1915-08-03 Regular CC MintesREGULAR 1:TEETIUG OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 77& ALA:EDL TU:,SDAY EVENIEG,,AUGUST 3RD, 1015,, The meeting convened with mayor Y. H. Bartlett presiding. The Roll was called and 'Ccauncilmen Hammond Heuer, 1.1orris, Probst, Stewart, V/ilkens and Pr sident Bullock wore noted presen 0 Counci1- (1) vas noted asont. The Slinutes of the -o:cevious i.,:leeting were approved as read. President Biliock introduced the following ,:,esolation and moved its adoption: RESOLUTICE 1,)250.00 FROM THE GENAL FUND 10 LOCAL 11122LITT FILID NO. 20,, RESOLVED, by the Council af the City of Aineda that there be transferred froy. tho General Fund to Local Tanroont Honc Ho. 20, Yew Series, the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty and 00/100 (250.00) Dollars, as a loan, 7%1' accurinF demar:ds caused by the opening and widening of Encinal The Auditor and. the Treasurer are hereby authorized to rroE,e said transfer upon their res-oective books. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the -Eesolution and it was adopted and pass ed by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Hammond, Honor, Probst, Roth, Stewart, '::ilkens and President Bullock, (8). Zoos:Zone. bsent:Councilman ";:clker, (1). President :iullock introduced the following Hosolution and moved. its adoption: RESOLT= TRATSPERRING V5083.53 FROM TEE ELECTRIC LIGHT FUTD TO THE GENERAL FUND. RESOLVED, by the Council o the City of Alameda that there be transferred fro:m the Electric LiEht Fund, to the 0.e.D1 Fund, the sum of Five thousand and :A.5,:hty-three and 55/100 (5082.55 Dollars, same being an amount equal to the cit:- 1iT7ht1n hill for the three months ending June 30tP, 1915, The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authoriz- ed to ifeke said transfer upon their respective books. Mr. Haamond seconded the a-lotion to adoot the Re olution rzJd it was c:na passed by the fortowin vot e Q;:es:Coulicilman. Hammond, Y'robst ioth, 0euat 11:eno tn6 Pl-esl.deA 3113loch, (8) Noes:::':ono. Absent:Councilman ( 1. The Street Superintendent presented a report etat tTlt the im- provement of Park Street from the southerly line of Buez1:1, Vista Avenue to th lark Street bridge with bitulithic raveent and.cencrte base, one by the California 3itulithic Company had been completed to his satisfaction. Ordered filed. Claims the General Fund amountinF to N1115.00: aainst the Electric Idht Fund amounting to '03242.75; ap;ainst the Street Fund firto-ccittii:, to 10,016.85; agailv:It the ,ibrary Fund amountinp; to 572.15; sp:ainst the Recreation. Fund amcmnting to 1179 .64; asain27t the Health Fund amonntin to 450 .79 and ainst Local Improvement 7und ro. „,„ amgantinp: i80.89, havi heen approved. b y the proper JJC 105 106 k11st 3rd, 1915. Gi -ER_L FUND. Alcmeda Steam Laundry Assn. Bartlett, F. H. Bullock, E. B. Dufour, Vim, E. 7Tur s ery Furey, F. P. Hall y, Frank Kamp, A. Lawrence, J. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel.Co. If 9 TV TV 9 Peoples “ater CO. Rostlia Co. Schulte, ,idna J. Testa ,L. Times Star Co. TV n IT 9 TT It IT IT TT United States Fidelity & Guaranty Varcoe, rn E. illaeda Vulcanizing Board of Electricity Coust ier, Crane Co. Crocker, Y. S. Gamewell Aire Llarm Tel. 00 Genersl Electric Co. General Electric Co. Gilson Electric Su-0,17, Co. TV TV TV 9 Jones, J. 