1914-07-07 Regular CC MinutesREGU7Z2 CAIRGII 02 CITY C2 72LT=R, 7Tij, 11 T 7.30 Ti) meetinF; was called to order J7 Layo'r Otis. The Roll was cf:aTed and cio...nncilmen J3artlettmmond,70e, r-is,-1oth an6 3tevlart,(6) were notejl 'e u. preoent. Council. men Bullock,Lorenotnrn,and 2robst, (3) a:{,-rived later ant'l were noted rreento The of the Re7alqr me; in of June 16th wore read. a-opre7e0 The inutco or the Rajourne6 ul eotin of Juno 26th were road c4P0 0,TTralre, The "Finutos of the C meetin oT June 2c.)t1 were ead c.nd_ Dffi(1L?,vit of Dootinf; T:otice of :friprovement sworn to by De.2. ii r. City Ticor, rc he RTfidavit I'11:1ariction of R'otico of 'Local -.H-ero7oHol)t Yo. 10, e:H oo, 'ouern to Drank 3-zowe, ,,.-hiele:cb of he rtfLooe :2,trb bob', Zio,eo,la ( ee '::Tesented to ,e-ne: D2M:ci oDae thon loi3t-cfneoC. tbo followfw: 7ose1o0 Uon lots Oh :It it be ):LoS ibeen tho Dioe-ate or tDe o inl,,eSiely:- biiWin11., It c,bpear2 to the ,ction of the city council of .Si e cit-t of Li.Laaaa from e.0 effi0e:bviot on file 'nat notices of the hearinr; provie0 for in Resolution 'ie. 15, en riories, of thie council, -2assed eI 10 1 ':;th jay of 2fay, L, D. 1,C:',14, con- tbel.L.-Lo the mat,:e eocifieC(: in oai.C7. 7roeso- lution, beve 1A)C0(1 0S0S. COIINi in th:eee Nf the mot 2iChlic olacoo wionito the aitv of tho etreet fi:ontes oT the rool in the IliootD1:0t in .515 roolution Thooribe, no none thyl one heLo7reeT Teat in alotmce cezt, Tor000 oticoo were oe eoetc0 uS hofoa!o the time oo■; Son Soon t or. :1 ''es: i.orioee :Lon 0 LIO foLlitohe0 twice in In v oee „Aar onS 2.1e.o.oao, the Ohlo ore- n172' oirculte,f1 L he oo,i(", elOe: of L'",eo-ht: Clee,le:ilettea To:2 o.olo,11 -,eesoae,tioht, °,:S boat Sc' too Ti atone ; Ti :Lr 1:::E6OLTR'L, r A m it council doeeL heetbYoy ito fiLLbt,.7; Ci I t aotioo ot e.hi h3Oii Son heo:D MC.)4t7,C,:a to 7.o.wn oocome6 She'. .lotion She ailoet the e.oeolation it ;;7,o-etc hy the rorlo-ciy.1 'ate:- 51jc0 :oroosIlTen h'eab.tenotore, OOnio .So51 0,510 Ltet,:o.rt, '0e0 :b7ono. 1.toobt, 7 * The :Oh] then >ettei'l 17J!..-,5 the ::o3ciation nue e„eroj:1 upon the flnqtes o: the ,icetin The loon D-n:fthor toSe5 th:ot he WC,2 in receipt of a protest Otunrt of if" ''1 D1,,oce Tuvesteloo. uozp)ebLy The so,,Lie wao re(-1 te the Uounc:;1.1. 13artiett movoa that the yezcDTeot So evor-yuled, oecoT,to.,1. by r. Ham:cirobla caried by the foflowin Ryes:Conneilmen rtlett, ]ulloch, 1.i,acRao, :Tannin, Roth out :,towart, Doesf.Jone. 2"201)01;, (1). 