1915-05-18 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUESDAY EVENING, HAY 18TH, 1915. The meeting convened with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding. The Roll was called and C:)unciLmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris Roth, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, ) , were not ed present, Councilmen Probst,and Stewart (2) arrived later and were noted nresent. The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Claims against the General Eund amounting to 07470.46; against the Police Fund anounting to 0135.96; against the Fire Fund, amount- ing to 0670.51; against the Street Fund amounting to 0200.91 and against Local Improvement Fund No. 20, New Series, amounting to 139.95 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows: GENERAL FUND. Expense for suit Election officer Alameda County Ames, Joseh H. Anderson., Josephine Ascher, Augusta Barton, P. W. Beanston, Zora Behre, E. J. Bennett, Sarah Bolte, H. F. Bond, G. R. Borle, C. Bowen, Francis B. Bradford, J. T. Brewer, H. 6. Brown, Laura E. Bullock, 0. M. Bussenius, Carter, habel Clark, H. D. Clinton, Annie Dahl,Thoms Awning Co. Dillon, V. P. Dowde, J. W. Fr=rrar, Jennie H. :lartha E. Fletner, Mary 7urey, H. P. Garat, J. B. Gaskill, H. L. Glover, Harry Goodfellow,Eelsocre Guerin, Eli= Gutte, I. J. Hammo, rn. R. TV TV If Hairis, ddwina Hartley, B. H. Henry, H. 3. Higby, Hislop, Hazel M. Hoeck, Jacob Ho San , Geo . Howe, ,,m. R. Inter-City Exress C o . Jame s , Kallock, M. :Kearney, R. W. KillaA, C. L. TT Jeanette :Kober, T. 11. I,._rager, L. Leonard, Emma H. Levy, Locke, True Lovejoy, J. H. L,Tons. Trarinis TV IT TT TT It TT TT If TT TV' TT It Rent of portable houses Election officer TV it Election furniture TV Officer Election Officer TV Tr TV TV TV Rent of tents Election Officer Election Officer TV TV TV TV TV TV Use of auto Election Officer 0rrick,ixanination of bond proceedings Election Officer TV TV Assisting City Clerk E..ection Officer IT IT TV 17 IT TV TV TV It Tr Tr It IT It TT Subscriction Election Officer If IT TV IT TV TV IT TV It If TT TV TV TV Tr TT TV It It TT TV 211.19 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 14.25 5.00 5.00 52.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 57.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 5.00 203,00 5.00 5.00 26.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 7'.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 nn' Martin, A. L. Mattson, Carl O. Mazzini, J. McConnel, Rushton McElwee, Mrs. J. L. i.-31,1ennanmqin, Mehrtens, 'W. G. Meyers, L. Titcholl, R. M. M.cc,t, Emma Mrs. :nsie Muhlhauson, I'red Mulvaney, TV J. • J. lectric -1Jt TV TV Hi.(1:.Irrson, Tillie Yie?son, Henry Cr, 7orton, :2ohert S. Ohme, :Ella 3. Orr, Coo. W. Pacific Tel. Parr, R. Perrino, P. Powell, Chas. Purcell, P . Reme:1, Clarr, A. Rew, J. W. T.Liddell, Riehl, Robertson, j. Rocbko, Alex Rogers, W. A. Rocenborg, 1. J. Sanford, Mrs. Mary E. Schaefer., Louise Schmidt, Henry C. 6,.-.;hnoie. Henry Scot, Cla-oa chulan, P. A. Scully, T. A. TV E. Sh..r1r, Jacob H. Sichel, Smith, Alice C. Sousa, A. T. ,once, A. T. TV TV u Stacicelr, O. J. Steinmetz, Theo. Strontherg, F. J. Thomas, L. B. Times-Star TV u TV TV TV TV TT TV IT Traube, L. Underhill, W. A. Vinzent, 1,ra. _jam Wagner, O. 2. Ward, L. T. :iastell, H. A. Whalley, Eraost H. :Whalley, Gertrude Whearty, Mrs. 7.1111s, R. 6. ils3n, M, ry 2. Winkler, J. R. -intcrs, Mary F. Haul in i3ooths Election' officer Tr IT TT Tr TT TT TV TV Rent of Polling place Electien Officer TV TV Plant TY Alamodr Vulcanizing 'Works Associated Oil Co. IT TV IT Bell's Garage Magagnos, C. P. Lee, Cuyler Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. TV TV TT TV IT Pope-1D rtford Auto A:';ency Flumner & Son, Geo. E. Schneider, Henry Smith, ]rank Soules, E. C. Times-Star Co. TT It 2 TT TT TT TV TT C 110Ti;1fl In Election Officer Tr IT It TV TV TI IT IT Rental and oilo Election 0,1:ficer TV TV Tr TT if TV TT Yr. It TV If Tr TV It TT IT TV it IT If IT IT 11 TV TV TV TT TV Stationery Election Officer TV TV IT TV TV IT TT Tr :::xtl'as for Garage Contract Election Officer Rent'of Polling i1aoe Election Officer Advertising TV rinting TV TV Election Officer TV TT TV TV Haulin:z booths Election Officer TV TV TV u TV u Rent of Polling Place Election Officer If TT TV It TV Tr Total POLICE FUND. Auto repairs Gasoline TV Repairs to patrol Photo supplies Auto sii.i)]ies - Telephones TV SuH)lies Lumber Stationery Meals Oil Printing Hay 18th, 1915, 13.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0. 0 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 9177033 15. 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 0 s.00 o.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 .80 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5 .0C 5,0C 5.00 5.00 78.53 2835.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 55.53 1121.65 18.85 32.50 133.00 .50 5.00 5.00 5.00 12.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 7470.48 7.85 10.00 11.50. 8.50. 14.10 24.04 3.25 3.25 1.10 11.08 7.65 13.00 3.50 14,25 on May 18th, 1915. Baird, J. V. Coustier, A. Fischer, C. F. Furey, F. P- Gutta Percha Rubber k; Helmstien, Carl L. King, A. R. Koerber, A. H. W. TV TT 11 11 Lewis Grocery Co. Lomax, R. R. TT TT Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Park Garage Peuoles Water Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Rickerson, All Standard Oil Co. TV TT TT Starrico, C. P, United Eik_p:ineerin Works Chapmm, E. Y. Dahl, J. J. Gay, A. T. and L. S. Sooy Gatto, A. Goldstone, John Park Garage Rhodes-Jaatieson & Co. TV TV T1 11 Stackler, J. J. TV T? TV Chapman, Edwin N. Dahl, J. J. Freeman, J. J. FIRE FUND. Horsehsoeing Repairs 11 and supplies Coal Oil House repairs Supplies Salary HorseshoeinP7 Feed and fuel Feed Supplies Horseshoeing TV Gas Oils and rabairs Water Peed Repairs GAsoline TT Horseshoeing Repairs Total - STREET FUND. AssistinF: City Engineer TT TT TT TIlacksmithing Labor Gasoline Repairs Material IT 31achsmithing 11 5.00 8.85 3.50 5.00 1,40 3.00 15.00 13.50 11,95 20.70 2.85 5.00 7.50 11.61 26.65 305.92 127.00 2,45 13.13 10.50 5.00 65.00 670,51 1.50 1.40 9.25 71.90 22.16 10.90 83.80 75.70 1.00 7.75 Total ' 297.36 FUND N0.20, NEW SERIES. Encinal Avenue widening TV TV TV TT TV Total - TV 43.15 34.40 62.40 139.95 Mr. Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried by the following vote:- Ayes :Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, norris, Roth, Stewart Walker Wilkens and 'resident Bulock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Probst The following were received: Apportionment of Taxes, 1014-1915. Ordered filed. Auditor's :Balance Sheet for the month of April. Ordered filed. Continuation Certificate on the bond of F. 11. Walton. Ordered filed. Affidavit of Publication of Ordinance No. 40, New Series. Ordered filed. Affidavit of Publication of Resolution of Intention roe 23, New Series. Ordered filed. Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Public Work (Widening- Lincoln Avenue at Willow Street). Ordered filed. Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Public Work (Widening of Santa Clara Avenue at Webster Street). Ordered filed. Affidavit of kosting Notice of Irnrovsment, Resolution of Intention Jo. 23, New Series. Orclered filed. 4176 :gay 18th Affidavit of Posting and punishing :Totice of Public '„ork (widening of Lincoln Avenue at Willow Street). Ordered filed. Contract and Bond of Ransome-Crummey Company for the improvement of Webster Street, between Buena Vista Avenue and Atlantic Avenue. Ordered filed. 2. Contracts covering the telephones in use by the City of Alameda. Ordered filed.- 3. Mayor Bertiett then declared. in order the canvassing of the returns of the Special Municipal Election held on May ilth, 1915, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors certain propositions of incurring a bonded indebtedness amounting in the aggregate to 535,000, and directed the Clerk of the Council to produce the returns af said election,and appointed Councilmen Heuer and ,:iilkens to act as; Tellers. The returns of each precinct were thereupon publicly opened and canvassed and upon the completion of such canvass, the following resolution declaring the result of said special election was read and its adoption moved by Councilman Bullock and seconded by Council Jaan Hammond:- RESOLUTION DECV,RMTG THE RESULT OF THE SPECIAL EL'ECTION HELD IN THE CITY OP LIJ=ED ON TUESDAY THE 11TH DAY OP EAY, A. D. 1915. IT IS HE:EBY RESOLTO that in accordance with the provision of Ordinance Ire. 40, New Series, passed by the Council of the City of Alameda on the 27th day of ipri1, D. 1915, and approved by the ee'yor of said City of Alameda on the 28th day of April, A. D. 1915, a special election was coiled in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, for the eurpose of submitt- ing to the qualified voters of said City certain three preeositions (in said Ordinance desiseaated respectively, as "Proposition ::o. One", "Proposi- tion Ilo. Two" and "Proposition No. Three") of in- curring a bonded indebtedness amounting in the aggregate to Pive Hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars for certain eurnoses and objects, to wit:- PROPOSITION NO. ONE. An indebtedness in the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars far the acquisition, construction and com- pletion by the City of Alomeda of certain perma- nent municipal improvements in said City which are necessary and convenient to carry out the objects, purposes and powers of said municipality, and which are namely:- The acquisition, construction and completion OR Onkiand Harbor and the .sstuary of San Antonio, on the northerly waterfront of the City of Aleeeda, of municipal wharves, docks, piers, slips, and ouays, roe-aired for the occommodation of commerce together with their appurtenant buildings, equip- ment and atrpliances, and including 0.1ereaches to said wharves, docks, eiers, slips and quays, and necessary bulkiieadi g,dreclaing and filling, the same to be acquired, constructed and completed on Tract 28 and Tract 9 and on tide-lands and sub- merged lands adjacent thereto, as said Tracts are delineated and so designated on that certain mep entitled, "Map of AlaTeda Marsha Land, as parti- tioned among the owners thereof in the suit numbered 8923 and entitled, Pacific Laprovement Company, plaintiff, vs. James A. ';Vaymire, et al., Defend- ants, euperior Court of Aleda County, state of California," filed in the Office of the County Recorder of Alameda County on July 30th 1900, in 40 Ltay PROPOS' ITION 110. O. .An indebtedness in the sum of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars for the acquisition, construe tion and completion by the City of Alameda of eLrtain other per 'Ian entrntur. o tOai improvernent s and .property in said City i.thich are necessary and c onveni ant to cox ry out the objocts, oar- poses and -.)avers of said munici-oality, and which f.ap e nam ely : (a) The acquisition of a lot of land adjacent to the existing school lot of the Porter School in the City of Alameda, for the ourposes of a school-yard and school-house site, a:nd the con- struction and completion, either wholly thereon or -oartly thereon and partly on said existing school lot of said Porter School, of a new school-building for use as an elementary school in the place and stead of the existing school- building of said Porter School, together with the furnishing and eoutoping of such new build- ing. (b ) The acquisition of a lot, of land adjacent to or near the existing school-lot of the Lincoln School in the City of Alameda, for the ourposes of a school-yard. and school-house site and ad- ditions to the existing school-yard and school- house site of said school, and the