1914-07-21 Regular CC MinuteshEe'Lhe, � 2 .21.66 CIlY 21e1, Tho ee enerT ..teyar J'I'o eh (.2,H.s ronxt1 ,-11e6, on6 6enhaili= Cottlett, tern were note,:1, hteent. e11.man .12:roeot wq„Fo. nhte.1 ctoeoent. The Cl CU of tho 71.!evion oey:e end iotlocuce0 the -follo 1:,eolt1t1en oi1 iCTO. it thel'o net can,T-litc: in 7-nitoCI nto,tco, Actrict ,Thw.rt of the hyrtholcn bitviet of 6ofe-mia thc inT2sIneciont o-f Cl alleed rffntei-it hy the Tolotlec tjoeh)ny of tz.'')Jeen, :Joe jele-2., et ca„ :71n7-nLotc7=,:i, -vrE„ oJCUl Connt, et al,, 1,Hafeyn'o.f.nts; anJ it fey: the f:e*.; LIliCUOW of 4,...;ne flIty of .1,1ere to /) i1 to tht:: :lefuce O1ULU 0. oct Ioli, Co the cum not e:neeet tot, tttott, ,f,12, It h2e'..O2I.TED th:et ot the cif oac,:tnIc on.. the Cloorh of e0i6 elhT a netIoe to he ocn(7 1n r:!a1C, thnt the Ot• roy of eI2ooc6n. hcorc'ey 00 00 ii U iIitentiOn to ellatio, oil the 'honefit • .*.n.7vn,ntaeo thct nny .occ:.sue Ii ote-opol chC,. 1.e,c n;,:ju6oleet thnt ntmln7, Lc Cr;. cnnye-it:e ..vello2ble to 6e fernnt, ii oU 0 o. crnnty. Ito, ootleCt OUCH /UU. tno rdn,ticn to , the 1-olittioo cnf it • oaeccl ane'l 'hy the vote:- ...cs:Ccencilen h:ootlett, hachoe, ecaToLo Prohot, :eth. 3tc6rzonll (Y,), D)we:Hoeo, ,n.F1otant haa-Ict ht6caney Merl. • n few 000001 00 the ncceoeIt-,t of 01000 Co tCtiiICI tho COCCi Cl Cho 11, tloo 0000 n.ontio.ne0 Co the heelutlen. -ci,c7enctern i0 tro1.0e(1 the tfoltoeInr: !;io7c,a itc 0e:co0:Lyn: thoIt tho of ,.eventy- fi.ve (r/5.00) Lolloro. Toe ca.f, the fa —in the too coal Yiln6 101 Y.00.01 Timreveunt ZTL-Je:. 70„ ileoT CUriOs, 00. a, ltxtn 00 he 00-t000nfe00e0 t the 6,ene'val 313-1.1ey hec. collaote(7 .w the .h,).1-,Loctoa: for the loc,01:00e0i.t eciltioto6 in the Ocioaaclare .:.coo-31,1tIon of IlltentIon o 15, '6e'-T ach k//IL 0001' to the 'J,:eaLmo,2,er cea‘' Mjc0e1, te(1 in coi Zinnift; .n:t the the Yreaf..nrcor 006 hereW Itfrec.teCt 'CO o-".-foot t110 tr01001161" thelte reocective hook;o. focRe coned the hIntich tc aauf)t the .tecoint.Inn nnfl it .lo no6 a C y t l w leetehhe frIawn 2:0ouncilmen 600rtlett, to-itcenctu)23A, 2robct, :oth to■ 61;o-ecort, tej , (1). h_boent:h:one„ he.econcte:m 17.t:c0ne(7,. the followIhrs 001/7 M070'1 Jul: 21H;, 173., (Coo .00 ) olj 55:51 Co E5r=le :10201::y .1,i-ro,:5i3.tc.)3 to .35,f5 cc.r *31e fcr.c uoo t3le Juit 50t, t75o to a-cH'7 it e0 T follow13.1F vote:- 3.,,Te:Colui.c..1.1i:ler. Jamlo:15i ) -05oos:Zo:(10 ,Thue:cc,„1 t ,02 tl'eet to ::,',2(33.34; t o tf!Lo raootrio to 00; 5:7:5A(7 t 1E fo 2 31C Yo31 To, 16, 3:4 3. 5,..lov15;15i to .25 1y1:. 1.1en 5•;;Troved *5y t7,1e '67,Ae C:ae-1.°Th -flollowg :- n•,?:•0155.1.2.■ 1'1.1111, 3:10e5,3, 3.00 i311o:1-nia 0.11 flo„ 7,2 2. :•7,7.) .s••1.ui7:31:".1...