1913-04-21 Regular CC MinutesB6 MTI1G OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 011 ALAMEDA, MONDAY, APRIL 21ST, 1913. The meeting was held in accordance with Article 11, Chapter I, Section Sub-division 5 of the Charter, and was called to order by. Mayor W. H. Noy. The roll was called and Councilmen Walker MacRae, Hammond Spence, Ells, Probst, Stewart and Bullock (8) were noted present, and Councilman Morg . tern, (1) absent. The Minutes of the meeting af Apral 15th were read and ordered approved. Mr. Bullock offered the foliowing Resolution and moved its adoption:- Resolved, that the sun of Thirty-seven and 68/100 (37.68) Dollars, be and the same is hereby transferred from Municipal Improvement Fund No. 10, (Electric) to Local Improvement Fund No. 786, being claim of Crane Company for material furnished, allowed under Warrant No. 4267, April 15th, 1913. Mr. MacRae seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:CounCilmen Walker, MacRae Hammond, Spence, Ells, Probst, Stewart and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Morgenstern, (1). Claims against the General Fund amounting to ;;286.00 having been audited by the roper officials were read by the Olerk as follows:- GENERAL FUND. Election Officer 0 5.00 Election Expense 6.00 Election Officer 5.00 Brewer, I. S. Election supplies 62.50 11 17 Election 2.50 IT IT II 11 11 TV 11 3.00 17 11 TT Election Expense 6.00 Clerk, S. T. :-Ylection Officer 5.00 Coryell F. L. Election EXpenSe 6.00 Eschen, S. I. Election Officer 5.00 Fox, Geo. H. Premium 17.50 Godfrey, Annette Election Officer 5.00 HaTry, H. C. IT TT 5.00 Judd, Thos. H. Assg. R.M.Mitchell TT 17 5.00 11 TT If IT J. E. Bradt or d /7 IT 5.00 II TT IT 17 A. McMenaman 17 17 5.00 9 9 17 1? O. T. Decker 9 9 5.00 17 TT If IT F. J. Hargraves 9 9 5.00 if TT IT IT J. 11. Sharp 17 17 5.00 I T I T I T 1Y W. P. Christensen IT IT 5.00 1/ TT 17 IT Carrie L. Beatty 11 17 5.00 IT IT 11 TV • C. Munro ,, 71 5.00 Kaney, Mrs, D. TT Expense 6.00 Lapham, Carrie A. Election Officer 5.00 Lyons, Mrs. A. Election Expense 5.00 Anderson, Al A. Banta, n 7 ■.• • -L • Barstow, J. N. pr i1 21st 3, Martin, 1) V . Election Off icer ;,:; 5.00 J. G . Mattheis, TV U 5.00 Moran , T . TY IT 5.00 Parr R. E TT 1 5.00 5.00 IV 5.00 TY 11. W TY ry 5.00 t he rl , G. M. 71 5.00 es -Star Go. :Printing 12.00 derw oo d T ype lox t er Repa rs 8.50 pr0 " Richard_ Elect ion 0ficer 5.00 Wheeler, Fred. G J3sg. mma J. Ford. TT TY 5.00 ‘Vi1iiams, 3. H. Election Off leer 5.00 int ors„ Mary F. TT 11 5•00 ood ,' Anna J. If IT 5.00 Total - 286.00 Mr. Probst moved that the claim s as read be Da' se conded by Mr. MacRae and carriad b the foil ing vote : - Ayes : Councilmen Walker MacRae, _Ham ond Spence , Ells Prob s t Stewart and Bull ock, ( 8 ) . Noe s :11one . Absent: Counci lman Jfo rgens tern , (1). Councilman Morgen ten arrived and was note. present. rep or t was r cc ei v ad from the Ilayor, „ And.i or ail a 3 it ?7 Clerk c t if ying that they had in the pre sence of Mayor-elect Frank Otis count e d the money in the hands of the City Treasurer on April 19t h, 1913, and. f01111 a the amoun t. to be 258,275.00, and that the said amount agreed with the balance as shown by e Auditor's hooks. Ordered filed. Councilman Pr obst addre ss ea the me et inr-, relative to the i±i to the Parks of a flag given by the Mayor, an moved. tlla t a vote of thanks of the Council be tendered to him f or the same , se con de d by Mr. . Walker and carri e The Clerk reported that it was time to canvass the retirn s of the Municipal Elec ti on , Whi eh had been held