1915-07-06 Regular CC Minutes4176 REGULAR MEETING ap TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAKEDA TUESDAY Vi1TG, JULY 6TH, 1915. The meeting convened with Hay or F. H. Bartlett presiding. The roll was call ed and Councilmen Hammond, Morris, Prob st , Roth, St ewart, Walke r , and. Wilkens (7) were noted p re 2 ent . Counc Liman He ae r , (1) was not ed abs ent was noted. resent The 1 iina to s of the regular meet ing of June 15th were approved as read. The Minutes of the Ad journe d regular * r e approved as read, The Minutes of the aa j o urn° d regolar m ee ti nE of June 20th, 1915 wore a oprov ed as read. Claims against the General Fund amounting to :;2421 .80 ; aga in st the President Bull ock , arrived later and. meeting of 291 h, 1 915 Ele ctr ic Light Fund ro oulThg to 5291 .44 ; against the Street Fund amount- ing to 1681.56; against the Library Fund amounting to 450.10; against Recrea ti on Puna amounting to .24 and T.T.unicipal Improvement Fund 11, amounting to 65 .04 having b e en approved and aud it ed by the orop er fficia 1 s were read by the Clerk as follows CETTERAL Fur D t he No, A an eda Steam Laundry Assn. Burton Co . , J. E. Carlisle & Co. , Dale() Advert is ing Agency Duf our Fraser Co , :Tred Hal p in Lithograph Go. has elbacher , Lubbo ck, Oswald. iacRae, 0ia s . Magnus & C o , H. C. Muni cipal Electric Light Ma ini , L. Nielsen, Fenry G. Yoy, 7 . H. Pac 1 fi c Gas & Electric Pacific Tel Tel. Co. PeoT)les at or Co. ohne ide r, Henry IT IT TT Tiroos 04,c, r IT TT TT 11 1 IT T s ch ii , J. TI TT TT Alam e do Val can i s ing or ks Bosrd oJJsoticity -Per is , Louis J. Brown Fur iiture Go. Burt 0-6 Co. , J. H. E. Cr oc: !z_e C0. , Cr':.L.ae 0o. Dahl, Jame s 7,e en Belt inj0o. pow T.,umo & Die sol 12,1-2.gine Dua c an s on-Harr el s on Peel. e iiith C :C1 ant Towel service opal rs 10 wheel Off i c e furnitur e Auto directory rotary fees Material and labor Lithograp hi ng of bonds Bro oms Rent of P. 0. Box Glass 3 a tar e stamp C ity 1iTiting - Suppl ies Lel-A e ring Teat for pound Gas Rental and tolls O.t or Suppl ie s IT 11,dver tieing Pr i nt jng Books f o r Lu6.itor Printing for Uayor Leys Total 11:;1,E 0 T*.R.I0 L IG hE PUND. .„Iccessorie s Inc 16 entels for June Sup-pi tee Merehanai 3 e T se ,LesT,etl r73 nser D.ddr plate s 3uppl le e Lest s t ire bel:T7, Go, Labor Contract AttaaTnylt -For City iingi Tie or lac o r!.1-,11n 4=> 8,00 1.75 47 .5 5 7.50 1.00 65 .65 325.00 15,00 .75 1.90 2 .00 1322.35 41 , 45 41.20 .95 .18 12 .31 23. 72 13 .2 5 1.60 .25 15.10 1 5.83 40. 65 21,00 85,25 11.00 .00 2 421. 0 47.85 52.07 1.59 19.90 3.70 9,52 8,00 .30 75t5 1.05 2.75 200.00 '71 95 88 July "1-h, 19i. Gamewell Fire Alarm Tel. Go. TT 77 TT General Electric Co. Gilson Electric Supply Goodyear Rubber Co. Holabird-r?eynolds Co. Yunt, S.: to., Inc. TT 11 11 IT TT Ink Ribbon Mfg. Co. Zellogg Express Co. 1T TT 11 Koerber _L. H. W. SupPly Co. Heyerberg, Leo. J. TT TT TT Moore & Go., Chas, C. Pacific States Electric Co. 11 TT Pacific Tel, & Tel. Go. T1 TT ft TT Tr Panama Lubricants Co. Park Garae TT IT Peavey, W. J. Perat, N. Plummer & Son, Geo. E. 1? 11 IT 11 17 Powell Bros. Construction Bo. Ritchie, L. E. Roeblings Sons Co., John A. Schneider, Henry Sonneborn Sons, Inc. L. S-tandar d Oil Co, Times Star Co. TT TT 17 U. 6. Rubber Co. estinghouse E. & E. Go. IT TT IT 11 11 11 17 TT Whittier Coburn Co. Associated Oil Co. Alf'eda Vulcanizing ":orks California 31dg. & Material Co. TT IT TT Tr 17 Clark & Son, 1;. Crocker & o. H. S. Empire Foundry Co. Foster, Geo. J. Gay & SO0y, Guttfl Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co. Hal:111'0nd, C. J. Haynes, E. Panuel, A. Eazzini, L. Pennock, M. Park Garage Polk-Husted Diredu ry Co. Powell Bros. Constxuction Co. IT TY 71 TT IT 11 TT IT 11 TT II TY Plummer & Son, Geo. E. 11 Tr TT 17' 77 Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. 