1914-12-01 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, DECIIIBER 1ST, 1914. The convened with Mayor Frank Otis Presiding. The roll 1r, - called and Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, acFae Mor,geastern and Lorris, (6) wore noted present. Councilmen Probst and Roth arrived lared and were noted present. Absent:Councilmen Stewart, (1). The minutes of the :previous meeting were anproved a s read. The Affidavit of Posting of Hotice of ImProvement No. 18, New Series sworn to by the Clerk was submitted and ordered filed. The Affidavit of Publication of :otice of Local Improvernent, No. le, New Series was presented and ordered filed. Ir. :o.cRae then introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption and that it be spread anon the ‘i.nutes immediately: ORDER ILSTABLISHING NOTICE. WHEREAS, it appears to the satisfaction of the city council of the city of Alameda from an affidavit on file that notices of the hearing provided for in Resolution No. le, New Series, of this council, passed on the 20th day of October, A. D. 1914, containing the matters specified in said resolution, have been posted conspicuously in three of the most public places within the ,city of Alameda, and also along the street frontages of all the real property within the district in said Resolution described, at not more than one hundred feet in distance apart, and that said notices were so posted at least twenty days before the time set for hearing; and i/HEREAS, it further aopears from an affidavit on file that said notice was published twice in "The Evening Times Star and 2.1ameda Daily Argus", the daily news- paper printed, published and circulated in said city of Alameda and desi?nated for the purpose by said resolution, at least ten days before the date of hearing; now there- fore, be it RESOLVED, and the city council does hereby make its finding and order, that notice of said hearing has been posted and published according to law. Mr. Bullock seconded the rnotion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bulloc, Hammond, nac_,.ae, jorFenstern, :iorris, Probst and Roth, (8). Noes :None. Absent :Councilman Stetfart, (1). The Clerk then stated that the Resolution was s-nread linen the Minutes of the rneetina as required, hr, hiacRao introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION CONFIRKIFF RESOLUTION ADO?TING RE2ORT. WHEREAS, this Council did. on. the 20th ay of October. A. D. 1914. pass a Resolution. December 1st, 1914, to the best methods of doing the work and mak- ing the improvement therein described, to wit: That the Southerly side of Taylor Avenue, in the City of Alameda, from the Westerly line of 8th Street, in said city, to a Point Three Hundred and twenty (320) feet 77esterly therefrom be im- proved as follows: That a cement sidewalk five (5) feet in width and three (3) inches in depth be constructed, the center line of said walk to be six and one-half (61) feet Southerly from the ITortherly face of the curb in place on the Southerly curb line of said Taylor _Avenue; that said work be done in all respects in accordance with the plans, profiles, cross- sections and specifications therefor prepared by the City EncAneer of the City of Alameda, marked Exhibit 3, and annexed to his report to the City Council as to the best method of doing said work and making the said improvement; and also in pur suance of an act of the legislature of the State of California known as the "Local Improvement Act of 1901;" and WHEREAS, a hearing has been had upon all objections filed, et the time and place fixed in said resolution therefor, and said hearing is now closed; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that all objections filed in said matter, be and the same are hereby overruled; and be it further RESOLVED, that said resolution be and the same is hereby confirmed, and that the work there- in described be, and the same is hereby ordered. 