1913-04-15 Regular CC Minutes72 REGULAR MEETING OP THE COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY, APRIL 15TH, 1915. The meeting convened with Mayor W. H. Toy presiding. The roll was called_ and. Councilmen MacRae, :Hammond, Probst Bullock, (5) were notea present, and. Councilmen 4alker, Spence, Morgenstern and. Stewart, (4) absent. The Minutes of the meeting of April 1st, 1913 were read by the Clerk. Councilmen Stewart, 6(alker and Spence arrived during the reading of the Minutes and were noted. present. Mr. Stewart moved that the Minutes be corrected on Page 71 to read as follows:- Mr. Stewart presented a copy of a communication which he had sent to the Railroad Ommnission complaining of the inaction of the Southern Pacific Company in inaugurating its Eighth Street cross town line to Oakland, together with a cOmmunioation from the Railroad Commission in anseer to same, which he requested. to be filed, and moved that the Clerk be directed to make formal complaint to the 'Railroad Commission as r gards the inaction of the saja Rail- road Company in inaugurating the said line" seconded by Mr. Hammond_ and carried. ith the above correction the Minutes were ordered. approved. Mr..-allock offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLVED that the sum of i"ive Hundred (500) and 00/100 _Dollars be, and the mci hereby transferred from the General Pund to the Park arid Playground. Puna, as a loan, and the Auditor and th Treasurer are hereby directed to affect tho said transfer upon their re -ective books. Mr. MacRae seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen MacRae, Walker, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Probst, Stewart and Bullock, ) . Noes :None, Absent:Councilman Morgenstern, (1). Claims against the General Fund amounting to 0_578.52: against the Police Pund amounting to '144.58; against the Fire Fund amount amounting to 074.47: against the Street Puna amounting to 982.23: against the Health Fund amounting 123.01: against Local Improvement Puna No. 782 amounting to :2377.09; against Local Improvement Fund. No. 763 amounting to 947.48 and against Local Improve- ment Puna No. 784 amounting to 2623.27 having bean approved and audited by the proper officials wore read by the Cierk as follows:- GENERAL PUED. Election Officer Adams, Mary J. Aitchison, Gavin Aitchison, J. '; Alameda Steam Laundry Association Anderson, Josephine Andrus, M. W. Arada, Seymour Tt Ascher, Augusta Atkins, J. J. fl Towel Service Election Officer ry Election Expense Election Officer 5.00 5.00 5.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 228.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Banta, John H. Barateau, A.A. Barstow, J. N. Barton, P. V. Battersby, W. H. Bird, Elbert 3. Bissell, Xatherine M. Bond, C. R. Bohstin, Anna M. Borle, C. A. Breckwoldt, Emily Bronberger, John H. Brown C. A. Bruntsch, H. A. Bullock, L. M. Chapman, Hattie H. Chapman, W. N. Clark, F. C. Clarke, Herbert Collins, Mary Cornell Helen J. Covell, Eliza C. Deems, Minnie E. Delius, A. F. Demin Ada. A. Didier, Jules B. Dillon, W. P. Dowdall, E. J. Dunleavy, M. J. Ells Bertha H. Eschen, E.L. Assignee, I.J.Gutte Eschen, 3.L. H. Thumler u u 'Wm. Paulson Flynn, J. J. Forbes, Abbie J. Fori, G. E. Fort H. J. Fritz, G.L. Gay, Thos. E. Godfrey, Dennis A. Hall Bertha M. Hammond, James M. Hardin, J. T. IT fl Havery, 3. T. TTF).1 v. .T&in Election Officer Election Expense 21 ction Officer IT IT IT IT TV TV IT TV 77 TY TV TV 77 11 17 71 77 11 TV TV TV 17 TV TV TV TV 11 IT 77 11 17 71 17 11 77 TV 71 71 TV TV TV TV TV TV 77 TV TV TV TV TV Plumbin Election Offic er TV TV TV TV Services Election Officer IT TT TV TT 1T IT TT Expens e Officer IT IT TV TV April 15th, 1913. 1r 5.00 5.00 36.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 .5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.75 5.00 5.00 5.00 14.20 5.00. 