construction and completions 1 tliereon of a new school-building for use as an additional school-unit constitut- ing a -oart of said Lincoln School, together with the furnishing and equipping of such new building ( c ) The consti'uction and comple ti on on the existing school-lot of the Washington School in the City of Alameda of additions to the existing school-building of said ',-"lashington School,toget- her with the furniEh.ing and equipping thereof, ( d), The acquisition of a lot of land adjacent to the existing school lot of the Longfellow School in the City of Alameda, for the purpo ses of a school-yard and school-house site and ad.di- tions to the existing school-yard and school- house site of said. school. ( e ) The construction and completion on the existing school-lot of the Everett School in the City of Alameda of a new school building for use as an additional school unit constitut- ing a part of said 'Everett School, together with the furnishin.g and equipping thereof, and the construe ti on. and c ompl etion of improvements of and to the e cis ting school-building of said Everett School and of and to its anpurtenances and equipment (f) The construction and completion of the work of r e-m o d e ling , r e -qrr ang ing , re -eg_ ui pp ing and re-furnishing the existing school building of the Porter School in the City of Alameda in such manner as will render it suitable for the vocational work of the Alameda Hio.:h School. (g) The acquisition of a lot of land adjacent to the existing school-lot of the Alameda High School in the City of Alameda for the purposes of a school-yard and. school-house site and additions to the existing school-yard and school- house site of said school. PROPOSITION 110. TIMEE. An indebtedness in the sum of thirty-five thous- and dollars for the acquisition, construction and completion by the City of Alameda of certain other permanent municipal improvements and prope- ty in said city which are necessary and convenient to carry out the objects, purposes and powers of said municipality, and which are namely:- The acquisiti 0fl of a lot of land on Central Avenue in said City, ooposite to the existing public park and- playground in said city 'mown as "Washington Park", to be used for the jyurposes of a park and. playground and additions to said existing park and plzi-ground, together with the improveme-nt and the equipment thereof for such use; the acquisition, 4176 playground purposes, together with the furnishing and equipping thereofi the acquisition, construction and completion 6f new buildings in the public park an play,7round in said city known as "Lincoln Park" to be used for park and olayground ourposes, to- ther with the furnishing and eouipping thereof; and the acouisition, construction and completion of a systan of electric lighting in each of the public parksand playgrounds in said city, to wit, in "MCKinley Park", "Washington Park", "Lincoln Park", and "Jackson Park", togetheinwith the equip- ment thereof and the aipurtenances thereto. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thereafter, and within three days after the passage and approval of said Ordinance No. 40, New Series, to wit, on the 29th day of April, A. D. 1915, said ordinance, to- gether with the proper certificate of the City Clerk of the City of Alameda, was published once in the City official newspaper, to wit,"The Evening Times-Star and Alameda Daily Argus", pur- suant to and in conformity with the provisions of Section 14 of Chapter I of Article II of the Charter of tie City of Alameda; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thereafter said ordinance, together with the proper certificate of the City Clerk of the City of Alameda, was published once a day for seven days in the said "The Evening Times-Star and Alameda Daily Argus", a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the City of Alameda at least six days a week, and that said ordinance was published in said newspaper on the following day, to wit: April 20th, May 1st, May 3rd, May 4th, May 5th, May 6th and May 7th, A. D. 1915. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to said Ora- nance No. 40, New Series, a special election was held in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, on Tuesday, the llth day of May, A. D. 1915; that all steps and proceedings required by law and by said. Ordinance to precede such special election have been taken and had strictly in the manner and form and at the time required by law and by said Ordinanc e; that the said three pr000sitions submitted to the qualified voters of the City of Alameda at said special elec- tion, were respectively printed on the ballot pro- vided, issued and used at said special election in the language in and by said Ordinance designated and provided; that said election was in all respects held and carried on as required by law and was in all respects fairly conducted; tat all of the adts of all and singular the officers of the City of Alameda and the election officers appointed for the purpose of holding said special election were in the manner and form required by law, and that the same are hereby confirmed and declared valid; and that all the proceedings heretofore had with reference to the calling and holding of said special election and the incurring of a bonded indebtedness ns specified in said Ordinance No. 40, New Series., be, and the same are, hereby declared valid and confirmed and. ratified by the Council of the City of Alameda; AND BE IT FURTHER RO.ESOLVED that all the returns from all the precincts established by said. Ordinace No. 40, New series, and in all of which polls were. opened on said Tuesday, the llth day of May, A. D. 1915, the day and date of said special election, have been duly returned to the City Clerk of the City of Alameda and to the Council of the City of Alameda; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that at its regular meet- ing next succeeding the date of said special elec- tion, to wit, at its regular meeting held on the 18th day of May, A. D. 1915, the Council of the City of Alameda canvassed the returns of said elec- tion for all of said precincts, publicly at its said regular meeting, and declared the result of said election in the manner and form and at the time as recadred by law and the provisions of said Ordinance No. 40, New Series, and that the result of said special election is now hereby declared Mary leth, 1915. 