the sense of the Council that the Plant be moved as advocated. by the said Board of aectricity, pro-vided that the bonds carry, seconded by Me. Spence and carried. by the following vote:- ...yos:Councilmen Krumb, Macliae, Hammond, Spence Morenstern, Probst and 13ullock, (8) . 1Toes:None. Absent:Councilman ials (1). A communication was received from J. Sherman McDowe ll Publisher of the Lvenins Times-Star offering to imblish the Ordinance keallin for the proposed bond election of April 20th, 1912, for . period of eieeht insertions for a sum o:[ 022.00. Er. Hammond reported for the Printing Committee that the City Attorney had advised that the Council had no legal right to pay for any such advertising, and thereupon Mr. Probst moved that the report of the Print .F Committee be adopted, seconded by Kr. Hammond and carried by the followin7 vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Krumb, Jalher, Tiac Rae, riammond, Spence Morgenstern, Probst and '3ullock, (8). Moos :hone n.bsent:Councilman Mile ). A communication was received from Frederick Knower, Attorney in Pact, for Sarah Knower relanestin that the matt or relating to the alleged obstruction to the sidewalk at the southeast corner of 'iebster Street and. Santa Clara ,venue be reopened, and thereupon Yr. :ialer moved that the Clerk be directed to addre communications to the interested parties invitinr them to be present at the next Council COrmittee meeting on Pay 31-a, 1012, to discuss the matter, seconded, by • Morgenstern and carried. A communication was received from the U. S. Can Advertising Company offering to furnish free for the eity's use, waste cans to be placed on the streets, Provided thenTe ho rantea a dvort J.Ci)lg privileges on the same. 1;e.'. Trump moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee, seconded 1),? Pr. Probst and carried. A petition was reesi vod from pronertv owners claiming ownership to property fronting Powers Court requesting that the said Court be eliminqted from the Proposed tal ation of eloctroliers in that neiffaborhood. after discussion a report was Tnesented from the Street 1;epartnent stating that the paners had been so far prepar- e d that it would necessitate the doinF over of a great deal of the \7ork. Mr. ';faiker moved that the reeuest be denied, seconded by MT. Yiammond and carried_ Mr. Krumb offered the iouowiaig 2esolution and 70V00_ its adoption:- 1USOLVED, That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the followily; improvement to be done in said city, namely:- That iron pipe eaectric lamp -posts each a cast iron top and ground glass globe and lamp and dot up in a concrete base, be erected and constructed on both 2j0.02 (eNce.ut as hereinafter s-oecifically (escrjbed) of the fo:1lov:irg described streets and avenues in said city between the limits thereof horeinaftar mentioned; said la'r,,Y,) posts to be y)laced at intervals (:): la) feet aloe alona each side of said streets and avc.nues, and arranged so that the lamp nosts on one ciao of ainc thcth ntyee:t 41 ' 16th, 1012. for operation by the Utunicipal iloctric Li±t Plant of said city; that sid improve- ment shall be made ana constructed an the followrc armed streets and avenues to wit: ncinal Avenue from Sherman Street to Par? Street; Central Avenue from Sherman Street to 3enton Street; Santa Clara Avenue from 9th Street to 12aru Street; Lincoln Avenue from 9th Street to Chestnut Street; Pacific Avenue 72rom 9th Street to Chestnut Street; '3-uona Vista Avenue from 0th Street to Chestnut Street; Eaf7;1e ,iLvenue from ood Street to Sherman Street; ;le Avenue from Gind Street to Chestnut Street; Clement :,venue from C7-and Street to Chestnut Street; Lafayette Street from Santa Clara Avenue to Clement _!-Lvenue; Schiller Street from Santa Clara Avenue to Clement venue; Union. Street from (SAnta Clara Avenue to Clement Avenue; Idintnrn Street from its southern enft northerly to Clement Avenue; Grand Street from Lincoln Avenue to Clement Avenue; Hibbard Street from Lincoln Avenue to Aale avenue; Baru Street from Santa Clara venuc to :Sa:71e Avenue; Cotta:e Street; Stanton Street, Powers Court; Jay 3treet; Arbor Street from Pacific _Axe= to Buena Viet Avenue; Benton Street from Central Avenue to Pacific Avenue; Dorton Street from Control Avenue to Pacific Avenue; Sherman Street from Central ilvenlie to _JaF:le livonue; Bay Street from Central Avenue to illaFle Avenue; St. Charles Street from Santa Clara Avenue to ha-:le Aveme; Verdi Stroet; Liozart Street; Jastick Terrace; Chapin Street cl 'Aod Street. That the followinE: is a specification o± the exterior boundaries of the dis- trict to be benefited by said improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expanses thereof, namely:- All that Piece or parcel of land. situate, lyinE; and beirr in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, and bounded and particularly desoribed as follows:- Beginninr; at a point on the eastern line of Sher= Street distant thereon twenty (20) feet southerly from the southarn line of Encinal Avenue; thence easterly alenF a lino twenty (20) feet southerly Iron and parallel with the southern line of Encinal Avenue to intersection with the western line of Lafayette street; thence in a riTht line to a point where the southerly projection of the eastern line of Lafaetle Street intersects the center line of Encinal :Nenue; thence easterly alon, the center line of Encinal Avenue to intersection with the southerly projection of westerly line of Chestnut Street; thence in a ri7ht line to a point in the eastern line of Chestnut Street distant thereon twenty (20) 2eet southerly from the southern line of Encinal _venue;‘thence easterly alonu, a line twenty (20) feet southerly and arallel with the southern line of 11-ncinal Avenue to intersection with the western line of Park Street; thence northerly alonr,7 the westerly line of Bark Street to a point thereon twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern lire of Encinal Avenue; thence westerly alonF a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Encinal Avenue to intersection with the center line of Central Avenue; thence easterly alone said last namedline to intersection with the souther T-olon7ation of the westerly lino of Benton Street; thence in a riehit line to inter- section with the northern line of Central Avenue at a point distant thereon twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Benton Street; thence northerly alanc line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Benton Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence easterly aloe said last, men- tioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from the western i;„ 1711-rnr, 51-1111':11-177 r,onlirr tv.myyt7 (20) feet westerly eeril 16th, 1912. tant three hundred ty four and. 37 100 (37,L!,.0 feet southerlyfrun the south- am line of Santa Clara Lvonue; thence easterly in a riht line to intersection with the western line of Stanton Street; thence in a risht line to intersection with the eastern line of Staten Street at a point thereon distont two hundred fifty-six and 08/100 (256.08) feet southerly from the southern line of Santa Clara :evenue; thence in a riE:ht line to intersectien with LL line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and earallel with the eastern line of Stanton Street at a point there- on two hundred fifty-six and 08/100 (2b6.08) feet southerly from the southern line of Santa Clara 1:,venue ; thence northerly along said last mentioned parall 1 line to intersection with a line d. tent twenty (20) feet southerly from an parallel with the southern line of Santa Clara _Lvenue; thence easterly alons said last men- 4U - 2 * , on 1 parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20 ) feet westerly from and parallel with the western lino of Cottar7e Street; thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the northern line of Central venue; thence easterly alon the northern lino of Central _venue to a point there- on distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Cotteae Street; thence northerly alonF a line twenty (20) feet eaterly from and parallel witu the eastern line of Cotta -e Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern lihe of Santa Clara venue; thence easterly alon g said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the western lino of Pe- Street; thence in a riht lino to intersection with the northern line el Santa Clara Lvenue at a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern lino of 2aru Street; thence northerly a7ion a lino twenty (20) feet easterly fro; and parallel with the eastern line of Pam u Street to intersection with a line dis- tant twenty (20) feet south - from and ,earallel with the southern line of Lincoln Avenue; thence easterly e onF said last mentioned earaliel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Idinturn Street; thence southerly aloiv; a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and earallel with the western line of Minturn Street to a point thereon distant two hundred and seventy-six ( 276) feet southerly from the southern line of Lincoln AV011110; thence in a rij:ht line easterly to intersection with a lino twenty (20 ) feet easterl:, from the eastern line of :Eirturn Street at a point thereon distant two hundred and eventy-siy (276) feet southeriny from the southern. line of :Lincoln ,venue; thence northerly. alone a line ti:enty (20) feet easterly from and naralle l with the eastern line of Minturn Street to intersection with a lire twenty (20) feet southerly from end parallel with the southern lire of Lincoln _Ivenue; thence easterly alon said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (2 ) feet westerly from the western line of Union Street; thence southerly alom a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Union Street to intersection with the northern line of Santa Clara .,:evenue; -thence easterly alony the northern line of Santa Clara .Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Union Street'; thence northerly alonT::. a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Union Street to intersection with a line dis- tant twenty (20) feetsoutherly from and parallel with the southern line of Lincoln .:;.venue; thence easterly alone' seid last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Schiller liprji 16th, In.:— northern line of Santa Clara -:.venue; thence easterly. alon7 the northcu'n line of Santa Clara :•venue to a point thereon distant twenty (20 Teat eaoterl y from the eastern line ar Schiller Street; thence northerly along: a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Chiller Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly on and Parallel with the southern line at Lincoln ivenue; thence alon said last mentioned line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Lafayette Street; thence southerly a onic said last mentioned parallel line to intersection nith the northern line of Santa Clara __venue; thence alonn; the northern line of Santa Clara ,Ivenne to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Lafayette Street; thence northerly alon a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the Ga stern line of Lafayette Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) -feet southerly from and "parallel vdth the eonthorn line of Lincoln .11jenue; theme: easterly alonT said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the western line of Chestnut Street ; thence northerly alont.: the western line of Chestnut Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet norther _y from the northern line of Lincoln i'ivenue; thence westerly along: a line twenty (20) foot northerly from and parallel the northern line of Lincoln n_yenue to intersec- tion with a line twenty (20)feet easterly from and earallol with the eastern line of Lafayette Street; thence northerly aionC said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern lino of Pacific ;',.venne; thence easterl alon,7.said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the western line of Chestnut Street; thence northerly aloiv the vzostern line of Chestnut Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Pacific Lvenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Pacific nvenue to intersection with a line twenty (20 feet easterly v from and parallel with the eastern line of Lafayette Street; thence northerly alonc: said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the sonthern line of Buena Vista venue; thence easterly al on' said last. mentioned parallel lino to intersection with the western line of Chestnut Street; thence northerly a onE.; the western line of Chestnut Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet nor 'icily from the northern line of Buena Vista nvenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20 feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of 3uena Vista n.venue to intersection with a line twenty (20 ) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Lafayette Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned Parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of •Avenue; thence easterly along said last mentioned line to intersection with the western line of Chestnut Street; thence northerly along the western line of Chestnut Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Eacae avenue; thence westorlY along a line twenty (20) feet north- erly from and Parallel with the northern line of Eagle 'Lvenuo to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of La- fayette Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to inter- section with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern 1 4 n1-11- Tr, • r■-o1 1 Fi 1 CI CH: rtl rCY-1 "I'L. nn 1:1 1 iYP tmnil luth, 1'312. West ern line of Chestnut Street to a point thereon distant twenty ( 20 ) feet northerly from the northern line of Clement Ave nue ; thence we sterly along a line twenty ( 20 ) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Clement ,1.venue to inter- section with the t, ern line of Grand S e t ; thence in a ri line to a point on the southern line of Clement Avenue distant thereon twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Grand Street ; thence southerly a °iv a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and, parallel with the western line of Grand. Street to intersec tion with a line twenty (20 feet northerly from and earallel with the northern line of Buena Vista .Avenue; thence westarly a.onz said last mentioned parallel line to intersect ion with a line terenty ( 20 ) feet easterly from and parz.:.t 11 e 1 with the torn 1 ihe of iiiWo ard Street; thence northerly al on said last mentioned. Tyer-,1 line to intersection with the southern line of _,]a,71e nvenue; thence westerly alon the southern line of '_]a:';le :Lvenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20 ) feet west- erly from the western line of Hibbard. Street; thence souther ly alonE: a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and with the western lino of Hifoard Street to inter- section with a line twenty (20) feet northerly fr em and parallel with the northern line of Buena Vista Avenue; thence westerly almv. said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Paru; Street; thence northerly alone, said last mentioned. pe.:rallel lino to intersection with the southern line of e;a,e;le „.,venue ; thence westerly along the southern line of il;ap;le ven-se to a point thereon distant, twenty (20) westerly from the western line of PL-a'17. Street; thence southerly a1on,:7 a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Paru Street to intersection with a line two nty ( 2C) ) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line Of Buena Vi .venue ; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feat northerly from and ip e,rall el ,,vit ta norther n line of Buena V is, -1,:a lvenue to inter- section with a 11 me twenty ( ) foot easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Jay Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned. parallel line to inter- section with the southern line of e]agle nvenue; thence westerly a1on,7 the southern line of iCagle .,eve nue to a point there on distant t',..ienty ( 20) feet westerly from the western line of Jay Street, thence southerly along line twenty (20) feet wester4_y from and. parallel with the western line of Jay Street to intersection with a line, twenty (20) feet northerly from and. pfa-aliel with the northern line of Buena Vista Avenue; thence westerly alone; said last mentioned. "'areal 1. line to intersection with the eastern line of Benton Street; , thence southerly along: the eastern line of Benton. Street to a point there on distant twenty ( ) foot southerly from the southern line o:[... Buena Vista nvenue; thence easen1y along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Buena Vista venue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and. parallel with the western line of Jay Street; thence southerly along said la et merit ioned ',)arallel line to inter sect ion with a line twenty ( 0) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern lino of Pacific .A.venue; thence westerly alone; said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the aastern line of Sherman Street; thence northerly along said last mentionecS' parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and. parall el with the southern line of 13uoniL Vista Avenue; thence easterly anon said, last. mentioned. 'parallel line to iiitersectiol with the western line of Benton Street; thence northerly alonE; the western line of Benton Lpril 16th, 1912. of Buena Vista dVenue; thence westerly alonr7 a line twenty (20) feet 2107.Cthorl frov ana parallel With The northern line of Buena Vista Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern lino of Sherman Street; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line oeC She rmar Stree t to int erse cti on with the s outhern line of Ea;le Avenuq ; thence in a rinht line to intersection with the western line of Sherman Street at a point twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of 2,asle Avenue; thence west- erly alon a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Earle Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the tern line of Chapin Street; thence northerly ong said. last mentioned parallel line two hundred and one and /100 (201.42) feet northerly from the northern line of :fagle nye • thence in a rir:ht line to inter se ct ion with a line twenty ( 20 ) feet westerly from and parallel with the western lino of Chanin Street at a point two