1913-09-02 Regular CC MinutesREGULA2 1,:i:;T=1:2(7, 02 L:L (JOUNCII, OF Tk:L -CITY 02 ALAMEDA, TUESDAY _L;ITEMAG, 3E2TE1,13ER fJJ, 1913. The meeting convened with Mayor Frank Otis presiding. The Roll was called and. Councilmen Bartlett MacRae, Lior ana Stewart, ern, Morris answered present. .Councilmen Bullock, Hammond, Probst and Roth, (4) were noted absent. Councilmen Bullock, Probst and Roth arrived later and were noted present. The Minutes of the as read. The following Resolution adopted by the Recreation Commission was receiv- ed and read.: RESOLVED that the services of Miss Alys Loftis rendered to the City of Alameda in the capacity of Matron of Lincoln Bark, commencing on the first meeting held August 19th vere approved aay of July, 1913 1913, he, and the further RESOLVED is the sum be paid therefor and thereafter continuing until the first day of September, same are hereby accepted by the City of Alameda; and be it tha the reasonable value of such services so rendered as afore- of fifty (50) dollars per month, and that the said Alys Loftis oy the 'City of Alameda at the rate of fifty ($ 0) per month for the term during which her said services have been rendered as aforesaid. 1913. Passed and adopted by MT. Probst moved Bullock and. carried by he Recreation Cammission this 29th day of August Alfred. Morgenstern Presidi , Officer of the Recreation Commission. that the Resolution be approved, seconded. by -Fir. the followinc,: vote:- Councilmen 3artlett, Bullock, MacRae;,MOrgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and. Stewart, (8)'. Noes:None. Absent: Councilman Hammond, (1). Claims against the General Fund amounting to 85. against the Electric Light ionnd amounting to 04359.10; against the Street Fund amounting to 2126.89; a g nst the Library Fund amounting to 0662.55; against the Recreation amounting amounting 0116.30 and against Municipal improvement Fund No. 10, (Eaectric) 016,401.76 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- Alameda Ru orks Carlisle 8: Company Noy Co„ W. H. Pacific Cycle & Arms 00. Pacific Gas & Electric Company Poorman Jr., Samuel tter, G. H. ity Springs Water Co. Times-Star IT TT GENERAL FUND. Cleaning and laying Stamps Supplies for pound Repairs Gas Money advanced Keys for desk Water for Auditor carp ; 0 .ii.ssessor Printing and advertising IT IT IT 12.9 2.05 3.55 0 0 R 00 .81 6.00 1.00 1.00 21.00 14.25 197 September 2nd, 1913. Alameda Art Gallery Alameda Vulcani IT orks If IT Board of Electricity Brewer, H. S. Clark, H. D. Coustier Sons Crane Company TV IT TV IT IT If TV TV AIECTRIC LIGHT FUDD. Supplies Labor and sun1ies Lathe belt Incidentals 'Cleanig rug Premium on 3ond Repairing hand truck Supplies Dow Pump • Diesel ngine Co. Eccles Smith Co. IV If If Fisk Rubber Co. TV TV TV French, co., J. D. Garlock Packinr: Co. Guisso Co., F. Hassett, J. B. Holabird-Reynolds Co. TV TV IT IV It TV Hunt, Mirk Co. TV IT IT IT IT TV IT If Johnson C. Koerber, A. H. I.f IT TV IT TT IT IT Magnesia Asbestos Su-of)ly Co. Marshall-2Tewell Su-op Moore g: Co., Chas. C.. IT If TV Pacific States Alectric Co. II IT TT It IT IT IT It IT IT T? 1T IT IT IT IT IT I? IT IT IT : , IT IT I? . If IT IT IV IT TV IT IV IT It IT IT IT IV TV 11 IV If IT IT IT TV hanure Making Audit Supplies Irons Supplies Expressage Carbon brushes Snpraies Special bolts Loads of soll TV sRent Supplies TV Fire rLile pdlies Supplies TV IT • TV IT TV IT TV TT If 3.38 g2,1.00 .60 10.30 3.00 7.50 2.50 .29 1.21 12.28 22.73 1.69 12.45 7.50 1.90 18.76 11.37 455.07 8.40 1.25 300.00 8.40 58.04 8.40 1.50 4.44 67.50 5.05 7.50 30.00 30.00 14.19 4.12 6.00 .60 15.00 14.02 135.61 13.22 25.14 50.27 31.90 25.14 50.27 September 2nd, 1915. Park Garage Labor and supplies 6.20 ilummer ; Son, Geo. E. Lumber .81 IT I? If It 11 If 65.79 Rhodes-Jamieso Co. Grass seed and coal 5.40 Schneider, Henry Stationery and, supplies 3.65 Standard Oil CO. Fuel Oil 801.68 IT IT Gasoline 4.65 11 I I TT Fuel Oil 686.70 If If Supplies 6.20 ,T Fuel Oil 600.94 11 11 17 Supplies 775 71 71 11 17 7.75 5.60 Rent of lot 10.00 Printing 13.50 77 9 Advertising an printing 18.50 If IT I/ Printing 6.00 Vosburgh . W. Supplies 3.65 IT IT 11 17.30 Wesse L. H. 2.20 Westinghouse E. & M. Co. 206.00 If 71 11 IT I? 17.25 IT TT 11 IT IT 11 206.00 Total - - 4359.10 Strom Electric Co:.. Strong, M. G. Mrs. Times-Star