0, Lo a,DIresee,,_ the ciouncia, anJ To-Lie;oto aelay the tbe o=tructiell 01 the i:mti:ovemont of ',tie et Doc, biacLae then 1nte0110e4 the followibt Deok';Iletio:o: move S. its thin Council did on the 710th iirv:" of Lay, L. D. 1014, pass a ile, 10, heir Series, adopt- ing the report of i;he City li,nineer con- taining hi,Jo no to She Sect ]-1.,e f, of joiTL:, the ironic an0. mak- in the 112,0rovc, therein Ci0n001.1)e0, to Thst teet, from a riht line :Jaeven Hlonf,rod (1100) foot, r:ylit ant2,111a]: meamlremefit, froil and pa:cLalel with the -orterly 1 c I LineolL ilvenue to the southerly liTle crf the United :,'tate2 July 7th, 191.- line of High i.:Are(A froi:: the right line above meationod, 1-1C exce-Aing. the crossing of 1-11h ;itreet with 2ornsi1. e EolJlevarC!, be imT.:ovoa as folles:- I'llt tho ontire width of said is,ortion o:1 said stx.eet, from )I' 'j line to -property line, be L.rad_ed to the ofTicial ,7;rade; that corcrete curbing, having a cross section. di[ilension of eiht inches in width by fourteen incltes in derth, be con- tructed on an ."2:.1 Oii the ouT1 lilaes thereof betweea :',aif',. limits; that concrete gntters, three feet L. width an6 si:: inches in (7epth, be coutructed in each F,,Liao of the roadway of ;Ja-10 treet, betr:een said limits continous to sa(il curbln, that Me rem:i5nln lortion of the ro.fidway ol"' said ipprtion of paid street be ared. n1th as-obaltic concrete, two (2) inches in thicl:ness, on; concrete base five 6 inches 11.?, tl:lichnes; aDJ excel)ting from the above mentioed aa i.7, described woo all that 1)ortioyl of the easte:21y :i.e of Eigh 6ti'eet, between s:A(' limits, extening saatherly frory! the southerly line of 2ern- il'o ,31lev0r0, hero ,:=1'i7Lill, curbi and. ;.uttein.:7: h:),s .:Ley 7Dcell one; tht 2aid ac' be one in all reE')ects 511 accordance ,,Tith the :1.0,h; ,-;rofilo:s, cross-:ioctions ications therefor ,:re2aref:L :)y the City. :'w:i-c;cer of the City of .:11amoaa, mc:rhed .:2'i1 it 5,!:,nd annel:cd. to :':1:1_ report to the (7;it Ccimcil as to the best method U l: Ctoin sadO worh: :,.]:',6. fllO (0 he saiC, im- rovement; an 6. also in -oursuance of an act e the logislture of the to at Califonia ',:o.own 0.8 the "Locfa Thp:rove,:ne_ ,Icot of 1N)1;" oocl '1:J1,REAS, a hearing ha s been had upon all objections filed, :.*16 t.! time arid -ily,ce fi'..:ef[ .a ai(1 resnli.;.tia therefor 9 ana said beavinp.; -s novr closo; now there- -fore be it -11Ea)L-VED, that all objections filed in ai,5 n;atter, be cat the came are hereby Overrule0_; a...n be it further IL;;:Xii,VEI), .hot ca it re:,2olution be ,:i.