11 17 Tr TT IT TT 71' 11 Schneider, Henry Stachelr, J. J. Sala, J. C. Stockier, J. J. Times Star Co. Vosburgh L. W. TT IT Alameda Free Library Blake, Moffitt & Towne Beedle, Vf. L. Hinrichs, Frieda J. Fire alarm boy key Supplies IneStric sapplies,eto. Tope Electric supp1ies Lamps Times and exToense Guage Tester Typewriter Inspection,etc, Drayage Rent Supplies :]lectric supplies Amazon Balls Aift hose Electric SupDiie s 1? Phones Prepaid freight Labor Welding Painting smoke stacks Washing windows Lumber Concrete mixture Premium Strand Stationery and su-eplies Paint Fuel Oil Printing Subscription Me,rcliandise Electric supplie Glass TT 7? TT TY Total - b :2 PTJ1D. Road Oil Rock Sewer pipe Office supplies Castings Inspection Repairs Supplies Rock Supplies Field supplies Hardware Fuel Iepairs Directory Rock LuMber Rock ” Supplies Blacksmithing Repairs Blacksmithinp: Pr:inting Hardware TT Total - LIBRARY FUND. Petty expenses Supplies Books 1.86 116.61 203.95 41.59 11.00 467,30 65.2A 21.40 66.00 12.00 3.50 5.25 30.00 1.76 429.83 17.05 50.00 16.68 1.50 13.25 13.25 .31 1.50 1.00 18.00 1.50 4.12 13.22 76.60 10.00 39.69 19.50 22.27 2428.67 57.25 10.50 6.30 an credi 54.39 23.46 180.00 63.50 4 5291.44 272.03 7.35 35.13 93.42 30.13 66.10 15.90 40.00 11,20 6.96 28.80 34.00 t.5.&3 20.00 39.75 5.40 7.00 66.85 7.50 194.35 170.55 11.32 2.94 108.50 132,25 122.75 42.55 11.50 18.00 23.35 35.25 10.83 2.60 1681.56 20.10 5.89 2.70 70.00 4176 Peoples Water Co. Scribner's Sons, Chas. Sing, Soules, E. C. Tripp Co., Jchn B. Travelogue Bureau, University of California Volberg, C. C. Edward J. Silver Burton eo., J. L. Ir !I tt TI Hammond, C. J. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. yr II yr Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Peoples 7ater Co. Pacific ne.r. & Tel. Co. Plummer & Son, Geo. E. Powell Bros. Construction Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Schneider, Henry Schaefer, Victor L. street Deeartment -Tail, E. M. Yawman & Erbe l'fg. Co. Times Star Co. July 6th, 1915. Viater Books Reseating Supplies Books Books Publication Rent eh ala.t. Total RECREATION FUND. Costumes Supplies Hauling Lamps and fuses Gas It Rental and tolls Water Renatl and tolls Shavings Co. Supplies Rock, etc. Incidentals Supplies Lincoln park improvement Gasoline, etc. Supplies Total - MUNIC IPAL riviTROVaIENT FUND ITO. Advertising 1.46 13.50 6.25 5.00 87.50 7.50 3.50 25.00 450.10 75.00 15.00 7.85 5.50 3.15 3.0-2 2.25 1.35 22.22 2.25 26.30 78.00 130.20 1.40 2.70 158.05 15.00 30.60 e 579.24 0 63.04 Mr. Probst moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond; Morri Probst, Roth, Stewart Walker, 'Wilkens and Pre ident Bullock Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Heuer, (1). The following were received: Affidavit of publication of Resolution of Intention No. 28, New Series. Ordered filed. Affidavit of posting notices of improvement, Resolution of Intention No, New- Series. Ordered filed. Affidavit of posting and publishing Notice of public work for the opening of Fernside Boulevard. Ordered filed. Affidavit o Minturn. Street. AUditor' of posting and publishing 7otice of Ordered filed. Balance Sheet for the month of June, 1915. Ordered filed. work, Extension Report of the Municipo Electric Light Plant for the month of Nay, 1915. Ordered filed. Pound report for the month of June, 1915. Ordered filed. T. The Auditor's budget estimates. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: From J. L. Ford and H. V. Hull for gratuitous licenses. As the same did not bear the recommendation of the Chief of Police. Mr. Hammond moved, seconded by client Bullook and carried that they be denied. 2. An Affidavit showing due publication of Notie to Contractors in- viting bids for a re-inforced concrete sewer and vitrified iron-stone sewer leading to Brooklyn Basin was presented and ordered filed. The Clerk stated that in response to said notice he was in receipt of eight July 6th 5. as follows:- From Michael Murphy. Reinforced concrete sewer pipe 36" diameter Y-branches, 4-inch, each extra........... Manholes C omplete• • • • ••.• ev• ••• •••••••••••• • 10 inch Vitrified Iron Stone Pipe.......... From Contra Costa Construction Company. 36 inch concrete sewer at Five Dollars and seventy-five cen per lineal foot 0,1"..fooe.4000000000.00rno Y branches on 36 inch sewer - 4 inch opening at One Dollar each e4.70 per lineal foot. 7othing :50.00 each .70 per lineal foot. extra.••...••••••.•••••••.•.•••.••.•••••••• Manholes at Fifty Dollars each............. (,50.00) 10 inch Sewer at One Dollar per lineal foot (; 1.00) From "Karl Ehrhart. 36 inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe per lin. ft. 4.75 10 inch V. 1 S Pipe per lin foot 01.00 Manholes .)42.00 Y branches each Nothing. From Church anc Clark. Furnishing andlaying '66" reinforced concrete sewer pipe..........per lineal Yoot.......... Q5.54 For manholes complete, 060.00 For 4" Y branches, extra price for each...... 5 2.00 For 10" V I S Per lineal e 1.80 From V. 17. Price. 