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 i 1 lst, 1915. Henderson, H. Higgins, H. W. Hill, Florence M. Hockins, Wm. F. Hoeck, Jacob Hoffman, Annie E. Hopps, E. R. Houston, Alice I. Howell, Alice M. Hunt, H. B. Jacobi, L. H. Johnson, C.M. Johnson, R. C. Kellogg, Paul Kihn, Minnie P. Kruger, Louise Leroux, G. A. Levy, Max M. Locke, True Lovegrove, Geo. Lubbock, Oswald i\lacloon, C. W. Mait, Edward Marshall, T.B. Martin, Arthur L. Mayrisch, Mary A.B. Mazzini, Etta McConnell Rushton Merrill, Ray K. Moore, Marcia Mueller Meta Orr, Lucy F. Pacific Tel. Tel. Co. Parcelis Safe Company Perrine, P. Platts, Margaret H. Plume P.B. Plunner Mfg. Co. W.A. Probst, L.S. Purity Springs Water Co. Reynolds., J. M. Risley, W. W. Robertson, J.M. Rue, E.D. Ryan, Mathew A. Schuman, F.O. Election Officer ;;) 5.00 TT TT 5.00 11 TV 5.00 If 11 5.00 TV TT 5.00 5.00 TV TT 5.00 Ti TV 5.00 TV IV 5.00 11 If 5.00 TV TV 5.00 IT 5.00 TT If 5.00 Election Expense 26.00 Election Officer 5.00 If 11 5.00 TT TT 5.00 TV 11 5.00 TT TV 5.00 TV TV 5.00 Rent of P O. Box .75 Election Officer 5.00 I/ 11 5.00 TV 11 5.00 Supplies .65 Election Officer 5.00 TV TV 5.00 1T 5.00 TT TV 5.00 TV TV 5.00 Election Expense 6.00 ELection Officer 5.00 Tolls 1.59 Rent of Safe 40.00 Election Officer 5.00 TV TV 5.00 TV TV 5.00 Election Expense 192.00 Election Officer 5.00 Water 1.00 Election Officer 5.00 IT 17 'V 5.00 TV TT 5.00 TT TV 5.00 TV TV 5.00 11 TV 5.00 Shearman, J. S. Election Officer April 15th, 1013. 5.00 Skinner J.H. IT IT 5.00 Sonles, Mrs. E.C. II II 5.00 Stackler, J.J. IT II 5.00 Stein, Phil H. II IT 5.00 Stoddard, R.C. Assignee, A.Murdock II IT 5.00 Stromberg, J. F. If If 5.00 IT IT IT Election Expense 6.00 Swyney, C.J. IT Officer 5.00 Taylor W. G. 11 Il 5.00 Thompson F.V. If 1I 5.00 Times-Star Co. Printing 224.00 II IT II IT 195.58 Traube H. Election Officer 5.00 Varcoe, w ? . I.,. 1, IT 5.00 Von Schoen, J.D. IT If 5.00 Vollmar, Elizabeth IT 1/ 5.00 IT IT 5.00 u ?? 5.00 IT TT 5.00 II II 5.00 IV TT 5.00 Election Expense 6.00 Election Officer 5.00 Wheeler Wheeler,Preet G. Assg. C.W.Neal n 11 5.00 /I IT IT TV II 5.00 Whistler Mrs. laly B, IT If 5..00 Wieland, P.J. IT IT 5.00 Wilbur, Wrq, 11 IT 5.00 IT IT 5.00 Total 1578.52 _Sr POLICE FUND. Alameda Daily Argus Printinb v 6 6.50 IT If If II 11.50 Pacific States Refinerius Gasoline 17.70 Pacific Tel. f.,,, Tel. Co. Telephones 4.05 Park Garage to supplies 2.00 Times-Star Co. Advertising 4.48 If I/ II Printing License Books 83.35 IT IV IT Pr in ti ng 15.00 Walton, Blanche Walton, Mary P. Ward, Wm. M. Waters, H.B. Waymire,Virginia Whearty,James M. Wheeler, Flora P. A. Wilson, Mary T. Total 144.58 RE FUND. Alameda Steam Laundry Association Towel and linen service Baird, J.V. Horseshoeing IT If If TV Barton P. W. Supplies 16.80 5.00 2.50 3.00 April 15th, 1913. Eureka Fire Hose Mfg. Co. Fire Hose Q 180.00 Fischer C•F. Oil 6.00 Furey, F. P. Supplies .75 King, A.R. Hor eshoeing 10.00 Koerbor, A.H.W. Hay 8.25 Lomax, R.R. HorseShooing 10.00 Lubben, John 3, 'Rue' 22.75 2,1orris, Geo. T. Supplies 2.75 Pacific Gas 3; Electric 00, Gas 28.58 Pacific Te . & Tel. Go. Tolls .30 Peoples Water Co. Viater 307.54 Plummer & Son Geo. E. Lumber 4.70 If TT II VT IT TT 11.72 Supplies 1.00 Medicine 13.25 Hauling 7.40 Feed 19.98 IT It It IT Hay 73.88 IT IV IT I? Feed 86.13 I/ IT IT IT Feed 117.24 ullivan, James Salary 5,2 Taylor 7; Company Lumber 10.30 Vosburgh, J.B. Supplies 10.40 Total ------------ ,if? 974.47 STREET FUND. Baird, J.V. Repairs 4.25 California Corrugated Culvert Co. Supplies 315.40 Chapman, E..1 Assisting City Engineer 2.00 Clark & Son, E.Y. Supplies 1.43 II IT IT II IV ti 12.50 Empire Foundry Co. n 106.75 Goldstone, John n 30,56 Hammond, C. J. IT 134.15 Hutchinson Co. n 58.54 Pacific Cycle ,c',. Arms Co. Repairs 12.70 Pacific Fuel & Bldg. Material Co. Rock 3.00 Pacific Tel. 27 Tel. Co. Rental and -itches 2.4 Park Garage Repairs 2.50 Peoples 'i;ater Co. Viater 55.20 Plummer Son, Geo. E. Lumber 20.09 Rhodes amieson & Co. Material 176.65 Stackl J.J. Repairs 4.85 n IT II IV 14.00 Sutton, J.2. Blue prints .55 Tr If Assisting City Engineer 2.00 IT Tiies-3tar Go. Printing 13.50 Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Riley's Drug Store Risso & Co. G. Scott, Magner & Miller pr :I 1 15th, 1913. United Iron ',Iork s Supplies 4.50 Total - 952.23 HEALTH FUN I). Alamo da Daily Argus Printing 1.00 God frey, 1latil a Labor 6.00 Goldston9 , John Gasoline 7.60 Justinian Cair e o. Laboratory Supplies 3.01 Pac if c Tel. "; Tel . 00. Rental an6. t oll s 1.20 Park Garage _Sundry Supplies 10 .45 Ri1oys Drug Store auplies 3.50 Stationery 4,55 Transportation 17 .00 Off i e Lxp ens e 3.00 Suthe rland s Pharmacy Bot tle s 6.75 Pr inti ng 10.50 11 35. 