1913-01-07 Regular CC MinutesREGUT,AR Pi=irG ay THE COU.ECIT, 02 TU C1TY TUEY,J2ZUARY 7th 1913. The meeting convened with Mayor ,i.2.]'.o.7-,r,residinF. Ti 84 a Roll was COiled J d. Councilmen ealker ,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Probst and 3ullock,(6),ere notea presort and Councilmen _Ell. and :L'wrenstern,(2),obsent, The minutes of the meeting of i)ecembor 17th 1912 ,were read and ordered ap- proved. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 592.20;against the ?olio° Fund amounting to ::45.60:an'ainst the :;lectric Light hund amounting to 1,371.00;against the Street Puna amountin 4500.15;aainst the Library -i2'und amounting to 004.77; against tee Park Playground Fund amount in'' to ;:1-2.02;against Eunicinal Improvement Fund ho,10,(Eleetric) amountin7 to 455.00;against hunicipal Improvement Fund (School) amounting to 445.14 and against the Health "Fund amounting to ,:.71.05 hay- ml: beer apProved and audited by the proper officials were road by tie Clerk as follows: _Llamado Steam Laundry California Oil '3 Burner Co. IT IT IT IT GEr-AL Towel Service Fuel Oil 8.00 12.75 12.75 Hager .",; Co.,C.C. Stamn pads 4.90 Library Bureau Office Supplies 19.50 Lubbock,Uswald . Telegram 1.00 IT 11 Rent of 5.0.3ox .75 Lianuel,k. Repairing Coin Trays 2.50 Pacific Gas ": Electric Co Gas 6.57 Pacific Tel Tel Co Lentals Tolls 2.73 Peoples later Co. 'later 8.20 Purity Snrings rater Co. 'ater 1.00 She Co.,The Frank Law Books 6.00 Simpson,Edna assL: Henry G.Tardy Re-codifying Ordinances 500.00 Vosburgh Co.,J.B. Supplies 5.55 Total 592.20 Conrad., John 20IICIL PULP Incidental Expenses 15.60 ELECTRIC JICiIT PULP icau 21.utomobile Ins Co. Auto Insurance 77.00 Incidentals 57.23 3ussoniu 5.75 Addressocr,toh 3unP 'es 1.43 IT 1.59 17.00 227.43 1.50 2.60 27.98 11 IT IT 8.20 Board of Electricity Crocker Co.,H.S. Coustier Sons General Electric Co, Gobel,Konrad Har:er Co.,C.C. Holabird-Reynolds Co. Painting Auto Transformers Renairs 3t tionery Irons IT TT 'nplies 8.92 IT It 196.2 IT IT IT ii 4 Kin?, A. R. Mar shall -Helve 1_1 Supply Co. IT II II II Moore Co., Chas. C. Bac i fi c Metal orks, Pacific States _23.e ct 11 c Co IT IT IT II IT II IT IT IT 11 III IT IT IT IT IT 11 IT IT II II II IT II IT II IT TT IT IT II IF IT TT 11 IT IT IT TI IT II IT IT II IT II IT 1! IT TI II TT If IT IT IT IT II IT TI IT II IT IT II IT Paci:ic Tel. ,7:3 Tel. Co . Pacific „ ater Purifying Co . Perk Garage Peoples 'VZ:1,t071.' Co. Plummer 73 Son, Geo . C. IT TT inF,'s Sons Co . , John A. Standard Oil Co. II IT IT IT IT II IT IT II 24:3 .1in1iocise M Co. If Il II II IT II IT IT IT IT If If * IT IT If IT II IT It IT II IT II II IT If IT II IT IT IT TI IT It IT IT IT II IT /Istinhoiise Mach ne Cii: tt ie.)" , Jobur n Co. IT II TI January 7th, 1013 Horses hoe inP: 6.50 supplies 26 .91 II 5.66 TI 5.85 IT 20.40 TV .71 IT 21.43 IT 5.04 IT 6 .46 Lamps 29.30 It 9.5O Suppli es 15.03 Lamps 8.25 Supplies 21.67 Lamps 16.07 Radiators 16.76 Supplies 1.00 Lamps 55.12 Supplies 13 .48 IT 189 .19 TI 2 a 29 11 10.78 Lamps 22.34 Rental and tolls 21 .36 Phosphates 16 .50 Lab or 2.25 at er 28.88 Cross Arms 8.75 IT IT 0c) .50 Copper ',lire 389 .60 Gasoline 17.50 Supplies Gasoline 18 .50 l'ue1. Oil 1471 .17: Toaster stoves 9.62 Supplies 2.45 Meter 6.95 Meters 200.50 Toaster stoves 19.64 Irons • 12.00 Meters 50.13 Meters 181.50 Supplies 2.25 Repairs 13.30 Oil 27.50 II 13.13 386 January 7th, 1912. STREET PUNS. Antonio, Gotto Labor 20.00 Britt, W. Teaming 87.50 California Corrugated Culvert Co. Supplies 419.06 Chapmen, E. N. Assisting City Engineer 4.00 Clark ,',; Sons, U. Supplies 14.40 Empire Foundry Co. u 60.00 Gay, J. T. Repairs 26.65 Hammond, C. J. Supplies 