Co. STREET PUDD. Amorosa, V. Labor 3 56.70 Associated Oil Company Road oil 251.72 ft If 77 9 rr 24.42 Britt, W. Teaming 104.00 California Qorrugatecl. Culvert Co. Gulverts 216.40 Chapman, E. i. Labor 3.00 Jamison, J. S. Teaming 143.00 Jones, O. E. 143.00 Kostering, H. Assg. A. Peterson Labor 18.75 Lietz, A. Renaire 5.00 Martin, A. L. Teaming 145.00 Pacific Tel Ea Tel. Go0 Rental- 2.65 Pennock, Y. -Teaming 143.00 Coal 9.00 Perata, A. Labor 45.00 Rhodes-Jamieson &; 0o. Material ' 146.40 iv it 144.75 IT 17 17 It 290.60 Serralunga, L. Labor 170.00 Sorenson, J. 19 200 September Septernber ncl. 1915. Alameda Free Library Alameda Hardware Co. Alameda Steam laundry Ass'n. Lila= FUND. Petty expenses pplies Towel 3Ervice Annett, L. G. Daily newspapers Current Literature Publishing Co. Books Doubleday, Page ,7; Co. Feldhaner, L. Goldthwaite, G. IT Daily newspapers xtra services Hicks-Judd 00. Binding periodicals Houck, James K. Fainting Renovating library Houghton, Eifflin Company Books Newspapers Littlejohn, Gertrude 3ook ECCoy, Thomas Subscription Newbegin, J. J. :;3ooks Pacific Coast Specialty Sales Co. Supplies Peoples Water Co. Water Scavenger work IT Larsen, C. Punta, A. Schubert, Mrs. A. Times Star Co. 1300kS Annual report TakeCL R. aashing windows University of Chicago Press Periodical VolberE, C. C. Rent Yeentworth, F.; Boyce Supplies ,inks, 1s :1 E. Substitute Total - RECREATIOfl FUND. Cohen, -,1]dgar A. Frodden, Y. M. Loftis, Alys Photos Oil Salary It Sertalunga, L, HaulinF Dalziel, . , Robert Hunt, 11i rk Co. Total, - 5. 2.50 1.00 1.00 26.46 12.83 6.00 12.75 1.50 51.00 300.00 47.50 1.20 1.00 .60 36.73 .75 c:.27 1.50 30 .00 21.00 :).75 1.d6 25.00 6.30 2.50 _ - 1.50 2.50 50.00 50.00 12.00 - 116.30 E=CIPAI I11PROVi=1T FUND NO. 10, iZ.:2:CTRIC. Final payment on contract 4057.25 Third payment on contract 11123.50 Pacific States Electric Co. Supplies 3.01 Tank and support 1218.00 Total - 6401.76 Er. Bartlett moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Mac11ae and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Sartlett, Bullock, EacRae, .lorF7enstern, Eorris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (8) . :qoes:Kone. Bsent: Councilman Hammond, (1). A communication from Ers. ,]ileen Allen of the Recreation Commission Western Pipe ' Steel Co. September 2nd and ivin notice that had taken the Oath of Office was received and order- ed filed. The Oath of Office of Firs. ,ileen Allen 4.9 a member of the Recreation Commission was received and ordered filed. An application from Mrs. L. i. Ohattock of 3252 San JOse AVenue to he appointed Playground Matron was received and referred to the Recreation Com- mission. . The Continuation Cert ificate from the Yidelity 5): Deposit Compa y on the bond of A. D. Goldsworthy, Office Manacer and 3ookkeeper of the i]lectric Light Department of the City of Alameda was received and filed. • communication was received from the 3oard of ?ilectricity, tosether with a report propezed by l`fr. J. B. Has sett on the books of account in the office of the Department of .2]lectricity,covering an audit and analysis of the same, for the two years.enainp. June 30th, 1913. Both were ordered filed. An application from the 3oard of ll_ectricity for permission to run overhead waros to make service connections for ele trfcity to thirty-three places was received and p'ranted. An anplication for a Gratuitous License to conduct _a small parcel delivery with one-horse waon was received from H. V'. Hull o± I055 Thirty- seventh 3treet, Oakland. The application was endorsed and recommended by Chief of :Police John Conrad. Mr. 2robst moved that the application be uxant- ed, seconded by ET. Eacae and carried by the followinc vote:- Ayes:Coun- cilmen 3artlett, 3ullock, i[aoiae, orcenstern, Morris, Probst Roth and Stewart, (8). oes:None. Absent:Councilman Hamnond, (I). • communication from the Clerk was read in which, subject to the approv- , al of the Council he appointed Geo. Christensen as Deputy City Clerk. Idr. 2robst moved that the appointment be confirmed, seconded by 11,r. 3artlett and carried by the follawinc vote:- Ayes:Councilmen 3artlett 3ullock, MacRae MorFenstorn, Eorris, -2robst, Roth and Stewart (8). Noes:one. Absent:Coun- cilman Hammona, (1). • .. communication from the Ci y Clerk was read in which he requested to be N.