1915-06-15 Regular CC Minutes72 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 15TH 1915. The meeting convened with Mayor Bartlett presiding. The roll_ was called and Councilmen Hamond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Stewart Walker, Valkens and President Bullock, (8) were noted present. Councilman Roth arrived later and was noted present. The Minutes of the regular meeting of June 1st were approved as read. The Ijinutes of the adjourned regular meeting of June 8th we-,-o approved as read. Clams against the General Fund amounting to :503.99; against the Street Fund amounting to ;460.81; against the Fire Yund amounting to 0620.23; against the Police Fund amounting to 262.69 and against the Health Fund amounting to .°;127.75 having boon approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- GE:ERAL FUND. Alameda Electricca Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn, Bancroft, Thitney Co. California Oil Burner Co. Furey, • P. Johnson, mmet Iitossman, J. M. Co. Noy, Tf. H. pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Phoenix Desk & Chair Co. Poorman, Samuel, Jr. Purity Springs Water Co. Schneider, Henry TV TV IT IT TV TV It TV IV Street Department Times 3-tar Co. 11 11 TT It TI' TV Toye, A. G. Tschich, J. Underwood Typewriter Co. U.S.Fidelity & Guaranty Co. IT ft TV TV TV IT IT TT VT TV TV IT Vosburgh, L.W. Antonio, Gattc allinan, W. H. Chapman, E. N. Clark, Z. Dahl, J. Assg. N. Ennis TV TV TV M. Sousa TV TV TT. Freeman, J.L. Garantee, Louis Gay & Sooy Helmstein, J.H. Manual, A. Park Auto & Tire Perry, Joe Rhodes-Jamieson Co. Schneider, Henry Toye, A. C. Underwood Typewriter Co. Supplies Towels Books Oil Re airs Removing Horse Repairs to time lock Meat Rental and tolls Desk Money advanced atter Supplies TV IT TT TV TV Re-imbursement Printing Advertising If Repairs Keys Repairs Premium on bond TT TT If It IT 11 Supplies 4- a 'UD. LLbor Assisting 01ty ngineer TV TT TV Sewer Pipe Labor TV Assisting City Engineer TV TV TV Labor Repairs Hardware Supplies 1/ Labor Reel- Supplies Labor and materials Typewriter Total. 30.80 8.00 11.75 00.68 13.20 5.00 10.00 1.15 7.35 55.10 1.20 2.50 2.25 2.40 15.25 17.90 20.90 6.05 10.50 7.75 15.99 121.92 75.95 2.25 . .50 15.00 6.25 6.25. 2.1r 503.99 10.00 10,00 10,08 27.50 27.50 16.50 62.50 27.50 7.75 2.85 3.50 56.43 2.50 27.00 36.00 53.20 50.00 A 4.An 4 Alameda ::;team Laundry Assn. Baird , J. V. Bell's Auto Repair Shop Bowser, s. F. Co. Bussenius, A. G. Cook, Louis Fischer, C. F. Furey, F. P. Gutta Percha & Rubber Co. Hauch, H. Helmstein, Carl L. Jorgenson, P. King, A. R. Lewis Grocery Co. liazzini, L. Pacific Gas. & Electric Co. Peoples 7:ater Co. Poik-Husted Directory Co. Rhodes-Jmieson Co. Risso, G. Staricco, C.T. Strom Electrical Co. Sutherland Pharmacy Vosburgh, L. W. Vosburgh, L. W. Testern Union Tel. Co. Times Star Co. Smith, F. J. Schneider, Henry. Polk-Husted Directory Park Garage Pagagnos, C. P. Cuylee Lee Conrad, John Associated Oil Co. It It It TT TT Alait4pda Vulcanizing It June 15th FE. FUND. Linen Service Horseshoeing Repairs Storage tank Medicine Salary Coal Cil Repairs Packing Suoplies Salary Horseshoeing and renajrs Horseshoeing Supplies TT 4as Water Directory Feed Garbage Hauling Horseshoeing Supplies. Medicine Supplies Total - POLICE' FUND. Supplies Clock Rental Printing Meals Stationery Co. Directory Auto supplies Photo sa-oplies Tire castins Incidentals for Oil Gasoline Auto supplies Tires Works Alves, Henry A. Bischoff, F. J. Berle, F. J. Carpenter, T. Hamaa, Wm. R. Hieronymus, A. Konigshofer, L. A. Eark Garage Polk-Husted Directory Co. Saylor, Dr. S. Times Star Co. Vosburgh4 L. W. President Bullock Mr . Hammond and carried moved HEALTH UHD. Ma Total - Salary Supplies Fibroid Transportation Services Supplies TT Auto upkeep Directoty Salary Printing Supplies Total - ",)1.60 5.00 2.25 75.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 L=.25 7.50 1.00 12.00 5.75 5.00 1.25 10.17 311.07 7.00 103.49 2.50 6.50 6.85 1.50 .90 620. .65 1.00 41.75 33.00 7.00 6.50 24.03 21.50 4.00 5.50 11.50 10.25 77.76 .69 25.00 9.02 2.63 26.10 10.00 3.00 1.80 5.40 7.00 25.00 10,50 2.10 1 7 75 that the claims as read be paid, seconded by by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilwn Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (6)., Yees:None. Absent :Councilman Roth, (1). The following were receiVed: The report of the Municipai Electric Light Plant for the month of April 1915. Ordered filed. A Continuation certificate on the bond of E. J, Simon. Ordered filed. The Iffidavit of publication of Notice of Public Work of Intention No, 2A New Series. Ordered filed. oluti on 73 74 June 15th, 1915. The Affidavit of posting of Uotic,?„ of Public Work, Resolution of Inten- tion 7o. 24, Yew Series. Ordered filed. The liffidavit of publication of Resolution of Intention No. New Series. Ordered filed. Affidavit of posting Notices of Improvement, Resolution of Intention No. 25, Few Sereie. Ordered filed. Poundmaster's report for the month of May, 1915. Ordered filed. Report of the Street Superintendent on the completion of the improvement of. High Street, from Bayo Vista to the High Street Bridge. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: From Mayor Bartlett, stating his reasons for suspending City Attorney Poorman. Mr. Hammond moved that the report be laid on the table, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. Mr. E. K. Taylor presented the resignation of Samuel Poorman, Jr., as City Attorney. Mr. Hammond moved that the resignation be accepted, seconded by Hr. Walker and carried by the following vote:- Ayes :Councilmen Hammon, Walker, Wilkens and Presidnnt Bullock, (5). Noes:Councilmen Heur Morris and Roth, (3). Excused from voting: Councilman Stewart (1). 3. From Mayor Bartle t appointing D. L. Randolph as meriber of the Advisory City Planning Commission to succeed him elf in that office. Mr. Probst moved that the appointment be confirmed, seconded by Mr. Hanmond and carried by the following vote:- AYes:Councilmen Hammond Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. 4. From Mayor Bartlett, appointing Wm. J. Locke and Jasper D. Mills, Directors of the Municipal. Educational and. Reference Bureau. Mr. Heuer moved that the appointments be confirmed, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:,-, Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, .(9). Noes: None. Absent:None. 5. From Mayor Bartlett, appointing T. C. West, City Attorney. Mr. Hammond moved, seconded by Hr. Tilkaas and carried, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole meeting. V/ From the Board of Electricity, in which request was made for financial assistance in wiring the Girls' Training Home in West Alameda and that permission be given to sell electric current at the rate of two and one-fourth cents per kilowatt hr. Referredto the Public Util' ties Committee. 7. V AffIdavits were presented showing due publication and costing of Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals for the construction of a vitrified iron- tone sewer in Filimore Street. Ordered filed. In response to said Notice the Clerk stated that he was in receipt of'two bids. Mr. Hammond moved that the bids be opened, seconded by Mr. Bullock and June 15th, 1915. For "Y" branches .,....... Each O cents. For Manhole complete.................. 41.25 Total #41•000**00.0410.10.041&00.00,01rWV PO .0106.35. e bid was not accompanied by the proper certified cheek. From W. J. Lobin:- Six inch -pipe ...................... 40 cents perlinear foot Sit- Inch "Y" branches.. 40 cents each. Manhole c empl et e. ....... 1p' 40..00 The bid WaS accompanied by the -necessary certified. check. Ir. Hammond moved that all bids be rejected, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried by the foll owing vote:- Ayes :Councilmen Hammond Heuer, Morris, Probst Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9 ) . Noes :None. Absent:None. An Affidavit was pr ited showing due publication of Notice to Contrectors, inviting bids for the alteration of the City Hall Tower. Ordered filed. In response to, said Notice the Clerk stated that he was in receipt of thiree bids. Lir. Hammond moved that the bids be opened, seconded by President Bullock and carried_. Thereupon the Clerk opened. and read the bids as follows;- From H. J. Van Erkelen„4i) ].735.O0. Ace ono.pan ie d by a certified check of '473.50. From Wm, Dufour, 4235.00. Accompanied by a certified check of 0123.50. From A. T. Spence, ,4936.00. Accompanied by a certified. check of ;:'200.00. On motion of :President 3ullock, seconded by Mr. Hammoncl a_nc7 carried, the bids were referred to the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee. Further comrnunicatio 7, From the San Francisco, Oakland Terminal Railways Company submitting a copy of a recently adopted_ Jitney bus Ordinals e of the City of Oaklend. Referred. to the Public Utilities Committee. 10. An Affidavit was presented showing clue mailing of 1Totice to Mrs. J. Wagner, 739 Santa Clara Avenue of the intention of the Council to hear her protest against the proposed widening of Santa Clara Avenue at ebster Street. Mr. Bartlett announced that any protests would be heard. There being no other than the written protest of Mrs. Wagner's Ir. Hammond moved that all protests be overruled, seconded_ by Mr. Probst and unanimously carried. 11. Mr. Pr obst moved that when the Council adjourn it adjourn 'to meet- in adjourn- ed regular meeting, Tuesday wening, June 29th, 1915, seconded by mr. Hanr-tond and carried by the following- vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, 7,Falker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). Noes :None. Absent:None. 12. Mr. W. J. Harrison of the .Anglo, London, Paris National Bank appear- ed before the Council and suggested. th t the bonds about to be sold, be made payable in New York City. Mr. Probst moved, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried, that the Finance Comnittee look into the matter. Furthe r canrnimiation s.! 76 June 15th, 1915. 