1915-07-20 Regular CC MinutesREGUIIIR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP =DA, TU=AY EVE=G, JULY 20th,1915. The meeting convened with Mayor Z. H. Bartlett presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Heuer, lorris, Stewart alker, and Wilkens,( were noted present. Councilmen Hammond, Roth, and 2-resident u11ock arrived arrivod later and were noted present. Councilman 2robst was noted absent. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 6th were approved as road. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 2 429.70; against the Street Fund am3unting to 11 572.30; against the Tire Fund amounting to :574.30; against the Health Fund amounting to E30.94; against the 2oiice Fun ameunting to 1.39.1 having been approved and audited by the proper officials, were read by the Clerk, as follows: Brown I'urniture Co. Crocker-Lanley Directory Fox, Geo. H. Gutta Percha Rubber Mfg. Co. abbock, Oswald Danicioal 'Electric Liht Flant -Purity Springs n'ater Co. Recorder Printing &. Pub. Co. Resilia Company Schneider, Henry Times-Star Adams, J. Baird, J. V. Calif. Bldg. Material Co. If I Chapme,:n, E. N. Dahl, James Fischer, C. P. arosich, 'L. Y. Freeman, J, L. t 11 Frost, W. B. Galvin, J. (Joldstone, John Hackett, M. J. Hoffman, Victor Elazzini, L. T7c,Clure, Chas. 7orton, George Pennock, kartin -.?eoples ':.ater Company 1t'4mmer, Geo. E. Resilia Cowany Rhodes.-Jamieson Co. Scla, J. C. Standard Corrugated 2ipe Co. 1 utton, J. E, Co. I. L. Alameda Steam Laundry As s'n Baird, J. V. Bertolino, L. Coustier, J. 9=13.AL FtfrfD. Chairs S. I', Directories Premium on Bond Rubber Eatting Carfare, etc. City Lighting for June ,1915 Water Law Books 8'7e09 1 ies Supplies .Ldvertising Total - STR-YIT FUTD. Labor Blacksmithing Reck Gravel Assisui: E ti Repairs Labor Assisting City Engineer 11 Labor Labor Gaoline Labor Hardware Asfsisting City Eivjneer Labor Coal Water Lumber Offiee Supplies Material lepairs Corr. iLruhes Corr . Iron Lrches Incidentals Grate for Roller gineer IT Total FIRE FUND. Linen Serviee 1,T.orv.;e-shoeing ApparatuP repairs 11 22.50 15.00 12.50 11.50 .45 1465.35 1.50 9.00 .50 1.75 871.65 2429.70 35.00 3.15 91,27 1'62.12 31.15 30.95 2,25 23.75 6.24 62.52 25,00 55.00 20.93 35.00 12.50 32.69 60.00 35.00 11.50 32.01 7.16 .50 49.50 8.00 446.50 301.80 1.80 6.00 1572.50 15.80 5.00 5.00 1.50 4176 Mazzini, L. MUnicipal Electric Liht Dlant ” 11 11 Coen Hunter Auto Co. ?acific Gas & Electric Co. :Park Garae 2eoples Thter Company Rhoes-Jaie2en 00. ',3ickeren, Sebnoider, Uent'y Tt.ellly, Sam Stn(lard Oil Co. IT 0imes-Str.',r 3i0eh0p2 Trus Center, 0. Cutter Labe:cator7 L Oavai 0ai oa1r C CoOsfre, 0a1 re 0 oTnpan7 L' Tel. :',„; Tel Co If ft Launary Sarae Pity 6rrin3 '.Sater Co. Secretary, 2upar7. of 'irealth TJp John lbffoare7 Ylf.).-fme:la. Steam Lalmary 2-ksecie.te6 Oil Co. It 2,ertelino, .7,roker-Lan.T1ey Hauch, H. azziri, L. Pao. 7e1- Tel. Co. 2ard 3chneijer, Henry Dizectory Sko11y, Sam Satth, . . Steimetz, Theo. Times-Star Co. L 7w.,Ibur;7h, enter: union Tel. Co. a Supplies Dry Cells Fuses ,I,Dparatus repair Gas Oil & Repairs rater Feed CurDlies Supplies 0,asoline Oil Gasoline 'f)rintin7 Total - July 20th, 1915. ri,Toncv T,Tes-oltal atreliez Transportatior Vaccine Chemleal Laborater7 'Supplie:3 'terrili2;er Labor(Cleanin ..Eterefle7 co iThe,-Acal Lab. ';',;u-oPlies 3upPILes Ilspecter nene E:etension Launry for IT.1mer,:.,:ene,7 Hos-oital out o ur, keer) :ater Stationery '::.Cmerency 7 seital Total Cleanin bejdinp.: 01,1 Tepairs to auto Lipectory Coal Oil Aato Telephones Oil 2tationery, 3-applies Y,eals BeUinE: Prison Printinp.: L'. r' rental Total - .20 1.44 .25 9.85 0.00 6.00 'S20.65 20.08 ') ' 6.25 26.00 10.50 0.00 50 16.02 0.75 6.00 2.00 3.40 1.