00 Stati onery 1.95 Total - 123.01 LOCAL IL2i L T T iUiW NO. 782. Mun ic tm1 ilectric Light Plan t Labor and. mat er i a 1 LOCAL =2,0VEkg,IIT FUND NO . 783. Liuri cip al Electric Light Plant Labor and material LO CAL Ih PRO VEM1IT FUND No . 784. chne der Henry Secretary, 3oard. of Health IT TT 11 Times-Star Company IT TT Yawman Erbe Iii. 00. Munic ipa 1 Electric Light Plant 2 7.09 't 974.48 Lab cr an d. mate ri al 2623.27 Mr. . Bullock mov eel that the claims as read. be paid , secoridecl by Mr . 11s and carried by th e following vot e Ayes : Councilmen Vqa.112:er , MacRae, Hammond, Spence, Jilis, Pro bst , Stewart a n d Buliock, ( 8 ) . Noes :None . Absent : C oun al 1 man MorF7enstern, ( 1 ) . A report was received f om the Audit or showing the balam es in the various funds on March 3lst, 1913. Ordered file d. A report was receive d from the P oundmast er for t he month of Mar ch , 1913. Ordered_ filed.. The Oath of 0:17fice of Herman Krusi as a member of the 'Board of le ctric ity vas presented and ordered filed. A c ommun cati on was recei v ed from Tappan Lum, a member of the Board of :ducat. on, reque s tins a leave of absence of six months. Mr. Hammond moved that it be granted, seconded by Mr. ?rob st and carried. . communication was received from the est ern Dairy Company making appli- cation for permission to erect in the rear of its nevi premises at 1420 Park Street, a pump house in the nature of a frame building to be covered with galvanized iron or veneer 0d with brick. Mr. Hammond moved. that the matter be referred to the Pire , ;ater and Police Committee in con junction with the Chief of the Fire Department and Building InsTector ji th power to act, seconded. by . Pro bst and carrie d. c ormunica t ion was received from the Pacific Tel ephone and Tele gra 1 4 - .4 __I., -C-, 4 -V 77 April 15th, 1913. conjunction with the Finance Committee and City Attorney, seconded by Ells and carried. A communication was received from Howard K. James requesting that re- duction be made in the license tax or real estate dealers and also on undertakers. Mr. Hammond moved that it be referred to the license Comrnittee seconded by Mr. 11s and carried. A communication was received. from S. J. ood of 938 Park Street making recommendation as to the refunding of any surplus there might be in the funds collected for the erection of electroliers in the various districts. Mr. 3ullock moved that it be file, seconded by Er. 2robst and carried, A communication was received from Assemblyman liorgenstern reporting that the Alameda Tidelands 3111 had been passed by the Assembly of the State Legislature. Ordered filed. An affidavit was presented showing due publication of recluest calling for proposals for the concession to sell i'efresbments in Lincoln Park. Order- ed filed. The Clerk reported that in response to said avertisement, five bids had been receive. Mr. Probst moved that the Clerk open the same, seconded by Mr. MacRae and carriet, thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows:- Prom A. Colures for the sum of :A300.00 per annum. From H. W. Larkin for 10.50 per month. Prom W. H. Follrath for ::)150.50 per year. From W. A. 3utterfield for 15.00 per month. Prorp Mrs. Rosslein for '90.00 per annum. Mr. 2robst moved that the concession be awarded to A. Colures, he being the highest bidder, seconded by hr. Stewart and carried. A report was received from the 2ark and. Playground Committee relative to the attendance , etc. of the various narks and playgrounds for the month of March, 1913. Ordered filed. An affidavit was presented showing due mailing of Notice to Protestants in the matter of the improvement of Lincoln Avenue as set forht by Resolution of Intention No. 6, New Series, Ordered filed. No one appearing on behalf of the protestants, MacRae offered the following R solution and moved its adoption:- -UHEREAS the Council of the City of Alameda did on the 4th day of 2obruary, 1915, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 6, Now Series , to order the follov,ing work to be one and improvement to be made in said City, to wit: That Lincoln Avenue from the eastern line of Broadway to a line parallel with and distant right angle measurement one thousand and ninety-five and five tenths (109545) feet westerly from the western line of High Sreet and including the crossing of Pearl Street with