(T. ;ho came ic 'hereby confirmot, L1:1;$ that tl,e :r� rk therei-A tec:ribea be, oat the =ac -12: hecb-,; ordered. f,t-rtiott f:“)co-E6.e(1_ the motion to nacvt the 1-esol'ation anCL it wa--', ll'0 Oh 10 .:,toote the followin vote:- .1.yo:Councilmen 13artic,tt, Y2n-floc, 'fitillefiJ, li.:).cae, (.L -gclibterii, Lorri=::, ITobst, l',:oth LI:p(5 atewart, (). Dules:IJone, Zimep.t:one, C .,.. itter these bireeeeaino had tf,7,,:on lace, Er. Wm. U. Jordan, on behalf of Lhollic G. Cohen re:-.,0 to the Oolmell a protest bzfAnst the tm-„-?rovoinent of 1-11h :Jtreet. lie Dro6eAtea ::', tiap,:ram showin the -.)...vo-vome:At as :lefre,.?. by limo Cob.en l'. rococo of Ion minutes -■as then tkc,E, in o7cJef that the Coo: oil eoulc; ti,1:::amlue an C have e.1,1:- -1,1ed to them the CioC:uui. !,;(11flAtted by i-z, jordn. UpoKi mec::;livel.n.cr al-, the Cormcilmen were noted 'presento 6 1.,r, .,Irtiett movoCi tb!.1t the -i,lretct be file0, oaF over-mulct, (,)(:,,o-ilfle. by :.m. H,umoy.b.1 c.,n,:i eu.:brAff.,('I by the follefu: vote:- Coucilinen b:ctlett, 3ullbel:, ilammon(i, ':-.0.1-e, -1.0ri':outelc-ci, Comic, 2robzct, 12oth :-:,-(1(7 L;tewart (). ne::2):Ae. -4'1.enL:i2r.one. 1,,r., L,orenter.r1 then introced tiro To-JewThc- :::eolfltion and rclove6 It2 aCAyotion:- 00°T 29'1 00'02 9 L91 0:.77°O 00°01 :JT It 11 'cr.= T1' L9 :cor:cr-7 T33 T90 00 OT013 ? C2 OTJ-Tc)27 Grcai OT.C) ak 11 11 11 ii Y2O2 )zJO ;co 2I orD, 009„TcJ -ou.o At 11 °Vn TT .°:;It01-11;TO SOI:170 ea.v.'_IrTLIJTJ17 :ULtOtC ovJJAJ. OT, !60.036 40i301a"7"7:- !''JL"CG''' 0Q. :1,1,1.14uucl'T, ".1,r)D,T21.'"-: !9'7,r201rr ..JuT OT,T4Di.,c1:7 9(;;509799 .:'.' *OTIOH:11:JOTJT 'p-mymm'cy 0C' T[ 0U1103 0o 5C1 IT2Accno.:; eTE:4„ ifq 1:101.411I0OZT, C."1. u00- if OT4 I00TE 09. S109 10s:99. J0 21.11,-:E0 1-ToTur.)C2, 'oJmIToc: (006) O50C OP,TU 0 1!111;i' 00T21f.07 OC,TIO.7 01 oaf:)11-4 /41:2 ,T0 10T .3 eTP, 2-(1. 'CULVTOMIT :1.t01:1.0LY*0 9000'.1! U0TgALI0207 ar.Lq. *01.70;07,:S'GO`I' 'ijiwamv;f7, tLoLtLloO: ,O9-)r -010 iO1:o9 alp_ 9 909.J0v,3 EalL ]99C 1.10T1,..UIOS07, G 9. '4,C..0-OU 01. T.T.'0I'.].C.M G1:11. 9 20C' 313 E 'u9,a2 OUllf 0,fi r, 0,p), 00 L0 4Talaj S2.003 tpl'L-)r 920CII0a (99 019) 901/9 j) J)r20 °T1IH 0 071 T u0Tm7.o,-1- 0aT7 (-31 "990) 001/3T i.su"c (1,9 -T7 90 09 puw: 07.11. U,O:cj". oL2oJC1Toy a 09000E, 70 TO 02. .10 IT01:nor, f ',(.77Arf9r:77 °713I ;=[u2 Jul 7t2 1514. Li 00. Z1 tve:rti6iils '-iii c-)C64 it 11 TT 3ook'a foy .:,u(Jitcr oc. ,),..ff., ..',,J4.--ol,' ;V II II IL, 6'607,7tiSi'A 734G7 II 11 ;J. ,3 . 21a011.' 