1913-12-16 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR M3ATING OF THA COUNCIL OF THJ GITY OF ALAM TUESDAY 3VENING, DECE1OER 16TH, 1913. The Council convened with Mayor Prank Otis presiding. The Roll was called and Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris and Probst,(7) answered present. Councilmen Roth and. Stewart, were noted-absent. They arrived later and were noted present. The Minutes of the regular meeting held December 2nd, 1913 were read by the Clerk. President Morgenstern of the Council took exception to the following excerptfron the Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council December 2nd, 1913, Pages 269 and 270:- "Mayor Otis called the attention of the Council to the need of a board walk along the bay frontage embankment at. Lincoln Park and suggested that the matter might be given consideration by the Recreation Commission. President Morgenstern of the Council also spoke in connection with the same matter," Mr. Morgenstern in giving his reasons for taking exception to the ex- cerpt .ferred to from the Minutes of the meeting of December 2nd, 1913, said that he, as President of the Recreation Commission, in his remarks December 2nd, personally invited the Mayor to appear before the Recreation Commission and explain more fully his (the Mayor's) suggestion relative to the board walk, and that he (Mr,.Morgenstern) wanted the Minutes amend- ed to show that such invitation had been extended. Mayor Otis at this stage took occasion to say:- "If the Minutes are to be amended, as Mr. Morgenstern desires, to show that the invitation he refers to was extended by him to the Mayor, the Mayor desiros that the Minutes be further amended so show that the invitation was not accepted." The excerpt referred to from the Minutes of the meeting of December 2nd, 1913, was then amended to read as follows:- "Mayor Otis called the attention of the Council to the need of a board walk along the bay frontage embankment at Lincoln Park and suggested that the matter might be given consideration by the Recreation Commssion. Presi- dent Morgenstern of the Council also spoke in connection with the same matter. As President of the Recreation Commission, Mr. Morgenstern in- vited Mayor Otis to appear before that body and explain more fully his suggestion relative to the board walk. The invitation was not accepted." Mr. Bartlett moved that the Minutes as amended be approved, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. `M . Bartlett introduced the following Resolution and moved i s adop ion:- RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, that the excess funds in Alectrolier districts numbers one, two and three, created under Resolutions number 760, 770 and 772 of the City Council, are hereby order- ed to be returned to the property owners as assessed and paid by the to the Tax Collector of the City of Alameda, according to the original ac.sess- 2761 , December 16th, 1913. Two Hundred. Ninety-one and 85/100 (291.85) Dollars the rate of rebate is hereby fixed at .025235 per linear foot. In District number two the amount ofLexcess being One thousand, one hundred thirty-four and 76/100 (1134.76) Dollars, the rate of rebate is fixed at .030659 per linear foot. In District number three the amount of excess being One thousand, nine hundred fourteen and 50/100 (1914.50) Dollars, the rate of rebate is fixed at .030736 per linear foot and the Auditor is hereby anthoriz ed to issue to the owners of property as they,appear upon the original assessment list, demands upon the Treasury of the 6ity o Alameda, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the same. Mr. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, and Probst, (7). Noes: None. Absent:Councilmen Roth and Stewart (2). In connection with the foregoing Resolution the Finance Committee presented the following approved demands of property owners in lectrolier Districts Nos. 1, 2 and 3:- District No. Resolution of Intention No. 760) 173 property owners, 291.8 . District Nos. 2, (Resolution of Intention No. 770) 472 property owners 1134.65. District No. 3, (Resolution of Intention No. 772) 811 property owners, 01915.50. Mr. Bartlett moved that the demands as read be ordered paid, second- ed by Mr. MacRae and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst and Roth, (8). Noes:rone. Absent:Councilman Stewart, (1). Claims against the General Fund amounting to 763.49; against the' Police Fund amounting to 0354.58; against the Fire Fund amounting to 0642.43; and against the Street Fund amounting to 1371.56 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Olerk as follows:- GENERAL FUND. Alameda Steam Laundry Ass'n. Towel service 0 8.00 California Oil & Burner Co. Fuel Oil 38.25 Koni shofers Cheese cloth 1.00 IT 1.15 Framing Resolutions 9125 Street Lighting 2565.36 Gas 3.60 Telephone service 1.68 Poorman, Jr., nel Money advanced 16.25 Times Star Co. Annual Report of Auditor 118.75 Total ---------- 2763.49 POLICE FUND. upytiRv. Services j; 51.00 TV Magagnos, C. P. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas 91 Electric Co. Pacific Tel. PI Tel. Co. December 16th, 1913. Magagnos, C. P. Photo supplies 3.85 Pacific Tel. ?c Tel. Co. Telephone and switches 4.13 Park Garage Recharging Presto tank 1.50 Times Star Co. Printing 6.00 Unna, Herman Meals 31.25 Vosburgh, L. W. Hardware & Oil 3.00 Total - 354.58 FIRE FUND. Alameda Steam Laundry Ass , Linen service 16.60 Baird, J. V. Horseshoeing 6.25 Bay Shore Plating Works Repairs 2.00 Bechtle, Otto IT 1.25 Boesch, Lamp Co. Supplies 3.50 Fischer, C. F. Coal Oil 4.00 II TT IV It 6.00 Horseshoeing 8.00 Kahn, Fred Apparatus repairs 27.75 King, A. R. Horseshoeing 12.50 Koerber, A. H. W. Hay 13.50 Lomax, R. R. Horseshoeing 12.50 Miller Pc Johnston Coal 6.50 Municipal aectric Light Plant Batteries 1.56 Gas 28.54 Water 305.47 Cartage 2.00 Oil 3.25 Feed 120.90 Supplies 1.00 Manure hauling 7.40 Gasoline 17.05 Window shades 16.50 Lumber 5.75 Advertising 12.66 Total - 642.43 STR:1]T FUND. Adam John Labor J 27.50 Amorosa, V. 27.00 AssOciated Oil co. Road oil 19.07 Bechtle, Otto Supplies 2.70 Britt V. Teaming 44.00 California Corrugated Culvert Co. Iron culverts and castings 431.30 Clark Pc Sons, N. Sewer pipe 31.36 Jamison, J. S. Teaming 61.90 Johnson, C. 5.50 Martin, Arthur L. Labor 27.50 Jones vc Collins Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Peoples dater Co. Oakland Reduction Works Park Garage Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Rickerson Risso, G. Soules Ed. D. Steinmetz T. Taylor & Co. Times Star Co. 27: 2741 December 16th, 1913. Pacific Fuel .°,1 Bldg. Mat. Co. Pacific Tel. 9c Tel. Co. Park Garage Pennock, M. Peoples Water Co. Plummer Son, Geo. E. Rock, sand, etc. 13.50 Rental and switches 2.55 Repairs .90 Teaming 66.00 Water 31.08 Lumber 3.53 Rhodes-Jamieso Material 135.00 120.00 Labor 27.50 Teaming 60.50 Rock 63.31 Lumber 67.73 Repairs .60 Hardware 24.05 IT IT TT 4.08 Total - - - - $1371.56 Mr. Bartlett moved that the claims as read be paid, 3oconded 1y Mr. Morgenstern and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst and Roth, (8) . Noes: None. Absent:Councilman Stewart, (1). The Auditor's Balance Sheet for November 1913 was received and filed. A communication was received from the daterous Engine dorks Company of St. Paul, Minnesota together with two bilis, one for ::4,000 and one for .70.00 in connection with motor driven pumping engine that the Company had contracted to sell the City. Referred to the Finance Committee. A communication was received from E. K. Taylor, suggesting the adoption of a municipal ordinance imposing a small license upon automobiles used in Alameda. Referred to the City Attorney. Sanday, d. Shedd, J. A. Stone Co., E. B. Rc A. L. Sunset Lumber Go. Tumbell, Arthur A. Vosburgh, L. W. A communication from the City Clerk of Richmond was read, thanking the Alameda City Council for adopting Resolution endorsing the City of Richmond Harbor project. Filed. \I A communication was received from Mrs. W. H. Howell, representing the Nye Incinerator Company. Referred to the Health Committee. A communication was receive& from the North Side Improvement Club together with copy of Resolutions adopted by that organization requesting the City Council to have the names of the streets placed on electrolier globes at crossings. Referred to the Street Committee. A communication was received from the East End Improvement Club, to- gether with Resolutions requesting the Council to again take up the matter of ascertaining the extent of the local underground water .supply. Referred to the Committee of the Whole to be taken up Friday evening, January 2nd, 1914. N\A communication was received from Hutchinson Company, Inc. asking that they be relieved from contract awarded them by the City for proposed improvement of Briggs Avenue from Fernside Boulevard Westerly. The communi- cation was accompanied by a copy of a letter from the Company's Attorneys, Fitz December 16th, 1913. -ed for the reason that the Portion of Briggs Avenue referred to is claimed in private ownership. Referred to the City Attorney. The Oath of Office of Melville H. Herspring as Assistant 'to the Veterin- ary and Food. Ins-)ector was received and filed. 4 A communication was received from H. Krui, 1ectrc Licht Commissioner asking askThg that he be granted a leave of absence for sixty days beginning December 18th, 1913. Mr. Morgenstern moved that the request be granted., seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and. Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. A communication was received from J. W. Byrne, Janitor of the City Hall ving notice that after testing several vacuum sweepers he had selected the one offered by the Cedar Sweep Company as best fitted for use in the City Hall. He asked that his action be approved. The matter was referred to the Public J3uildings and Grounds Committee. communication under date of December llth, was received from John Conrad, Chief of Police, giving notice that since November 26th, 1913, he had a special officer on duty daily at the City Poimcl from 7 p. m. to a • rn • The special officer was placed on duty to prevent the carrying out of a threat contained in an anonymous communication received by the Council that the pound would be removed force if the Council failed to remove it. The Chief asked for instructions in the communication as to whether the Council deemed it advisable to keep the special officer on duty any longer at the Pound. Mr. Probst moved that the Chief of Police be directed to dispense with the services of the snecial officer and to have the regular officer on the beat look out for the pound, seconded by Mr. Bartlett and carried. \i A communication was received from the Board of Police and Fire Commis- sioners under date of December 15th, 1913, giving notice that they had approv- ed the demand of C. Hartley, for Q51.00 Lor services renderea as special offieer at the City Pound for seventeen days during November and asking that the Council set aside 51.00 to meet the demand,as no provision is made in the Police budget for such special duty. Mr. Bartlett moved that the communi cation be referrea to the Finance Committee, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. 4 D. L. Tozier of 2047 Lincoln Avenue made application for a gratuitous license to sell peanuts tamales and popcorn. Mr. Morris moved that the license be granted, seconded by Mr. Bartlett and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst Roth and. Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. H. A. Fowler of 91]. Taylor Avenue made application for a gratuitous license to solicit orders for and sell a patent c].othes drier manufactured by himself in Alameda. Mr. Morris moved that the license be granted, second- ed by Mr. Hammond and carried, by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern Morris Probst, Roth wma 1Q1 rnao.Ynna Ahc,c11.14-.Vnielcl 27 December lbth, 1913. A communication was received from Street Superintendent, V. M. Prodden in which he suggestec. that the City acquire title to a lot between Versailles and College Avenues in line with the southerly line of Washington Street extended easterly, said lot being assessed to a Maud. Cannon and having been sold for taxes to the City for eight consecutive years. The Street Super- intendent said that if the City acquired title to the lot it could be used in opening and extending 1ivashington Street. Referred to the City Attorney. An Affidavit was presented showing due publication of notice to Deal- ers in Road Rollers inviting bids for furnishing the Street Department with one 5 Ton Tandem Roller. Filed. The Clerk announced that in response to the notice he was in receipt of six sealed bids. Mr. Morgenstern moved that the bids be opened, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Thereupon the Clerl': opened and read the bids as follows:- From the A. L. Young Machinery Company, accomPanied by a certified check in the sum of $198.00, $1877.00. $100.00 extra if equipped for burn- ing oil. \Prom Edward R. Bacon Company, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $195.00, $1925.00. Prom Austin-Western Road Machinery Company, accompanied h' a certi- fied check in the sum of $210.00, $2100.00. Motor driven. From Graves-Spears Road. Machinery Cohnany, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $225.00, $2250.00. 'From Parrott & Company, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $235.00, $2325.00. Prom Barber Asphalt & Paving Company accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $200.00, $1840.00. $60.00 extra for power steering gear. Mr. 3artlett moved that the bids be referred to the Street Committee and to the Street Superintendent seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and carried. 