Lincoln Avenue, but excepting the crossing of Versailles Avenue with Lincoln Avenue, be improved as follows: That the entire width of said avenue, between said. lirnits and excepting said crossing be graded to the official grade; that concrete curbing eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension, be constructed along of the"fl ttern three feet in width and six inches thick, be constricte d along the roadway side of and contiguous to said curbing and curved corners; that two (2) part-circle culverts one with and one withOut branches and hand- holes, shall be constructed, one on the eastern and one on the western side of the crossing of Pearl Street with Lincoln Avenue: that the remaining portion of the roadway, between said limits and including said last named crossing, and excepting the crossing of Versailles Avenue with Lincoln Avenue, be macadap4- ized with a layer of broken trap rock, eight inches in thickness. That said culverts to be constructed hereunder shall be of part-circle corrugated iron in accordance with "Plans for corrugated iron part circle Cu - verts" adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda, May 3, 1910, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city,,wlaich plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. All of said work shal be done in accordance with the plans and sPecifi- cations heretofore adonted for doing said work and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. And:Whereas, within fifteen days after the date of the second publication of said Resolution Of Intention No. 6, New Series, certain owners of property liable to be assessed for said work made a written protest against the propos- ed work and whereas at the next regular meeting of the Council after the expiration of the time within which protests may be so made, said Council by Resolution fixed a time for hearing said protest, viz: March 18th, 113 and from time to tine cotinued said heurin, and proceeded to hear and pass upon said protest, and having July considered the same, it is hereby RESOTVED, h the. Council of the City of .,dameda that the written protest against said proposed work be, and the same is hereby overruled. Er. iialker seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and pa ,,ed by the following vote:-Ayes:Couneilnen 'falker, MacRae, Hammond, Spence, als, Probst Stewart and Bullock, (3) . Noes:Yone. Absent:Councilman Morgenstern (1). Mr. MacRae offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- Resolved, that whereas the Council of the City of Alameda did on the 4t3' day of February, 1913, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 6, New Series, to order the hereinafter described work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, which Resolution of Intention was duly and legally published as required by law, as appears from the affidavit of Frank Brown now on file in the office of the city clerk of said city; and whereas, notices of the passage of said Resolution of Intention No. 6, New Series, headed "Notice of Improve- ment" were duly and legally posted along the line of said contemplated work and improvement and in front of all the property liable to be assessed therefor, in form and mariner as reeuired by law, immediately after the passage o said Resolution of Intention, as appears from the affidavit of V. M. Fredden street superintendent of said city, who, upon the completion of the posting of said notices, forthwith filed said affidavit in the office of the city clerk, making oath that he completed the filing of said notices on the 10th day of February, 1913; and whereas, more than fifteen days has expired since the day of the second publication of said. Resolution of Intention *No. 6 New 80 April 15th, 1913. RESOLVED, that the public interest and convalience require the work herein described, and the Council of the Citj of Alameda hereby orders the following work to be done in said city, to-wit: That Lincoln Avenue from the eastern line of Broadway to a. line parallel with and distant, right angle measurmnent one thousand and ninety- five and five-tenths (1095.5) feet westerly from the western line of High Street and including the crossing of Pea±1 Street with Lincoln Avenue, but excepting the crossing of Versailles Avenue with Lincoln Avenue, be im- proved