1912-12-17 Regular CC Minutes76 REGULAR ;:lEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF YHE CITY OF ED A TUESDAY , DECE:LIER 17,1912 . The meeting convened with Mayor Vi.H.Noy,presiding. Roll was called and Councilmen .ialker,i.lac Rae,Hammond,Spence,orgenstern, Probst and. Bullock,(7),were noted present and. Councilman ,1;11s,(1),absent. The minutes of the meeting of December 3rd 1912,were read and ordered approved. Councilman _,_11s arrived during the cead.ing of the minutes and was noted pre- t. Mr.Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: R3OLY2iJ,that the sum of Seven hundred and sixteen (716) Dollars,be and the ic hereby transferred. from the General Fund to the Police Pension Fund,and the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon their respective books. 1;1r .Mac Rae seconded the resolution and it was adopted and pas e' by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes: Councilmen :ialker,:dac Rae Hammond,3perce,Ms,idorgenstern, Probst and Bullock,(81. Noes: None. Absent: None. Mr .Bullock offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED ,that the sum of Six Hundred ( 600) Dollars ,be and tie same is hereby transferred from the General Fund to the hire 'Pension Fund,and the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer ueon their respective books. *Spence seconded the resolution and it was adopted and pa:.1sca by the follow- irg vote. CS: Councilmen ..alker,Mac Rae,H.ammord,SPence Ms,Lorgenstern,-'robst and 1-.1lock,(0), NO s : None Abent: NOne. h report w,„El received from tc., Tax Collector 3ivin,r a li st of Electrolier As- osm-le]-Its in LightinL; District No.0,under Resolution of Intention No,706,and sold to the City of Alameda on J)ecem-per 4th 1012 .for the F.= ci :30 03.02. mov- ea that it be filed,seconded by Mr .Spence and carried. Mr .Bullock offered the following Resolution and moved, its adoption: RESOLVED, that the sum of Three Thousand Nine Hundred and Three and 02/100 (3003.02) Dollars be and the same is hereby transferred from the General Fund to the Local Improvement Fund No.786,as a loan and the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon their respective books. Mr .Mac Tae seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed. by the follow- in: vet . Ayes:Councilmen ,;alker,ac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Ms, etern,:)robst and IThilock, Noes:None. Absent; None A report was received from the Auditor showinF' the apportionment of Taxes on December 13th 1912 to the various funds. Ordered filed. Claims against the General Fund amount n to c338.80;aai nst the Police Fund amountinF to 0_04.77;a,7ainst the Dire *Fund amounting to 4998.44; ap:ainst the Street Fund amounting to 6315.73 and against the Park h Playround Fund amounting to 536." having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows: Alameda Steam Laundry Assn Barstow, 7 City Market Cali:i'ornia Oil 3; 3-arm-II- Co. GENERAL FUND Towel Service Searching Records Meat for Found Oil for Heater 8.00 30.00 6.30 12.75 Fischer,C.F. Guisso,Enrico Hunt,H.B. Lubbock, Oswald Pacific Tel Tel Co. Parcells Safe Co. Strom Electrical Co. .oecemoor IYIn Repairs .75 Removing Garbage 2.00 Circulatinp Petitions 10.50 Refund of Tax ?enalbes 4.53 Switches 3.05 Rent of Safe 10.00 Banns 12.60 Total- 338.60 POLICE pup Mazzini,L. Hose 1.05 Pacific States Refineries Gasoline 18.37 Pacific Tel Tel Co. Telephones 3.45 Park Garage Presto Lite 1.50 Auto 3uoplies 1.10 Stationery 14.80 Swift,H.L. Auto Supplies 55.50 Unna,Herman Meals 6.00 tern Union Tel.Co. Clock 3.00 Total 104.77 IT IT 3 leider FIRE FUND Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Linen Service Clarh,R.7. Building Supplies Constier Son Repairs Fischer,C.. Coal Oil TT IT Gott,A.O. Jones Collins King,A.R. Lomax,R.R. Oil Repairs gorse-shoeing II IT Ti IT Lubben, J.G. Fuel Marshall ,Harry Salary Mazzini,L. Supplies Pacific Gas 2: Electric Co. Gas L cif c Machinery Mercantile Co. Supplies Park Garage Labor II TI Repairs IT IT Labor ,7; Supplies Horse Hydrants Afater Plummer Son, Geo E. Lumber Rickerson,Al. Suplies 11.25 Riley' s Drug Store Medicine 28.70 Ri o,G. hauling manure 7.40 Rhodes-Jamieson Co. Fuel Scott,Magner '; Miller Straw 16.50 IT IT IT Feed 51.79 Feonlos ;),ter 16.20 2.50 5.00 0.00 7.00 1.50 11.50 8.75 .00 9.00 29.50 13.60 32.A0 29.97 1.50 175.00 1.25 200.00 .75 .25 3.25 Swift,H.L. polies 1.0 Total- STRJET FUND. - 9077111 577 December 17th 1912. Associated Oil Co. Supplies 3.27 Clark Sons,N. U 11.34 IT IT IT 31.50 Empire Foundry Co. IT 15.00 Fischer,C.F. U 4.14 Goldstone,John IT 42,66 TT IT TT Jamison,J.S. Teaming Litchenstein,S. Supplies 9.63 Pacific Fuel Bldg Material Co. IT 2.70 Park Garage U 8.45 Peoples 'fater Co. 46.45 Plummer • Son,Geo E. Lumber 6.10 TT IT IT IT 5.50 Powell Bros Construction Co. Rock,concrete c 115.30 27. 