31r. Hoiris seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Butlock, Hammond, MacRae, idorgenstern, Morris, Probst and Roth, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Stewart, (1). Claims against the General Fund amounting to :404.84; against the Police Fund amountia to 11.55; against the Electric Light Fund amount- ing to 5850.69; agaLnst the Street Fund amounting to 2881,70; against the Library Fund amounting to :009.81 and against the Recreation Fund amounting to 315.99 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- GENERAL FUND. j_eyers, Henry H. Moeller & Graeber Munic ipal Electric Light ?lant Oakland Reduction Works Otis, Frank Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Peoples Water Co. Purity Springs Water Co. Railroad. Com. of California Recorder Printing and Publishing Simpson, Edna Times Star Co. 17 17 17 Varcoe, W. E. Conrad, John Board of Electricity Cal. State Auto Assn. Inte Crane Co. Electric Appliance Co. Garlock Packing Co., The Dues Supplies Lamps Removal of dead animals Allowance a 35.00 16.50 3.00 14.00 Mayor 50.00 Gas 1,62 Rental and tolls 2.06 Water 11.16 water 1.50 Subscription 5.00 Co. Code Amendments 15.50 Money advanced .60 Advertising 43.65 Auditor's Annual Report 136.25 Services in Auditor's office 69.00 Total - POLICE FUND. Incidental expenses ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. s.Bur. Incidentals Insurance Supplies 11 1t 404.84 11.55 0 11.65 71.43 2.65 6.76 1.67 Goodyear Rubber Co. Gotta Percha R-U6ber Co, The Holabir6-'2eynolds Co. TV TV TV If TT TT TT IT TT It TV TT I! Hunt. & Co. If Ty ft TT TT IT TV It 1/ Kelloggs i:pre0S Go. Koerber, L, H. Mt:1,rsholl..4Tewell SaPply Co. Nat'l Erass (c.,:; Copper Tube Co, Pacific Uetal Tiorks Eacific States Electric Co. TV TV TV TV Tiaynes Bolt .forks Peoples ';iater Co. 1e' 1a, N. Mintier & Son, Geo. ],;. .3ros. Construction Co. Rickerson, Li. RoeblinFs Sono Co., John A. IT TV TV TV TV TV TV IT TV TV IT IT TV u 3clancider, Honry ;Aules, ,. C. StJ-Jc5=0. Gil Co, TV TT TV TiMtTJ8 Star Co. TT TV TV : 1 0 Co., J. D, ViestilighouJ:lo E. C., L. 00. If TT IT TV It It TT IT IT IT Amoroso, V. • 000io Oil Co. TV u Austin-estern Road Lochinery Baird, J. V. Britt, Burton, Co., J. H. Chpman, IT TV TT IT It Tr Son, Dahl, James Easton, 2. G. -.iou-ndry Co. .ifirbanhs Dprse 0 Co. i'reeman, J. L, Goldstone, John Gutta Percha -ubber Efg. Go • The jmison, J, S. Langlois, E. L. Hanuel A. Martin, 0. L. Pacific Fuel a, Dldg. Material 00. Yacilic Tol. Co. Park Garage -Pennock, M. Peoples V:ater Co. P1ummer 0 Son, C,;eo. E. TV VT u TV TV' TV TT TT TV TV Powell Bros, Construction Co. TV TV u • odes-Jamieson 0 Co. TT TT IT TT VT TT TT TT 1/ TT TT 17 TT IT TT TT Schneider, denry erralungo, L. Stockier, J. J. TV VT TV TT IT TT Standard Corrugated Pipe Co. Sullivan J. Sunset Lumber Co. Sutton, J. 0. 1)ecomber 1st, 1914., 17 TT IT Power Plant TV TV Dra..yo.7e Rent Supplies Tubes Sachs of u7plies TV .7ashi 110 Viater V:Andows Diu Su,)T)lies Teed 'Bag TV Supplies suplies F1201 Oil 0: Gasoline TV TV Printing Supplies IT Tr TT flT `_1.1 - STREET ITZD. Labor Road Oil Distillate • :.;upplies 31acksnithing Teaming Repairs Assisting City .:L-4'ineer Field Lssistance City ei.fineer Sewer Pipe Cit, Engineer Teaming Cos ins Suplies Ls si st ino City Engineer Fuel Sucrplies Auto re-pairs Surveyinp: stakes Toaming Rental tolls Reivirs Teaming Voter Lumber TV If Roch, Tor Gravel, etc. TV TV 1/ It TT TV IT 41,1pplie2 Labor BlOcksmithing TT TT Corrugatea Culberts Labor Lumber Incidentals 5.50 40.92 116.34 7.02 92.25 145.73 23.78 150.32 144.16 571.00 23.80 2.50 30.00 18.21 260.08 13.74 13.96 .37 99.96 2.00 1.50 4.23 47.90 .75 6.69 100.81 125.27 8.35 47.00 951.92 1895.89 32.50 18.04 11.85 223.50 190.80 2.25 59.69 56.70 201.15 6.60 9.34 1.35 92.00 5.75 5.00 1.00 45.00 25.94 1.50 66.00 82.'50 20.88 62.50 35,85 43.00 126.50 12.00 8.00 5.50 27.00 2.54 .40 126.50 51.00 16.09 6.65 7.33 65.35 208.85 165.60 946 95 Ua.d0 294 218.05 3.05 170.00 7.00 2.40 6.85 269.50 22.50 43.98 1.80 , December 1SL, 1914. Alameda Free Library Alameda -;team Laundry Assn. Crocker Co., H. S. Dodd,Mead & Co. Gaylord Bros. Houghton Mifflin Co. Lewi, M. J. Library Bureau. Inc. Lubben, John G. Mazzini, L. National Lanicipal League 7ewbep:in, John J. North, Ea-Lid L. Owl Drug Comnany Pacific Gqs & Electric Co. Stratford & Kerr Peoples Water Co. Shafer Co., S. W. Times Star Co. Volberg, C. C. Wheeler ub1ishing Go. American Flower 'Iorks Baird, J. V. Cowart, Z. T. Fuller, W. P. & 00. Hackett, Frank H. Kellogg il-xpress Co. Martin, Arthur L. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Peoples Water Co. Schaefer, Victor L. Ryan, E. A. Skelly, Sam LIBRARY FUND. Petty .1xpenses Towel Service Book Books Supplies Books Book Supplies Fuel 'numbing and supplies Eembership dues Books Substitute Books Gas SIT9plies Water Books Printing Rent Books Total - RECREATION FUND. LiacRae moved that the fills Supplies Labor and material Fence Construction Paint Repairs Drayage Hauling , Rental Water Supplies TT TT Total - - read be paid, seconded by Sr 16.19 1.00 4.50 77.50 2.00 23.2? 9.00 45.94 21.25 2.15 5.50 315.66 3.00 9.00 .09 1.50 2.19 12.92 21.75 25.00 210.40 809.81 1.50 17.75 224.36 5.00 2.50 25.00 4.00 2.25 8.38 2.50 16.00 6.75 315.99 Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst and. Roth, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Stewart (1). The following were received:- V Apportionment of Taxes for 191-41915. Ordered filed. The Auditor's Annual Report. Ordered filed. The Contract with Rhodes-Jamieson Co. for the feed supplies for the Alameda Fire Department. Ordered filed. The Clerk then presented the affidavit of publication of Notice to Fire Apparatus Dealers, inviting bids on a Combination Chemical Engine and Hose gon. Ordered filed. In response to said advertisement, the Clerk stated that he was in receipt of six bids. Mr. Hammond moved that the bids be received and opened seconded by 1.1r. Probst and duly carried. There- upon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows:- From Harry A Weihe, representing Cuyler Lee, a Packard, :;5,000, certi- fied check, '500. From F. R. Fageol, Jeffery, :$300.00, certified check 430.00. From American-LaFrance, 5,000 and ,000, certified check 600.00. From The White Company, 6,500, certified check %650.000 From the Kissel Kar Branch, Kissel Kar, 3950.00, certified check, 500.00. From the Ahrens-Fox Fire '.ngine Company, ,:6,250.00, certified check 3625 .00. On motion of Mr. Hammond, secoadod by LIr. Bartlett and duly carried December 1st, 1914. 3 Ls Mr, J. L. i'lston, representing W. 2. Robinson and wife, was present, layor Otis called upon him to present his matter to the Counci On behalf of the Robinsons he presented another Petition requestin per- mission to move a one-story frame dwelling house from 631 Santa Clara Avenue to the 400 block on the same Avenue. Accompanying the same was a bond in the sum of .200.00 with V, H. Carr and J. A. Elston as sureties. The same was sworn to before the Clerk. Mr0 jaston stated that he had represented clients in a similar case before the Oakland City Council and that the Ordinance of the Oakland Council was Similar to Llameda's Ordinance requiring the assent of persons residing in the vicinity to which it was intended to move a house, that because of the refusal to p:ive consent; to this petition, the petitioner was denied permission to move the house and that he had applied to the Courts and that the court had declared such an Ordinance unconstitutional. 'nth this case as precedent, he made the request that the Council grant Mr. Robinson permission to move the one-story dwelling. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter lay over until the next reular meeting and that the City Attorney prepare a written raport for presentation to the Council, second- ed_ by idr, liorgenstern and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Council- Men Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morenstern, 1Jorris, Probgu e.nd Roth, (8). Noes:rone. Absent:Councilman Stewart, (1). 