2446.41 lin. ft. Reinforcedconcrete sewer pipe 36" diameter at e 4.40 per lineal foot . according to plans on file with the City „a.crineer, viz: :estern Reinforced Con, Pipe ComPany, 50 Y branches, 4 inch, extra each ........,.. .50 7 Dmholes complete.......................... .50.00 each. Llso, 65 lin. ft. 7.1. S. pipe 10" in diameter .60 From Frank Ostrander. 2446.41 lin. ft. reinforced concrete sewer pipe 36" diameter oo........1.“0“.0.611,04,0*0000,004,0o. .07 per ft. 7 ":„Tanholes at each. 50 Y Branches, 4 inches 1,;00 each. 65 ft. of 10" 1S2 1.00 per lineal foot. Frain C. Math en. Reinforced concrete sewer pipe...m.0..4 4.96 per lineal foot. Brick each. 10" .90 per lineal foot Ys extra... ...................................e .50. each From Tibbitts-Pacific Company. 36" diameter Reinforced concrete pipe.... .....e 3.80 per foot. 4" Ys .50 each. each. lo" Vit. 1.20 per ft. Each bid was accompanied by the proper certified check. Mr. HaTiond moved that a. recess of five minutes be taken, so that the Street Comittee, City ,]/-1g.ineer and „ eet Superintendent could look over the bids. Upon reconvening Councilmen Hammond, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, 7k1lher, ilkens and Presldent Bullock were noted present. Councilman Heuer was noted absent. Mr. Hammond moved that the Tibbitts a ific Company be awarded the contract for the construction of the sewer, they being the lowest responsible bidder, that the layor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contraet, that the Tibbitts-I:acific Company furnish a bond of y5,000 and that the certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders be returned seconded by Mr. Morris and carried by the follo-ing vote:- Ilyos:Councilmen Hammond Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, 'alkens and President Bullock, (8) Noes:7one. Absent:Councilman Heuer (1). rotest was received from the majority of property owners along 4176 pk. July 6th, 1915. within fifteen days after the date of the completion of the posting of the notices of said improvement , same was ca111 to the Council 'n ntteet i en. Mayor Bartlett thereupon announned that if anyone present wished. to speak on the subject he may do so. no one appeared moved that the Council adjourn the hearing to July 20th 1915 at 8 oTclook p. m., in the Council Chanter, and that the Clerk notify by mail each protestant of the intention of the Council to hear the proteste ,seconded by i.ir, Walker and carried by the following vote: - AYes:Couneilmen Hammond, Llorris Prob 8 . oth, Stewart *::ilkens and President Bull ock ( ) Noe s one Abs en t C ouncilm en Heuer 1). Fur the r c cF.It ions ; From Hazel B. Dudgeon requesting a vacation of two weeks, beinning July 1 9th, 1915. ler. Walker moved that the re v_est be granted seconded by :Jr. Bullock and carried. From the Iioard of Electricity calling the Coixioi1 s attenti on to the burning of electric lights on the bridges across the Tidal Canal during the day time, and requesting that the Boor d of p r risers' attention be called to the matter. Referred to the Public Utilities Committee. From the City Clerk statin that a member of the Toish and Game Commission had investigated the oil on the water off. the beaches and believed the appearance of the same due to an accident off the Potrero. Ordered filed. Lr. Hammond introduced the following R esolution and moved i o on: RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 02 ALAIiIEDA. TO. 29, NEW: SERIES. RJLSOLVED, that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following work to be done and improv emeut made, to wit That Orist Street in said City of Alameda be opened and widened to a uniform width of forty (40) feet from the Easterly line of Regent Street in said City for the distance of 116.75 feet measured. East- erly along said Orist Street from said line of Rhgent Street. The lands necessary and coavaeient to be taken for said purpose are described as follows, to wit: Be- ginning at a point on the Easterly line of Regent' Street distant thereon forty feet Northerly from the intersection of the .easterly line of Regent Street with the Southerly line of Crist Street (as said streets are shown and delineated on that cer- tain map entitled, "Mop of Orist Tract, Llameda," filed in the Office of the County aecorder of the County of Alameda, October 