1914-03-26 Regular CC MinutesSPECIAL PI,JITING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 26TH, 1914. The meeting convened with Mayor Frank Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Moren- stern, Morris, Probst, Roth and 3tewart 8). Quorum present. Mt.'Bart- lett arrived later and was noted present. The Clerk read the call of the meeting issued by Mayor Frank Otis the same being for the purpose of considering and acting upon the aPplica- tion of the Moose Hall Association for a r tlitons license to hold and conduCt a carnival in the City of Alameda from March 31 to April 4, 1914, both days inclusive. Complaint had been made that the Council ±n hereto- fore granting a gratuitous license to said Association proceeded illegally an contrary to the provisions of the Chrter and the Municipal Code of the City of Alameda. The certificate of Geo . H. Brown stating that he had delivered a cony of the call to each of the councilmen was read. Upon motion of Mr. Probst, seconded by Mr. Morgen stern and duly carried both were ordered filed. he letter from J. E. Miranda to Mayor Frank Otis in which he stat ed his reasons for opposing the granting of a gratuitous license was read and upon motion of Mr. Hammond seconded by Mr; Morgenstern and duly carried was ordered filed. Mayor Otis explained .that Section 490 of the Municipal Code had been technially violated which accounted for his calling the special meeting. A communication from John Conrad, Chief of Police, to the Council in which he referred the request of the Alameda Moose Hall Association for a gratuitous license to the Council for their consideration was read. Mr. Roth moved and. Mr. Hammond seconded that the license as requested be granted. Mr. Morc7enstern thereupon took the floor and request Mr. Miranda, if he were present, to stz:.te his reasons for his action in considering the former request illegally granted. Mr. Miranda replied that as his letter provided, the permit did not following the strict wording of Sec- tion 490 of the Municipal / ipal Code. Mr, J. L. i3argones on behalf of the Moose Hall Association addressed the Council and briefly told of the purpose of holding the proposed carnival. He stated that the sole object was to raise money to nay off an indebtedness on the Moose Hall. Mr. 3. H. Goodfriend also spoke to the Council on behalf of the Moose Hall Asso- ciation and stated that the carnival would he conducted in a clean and wholesome manner and that there would be no objectionable material allowed. Mr. Hammond and Mr. T. C. Stoddard also made a few remarks on the subject. The Clerk then read the application of the Moose Hall Association which was approved by John Conrad, Chief of Police. The roll was then Ixcused from voting:Councilman Stewart, (1). There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned. Respectfully submitted, 6 ? _ City Clerk. 6L,