1915-04-20 Regular CC Minutes4176 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF ALAI:1'E TUESDAY EVENT70-, A2RIL 20T11, 1915, I t meeting convened with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Heuer Morris, Stewart, V:t1lker, 7ilkons and 3ullock, (6) were not present. ,lproum present. Councilmen Hammond and 2robst, arrived later and were noted ;resent . Absent :Councilman Roth, (1). Claims aainst the qeneral Fund amolintin9; to ::2495.34 and against the Street Fund amounting to ,193.70 havin been approved and audited ID the proDer officials were road by the Clerk as GE17-1=1 Fun. Dahl-Thoms Awning Tent Co. Rent of tents Municipal Electric Lig.ht Plant Public Lihtinp: Chapman, E.N. J12:a3 Freeman, J. L. 63.25 2432.09 Total - - 12495.34 STR= FUND. Assistinp: City Enc:7inecr fl T7 TT 22.00 41.70 Total -- 93.70 Mr. Stert moved that the claims as read be paid, secoded by Mr. Morris and carric0, the following vote:- A*,,es:Councilmen Heuer, Morris, Stewart, '.caker, Viilkens and Bullock, (6). Noes: JAone, Lbsent:Coancilmen M)mmold, probst and Roth, (3). The followl,h1- geve received: v, The Oath of Office of Oswald Lbboch as Treasurer and Tax Collector. Ordered filed. 2. The Oath DT Office of 2. Heuer, as Coancilmen from no bixth 4n,rd. Ordered 3. The Oath of UTicc of 2. J. 2robst, as Councilman from the Seventh. dard. Ordered filed. 4. Oath of --lice of 2. B. Bullock, as Councilman from the Fourth 4a1.6. Ordered filed, The Oath of Office of John H. 1kens, as Councilman from the :cooLid Vfard, Ordered filed. 6 /' The Oath of Office of John H. Walker as Councilman At La Ordered filed. The Oath of O-ffice of F. H. Bartlett as Mayor. Orderd filed. ge, The following communications were received; From Theodore Hardee, requesting what plans had been made by the City for the celebration of Alameda Day at the Exposition on June 3rd. Ur. Stewart moved, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried that the Mayor appoint a Committee of three to take charge of the plans on that day. Mayor Bartlett thereupon appointed Councilmen nriA April 20th, 1915. o±'fice, subject to the Councilts approval. Hr. Walker moved that the appointment be confirmed, seconded by Mr.. Morris and carried. 10. // From the City Clerk, stating that the appointment of W. S. MacLean as a member of the Board. of Health, W. G. Taylor as member of the Board of Library Trustees and Street Superintendent. V. M. Frodden expired on the 22nd day of April. Ordered filed. 11. From the Alameda Women's Improvement Club asking the Council to improve Sixth Street, between Lincoln Avenue and Pacific Avenue. Referred to the Street Committee. 12. 1./ From Lieut. Col. Thos. H. Rees, stating that the public hearing which was to be held on the proposed change in harbor lines has been indefinitely postponed. Ordered filed. 13. From D. J. McQuarrie, requesting a gratuitous license to peddle junk, Jodn Condon, requesting a gratuiteuse license to peddle -fruit and vegetables and Mrs. Harriet Louis requesting a gratuitous license to buy and sell junk. Each w endorsed by John Conrad, Chief of Police. MT. Halmilond moved that the licenses be granted, seconded by Mr. Walker and ca ied by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Hammond, Hauer Morris, Probst, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Roth, (1). 14. From Frank Jacobs, com1aining against the paying of 10.00 license to conduct a cleaning and dyeing establishment. Referred to the License Committee. 15. I/ Mr. Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its adopt ion: RESOLUTION APPOINTING HAZEL B. DUDGEON,' COUNCIL STENOGRAPHER. RESOLVED, That Hazel B. Dudgeon be appoint Council Stenographer at a salry of 00,00 per month, the appointment to become effective immediately upon the approval of this Resolution by the Mayor. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Reaolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Roth, (1). 16. V The Bond and Contract of A. T. Spence for the construction of the Municipal Garage having been approved by the City,Attorney were ordered filed. Mr. Probst moved that the Clerk return the certified check to Mr. Snence, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. 