as follows: That the entire width of said avenue between said limits and except- ing said crossing, be graded to the official grade; that concrete cirrbing, eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension, be constructed along the curb lines of said avenue between said limits and on the curved corners of the crossing of Pearl Street with Lincoln Avenue; that concrete gutters, of the "flat" pattern, three f eet in width and six ihches thick, be constructed along the roadway side of and contiguous to said curbing and curved corners; that two (2) part-circle culverts, one with and one without branches and handholes, shall be constructed, one on the eastern and one on the western side of the crossing ot Pearl Street with Lincoln Avenue; that he remaining 'portion of the roadway, between said limits, and including said last named. crossing, and excepting the crossing of Versailles Avenue with Lincoln Avenue, be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock, eight inches in thickness. That said sulverts to be constructed hereunder shall be of part-circle corrugated iron in accordance with "Plans for corrugated iron part circle Culverts" adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda May 3 1910, and on file in the office of the City Clerk, of said city, Which plan is hereb,7 referred to and made a part hereof. All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and speci- fications heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. The City Clerk is hereby directed to Post a notice of said work, toget- her with the plans and specifications therefor, conspicuously for five days on or near the council chamber door, inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered. He us also directed a publish a notice inviting such proposals, and referring to the specifications posted or on file in The ivening Times Star and Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said city, and hereby desicnated for that purpose. Mr. ''alker secAded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:-.e Ayes:Councilmen Walker I:lac:Rae, Hammond, Spence, M1 Probst, Stewart and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Llorgenstern, (1). An affidavit was presented showing due mailing of Notice to protestants in the matter of the improvement of Oentrl Avenue as proposed by lesolution of Intention No. 7, New'3eries, Ordered filed. No one appearing in behalf of the protestants in said mattAr. Mr_ 7,5:40_71 r)'finianA Anri1 15th, 1913. XLIEREAS, the Council of the City of Alameda did , on the 18th day of February, 1913, pass its Resolution. of Intent ion No . 7, New 3ories , to order the foi1owin p: rk to be done and imp rov em en t to be r116, de in Said City, to viu THat Central Avenue from a line 1095.50 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of High Street to the westerly line of Pernside Boule- vard be improv ed as follows : That the en tir e width o f said Avenue , from property line to property line, between said li.mits be ;3_'adeel to the official gra • -that ooncre e cur bins, e ight inohes by f ourte ell inolies in cros section dimension , b e constructed on the curb 1 nes o f s aid Avenue between said limits; that concrete gutters of the flat pattern, two and one-half ( feet in width and six 1 6 ) inches in thickness , be constructed along the roadway of said avenue, contiguous to said curbing, between said limi ts; that the flaining portion of the roadway of sai d. avenue, between said limits, be macadam 6ed wi th a layer of broken trap rock,, eight inche s in thi ckness . _1111 of sli.ct vOIk shal 1 be done in accordance wi t the plaYIS and speci- fications heretofore adopted for doing said wo rk an now on file in the office of the City C le rk- AND 1IL2d3, within fifteen days fter the date of the second publica- tion of said Resolution of Intention :To, 7, New Series , certain awners of -property liable to be assessed for said work made a written protest against the pro posed work, and whereas at the next reghlar meeting of the Council after the expiration of t he time within which ro ests may be so made, said Council di d by ReSoluti on fix a time for hearing said pro t,st and from time to time continued said hear in and prov ee de d to he ar and pass upon said protest, an a having duly considered the same, it is hereby RESOLTED, )y the Council of the ity of Alame da that t he written protest against said proposed, work, )e, and the same is here by overrule d . Mr. . 