on April 14 th , 1913. Mr, Hammond moved that the Council pr oceed to C a 1.711T SS the returns, seconded. by Mr. . Spence and carrie d, and thereupon the Clerk proceeded to open the official returns and the result was found to be as set for th in the table spread upon the Minutes on the net page of this record: Rhoades , J. D. ROPbke , B. 8 ,R' J L/ / 4 /'7 /33 //C 6Y' A1-7 _2 7z /.0,f! /,144' ; 33- 11 7 5.4- f..2 /7 21; /-1- ■1--°_.Z. —2,01- 7/ /7_, 7 /51_5 /62/ /3 /4// / -4/-H62/ /7 // .7/ '-9 ( ,5-7 078 e /4_2 -r4 7-3 ?, 7 ,/./ / ij7 7,9 117 4L 4/ /7 7,_57 7 7L7 /// c?-2 7,3 -24z.. 2 /,2-/ • \_577 7f 4.2-0 J.Yr‘g /32 7-5 /7/ 77 /y3 erz (-xi (.2_ / //' /3 / 4'/ YI.1 Yt ,-/ 75‘ JY //0 /t I 0 I 7‘ /77_ 24 /7 /f //r-/ / 7o 7 /33 /32° / 7 / a 37 /,// /7f /9.2 73 /.2a- /..1 71,/ // 17 4// OP,9 i'777 / .40 o 7'9 sz „/‘ V.5-7 y 4/ 7 2,2 ..1 7K 7/ /2 9/ f' 77 7/ 3/7z7 77 ‘3- /7/ /,/6 7o 7f /// .2-/3— ‘1 se-2 2 ‘,9 /o /r012/ 76e- 7-z / -27 / .4.3 7 7,7z 27 7 sgr // /-2 ce. d/ Gr-, 76; -47 ,,, a / 9/ ') -ef7! fz2 /19 z / /C /.2J- -2- 7 /01 0 e?z n 666 6.,/ 11.1_7'7 /1 le? II/a, . Bullock off er ed the foil owi n April 21st, 1913. 8! olution and moved. its adoption:- RESOLVED that from the canvass of votes cast at the Municipal Election on A-pril 14th, 191r,'; , it appears that, the following named -persons received a majority of the votes cast for the respective offices for which they ere can dilates and. they are hereby declared to be elected. for the ensuing, terns for the said. offices as follows:- Frank Otis Fred J. Croll Geo. T. Morris Geo. W. Stewart Conrad. Roth H. Bartlett Mayor. Auditor and Asse Councilman At Large. CouncllIna11 from the Firs t V*I ard. Councilman from the T r d /arcT. Councilman from the Sixth 'ilea-el. Also, that Pro-oosal to "Amend Article VIII, Health, Section 1 of the C}u.rter of the City of Alameda rel ating to the Board of Health, so that said Board shall consist of five Members of whom at least one si.11 be a physician duly licensed under the laws of the State of Ca]i forni a" having affirmatively received a majority of the votes cast on said Prop o -J., said oposal is hereW7 declared to have been carried and adopted. Also, that the Propositi on "Do you favor a government of the City of Alameda b;,.T salaried. Commissioners few in number and with direct manage- ment of the municipal business instead of the present government with elective council and appointive COPTiliSSiOnS WitliOUt pay," havi ng affirmatively re- ceived a majority of the votes cast on said Propositi on, said Proposition is hereby declared to have been carried and adopted. Also, that ".An ordinance confining the use of poles and overhead wires by ele ctric always to tho s treets whereon such railways are operated. " having affirmatively recei ved a majori iy of the votes cast on said ordinance said ordinan co is hereby declared to have been carried and adopted. Also , that "An ordinance prohibiting t he ere et ion ,mai ntenance and of overhead wires and poles in that portion of the City of Alameda lying southerly of the center line of Eagle Aveme, and the said line extended. easterly and westerly to the City Limits excepting such poles and wires as were erected and maintained prior to ' -ember 1st, 1912; necessary renewals and replacement thereof; such new wires as the City Council may permit to be attached. to such poles, and the -poles and wires of electric railways erected. an ei Plafi llt TI 6. on the streets whereo n such railways are operated." having affirmatively received e iajority of the votes cast on said