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 S).50 *.25 4.14 10.00 10.00 1.50 7.50 1.00 0.10 S.25 .0 1//15 7.25 6,00 25.00 0.00 20 70 1.00 130.15 L0r2is moved that the claims, as read, be naiel, :,,eeondec'.1 by Ox'. Stewart oar:cied to the follo,:J1.ng yote:- 21yes: Councilmen Heuer, Yforris, Stewart, 'alker,and ) . qoeS: Yone. men Hammond, Probst Roth and ?resident Bullock. 1: 15* Absent: Council- The following were received: The affadavit of the publication of the delinquent tax list. Ordered filed. The contract and bond of the Tibbetts-J?acific Com2any for the c,:nstruction of the north-side e7Aension SOWOr. Ordered filed. The contract with Pililam Dufour for the alteration of the City Hall tower. Ordered filed. The annual roport of t:he June 30th, 10 15. Ordered filed. The report of the Street ?olice Department Superintendent on for the year the ending completion of construction of the sewer in 1i11more Street. Ordered filed. 99 100 0. 9. 10. July 20th, 1)15. filed. Ordered fi The report4on. relief of the destitute unemployed. Ordered e_e foliowing communications wore received: From the Finance Committ and City Clerk recommending that the City insure its employees in the State Compensation Insurance Fund. Mr. Walker moved, seconded eIr. Morris, the.t the matter be referred back to the Finance Committee to ascertain if the insurance could not be taken out in an Old-line Comeany. f?resident -111lock quoted the law that such could not be one and moved to amend the previous motion that the report be adopted, seconded by Mr. ';:alker and carried. From the Alameda Improvement Club calling the Council's at- tention to the 'bad condition of space between the railo in Feboter Street and asking that sane action be taken to remedy that condition. Referred to the Street Committee. From R. B. Spencer, co.nnlainthg against the nuisance of falling baseballs on his premises, 3258 Liberty Avenue, adjoining Lincoln ?ark. Referred to the 1;ecreation Committee. 11. V From the Finance Committee, stating that a required ameunt of money or the construction of the north-side sewer ey:tension had been received from the Alaska Packers Association. Mr. Walker moved that the report be adanted and Placed on file, seconded by Stewart and carried. 12. 13. 14. From the Finance Committee, stating that they had e:Kazlined the official bonds of the various City officials and found them satis- f7,ctory. Mr. Walker moved that the report be adopted, seconded by Herr - arid carried. From S. Carr, Mrs. E. Cox, and Frank L. Carroll residing on Yernside Boulevard, near :22cinal Avenue and claiming title to certain tide an marsh lands and stating that they are wi1in to 1-)a their portion 0 of the cost of the extension of Fernoide Boulevard. Fcferred to the City Attorney, the Street Superintendent and the Street Department. from Tilliam Hally.liond, Jr. , recOmmendinF that the building laws be redrafted. Mr. Vialker moved, seconded by :Ir. Hammond, and carried, that the Clerk communicate with the Clerks of Oakland and Berkeley to t copies of their building laws. 15. From J. C. Linderman, protesting against Ordinance, Po. 46, Few Series, which accepted the easterly end of Central Avenue as a pub- lic street. :eferred to the Street Committee andCity Attorney. From 0. A. Beckman making an application for the position of 2C. mechanic in the Municipal flarage. Water Coweittee. Referred to the Police, Pire and 'rom Mrs. Jos. F. Forderer and family acknowledging the Council's expression of sympathy. Ordered filed. Fron the 2olice and Cognission, accompanied by a letter from Cuyler Lee requesting a 40-day extension on the contract covering the eurchaee of two Packard trucks for the Fire Department. :_7r. Hammond -rnnIrnA 4-11,m+ -11c, Qtr,r,-,itri 1-117 ".T.v, r4,117nr,itnei_ 4 1 July 20th, 1915. 