'darker seconded the Resolution and it was adopt ed arid, assed by the f o 11 owin g vote: Counci linen ialker, MacRae, Hamm ond, Spence, Probst, :';tewar t and Bullock, ( 8) . Noes:None . Absent :Councilman Morgenstern (1). Mr. . MacRae off ere d. the f ollowing Resolution and move d it s a do pti. on - RESOLVED that whereas the Council of the City of Aline (i did on the 18th day of Yebruary 1913 pass its Re oluti on of Intention No . 7, New Series to order the hereinafter described work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, whi ch '2,esoluti on of Intention was duly and legally published as required by law, as appears T om the affidavit of Prank Brown now on ±‚110 in the of fic e of the city clerk of said city ; and whereas, notices of the passage of said Resolution "Notice of Impr ov em en t" were duly contemplated work and improvement be assessed therefor, in fon-,9 and of Intent ion NO. 7, New Series, headed_ and legally posted along the line of said and in front of all the pro per ty liable to manner as required by law, irrn ediat y after the passage of said Res °lilt ion of Intontion, as appears from the affidavit of V. M. :tor° dden street super' ntend en t of sai. 'i c it y who , upon the lepri I 15th , 1913. in the offi ce of the ci ty clerk , making oath that he completed the fi ling of said not ices on the 26th day of 2ebruary , 1913, and vvhe Teas more than fifteen days has expired since the day of the second. publicati on of said Resolution Of Intention NO. 7, New Seri es , and the completion of the Do sting of said. "Notices of Impr ov emen t" therefore be it RiSOLVAD, t hat th e rublic in ter est a.nd convenience r equi re the work herein described, and th e Council of the City of blame da hereby orders the following work to be done in said c ity, to vvit : That Central Avenue from a line 1095.50 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of High Street to the westerly line of ?erns ide Boule- vard be improve d as follows: That the entire width of said Avenue , from property line to ler operty line between said limits be graded to the of ficial grade ; that concrete curbing, ei Olt inches by four teen in che s in cross section dimension, be constructed on the curb lines of s aid avenue between said limits; that concrete gutters of the flat pattern, two and one-half ( feet in width and six ( 6) inches in thickness, be constructed along the roadway of said avenue, contiguous to said curbing, between said limits.; that the remaining, portion of the roadway of said avenue, between said limits, be macadamized_ with a layer of broken trap rock, eight inches in thickness. ;ill of said wo rk shall be don® in accor done e ni th the plans and speci- fications her etof or e adort ed for ng said vo rk and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. The City Clerk is her eby directed . to post a notice of sai d work, to- gether I'd th t he plzns and specifications therefor , a nspicuously for five days on or near the council chamber door, inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered. He is also directed to publish a no ice invit- ing such proposals, and referring to the a cif ications posted or on fi le, in the Evening Times-Star and Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaper eubli she d and circulated in said city, and hereby des imate d for that pur- e oose. Mr. talker seconded the Resoluti.on and i t was adopted and passed by the 1o1, owing vote : - Ayes : Councilmen Walker DlacRae , Hammond, Spence, i11s Probst, Stewart and 13u:i.lock, ( 8) ; Noes :None . Absent :Councilman I.,:orgenster2 (1) . An affidavit was pr esented showing due mailing of notice of time set for hearing protest in the matter of the construction of a sewer in Lincoln Avenue, as set forth under Resolution of Intenti on No . 