42 May 18th, 1915. That at said special election held in the City of Alameda on Tuesday, the 11 th day of May, D. 1915, the total number of votes cast by qualified electors of said City of Alameda was and, is 4657 votes . That the propo sitions voted u)on at said speci election by the qualified voters of said. City were as follows, to wit:- The proposition designated in said Ordinance No. 40 iTew Series, and on the ballot provided., issued and used at said sp cc ial election as "PROP08P.HON 7,0. ONE", being a proposition to incur a bonded debt of the City of Al eme:da in the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent ocr annum payable semi-annually, for the acouielti on, eonstruction and c aeel et i can on Oakl eaid Harbor and the Estuary of San Antonio on the northerly waterfront of the City of Alamo d P. o±'anunicipal wharves, docks, Dior 2 , slips and quays reired for the accommo- dation 0±' cornice rc e together \ TIth their amurte- nant buildings, e eu rant and app1ianc e , and Inc lu ding muroaches t o said 7rharve s „ docks , piers , si ips id ui:vs , and nee e s se, ry ulkh ead- lug, e dginF and -2 ill ir4-7 , all as set forth in Ord inauco To. 40, New Series ,. of the City of Al am ed a, The eropositi on de s :aated in said Ord inane e 7o • 40, New Series, and an the be 11 ot provided, issued and used atsaid spe cial election as "PRaPa::; TT ION NO. rnO", bei.ig a proeositi on to incur a b onded debt af tl7se, City of Alame da in the sum of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars , with int ere et ti).(ar eon at )the rete 0±' five per colt per mnum payable semi-annually, for lands, build ings, additions, improvements and equip - ment, for the school .!,:earoosee of said City as follows - The ac qui sit ion of lots of lnnd for school- IDurpo ee s adjacent, leectively, , to the existing Porter school-lot, to the existing Longfellow School .-lot, and to the e xiet ins Alameda High school-lot, and adjacent t o or neer the existing Lincoln school-lot; the co truction and e om- pleteLan of a new school-build ing in the place of the exis tine; or ter :ech- o1-buil djeE of a new scheol-build ing as an ad ditien1 school-unit of the Lincoln School, of e,ditione to the exist- ing fl,shington echo ol-bui Jell of a eiew echool- building as an a:;dit ional school-unit of the Everett .3choo 1 and of imerovoments of and to the ex:L sting Everett school-build LIIg end its appurtenances and equipment; the re-modeling of the existing Porter oc hool-bnildini for use in vocti enel training; and ale, o the furnishing and equip") ing of all such buildings additions and improvements for such school-purposes, in- cluding the refurnishing and re-eouipping of said existing Porter school-building as remodell- ed; all as set forth in Ordinance No. 40 New Series, of the City of Alauieda. Tile erop o siti on designated in said Ord inane e No, 40, ".Lew Series, and on the ballot provided, issued. and used at said special election as "PRO?. 03 IT 'OTT NO THREE', b eing apropos it ion to incur a bonded debt of the City of Alameda in the sum of thirty-five, :thousand dollars , with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent j7er annum payabl e cemi-annually,for the acquisition of a lot of 1d on Central 2'etrenue in said City, opp osite to the exist- ing public park and playgro-und in said City la" own as "Washinfet on 'eark', to be used for the purp oses of a park and T.T. la ye; r o wad and additions to said existing park and play:eround,t ogether with the improveelent and the -equipment thereof for such use ; the acquisition, construct ion and c oniple t ion of new build ings in said "WAshingt on Park", to be used for perk and aygr ound purpose s, t ogether with the furnish- ing and equip') inie thereof; the acquisition, c o S t ruct ion and c ompl et ion of new buildings in the e ubli c park and .elayground in said City 4176 PREOPTCT NUMBER. 1 2 3 4, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Totals 1,ray 18th, 1915. furnishing and e‘jui ()ping thereof; and. the acquisition CO 11.9 trUtet iOn and completion of a system of electric 41. tins in each of the 'pub li e parks and -1-.) la yground s in said C.ity, t o wit, in "Mcaiinley Park", "Washington Park", "Lincoln Park", sIrd. " Jackson Park", together with the equipment thereof and the :a ppurtenance s thereto; all as set forth in Ordinance No. 40, Jew aeries of the City of Alameda, That the Taunter of votes given in the respective pre cincts established by said City of Alameda for said special election and at which polls were opened , for and against each of said 'propositions was and is as follows; PROP OS IT ION NO. ONL1. PROPOS IT ION PR QP0 S IT ION NO. fi'V'0 ThTrEE. FOR AGAINST FOR AGAINST FOR AGAINST 102 112 171 57 113 107 78 91 152 26 87 80 89 68 135 28 90 69 86 135 173 62 80 142 71 88 125 45 56 103 84 77 119 47 81 78 64 60 7-5 56 49 79 72 89 124 44 61 94 81 117 162 42 76 121 68 143 168 62 72 141 85 119 103 64 71 126 65 107 113 62 58 114 47 60 . 75 36 40 67 91 140 197 54 96 139 93 124 192 35 96 120 58 86 138 29 76 78 80 115 144 66 92 109 40 81 71 62 38 85 65 93 108 49 65 90 98 117 139J 77 102 110 68 100 152 26 93 73 69 82 128 40 110 55 36 67 70 38 48 55 76 76 115 42 78 73 112 85 155 48 110 87 1878 24 32 3351 1197 1938 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the total number of votes given in the City of laameda by the qualified electors voting at said special election for and against the proposition herein designated as "PRO- POSITION NO. ONE" was and is the sum Of 1878 votes for said proposition, and. the sum of 2432 votes against said proposition. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the total number of votes given in the City of Alameda, by the qualified electors voting at said_ special election for and against the proposition herein designated as "PRO- POSITION NO. TWO" was and is the sum of 5351 votes for said proposition and the sum of 1197 votes against said proposition. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the total number of -votes given in the City of Alameda by the qualified electors voting at said special election for and against the proposition herein designated as "PRO- POSITION T:;0. THREE" was and is the sum of 1938 votes for said. -proposition and the sum of 2397 votes againet said praposition. AND BE IT FURTII;',R R:SOLVED, DETERMINED AND DECLARED that the Pro oosi ti on herein designated as "PROPOSI- TION NO. ONE" failed to receive at said special election an affirmritive vote of two-thirds of all the voters voting at said special election; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND DECLARED that the. proposition herein designated as "PROPOSI- TION ED. T1,70" received at said sicsial election an affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the voters voting at said s-pecial election; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND DECLARED that the 'proposition her ein e sign ate d as "PROPOS I- T ION NO. THREE" failed to receive at said sp_ecial election an affiramtive vote of two-thirds of all the voters voting at said special election; 397 414 I fay l8th, 1915. election the requisite number o f' affirmative votes of the q1ified voters viDting at said special elect ion was not received by sai d."1)R020S ITION NO. ONE". AND IT IS HEREBY FUR TIER RES OLVED , DETERMill ED AND DECL.L2ED that at said' special election the requisite number of affirmative votes of the qualifiecl voters voting at said special election was r ece lye d by said "PROPOSITION .T-TO. TWO" to incur the indebtedness the rein and the reby propos ed , and to authorize the issuance of the bonds therefor, and thiat said "PRO- :I' 0 '3 Ire' ION NO. TV,' 0" was (July accep ted. AN D IT IS HEREBY FTIRTH113. RES OLVED, DET -MILT ED AND DECLARED that at said spec ial election the requisite number of affirmative votes of the qualified voters voting at said special election was not received. by sa id. ttPROiOi;IT ION 70 LIILE" . ND IT IS }ET. EBY P UR T HER RESOLVED tha t t he Clerk of this Council he, and he is, hereby directed to forthwith eater this resolut ion upon the records of th is Council. Upon call of the roll, said r es °lilt ion was unanimously adopted. by the following vote ; - Ayes : 0 ounc Eanynern-'; „ Heuer, Norris, Pr oh t, Roth, St ewe. rt , Wel ker , and President oc k, Noes: e sent :Non e The following c ommunicat ions were re ceived.: 4• / ]?rom "layer Brt1ett, pp o int ing Henry Tank as a member of the 2 olio e and Fire Coimaission to succeed hi rase lf • in tbat of fi ce . His first term expires lay 20-'6h, 1915 . . r oh st moved that the appointment be confirmed, seconded by Lir Mor r is and carried by t he following vote : Ayes :Councilmen Hamm On d Heuer, Norris, p relict Roth, Stewart, Vniker, ilk ens , and 1-resident BuU ock, ( c ) Noes :None . Absent :None . 6. Proip Goodfellow, Eels, Moore 87, Orrick, stating that they had examined the bon d proceedingsand had found. them regular and suiicient. Ordered filed. As t hey asked to be allowed. to draft tie e 171inut es of the canvass of the election ef ore the y are f ant ere d , :Jr . Hammon moved that they writ e the i,:i.inet; es as request- ed. s e c on d e by Mr. . Erob s t and eerier le d by th e ol 1 o vot 0: - ea nci linen Ha ifin1011 'iorr is, Probst , Roth, Stewart, , Wilkens and 1,re s ident 73-Uel ock, (9) . Noes : None . Z.b se nt None. Fro; the S out hw est e n. Sur e ty I nen r anc e Company as ',:ing to be re -imbur s ed in the le um of 1. 19 , which amount was -9 aid_ to Eugene if. Vrai t e , :forinjuxies received t hro ugh an accident to Fire Engine No. 2. Referred t o the City Attorney. 7. Fr ora the idaska Packers .Z.s;_,) oc i at io n relative to the proposed Industri al Highway and to the r einf or cc d concrete sewer which 1.7ould d.ivert the present out fall sewer from 1' ortmann Basin to the north end. of Grand Street. Laid over to the next mee tin g of the Counc Prom the Public Build. ings and Grounds Commit tee submitt- ing specifications f or the improv ent of the City Hall. Mr. Ham- 4176 May 18th, 1915 . t ower , the paint ing of The roofs and. clecks, the sand-blasting of the exterioir brick wox and concrete work and the painting of the window casings, cornice, pipes, iron railings, etc. be ado rt e d a ni1 that thit Uie Clerk be ins tru. ct ed to a dv ert is e for bids for the alteration of the tower, seconded by Mr. Pr ob t and c a r rie d by t he follow mg vote : es : C oune ilrnon Harrm on d , Hello r, Orris, Prob st , Roth, St ewart 7ra1 ker , ke n,s an d Pre id e nt Bull oak, (0). es :iIono. Absent :one. From Joseph Koenig, request ing a gratuitous iioense to oe e -rate a cleaning an d. dyeing estab lishment Hammond moved that t he re euest be granted, se cem ded by Mr • Heuer and carried by the following vote :- Ayes : C ohne ilm en Hammond, Heuer, iorris, Probst Roth, St ewart Talker, , Viilkens and Pre s d en t o ck ( 9 ) oe s ITone . _Lb ;None . 