19. From T. 7. Whitmore requesting a 50-day extension on his con- tract or the completion of the grading, sewering, curbing, gutterinr4. ,.n and paving of an Jose ;_venue, between jigh and Post Streets. 7jr.r. Hammond moved that the request be grahted, se?onded by 7r. 7:alher and carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen 21ammond, 1euer, -orris, stewart, Vaiker, -ilins and. President Bullock( 7) -oes: rone. Ab,ent:Counoilmen ?robst & Roth. From the 1orth Side Imrrove:nent Club ask for information on the development of the Industrial District on the north side 02 the city. eforredto the City Clerk for answer. 21. From F. W. HalQ-y & Company to Councilman E. B. Bullock giving the market value of various bonds ta'ken as security for the loan of 0300,000. Ordered filed. 22. v 2resident Bullock introduced the following _ s.:lution and moved its adoption: 9 r U RESOL7ED, by the Council of the City of Jaameda, that the. City Treasurer be and he is hereby instructed to :eposit with the Savings :nion and Trust Corffeany of 3,9,n Francisco, Three hundred thousand and 00/100 (500,000.00) Dollars m call at two (2) ner cent interest, por annum taking as security 0355.033 in bonds, as follows: Oity & County of San FTencisco Fire Protection 5's City 2. County of San 'rancisce School 5's Haturity 1927 1928 Berkeley High School District July 1916-26 Glendale School District 5's June 1916-21 lieresa 'Beach 2,chool _District 5's July 1916-18 -Long Beach City School District 5's April 1916-25 elrose anitary District 5's Palomares School District 5's Pass school District 5's City of ":_edlands SaJ -.2edro High a.,hool istrict 5 ':an Pedro School District 5's Santa Barbara 41s Santa "arbara Jchool District City of New Zork 6's (In transit) '11.ing County 5s Whittier Union High s hool 4-1.91day 19 Jan. 1916-26 L. 1916-20 June 1916-24 July 1916-25 Dec. 1915-24 Oct. 1916-20 ;lug. 196-42 Sent.1916 Jul y 1916 Amount 71,000 101.27 22,000 110,000 4,000 2,250 57,500 17,050 5,000 4,500 25,000 20,000 5,000 7,000 11,812 40,000 27,000 7,500 P756 5 , 612 101.40 98.73 100 100 100 100 100 100 97.09 100 100 94.75 95.95 102.50 100.08 99. 101 Market Value. 11,129.00 22,308.00 106,603.00 4,u00.00 2,250.00 22,500.00 17,050.0,D 5,000.00 4,500.00 24,272.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 6,652.50 11,553.00 61,000,00 27.021.00 7,425.00 755 OY,7, i:r. Hammond, seconded by :lorris, motioned to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and :passed by the follo:Ting vote:- ComicilmeY,. Stewart, T:Talk-ry Roth, lAlkins and .resideat Bullock, (8). Hoes: Zme. Absent: Counoiln Probst. Further co:munciations: From nlliam Zings, rc,(1uestinE7 ermissioi to alter and repair the rear and front of the store located at 1419 2ark Street. Referred to the Police, Fire and T/:ater COmittee, with -ooer t6 .act. From the San Francisco News Letter submitting an editorial from that paper. Ordered filed. From E. 21. Kober, calling the Retard paint for which he is the ar:ent. and Grounds Committee. Council's attention t L fire-proof Referred to the Public Buildings 27. Ln affl_davit showi',-ig due mailing of notices to protestants the construction of the sewer on Chestnut Street between Alaii)eda and venuos, was Ty_rcented and ordcred file:). aaainst Blanding fin") (4 f -1 -rnp 5 rr " r , July 20th, 1'015. Lrs Annie :H. Magill, J. De Birma, 0. Howlett, M. A. Luce and Johnson apoke against the proposition. Er. Hammond::: '-floved that all ,oroceedinE7a be .indefinitely postponed seconded by LT_r. '2:alker and carried by the following' vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hammond, He P,oth, Stewart, 'Ialker, 7-11kins and President Bullock. (8). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman ProDst, 28. j Mr, 7::ilkins moved that the matter of re-pairing of the sewer in Chestnut Street, between Alameda and -nandi-;;,: ..lvenueo be referred to the Street Committee to repair the best possible.way, seocnded by Ur. Horris and carried... Attention having been called to the fact thn_t the Prodoedings for the extension of Mint= Street, under Resolution of Intention, Ho. 26. New Series, were defective. Mr. Hammonapoved tITA all action taken under said Resolution be repealed, seconded by Er. Stewart and carried by the following vote: Ayes: Concilmen HamnIond; Heuer, i1:iorris, Roth, Stewart, 77alker, iiinc and Fresident'Bullock, (8). Noes: Hone. Absent: ' Councilman Probst. Further coanunications: 30. V From Pound Tiaster Grant Hicks requesting a two weeks vacution boinnin:7 August lot, 1915. Mr.a1ker moved that the request be pxanted, seconded by ?resident Bullock and carried. 9C) 37, From L. Serralunga submitting a figure of '200.00 per month for the cleaning of the various streets in thia city. Ordered filed. r. Hammond presented a ma-o showing the riht-of-way of the north side sewer extension and signed statements of owners of property in which easernerits wore ;7iven for the placinf77 of the sewer. lir. Hammond moved that the deeds of easements be accent-_ and together with the map placed on the file, seconded by Mr. ',":1ker and carried by the follawin?; vote Ayes: Councilmen Hammrmd, Heuer, 7,orris, P.ouh Stewart, 7alker, =ins and.?rosident Bullock. (- ) oes: None. 1Lbsent: Councilman 2robst. Halamond tated that the :,laska Packers Association had agreed to pay :16L100.00 toward the construction of the north side ex- tension scuior. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordin;Ince .770. Yew Series. An Ord_inance electing to have an independent assessInent made by the City Assessor for -ne curreut :vear" came up for passage and was read by the City Clork. LTr. ':ialker moved that the Ordinance he adapted, seconded by Lr. Hagilciond and it vms adoted and T7ssea by the following tote; Ays; Councilmen Hammcma, Heuer, orris, Both. 8te7fart, V;a:2=, hi1ho and 72rsidant Bullock. goes; T.Te. Absent; Councilyan robst. Bill for arainance entitled, 'A Bill TO:ro Ordinance Ho. TTew Sories . r1V4Ina n-P 11 11 7 0 4176 J13.1y 20th, 1915 . Mr. Heuer moved that the Ordinance be ador,ted, seconded b7 1.1r. 1r7orris and lot *by the fe11owint7 vote: Ayes: Councilmen Heuer,Los and Stewart. 7oes: Councilmen Halfinel, and i1kins Excused from voting: Councilmen Roth and 2resident P,ullockr. Absc,nt: Col7noi1man i?robst. Mr. Heuer cbaned his vote of Aye to Zo noci ann,7)nuccd.tht he woqid 7.cosent additill data at, the ne:.:1 mE,cting of the Council and weiad then ;:iove to re-consider the Ordinance. J. Bill entitled, " A Dill For Ordinance iTO. How ;:Series. in Ordinance Repeal inc,; Ordinance, 770.:35, 7ew. Series, FrohjiDitjnF the erection or ..a.intenance o ,ary T:lovpble Structure Intended for Hurdan Habitation or maTTent, etc., Duly Adopted and *.Pased by the Couneil of the City of il.laT:leda on the nd da-:,7 of Februarv, A. D. 1515, and Aproved on the 24th day of February A D 197.5." came up for passage. or Ta-lker moved, seconded by La:. 