ordinance, said ordinance is hereby declared. to have been carried and adopted. Mr. IlacRae seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen 'vValker, MacRae, Han-mond Spence, Elle Lior gens 1;e rn, Probst, Stewart and Bull o ok ( 9 ) . Noes :Nene . Absent : None . Mayor 'Toy addressed the Council and the citizens assembled thanking the Council particularly for the loyal support that had been rendered him during his administration. L.t the conclnsi anp: of tho remarks, Idessrs. Vialker, Spence and Stewart relinquished their seats as members of the Council Apri 1 21st, 1915. together with Audi tor and Assessor, , J. J. Croll. Thereupon the new Council- men el ect took their seats and Counc lima.n Bullock escorted Mayor-elect Otis before the Council and intro duce d. him to lyiayor lIoy. Mr . Otis was ther eupon sworn by t he Olerk. MT. Eby intro du ce d Mr. Otis to tho rienb ers of tile Council and made a few well chosen remarks recommending that loyal su-elport be given the new Mayor by the Council and. the citizens tizens at large. Mr . Otis addressed the Council and eulogized Mr. IT6yT s administration and acti ons while serving as Mayor of the City. The Clerk called the Roll and Councilmen Bar. tlett , Roth, Stewax t Morris, Morgenstern, Hamrn ond, Probst , MacRae and Bull ock ( ) ) were noted preEent, none , absent . Mayor Otis aged n address ea the Council on various policies of adrnni ti on of which he was in favor . A 3oncl in the sum of 1%5,000 was -ec eived from the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, bonding Frank Otis as Mayor of the City of 11/2.1ame da Ordered file d.. A Bond in the sum of ;;;5,000 was r ece iv ea from the liner ic an Surety Com- pany of Yew YOrk, bonding F. J. Croll as Auditor and Assessor of the City of Alamo da, Ordered. 111e1 . A comuni cation was recoi ved from the C1rk notifying the Council that vacancies which were to be filled. by the Council would o °cur on Aril 22nd as foil eWS — . HcQuesten, D. as a mcmber of the Board. of Health. Geo . H. iIastiek as a member of t he _Board. of Free Li brary Trustees. 3rowning as City Clerk. V. M. Frodden as Street Superintendent. Or de re d filed. A communication was received from the Moos e Hall Boo ster s Committee asking that they be given additional street room for the carnival to be held during the. latter part of t he month, on Park Avenue . lir. Hama ond moved that the request be ranted, seconded by Mr. . i\..Torgenst ern and carried. A communi. cati on was received from the Board of Fire Pension Fund Commission- ers giving a statement of the amount of money needed_ for pension fir emen for the fiscal yer of 1913-1914 • Jahn 0. Mattheis , :600.00. Mr. . Pr ob c.t moved that it be referred. to the Finance Committee, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. A communication w4.-ts race ived from the 3oard of Poli ce Pension Fund Commissioners giv inf.; the amount of money need for retired police officers for the fisoal year 1915-1914 as follows : - J. Lawrence D. '7e1 oh 540.00 A . Kamp 660.00 Total ----.