10 . From 11. G. Goudey, to sell fruit and ve etab le s; from Henry S:eyns , to peddle frui t and v eg. e tabl es and from -i]ugeno Fueci, to 'pe dale :fruit and vegetables. I1r0 Stewart moved that the reciuests be -granted, seconded. by Tr, Hammond and carried by the f °flowing vote:- .e.yes C ounc linen Hammond Heuer , Probst, Rith Stewart and President Bullock, (6). Noes ;Councilmen Morris, Walker and Vlilkens , . Absent :None. 11. From the Peoples- Via ter Company stating that the Company will inst all twenty-seven fir e hydrants as requested by the Council Ordered filed. 12. From Carrie L. Hoy Secteta ry of the General Committee of the G. L. R. inviting the Mayor and Council to rticipate in or ial 72,y exercises at the Oak land. :juni c ipal Audi t or ium On motion of Mr. . Haminond, seconded. by ijr. Heuer and carried, the invitation was ace epted and the Clerk instructed to not ify her. 13. r OM Ransom e-Crummey Company giving a statement of the insurance the Company carried • Ordered filed. 14. V From L. Swenson, on behalf the 11. Nel son, Estate for permission to make c erta in alterations at 1501-1303 Park Street • 1,1r • Haim on d moved th.t the request be grant ed, second- ed , 'by Mr, Stewart and. carried by the following vot e Lyes Councilmen Hammond , Heuer,, Horx is Pr ob et, Roth St ewar t 1,-Valker Wilkens and Pres ident Bullock, (9 ), Noes : 15. the the the well at Lincoln ?ark. Ordered filed. 16. taining to the proc ee dings against the City of pr event Lbeent :NOne. From J. M. Ough, g iv in F a report on the testing of 1'7 om City • .,At or nay Porrnan giving a stteinter- a, to the discharge of dredged raatorials into the waters on the south side of Alameda . Ordered. filed 111 'V. rt 4 4 •,,, 11' t•-■ 4- 4 4, +r •T•1 1 45 46 Hay lSth, 1915 of Title on the property to be purchased from Leah F. Mott. Ordered filed. 18. Prom the Alameda County Ex- ositi on Comnis s ion invit ing the City of Alameda to participate in Altemed.a. County Day at the Exposition. Or dered filed. 19. . From W. N. Whitmore requesting an extension of ninety days on his contract for the improvement of San Jose Avenue, between High Street and Post Street. Mr. Hammond moved that a thirty day extension be granted, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the following vote Ayes :Councilmen Hammond Heuer, Morris Probst Ruth, St mart, Ia1ker, i1kens and iresident Blanc ck, Nees :None. Absent:Non e. 20. lei From C. E. Blackburn, asking permission to erect a tent on the lot adjoining 224 Cypress Street. On motion of fr. Wilkens, seconded by Mr. Hanmond and carried, the request was granted. 21. ," From the Street Committee recommending that the plans and recommendation of the City Planning Commission establishing an industrial 'highway be adopted, and that the nerve be changed from "Atlantic Avenue " to "Industri al Highway", an e that the Coonitt ee be given authority to enter into negotiations to ascertain the approximate expense of acquiring the lerf necessary for the opening of the Highway. Mr. Probst moved that the report be adopted, sec onded by President Bullock . and carried by t he following vote : yes :C ounc lime -n Hammond , Heuer, Morris, Prob et Roth St ewart Walker, 7:l1ken and Pre s ident Iu11ock, 9 ) . Hoes :Hone. Absent None. 22. , tee Mr, Harmond moved that t he City e Agin ee r prepare olans and specifications for the extension of the sewer which now discharges into Fortmann Basin, so that the same will follow the proposed Industrial Highway and discherge into the Estuary at the foot of Grand Street, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 23. ,/ Mr. Hammond introduced the followine. Resolution and -moved its adoption: RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE COUNCIL OF T: CETY OF ALAMEDS. No, 24 N SERIES. RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alaixda to order the following work to be done and improvement made, to wit The Lincoln Avenue in the City of Alameda, State of California, be opened and extended,to a uniform width of sixty feet, from its present westerly termination, as such westerly termination exists between Fourth Street and Fifth Street in said City, .';esterly to the easterly line of Fourth Street. The lands necessary and convenient to be taken for the 'purpose of doing said work and making said impr ov em ent are described as follows, to wit:— A strip of land sixty feet in width commencing at a point on the Easterly line of 4th Street, distant thereon two 'hundred and ninety (290) ±'e et Northerly from the Northerly line of Hale -1- Avenue; thence 41 6 iTay 18th , 1915. Northerly line of Haight „venue to intersection with the Sou th or ly line of Lin coin .i),venue ( as same exists ',7esterly from 5th Street ) ; thence Iiorthe rly sixty (60) feet to the Northerly lino of Lincoln 2!.venue ( as same ex iists rly from 5th Street the nee 7:,:ef3te fly on a lin o parallel wit h and 11 s tont three hundr ed. and fi ft;!,T (350 ) feet North er 1.y from, . the 1.:ortherly line of Halp,ht Avenue to intersect ion with the Easte rly line of 4th Stree t ; thence South- erly along said alsterly line of 4th 'Street to point of c mime rio e meat kLid said Coma oil does h er eby cietermine and declare that sa id pr °posed work and improv emelt is of more than lc cal or ordinary pub]. c benefit, and will affect and b en ef t the a j. tr ic t of lands h er e in- af er described, and which said district is hereby declared to be the district affected and benefited by S21C work and improvement ; and that therefore the e :at r e damage s c es s , and exp e s es of s ai d work and improve m t shoal be, and are hereby, made chargeable agains t, and shall be assessable upon, said district of lands, which district is within the City of Alame a. a , Oounty of Alameda , tat e of Cc.liiorni a, and t he exterior boundaries of said di s tr ic t of lands a ffect ed and 1) en efi t ed by said work oI and ifft-pr ov ement e part ic ular seci- tled and described as follows, -t to wit:- 002110110 ii:tf,; at a point on the liest erly line of 6th Street distant thereon one lya nth- e d )100) feet .Yorther1;;1- from the ITor the rly line of Lincoln Ave ue (as s i a 6th Str e t and El aid Lin co ln zo,re,nue forme rly :a liro f.ve u e ar e sho n wd del i iea te d on 4Gh71'..t, c e "-La in w: entLtled LIP..p of the :,:ceet -:,?roperty" filed. in the Off ice of the County Re- corder of JJeda County on liug us t 19t h, 1f334, 'Page ;'3 3 4: Of :Jap s ) ; thence ',Vest e rly on a line parallel with and distant one hundred (100) feet ITor 'cher fr Qin the IT or t he rly line of eaid Lincoln _Lvenue to intersection w:Lbn a line y-,artll el with Oda d d. 1•3 ta t one hun. o a (100 ) feet Easterly fr CM the : L 4T of str oct i e :,`To rth 1' o n ine 'par all el ith and, (1. e TLLllW0eL ( 100 ) feet ?Jo., st e rly from the said z_TL e :Line of 5th Street to inters° et ion with the Southerly line of :Pao if ic Lvenue (as said if le Ilve sae an said 5th Sta.