hundred and five and 58 100 ( -05.68) feet northerly from the northern line of Earl e Avenue; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and narallei with the western line of Chapin Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of I]ale evenue; thence westerly alone said la ,t mentioned narallei lino to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and. parallel with the eaetern line of looci Street; thence northerl alone said last menti one -oara ile 1 line two hundred and twenty-six and 58/100 ( 226 .L38 ) feet nor ther lY from the no rthern line of haele avenue; thence in a r iFht limo t o int eI= se cti on with a line twenty ( 20 ) Loot we st erlr from the western line of oo 6. Street at a point fie hundred ninety-four an d 10/100 ( 504.10 ) feet northerly from the northern lino of Buena Vista _Avenue; thonc we st or ly southerly alone a line twenty (20) feek, and Dural' el with the we st ern line of hood. Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Buena Vi sta ,,re nue ; thence westerly alone the said last merit mentioned d maa'allel line to inter- section with'the entern line of 9th Street; thence southerly alone the eastern line of 9th Street to a -point there on twenty (20) feet sout hen y from the s out hern line of Buena ViEr a avenue; thence easterly aa onF; a line twenty ( ) feet southerly f-0 on and -0 r,o- alae 1 aiLi the outhe nn 1 inc of Buena Vista .:LITO Y1110 to intense Ct ion wi th a line twenty ( 20) feet westerly from and panel le 1 with the 1.702tOrn line of oo d Street; thence southerly aloe said last mentioned. P ara.11 1 line to intersection with a lino twenty (20) feet northerly from and p ar all el with the northern iin of Pao ifi c ; thence westerly a 1 onF: said 1 ..e st mentioned parallel line to int er- s ect ion with t he east ern line of 9th Street ; thence southerly alone the eastern line of 9th Street to a noint thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Pacific nvenue; thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and e)arallel with the southern line of Pacific avenue to intersection with a line twenty ( '()) feet westerly from and narallel with the western line of hood Street; thence southerly alonF said last mentioned parallel lino to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Lincoln Avenue; thence westerly alor,7 said last nontione7 parallel line to intersection with eastern lino of 9th Street; thence southerly alone the eastern lino of 9th Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Lincoln Avenue; thence easterly alonF said last mentioned parallel 16th, 1912 parallel line to a point thereon throe hundred (H)0) feet southerly from the southern line of Lincoln :Avenue; thence in a ripit lino to inter=: ction with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Mastich Terrace at a point three hundred. (500) feet southerly from the southern line of Lincoln Avenue; thence norther17 a said la t mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) f et southerly from and parallel with' tho southern line of Lincoln Avenue; thence easterly alon;7: said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and paraflo l with the western line of Mazart Street; thence sontherly alon said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with o line twenty (20) feet norther1;7 from and parallel with the northern line of Santa Clara .venue; thence westerly a ()Jar:: said, last mentioned parallel line to intersec- tion with the eastern line of 9th Street; thence southerly alon the eastern line of 9th Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Santa Clara Lvenue; thence easterly alonF a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Santa Clara n.venue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Bay Street; thence southerly lone said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the northern line of Central Avenue; thence easterly a on7 the northern line of Central :venue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Bay Street; thence alonF a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and .oarallel with the eastern line of Bay Street to intersection with a line twenty i 20) foot southerly from and Parallel with the southern line of Santa Clara :Avenue; thence easterly aloiv saia last mentioned parallel line to intersection. with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and 'earaliel with the westerly line of Sherman Street; thence southerly alonF said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the northern line of Central levenue; thence in a ;ht line to the point of beinning, exeeptin, and excIudinE from the above mentioned