51.20 Teaming 67.50 Teaming 17.50 IT 120.00 Lietz Co., A. Supplies 11.30 Pacific Tel Tel. Co. Rental 2.45 Pennock, M. Teaming 103.75 Peoples Viater Co. Water 52.36 Plummer ,7.; Son, Geo. E. Lumber 1.13 TT IT TT TT TT II 28.92 Macadam Rock 99 .45 IT TT If IT Screenings, Sand, etc. 65.2D Pthod MiCSOD Co. Teaming 30.00 Serralunga, L. Labor 160.00 Stockier, J. J. Blacksmithing 6.70 Sutton, J. E. Assisting City Engineer 8.00 Vosburgh Co., B. Supr)lies 14.40 TT IT If IT IT 28 .68 Jamison, J. S. Johnson, C. Jones, 0.E. Powell Bros . Construction Co. Abbott, Wm. Alameda Free Library Anderson', C. G. L. Ben ci S Bar Pub CO. Clark, Co. A.R. Total - 1500.15 LIBRARY FUND. Eagazine of History 5.50 Petty Exenses Book Book Book Pd l dhame r, 1. Daily n ewsp ape rs Gienandt, Fritz Book Hager Co., C. C. Supplies Harper Bros. Books . Ink Ribbon Mfg. Co. Supplie s Library Bureau, Books and suppli es Nev° °gin , J. J. Books Olsen, LI. S. Story Teller Peoples :later Co. later San Francisco News Co. Periodicals Strom Electrical Co. Lamps University of California Book University Society, inc. Books, Volberg, C.C. Rent lostern Architect Subscription 25.45 5.00 10.50 4.50 6.00 .00 2.40 25.00 3.25 11.56 274.74 12.00 1.22 318.90 14.75 3.50 29.50 25.00 5.00 January 7th, 1913. P1 AIID 21,AYCA)UrD.D. Ray .'3 Baird 31acksmithin ,; 2.25 I:anuel, L. ndm, frame 5.25 acific To]. ',7 Tel. Co. Rental am tolls 2.25 Peoples Jater Co. Ciater 14.47 Serralunga, L. Teaming 10.00 Stackler, J. Blacksmithing 3.80 Taylor 1,3 Co. Lumber 6.80 Total 42.62 1:1I=CIPAL IEPROV=T PUPS ITO, 9 HOOL) Owens 12, 11, Bal. Contract 0 15.14 MUHICIPAL T1L?ROVEMENT PUPS 110.10 (EI.ECIP,IC) Couchot 12.0. Prof. Services i1.95.00 HEALTH 2111D. office expense 6.10 Railroad fare 12.50 Brewer, H.S. Office Desk 30.50 Kellog Express Co. Cartage 5.20 rational Ice Cola Storage Co. Distilled ;/ater 2.65 ,Pacific Id, Tel. Co. Rental and tolls 1.10 Sutherland's Pharmacy Bottles and corks 5.00 Total 71.05 Mr :Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid seconded by iCe .Jammond and car nod by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen alker,Eac Rae,Hammond,Theence,"'robst and Bullock, (6). Noes:I.Tone. Absent: Councilmen Ells and orrenstern,(2). A communication was received from the Finance Committee relative to the custody of the City's Bonds and recommending that the same be kept in the custody of the Au- ditor instead of the Treasurer and that all payments of same together With the inter- est thereon,be raid by warrants drawn on the Treasurer 'w/ the Auditor, Mr-ialker moved that the recommendations he adopted,seconded by Mr .Hammond wqd carried hy the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen alker,Eac ]:ae,ammond,Srence,',?robst and Bullock, 3oara of Health, Sec. (6). 1100S:UOTIO. Absent:Councilmen Ells and ;.iorenstern,(2). A communication was received from the iinanee Committee statin that it had ex- amined the bonds of the various City Officials and in its opinion they were good and sufficient. Ordered filed. A rebort was received from the an showin;-7 the balances in the various funds on December 31st 1912. Ordered filed. He were received. from the Limiciri Blectri c Light Slant for the months of July and Tovember,1912, Ordered filed. A report was received from the Finance Committee showing the amounts and revenue of the budf-ets for the various city depautments for the year 1912-1013. Ordered filed. The i'oundmaster presented his report for the month of December ,1912. Ordered kym ;;Teredith presented a request for a leave of absence from the city for thir- v days. :::r.Hammona moved that it be pjranted,seconded by Mr:Spence and carried. Grant Hicks,f'oundmaster )resented a rouect for a vacioll of two weeks ctonl:lonc- ing January 0th 1915. ]'!:c.'