10th, 1891, in Liber 12 of iiaps, pn?;e 18); thence Easterly on a line parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly from said Southerly line of Orist Street to a point distait 116.75 feet Easterly from the said Easterly line of Regent Street; thence Southerly on a line parallel with the said Easterly line of aeent Street 12.97 feet; thence 1:esterly on a line parallel with the said Southerly line of Grist Street 116.75 feet to the Easterly line of Regent Street; thence North- erly along said 1:asterly line of said Regent Jteet 12.97 feet to point of begiening. And said CounCil does hereby determine and declare 91 July 6th, 1915, declared to be the district effected and benefit- ed by said work and improvement, and that there- fore the entire damages, costs and expenses of said Work and improvement shall be, and are here- by made chargeable against, and shall be assess- able upon said lands and district, which district is within the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California; and the exterior bonndaries of the lands affected and benefited by said work and improveeent are particularly described as follows, to wit:- Beginning at the point of intersection of the Easterly line of Regent Street and the Northerly line of Chester Street (as said streets are shown and delineated on that certain Map entitled, "Chester Tract, Alameda," filed in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Alameda on March 20th, 1880, in Liber 6 of Laps, page 20); thence Easterly along the said Northerly line of Chester Street 100 feet; thence Northerly on a line parallel with and distant 100 feet East- erly from the said Easterly line of Regent Street to a point distant 100 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Crist Street (as said Crist Street is shown and delineated on that certain Map entitled, "Map of Crist Tract, Alameda," filed in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Alameda on October 10, 1891, in Liber 12 of Maps, page 18); thence Easterly on a line parllel with and distant 100 feet Sotth- erly line of Crist Street to the 7esterly line of Broadway; thence continuing on said last mentioned parallel line extended in a right line Easterly to a point distant 100 feet easterly from the Easterly line of Broadway (as said Broadway is shown and delineated on that cer- tain hap entitled, "Map showing Subdivision of Half Acre Lots in the Hays and Caperton Tract, Alameda" filed in the Office of the County: Recorder of the County of Alaneda, September 25, 1877, in Liber 7 of Maps, page 26); thence Northerly on a line paraliel. with and distant 100 feet Easterly from said Easterly line of Broadway 240 feet to a point; thence Westerly to a point on the Westerly line of Broadway distant thereon 100 feet Northerly from the Northerly line of Crist Street; thence Westerly on a line parallel with and distant 100 feet Northerly from the Northerly line of Crist Street to the Easterly line of Regent Street; thence continuing on said last mentioned parallel line extended in a right line Westerly to a point distant 100 feet Westerly from the V:esterly line of Regent Street (as said Regent Street is shown and delineated on that certain Map entitled, "Property of M. S. Taylor, Portion of the Foley Tract, Alaeeda," filed in the Office of the CountyeRecorder of the County of Alaeeda. on August 27th, 1890, in Liber 8 of Manse page 25); thence Southerly on a line parallel with and distant 100 feet erly from the said 77ester1y line of said Regent Street 365073, feet to .a point; thence Easterly 160 feet to the point of beginning, saving, excepting, and excluding from said district all public streets, avenues and roads therein included and contained. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance bf an Act of the Legislature of the State of California entitled, An Act to provide for laying out, opening, extending, widening, straightening or closing up, in whole or in part, any street, square, lane, alley, court or place within municipalities, and to condemn and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose", approved March 6th, 1889, and the several acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereta. "The Evening Tienes-Star and Alameda Daily Argus" is hereby designated as the daily newspaper published and circulated in said City in which the Superintendent's notice of the passage of this Resolution shall be published. Mr. Stewart seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- s:Councilmen Hammond 4176 . Hamond introduced the followil3P: Resolution and moved its adoPtion: RESOTd-TIGicr 02 INTEN('IN 02 THE COUNCIL OF 721:: 0 -12Z;SOL7ED, that it is the irnt..1.e.e. a the Council cr.7 the rqty of 11-7,1 to orer t fol1owLa3 work to cise: and iLoTernent to wit:- That Clay Street iA the City of Alaeda, State of 0..