- ee t ar o shown and. ine t ed. on th e af °pa d "Eat.) of Lfeetz JcpertyT) thence eoteriy along the Southerly line of Pao ifie /Ix en Ile to t!.. o1rIt di sta nt t he r eon one hundred ( 100 ) feet JeterIy Troia the nes t e rly lino of Sth Street:; thence t he r ly on a line p z.-tx al le 1 with and fi.;.; on e, hun. e ( 100 ) feet V; t rly t h e eteriy line of 5th 6tree t to inte,rsec ti on -1.1 a line ',)orall h and d i -111; one hurc,',IT ed. ( 100 ) fe et No rt he rly from the i,Iorthe e of L inc o in e nu e ( as s am e exis-'6s Westerly from 5th Streo t) ; thence t e e el with and distant one e d (100 ). fee orther1y from the Ye rtherl line of 'Lincoln Avenue (as same exists Westerly from 5th Street) a:aa ea-rano-1 ith : and d taut one hundred (100 ) feet ' Nor ther 1.7 from the llortherlY line of Lincoln Avenue ( if the sane were extended in a right line Westerly) to an inte rsect :ion with a line parall el with and. distant one hundred (100) feet Easterly from the Easterly line of 4th Street ( as same exist s Southerly from Parific .venue); the nee North erly on a line p ar all el with and distant ono hundred (100) feet East e rly from the Easterly line of 4th Street to intersection with the Southerly line of Pacific Avenue ; thence West- erly along t he ,:louth erl y line of Pacific Avenue to intersect ion with the Easterly line of 4th street; thence \'`esterly in a right line to the intersect ion of the South erly line of Pacific Zi.venue with the Westerly line of 4th Stree t (as said acifie venue and said 4th Street are shown and delineated on that certain Lia-o enti 1L ed "Amend ed Map of the Re-subdivision of the Haight Tract" f 11 ed in the Off ic e of the County Recorder of Alameda. County Februi:,:ry 16th, 1891, on page 66, Book 8 of 1.,:aps ) ; the nc e Westerly al ong the South- erly line of Paci fi c Avenue to a -0 oi nt thereon one hundred (100) feet Westerly from the 'iesterly line of 4th 1-:3treet ; thence Southerly on a line .parallei with and distait One hundred. (100) fee t Westerly from the Westerly line of 4th 'Street to intersect ion with a line parall el with and distant one hundred (100 ) 47 48 May ].8th, 1915. distant One hundred (100) feet Northerly from the Northerly line of Lincoln Avenue to intersection with a line parallel with and dis tent one hundred. (100) feet Easterly from the Easterly line of 3rd Street (as said 3rd Street is shown and delineat- ed on the above mentioned map of Haight Tract); thence Northerly on a line parallel with and distant one hundred. (100) feet East erly from the Easterly line of said 3rd Street to an intersect ion with the Southerly line d Pacific Avenue; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of Paeific Avenue to in- tersection with the Easterly line of 3rd Street; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of 3rd Street to intersection with the Northerly line of Haight Avenue (as said Haight Avenue is shown and delineated on the above mentioned Map of Haight Tract); thence Easterly along the 'Northerly line of said Haight Avenue to a point thereon distant one hundred (100) feet Easterly from the Easterly lino of 3rd Street; thence Northerly on a line parallel with and distent one hundred (100) feet Easterly from the Eaeterly line of 3rd Street to intersection with a line parallel with and. distant ohe hundred (100) feet Southerly from the SOutherly line of Lincoln Avenue; thence Easterly on a line parallel with and distant One hundred (100) feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Lincoln Avenue to intersection with a line parallel with and distant one hundred (100) feet 1,7ester1y from the Westerly line of 4th Street; thence Southerly along a line parallel with and dieta-nt one hundred (100) feet Westerly fran the 11,7esterly line of 4th Street to intersection with t'ne iTortherly line of Haight Avenue; thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Haijat Avenue to a point thereon distant one hundred (100) feet Easterly from the Easterly line of 4th Street; thence Northerly on a line parallel with and distant one hundred (100) feet Easterly from the Easterly line of 4th Street to intersection with a line -parallel with and distant one hundred and ninety (190) feet Northerly fran the Northerly line of Haight Avenue; thence Easterly on said last mentioned. parallel line to intersection with a line parallel with and distant one hundred (100) feet Westerly from the 1,,,,esterly line of 5th Street; thence Southerly on said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the northerly line of Haight Avenue; thence Easterly along said Northerly line of Haight Avenue to a point thereon distant One hundred (100) feet Easterly from the East- erly line of 5th Street; thence Northerly on a line parallel with and distant one hundred (100) feet East- erly from the Easterly line of 5th Street to inter- section with a line parallel with and distant one hundred (100) feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Lincoln Avenue ; t he no e Ea s te rly on said last mentioned 'Parallel line to intersection