2 ,7,17.c.ru,nty 00. J2-12e1::m au boIICI 15,.00 ir It !If 11 II II If Tt 77 25.00 YoF.:Trn —7:11 A -7 6 ." 6 r.Z1-1,11frOlie0 3.93 ..:003 ::::1,-1,a)er 00„ LnIncl: fo.....° 520-nnt7 159,41 .'20LICE l'UlTD. Uoc).-1, John In.ciC!etal 0:-..cocionel,,, 12. CTRIC LIGH —lo'"clec7,o, Theat52e L.(1,vertioil:If -i, 16,00 Bc-r7c:c71,ey .aoct:clo Coo,7, Go, 'O,T,oc, :21c.te 5.90 ).L .,.'LL('300'1U1GL:' Ei-J3i(lento1F-; for Jur.o Cl 16. 5o j . 1 L , Tfre 4.00 G7.,-,..,:..7.:.-, "'-er-J.p,-,1q, .), 2 L:Lc Loc 3'6,00 0o, ',71Aa,F,. 5,06 ,..,.t.u„; %,,,,:l ‘..,o , „,..LC,Lres2og,:ca.pq.” cu;-,,..lie e It Ti -2,-1,711,1 2.00 1: -Dow ms ,::::. 72 col 'ine C,c). (7:2/60 5eat2 102,25 )1 it 1/ IT ti 3ao-„-.)lie . 'J.:. .0-7:clo.me 1,10 22„00 ett, :r 0 S . -„, .1.1k*IfifLI-Jar::' ,::.L:cLC 1eco221 1 r. (1:,": .00 Hollyloc(7,--Z'xidylo1C, Co, :...-Elia'io 11 Ii 77 II 000;66, 1 IT II :::..90 II 11 IT .03 II It it u 17 11 't / TT 11'1'2650 II IT IT if 21.76 IT 17 IT IT l'„7'.07 it ti IT IT 7,60 11 IT 77 1 :1 II lr If IT II 41:611... 11 II IT 11 IT . L',0 IT II 17 IT ' iT 16.30 IT IT It 11 17 21.:35 T oho7,1 Lif,':„ (,',0. Typewrit ..:,..1.-c,), :,,,co, • :00 :,---,-,m,,,,p Coo D22.ay...-„:: C. 15 Loerbu.f, 1„ L. .„, -i,L...a, ' 50.00 TI 11 IT it TT '',0.00 1,.!„....-2.,2a21—e'..ie'll ,' .„, Do. Taie;:i 24,.17 TI 10,5 j,J517-: Yh, :1 91,1, Eleotri Co. C if 71 IT iT :r '.:;2.34 Lcific, Tel. ic'oaio, fi: 'O,1.-,1o,-..T washinj 1.0 IT 71 11 If 1:i0111-.113.11, 20eaill L: 'i,011:1i10,-1 : '26,,i5r .',107.01-21 Y2.00 14444 ;1 ?I 11 11 1/ It U :71 or U 11 iZ 17.13 I r 11 17 11 If 11 60.00 55Jclit 55:i-nt-r, Uo. 1,-,:„...!. ...-in, 5d.11 Eoe"oillis 0 II IT II 17 If 1/!-.02 It IT IT ,, n IT G5.,5 ne.15.1e SiE,ff.).:5-:,- iGtotio.nol. a-ssi u..'Tlic's 4— 1.1 .5.- 0i1 Gom,: 12.60 IT 1/ IT liovi;ine Oil c.„'".22 111 11 If Jnol oil 92.3Y 7T IT IT IT /1 IT 11 Gasoline 0.40 U )1 11 TV 0.''10 /1 IT Dis0d11.7.,.166 1.40 1Y IT IT U 1.40 17 II If Gasoline 17.0e T'iiies Gi-r's Co. I-oinii'o,'=,: .'1.76 '..51..)u.sa0oa:j.e, Tile llosLot: 10.00 O:nlie,T, Tson OorilD,, :1.,bor oo.,:).,:l -,:t-.2.plirz-lo ri3.50 15nitH: 5'65Tes :b:u5'5er 0o. lie 5ol-Jillianse E. L Jo, Go. liotosc l'ili7].5 IT If IT 11 If 'Gilo-oliep 1325 Ohitiler, Cobilru i'o„ IT 1/1.04 ;.-3t:-IqJoi-,(Y.-cy '.,.17 iolzp:olies 1,17 200:1 :,,; 4163.34 Labor 4 If 11 IT CI 43 1z1-'6.00 10/1.00 1.00 1C4 175 137.50 170.00 043.15 3-113y 19-1 LI:311.