--- :;;1740.00 Mr. Probst moved that it be referred to the Finance Committee seconded by Mr Hammond and_ carried. corrruyicati on was roceiveci from the Southern Pacific Company in answer to a c ommtuli cation sent b the Clerk making explanation as to the April 21st 1913. marsh to Oakla ncl . Mr. . Ham ond moved that it be filed, seconded by Mr. . Probst an cl carriod. A communication was recevei from the Railroad COMM iss ion acknowle dging recei pt of a eornmunicati on sent by the Clerk complaining of the failure of the South ern Pacific Company to operate a passenger s ervi ce over and along :iighth Street c..4nd. across .tho marsh lands to the City of Oakland.. Mr . Probst moved that it be fi led seconded b .1,1r . Bullock and carrie d. A stat ern t of the earnings and expenses of the Alamo cla Exchange was received from the Pacifi c Telephone an d. Telegraph Company. Mr. . Morgenstern moved that it be ref erred to the Finance Committee in con junctio n with the Utilities Committee , se co nded by Mr. . Stewart and carried. A communication was received from the Clerk calling attention of the Council to certain sections of th e Political Code, whioh mught have effect up- on the leave of absence whi ch had been n granted vm. Tappan Lur: , a member of the Board of ,]ducati on. Mr. Nor genst ern move d. that it be referred 10 th e City Attorney, to r e:o or t back at the next me e tins of the Council, seconded by Mr. Stewart and c a rri. e d A communicati on was received from the North Side Improv ennnt Club inviting the Mayor .a.nd Counci 1 to attencl a me et ing of the said Club at their Club Rooms in McKinley Park on April 25th, 1913. Ir. Hammond moved that it be accepted, socondd by Mr. . Pr obt and carried. Stewart offere d. the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLV.0, T.ha.t a certain resolution No. of this counc il passed. at a meeting of this Council held on November 19, 1912, and. r ecorded in Volume 17 of the Minutes of th Council, at page 567, by th ic ia said re s olut ion the office of Ass istant l.o the Street Super intend ent was created be a.nd the same h(--reby rescinded, set aside and declareci of no further force or effect a-ncl the said office is her eby abolished . ivIr. Rot h second ed the Resolution. Prob st move d. that act ion on same b postponed anti 1 the next mee tin g of the Counci I seconded by Mr. Ham ond an d lost by th e following vote;-, Ayes : Councilmen Hammond., Probst and Bull ock, . Noes : Counci lmen Bartlett, Roth, Stewart, Morris, Mor gens tern and MacRae, ( 6) . ..Absent :Tone, Thereapon tthe Roll was called on the Resoluti on and it w as a dop ted and passed by the following vote : - Ayes : Counci lmen Brt1ett, Roth, Stewart, Morri s, no rgen st ern , MacRae, and. ock , ( 7) . Noes: Councilmen Hammond and Probst, ( 2) . Absent: None. The Clerk addressed the Council, stating that his term of off ice would be up on Tuesday, Apri 1 22nd, 1913, and thereupon IiIr. Bartlett moved that Mr. T. C. Coughlin be appointed Cit;,,, Clerk, the ap p o in tme nt, to take eff ect on and. after April. 23rd, 1913. Mr. Morgenstern seconded the apnointment anct it was conYirs d by the oll awing vote: - Ayes : Councilmen Bartlett, Roth, Stewart , Iv'tor r s , Mor rens t ern , Hann on d , ?rob st , MacRae and Bull o c k . , 9 ) . Noe -s : None Ab s Ent : Non e Mr. Bullock moveci th at Councilman Morgenstern be elect ed Presid, ent of the 91 Apiil 21st, 1913. Ayes : Councilmen Bart o th , St ev; ar t orr Mor re nst o rn llamonc1, Probst, MacRae and Bull oak , 9 ) . Noes : None. Abs t; Hone . Miay o r Otis tddressod t11 min ci 1 and eul ogi zed F. E. Brow 11 1i. ng the retiring City Clerk. Ax-mayor Taylor addressed . the Council and suggest- o0. that a set of Resolutions cornmendi n g the off ici ency wit h wh eh the offic e of t1e 3 ty 01 erk had been conducted duri ri g the time that Nr . Brown n': had s er ve d as Cty Clerk and tlioroupon Ma'. 