5,00 TT TV 11 It Reardon-Crist Cons Co. Rhodes-Jamieson Co. Sutto4 J.E. United. Iron Viorks Rock,Cement ,20c 76.05 Repairs 36.92 Material 96.00 Assisting City Engr 4.00 Supplies 2.50 ood Lumber Co.,E.K. IT 4.50 Total 635.73 PARK AND PLAYGROUND FUND Alameda Hardware Co. Supplies 115.30 Owens ,Martin Plumbing 21.75 Pierce Hardware Co. Hardware 2.90 Strom Electrical Co. Pumping Plant 39.44 ' IT IT IT Repairs rp Tasher,Thos Tank Frame 58.10 IT Tr Tank ;rork 175.00 IT Ti Pump ;lark 51.95 Tschich,J. Keys .50 Vosburgh Co.J.B. Supplies 15.33 Viood. Lumber Co.,E.K. Lumber Lincoln Park 55.87 Total 536.85A Mr.Bullock moved that the claims as road be •aid,seconded by Mr.Spence and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen la..1ker,Mac Rae,iiammond,Spence, Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(8). Noes:None. Absent: None. A report was received from the Auditor showing the balances in the various x funds on November 30th 1912. Ordered filed. Reports were received from the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the months of August,SePtember and October,1912. Ordered filed. Reports were received from the Poundmaster showing receipts and disbursements during the month of November 1912. Ordered filed. Richard .alsh presented an application for a gratuitous license to peddle nen- oils and notions. The Chief of Police recommended that the application be denied and thereupon Mr.Spence moved that it be denied,seconded by Lir.Bullock and carried. An Affidavit was presented showing due publication of Notice to dealers in Electrical Supplies and Iron Pipe to be used in the erection of Electroliers in The Clerk reported that in answer to the December 17th 1912 publication that six bids had been presented. kr .korgenstern moved that they be received and opened, seconded by 1,1r.:orobst and. carried and thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as fol- lows: From the Electric Agencies Company, 247 Street, Can Fran i o,accompanied by a certified check for ,647.00 Parcel A - 148,000 feet more or less 3/4" black enameled rigid conduit 42.21 net per thousand feet. Prom the Electric Agencies Company,247 kinna Ctreet,Sari Prancisco,accompanied by a certified check for 540.00 Parcel B - 160,000 feet more or loss hew Coda Ho.10,Lup ,x Rubber covered wire C 33.33 net per thousand feet. From the pacific States Electric Company, 157 New Iliontgol,aery St ,San Francisco. accompanied by a certified check for 0_250.00 Parcel A - 148,000 feet more or less American Black Enameled Conduit C 44.40 per -L.lousand feet allowing f-.) discount Parcel - 160,000 feet ir10 Duplex Rubber Covered Jire C .;.36.70 per thousand feet allowing discount From Ele ctric Ry.b Mfrs Jup-oly Co.,06 -2nd Street,San JJrancisco,accompanied by a certified, check for )559.36 Parcel B - 160,000 feet more or less hew Code 1To.10,Duplex Rubber Covered wire C 34.96 per thoudand feet Prom John A.Roehlings Sons C0,624-646 Polsom Street,San irancisco,accompan- ied by a certified, check for )1200. Paicel A - 140,000 feet more or less 3/4" Black Enameled Rigid Conduit 46.76 'Cr thousand feet Parcel B - 160,000 feet more or less Code No.10,iunlex Rubber Covered •;ire C' 36.80 per thousand feet. From Geo if. Tay Co. ,206-200 '.felep:raph Avenue,Oakland,Cala,accompanied by a certified check for 315.00 Parcel C - 5000 feet more or less 3" Black Gas Pipe C 0_9.77 nor one hundred feet Parcel D - 0000 feet more or less Black Gas Pipe C 25.06 per 100 feet Prom Crane Co,Oakland Cala.,accomanied by a certified checkf or C310 .00 Parcel C - 5000 feet more or less Black Gas Pipe C 0_9.77 per 100 feet Parcel B - 8000 feet more or loss 3-" Black Gas Pipe C. :215.86 per 100 foot and allowin;:j: a 2,:; discount for cash ana offering to purchase all the scrap pipe which may be left. After examination by Joe S.Kahn,Snperintendent of the 1:.nnicipal Laectric Plant, he rePorted that the bids of The Pacific States 1;lectric Co. ,for Parcel A; of the of the Blectri c iirencies Co.,for Parcel 13; and of Crane Company for Parcels C and f ) were the lowest and. thereunon ::ir.hammond moved that the contracts for fur- ris'.:in7 the saij material he awarded t o t :lo said lowest bidders,seconded by Ells and carried by the followin vote. ,I.yes:Conncilmen alher,:ac 1.:ae,hamond, Spence ,.,'.111s ,.:',Ior::en-;,erm,...?rob pd Malock, ( 0) . I:oes:Aone. Absent:one. - commnnication was received from .ir.loriedrich .;.