= _LIND. Betty (7:ellues 8.2d BC C teas Lausld-zy To-701 service 1.00 ClarBo 710.11)0 Go,, I. J BooTs 30.00 ToC,c, PeaCe : Co. 5.00 6.00 Lelloss Co ressape 1.00 Qeo B, Book 13.50 jot ,lecbric C.00 7evf6w-ju =Toh- J. 1),00lm 12,51 Paler 1.60 r7,11,,-fintea lrector y Co. Books 12.00 oh:2,for, Co„ C. 2. B, Do tip ;iews1),-Terp, '211,es Clar Co. 7o11: (,r-, D. C, .,:eLa of ,.et BuC Pc ins Pooi 25.00 7'; .23 298.'r8 2J:;ORELTION 1,23.,Aodo, ...T.rawt-',re Co. .3i.-1.)plios „., 107.11 it U II IT 6,0'j Hatiolwa 111.-.. Ps: a, -JI.Li;L,'-c,y c,v,:n/-:1tcr Corks, t L',iles.1-., tork 101 .25 112ric,'o Carl: !e ..,,,,iot Co. ---,I1,1'',-, 2.00 ,T, 7. ',.:1:-,-.11fes ,,, 0,") „ on '311r1,-,-), Co „, ,. Y, „,tletlo -c31-.1 16,85 11 !I IT IF --olie'..t 17,60 C,ouel,-:, C, C. ',:,',',-.),I)or sob, 1,l-tol.i:',1 31.85 ■v 11 II 1700 1111[LI )11:1, (;, . Cu [L too '.7.11,' 1::oor Le,1-.1, "r, .Lvthrqx L. r L. 7ealy, Contance too l'Iorse Hire '6ulies ata Last Pottery B Tovra COtqW, TIPs, Plower tots tacit ic Tel Tel Co. if 11 11 It 17 Pcobes !2tor Co. 11 PoS; or IT Bjsa C: colt Too it, Lumber It II 17 IT TT ColltructioR Co, It Tr 11 TT IT jidewalk at ],1,01;.-Laloy 2ar rubbish 25,00 4,00 2000 5.50 1.00 2,60 a.70 1.0.16 1.00 9 r A, 0 s•-■ 5 July 7th, 1n4. ljoo Lumber Co., Louir e . e Juobjuien C5iro Co. T ..;ttee fu,ciflo 01 i2E1 Co. Lr: ,hlraze LuZoo-2 e LJJ.i) nm auo-,olies '1 Oil Jr'lla Tele,,haae U T T Lo1h-.-2:uE3toCL Director;,,T Co OuChorleu Ilhnlm.ey Co 1)let:e3to-cy ho 0CC rcO C0521:2 a:.1 reint5p. 5.75 0,00 1„r/T 5.05 6.00 25.00 D.50 10,00 'Jb„T:3 'CerClett ImoveC, thnt 7.1l hill the .12elln,J. *he letrichen unt, eeccoeilL 'oy ,i.ennmoncl. hr. telr..'art amouded the motion tIlet the 1.11111 7.)e ooccuOce cer:cle follow:;:n::',' vote: - .nyo2:ConcilmeA -fn,3L:oe, hl.orL'en:oterf, 17,eth tevie,rt, (C,). 'Coe:Couoilmeu 'f:nrClott, e; nroaut:...ene. horoe. Chet "o1171. o oc :cce Ce ioeie, coolnled eoccric the fori.oincr vote:- .:.:4ee:Ceunciira,-ii fu.cnee, . ..Le'enete,2, ferrie, 1.ercht, hco2:Ceunoilmen forCiett, (1) ftCOLji Thou. C. Ceot on -behalf of the '..hrth iCe Improverecat Clue ore2en.tc:ll. -...c5olutiQn of Che,t yeaciy.n.',t:If that the etreet Lo2rovo- mo-nC 'co (lion° C» :o;: ether mealle thcco. crc.ncre. Cr(er o,l1 :elec. 'fho elft for hi e fonth Cur e5Ct a ore:: V000VOCI on eroroH e The ..honflmetor e ro.12ert for ;llumo 1O014 The fileC. 