4 / Jr ;. ]red Knower appeared before the Council and asked what action had been taken in the matter o f t he widening of anta Clara l'ovenue at iebster Street. He was informed that the matter was in the City Lttorney's hands. Ln Affidavit showinp; due publication of ,Thtice to Lutomobile Deal- ers callinr; for bids for an automobile for the Police Department was presented and ordered filed, The Clerk reported that in response thereto he was in receipt of four bids, ir, orgenstern moved that the bids be received and opened. Thereupori the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows:- Prom the ;Allier Auto Garar,.e. Co. , a 7.eo, ::;1175.00, certified check, ::117.50; ,,Irom the Kissel ior ranch, a Po rd, ',/104,00, certified check, ,,70.00. ?rem Don Lee lilotor Car Co., a Paige, :,,1187.00, certified chock, :120.00. ..com E. C. Soules and H. H. Etter, a Emewell, .779.00, certified check, )7'7.90. Upon motion of LI'. Hammond, seconded by r. Lorgenstern and duly carried the bids were referred to the Police and :Pire Commission and to the Police,Fire and Water Committee. The following conununications were received:- 6 From City Lngineer, James E. Sutton, stating that the contract G. Bank for street signs had expired, Accompanying:: the same was a letter from itr. Bank, in which he asked for an extension of time. ir Roth !1-loved that he be ';ranted a two months extension, scconded 1 1-,11 11 V 1:11P 'r CI 1 -I Clr'i irryl; P • 1TP r • (I mill oi linen December 1st, 1914. From the City Clerk stating that he is in receipt of a letter from Councilman G. Stewart, in which the latter requested an addition- al sixty day leave of absence. ir. IJoriis moved that the request be granted, seconded by Ur. Roth and carried by the following vote;- Ayes: Couneilmen Bartlett, bullock, Hammond, LacRae, Morgenstern, I:orris, Probst and Roth, (8). 7270es:None. Absent:Councilman Stewart, (1). From the /Alameda Investment Company and L. aylor, in the form of a Resolution, in which they agreed to the acceptance of the change of .;rade on Hih treet as contemplated in an agreement between the City of paameda and ;Lmilie G. Cohen, Ordered filed. From Hutchinson ComPony, in which they requested of the Council, Permission to grad, , curb, gutter, macadamize and otherwise improve Line ln .1.7entie, between the eastern lie,c of :Broadway and a point seven hnndred and sixty-two feet east of the east line of Ver- sailles Avenue. ceompanying the same was a coPy of the contract signed by the owners of property on both sides of the street. Mr. Hammond moved that the request be granted, seconded b;: Ur. Probst and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, Eacilae, Morgenstern, ]:orris, 2rob3t and Roth, 7oes:one. Absent :Councilman Stewort, (1). 10 From the Lonroe, Greenwood ]]state Company, in which they made complaint aainsta notification to put in a sidewalk in front 77.5-e C6-1-2/1 61,c, of their propertyAon the ground that others along the same street had not been so reeuested. The Superintendent of :Streets stated that all the owners along that portion of the street had been re- quested to lay the sidewalk and the Clerk was instructed to answer the com::lunication in accordance with the Street Superintendent statelent. 11 / The Clerk notified the Council that he was in receipt af a ccxnmueication from J. C. Lc2herson of the Southern -'acific Company, in which the latter stated that it was an unjustified expense to place a flagman at the 'iebster Street and Lincoln Avenue crossing, but that he would iastruct all trains to stop at that point if the column so desired. Mr. Probst moved,Seconded by Mr. Bgrtlett and carried that the Clerk notify Mr. LoPherson that it was the desire of the Council that the trains run slow at said crossing. 