-.: 3, 2.D.0 1.35 7 C,00 if If It i. 2 00 • If TT If I I 24,3 „ 1 L. f -1:1.71.0:5 C „ CC 1T, 2„-50 Tc0 :13,),50 33, ;T 5.0 71.:•;•” .50 7-37. • UUL IT C! IT t 12 „ „ so 0 TT II IT Il 17 11.016 Cu 17 017 6:11,ec°,3,015:," 80 „ 33.0 61-58:15,■-, 6 „ 0 0 oo:rr 0106 61 01 CL, 1. , 16011 0 660160 7;7 0 ;I: 1.2,‘-.2 it 55,121-,-8, e -1! s 0 60 J. 0 1.7000 60, 01„° C 6,00 161-) 86, 5'5 67; 58;..-7-5'- d 0 CU. i e 01111 oho:o f IT 1" C;,c Oa: do 01c::',00;:21,,. .6656i 5:31 cf, 85:258. ,5 451 , IT IT _L. 011 110611 :1 e cod 01111003 .1001 1.11. ..I0601 ..0.61111 7,- et'ss 13, I (101 101 .146 ,05 ssoss",;; •-‘1 7. 0 6010 26r! ,o; 23 00 4,00 18,75 65010 :eee. 1o.bor oqTe,olie,o e:„e21,..00n Iscozo- Ir f7 t 0 2 .o.oeuei.oeue-. 11(7.LLXiTT OeLL112.., 1:0. 16, Zoto...cy ;:oec Loej. oelo1e. ter2.1 tTeoe!.t oJe'edle 'fle 4 0 I' :6etiett ee6 1e the -foJ710114 ote:— .,Iye2: eeeotiet, -.jOtT1 O0e2:10 e, o:joy:e:j :71106 1r2oe'l, -ero reoeive(7, Ti- V - eveThoo O,Ot11,, 1oe oeHer—e,,,:tn.tLo1 2o11eo ele111. Joe.00 ZC)t1 eee ooe '.2ho eoneoeietlov„;-",.; t ;:1;.,1:").ti:.' ot te ef i'sm-cotfolo 000t. teo 6o0;oe. -40100 C0t- 4;L00 :iL00 401 H100- oo-eeeti.ot C101.7,, OIL- -ee ooet t'oo os.):wev,tt-,,,:l. et :oeto:cc.,,/ -co; elle,oe to :otteJ1(:, , ,:,towaTt -0110; 00000000 01-11,i(=, 17, ;o 000 the 1.et..ecoel:It ot.rol) c]..q1Lic.30 4600; ,eetal e001-7) boo a;,1 voLte,c 000111 040 0010: 10100010d t-oe 110011 011 to t'eo 100e1oe0e Uo oece'eal.y e ,,o.oceziolta017eiet, V. 'peq-eLooti:oo:; 000- tO tLe 1-".;10 ot1iet 0000 eteto'et 0;1.2 ;.„:1 4 14 oeo:T:o"ef* *ey thO 7)Oo:— c,c1..1)Lett, 10000: 00100oc1o0 00104;: 110:100 11 1.a Teorr 21t, 1D141, 'the lero .a,eaTh the Vac c...ctonal 'be re -imIrarf:eefta, 71chrhorrcel ta te :fecicat1,on 1JII, TJ!aher cocreto.r'F ()J.' tree Caopfie-1:1 7ocreatio.A:1 rica: ree;):LO, ;au th 111er wo,1111 1:e built a.ehort.11A-4c to the )1a.,-As th0 :11'„ O 1,1 rove, tht the .1;-,,,..,tlaJeLcch to oracec, vs1th rheir worh -fuoi7er the ,flo,e.lni.'LAca the 0-1,6 Itaclocc, carried, 27ho1-.)t i[Lcove1i that 1-,(e, Ceo.,c1A action, reaile,et1occ the Xlectv:c Tlat CoeJI:lilaion to c1vo tc the ecreo,ticc 11,crimioloc the .11.71so1 ,1 oles for the forooe of corisfamc1i-alecl?: oo:oI. 1or C1-orfiol aavoo-m.e an11 the flor1a :actify the :loctric 0a.:Ioei:Lefaloll to ro- a1..1vortqao 'oole of' I10 Lco ecagoa Lora, r1orri an& carr1.1. If1Lc fo7,1cla 70260:— Lye2:Ccilcc11,eo-h haal'tlett, ,,Onfoon- t071:0 'a0:01Pi0 IIoIh atewar't, 7062:ache, 1acot:1ace, OT:cOLrO for tile co-afH.caTcy1oLon of the tihert a 1..yohue haeiTc-hca1; a-o.1.1 the (1aiothZ,t'..°111 1..r.erace iiLrrer thr, 111.1 7:100J0Le(cr het.1a.a acca..a1le11 ,afT Ii Co.rt7ett cao1LIi11 woa-Jealo:1 aoota(7, fat:a,. .traht ;-o.r,.,e(1 that the-a 1.re l'&010Yre:::. 