14. by the following- vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hanrnond, Heuer, Morris, Probst Roth, Stewart , Walker Wilkens an d Pres id ent Bullock, (9 ) . Noes:None. .1.biErent :None. From Leon H. Ader, requesting permission to tke his two weeks vacation when the duties of the office will permit. Mr. Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried by the following vote:- Ayes :Councilmen Hammond , Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Abs ent ;None. From E. C. Mailiot, Sanitary Inspector, requesting permission to take his two weeks vacation beginning July 6th, 1915. President Bullock moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried by the follovring vote:- Ayes:Counciimen Hammond, Heuer, Morris Probst, Roth, Stewart, Wilkens and President Bullcok, (9). Noe s :Non e. Abs ent :None . 16. From F. W. Patmon., making application for permit to move a corrugated iron building from a point six hundred feet west of Webster Street junction to a lot on the west side of Webster Street, two hundred feet south of Tunnel Street Mr. Probst moved that the wetter be referred to the Street Committee with Dower to act, second- ed by President Bullock and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Hammond Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bull ock, (9 ) . Noe s : N one . Absent :None . 17. From the Street Committee stating that the Committee is endeavoring t have bulkheads renewed at the foot of Regent Street and along the Schumacher property. Ordered filed. 18. From the Street Committee, stating that plans were being prepared for steps to the beach at the foot of Laurel Street, and recommending that the city bear half the expense, namely, 250•00. 1,1r. Probst moved tht tTE report be adopted, seconded by 1,1r. Walker and carried by the following vote:- Ayes : C o-uxicilm en Hammon d, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. 19. From Cotuacilman Hammond, sugr'esting changing the present buildinp-, laws and regulations and the selection of a supervising- architect. Referred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting-. 20. From Robert W. Beattie, offering to present plane and specifications for an eleven room school house. Referred to the Board of Education. Ir • Hammond in tr oduced the following Res olut ion and moved its adopt ion: RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS AND BPECIFICiT IONS. RESOLVED, that the City Engineer of the City of Alameda be, and he is hereby ordered to prepare plans and speci- fications for the following work to be done and improve- ment to be made in said City, to wit: That Chestnut - ■ 1 - A - 4175 June 15th, 1915. That a salt azede, vitrified', iron-stone sewer, six (6) inches in inside diameter, with four- inch Y-branches, be c onstructed inn the cent er line of said street, in a right line, on a uniformly descending grade, from the existing manhole at the crossing of Chestnut Street with Alan Avenue to the existing manhole 30.99 feet southerly from the center line of Lincoln Avenue at its crossing with Chestnut Street; and from thence a salt-glazed, vitrified. iron-stone sewer, eight (8) inches in inside diameter, shall be constructed in the center line of said street, in a right line, on a uniformly descending grade, to the existing- manhole at the crossing of Blending Avenue with Chestnut Street; and t hat all house connecting sewers on the line of said sewer shall be reconnected to the said. sewer w ith new pipe. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris Probst, Roth, Stewart, 'e'alker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9 ) . Noe e :None . Absent ;None Thereupon the City Engineer presented plans and specifications, whereupon Mr. Hammond introduced the fallowing Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADO TING ?LANS AND 'S EC IF I CATIONS. RF,S OLVED, that the plans and spec ific ations for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to wit: The re-sewering of Chestnut Street, from lane da Avenue to Blanding Avenue as follows: That a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, six (6) inches in inside diameter, with four-inch Y.-branches, be constructed in the center line of said street, in a right line, on a uniformly descending grade, from the existing manhole at the crossing of Chestnut Street with Alameda Avenue to the existing manhole 30.99 feet souther- ly from the center line of Lincoln Avenue at its crossing with Chestnut Street; and from thence a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, eight (8) inches in inside diameter, shall be construct- ed. in the center line of said street, in a right line, on a uniformly descending grade to the existing manhole at the crossing of Blanc-II-pp, Avenue with Chestnut, Street ; and that all house connecting sewers on the line of said sewer shall be re- , connected to the said sewer with new pipe, as prepared by the 'Engineer of said Coty and sub- mitted this 15th day of June,. 