'E. L. "Zellou-s Express Co. cerbor, _L. H. t. Harsh11-1-ewe1l 0u]:nly Co. TV TV TV Clure , Ohs s • Pacific Coast Paper Co. c'ac c states Electric Co. It TV TT IT TV TT TV lt Touel Service Y,ayor's Allowance Honey advanced Labor and material Floral piece Repairs Hotary -rees Services Gas Rental anid tolls Tolls V;ater Supplies Services Hauling garbage Printing Advertising Printing 17 • Bond premiums Servic es as Deputy iss Total ELECTRM LIGET FUND. Paciio Tel. & Tel. Peoples Thter Co. it TV TV Pe-rata, E. Stalard Oil Co 0trdtm Electric Co. Ties Otar Go, C. True Con Laboratories United TX0 '::orks United States 7:ubber Co. Vos.h=al, L. W. Electric Co. cf,A .,:aghouse Pacific Ges,st Brake Cc. es.tinahonse aectric & Mfg . Go, TV TV TV TV TV T1 TV TV It IT 9 9 9 9 TT 9 9 9 9 9 :9 9 9 9 Olem 21.20(2; lorl Cr Co. Brf.Tna:cd, J.I.73m.toi Cc-. 3r;;,t, 'situlitilia Co, Croun n:/clor: Co. 00y10, J.-. TD,11nosd. TV 1 J:2(LIGS01, Supplies Incidentals OD t2jAn $uppliee Cabinet Apparatus TTe ctric su'l7D li s Mat eri al Supplies TV Step ladder Drayage Rent 0ucp1ie s TV Ass is ting City Enuineer 31)p1 i es ercand is e Snp%,)1 ies Phones Water TV Washin windu:Ts puca Oil Electric sulyol Faintin,cr $upplies steel Rubber boot Supplies Appliances 31p-c)11 e s TV TV TV TV Total Labor 17 171 0 a ei Oii Pepsi Pavna Pa.r17. Otreet ilssistinc; City. Enineer 7e0aisre iiing ,1Q7 Engineer Labor Pns aair,7 Oity e r a.!,SID 0 a 001: ,11T) e ara 0 6.00 50.00 3.00 650.00 10.00 1.00 .50 53.25 40.60 .63 11.96 .60 14.46 .50 33.00 3.00 10.75 109 .00 12. 50 6.00 11.25 85 .00 1115.00 .1.? 70,55 15.25 6.00 11.53 29.80 16.11 101.98 953.94 15.46 40..96 3.50 4.65 30.00 11.92 5.24 25.00 2.70 1.44 5.08 1.01 13.25 2.00 2.00 1.50 1940.52 16.50 67.25 6.00 19.60 6.30 22.15 1.81 1.60 46.70 34.48 34.46 1.4a 369.36 .15 3242.7, 59.40 65.00 256 , o r) 4.40 104.00 S009.75 24.22 2.85 W.25 65.00 62.50 15.00 65.0, 1.43.00 nn 4176 c31 G 11 Cc Lopez, 103.11-.) ll:L 1.01 -I.:T:11r f.:=, L. '.1.1.007-i 0'1.1 TT. {. 11. T(li • .1:12 ,9 o e 0 c) c.J0 -0 0 ; (:„ ,.-,10,7te 0.. 7 T 00 ()wale t ' Larsen, C. li2c;;.7 0.-cnio Go 0 . aiI 7 If Got n Geo TV if if 0 0 „ 0 LaTOGY.: T, On. lA t TI 0 It 17 n: Lai', or Ill 0 CH:. :Inc; La or „1,7cv r 12 01; - .0.2400, U11) 2 Int. ?I ;3 Or , ii 1 Cj 11E1'0 O C Go, at f:.3 11121) b Co r 0,mile 1, GI� E1eroi `Z ell 0: rbaclr Paper Go . h':.311) r a 1, 1er Go, 0 00.1.79 0;01; T 1; 0(10 -11., 0. I, :,,retar 0 0 a 0$ Tie t, TImo s t r [3 . fl Go. 000- Lab (rt i000 y0„ „:„ ;311-0.03 1{1,2; er 3OJ) 00 en 01...1 1, h 11-1,12.111) 0 1- BelSi 01:1:3 eS rI0-1-01 iLEOITh FUND. 2 a 11.10 0 0, rj oare 3orves ff 0 0 e '27t: T ot - LOULL ±150157715772117 2.157 „ 20 12. 5, 0, 0 25 1 60 .00 101 .175 . 00 . 00 5. 00 10 5 00 3.68 .42 9 00 1001 6.05 Y. 7 1 " " net7 305.85 4,60 E: 3.40 4. 30 00 30 rl 0 0. 00 I"` 30.00 8 0, 7 5 2,00 11 50 1/1 • 132. 0 0 1.02 1,10 '641. 0 4 1 0 0, 71 20 no (2,45 f.5 .5k 5 20 00 2705 . „ 715 , 0 10.40 OP • 50 62 . 50 1. 79 6 „ 00 5,00 9 70 100 0,, Lr 05 m0e the 01 oiou ao r ead be oolG :i3ec 0 n .LEr • Heuer an '9 cTrOo0 ,T tie 71701, 1, O71 II v 2, 0 03110 -,11';'1-10 1103310 112 ILOUO 0, Moro is, Roth , ';37 orart, 7.; 1:117:`,:e ".n.ifi 2eo 1(20:57; 3571 00, „ e. 11oeo5 01,3tItti.11.1an 11i The :fC11ovTi - e roc 107 108 Aunst ari., 1915. 