(11:lharIria, be opened art extended, to a uniform wi(Ith of fifty feet from its present Easterly termination to the 7ester1 y line of Broadway in saia City. The lands necessary rad c oven.L3Yt to be taken Tor the purpose of doin.q7 said work and rri.rig said im- pravEnt, are describeJ as follows, to wit:- Be- ginning at the Northeasterly corner of Clay Street (as said street is shown and delineated on thht certain map entitled, "Boulevard nract, Alameda," filed :in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Alafaeda, January 29, 1889, In Liber 11 of 1:Eaps, page 65); thence Easterly on a line (said line being an. c);terisien of the 7orther1y line of the said Clay Street i*a a right line Easterly) 14,0,17 feet to the 'csterly line of Broadway (c,;. said P,ros7- is shov'm and aeljneated on that certain T!Iap e1it1. t7ed, "Map shovii Sub-divisions of the Half Acre Lots. ln the Hays and Caiierton Tract, AL:mleeta," filed in the office of ;he County Recorder of the County of Alameda, Septairr 25, 1877, in Liber 7 of ijaps at page 26); thence Southerly alon the 7:ester1y line of saia Broa1- n17 50 feet; thence ',,,ster.ly 140.17 feet to the outheasterly corner of Clay Street (as said South asterly corner is shown !,7m.di delineated on the map of "Boulevard Tract" above referred to); thence Northerly 50 feet to the point of beginnjnz. And said Council does hereby determine and declare that Said proposed work and improvemant is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, ana will affect and benefit the distrie43 o: lands_ hereinafter do- sc?'ihed and which said district is hereby declared to be the district affected and be-,fited by said work and improvement; and that therefore the entire damages, coats and expenses of said. work and improve- ment shall be, and are hereby, made chargeable against and shall be assessable Upon, said district of land hich district is within tho City of Llamoda, County of Alameda, Stato Of Callfacith:t.; ,end the exterior boundaries of said district of lands affected and benefited by said work ana improvement are particular- ly specified and described as follow, to wit:- Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of San Jose Avenue, distant thereon 100 feet Vesterly from the V:esterly line of Reent 3treet (as said streets are shown and delineated on that certain rimp entitled, "Alameda Park Homestead" filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Alameda on May 30, , 1874, in Ldber 17 of Laps at page 32); thence Souther- ly on a line parallel with and distant 100 feet West- erly from the Vfesterly line of Regent, Street to a point distant 100 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Bay Island Avenue; thence Easterly on a lino parallel with and distant 100 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Bay Islarri Avenue to a point distant 100 feet w;asterly from the Easterly line of Pearl Street (as said Bay island. Avenue and Pearl Street are shown and delineated on that certain map entitled, "Plat of the TAewellyinp: Din, Alameda," filed in the office of the County Tleeorder of the County of Alaeda, on October 16, 1667, in Liber 19 of maps at page 67); thence Northerly on a line parallel with and distant 100 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Pear/ Street to a point distant 100 feet I7ortherly from the Northerly line of Bay Island Avenue; thence '.':esterly an a line parallel with and distant 100 feet Norther1:7 from the 17artherly line of Bay Island Avenue to a point distant 100 feet Easter1 y. from the Easterly line of Boardway (as said Broadway is shown and delineated on that certain map Q111-,r1i7r4crl-,no r4 4 94 (.3th, 1915. with and distant 100 feet 'Easterly from the East- erly line of Broadway to a point distant 100 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Calhoun Strect; thence Easterly on a line parallel with and distant 100 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Cal houn Street to a point on the ',70sterly line of Versailles Avenue (as said Calhoun Street and Ver- sailles Avenue are shown and. delineated. on that certain map entitled, "Plat of the LewellyIng Division, Alameda", above referred to); thence Northerly along the 1.7esterly line of Versailles Avenue to a point thereon distant 100 feet Norther- ly from the Northerly line of Calhoun. Street; thence .'