and describ- ed district all public streets, avenues, hiFjiways, lanes and alloys. :,nd, be it further resolved, that said proposed improvenont is hereby referred to Ule Board of Electricity of the City of naameda, and said Board, is hereby direct- ed to make and file with the Clerk of the City Council 'e:Port in writing as required by the provisions of said. statute hereinafter referred to. It is further resolved that this resolntion and proceedings hereunder are taken.under and virtue of the provisions of an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the lir:ht ine of public streets lanes, all e roads and places in munici pali- ti :end for the assessment of the costs end expenses thereof upon the property benefited thereby," Adanted March 21, 1905. Mr. Walker seconded the Resolution and it was passed 'and adopted by the followin7•: vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Erumb, Walker, MacRae, Hamond, Spence, Morgen- stern, Probst and. Bullock, (8). 'Zoos:I:Tone. '1.bsent:Councilman Ells, (1). • In accordance with the instructions contained in the forepoinr2: Resolution of Intention lEo. 704 the Board of Electricity presented a report concerning the proposed improvement accompanied by plans specifications, and, estimate of the cost of the same fixinF: the amount at :y26,624.80, diagram, showi rr; district referred to in said Resolution, the boundaries and dimensions of the roanective sub-divisions of the land, within said district and ssessreeni roll of the total amount of the Apri] 16th, 1912. ordered filed, and thereupon Mr. Krumb offered the following Re;solution and moved its adoption:- WH2dA:IS, in accordance with the instructions contained, in Mc solution Yo. 784, adontod. April 16th, 1912, and in conformity with the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the 3t ate of California, entitled, "An Act to provide Tor the light- ing of public streets, lanes, alleys, courts and places in municipalities and for the assessment of the COStS and e7penses thereof upon the pro?erty benefited there- •y," approved March 21, 1905, and acts amendatory thereof, the Board of Electricit- of the City of Alameda, has filed with the Clerk of the City Council its report; therefore be it RESOLVED, That Tuesday, the 21st day of May 1912, at the hour of 8 o'clock P.M., at the Council Chamber of the City Council the City Hall of the City of Alameda at the norti]west corner of Santa Clara venue and Oak Street, be and the some are hereby appointed as the time and place for hearing protests re- lation to the proposed. improvement particularly described in said re elutien and report. Re]SOIVis;D, That the Clerk be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as provided by said :Lct of the Legislature, and that the _lamada Daily Argus he and it is hereby designated as the daily newspaper published and circu lated in this municipality in which said notice shall be published, and that the Clerk be and he is hereby directed to publish said notice for a period of two days in said daily newspapers, and to post said, notice as required by law. Mr. Walker seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote: Ayes:Councilmen Krumb, ;ielker, MacRae, Hammond, Spence, Morgen- stern, Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:C ouncilman Ells, (1). The Street Superintendent presented a report certifying that the work of grading, curbing, macadamizing and otherwise improving the southern half of Lincoln Avenue from the western line of Park Street to Oak Street and including the culvert on the eastern si de of the crossing at Oak Street had been done by Powell Bros. Construction Company, Contractors, under private contract and under his direction and to his satisfaction. Ordered Tiled. A report was received from the Street Superintendent certifying th work of grading, curbing, macadamizing and otherwise improving Mound Street from the southern line of SAn Jose Avenue to the northern line of Calhoun Street been done by Powell Bros. Construction Company, Contractors, under Resolution of Intention No. 767 and under his direction and to his atisfaction. Ordered filed. The matter of the proposed Ordinance introduced by IL7. Bullock on April 9th, relative to the possession of lottery tickets, etc., was taken up4 Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Judiciary Committee, seconded by Hr. Probst and carried. Mr. Hammond reported that he had had an interview with Mr. V7. A. Whitney, Suerintend.ent of the Southern Pacific Company's local lines and had been informed that as soon as new cars arrived the cross-town line leadin to Oakland by way of 11, .