17. -// City Attorney Poorman presented a copy of a Resolution wherein it was agreed by creditors of Wm. R. Geary to assent of dismissal of certain bankruptcy proceedings. He further stated that in was necessary for some action to be taken by the Council to protect the City of Alameda, for the reason that there was due to the City about 100.00 for electric work done during the construction of the Alameda 14'n TreN*.v, 1T.o. such action in the matter as he may dean necessary. 18. The Bill for Ordinance No. April 20th, 1915. New Series entitled, A BILL OR ORDINANCE NO, NEW SERIES. EST;TBL ISH T NG THE OFF IC IAL CURB GRADE ON P ILLIWRE STREET IN THE C ITY OF ALAMEDA PROM TEE WESTEELY LINE OF MOUND STREET TO A LINE CROSSING SAID FILLMORE STREET AND PARALLEL WITH SAID WESTERLY LINE OF MOUND STREET, AND DISTANT 209.08 FEET WESTERLy THEREFROM; came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Hammond moved that the Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Probst and carried by the follow- ing vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Stewart, 7;alker, Wilkens and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Roth, (1). 19. Ak Bill. for Ordinance No. 40, New Series, entitled. A BILL FOR ORDINANCE NO. 40, NEW SERIES. CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE 0 ITY OF ALAMEDA , COUNTY OF 2, LA1,1EDA STATE OF CALIFORNIA7 FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO TEE QUALIFIED VO TERS OP SA ID CITY 1,1ER CERTAIN PROPOSITIONS FOR INCURRING A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AMOUNTING IN THE AGGREGATE TO FIVE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR THE AC QUIS IT I ON AND COMPLETION BY THE C ITY OF ALAMEDA OF CERTAIN PERMANENT MUN IC 'PAL IMPROVEMENT 5 IN SA ID C ITY WHICH ARE NECESSARY AND CONVENIENT TO CARRY OUT THE OBJECTS, PURPOSES AN]) POWERS OF SAID MUNICI PAL ITY . TO W FIRST, - A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COTELETION OF MUNICIPAL WHARVES, DOORS, PIERS, SLIPS AND QUAYS REQUIRED FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF COMMERCE, TOGETHER 'N'ITH THEIR APPURTENANT :BUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT AND AP PL IANC ES ; AND INCLUDING APPROACHES TO SAID WHARVES, DOORS, PIERS, S1 IPS AND QUAYS, AND NECESSARY BULKHEAD ING , DREDGING AND FIL- ING1 AND SECOND, - A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN THE SUM OF THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF CERTAIN NEV SCHOOL 2, UILDINGS,TOGETHER WITH THE FURNISHING AND EQUIPPING THEREOF, THE CON- STRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF ADDITIONS, immovELENTS AND ALTERATIONS OF AND TO EXISTING SCHOOL-BUTLDINGS TOGETHER if'ITH THE FURNISHING AND EQUIPPING THEREOF, An THE ACQUISITION OF LOTS OF LAND ADJACENT TO AND NEAR CERTAIN EXISTING SCHOOL-LOTS TO BE USED FOR THE PURPOSES OF SCHOOL-YARDS An 8 CUOOL-HOUSE SITES AND ADDIT IONS TO EXISTING SCHOOL-YARDS AND SCHOOL- JOUSE SITES;. AND THIRD, - THE ACQUISITION OF A LOT OP LAND ON CENTRAL AVETUE IN SAID CITY, OPPOSITE TO THE EXISTING PUBLIC PARK AND PLAYGROUND IN LAID CITY A. AS "WASHING- TON PARK", TO BE USED FOR THE PURPOSES OF A PARK AND PLAYGROUND AND ADDITIONS TO SAID EXISTING PARK AND PLAYGROUND, TOGETHER WITH THE DE?ROVEMENT AND THE EQUIPMENT THEREOF FOR SUCH USE; TEE ACQU IS IT ION, C ON- STRUC T ION An COMPLETION OF NEW BUILDINGS IN SAID " "WASHINGTON PARK", TO BE USED FOR PARR AND PLAYGROUND PURPOSES, TOGETHER WITH THE FURNISHING AND EQUIPPING THER,E0E-; THE ACQUISITION, COQ AND COMPLETION OF NEW BUILDINGS IN THE PUBLIC PARK AND PLAYGROUND IN SAID CITY KNOWN AS "LINCOLN PARK", TO BE USED FOR PARK AND PLAYGROUND .PURPOSES, TOGETHER WITH TEE FUR- NISHING AND EQUIPPING THETREOr; AND THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC LIGHTING IN EACH OF THE PUBLIC PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS IN SAID CITY, TO WIT, IN "MeRINLEY PARK", "WASHINGTON PARR", "LINCOLN PARR", and "JACKSON PARR", TOGETHER WITH THE EQUIPMENT THEREOF AND THE AP VUTITELTANC ES THERE.