1,j1" or gene, torn PIO V e d that the Mayor appoint a Committee of three to draft a set of Re o lut :1 oils seconded by Er . Stewart and carried . Th or oup on the May or appointe Councdime,n Hirmonft, Mor gens t ern and Pr ob st !dr. Hamm on d move d that life C oun ci 1 proceed to el e et a iinance Corn- m ttee, ended by I\ 1r LIaoao anft car r i.e d eup on Jr aeRe move d t hat . u1J_ock 1)F.: 010 cteI Chai rmaz-.1. of the El mo ;-7.3a co :n(1 ed by ir Ianci mad_ and carried. Tr. St ewer t Te.e7linat d :Jr -i3art 1 e1t as ono menb or of t C omm it t ee hie w as cti. ..L;;;T S 0 Cona.ed. by kir Bu1Ioo and osrriod. Mr Morr s nom 1 na ted Mr. MacRae as tho ot her member of the 0 omm t te e which aS duly se c onde d by i'dr . 31111 ock , and. c ar rie . Mr. LI° rri s int re duce d the f o 11 ovii n g REsoluti on and mov0 d it s a do-p tion - RES OLVED That t he inform al meeting of the me)nb er s of thi s co.imoi ch has her et of or e been hell on the :1or id ay evening next preceding the r opm.lar me e ti of this counci 1, he, and Ibo s aine is hereb (1ee]are(1 to bo a mo eti ng -open to t he pub). lc to the s ayn e extent in L11 roopocto as re the re ff13 1r me e ti)7,gs of Iris Council; tend be it fur tier SOLVED , That alJ. Resolutions in conflict her evi ith be , and the same her °by are repealed . Ste-wart seconded the Re s oluti on and it was adopted and -eas se d bz.- the fo 11 oei n vo te Ayes : Councilmen Bartlett, Roth, Stewart, Morr Lie:LT:en stern, Hamm ond , Probst, dacRae an di. o ( 0 ) . Eoes: None. Absent : bone. Mr, 2robst adore ss ea the Council on the work that had been done Former May or boy and t he pr e co ing Counci. moved t he. I: a vote of thanks be tendered, seconded LIr. Bull ock and.. c a rr ie Mr. Horgenst err, moved that the City Clerk prepare the necessary -1-)ap or s Of pr oc edure relative to the c arryin on an Amen dment to the Chart er of the City o± Alameda, relative to the Heal th Board, at the election held. on Apri 1 14th, to be sent to him at Sacramento to present to the :1, • e for action, seconded. by Mr. Stewart and c arri ed. LIr. BUliock broac:ht up the platter of t he re cent legislation in the State Legislat-ur e relative to the Cit7, acquiring the tide lands, an d moved that a vote of thanks be tendered State 3.Enator Hand and Assemblyman ieior ge n- stern for their efforts on behalf of the City, seconded by Mr. Hammond and i ed. Er. Mor Fens ter n addressed the C oun ci 1 thanking it for it s action. Mr. Otis announced t hat he woulc1 hold. office hours at the City Hall rvn T-Trvrtil el T., c, ■:-.117 trY1+ 1 1 n April 21st, 1913. Mr. MacRae moved that the Moo se Hall Boo star c, Coniittee be granted an additional number of fee t of strc,..t surface at :Park ancl Central Avenu es making the surface to be used forty-three feet instead of thirty feet, in or der to run the merry-go-round., se conded by Mr. Hammond and carried. Council President Morgenstern presented a list of Council Committees as follows : - Public Uti 1 iti es - Councilmen Bartlett, 1Iorgonstern Printinp: and Advertisi Councilmen Hammon( Probst and Morris. Public Buildings and. Grounds - Councilmen Roth, MacRae , and Probst. Stree ts , Sewers and Wharves - Councilmen MacRa.e Roth and Stewart . Police , Fire and later - Counci linen Morris , Bar tlett and. Roth . Health - Conned. lmen Morgenst ern, Hammond and Bullock. Licenses - Councilmen Stewart, orris and MacRae . Park and Playgrouncls - Councilmen Bar tl et t, Morp:ens tern and Stewart. Judie iary - Councilmen Pro bst, Hammond and. Bullock . There beinp: no further business to transact the Camel. I adjourned until the next regular meeting on Tuesday, May 6th, 1913) City Clerk. 92