1915-04-16 Regular CC Minutes4176 AJOURNED REGULAR METING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, FRIDAY TIEN I7G, APRIL 16TH, 1915.- The meeting convened with Mayor Frank Otis presiding. The roll was called an. Bartlett, Hmmond, EacRae, Morgenstern, iorris, Probst and Stewart, (7) were noted present. Quorum present. Councilman Bullock arrived later and was noted present. Absent: Councilman Roth. The follo'.7ing were received: Bond of W. 0. Jacoby as Clerk of the Police Court. Ordered filed. 2 Report of the Street Superintendent on the completion of the macadamizing of Lincoln Avenue. Ordered filed, Report of the Street Superintendent on the completion of the sewer in Lincoln Avenue. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: 4 From the State Compensation Insurance Fund giving the report of City Expert Jordan of Oakland on the matter of the insurance of Oakland employees. Referred to the Finance Committee and the City 10 Clerk to report back by July lst, 1915. From F. H. Gould, on behalf of Mrs. Helen Fraser, stating that Mrs, Fraser ask 4710.00 for the strip of 1 nd projecting on to Lincoln Avenue on Willow Street. Referred to the Street Committee. From the Police and Fire Commission asking that funds be allow- ed to employ the three additional patrolmen for another thirty days. Referred to the Finance Committee. V/ From the Southern Pacific Company to the City Clerk, stating that it was deemed unnecessary to place a flagman at the corner of Lincoln Avenue and Webster Street. Ordered filed, Mr. Bartlett moved that the report of the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee on the improvement of the City Hall be adopted seconded by Mr. 2robst and carried. Referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Bartlett moved that it be the sense of the Council that the Oklahoma, Panama Expoisivion Tent City be granted a permit, when proper application therefor is made, to place their tent city on the Kearney property along Fernside Boulevard, subject to the a-eproval of the Board of Health, seconded by Hr. Probst and carried. 4/ Hr. Bartlett moved that the recommendation of the City Plennihg Commission giving the change in the position of Atlantic Boulevard be referred to the Street Committee. Hr. Probst inroduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION. DETERMINING THAT THE '11BLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY eel ea. Is 2 April 16th, 1915. WHICH L1I NECESSARY AND CONVENIENT TO CARRY OUT THE OBJECTS, PURPOSES AND POWERS OF SAID MUII CIPALITY, TO WIT:- FIRST,- THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COM- PLETION OF MUNICIPAL WHARVES, DOCKS, PIERS, SLIPS AND QUAYS REQUIRED FOR THE ACCOMODATION' OF COMMERCE, TOGETHER WITH TTTEIR APPURTF,YANT BUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES, AND IN- CLUDING APPROACHES TO SAID WHARVES, DOCKS, PIERS, SLIPS AND QUAYS, AND NECESSARY BULKEADING, DREDGING AND FILLING; and SECOND,- TEE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPIDE -ION OF CER- TAIN NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGS, TOGETHER WITH THE FURNISHING AND EQUIPPING THEREOF, TEE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF ADDITIONS, IMPROVET:ENTS AND AL- TERATIONS OF AND TO EXISTING SCHOOL-BUILDINGS,TO- GETHER WITH THE FURNISHING AND EQUIPPING THEREOF, AND THE ACQUISITION OF LOTS OF LAND ADJACENT TO AND NEAR CERTAIN EXISTING SCHOOL LOTS TO BE USED FOR THE PURPOSES OF SCHOOL-YARDS AND SCHOOL-HOUSE SITES AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING SCHOOL-YARDS AND SCHOOL-HOUSE SITES: AND THIRD,- THE ACQUISITION OP A LOT OF LAND ON CENTRAL AVENUE IN SAID CITY, OPPOS IT E TO THE EXISTING PUBIIC PARK AND PLAYGROUND IN SAID CITY KNOWN AS "WASHINGTON PARK", TO BE USED FOR THE ?URIPOSES OF 'A PARK AND PLAYGROUND An ADDITIONS TO SAID EXISTING PARK AND PLAYGROUND,TOGETHER WITH THE E=OVEMENT AND THE EQUIPIJT:NT THEREOF FOE SUCH USE; THE ACUSITION, CON:- 3TRUC 7ION AND n OMILET ION 0° 'RUTLDFIG IN SA ID "WASHINGTON ARE", TO 55 US ED TO SARE AND rs.icuiu2 ussosss, T OGET ITH TH: FURN IS H I N'G A7D =501'4 T HE “: T.; IS IT I r11 CONSTRUCT ION AN1 ;:10-11:I= IC OP EU.L.:LLJGS IN TH1, 2 V. 2 is I LAYGROUND IN SID C IT Y EN OWN AS "L INC 0 LN TO 35 US LT) 505 -ZARK AY:D 2LAYORO UND Ui:aoSsS,To&Ems.2 3ITff THE FURNIIM 'NG AND Ef;edie:ELNG T AE1= AND THE AC c!,U IS IT ION , CONSTRUCT ION AND C 01;ILET ICN OP A TEM OF LLEC TR IC LIGHT- ING IN EACH OF THI'; PUBL IC PARKS A D PLLYGROUNDS IN SAID CITY, to WIT, IN "MCKINLEY , "WASH ING T OE PARE " , and "JACKSON IFLaIlc", T 0 GET:aR. W IT H T IIE EQ,U I2MENT T HEREOF AND THE ARPURTE2JANOES THERETO : - AND EST IMAT I NG THE C 0 :2/2 THEREOF , AND D]T5SSINING TEAT 32111 C 0 ST THEREOF 7:I'LL BE 3200 GREAT 320 35 2 ID