* TO:- Korn 20th, 1915. INDEBTEDNESS TO BE INCURRED THEREFOR, AND THE RATE OF INTEREST TO BE PAID TITER7ON DECLARING AND DETERMINING THT THE COST OF SAID PROPOSED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT S AND OF EACH OF THEM WILL BE AND IS TOO GREAT TO BE PAID OUT OF THE ORDINARY ANNUAL INCOME AND REVENUE OF SAID HUNICI2ALITY, AND WILL, IN ADDITION TO THE 0TH EXPEN DI TURES OF SAID CITY OF ALAMEDA, EXCEED THE INCOME AND REVENUE PROVIDED FOR IN ANY ONE YEAR OR IN THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR; AND FICING TUESDAY, THE 11TH DAY OF MAY, A.D. 1915, AS THE DATE UPON WHICH SAID ELECTION SHALL BE HELD, THE MANNER OF HOLDING SUCH ELECTION AND THE VOTING FOR OR AGAINST INCURR ING SUCH INDEBTEDNESS, ESTABLISHING ELECTION PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES FOR SUCH ELECTION, AND APPOINTING BOARDS OF ELECTION THEREFOR AND PROCLAIMING AND GIVING NOTICE OF SAID ELECTION, which was laid over under a provision of the Charter. Mr. Hammond moved that when the Council adjourn, it adjourn to meet in adjourned regular session, Tuesday evening, April 27th, 1915, seconded by Hr. Walker and carried by the following votes:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuor, Morris, Probst, Stewar Walker, Wilkens and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Roth, (1). 20. '/ Mr. Hammond called attention to the need for the improvement of Crist Street, and moved, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried, that the natter be referred to the Street Committee. Mr. Hammond moved that the City Attorney prepare the necessary papers to condemn the piece of property projecting on to Lincoln Avenue at the corner of Willow Street, seconded by Mr. Stewart and cz).rried. 22. Mr. Hammond moved that the City Attorney prepare the necessary papers for the condemnation of the piece of property projecting on to Santa Clara Avenue at the corner of Webster Street, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried. r,5. v/ Mr. Wilkens called attention to the fact that the Pacific Telephone and Telegraoh Company desired to extend its service to Bay Farm Island, but that it could not do so until the Electric Light Commission had placed their poles. On motion of Mr. Probst, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried the matter was referred to the Public Utili- ties Committee, to take up with the Board of Electricity. / Hr. Hammond called attention to the need of improving the easterly ends of Briggs and Central Avenues and was advised by the City. Attorney that Mr. Kearney would improve Briggs AVenue in the near future. Mr. Hammond then moved, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried, that the City Attorney and City Engineer draw up the necessary Resolution of Intention to improve the easterly end of Central Avenue. Mr. Hammond moved, seconded by Ur. Probst and carried that a recess of fifteen minutes be taken. Upon reconvening Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Uorris, Probst and Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and Bullock, (8). were noted present. 4176 Apri 2Oth, 1915. A BILL FOR ORD INATJC E NO . NEV SERIES. PRESCRIBING THE ITA7NE7 IN .:HICH ANY PERSON, FIRM COMi2ANY OR CORPORATION OWNING AND OPERATING ANY STEAM, ELECTRIC OR STREET RAILWAY WITHIN THE CITY OF ALALIEDL SHALT, PAVE THOSE PORTIONS OF STREETS WHICH THEY ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO PAVE AND IMEP IN REPAIR, AND PROVIDI7G A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF PROVISIONS THEREOF, came up for pas age. Mr. Hammond moved, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried that the Ordinance be laid on the table and that the Street Committee take it up with the San Francisco, Oakland Terminal Railways and discuss same. 26 V Mr. Hammond moved that the sum of 100.00 be placed at the disposal of the Recreation Commission to defray May Day expenses, seconded by Er. Walker and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Hammond, Heuer Morris, Prob st , Stewart, Wa lker , Wilkens and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Roth, (1). 27 Ex*. Probst called attention to the regulation of jitney buses and moved, seconded by Hr. Walker and carried that the matter be taken up by the Public Utilities Committee. There being no farther business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in adjourned regular session, Tuesday evening, April 27th, 1915, Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.