'i;he r.1,caittoe with e'er to cot.. acco.h,MC.'. fr, .",ert'1.ett c.orr1.aq t1.1c 11cai„law'oar.: 1c :0 c'o!tLc„.,...11.1.,loa ,ao.rtTett o. o:tr rrr, oiTo 72.T0h:aa, IoIh 000p:71 e-te..eart, coca:: aaa hoo, ot:ococ, ',1raat jichfh reaetioLc ,aerajacicya to ta-o hloe rcaar;„al tjoA hoalooitlo tho Mat of cli tt the reeat Ice oe*etco1, ecca-rieC; lay. hoc, ha.c.,'Cao fra11 ,11r-ly carried,. thie ',Lao crJrc Ll.ttehtl.or to tho lrco Irpoo?a7lra,tea e tolt.:a fay to ravITh :flor unIhrara lfcc;if; 'y the citica foratLe thc fa, th„,, has:, 10en raeo1a of 11-1, tc a,.r,rooloct aea11,atee to worh br co -eaer:sot*aa coL to ,-;ealttce cojjrooc 11ah a::cra,:ut rod 11coa'.e c:e1 hr. 'h. aca -cciaterla thaaecou:oh tot t1cey ccoa:-.=titilte t1a7. Coaltte.e of ;„ha aoehcil ahC re-ere8erit ticc cTy In the .hcce2ory orocee(Tha, 000,:00071 TY:: LI aa(1 (1-,711,,y errrttJer coyrueicatio-ha:- .1-122cA Ciocni cc 11coo rct= of tac c.-efac co1 1acte1i eiaor the ffeEect IleT110,7 do :I.: riot; o, 6, i1,e:1,orre11 Cc tho Hoomice cc: i1 to ta.c V ere HeZport ,-.2ratuitouo liceucc to oc,11elo 'Tecetc,111es, 1h hr, ,:'fehhat aa1'i 11.e17 ae h:;,Tloe; 1)7 a, T a ..offieheit r,li1r11.Loa-A of lice rocs :000ei7,70c1 'chet7 f11c...„ dill dccc C :1 too cc :To 'The 111cel,1:;e 4 4,7 r) 71P1A-4 t-et) ea.ha far jha1 ahe raaCi by (..-ho olovh. ir, that the i:','hoCfinoahcu he a:740J 0 0 1: t' 1:4 Et:t211 (14141.t:1 e hy the 44*Ta:t:01,"tnailf.ICU fonmon,74 (L(.4i). 0;1 ohhaut::Thue, .= for caladhanoe 4 2, elect:no: tC4 ha7e eh ih- acooi;oent tho fa:c the 01:tr:COlit -yet712' ho fa:2 fihal oaeeaae ,oriao thu -2",Lat, the Ore;laahaa he aiTioate(1., eacohTot, hrohtOt oc hyi tho 1o12 ote:- ayea:or,ollmun aartlett, hoothlooh, :taro'n:ao, t,cani:ohoietan harrlo, .-2oth. aoht'i (:) aeon: OH.o eatilo,:,_ the Conhoil( ettontioh to tho iiiettor thC' Lho-rafehue of oh:loyaeo an ostad thahi aona action he ta•tal.: -,::.,(i-hhahr;,: the ,24414t:r; wee-i-tnj coh42aot och. inota'h:,.-loe,.. '4„7-1e.t frohfiai ho oThocC,. therefoa! ih tho wao roforre,T to the neint iienini5,,tteo of tho 7hole Lin fov 47.itonheloh, ho 2 aaC'2 Llattaa:' caroo baTare the fanail ohco iaoro. : ao .onfi l'oni,n11. he not tlace:i ohe :1010th on(: :fraho-i hocon4470,7 by :r, r2l ahnt. earriuft h the 20ilai,7i1e( V aurentorr: (C) 1:;JC&IC'ilVLCU haC'-ao ahe -,4aileia(2" (2 :he hr4 f(al.'CC that the (oi.. 42H;caa-hey on,-,aM4ae tI:oD tItia lal CC'. ',C.', 0:f: Ht.?, Y.. 1. ;:ttt t:tCrraTht,Itt, 4.4". .o.71.acoi-I. there for tho reenoh. that that To a Otahway hlijhlaTee eeonhot he plaoeC; 1-.heraoh, the o of tir, hnfifonn o: ooaT thot tfh., rar ho-:uftht a ao211.:iitee of thiroe ta :ahoo J raunf. an: to ehooint an y th,-no aha have 1132 C:7", ha-ore oi:i; a _atom eon, „ittee the 0 =e,i)et aaal.net n, 2rovitonP. oheatiaho 2n1 oj oinfo, Lcu ti ' 'a • CY..." :7 L.:a' .