'An Affidavit was presented showing due publication of Notice to Dealers in Automobiles inviting bids for furnishing the Health Department with one motor driven light roadster. Ordered filed. The Clerk announc ed that in response to the Notice he was in receipt of two sealed bids. Mr. Morgenstern moved that the bids be opened, seconded by Mr. Roth and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows:- Prom Veitch & Presley, accomoanied by a certified check in the sum of $60.00., Ford Car, $559.00. From Louis J. Borie, Metz Motor Cars, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of ,::52.00. Metz Car, $525.00. Mr. Morgenstern moved that the bids be referred to the Health Committee seconded by Mr. Bartlett and carried. A communication was received from the 4ashington School Mothers' Club asking that no additional license be granted for a liquor business at or near Bay Station. Referred to the License Committee. A communication was received from L. J. Cereghino, recommending that December 16 license be granted to sell liquor at or near Bay i_on were received and referred to the.License Committee. '\ Two documents containing 205 signatures of residents in the vicinity of 1205 Lincoln Avenue, asking that a license be,granted to H. A. Borchert to conduct a liquor business at the location named,were received and re- ferred,to the License Committee. Mr. Bartlett asked for the report of the License Committee on the application of Yr. Borchert, Mr. Stewart, Chairman of the License,Committee, replied that the report would be submitted later. A communication from Hugh Craig, President of the Trustees of Piednont, to Mayor Frank Otis,was read by the Mayor, in which Mr. Craig asked if the City of Alameda had a surplus of electric current that it would be willing to sell Piedmont for street and domestic 1ghting. The communication was referred to the Board of Electricity. Mr. MacRae introduced a Bill entitled,"A Bill for Ordinance No. New Series, Establishing the rb Grade of Fernside Boulevard, from Garfield_ to Briggs AvenUe",, which was laid over under a provision of the Charter. V Mr. Morgenstern brought up the matter of the proposed establishment by private parties of a bathing and pleasure resort on the south side beach near 4ashington Park. He moved that a Special Committee consisting of Messrs. Bartlett, Bullock and Roth be named to take up the matter with Judge Wm. R. Geary and others interested in the project, seconded by Mr. 1■■•••■Mip. Stewart and carried. The city1s interest in the project is due to the fact that the promoters desired to lease for the use of their Plant cer tain tide lands controlled by the city,and had made overtures to the Coun- cil concerning same. Street Superintendent Frodden reported that he had taken up with an Agent of the Derby property on Ancinal and Park Avenues, the matter of lay- ing a sidewalk there and that he expected an answer within a short time. ' Mr. Probst brought up the matter of a complaint that had been made to the Council by H. B. Gregg of 1608 Fernside Boulevard relative to the occupancy by a Chinese of a shanty owned by the Peoples Water Company and located in the midst of a growing residential neighborhood in the east end. Mr. Probst moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee to take up with the 'fater Oompany and request that the conditions complained of be abated seconded by Mr. Roth and carried. Mr. Probst brought up the matter of complaint made by East end resi- dents of the practice of conductors of the San Francisco, Oakland Terminal Railways of throwing stubs of transfer books into Santa Clara Avenue, near High Street, thereby creating an untidy and unsightly condition. He moved that the Clerk be directed to request the San Francisco, Oakland. Terminal Railways to notify their conductors to cease the practice, seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried. Mr. Roth brought up the matter of the request of the Board of Health 0 December 16th, 1913. additional funds be provided for the Board of Health's budget, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris Roth and Stewart (8). Noes:Councilman Probst (1). Absent:None. Mr. Morris reported that he had taken up with the Chief of Police the matter of complaints made of hunters shooting close to the beach off the south side and that the Chief had said he would take measures to pre- vent the practice complained of. `\ Mayor Otis, reported that in accordance with authority given by the Council and upon. legal advice of the City Attorney, he and the City Clerk had signed a Quitclaim Deed from the City of Alameda to Ells Hess, et al, relative to an alley in Block 40, Town of Encinal. Mr. Otis presented a copy of the Quitclaim Deed. Mr. Morgenstern moved that the action of the Mayor and. City Clerk be approved and. that'the Copy of the Quitclaim Deed be ordered filed seconded by Mr. Morris and carried. The Finance Committee submitted a report on an investigation it had made with the Street Committee of the unsanitary conditions created in the basin at the Plant of the Alaska Packers Association on the Estuary by the discharge from a city sewer. Mr. Bartlett moved that the report be received and filed and that the Clerk send a copy of the report to the Alaska Packers Association, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried. N The Public Utilities Committee submitted a report relative to a Copy of a letter received by the Board of Electricity from the