-anted permission to take part of his vacation between September 2nd and ,eptember 16th, 1913. Mr. 3artlett moved that the request be granted, second- ed by Er. Bullock and carried. An Affidavit was presented showinc due posting of a)tice of Award of Contract in conrection with sewer work to be done under Resolution of Inten- tion T,o. 14, Yew .leries. Ordered filed. An Affidavit was presented showinc due publication of Kotice of Award of Contract in connection with sewer work to be done under Resolution of in- tention ;(). 14, few Series. Ordered filed. eee, The following report was received from the Street Committee:- "Gentlemen:- In ree-ard to the Matter of bulkheading the ends of Garfield and Liberty Avenues, your Street Comrnittee finds that it would be worse than useless to bulkhead the ends of the streets unless the propertT on either cif9 t) iP 1w11,711Aaclerl. 913. 201 0 September 2nd, 1913. along their property the City will stand ready to bulkhead the ends of the streets. Respeetfully submitted, O. ;;., MacRae, c. %to Stewart, Conrad loth." Street Committee." roost moved that the report be approved and filed and that the Clerk be instructed to send 2. C. Hillen a copy of the report, seconded by Er. Bullock and carried. President 1Jori7enstern of the Council nominated. Ers. Ellen E. Langren for appointment as a member of the Recreation Commission te serve for a two year term. Mrs.Langren was appointed by the followiJv vote:- Ayes:Council- men Bartlett, Bullock, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, 2robst, Roth and Stewart, (0) . N-oes:None. Absent :Councilman Hammond, (1). 2re, dent Morgenstern of the Council nominated Er. Joseph I. Sedee. T for appointment as a member of the 3oard of Health. Mr. 3ed ley was appointed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, MacRae Eorgenstern Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart Noes:T:one. Absent: Councilman Hammond, (1). \ A copy of letter from Street Superintendent V. E. Frodden to Mervy-lawell Company in which the Superintendent asked for an approximate estimate from the Company of the cost of re-constructing the city's Oak Street lharf, together with the rely thereto from Mervy-Elwell Comeany, was received and referred to the Street Committee. Two communlcations from the Board of Supervisors of Alameda under date of August 18th, 1913 and the other under date of AuFust both giving notice that the 3oard of Sueervisors did not intend to County, one 29th, 1913, levy the tax for the maintenance of elenentary schools in the cites of Alameda Coun were received and read. jr. Bartlett moved that it be the sense of the Council that the 3oard of Supervisors be requested to levy the tax for the maintenance of elementary schools of the 8ity of Alameda, that the Chairman of the Finance Committee appear before the Board of Supervisors as the city's representative in the matter and that notice of the action taken by the City Council be sent by the Clerk to the :Board of Su-pervisers, seconded by Er. Probst and carried by the followinr: vote:- Councilmen Bartlett EacRae, Morgenstern, Morris Probst Roth and Stewart, (7). Noes:Councilman Bullock, (1). Absent:Council man Hammond, (1). Er. Bullock took oecasion to explain his vote, stating that he had ae 1 ways believed it best for the interests of the tax payers and in the interest of economy to have the City Council levy the tax for the maintenance of the ele- mentary school . A communication under date of August 25th, 1913 from the ateroiis Engine -iorks Company, of St. Paul, Minnesota, addressed to the Clerk, in which the Company requested to be informed of the status of their offer to sell the City an auto fire engine was read and ordered file. The Clerk roborted that he September 2nd, 1913. Mr. Morris introduced the followinF Resolution and moved its adoption:- ‘j RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby instructed and direct- ed to advertise for bias for furnishing and delivering one automobile fire engine for the use of the Fire Daeartment of the City of Alameda, the purchase price of which shall, in no event exceed the sum of four thousand (4,000) dollars. 