(iono:enute'nn, a:,coe]:Ie ani.1 ttewfnrt, (), ttt.: CC f,oahellnteh hati:o that the 7,1oft C. COO ..:25..th. the ..i,:h(lifje e az:LT ''al,ioarate e fho the 27,1t Of 11,.:T:1-(1.1: a]:4171., :T :o Tahh. hif .1t", tc. a aoont ,fnle4 r, roho,, oavoir: thht hf,,ht:ate tHarno,y tHI L1(.1 ae of (2 aerin the -oarhah at t to e„inaf.i,h oa Th !" caholaieJ of tho I ITL he tra:31.,r, ot oioT t vo', he 'frther that noro who o*ret neo a. of a wJtc.h:r1r1 IJ the oe'Ot,,-r.h Jrroirloro that olace hecol:le a ,19cao,:oro-o2 If wax 1.)7 him, oecoo.e r:nhicch ao(1 cnrrio, 'net Le conoicate the :aror,.:11eloc 1acific Ceu )aay for the oircfroo of ,..:lsrtjho the nocince of tfe vihist111-1 n: 'HZ a r:ca:..ofht,o, .co:117, Lie oficoce ot the hehater 2)troet 1Oa, 'orona*4 iw.tter of ,t,To ,et caor not of i.: treof Ettc: tha.t ocefi of car,0 han, noro.cotern tc-yseel ihat rlcff !occo, Coofo: or aril h: thenl to :hi.vo oloe ar::,co,r,orce co to ,Aat r1.17, he 1one to a rolo,,orltoto'ioce to tho ne.nt f2c);:nliffoe mi Um r:LoctiliL to hiolnoo fho motter, oecop,7,e. ic hOo 2t2rohct May co.:.cDriee:, Cif,y )I iii roollro,n. otot,on'i. tinot the reo-noot of 1,hc hei*J.T Zotolocon 'for the :',:etrnal of ne ulared -fortion c-2 a =o:oon lieeme cor.C.1('' rot loo oc :ci it wac t an7 he '.:ecomorhic-i thot no requcat 'be J'rrnieClo, Ii:. Lel rj tlInt the 7i.'61:;::1— t -00 ,fl.(1.0'!)t0, 2ocon,oci, au: carrie6 [ice folle- vote 2r:r0c : iCIiTIC iloron 'Zara ett hicolo acao, r or2:ofi.--, torn , lCmJ.e, Zo-ohict, :1.)th mmif cfevya'rt, eht:one4 no,nro:cratel-r nioveJ that the 1icease be return,c to tne horoll witon the nece.car.. onof,lanation, e caa'ried. T'no Of:coot imnro7'enoT't n' item wa2 c1 I mom cmi frorthex' bef:.--Soro the no-or:Lc:fa. hr: fi2aIqaett liiover1 limb; the; Cammcjl aC,joucc-J.i tLat t r(IjOUTIA oI:ec c.T., :Leo co , ;.'ec000.Jojl naoH,ori,j1 fliio c a r:cie tht:t "f0110Wil-2 t 1,0Y11L th h f JCI ,1 , at te or o the ef JAi.lacja he, corC; he horev ;oT, ic e encoo\..c.(5 ai- :ceo*eo , for on. bel):,1,:of of sc:inl Olty, to enter into a C;CCI,CiCi can - tract :1 [ii of mail for the ,c-noolog a (1 in Ir;„7 o-F tIoree '''corect-io-yoc to lie cffir:ei to the :',treot lamp-potco in saiC, ct A. pato or -orice oil 02,1 40/100 :Dollar 'Ion coch comolete cirn a-h af or C a- tO (;m ;;C iyx.cTc& :)articr;:lonr corocy: .fo1e:O. IhO o roa'.c accor lE to th o t t'or thet hor e t hOLIcor of oJnf to 0_ Cr_,Da V..7.i,t:11. the Jo.o„-oie CLn:t fnrni:neJ Eni(1 L)nrirf::- now :ric- -cvted sic tho colfice m f' the ill: oineer J;oc,tin to ado.ot 'Ice 4 3 „ L U 01' r te to -1.t ::, mot 4,n, TI.14, H. E