-2,iehl,requestin that citi- zens 1)0 allowed, to bath in Lincoln and ,ashinton ?arl.: and that sni table dressing rooms be Provided. Lir.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Park and Playground Committee,seconded by 1.x .Ms and carried. A commnmication mao received frJ2,1 ;201fi.co Piro ComIlission recommendinc that the ,iebster Street Fire Station floor be laid with concrete a7A1 the walls to r--7c 580 cember lerta Probst moved that the recommendation be adonted,seconded by Lr.iflls and carried. specifications and Mr.Latham,president of the said Commission presented),an estimate of the Probable cost of the work contemplated. Er..iialker moved that the specifications be adopted and the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids,seconded by hr.i11s. Mr.Latham stat- ed that he had been informed that the employees of the Street .bepartment might be able to do the work at a saving of about '200.00 and thereupon Mr.Hammond moved to amend the motion and refer the matter to the Police (2,7 Fire Commission,the Fire,a- ter and Police Committee and the Street Committee , seconded by hr .Morgenstern and carried. A communication was received from .H. Pollard requesting information as to 14 what the Council contemplated doing relative to removing the business license on the Real Estate business. Yir.Morgenstern moved that it be referred to the License Cmunittee,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried.' Mr.Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED,that the salaries of the city officials and employees for the month of December,1912,shall be due and payable on the 24th day of December,1912,and the City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue and deliver warrants for all such salaries on said last mentioned day,and the City Treasurer is hereby authoriz- ed and directed to pay said warrants so issued and delivered,and be it further RESOLVED that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to hold the said warrants so paid as cash on hand until the 1st day of January,1913. Mr.Spence seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen halker,LIac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgen tern,?robst and 3ullock,(6). Noes: None. Absent:None. A communication was received from D.J.Hanlon requesting a ten years lease of the city's property on the estuary adjoining the United Engineering eorks on the east,for the purpose of erecting a ship building and repair plant. Mr.Mac Rae moved that the matter be referred to the Streets,sewers and harves Committee,se- conded by Mr.Bullock and carried. A communication was received from F.P.McIennan complaining of the condition of the sidewalk in front of 1325-1327 Versailles Avenue. Mr.Krumb assistant to the Street Superintensent reported that the owner of the premises had been in to the office of the Street Department in response to a notice to repair the said sidewalk and had stated that the repairs would be made immediately,the communica- tion was thereupon ordered filed. A communication was received from the Alameda Improvement 01. ) requesting in- formation as to when the Railroad Company would commence operating its line on Lin- coln Avenue west of Mastick Station more frequently. Lir.Hammoncl moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee,seconded by Lr.11s and carried. Mr.Mac Rae offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED,that the Engineer of the City of Alameda be,and he is hereby ordered to prepare plans and sPecifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said city,to wit: The improvement of Central Avenue from a line 1095.50 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of High Street to the westerly line of