OUT OF THE ORDINARY ANNUAL 1120 0155 AND REVENUE OF SAID CITY, AND, IN ADDITION 320 THE 032152?. EXPENDITURES OF SAID CITY, WILL RXCEED THE INC OME AND REVENUE PROVIDED FOR IN ANY ONE YEAR, OR IN THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS, The City of Alameda is a municipal corporation duly incorporated and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California; and 'NHEREAS , the Council of said City is the legislative branch of said City, and the Mayor of said City is the Executive of said City and municipality; It is now by said Council, after full examination and consideration, hereby RESOLVED Section 1. That the Council of the City of Alar,loda hereby determines that the public interest and necesci.ty of said City of Alameda demand the acquisition, con- struction and completion by the City of Alameda of certain permanent municipal improvements in said City which are necessary and convenient to carry out the objects, purposes and powers of said municipality, and which are namely:- The acquisition, construction and completion on Oakland Harbor and the Estuary of San Antonio, on the Northerly waterfront of the City of Alameda, of municipal wharves, docks, piers, slips and quays required for the accommo- dation of commerce, together with their appurtenant buildings, equipment and appliances, and including approaches to said wharves, docks, piers, slips and quays, and necessary bulkheading, dredging and filling, the same to be acquired, constructed and completed on Tract 28, and Tract 9, and on tidelands and submerged lands adjacent thereto, as said Tracts are delineated and so designated on that certain map entitled, "Map of Alameda Marsha Lnad, as partitioned among the owner thereof in the suit numbered 8923 and entitled, Pacific Tmro,.nypmpril Onm/1,01117 P1 n 1 M 1 Ff VR. JPMRR A_ WnTanirs! April 16th, 1915. Recorder of Alameda County on July 30th, 1900, Book 25 of Maps, qt pages 75, 77 and 79. The cost of all said improvements is hereby estimat- ed to be the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, Section 2. That the Council o the City of Alamo e, hereby further determines that the public interest and necessity of said City of Alameda demand the acquisition, construction and completion by the City of Alameda of certain other permanent municipal im- provements and property in said City which are neces and convenient to carry out the objects, purposes and powers of said municipality, and which are namely:- (a) The acquisition of a lot of land adjacent to the existing school-lot of the Porter School in the City of Alameda, for the purposes of a school-yard and school-house site and additions to the existing school-yard and school-house site of said school,and the construction and completion, either wholly there- on. or partly on said existing school-lot of said Porter School, of a new school-building for use as an elementary school in the place and stead of the existing school-building of said Porter School,to- gether with the furnishing and, equipping of such new building. (b) The acquisition of a lot of land adjacent to or near the existing school-lot of the Lincoln School in the City of Alameda for the purposes of a school- yard and school-house site and additions to the ex- isting school-yard and school-house site of said school, and to construction and completion thereon of a new school-building for use as an additional school-unit constituting a part of said Lincoln School, together with the furnishing and equipping of such new building. (c) The construction and completion on the exist- ing school-lot of the Washington School in the City of Alameda of additions to the existing school-build- ing of said Washington School,together with the furnish- ing and equipping thereof. (d) The acquisition of a lot of land adjacent to the existing school-lot of the Longfellow School in the City ofAlameda for the purposes of a school-yard and school-house site of said sohool, (e) The construction and completion on the existing school-lot of the Everett School in the City of Alameda of a new school-building for use as an additional school- unit constituting a part of said Everett School,together with the furnishing and equipping thereof, and the con- struction and completion of improvements of and to the existing school-building of said Everett School and of and to its appurtenances and equipment. (f) The construction and completion of the work of re-,odeling, re-arranging, re-equipping and re-furnish- ing the existing school-building of the Porter School in the City of Alameda in such manner as will render it suitable for the vocational work of the Alameda High School. (g) The acquisition of a lot of land adjacent to the existing school-lot of the Alameda High School