.'esterly on a line parallel with and distant 100 feet _Northerly from the ITortherly line of Cal- houn Street to a point distant 100 feet Easterly from the Easter ly line of Eroadway; thence N,orther ly on a line parallel with and distant 100 feet Easterly from the said Easterly line of Broadway to intersection with the Southern line of San Jose Avenue (as said streets are shover and delineated on that certain map entitled, "Blat showing Lo- cation of San Jose Avenue with Reference to Lot Subdivisions of Half Acre Lots in Hays and Caperton Tract, Alameda, Calif.", filed in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County on May 31, 1892, in Liber 12 of Maps at page16); thence V!esterly along the said Southerly line of San Jose Avenue to the point of beginning, saving, excepting, and excluding from said district all public streetg avenues, and roads therein included and contained. All of the herein proposed work and improvement shall be done- and made in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California ent itled, "An Act to provide for laying out ,. opening, extending, widening, straightening, or closing up, in whole or in part, any street, square, lane, alley, court or place within municipalities, and to condemn and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for t hat D ur pos e , " approved March 6, 1889, and the several acts amend tory thereof or supplemental thereto. "The Evening Times-Star and Alameda Daily Argus" is hereby designated as the daily newspaper publish- ed and circulated in said City of Alameda in which the Street Superintendent's notice of the passage of this Resolution shall be published. Mr. Stewart seconded the motion to ado-pt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Vilkens and President Bullock, (8 ) N.oe s None . Abs ent :0 °mac ilman Heuer, (1 ) . Mr. Hari-mond introduced the following Eesolut ion and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION OF INTENT ION OF LINO IL OF TIE CITY a' KL.A.1,IFD,L,. 70. 31, 7E71 RESOLVED, tly.)..t it is the intention of the Council of the CCity of Alameda to order the following - work to be done and in-pr ov e me nt made , t o yd. t That Calhoun Street in the City of Alameda, State of California, be opened and extended, to a uniform width of fifty feet from its present Easterly terti- nation to the Westerly line of Broadway in said City. The lands necessary and convenient to be taken for the purpose of doing said work and making said im- provement, are described as follows, to wit : Be- ginning at the Northwesterly corner of Calhoun Street (as said street is shown and delineated on that ertain map entitled, "Boulevard Tract, Alameda.," filed. in the office of the Comity Re- corder of the County of Alameda on January 29, 1889, in Liber 11 of Maps cit page 65); thence Easterly on a line (said line being an extension of the Mortherly line of the said Calhoun Street in a right line Easterly* 140.17 feet to the West 4176 erly line of Broadway (as said Broad.way is shown. ani delineated on that certain map entitled "Hap Show- ing Sub di viol ens of the Half 2Lcre Lots in the Hays and Caperton Tract, Alamea," filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Alameda on September 25, 1877, in Libor 7 of Maps at page 26); tien.ce Southerly along the 7;esterly line of said Broadway 50 feet; thence 7lesterly 140.17 feet to the Southeasterly corner of Calhoun Street (as sa id Southeasterly c orne7.