12 ./ The matter of the condemnation of the Von Ah Stable came up. As there was no report from the Board of Health, the matter was out ova- until the next regular meeting of the Council. Further communications:- 13 From the North Side Improvement Club containing Resolution V favoring the planting of trees and flowers along the streets of Alameda. Er. .:orgenstern moved that the matter of trimming of trees be placed under the supervision of the Recreation Comm on in conjunction with the Superintendent of Parks. 14 ember 1st, 1914. Council Chamber . Er. Morgenstern moved that the Police Department be instruc ed to enforce the weed Ordinance seconded by Er. Bartlett and duly carried. Mr. IR)rgenstern moved also, that the City Planning Commission report back to the Council when convenient, the expense attached to the planting of flowers along the streets in Alameda, seconded by Lir Bartlett and duly carried. 16 Er. Probst moved that the Clerk communicate with Berkeley and other cities about the '3ay for copies of their ';:eed Ordinance, seconded by Mr. Bullock and duly carried. 17 V From V. M. Frodden, Superintendent of Streets, reporting that the grading, curbing, macadamizing and otherwise improving Garfield and Liberty Avenues from Fernsider Boulevard easterly to the ends, had been completed to his satisfaction. jrdered filed. From James E. Sutton, City Engineer, recomlnending that the grade of Park Street from Blanding Avenue to Harrison Avenue, and on Harrison Avenue to a point two hundred sixty-one and 68/100 feet easterly be changed. The City 2Atorney was instructed to prepare an Ordinance in accurdance with the same. 19 From Mrs. E. J. Ea ser, requesting a gratuitous license for clairvoyance and card reading . As the request bore no approval or disapproval by the Chief of o1ice, it vias referred back to him for a recommendation. Macao, introduced the following Fesolution and moved its adoption: MT, it was pa Bartlett, RESOLUTION 0=ERIZG PLAITS LED SPECIFICLIIIOrS. RESOLVIO, that the City Engineer of the City of Alameda be, and he is hereby ordered to prepare plans and specifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to wit: e improvement, of San Jose Avenue f om the center line of High Street to the center line of Post Street, by the construction of a six-inch vitrified, iron-stone sewer, with 4-inch Y-branches and 4-inch house connections, along the center line of San Jose Avenue, in a right line from the existing manhole in the crossing of High Street with San Jose Avenue to the existing manhole in the crossing of Post Street with San Jose Avenue; by grading the entire width of San Jose Avenue from the easter- ly line of High Street to the westerly line of Post Streot; to the official grade; by the con- struction of concrete curbing along the curb lines of said street, between said last named limits; by tho construction of concrete gutters contiguous to said curbing; by macadamizing the remaining portion of said roadway with a layer of broken trap rock, eight inches in thickness; and by oiling the macadam of said roadway. Bartlett seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and d and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes :Councilmen Bul ock, MacRae, ,Morgenstern, Morris, Probst and Roth, December 1st, 1914. The City 0;incer presented -olnns and specificatioias, thereupon eRae introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: L)LUTI 0L DO iTIITG PLAP, -ZD SeYZCIPICLTIO:jS. was RESOLVED, that the plans and specifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to wit: The improvement of San Jose Lvenue from the center line of Hie7h 'Street Lo the center line of J2ost Street, by the construction of a six-inch vitrified, iron-stone sewer, with 4-inch Y-branches and 4-inch house connections, o±1. on the center line of Sae:: Jose Avenue, in a right line from the existing manhole in the crossing of High Street with San Jose Avenue to the existin manhole in the crossing of lost Street with San Jose Lven?e; by 1-radinF7, the entire width of said San Jose Avenue, from the .L:asterly line of Street with the 'Theterly lino of 2ost 