.?re1)2t moved that it ).0 granted, seconded by Mr.Aammend 87 388 ,!anuary 2-11=q ,im.C.Lochendorfer and Louis Corn presorted a requeeit 3 t}:_e liquor license transferred now held by C.Hochendorfer,to conduct C saloon at 1027 2ark Street 4o them. Ac- coomoanying the same was an ap-lication ana bond in conformity with the nrovisions C f the ordinance providing for the issuance of liquor licenses which arc rod to be in doe for1,1 and thereupon Mr. walker moved that the request Co granted, seconded by 1.1r.ammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen ,,alker,Lac kac Hamnona,Spence,2robst and 3ullock,(6). roes:_Uone. Absent:Councilmen hue and Morf-erstern,(2). A request was received fro is era 3randt,by ,;.X.Taylor,her attorney,ior per- missior to transfer the saloon license owned by her, to conduct a saloon at the corner of 'Lincoln Avenue and ,ebster Street to some other party. Mr.Walker moved that the matter be referred to the License Committee,seconaea by Mr .Bullock and. carried. A communication was received. from Dr.:,.0.3mith requesting on account of distur- bance to patients that a 'Z4ono of 1:Liet" lie established. in the vicinity of the Ala meda Sanitarium and that sign boards be ereceted in the neighborhood calling atten- tion to the matter. Mr. Walker moved that the natter be referred to the health Com- mittee,seconaed by iiir.Hammond and carried. A comnunicatior was received from E..K.Taylor sugce that before the re-cod- ', ified Ordinance be -orintea that the partrpert inc; to moving vehi cbs c be amended in the particulars noted in a former communication. Mr .Hammond moved that the mat- ter be referred to the City Attorney,seconded by r.Bullock and carried. A cm=rication was received from ni. Sunday requesting aopoirtment for the po- sition of gardner in the Barks in case of a vacancy. MI:. Probst moved that it be referred to the Park and Playground S Committee, seconded by ar. 13,ullock and carried. The Police and Cmre Commission presented specifications for repairs, etc. for Fire Station No. 2 on ,ebster Street. I r, abhor moved that they be adopted_ and that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids therefor, seconded by Mr. Prob st and carried. A communication was receiveo .. from the United 2-nTineering Works offering to allow the City the privile7e of conrectinF a six inch fire main extension from the existing main in the yard of the said Works near Webster Street, to Webster Street for the pur- pose of giving some fire protection to the District near ,,,bster Street bridge, said privilee to be granted under certain conditions, and thereupon Mr. Probet moved that the matter be r,ferred to The Fire, ater and Police Committee in conjunction with the Finance Committee With request that the said Committees also ascertain what it would. cost to construct a salt water system to connect with the istuary, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried— A communication was received from Mr. J. M.Davis, General Superintendent the Southern Pacific Company, addressed to the Mayor, in Ciichi he stated that the su- burban service between Oakland and Alameda via 8th Street, was awaiting the arrival of material, which was expected in the near future, and from present indications the service would. be inaugurated, about March let, 1913. Ordered filed. A communication was received from W. S. Tevis, addressed to the Mayor, in which he stated that the Union mater Company had at no time abandoned the hope of being able to, in a short time, give the City of Alameda a reliable supply of good potable water, Ordered_ filed, A communication was received from P. A. Haviland, County Surve yor, stating that r, 1, c) r11 1 r 0 f..1 0 +. em 17. +1 fl C flS r11 o. 1:1 Cu (-1-r P1111.