1915, be, and the same are hereby adopted as and for the plans and specifications for doing said work. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was . adopted and passed. by the following vote: - Ayes : Counc ilmen. Hammond, Heue r, Morr is I' ob st , Roth, Stewart, Walker Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Mr. Hammond introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RES OLUT ION OF INT. ELT ION. RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda, to order the fo 11 owing work to be done end improvanent to be made in said City, to wit: That Chestnut Street, between Alarm da Avenue arid Blanding: Avenue be re-sewered as follows: That a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, six (6) inches in inside diameter, with four-inch Y-branches, be constructed in the center line of said street, in a right line, on a uniformly de- scending grade, from the existing manhole at the 77 Th June 15th, 1915. Chestnut Street ; and from thence a salt -glazed., vitrified, iron-stone sewer, eipit (8) inches in inside diameter, shall be constructed in the center line of said street, in a right line, on a uniformly descending grade, to the existing manhole at the crossing of Blanding Avenue with Chestnut Street; and that all house connecting sewers on the line of said said sewer shall be reconnected to the said sewer with new pipe. All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore adopted for doing said work and noe on file in the office of the City Clerk. The Cl6rik shall cause this Resolution of Intention to be published twice in the 'Alameda Daily Argus and Evening Times Star, a daily newspaper publish- ed and circulated in said City and hereby designated for that purpose by the said Coundil. The Street Superintendent shall, imnedia.tely, cause . to be conspicuously posted along the line of said Contemplated work and improvement and in front of all the property liable to be assessed, notices of the passage of this Resoluti on of Intention, in the manner and form reeuired by law. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of Cali:C(51111a, designated the "Improvement Act of . 1911 " approved April 7, 1911. Mr. Heuer seconded the motion to dopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayee:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker Wilkens and President B-u.11oct, (9). Noes:None. Abs ent :None . 21. Mr. Hazmond introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoiotion: RESOLUTION REQUESTIIIG THE BOARD OF ELECTRICITY TO CONTROL AND MANAGE THE PUMPING PLANTS. IN TEL VARIOUS PARRS. WHMEAS, the pumping i ping plans in the various parks of the City of Alameda are operated. by electri- city, and WHEREAS because of this fact, it is desirable that the Board of Electricity have control and management of the same, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, that the Board of Electricity from and after the approval of this resolution take such control and management of the pumping plants in the various parks. Mr. Heuer seconded the motion to a dopt the Resolution and it was adopted. and passed by the following vote:- Ayes :Councilmen Hanmond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). A Bill entitle d A BILL FOR ORDI...ICE NO. NEV SERIES. Regulating the handling, sale and distribution within the City of Alame da of milk and certain milk products intended f or human consumption and imposing a penalty for violation of said Ordinance came up for passage. Mr. Hammond stated that the Board of Health desired that the Ordinance lay over until certain amendments thereto had been framed. It was so ordered. 22. / Jir. Wilkens asked what progress was being made in the construction of the street signs. Councilman Path replied that thirty-five signs were complete. Mr. Wilkens ther cupola moved that the Clerk notify the Contractor, Lir. Banks. 4176 June 15th, 1915. Oorrmissian, rnd moved that it be referred to the next Commit te e of the 'Cv hole m co ting , s ec on flo d by Mr. ';;alker and carrie d 24. A corn v.ras received from L 3erra1uiiga, asking -fermi s sion to c onstruct a stable on hie property at the foot of T.c,--ent 3treet. ?Ir. 7:11keris move d 4,-,hat the matter be referred to the 'Polio e, Fire and Jater Committee and to the Sanitary Inspector yr ith over to act , sec onded b 7 Tr 44 Hammond an(7 carried b-,T the foiloniria vote:- Aye s :Councilmen Hammond, "lei) , iron' Prob st, 13ot h , tewart '.7alker Vfilkens and President Bullock ( Noes :None . e Tit :None . 25. LIr. Hanmond moved that the matter of placing i;3740.00 in the budget for the City H11 elevator, be re ferr ed to the no :t Committee of the i,Tfiole meeting, secanded by 'Jr Wilkens and c a rr ie d There be inR no further buinso to trans act the Council adjourned to meet in adjourned re7ular session Tuesday even in c, Jane 29th, 1915 , at 6 o'clock. sp e o t y submitted, City Clerk. 79