Fernside Bou- levard,by grading the entire width of said avenue from property line to Property line,between said limits,to the official grade;by constructing concrete curbing,eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension,on the curb lines of said ave- ,Jecemper 171-41 of said avenue,contiguous to said curbing,between said limits;by macadamizing the remaining portion of the roadway of said avenue,between said limits,with a layer of broken trap rock,eight inches in thickness. Mr.Walker seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes:Councilmen 'alker,Zac Rae,Hammond,Spence,2411s,Korgenstern,2robst and. Bullock,(3). Noes:None. Oserit:None. In compliance with the provisions of the foregoing Resolution the City En- gineer presented plans and snecifications for the proposed work and thereupon Mr. Mac Rae offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved,that the plans and specifications for the follaaing work to be done and improvement to be made in said City,to wit: The improvement of Central Avenue from a line 109L3.50 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of High Street to the westerly line of Pernside Boulevard,by grading the entire width of said avenue from property line to property line,between said limits,to the official grade;)y constructing concrete curbing eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension,on the cnr1 lines of said avenue,between said limits;by constructing concrete gutters of the flat tern, two and one-half (2J1 feet in width and six (o) inches in thickness ,along the roadway of said avenue,contiguous to said curbing between said limits;by macadamiz- ing the remaining portion of the roadway of said avenue,between said limits,with a layer of broken trap rock,eight inches in thickness,as prepared by the Engineer of said City and submitted this lith day of December,1912,be,and the same are here- by adooted as and for the plans and specifications for doing said work. Mr.oialker seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes:Councilmen t.1.1ker,Eac Rae,liammond,Spence,e;11s,Iliorgenstern, ?robst and Bullock,(8). Noes:rone. Absent :None. Mr.Mac Rae offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUD,that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda,to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City,to wit; That Central Avenue from a line 1095.50 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of lligh Street to trio westerly line of 2ernside Boulevard be im- proved as follows: That the entire width of said Avenue ,from property line to property line,between said limits be graded to the official grade; that concrete curbing, eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension,be constructed on the curb lines of sai d avenue , between said limits; that concrete gutters of the flat pattern,two and one-half (2N feet in width and six (C) inches in thickness, be constructed along the roadway of said avenue, contiguous to said curbing,between said limits; that the remaining portion of the roadway of said avenue,between said limit ,be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock,eight inches in thickness. All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and sPecifica- tions heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on :Lilo in the office of the City Clerk. The Clerk shall cause this Resolution of intention to be published twice in the Evening Times Star and Alameda haily Argus,a daily newspaper published and cir- culated in said. City and hereby designated for that purpose by the said Council. The Street Superintendent shall, immediately, cause to be conspicuously eosted along the line of said contemplated work and imnrovement and in front of all the December 17th 1912. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in -pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California,designated the "Improvement Act of 1911" ap- proved April 7,1911. Mr.alker seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen ealker,ae 'Rae,Hammond,Spence,=s,Morgenstern,Probst and 13ullock,(0). Eoes:Eone. AbsentH:one. The Clerk re-borted that he had on his desk certain .paers relative to the im- , T,rovenent of Grand Street between 2acific Avenue and a line 170 feet south of hay_ for, Avenue and that in connection with the same matter a protest had been presented yr llroport:\: owners aloe the line of the imroveTneut clai ml n ownersh-lb to about 4100 feet,acainst any action toward assesinc them for such imrovement. amith,I.2.Allen,Edgar ?ainter and others addressed the Council in sunbort of the protest and thereunon Mr .Hammond moved that all matters pertaining to the proposed improvement be dropped, seconded by Mr .Morgenstern and carried. During the discussion pertaining to the improuement of Grand Street the ques- tion of the accontanee of the same was brought up and Mr.ljorgenstern moved that the matter of the accepting of all street work where same had boon done be referred to the Street Committee and City attorney, seconded by hr .Probst and carried. iCr.Bullock brought up the necessity of a cabinet for the keeping of books in the City Attorney's office and moved that the Public 3uilding Grounds Committee be authorized to purchase one at a cost of Twenty Dollars, seconded by Mr.,;alker. and carried by the following vote. Ayes:ouncilmen ealker,Mac Rae,llammond,Spence,E Morgenstern,Probst and 3ullock,(0). Hoes:None. Absent; None. r.Hammond brought up the matter relative to the operation of the bridges ac- ross the Tidal Canal toward. which the City of Alameda had erected wires and poles at a cost of about 5000.00 and moved that matter be referred to the Public Utili- ties Committee of the Council,seeonded by iLr.Spence and carried. Mr.liammond brought ire the matter of the proposition to construct a tunnel un- der the estuary at ie.bster Street and requested information as to what was being done in the matter. The Mayor stated that in a recent conversation with the County Surveyor he had been informed that the report was not ready. Mr.MorgenStern moved that the matter of onening a street leading from the .ebster Street Roadway to the city 0 property oast of the United 104ngineering ,iorks be referred to the Street Committee to take up with the Oakland .ter Fran Co,se- conded by Mr.liammond and carried. fir .Morgenstern brought up the request of Mr..Ulac Cauley at a meeting of the Council in Committee session of Friday evening,iJecember 15th to pass an ordinance compelling all moving vehicles to come to a stop before crossing railroad tracks and moved that the City Attorney be directed to nrepare such an ordinance,seconded by Mr.Ells. Dr..O.Smith addressed the Council in opposition to the nassage of same. Councilmen Hammond and 2rob t also spoke in oo-bosition and upon the motion be put to the Council it was lost by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Spence, Morgenstern and 3ullock,(3). Noe :Councilmen Yialker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Ells and Prob t,(5). Absent:Eone. Mr.Probst moved, that the Street Committee be requested to take up with the property owners the matter of erecting electroliers along the roadway of hebster Street north of Clement .Avenue,seconded by Mr.'dalker. and carried. n1p1-1, 1-P-nrvy. p ri +.11:1,17 1 pro,p -rThr, hrlt1 1,pr,-11 w;i711 17nr-17114-11, ,711, mittee and thereupon Mr.M rgenstern moved that the matter be referred to the Dark .9:4 PlayFround Committee with power to purchase same if found to be as represented,se- conded by Mr.alker and. carried. The Mayor addressed the Council and stated that it would not be necessary to purchase the flag as he would make a present of it to the City. iir.2robst moved that the offer be accepted and that a vote of thanks be tendered the Mayor,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried. The Mayor excused himself and retired and Council ?resident Bullock assumed the Chair as presiding officer. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. The Municipal Code of the City of Alameda ,AN ORDINANCE AMENDING,REVISING,COPIFYING AlL ENACTING THE GENERAL ORDI- NANCES OP THE CITY OF ALAMEDA AND RE2EALING ALL GENERAL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF OR- DINANCES OF A GENERAL NATURE NOT HEREIN CONTAINED",etc,introduced by Er .Ells at the meeting of November 19th,1912,came up for passage and was read by the lerk. Mr. Mile moved that further hearing of the matter be continued until the next meeting of the Council,seconded by Mr.Spence and carried. 'here being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting on Tuesday,January 7th 1913. City Clerk. 5