-.WP IT t;r1 January 7th, 1913. be able to rep or t at length. Or der e ii1ei The City Cle rk presented a c ommuni cation calling the attention o f the Coun- cil -to the non-compliance of the Rul ofs on islietal in( O'; ',,.,orks to comolete a con- tract to install in the -Library Buil ding certain metal window sash and v,rindows. Mr. Hammond moved. that the atter be referred to t he City Attorney, seconded by Bull o ck and carri E.' . A co mmuni. ca ti on was re co ivod o n.1 . K. Taylor , ca 11 in:7; the at t e nti on of the Council to t he broken co rid it ion of t he sewer at the north end o High 3tree t, and .westing that the same be extended at least sixty feet from the shore. pro bre t moved that the matter be referred to the .3treets , 3ewers and ',,,:harves Committee o ccond e d b . Hammond and carried. An affidavit was presented showing due publication of Irotic.e to Dealers in Electrolier Lamp Posts and tops, Prii oh was ordered fi led. Mr. Hammond moved that in view of the fact that an err or had been made in asking for bade for 1250, 10x6 Cora globes instead of 12x6 Cora Globes, that should any bids be received for the same, which was desinated in the advertisement as Parcel A, that they be rejected and that the Clerk be dir cote d, not to read th e same , and fur thermore, that the Clerk be directed to re-advertise for 1250, more or less, 1.2x6 Cora Globes or equal seconded by Mr. ?robs carried. The Clerk reported_ that in answer to the said advertisement, he was in re- ceipt of six bids . Hammond moved that the same be opened and read, seconded by Mr ',Ialk-er and carried., and thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bi ds as follows:- Prom the Rob arts Mfg. Co , whi c h. was for Parcel A, and in compliance with the provisi ens of t he previous motion, the same was not read and was returned to the hi Prom the ',Imp ire Puundry Co . , a cc 011.1P-ni. ed by a certified deck in the sum of :„:140 .00 , for 1250, more or less , lamp post tops at 4.10 each. Prom the 2mp ire Joundry Company, ace ompanie d by a certii ied check in the OM of :;;;40 . 00 , for 1250, more or le ss, lamp post boxes at 30 each Prom the United Iron eorks , acc ompax led by a certi ti ed the ck in the sum of 2170 .00 , for 1250 more or le ss, cast iron tops at ;,,;.97 each, and for 1250, more or less, east ron lamp post boxes at .35 each. Prom the Powell Bros. Construction Co. accompanied certified check in t he sum o :600 .00, for 1250, more or lo s, concrete bases at ,;,3.;_;5 for each base . Prom .12;rnest H. Sundberg accomnanio ce r t if ie d check in the sum of Q750 .00 , for 1:„',50., more or less , concrete bases , 4.59 :['or each post . Jos B. Kahn, Superintendent of the Muni ci pal .i.,;lectr i.c Li Eht Plant , examine d the bids and reported that the bid of the i,.;rnpire atm dry Company of .30 each on 1250, more or less, lamp post boxes, that the b id of the United Iron 2orks for 1250, more or less, cast iron lamp post teps , each and of Powell Bres. Construction Company for 1250, more or less, concrete bases ,. at ,4.25 each were the lowest bids. Thereupon MR. Harmon(' moved that, the said lowest bidders be awarded contract, end that the certified die cks whi ch accompanied the unsuccess- ful bids be returned upon the s ii7ninr of contracts, seconded by Pr, ?robst and 590 January 7th, 1913. The Street Superintend, ent report ed that he hat-3. notified Jame s T. Archibald owner of the prop erty on the southwest co rner of Grand Street and Central Avenue to r enove a dead tree which at any moment vas liable to fall acroas the side- walk to the danger of pass ers by, and that no attent ion had been paid. to his re- quest or answer to his comunicati on . Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be re- ferred to the City .is.ttorney, seconded 17);' Mr. . 'Probst and carried. A:Cfdavits were presented s hov,ring due pub li. cat i(»1 and postin g of Resolution of Intention ITo . 3, New Series. Order ed filed. The Clerk reported that in this matter he was in receipt of a communication and al so a protest from J. C. Linderman and i'•lartha, A. Linderman claiming owner- _ ip to the land proposed to be removed. Mr. . Hammond moved that they be referred to the City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. A petition was received from the Hutchinson Company asking permission to grade, curb, gutter and macadamize San Jose Avenue, b etwee n the eastern line of Post Street and the west ern line of Peach Street, under private contract. Ott to the same was a certified copy of the contract with the property owners. Mr. Prodden addressed the Council in the matter, stating that a s ewer ought to be con- structed in th e street before the improvement was made, thereupon Er. Hannon(' moved that the request be grant ed provided, that a sewer be first placed in the street before any other improvement was made, seconded b.,17 Mr. Probst and carried. 1.1r 111cRae, offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLVED , that the City Engineer of the City of ,,:dame da be, and he is her eby ordered to prepare plans and specifi cati. one for the followi ng work to be clone and improvement to be mad e in said City to wit: The cons trncti on of asalt-g1E-vz ed, vitrifi ea, iron-stone, sever, six ( 6) inche s in inside di arr.' et e r , with four-inch " Y" hranches, and without house c on- ne °flans in Lincoln Avenue in a ninght line fom the exist ing manhole at the crossing of Versa illes Avenue with Lincoln Avenue to the existing Lla,nhole in Lincoln Avenue five ( 5) feet easterly from the "East Cohen Line", and the con- struction of two ( 2) new manholes along the line of said sewer, as follows, to wit : One at a point 264,31 feet from the westerly termination thor eof, , and one at a point 264.32 feet westerly from the easterly termination thereof. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. . and passed and adopted by the following vo te - Ayes Councilmen ker, , EacRae, Hann on d, S-9en ce , Prob st, and Bullock, ( 6) . None. Absent: Councilmen Ells and Lorgenstern. ( 2 ) In compliance with h the pr ovisions of the foren-oing Resolution the City Engineer presented plan s and specifi cati ons for the proposed work, and. ther eupon iJr. i'ilacRae offered the followinp; Resolution and. moved its adopti on : RESOLV, , that the plans and spe cif icati one for the following work to be done zq'i a improvement to be made in said City, to wit The con St YU. Ct ion of a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, six ( 6) inches in insid e diameter, with four-inch "Y" branches, and without house come cti one, in Lincoln Avenue riffa t lino from the exi sting manhole at the cros sing of Versailles Avenue with Lincoln Avenue to the existing manhole in :Lincoln Avenue five ( 5) feet easterly from the "East Cohen Ifne", and the construction of two (2) new manholes along the line of said sewer as follows, to wit: One at a point 264.31 feet easterly 4 )L4 44 4-• - ,9 ja.