30reet, to the official grade; by tbo construction of concrete our1)i:og along the curb lines of said street, between said last named limits; by the construction of concrete gutters contiguous to said curbino:; by mecadamizing the remaining portion of said roadway with a layer of broken trap reek, eight inches in thickness; and by oiling the macadam of said roadway, as prepared by the o]ngineer of said City and sub- mitted thi2 lot day of December, 1914, be, and the same are hereby adopted as aud for the Plans eend epecificatione for doing said work. 011' Bartlett seconded the motion to edopt the 1:e5 olution. ana it passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes :Councilmen Bartlett, 3ullock, MacRae, Tor,eenstern, 1.)robst and Absent:Councilmen Hammond an.d Stewart, (2). Lre ljacRao introduced the following hee uLeten and moved its e,dcption: (7). -zoes:1Tone. az II=TIaIr. R160LVED, that it is the intention of the Council of the Cit. of 2.1ameda to order the followinP work to be done and improvement to be made in said City to tit: The San Jooe Avenue, from the center line of High Street to the center line of lost Street, be improved. as follows: That a, six-inch, -Vitrified, iron- stone sewer, with 4-inch Y-branches and 4-inch house connections, be constructed along the center line of San Jooe Avenue, in a riht line from the exist in manhole in the crossing of Street with Stri Jose Avenue to the existing manhole in the crossinF of l'ost Street with San jose Avenue. That the entire width of said San Jose Avenue, from the 'aeterly line of High 3treet to the bcsterly line of 'fest Street, be raded to the official grade; that con- crete curbing, eight inches by fourteen inches in cross-section dimension, be con- structed alon the curb lines of saidstreet, between said last named limits; that con- crete gutters, of the "flat" pattern, three (5) foot in width and six (6) inches in thickness,be constructed along the roadway side of end contieTuous to 1.-MAd curbing; that the remaininr±: portion of the roadway, between said limits, be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock, eight inches in thickness; and by oiling the macadam of said roadway. All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore adopted for doinp; said work and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. Dcember 1st, 1914. Times tar and Alameda Daily :a-gus, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said City and hereby designated for that purrose by the said Council. The Street superintendent shall, immediately, cause to be conspicuously post- ed alone the line of said contemplated work and improvement and in front of all the properby liable to be assessed, notices of the passage of this Resolution of InLention, in the manner and form required by law. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legis- lature of the State of California, designated the "Improvement Act of 1911" approved April 7, 1911. Mr. Bartlett seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed and adorted by the followLng vote:- lyes:Copncilmen Bartlett, Bullock, MacRae Lorgenstern, Morris, Probst and Roth, (7). Noes:rone. Absent:Councilmen Hammond and Stewart, 0 20 *7 Mr. YiacRae offered a Resolution of Intention to widen Encinal Avenue between Broadway and I,T,ound Street. A discussion arose as to whether there was a statement on record that the Southern Pacific Company would contribute 8,000 towards said widening. A letter was produced in which it was stated that if a promise to that effect had been made the money would be paid. As this is not deem- ed sufficient, the Clerk was instructed to consult with the City Attorney as to a form of letter to be sent to the Southern Pacific Company which would confirm the letter mentioned. On motion of Bartlett, seconded - lir. Lorgenstern and duly carried, the Resolutioh was laid over for two weehs. V A Bill for Ordinance No. New Series reeuirinie the names of bottlers of milk to eear upon the cover or cap thereof, and ,)roviding for a penalty for the violation of the provisions therc,of, 23 came up for pass . The Oity :ettorney called attention to the fact that Section 5, 5 and 7 of the bill were already a part of the lianicipel Code. Lir. Bartlett moved that the sections mentioned be stricken out and that Section 8 be known as Section 5 and that Section 9 be stricken out, seconded by lir. ;iergenstern and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, aoRae, 1:orenstern, Lorris, Probst and Roth, (7). Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen Hammond and Stewart, (2) Mr. Ordinance Mr. the Clerk sentative ar. 2robst moved, seconded by ifr. Roth and carried that the lay over for another two weeks. I.lorenstern moved, seconded. by 1:[r. Probst and carried that be instructed to ash the Board of Health to have repre- present at the next meeting to explain the proposed ordinance. Probst called attention to the fact that the static)? at ]fernside Boulevard facing east, exposed paesen2ers to the wind and rain and also, that waiti-ng rooms were needed [It the Third and Fifth Street stations on Lincoln Lvonue, and roved, seconded by -Er, lArgenstern December 1st, 1914. Company on the same. 24 " lir. Probst also called attention to the fact that the horse-,hoe train to OaklandePier sometimes carried cofflris containing dead bodies which were exposed to public gaze and moved, seconded by Mr. Uorgenstern and carried that the Clerk communicate with the Southern Pacific Company and ask that baggage cars be used for said purpose. Mr. Probst further called attention to the Oakland dredger's work and stateci that mud and water was washing upon the property of A. G-hg1ione on Pacific Avenue. He moved that the Clerk request the Commissioner of ?ublic "Arks of Oakland to take such necessary steps to protect the Prol?erty in question, seeonded by Mr. Bartlett and carried. 26 .11/ Mr. Morgenstern statecl. that the single cars as run by the Southern Pacific Company during certain times of the day, were opened at one end tnly to take on and discharge -passeners, and moved that the Company be requested to open both ends, seconded by Mr. Bartlett and carried. Er. Morgenstern as Chairman of the Finance Committee reported on the matter of the purchase of the Porter School Lot. It was thought that the price specified in the option was excessive. The matter was referred back te the Finance Committee to ascertain from competent authority what the real valuation of the lot is. 20 P/ Hr. Bartlett cafled attention to the Bond election for the raising of .:200,000 for harbor improvements and moved that the City Attorney communicate with tlie Attorney General to ascertain just where the money can be spent to fulfill the requirements of the grant, seconded by Er. Roth and carried. 29 L.,/ Mr. Bartlett moved that the City Attorney be requested to submit an opinion as to the legal requirements necessary for the clos- ing of Harrison Avenue, the Council having gone on record favoring the same, seconded by Er. 11 rgenstern and carried. 30 Er. lorgenstern called attention to the 1ric1es across the Estuary an moved that the City Clerk communicate with the County officials as to what was being done and report back to the Council at its next, meeting, seconded y Mr. Bartlett and carried. 31 City Engineer Sutton called attention to the matter of-the im- provement of the crossings on Park and ';Ieb ter Streets and asked if it was the intention of the Cit- bear the cost of said imProvement. Er. Bartlett moved that inasmuch as these streets were used py the general public in going to and coming from Oakland, that the City bear the entire cost, seconded by Probst and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, 11a R [Jorgenstern, Morris Probst and Roth, (7). Hoes :Tone. Absent:Councilmen Hammond and Stewart, (2). There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet Tuesday evening, December 15th, 1914, at 7:30 o'clock.