in the City of Alameda for the gurposes of a school-yard and school-house site and additions to the existing school yard and school-house site of said school. e cost of all said improvements and hereby estimated to be the sum of Thre and Dollars. roperty is Hundred Thous Section 3. Tbat the Council of the City of Alameda hereby further determines that the public interest and necessity of said City of Alameda demand the acquisi- tion, construction and completion by the City of Alameda of certain other permanent municipal improve- ments and property in said City which are necessary and convenient to carry out the objects, purposes and powers of said municipality, and which are namely:- rihe acquisition of a lot of land on Central Avenue in said City, opposite to the existing public park and playground, in said City known as "Washington Park", to be used for the purposes of a park and play- ground and additions to said existing park and playground, tozpthAr with the imnrnvompr& onni-nmol* +1,nrnn-P 4 April 16th, 1915. used for park and playground purposes, together with the furnishing and equipping thereof; the acquisition construction and completion of new buildings in the public park and playground in said. City known as "Lincoln Park", to be used for park and playground purposes, together with the furnishing and equipping thereof; and the aequisition, construction and com- pletion of a system of electric lighting in each of the public parks and playgrounds in said City, to wit in "McKinley Park", "Washington Park", "Lincoln Park", and "Jackson Park", together with the equipment there- of and the appurtenances thereto. The cost of all said improvements and property is hereby estimated to be the sum of Thirty-five Thousand. Dollars, Section 4. That the Council of the City of Alameda hereby further determines that the cost of the here- inbefore mentioned permanent munieinal improvements, and of each of them. will be and is too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said City, and that the cost thereof, and of each of them, will require an expenditure greater than the amount allowed or which may be obtained by the ordinary annual tax len of said City, and that the cost there- of, and of each of them, in addition to the other ex- penditures of said City, will exceed the income and revenue provided for in any one year, or in the current fiscal year. Section 5. That the Council of the City of Alameda hereby further determines that said Council will, for the public interest and necessity, and in accordance with the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled, An Act Atthorizing the Incurring of Indebtedness by Cities, Towns or Municipal Corporations of Municipal Improvements, and Regulating the Acquisition, Construction or Completion thereof", (which Act became a law under constitutional provision, without the Governor's approval, on the 25th day of February, 1901), and of Acts amendatory thereof, (in accordance with which Act and amendatory Acts of the Legislature this resolution is adopted), at a sub- sequent meeting of said Council of the City of Alameda, by ordinance, call a special election and submit to the qualified voters of said City, the ProPosition of incurring a bonded indebtedness for each of the three purposes to be therein set forth as in this resolution state, respectively, in Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3 hereof. Section 5. That this resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately. Mr. Bartlett seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was iassed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bar let, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, krobst and Stewart, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Roth, (1). 12 « Mr, Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLUTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATM= TO PRE2ARE NECESeARY eAPERS FOR CALLING AND HOLDING THE BOND ELECTION. RESOLVED, that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby directed to prepare and e'resent to this Council such Resolutions and ordinances as may be necessary to con- tinue and carry out the bond issue proceedings this day commenced by resolution of this Council; and that he prepare and present to this Council from time to time such notices, resolutions and ordinances as may be necessary for the calling and holding of the election therefor, and issuance and sale of such bonds as may be authorized, Bartlett seconded the motion to adopted the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, Hammond, Mac, e, Eorgenstern, morris, Probst and Stewart, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Roth, (1). 13 Mr. Bullock moved that the matter of voting e500,000 bonds for