-Inuar;/ 7th, 1910, and su-hmitted this 7th dah of January, 1913, be ond the same arc her e -by adopted as (1. for the plan s and. spec iJicat:i on e for doiri sai P. sork. lIr. ,;al.kor so card ei the LsoTht on nP it vas adortci and n assed b7.' the :roll ow- :I.:do: voic 0:- -Ye (.)11-r1 kor, LiacR,o.o fa] inond. .dr t and. 2)10. 1 o , ( 11:00 :JO on[; : C onno- a lo and 1:to-go ( Li. 1.7.acRz-_e off eved the f 11 owi he;",o Lood. ad op t'j RiOLV tha t it is the i nt orli as of UP a Council of the order tho foi1ooi ri sork to 'he duns and impravement to he Y.Ido Ti-,..h.1" a salt-glazed, vitr Ti :if -■ iron-tone s ewer si x_ ( City of _aa.tieda,_ , to said City, to tot: n he s bbS j Jae .1:;,1r*let , mix "Y" Thnn oLe ‘..]1 , end lIP on t house corn a cti one, be constructed in Lincoln avenue in a. ri:Tht lino oat only the (2..HiE;tin manhole at the crossin of Versailles .iiverue with Lincoln hvcuuo to the exio manhole in Lincoln vonuo five ( foot easterly from the " 2ast Cohen. Lane" That two ( 2) now manholes be construct° do along the line of s aid sewer in the ,anner lie rei nof tor doscri hod, as foflons, One at a point 264..51 foot east- ly ihoji the erg. y t ormi nat ion thereof, and one at a -point 264 .32 foot westerly from the e st or 1 ter mi at .1 or tlier eo rf t sai Cl ran holes to be construclod. her curd or shall be of brick S 0 11 a: y , with cast iron tops and covers and eip:ht-inch walls and 1) ott oms , accordance with "21an or Brick Manhole" adopt° d mr the 3o :1:1: d of Trustees the Jity of alamo Cia, Janry 11th, 1697, L.LT1J on file in the offi cc of the Citz.7 Clerk of said City, which plan is her ch referred. to and made a p art here° f. 2.J.1 of said. work shall be done in accordance with the plans and specification heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on file in the off ice of the City The Clerk shal-J. cause this Reso hit ion of Intention to be published. twice in the Cvcri in: Times- Star and 21.1amE13(.1.LI, gus , a (tail:: news paper publ sh ed. and circulat- ed_ in r,lai Cl City and he re by dos i gnat e d_ f or that purpose b:.; The said C oun c i 1 The Street Sup erintendent sitoai ipploo iately, cause to be consp icuously post- ed along the line of odd d contemplate d work and impr overlent and in front of all, the uro-per ti liable t o be assessed, notices of the sari sac:e of this Res olut ion of inten- t ion, in the manner and form required by law. .L11. of the here in pro posed_ work shall be don e in ursuance of an act of the slatur e of the Bate of Cali f or Dia, designated the " Impr ovement of 1911" approved , . 1 7, 1911 . ICr • k er second ed the Res oluti on and it was adopted and 'passed by tI fo 111 o nc vote : s Councilmen Walker, MacRae , Hrusmond, Spence , P.r ob st and o ( . No o s None, Absent; Councilmen ;1111 s and. Mor ens t ern, The Street Superintendent presented the following r ep o rt s which sore or de re d filed: - The work of curbing, macadamizing and otherwise improving Post Street f:em th a outh ern line of Encinal 2.1venue to lee northern line of V,'ash ing ton Street , (excepting the crossing of Madison Street and exce-pt inn: the western half of Post Street 124.33' fee t northerly from the no rth or a in e of MEIJI son Street ) which had been done by Pov.re 11 :-3ros • Cons tructi on Company under pri vat e C entrant The 'cork of grading, curbing, ma cadam iz any and o the r wise impro ving the westerly 591 5 2 January 7th, 1913, The work of grading, curbing, macadamizing and otherwise improving Centennial Avenue, which had been done by Hutchinson Company under private contract. The work of grading, curbing, macadamizirg and otherwise improving Palm Street three hundred feet southerly from Central Avenue, which had, been done by Hutchinson Company undar private