State Adjutant General's office having to do with the discontinuance by the City of supplying the Armory of Company G with free electric light service. Mr. Probst moved that the report he received and filed, that a copy be referred to the Board of Electricity, with the request that if it was with- in the power of the Board of Electricity the Board furnish Company G with free lighting service, seconded by Mr. Bartlett and carried. The Clerk was directed to notify Company G. of the action taken by the Council. The "Street Committee submitted a renort relative to the proposed widening of Encinal Avenue, said report describing the boundaries of a proposed assessment district for the purpose of carrying out the propos- ed improvement. The report was accompanied bz- a map showing the proposed assessment district. Mr. MacRae moved that the report be adopted, • seconded by Mr. Morris and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Council- men Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern Morris, Probst, Roth and. Stewart 9). Noes:None. Absent:11one. In connection with the foregoing report Mr. Morgenstern moved that the City Attorney be directed to draw an the necessary Resolution of In- tention for carryinF out the proposed widening movement, seconded by • Hammond and carried. Chairman Bartlett of the Special Committee on the Municipal Natatorium submitted a report which was read by the Clerk. Mr. Morgenstern moved that the renort be taken up as a special order of business by the Committee ee 08 A ,11 December 16, 1913. Mr. Probst brought up the matter of the payment on December 23rd, 1913 of the December salaries of municipal officers and employees. Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Bullock and Mayor Otis spoke in connection with the subject. Mr. Probst moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee with the request that it arrange for the payment of December salaries, if possible, seconded by Mr. Roth and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and. Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Mr. Probst brought up the matter of the commission form of government endorsed by voters at the Municipal ,aection April 14th, 1913, and moved that the City Attorney be instructed to take the necessary legal to bring about an election for a Board of Freeholders to frame a form of government to be submitted to the voters at an election, by Mr. Bullock and carried. `i The License Committee submitted the following report in proceedings commission seconded connection with the application of H. A. Borchert for a license to conduct a liquor business at 1205 Lincoln Avenue, the report being read by the Clerk:- "Alameda, Cal., December 16th, 1913. To the Honorable the Council of the ity of Alameda. Cent]emen:- There has been referred to your License Committee the application of H, A. Borchert fo: the issuance to him of a license for the conducting of a retail liquor business at No. 1205 Lincoln Avenue in this City. On this application and any others of a similar nature that may be referred to 7:t your Committee of the granting of any liquor license of the voters of the neighborhood are has to report that it is not in favor in any part of Alameda where a majority opposed to the establishment of such business in the particular locality named in the application, The Henieipal 3cde, Motion -173, provides that the recommenda- tion a'ccompanying any application of this character "must be signed by at least twenty-five or a majority of the resident heads of families and pnoprietors of piaoos of business actuall;, occupying promises fronting on a public street v;ithin a distance of ix hundred feet moqaured in all directions from the the applicant is to Committee, in fixin front entrance of the place where the business of be carried on." The section quoted seems to your the'six hundred-foot radius, to indicate the ex- tent of the neighborhood that may with propriety be considered as irnrnediate ly affected by and concerned in the establishment of a saloon. Your Committee accordinglYrecommends that, in acting upon the present and all future applications for retail liquor licenses, no such application be granted if it shall appear that a majority of such duly registered voters residing within such six hundred-foot radius and proprietors of places of business actually occupying premises fronting on a public street within such radius, as shall have expressed. themselves December 16th 1913. the granting of said license. Respectfully submitted, G. W. Stewart, Chairman. Ge3. T. Morris. Chas. 4. MacRae. License Committee." Following the reading of the report Mr. 3tewart, Ohairmm of the License Committee, said he would like to have the matter lay over two weeks in order to give his Committee an opportunity to check up the signatures