(-41th Street would be put in comission also that at The same time better ser- vice would be introduced on Lincoln Avenue, west of Mustick Station'. Mr. Krumb brought up the matter of the nuisance from lack of a proper sewer 111 ir ill etri ct to the west of an at the north end of the tobstor Street roadway April 16th, 1912. the City Engineer and report back to the Council - its next meeting seconded by Mr. I-Tar:211°nd and c arr e Krumb moveC1 that one free dog license be granted to each of the fire houses in the city, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. ET. Probst broup;ht up the matter of the non-compliance of the dredging contractors with the request made to construct sluice-gates in the slough leading off the west end of Alameda Marsh, to prevent tho slickens now being pumped onto the said marsh from being carried on to tlao beaches of the city, and moved that the City Attorney be directed to communicate with the proper parties and demand that said gate,' be constructed, seconded by Mr. Krumb and carried. EY. C. R. Smith, Hanar of the Surf Beach Park- Company addressed the Council inviting then all to be present at the grand opening of the said baths on Sunday, April 21st,1912, Er.' Probst moved that the invitation be accepted seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. Mr. Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the Southern Pacific Company and request it to have the Janitor, who cleans the stations 01 its road throughout the city, to perform a like service at the station in Icoln Park, seconded by Mr. .Probst and carried. A request was made by the Police and Fire Commission not to adjourn until certain bills that the said Commission was then considering had been presented to the Council, and thereupon a recess was taken. Upon reconvening the roll was called and Councilmen Krumb, :Ialker, MacRae, Hammond, Spence, Probst and Bullock, (7) were noted. Present, and Councilmen Ells and. Morgenstern, (2) were noted absent. Claims against the Police Fund amounting to rj fl8,26 and against the Fire Fund amounting to 040.21 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by. the Clerk as follows:- POLICi,1 FUND. Alameda Daily Argus Printing 14.25 Pacific Tel. Tel, Co. Telephones 5.36 Park Garage Recharffing Presto Light Tank 1.50 Plummer (c! Son, Teo. E. Lumber 1.05 Stationary 55.05 Unna, Herman Meals . 40.25 Total - 118.26 FIRE FUND. Alameda Stea Laundry Ass Tn. Linen Service 15.80 Baird, J. V. Shoeing 10.00 Coustier Sons Repairs 2.00 Crescent Supply House Supplies , 4.00 Encinal Coal & Ice Co. Fuel 16.00 Fisher (2,; Co., C. F. Coal Oil 8.40 Furey, F. P. Supplies .85 Indu trial Home Adult Blind. IT 10.00 Joergenson, P. Shoeing 23.00 KinF, A. R. 5.00 Schneider, Henry April 16th, 1912. Pacific Cycle Arms Co. Pacific Gas 1, Electric Co. Pacific States Refinery Park Garage IT TT Patey Fc Cocks Peoples Water Co. Repairs Gas Gasoline Repairs Rechar i 7; battery Supplies Hydrants Water Resso & Co. G. Hauling Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Rickerson, Scott, Magner & Miller IT IT IT IT If IT TT IT IT TT TT Skelly, Sam TT TI TT Fuel Supplies Hay, etc. Peed IT 6 .25 27.24 17.67 1.15 •75 1.3r 307.51 7.40 22.00 11.50 25.57 29.50 132.23 Straw 4.74 Supplies 3.00 TT 2.40 Steinmetz, Th. F. Repairs 2.50 Strom, C. F. Supplies 7.20 Sutherland's Pharmacy Medicine 1.75 Taylor P,3 Co. Lumber 9.70 Wagner, 1. A. Soap 7.50 Wagner, Oliver P. Hauling 3.00 Young, 3. Repairs 6.75 Total - 740.21 Mr. Spence moved, that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Nr. MacRae and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Kr-mirth Walker, MacRae, Hammond, Spence, Probst and. Bullock, (7). Yoes:Fone. Absent:Councilmen Ells and Morgen- stern, (2). MR. T. Haskins, t Exalted Ruler of Alameda Lodge, To. 1015, B. P. O. E. addressed the Council relative to the right of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company to raise the telephone rates of clubs, churches, etc., in the City of Alameda, and thereupon Mr. Walker moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee, and City Attorney to report at the next meeting of The Council, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. Mr. Probst brought up the matter of a request that had, been made to him that Sixth Street between Lincoln and Pacific Avenues be eliminated from as ent for erection of electroliers as provided for under Resolution of Intention Uo. 783. Yr. Walker moved that the in atter be referred to the City Attorney to report t the next meeting of the Council, seconded by Mr. Spence and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting, Tuesday, Flay 7th, 1912, at 7:30 p. m.