with the Weste rly line of 6th Stree t; the nee 1-Tortherly along the _Westerly line of 6th Street to point of commence- ment, saving, excepting, and excluding from said. dis- trict all public streets, avenue9,and roads therein included and contained. All of the her ein proposed work and improvement shall be done and made in pursuance of an act of the legislature of the State of Calif orn la entitled "an Act to provide for laying out, open ing, extending, widening, straig:trtening, or closing up, in whole or in part, any street, square, lane, alley, court or place within municipalities, and to condemn and ac quire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose, " approved. March 6, 1889, aad the several acte amendatory thereof or sup1& nenta1 t reto. "The Evening Time s-Star and Alameda. Daily Argus is hereby designated as the daily newspaper published and circulated. in said City of Alameda in which the Street Superintendent 's notice of the -.passage of this resolution shall be published. Mx. Heuer seconded the Motion to adopt the Resolution and it was pass ed anc'l adopt ed by the following vote : - = s : Councilmen Hammond, Heuer Morris irob st Roth , Stewart , Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent :None. 24. lb' Lir. Hammond caned, attention to the need of extending Calhoun 4176 May 18th, 1915. Attorney draw u-p the necosary pap ers for the opening of the same under the Act of 1889, seconded by Mr. Pro bs t and c arrie 25. V Mr . Hammond moved that Minturn Street be extend ed. south to Santa Cl La'a Avenue id that the City Attorney draw uip the necessary papers uxi.der tie Act of 1889, seconded by Mr. -Prob s t and carried. 26. Mr. Hammond moved that Wa ne;ton Street be extended eastward fron Versalile Avenue to Bishop Street and that the City Lttorney draw up t he necessary p op e Ts unler the act of 1889, sec ond e d by Mr. Heuer and carried, Bill for Ord i n. an c e ent tl ed. A BILL FOR OME-WTCE NEW SERIES. REP &L TIT UZI) THLT 05 N 0 • 29 , YEW SERIES , =1]-2=0 "A7 ORDINATTC E REUIRING THE IT!' 6 OF BOT T TUS OF IILK .T 0 5P 5R UPON THE COVER OR CAP Ti=ECT, AND FRO Li 1 TG A PENALTY 202 THE VIOL AT ION OF THE P R0- VIS IONS THER:EOF , ADOPTED AND PASSED ON THE 15TH DAY OF DECEMBER , 1914, AND IT R OV ED ON THE 21ST DAY OF DECEnER, 1914. was intr. oduc ea an laid OVQ71: undo r a provision of the Charter. A Bill for Ord inane e ant it le d A BILL FOR ORD:J:14'4NC E NO. SER Lf3 . TO ND SECT ION 1 OR " ORD I N 111- C 7-2', NO. 38, NEVI S ER IE PRo/rsIIrG FOR THE ACQUIRING BY THE ITY OF ..1.L.LT]rlii. OF CZRTY.E.T REAL PROPERTY FOR THE' USE LND BENEF IT OF T. PUBLIC S C 1.100LS OF SLID C ITY, " -WHICH SAID ORDINZCE Li3 ADOPTED AND PASSED or THE 13TH DLY OF A2RIL, A.D. 1915, AND APPROVED ON THE 14TH DAY OF APR IL , A. D. 1915, BY RE-RI-ACT ING SAID SECTION AS AMENDED, was introduced anP laid over under a p rov is iO-rl of the Charter. A Bill for Ordinanc e entitle d A .B111, FOR ORDINANCE NO. NEU SEE ES. AN ORDINANCE DEC LAR ING THE ACCEPTANCE OF AN OFFER TO DEDICATE AS A ::TIBL IC STREET , BR IGGS AVE= LT TJ5 0 ITY OF ALAMEDA, AND ESTABL I SE-.. INC- SAID BRIGGS AVENUE AS A rUBL IC STREET, intr °clue ed and lai d over under a pro v1 on of the Charter. A Bill for Ordinanc e entitl ed A BILL FOR ORD INANC E NO. NEW SERIES. AN ORDINANCE DELARIN.G THE ACCEPrnANCE OF AN OFFER TO DEDICATE AS A .UBLIS STREET A 'PORT ION OF CENTRAL EVE= IN TEE C ITY OF L=DA, AND ESTABLISHING SUCH PORT ION OF CENTRAL AVENUE AS A PUBLIC STREET, was intr o clu.c e d an la i d over undo r a provision of the Chnxter. 2?, V A discuss i on of the school bonds t. that the-term ofth bondshe rna de _forty-years , that the interest be he1L and Mr. Hammond moved. payable January 2 and July 1, of each year thereafter; that the plac e of payment be the Treasurer s office in the City of Alameda; that the denomination of the bons be ';;1 ,000 each, and that the registry clause be placed on the back of the bond, seconded by Mr. Walker 50 May 18 th • 1915 Bull o ck , ( 9 . Noes :11 on e . Absent ;None. 28. V Mr, Hzmmond moved that the printing of the bonds' 1e le ft to the ]?Tint in Committee, to re port back t o the Council seconded ly Mr. 217 ob st a nd c arrie d A Bill for Ord inanc e entitle d A BILL ORD I11.1,1.0 E NO . iTEVJ SERIES. AN ORD 'NANCE AUTHOR IZ ING AND PROVIDING 1' OR THE ISSUE OF BONDS OF THE CITY OF :.kLATIEDA, weis introduced. After some di • ens ion Mr. . robt moved, seconded. by Mr. Stewart and carried., that it be referred back to the City Attorney for redrafting 29. v Lir, Hamm ono -m ov ed that t he Public Buil dings and Grounds Committee be instructed to repair the entrance doors on Santa Clara Avenue, with power to act, seconded by lir. St ewart and carried by the following vote Ayes ;Councilmen Hammond,. Heuer, Morris 1 ob st Roth, Stewart, Walker, '.7ilkens, and President Bullock, ( 9 ) . Noes. :None . Ab sent :7one . 30. Mr. Wilkens called attention that the Board of Electricity was ready to. erect the poles on Bay Farm Island and moved., seconded by Probst and carried, that the City Attorney draw up the nece ary p ap e r s whereby the Pacific Telephone ond Te1egrph Company will have use of the same. 31 • Mr. if liken so re 9orted that the Fire Alarm system was be i removed from the City Hall tower. 32. Mr. Wilkens moved that C. 0. Adams be made a member of the Board of -Library Trustees., to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration of the rn of office of 17 G. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried by the following vote:- AY es C oun ciamen Hanunond Heuer Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and Pres ident Bull ock, ( 9 ). Noes :None Abse nt :None There be ing no fur ther business to transact, the Oouncil adjourn- ed to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, Jun e isi 7:30 o'clock. Respectfully submi ted, 0 ity 1915, at