7:fcort of the LuqicL,oah zlicyJr.J.c, -±Li.ht I:Tent for the mouth ercroCi filoa, The .c.ntor'e estIme,te :Cr 1014-1015 vie:: rece IreOL are) or,lorag fl-mo cccioicaatlone rove the ll.erro, nuc7fLtor e-na Clerk thet the mofIcy the trenury 'he.0 Scan c'atc0 ee re4niv 0 Ty5 the Ch-e'ter on Tnee 20ths 1514 „ (,)r0 1- fh.0 cf .i'Jlectri.ity :Co r eermieieso Cc run overliec. LL viro en0 erect ocloo for Fervice oe Uf,or.,, motion of ere. JenmonC, oeociec.I by :If: focusCen the requet coo :sra-mtcL. T.ee,,,ea. 3, tehe a vecaCion oh 1 e 111 July 7th, 1014. / _ V 2rom JC1, h, rroiaellt of tho of f:aution, requetin::,,' a thi-rty taCo leve of cIletnce. upofl not! en ci C Coonstcril, Fectondeq by Eatluionf( the recilost ave Frant0,, rom C (7% :',nwten en beht,l& of Yr'F:c, Thttio CII,v2th,:nt, for a thrty eltermion ef her leve of eiwence„ motien of -:;.eclone C cae, the request iri eion Icon 21,:ler, for T'erion to take hi c=al vnent:i on On net! on of hor. horenetorL, C7 hr. Pro'bst, the reetlEA "rrom C. t Ochnuth, etint Chief of for rermilon to have the neoolry Cone in oriThr tht CioC. Luance IlhD. 23 "Aew Corion he qace into ofleci an estiate of the ccot wan iCotachet thereto, the L..,mo-l-mt heln;-,; , 7.75. i2,r, a7roh',,It cioveC that the ntecovry on °C7 for the e:end:Itua:e Co in kin from the Goutinent Fund, seeon(l.ed by C. '.1:tlett (Irrieg 117 the :Ioiloni:ei vote:- Cartlet, Lorenutern cocci ii, a rue ci, J.Oth °,AnCI Ctev,:art, (o) Zment:Zono. 16 Prelh the Dereley Cha,ner of Co.erce i' e pn t iin the CCi_ty of lmean to join in a celobrtion o: Int3eecHence IDn.y in Berheley, :XL 1015. 17r, S:orenstern :tove(7,, tht the ivi iv Li ov be [.',eeeteT, necoted cv.raAe(-1, 17 I Croci C. Cyrne, City tell OTaitor, requ.etin thnt !,.rr:o.ntainent8 he stal:le cc that the ,„d0.00 wOO to Sees:1,:nt haJley ef the "l'o'llc:e -Lertment 1)e net ten el.lt of hiu t,onth- ly flowance. -::Thfe-,'re4,. Co the Zuhlic. T.-c,111nTim's Coniittee, Lno, L. ebokee, againt :.11 tree ajj-h'flill- ins ho-c :ro:p7i:t:T on ;:orton. Street. .Lttaehec7. thereto wino a lett;or from the to Er. the =er of the -1-2roorty co: whIroh the tree :!nfc.r,l(f, aol alec on: from Cr, hi_z,e1l to the St7c:ect tnavintenent. 7:;:efe7cred to the Stoet Comltto. Vrom th.o C Lecition of [aCre tno±o ye ioost5 One the Conc:,,ll to the Tire nief to the cimuel convo.ntion •3.n 7Tht=fi in ce,tenher, to cTieL aiiC, hire 20 Croci C, C Cohen, :ce5ac'ethin the Coriacil to the -Aeeef.try [3tion th 1.1:.Lve the ;e',1n:tra on oboe the Le:Lc el.. 21 , couth 1 To of Lic::::o(f.:2. "foferrea to the 7,:tnitle2 v" :?rol Vin :,eat the (Thnneil to t',ahc :octio:a to 1)1nco the 7.:,oh 1,1t -J22-12 ill a "Co the here:::t:,on attent‘ion ,•G 'CC 0': time to the roe a' 21on the bech tic: 6 they be reove0.. The ifLc.tter re-re(Si, ne 1:10 o7cel3u. CoHm:iio to 100k iP:t0. 