8, New Seri es . Order- ed fi led.. No one appearing in behalf of said pro. te stants Mr, 'MacRae offered. the following Resolution and moved its adopti on: - WHZIOIAS the Counci 1 of the City of Alamo da did. , on the 18th day of Pebruery, , 1913, pass its Resolution of Inter ti on No. 8, New Series, to order the following work to be done and. improvement to be made in said City, to wit : That u salt-glazed, vitrified, iron 715:1 1 (1p! a Trl '017 rOr' _ 1 11 -Pr% r: _ -F1 r.1-1 TT V1, 1-vi,ca 6) inches in pril 15th, 1910. manhole at the cross in of Versailles Avenue :with Lincoln Avenue to the exist- ing manhole in Lincoln Avenue five (5) feet easterly from the "East Cohen That two (2) new manholes be constructed alon7 the lino of said sewer in the manner hereinafter described, as follows, to wit: One a a point 264.31 feet easterly from the westerly term inati on thereof, and one at a point 264.32 feet westerly from the easterly termination thereof. That said manholes to be constructed hereunder shl :I be of brick masonry with cast iron tops and covers and eight-inch walls and bottoms, in accordance with "Plan for Brick Hellhole" adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda, January 11 th , 1897, and on file in the office of t :re City Clerk of said c ity, whit h plan is hereb:, r eferred to and made a part hereof. All of sid work shall be one in accordance vdth the plans and specifi- cations heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on file in the off ice of the Oity Clerk. AND V1-1E.REAS within fifteen days after the date of the second publication of said Resolution of Intention No. J, New Serie s , certain owner s of ,prorer ty liable to be assessed for said. work made a written protest against the propos- ed work; and wher eas , at the next regular meeting of the Council after the expiration of the time within. which protests may be so made, said Council did by Resolution fix a time for hearing said protest and continued said hearing from time to time and proceeded to hear and pass upon said. protest ,and having duly considered. the same, it is hereby RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda that the wrritten protest againet said eroposed work be, and. the same is hereby overruled. . elite r seconded t Reso 1 uti on and it w as ado pt e d and passel by the following vote ; - Ayes: Councilmen dalker , 1.iacTede , Hamm on d , Spence , 2,11s Pr obst, Stewart and .7eallock, ( 8) . "'Toes :Non. Lb se IA ; Councilmen Morgenst ern Nr. '!latcRae offered the follow jnp: Resolution and moved its a CIO p ti 0 n : - RASOLVED, that whereas the Council of the City of Alameda did on The 18th day of Pebruary, 1913, pass its esolution of Intention No. 8, New Series , to order th e hereinafter described ii,,rork to be done and improvement to be made, aid City, which Resolution of Intention ViLtS duly and legally published as ired by law as appears from the affidavit of Frank Brown now on file in the o:Cfice of the city clerk of said, city; and whereas, notices of the passage of said Resolution of Intention 8, New Series, headed "Notice of Improve- ment" were duly and legally postei alonc-, the line of said contemplated work and improvement and in front og all the proeerty liable to be assessed there- for, in f orm and manner as re q uir ed by law, immediately after the passage of said Resolution of Intention, as appears from the affidavit of V. M. Frodden street supe rintendent of said city, who, upon the completion of the posting of said notices, forthwith filed said affidavit in the office of the city clerk, making oath that he completed. the filing of said notices on the 26th day of February, 1910, and whereas, more than fifteen days has expired. since the day of the se cond pub li. ca ti on of said "Not ic es of Im-erov an ent " therefore be it 84 work to be done in said c ity to-wit : That a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, six ( inches in in- side diameter, with four-inch "Y" branches, and without house connections, be constructed in Lincoln Avenue in a right line easterly from the existing manhole at the crossing of Versailles Avenue with Lincoln Avenue to the existing manhole in Lincoln Avenue five ( r) feet easterly from the "2a.st Cohen Line" . That two ( 2) new manholes be „constr -acted. along the line of said, sewer in the manner hereinafter described, as- follows to wit: One at a point 264.31 feet eacer1;;;- from the westerly termination thereof, and. one at a point 264.32 feet westerly from the easterly termination thereof. That said manholes to be constructed hereunder shall be of brick