3idders must specify gasoline motor-propelled enine, carrying a gasoline motor-driven pump of the capacity of not less than five hundred and fifty (550) gallons of water per minute. Er. Morgenstern seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Btrt1ett1 Bullock, MacRae MorFenstern, Morris, 2robst Roth and Stewart 0) . roes:None. Absent: Councilman Hammond, (1). 3tewart introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- WHEREAS the .Alameda Lode of the Loyal Order of Moose has made applica- tion to this Council for authorization and license to conduct an exhibition or entertainment of sparring or boxing at Moose Hall in the City of Alameda, on the evening of the 3rd day of'SePtember, A. D. 191, for the purpose of raisin F funds to be plied in the construction of a building for said Lodge in said city; now therefore be it RESOLVED that permission be, ana the same is hereby granted to said Lodge to conduct such an exhibition or entertainment of sparring or boxing at said. Moose Hall on tne 3rd day of Seetember, A. D. 1913, between the hours of eight o'clock P. M. and twelve o'clock midnight of said day; provided however, that said Lodge shaJl not be permitted to advertise said entertainment or ex- hibition by placar&s, or sign-boards, or any other method except by private, oral or written announcement, or by ordinary news items in the local press of said city; and be it further RESOLVED that said Lodge be, and it hereby is granted permission to charge an admison fee for all persons desiring to witness or attend said exhibition or entertainment; and be it further R:e.20LVED, that the permission hereby ranted shall be operative only after the payment of a license tax in conformity with the provisions of Section 536 of the Municipal Code of the City of Alameda. Er. Morris seconded the Motion to adopt the Resolution. Mr. Probst moved to amend the Resolution by striking out that part requiring the payment of a license tax, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern. The vote on the motion to amend resulted. s follows: Ayes:Conncilmen Bullock, Morgenstern and. Probst, (o). Noes:Councilmen Bartlett, MacRae, Morris, loth and Stewart, (5) . AbsenL:Council- man Hammond, ( 1). The vote on the original motion to adopt the Resolution resulted as follows:- Ayes:Councilmen 3urtlett Bullock, MacRae 21orgenstern Morris ?robst, Roth and. Stewart, (8). roes:r,one. Absent: Councilman Hammond (1). A communication signed by a Committee of ladies from the First Methodist Episcopal Church asking that lights and a patrol be providea for the parks and 1 ay/72-0111-10s or that all visitor be barred. from them after dark was re- ferred to the Recreation Commission. 0 4- • 2nd, 1915. 3/117aiere Comeany, relative to the present location of the City Pound at Fillmore and. Court Streets wq.s received and referred to the Street Committee. ' An invitation from the League of California Municipalities to the Mayor. and Council to attend the 16th Annual Convention of the organization at Venice, Los An7)leseounty from October 6th'to llth, 1915, was received and ordered filed. 2: communication from the League of Oa1Uorni a Municipalities under date of August 6th, 1913 addressed to the Eayor in vihich request was made that a re- port of not more than three hundred words on the principal improvements made in the City during the past year be sent in for publication in "Pacific Municipalities". Mr. Bartlett moved that the matter be referred to the Mayor to answer, seconded by Er. Probst and carried. A- A communication from the rup1oyees and Businessmen's League together with a copy of a desired Ordinance to prohibit picketinF, etc. was referred to the Judiciary Committee. es- A communication from Company G, Fifth Infantry, N. G. C. in which appli- cation was made to conduct a boxing exhibition at the Company's Armory, Fri- day evening, September 19th, 1913 was received and referred to the License Committee. A written opinion from the City Attorney relative to the powers of the Council on the one hand and the Railroad Commission of the State of California on the other,to fix the rates of fare to be charged for transportation ser- vice rendered within the limits of the Oity of Alameda, was received and ordered filed. -\Er. 3artlett brought up the matter of the two and one-half cent fare for school pueils. He moved that the Superintendent of Schools be notified by the Oierk that the two ana