1914-12-22 Regular CC Minutes.P.,DJOURNED RL:Gnzp, LEETI:Cr OF THE COUECIL OF THE CITI O TU:SMY, -DC=ER 22, 1914. ietiic convened with Llayor Frank Otis •eresiding. The Roll was called and Councilmen Bartlett, Hammond, IdacEae, riorgenstern, Eorris, Probst and Eoth, (7) were notecl present. quorum eresent. Councilman Bullock arrived later and was noted present. Ab ent:CounciIman Stewart. An Affidavit was presented showing due publication of Notice of Sale of Franchise to contruct and maintain a tele.ehone system. Ordered filed. In response to said notice the Clerk stated that he was in receipt o± one bid. On motion of :forgenstern, seconded by Lr. 1:acEae and duly carried the Clerk Was instructed to open the bid. Thereupon the bid was opened and read as 'Follows:- 2 From The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company bidding the SUM of 400.00 for said franchise and enclosing therewith a certified check for said sum. Tho Clerk then read the 'Eotice of Sale of Franchise to Construct and Y.aintain and Tele;)hone aftr which Layer Otis asked if there was any one eresent who de 'red to bid on said franchise. There being no other bids Bartlett introduced tho following Resolution and moved its adotion: 3 RESOLUTION AcC: iic BID OP TIE] PACIFIC TEL. TEI. CO=Y. V:=EAS, pursuant to the application of The ''acific Telephone and Telegraph Com7eany,a corporation, filed with-this Council on Yovember 16th, 1914, the Council has given and published in the manner required by law, due notice that it is proposed by this Council to offer for sale and grant to the hiFhest bidder a certain franchise, upon the terms and conditions set forth in said Lvoplication, to erect, construct, place, maintain and operate in the City of Alameda, State of California, and in, over and under the streets, alleys, avenues, thoroughfares, and pulic highways thoreof, wires, cables,and other conductors and the necessary equipment and aypurtenances in con- nection therewith for the transmission of intelliegence by electricity; and 'CiHER22:3, -eursuant to said notice one sealed bid in writing ha been received at the office of this Council up to the hour of 730 o'clock E. M. en this 22nd day of December, 1914, the hour and date for opening such 'bids named in said notice; and =REAS, said sealed bid now being opened, it c-epeers that the same is submitted. by The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, a cororation, and is for the 'payment of the sum of one hundred (100) Dollars in 0-old Coin of the United :3tates, and is accompanied bzi a certified check payable to the City Treasurer of the City of Alameda for the full amount of said bid; and ViT7I=LAS, the said The 2acific Toleehone and Telegraph Company has deposited with said City, in the manner required by law, the whole amount of its said bid; and :JHEREAS, this Council, after opening said bid, has invited additional bids, and no further bid whatever for said franchise havin been submitted or received; Now therefore, be it EZ30LVED, that such the bid of said The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, a corporation,be and the same is hereby,accepted, anC, that the said franchise be, and the same is hereby, struck c) sold and awarded by this Council to the said The :Lacific Telephone and Telegraph Company upon the terms set forth in said ayelication and in the SPA r7 n h1P i n-P cln i r1 flcm-r'viir -i-fassed an adopted by bhe followin vote:- :Councilmen Bartlett, 73ullock, Hammond, ziacI:ae 1:::orenstern and 2robst, (6) . iloes:Councilmen Llorris and 1:oth, (2) . .asent;00uncilman. '6tewart Lr. J. representing The Pacific Te1eone and Telegraph Company then :)resented a Tond executed by the United .3tates I'idelity and Guaranty Company in the sum of 25 ,000. Thereupon 7.."_r. HaLlmond intro:uced the followin7 Llesolution and moved its ffiol)tion: .T2,201,tP2I0IT LC0:.;:-J2Ta= '2.7JE '30= or THE :EC T LITD 0.1.131,:71. 7=113, 1,7ersuant to the al) lication o Tie :Pacific lelele.hone and ele'craph Company t.erefor, and to the notice by this Council duly 7iven and -17,1i2hed that it was T.coposed by this Council to offer for sale and grant to the hihest bieider, u-Ron the terms and con- ditions set forth in said a.lication, certain franchise to erect, construct, place, miintain and oerate in the City of Alaeda, of California, and in, over and under the str(ots, :alloys, avenues, thoroughfres, and .oullic highways thereof, wires, cables, anci. othor conductors and the necessary e- qui-cuent and eepurtenances in connection therewith for the transmission of intellience by electricity,- the said franchise has boon this day struch- off, sold and award.ed to said The -Pacific Telel)hone and Teler7raph Comany for the sum naikled 111 its sealed bid in writi-n,c! in that behc,,if submitted bo this Council; and ':=REA3, pursuant to the te= of the said. notice, The 2acific Telebhene and Telegraph Cowany has filed with this Council a bond runnin to the City of Alameda in the enal sum of Twentfive Thousa,:A Dollars rith the United _3tates c'.-AC 'Guaranty Company, a corortion oranized and existing under the laws of the L;tate of Liaryland as surety, which sa Id. bond ia upon the conditions recraired 'v. law and the ter_is of said, notice; and the seeid surety is by this Council deemed good and sufficient; Uow therefore, be it 1.'10BV1), that tho said 1)ond be, and the same is hereby avproved and acceted. Lr, 2.oyensteTn ,;ec,,n,‘Te the .:io:;L:n to do-,)t 10Eollltion and it ond pased by the --'ollowtng vote:- __yes:Councilll:Ien .2,rtlett :tallock, Hammond, l0::e7rItern [)26, (6). 1Toes:Counoilmen Lro:ETi "loth, (2). Lbsent:Councilman 3tewart, (1). :artiett then introduced a Bill entitled 'V, Bill for Ordinance i0'• Oeries, C:',:cr':hti to The Y:acific Telephone and. TeleF:raph Compny, a Col-oortion, Its 3ucceaiors and _Ls igns, the Fight to Ere-t Construct, Place, 1:ai-htain an (:)er.::.te in the City c)-: Alamea, 3tte of Ccaifornia, (.2,nd in, over nd llnde-z the :Areets, Avenues, Thorough- :'.1e:thways thereof, 1-ires, Cables, L:n(7 olher Conductors allC the 10C 000317 31l101fl0i1t and. 2,p'eustenance0 in Connection therewith for the Tranaelission of Thitelligence by iilectricity" which was :laid over an(1-f the -:)rovision of the Charter. =:orr,:enstern called the Council atention to the unemployent that exists in the City of meda and in the hope of assisting those who are needy, moved that the City Clerk be antheried to receive alica- tions :Jnj to register all those 7.Tio desire to Jo so, said registrations to be co.,asidere further by the Council, seconded 1y Er. HamionC an ca d.uly carried. CJierc bein9no further business to transact th e Council adjouraed to