of the protestants against the granting of the license and the signature of those favoring the granting of the license. Mr. Bartlett declared that he was opposed to any further continuance of the matter and moved that a recess be taken in order to permit the License Committee to check up the names of those on the documents for and against the granting of the license, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. The members of the License Committee together with the City Clerk, Deputy City Clerk and others interested for and against the granting of the license repaired to Room 16 where the checking was done. Upon the reconvening of the Council all the members answered present. \i Mr. Bartlett moved the adoption of the written report as submitted by the License Committee, seconded by Mr. Bullock. Speaking to the motion Mr. Roth stated that he thought further time should be offered to-permit of the circulation of petitions for and against granting the application for the license. The vote on the motor to adept the written report re suited as follows:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern Morris, Probst and 3tewart (8). Roes:Gouncilman Roth, (1). Absent:None. / Mr. Stewart h irman of the License Committee then reported upon the result of the checking. He said that the result showed that the do cuments endorsing the aenlication of H. A. Borchert for a liquor license inoluded the names of 46 registered voters and business persons as being located within six hundred feet of thc main entrance to 1205 Lincoln Avenue. He further reported that the protests against granting the liquor license includea the names of thirty-four registered voters and business persons as being loc ated within six hundred feet of the main entrance to 1205 Lincoln Avenue. Mr. Bartlett thereueon moved that the application of H. A. Borchert for a liquor license at 1205 Lincoln Avenue be granted, second- ed by Mr. Probst. W. C. Sharpstein, representing the protestants,addressed the Counoil,as did H. A. Borchert. The vote on the motion to grant the application for theliquor license resulted as follows:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Probst and Stewart, (7). Noes:Councilman Roth, (1). Not Voting:Councilman Morris, (1). Absent:None. Mr. Hammond on behalf of the Council presented to Mr. Bullock a fram ed set of Resolutions which had been adopted by the Council as an apprecia- tion of the valuable services rendered the City of Alameda by Mr. Bullock for six years as Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Council. Mr. December 16, 1913. Mr. Bartlett moved that the Committee which had charge of the preparation of and presentation to of the Resolution to Mr. Bullock be discharged, with a vote of-thanks seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. '1 Mr. Hammond brought up the matter of the reclamation and improvement of tide lands of the City and urged immediate action by the Council. He suggested that the Public Utilities Committee of the Council take the matter up with the Special Harbor Advisory Committee and submit an early report. Mr. Bartlett moved that the Mayor call a joint meeting of the Public Utilities Committee and the Special Harbor Advisory Committee, seconded by Mr. Roth and carried. In speaking of the proposed improvement of tide lands, Mr. Morgenstern said that the question of submitting to the voters the issuance of 200,000 bonds for the improvement of tide lands the improvement of the same to such an extent being required by the State within five years before the City could come into full possession of the tide lands, should be given consideration. No action. Mr. Hammond called to the attention of the Council the action of J. G. Kearney in claiming ownership of that portion of 3riggs Avenue extend- in7 eighty feet westerly from Fernside Boulevard. Mr. Hammond said that Mr. Kearney by his action in deeding the claimed portion of the avenue to his son, R. W. Kearney, had blocked the proceedings of the Council to improve that portion of Briggs Avenue in question. Mr. Hammond said that he thought the matter should be called to the attention of the east And Improvement Club of which, he said, Mr. J. G. Kearney is a member. No action. 4 Mayor Otis gave notice that he would invite Perry A. Haviland, County Surveyor, to appear before the Council Tuesday evening, January' 20th, 1914 at 8:30 o'clock to deliver an address on the proposed subway under the Astuary between this City and Oakland. Mr. Morgenstern complained that the ventilation in the Committee Chamber was not satisfactory and moved that the matter be referred to the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee, seconded by Mr. Bartlett and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting.time Tuesday evening January 6th, 1914. City Clerk.