403 Jr r' beem. b.utho-ri7ea 7:c7 t]le Lsc. :a2odden that 12.10Ot t0:1: t;'1,t, the WOY' tO T)0 do-no immodite- 2:cobt 11-Leve d. tbslt tie 911oed, .7or Left the felTowin vote:- .ilyes:Jocilme :do.rtdiet1J, Le2,cf,ae, oortelr:'!, iTobst, 2,h("1 (9). "21:ozi riii, decTety of tble Ziea.snre eri,Ilbsio-n to erect a iec:beatioe. Llcoo: s the tido isrds oedb.ed„ ;ho oved thb:i the :decilie!A be (-.1G0)1,:'iGij. by rer. car-rio6.. s])0c,bifitien arid plari -rCP d:rdoso iC Ci; eor ive-e bYeCeiltea, 112 the:re was Colo diThi:evasce )C r55 ;:190 of the OitLT tl:sjf, of the ileasure 1.bimmon moved the wrevieus beriAssion to eo-btrot the "der the tliae- TerOs ho rOECiiuCec obod tbt the a.stter be D:efonnea to th e Committee bb; he oslo, )f',4ecoufied. rr. 1;.robst nrid the f01 l.owil:43 vote:- e:',".10-ti.L.elLe'o, lzo'ost, n-bdout:Zooe. he C;lovk wn6 also int.2.-aclied to otify. LC 'jraham to be -preet t7-,e nent Coiflittee of the ''hole ioetin j3olarder, tbe o CC so the OCCOl CC tbe tort:b ell_j; of LbLf::dvette ,,efeidred, to the itroot r.1E: Cee.rity .'bbbrd of ..ope:.(7:1.:;eis re poe stios e.d:misc:Aou to s:Lsc Cn 1Lo ho: no -bride tender of d„n2/. rLE ilLoo Ts :L CLLUdC 3 ,)ertion ef bd"det street. Cr, moved:. tbet the ,bveervio.es 'be bberoJtteri Co build as tbis unused -002- ti of :LS t, o:s)Ltitien t'bs,t I be i.evmible ut elocol7„re of CT e sor si bed-,v of tho C dit:d of 3Llso eCu. at soy time, 'secouded by LI°. "ioeitmstern bstl caiTiod. by the ho lou- Ii voto:- nb-es:Corsiciimen r-dsbbtiott, irobt, :20,1t1) cool teirt, (9). Zoes:k:Tone. to so. Oldmsby, oornc olnole Ci oh the :.;tte ot 7eLiele of the i,tto.bae,: d,eno:bal of Cin 00013 in to w]: -A• city motor vobiles edoboo under the reit-ittion oct sued i'rom d:sLocfiet .ioulE :Coo a :::12ntitou Mie.re to sell rd.b.bc.r ..00d ard7 Lu Lion reel fro :bLiohtei. ho: -Aiobbaoe to L)oddle hcit eo,d moved SILL :o:soIo be 000,1f: 1 td,rd:,:bt tbe -fo:!lowi-J1s. vote:- avrtiott, ibb*ololi, reciro:es.terL sun Jul 7th, 191/1. Lacl:ae introcea s,(:3. the folloneTnFs eJ-1,7 roved c.oetion:- ..OLVED, the tie naor of the City o: Ld ., be, and ho 7n-,n-eby Jr hieC, eupaucre0 roC ‘711.]:OCtej, for an,:" on beLalf o± sasic',. City to enten into a written contract wi n 'Z„ of saiE City for tne sTI,e1-yinEJ arC iae in in position Je7<-. of three et:t-reisn to '1)c affixea to t3ne sfrect Ion ppoi iii Ezid City, L':t the rete or senice of One Lulu :1,0/100 Dolle.,r for each colapiete sin furniehe affi7Ket'l as 'aforesi(1, each of said slzns to ;Mow -L:coper fo.2: the c. oner for which nI1rene( oc eon CL