one-half cent fare was effective and that he take steps to give the matter as wide Publicity as possible among the pupils to the end that they may avail themselves of the reduced rate, seconded by Yr. Morris and carried. Bill for Ordinance 7o. , New Series to Amend Section 548, Chapter VIII, i.rtic1e 3 of Ordinance No. 1, New Series known as the Municipal Code of the City of Alameda, approved January 14, 191U, by lie-enactir said Section as Amended", relating to the license on bill boards, introduced by hr. Bullock August 19th, 1913 was called un for passage . Mr. Bullock moved the adoption of the 3i.11, seconded by Mr. Bartlett. Following a discus ion in which Messrs. Morgenstern, Probst, Bartlett and Roth participated the vote was taken with the following result:- Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, MacRae, Morgenstern Morris, Roth and Stewart, (7). Noes:Councilman Probst, (1) . Absent: Councilman Hammond, (1) . Mr. Probst explained his vote, saying that he believed that the Ordinance was too lenient and that he favored a stricter measure that would have a tendency to discourage the erection of bill boards in Alameda. Er. Bartlett re-oorted that he had taken up with Er. Chas. S. Fee of the Southern Pacific Company, the matter of having the transportation corporation issue transfers from its surburban trains to its cross-town curs. Mr. Bartl ett September 2nd, 1915. Mr. J3artlett reported further that the Southern Pacific Company . on August 29th 1913 published- orders discontinuing the issuance of transfers from it cross-town cars to its Main line trains and vice versa. In connection there- with MY. 3artlett inrodnced the following Resolution and moved- its,adoption:- OL;REAS complaint has been made to this Oouncil respecting the refusal of the Southern Pacific Company to issue transfers from its cross-town cars to its main line trains, and from its main line trains to said cross-town cars, whereby persons traveling to and from the City Of Alameda on the main line trains of said Southern Pacific Company are required to pay an additional fare oVer and above the ordinary fare heretofore charged from the City of Alameda to points on said main line to saici City of Alameda; and WHEREAS, complaint has further been made to this Council that for the greater part of each day there is not train connection between said City of Alameda and the Oakland Mole of said. Southern Pacific Company, whereby great inconvenience has resulted to persons traveling to and from said city in mak- ing connections with the main line trains of said Southern Pacific ompany; now therefore, be it RaSOLVED that the -y Attorney be, and he is hereby instructed to pre2are, in the name of the City of Alameda, a formal complaint to be filed with the Railroad Commission of the State of California, in which complaint shall be sat forth grievances hereinbefore referred to and which shall pray for a redress of said grievances. Er. Morgenstern seconded the motion to adopt Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote: A.yes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and 3tewart (6). Noes:Yone. Absent:Councilman Hammond. \ \On motion of Mr. Morgenstern, seconded by Mr. Bartlett the 3pecial Committee on Bill-boards appointea.Angust bth, 1913, was discharued. Mr. MacRae retiorted that he had taken up with former Hayor W. H. ray the matter of providing Jackson Park with an American flag. Mr. 1)y informed him that he would be glad to present such flag to the Oity and that he would. do so as soon as a suitable banner could be obtained. Probst brought up the matter of a Commission form of government on which an advisory vote was taken at the Municipal Election held April 14th, 1913. Mr, Prohst said that he believed that the Council should provide in the coming budget funotwherewith to conduct an election for freeholders ana an eloc'ion for a new Charter. On motion of Mr. Probst, seconded by Mr. Bartjett, the natter was referred to the Committee of the Whole of the Council to be taken 11-9 at a secial meeting of that bode to be helaFriday evening, BepUember 5th, 1913, in conjunction with the City Attorney. There being no further business to transact the Oouncii adjourned until its next regular ieeting time, Tuesday evening September 16th, 113 7:30 p.m. ty Clerk. 205