contract. The Clerk reported that the schedule of printing of blanks and books necessary for the v: ions Departments during the ensuing year had been prepared by him, and thereupon Mr. Probst moved that the same be adopted as the Printing Schedule for 1913-1914, and that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for szie, seconded by Mr. H:imond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Walker, Mac- Rae Hammond, Spence, Probst and Bullock, (6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Ells and Morgenstern, (2). The Clerk reported that in compliance with a motion carried by the Council in Committee session on Friday evening, January 3rd, he had addressed a communi- cation to D. J. Hanlon, who had petitioned for permission to lease the city's Property on the Estuary adjoining the United Engineering Works for a period of ten years, inviting him to be present at this meeting with plans and specifica- tions as to what he contemplated building. Thereupon the Mayor declared a recess to take up the matter with Mr. Hanlon, who was present, after which, on reconvening with the same members present, Mr. Hammond moved that the entire matter be submitted to the City Attorney, City Engineer, Street Superintendent and. Streets, Sewers and Wharyes Committee to devise ways and means whereby the property could be leased in an advantageous way to the City and report back to the Council at the next size ing if possible. The Clerk reported that the Ordinance recodifying the old Ordinances of the City were not ready at the present time as they were still in the hands of the printers, and stated that the City Attorney had suggested to adjourn this meet- ing until Tuesday:, January 14th, at 7:30 p. m. to take the matter up, thereupon Mr. Bullock moved that when the meeting adjourned it do adjourn until Tuesday, January 14th, 1913 at 7:30 p. m., seconded by Mr. Epence and carried, Mr. Hammond, reporting for the Public Utilities Cot ittee stated that he had taken up with the Southern Pacific Company the matter of running the trains to Oakland, via Eighth Street, d that he had been assured personally and in a written communication that the said Company was expecting certain material with which to equip the cars to be used, and that just as soon as the necessary material was received from the East, the said cars would be put in order and the new system installed, that when this line was in running order, better service would be main- tained on Lincoln Avenue, west of Eighth Street. Mr. Hammond filed his communica- tions with the Clerk. Mr. Hammond reporting far the Public Utilities Co ittee stated that, in conjunction with civic bodies from Oakland, he had a conference with the Board of Supervisors and that they had :- eed to maintain and operate the bridges spann- ing the Canal at Park Street, Fruitvale Avenue and. High Street in the very near future • Also, that the proposition of the construction of a tunnel under the Estuary between Alameda and Oakland, wOuld probably come up for action shortly and would probably necessitate the raising of funds by a Bond Election to carry the project through, and advocated action toward educating the citizens in other Mr. MacRae reporting for the Streets, Sewers and. Wharves Committee reported progress in the matter of the widening of Encinal Avenue east of Regent Street, and advocated. that the city should proceed at once with the proposition of lighting the Webster Street roadway with electroliers. There being no further business to transact, he Council adjourned until Tuesday evening, January 14th, 1913, at 7:30 p. m. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.