tO the liF2.t for that o-pose heeto- , fore prop reC S. Me City fislr'ineal: of said. City, and to confascm the snaieolpii mumni6hosl hp on it hr Li ,c,nCi. now donor lied in the offico of the C:Lf, nineer of said Oiiy Lr, roved the.t ratter irh over to tie naf.:t Com- nt.',:.ce of the hoie meet1n8, ;,:econCed by tir, 3ertiott an / die Coltret ant Pond; of :.icho,o1 Mcey.Thw for the -plac:la of die e protection dre I ire nions choler ..trcot and or7:::s ',s.treet were ordered e:etltiod,"L 3111 for OrOimvIcco 1:cw denies Jtiecti:Le to have .e.n Inc7vocceort L2HOET,C7lit hate Pp the iiity heesser :Co.' the di:CTO'i'lt Ye,.]2" v,Tas intoodnoed. nrC 1 Ii ovc;:c a el of the Charter. Clii entitle (1 "A =1 for (Y.Isdi:cle.nce do hepeni . ocher a7,,c). of foil ale 2, naoer VIII of Ordinance Zo. 1, her nones Iron c e'e, the [:an, cieal Co(').o of the City of mae introCeacea esnd laid aver unC:cr a Incoviion of .t.he 011J.Irten . Ohio pnor iC don the rescel of the Undortea.: e Licene. The Clerk called attenticn to the fact thLet; the foseml 1,1 ter wns Ltll, or open cille;etion. Tin, tcwart czcered tint the do:mC he 1:;-1c north onC, of s-esesnt'l ntroct taJA:)crarny, until a -6etter circe In feurn7, seconded or moved to amond ii; C; the alt; an ,eso over scintD the next :.,ectines of Vhe ComniLtee of Ida ser.;:rnded T,y T Tom :i?vo'bst ena carried the follo0jin7 do nil S:211 -lock, T:or,sHsentern, and ...robFst, iToes:(2,osoncilT:en Lconno, T:oth esno ,-"Gewart, .1±:Ths..,1on.(7 moved t-nc.t tile Clerk notif-y jrohcstanie Lo he eresent; 01; tIe I; tar when the dona metter will he talsoe. no, :scconej t/ dr. Thnoire raf)orter7 on the ,.;ity .,21ennin and ;.f6:,,to(1 the a.vpo.thtee,.. mao a dy - ion C) lie 1.1j met cram:; JeV Cod, 101,4e Cot t7:-Icy anew their respective teruc,:. of office as yee.r.7, laev. or- „ On.arle T)i"-110 1;11761',C, .enflers c; id .Ionr-s J. .ce-Ye:es. J-il Ttl, 191,1. Lo :r.ithc]: "IxT,ca- tt the '.,;OLlaiti2i 'Y'. ;:11:cDa,i-,y at 7/o-PI: zInd hc:.i bo.:1:all to aof.5:11:ely olitine ..f)1L1-1 oi: coceduzc. :,, :,.:Yie;toill. fc::e the licee -zeooit o:7 :-h Zeter,-:o1A, ,:low jj000aEed, 71til the -...i.--,:f..3...t „.1;7.e i)y .iii heia:2 thL,t of ,,,p..iC -li-,,,ao be l'eturneJ to file014, It ,ccci-i l'e.-7cre, to t-iie icicocie Jomlitto6 :,,,,,,T to tho City ,Ato-ziloy for iriv:DLri,,c.t.loai. r2hei-e bei]:,:.' cc) f117,:(c:c T11a;:*11();.; t..', t-i!,:m.iJact t,he cicJI.ill .c71,1--, ,Ictil it ext v,:cr Acrl: ,leotill.',' Lie, J:uly :i, L:. -..,o3tThilc ,':,n:ttc!.."., Cit;y Clolck.