masonry, with cast, iron tops and covers and eipht-inch walls and bottoms, in accordance with "Plan for 3rick LLanhole"adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda , January llth, 1697, and on ile -i.n the off i ce of the City Clerk of said city, vhioii plan if hereb:v referred to and made a part hereof. All of said work shall be done accordance with the plans and speci- fications heretoiare aoTteC for doing said -,vork and now on file in the office of the City The City Clerk i.s hereby directed to post a notice of said work, to- p;ether with the plans and specifications therefor, conspicuously for five days on or near the council chamber door, inviting seale d proposals or bids for doing the work ordered, He is also di r cte d to -pub 1 ish a not ice inviting Such pr op osals , and referring to the specifications on posteft or on file, in the Evening Star and. Alameda Daily Argus , a daily newspaper publi siE d a nd circulated in said city, and hereby designated. for that purpose. LIR. Walker seconded_ the Resolution nd it was adopted. and pas ei by ;the following vot e - Ayes C °lined Then LlacRae , Ham ond, Spence Ells, probst, Stewart and Bullock, (8). Noes:None . Abs ant : Counci iman Lo/Tenstern, (1) . An Aff 1day it was presented showing due mailing of notice of he a of protest in the matter of the construction of a sewer in Buena Vista Avenue, westerly from ',:lebster Street as set forth by Resoluti on of Intent_ on No. 10, Nev Series. Ordered_ filed. Lir. . Burpee addressed the Council on behaJi '. of the pro testants and thereupon ir. 'Ramona moved that all action in this matter be rescinded., providing,' the protestant s pay for the cost of the advertising that had accrued, and that a new Resolution of Intention be introduced curtailing the length of the sewer to be constructed seconded Ty. iIr. Prob t. Mr. Bruzzone stated tlut the pikptestant would nay the said expense, and thereupon the motion prevailed by the following vote:- Ayes : Councilmen Walker, , Ea cRae , Hammond., Spence, Ells, Probst, Stewart and BUTLI oek, ( ) Noes .N one . Absent Counci 1 man Mor genst ern, ( 1 ) . An affidavit was present ed. showing due mailing of notice of hear the matter of the protest againet the construction of a sewer in San Jose Avenue, between High and Peach Streets as set forth under Resolution of In- tention No. 11 New. Series. Ordered. filed. Hr. H. F. Collin addressed the Apri 1 15t} •-■ so as to enable him to connect sertain houso vhcii he contemplated building with. t he sa_me . After -fur the r coni era ti on in. whi ch . it was suggested that a sewer be constructed in said street 1')y pr mate contract Mr. Stewart moved_ that all action relative to the mat ter be rescinded, se conde by Hammond and carried . The Clerk presented an affidavit shovii ng due posting of Proclamation calling the General Munic ipal Election wh cli ha d. been held on ':rpri 1 14 th, 1913. Ordered f fled.. .an afiIaVit sh owi ng • u, publ lc a ti on of the li st of candidates whi ch were voted f or at the 11112111i. C pal election held on April 14th. Ordered f fled.. Mr. Probst reP or te d_ that there was no money available for th e purpose of cemp 7ing with the re cue st of the Haight School Mothers' Club to clean up the weeds and. construct si devvalks around 1c1Cinely ark at this time but that when the next budget was made up funds w oul d be prov ieci f or the said. bur ose, and moved that the City Clerk be directed to notify the Betitioners of the matter seconde d by Mr. Spence and carried. Ir. .,vEaker introduced a Bill ent tle 6."A Bill f or Ori'L•:nance No . New Series, AIdin. a new Sect ion to Ordinance i':fo . 1, New Serie s, Known as the Muni ci pal Code of Alame , tpproved January 13th, 1914 said new Chapter to be :II-mown as Chapter XIII, anc having for its pnrpo se the .:,]stablish- ment of the rates of fare to be charged any person, Association or Corpora- tion engaged in the Transportation of Passengers on street railroads to pupils under the age of Seventeen years attending the Public or Private schools of the City of jaa-rneda,"was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. There being no fur t;-ter bus iness to transact the Council adjourned until the next meeting, which will be held by Charter pro visi on on Ionday, Apr i 1 21st,