^ is shown and delineated on the map of the "Boulevard Tract, Alameda" above referred. to); thence Northerly 50 feet to the point of b eg inn in g And said Council does hereby determine and declare that said proposed work and improvement is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, and will affect and benefit the district of lands herein- after described, and which said district is- hereby declared to be the district affectednand benefited by said work and improvement; and that therefore the entire damages, costs and expenses of said work and impro van ent shall be, and are hereby ift e clm.rgeable against, and shall be assessable upon, said district of land s which d.istrict is within the City of Alameda, County of' Alameda, State of California; and the exterior boundaries of said district of lands affected and benefited by said work and improvement are ?a;.r.'"t cial rly speciied and cle- scrihed ,as follow, to wit ;- Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of San Jose Avenue, distant thereoh 100 feet 7.79sterly from the 7;esterly line of Regent Street (as said Streets are shorn and delineated on that certain map ent it le d., TA1amea Park. Homestead " f Ile d in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Alameda on Hay 30, 1674, in Libor 17 of Maps at paP;e 32); the c e Southerly on a line parallel with and distant 100 feet T:esterly from the 7:est- erly line of :'-eE,‘,-ent Street to a point distant 100 fed, Southerly from the Southerly line o 717 Bay Island Avenue; thenc e :Easterly on a line parallel with and distant 100 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Bay Island .ivenue to a point distant 100 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Pearl Street (as said Bay Island Avenue and Pearl Street are shown and delineated on that certain map en- titled, T21 at of the Leie11ying Division, Zlame filed in the office of the County Recorder of the Couart,7 of Alameda on October 18, 1887, An Liber 19 of Liaps at page 67); thence Northerly on a line parallel with and distant 100 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Pearl Street to a point distant 100 feet T.Tortherly from the Northerly line of Bay Island Avenue; thence es t e rly on a line -par elle 1 wit and distant 100 feet Fartherly from the TTortherly line of Bay Island Avenue to a point distant 100 feet Easterly from the i']asterly line of Broadway (as said Broadway is shown_ and delineated on that certain map entitled, "Map Showing Subdivisions of Half Acre Lots in the Hays and Caperton Tract, Alameda," filed in the office of the County Record- er of the County of Alameda on September 25, 1877, in Libor '7 of Maps at page 26) ; thence 7.To:'-e,therly on a line parallel with and distant 100 feet East- erly,, from the Easterly line of Broadway to a point distant 100 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Calhoun Street ; then° e Easterly on a line parallel with and distant 100 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Calhon.n. Street to a point on the '.7esterly line_ of 7; ersa s .ovenue (as said Calhoun Street and V. rsailles Avenue are shown and delineated on that c@rtain map entitled, "Plat of the Levrellying Division, A1nrleaTr, above referred to) ; thence Northerly along the 7:esterly line of Versailles Avenue to a -1-) oleet the re on die t Len t 100 feet Northerly from the r:ortherly line of Calhoun Street ; thence Westerly on a line parallel with and distant 100 feet Norther1v from the Northerly line of Calhoun. Street to a point distant 100 feet iike.sterly from the '2asterly lin e of Broadway; thence Northerly on a line parallel with and distant 100 feet Easterly from the Eald. Easterly line of Broad- way to intersection with the Southerly line of San Jose -Avenue ( as sal a 2:1; e et El are shown and de 1 in eat e d on that certain map entitled, Mat Showing Location of San Jose Avenue with Reference to Lot Subdivisions. of Half Acre Lots in Hays and Caperton Tract, Alameda, July 6th, 1915. e • J15,7 6 0 J. saving, excepting, and excluding from said distrid all public streets, avenues, and roads therein in- cluded and contained. All of the herein proposed Work and improvement shall be done anf made in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, en- tit le d, 11.4;ri Acte to provide for laying out, opening, extending, widening, straightening, or closing up, in whole or in part, any street, square, lane, alley, court or place within municipalities, and to condemn and acquire any and all lands and propea:=- ty convenient for that purpose," approved March 6, 1889, and te several acts amendatory thereof or supplem ent al thereto. 'The Evening Times-Star and. Alameda Daily Argus" is hereby designated as the daily newspaper publish- ed and circulated in said City of Alameda in which the Street Saperint endent 's notice of the passage of this resolution shall be published. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution an it was adopted and passed by the followinp: vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, -Eorris, 'robst Roth, Stewart Vialker, 'Vdlkens and President A Bil 1 f or Ordinance ent it led , "A BILL For ORD INA EC E NO. HET:: SERTS. An Ordinance Creating the 0-Cfice of Purchasing Agent, Fixing his Salary, and. Establishing his Duties and the Method of his Appointment" came 11-).) for passage and was referred to the Committ e of the 7:hole. A Bill for Ord inane e entitled, " A Bill FoY Ordinanc e No. New Series. Electing to have an Independent Assessment Made by the City Assessor for the Current Year" was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. Bill for Ordinance entitled "A Bill For Ordinance 1o. Hew 3eries. Regulating the Handling, Sale and Distribution 'nth in the City of :are:soda of LIM and Certain Llikilk Products Intended for HuLlan Consumption, and Imposing a Penalty for the 7iolation of said Ordinance" came u'.9 for passage and was referred back to the Board of Health. / A Bill for Ordinanc e entitle d "A 3111 For Ordinc.m e P0. Pew Series. Empowering the Board of Education of the City of Al c e d a to liana-re, 0 on t rol , Dir c ct and Sul) ervi se the Play, Games, :2,ecreations, Athletic Sports, c.nd Physical Exercises thpt mr7 be Permitted, or -EngaF:ed in in any of the parks and-playgrounds and Re- creation centers of said. City", came up for passage. 11r. Hammond moved that d.ravni, seconded by Mr. Y'robst and carried. /// A Bill for Ordinance entitled Ordinance be with- "A Bill For Ordinance Ho. New Series, Amending Section 1 of Ordinance Ho. 11, Hew Series, Entitled, "An Ordinance Creating a Recreation Com- mission in the City of Alameda, and Placing under the Control and Eanagement of said Commission all Playgrounds and Recreation Facilities now and. Here- after acquired or oJned by the City of Alameda, and Providing for the :ieainteilance of the same," A.dopted and passed on the 27th clau of June, A. D. 1913, and. Approved on the 30th day of June, L. D. 1913," 4176 10 A Resolution 11. July 5th 'Resolution &hanging the Personell of the Recreation CommAssion" which had been introduced on June 29th eame up. Ur. Probst moved to withdraw the sarrie4 sec n, Mr. Hammond end carried. Mr. Wilkens introduced a Bill for Ordinance entitled "A BILL FOR Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordina,ce ';?epealLn Ordinance No. 33, Yew Series Prohibiting the erection or I,:aintenF-nce of any Jevable Structure Intended for Himan Habitation or any Tent, etc., Duly Adopted and Passed by the Council of the City of Alameda on the 23rd day of February, A. D. 1915, aid Approved on the 24th day of l'ebruary, A. D. 1915U which was laid over under a provision o the Charter. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance 7o. New Series. An Ordinance Establishing and Providing for the Regulation of the Business off Using, Operating and Driving Automobiles forHire Upon the Public streets of the City of Alameda,for the Licensing of the Same and Providing a Penalty for/the Violation of the same" Hammond ,noved that the Ordinance be withdrawn, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 12. ander reports :2f Committees, Iir.Hammond submitted a viritten report stating that F. U. Patmon had been granted permission to move his corrugated iron building. OrIere filed. 13. Er. Hammond called attention to the need of scarifying and im- Ilroving Santa Clara Lvenue and stated that there was some misunder- standing in the matter, due to the implied agreornet with the San Francisco, C,v1-:.1-1.1 "errainal Railways to not put down ::iny permanent improvement for five years, but to scarify and cover the surface with rocl:. He thereupon moved that the Stteet Department proceed with the work at a ooEt of about ::;8,000, seconded by Probt and carrLed by the following vote:- 'res:Councilmen Hammond, Lierris, Probst, Roth, stewart, aiker, V;ilkens and .Lresident Bullock, (0). Hoes :None. Absent:Councilman Heuer, (1). Er. Probst invited the Liayor, meMb;:rs of the Council and other members of the city government to attend the meeting of the Recrea- tion Congress at the Haight School at 10 o'clock, Thursday morning, July Otb, 1915. There be:tng no narther business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, July 20t1I, 1015, at 7:30 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk of the City of Alalloda.