'forris,. and carried, that the'Ordinnce be referred back to the City kftorney and Chairman for ?ublic B5uildings and !1.--rOUYIn2. Committee f r redrafting, Under re-oorts of (;oT])mittees, the following wore submitted; From Public Utilities Comittee, reco.n.:;endinpr: that the 3i:Tectric -1,tht 7,-)epartment be instructed to install eleetroliers the side-,:m'lk frontig the Post Office and farnishin the necessary current without ex:- nense to the Government, , ::ovid i;:r the United '-.;trAes Covernment furnish the electroliers. Haiam,)nd nioved that the rcp ort be adopted, seconded by Mr. Heuer and carried. From the ?ublic Utilities CozImittee statinp: that owin to the brid-e te&or beino- on duty et the various bridges across the Tidal Canal -:or only a few hours during the day, no satisfactory arranements could be made for the turning off of the electric lihts en the bridp:re. Lir. 7alker rnoved tht the resort be adofrted, seconded 1)7 PreEient T3ullock and carried. 3 . From ?ablic Utilities Co' recorTiendirl: that fuse ;ervice connections be by the Board of Electricity to the °iris Trainin,7 Home arld .mrrent be :old at p=2r Kilowatt h:Dur. ir Hanond moved that the roT'iort be adopted, 30017,(5.0 1G7 ?71"3:1.1; Bullock and cf:rried. From PlIblio Gronds Co::nittee recremlendinF. tht no : insurance be taken on. the "Lunieiral Garage. ?resident Bullock moved that the reeortbe adopted, seconded by I:Tx. Tlae,x,md and carried. 7i7:7ins preezited so:fle aata from the State Ceeensation In- sar:.Ince Fund re112.tive to the inErance of the City 'El efnloyees. 0-0erea filed. President "3111loc7e moved thl,t the ]a:vor add City Clr.fr be allowed o - a p,tenora-ehor 'et the rate of A3.00 OCT r1.71, aurin the abenco of T;;:iss 2oeondea by 7:r. Heuer ena carried by the follorrin7 vote: Councilmen Heizer, Morris, 7.oth, 7!alker, and. -Tes- ident Bullock. 705s: Y.ono. [bent: Couucilirn ?robst . lalker f.tated tht coplaint har.1 been :f,-Idc a!71inst -eersolas en the beaches, ir the 'vicinity or i?omns 55 Bol.11e7ard, v:itheut JIlly 20th, 1915. 41, Mr, Guido Blenio addressed the Council and gave a descrintion of his invention of fire nro-fin various kinds of material. 42. introduced the followin TE2OTUPITfl7 I =PECT TO TIT, 777-E=. it has Dlased 1m4 ybt7,7 Co d t ro-::covc. from mortal vision ,70,:= 7:A7KLT- and IIIT2Z JOPT.1 :'1:1A777,= FO'ID= has 7iven to the City o 21aeda faithful and wilJin.c-r services as ar thoreby materially idin in the upbullding of our r.ity and J0=?Il P7A7717.,TY ITC.R=E12. as a -erivate citizen h17,s, by his upright life 'and many charitable dleeds, endeared himself to all, :7_a JOSE: 177';'IT7 z(r=17]: ha2, in both uublic and rrivate life she' mself to be a an of splendi1 character and sterlin 7.:orth, and a man. of ?;reat and lovinp: heart- an e7=1ar of r--ooel citi7enship, therefore be it '07 the Council of the Cit7 of Alayneda that in the death o ,MVE:27 7:=T7 702== the, hao lost a servant who was faithful to every trust, the counity a loyl an le:oted friend; and be it further 77.7,74D, that a caoy of these ResolutIns be scut to the bereaved faail, that the: be sT)rea in full upon the jmrnal 04 the f-ouncii, and that the Council 00 now sO journ in res-pect t':,1 the ,-:em.ory of the decoaE;ed. 717=ona se,:no(.71 the 7Kyt.;:i,on to ado-ot the Teso7ution and it wa,s cmted a-0 -insed by the folloYin vote: Councilmen 7euer, horris, Ihith, tewart, '.1_1ns and 50E:1ent Yore. L'17)2et: 0311ncil0 n Probst. Therc boin no f.:1rthcr bm,ii...ef7.o to transact, the Couucil ad- ournef, tonet in rfqlar SO8SiOn, TrI.Cay 0-70nin7, Lu..7.iast ,.7)(1, 1-.)1F a 7:0 o'clock. esre0 tful.,. Tit:7 ner.