0. Tile Poundiy.,aster's ranort for the r:,ohth of Ju1-, 1915 O-rdered filed. Tile contract covering the telephone 111 -,JcKinley ParT7.:. Ordered file d The affidavit of miblication a:o th.e postin 0-17 not-jce of ',-2,11,blic worT, under IT:esolu;ion of Tntantion No. 29, l'ew :;eries. Ordered filed. The affidvit of publication and the -uosting of notice of public work. under 'Resolution 0 f intentl 011 10 20 'Tow _;ories. .Ordered filed. The affidavit o: 11icatia11 and the post Ing of notice of Troblic work under Reo1ution of Intention o 81, ow a'';ories, Ordered filed. Te ,d3..1a. 7' 711.e.' reet De-mrtrAent. The 2o11o!oLnp comiun icntions wore received:- Fro the 2Lud1 tor ayor and C.',ity Clerk, in t8at they had anted 'the money in the city treasaT7 on J1- Poi- 7915 found the same to corresond with the ZI.uditor s boos."Ordc,red file(1 . v/ From the 7,ecreation Commission, reeong the Council to ap- oint 8. 7:inkler.as a regular gardener in the el..n-oloy of the 7.octreation DeDartmeot. at , salary of '75.00 -per month. Mr. Probst moved thnt the recpest be grnted, seconded b77. Faramond and carried by the :ollowing vote:- .ilyes:Councilmen Hammen(I, Heuer,, I.7erris, Probst, Roth, 811o170rt, ';:iikes and l'residert Bullock, (8). 7oes:None. Cor!io Wall7er, 6. From the City 01e19T stating that he had received replies from the City Clerks of 3eat:oley and Of:hiand relative to the -,drafting of ljulldinrf _ows. Ordered filed. From 11110 iluditor and Assessor submitting the assessment fig-ares 201 the year 1915. Ordered filed, 0 v' From 0. 8 . Christensen requesting ..lelu.losion to take his annul vacation coencing .ugust 1, 1915. UT, Probst [loved that the request be granted, seconded by ir. Heuer and c!-rried. 9. Froro P=ott & Com-pany offering to sell the City a aunici:pal paving plant. Ordered filed. 10. V From Inc .Luditor requesting -permission to retain n, . 'krcoe as De-futy .Lcsessor for the first two weeks in t. 111-. --:.111,:ens moved that the request be granted, seconded o- Probst and cr:,rried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, T.Torrie, Probst 'Roth, Stewart, V;i3kons and President Bullec77, (8). Hoes :0)11e, Absent Councilmm ':ialker, (1). 11. Frm J. C. McPherson, Superintendent of the electrl lines of the Southern 2aci:nc Company, to Councilmm Wilkens, in which he declined to place a signal at Webster Street and Lincoln Ave; ue. He- -le:h.:red back to the Public Utilities Committee for further consideration. 12, From the Almeda -c:oman's Improvement Club com.plainlng against Inc standing water et the westerly end of Central Avenue. Referred to be Street Committee. 417o Aaoast 3rd,1915. 14. From the Street Superintendent stating th?.t the improvement of an se Avenue and the construction of a sever in the same, between Post Street and HiL1 Street, done by N. Whittmore, an der P:osolution of Intenticfl'i 70, 1, .7ew Series, had been properly done. Ordered filed. 1E. v/ From the Bar d of Electricity, recommending that the Board of SuDervisor,D be reouosted to install time switches on the bridges across the Tidal Canal. P.eferred to the iE1 ic Utilities Committee with in- stru:ctions to so asT( the Board o1 Suervisors. I 2rol the 2ernside I;ecreation Club ijue sting the 0ouncil to di- vert the sewer on the north side of Central Avenue now emptying into z-an Leandro Bay into the main Fu.rnside Sewer. Teferred to tha Street Committee. 17. I/ Pron.-, the Finance Committee recommending that the first payment of :::1250.00 towards to premium oe the insurance covering the city employees 1)0 made on the 4th of Au.E.ust. President Bullock moved that the report be adopted, seconded by :Jr. Heuer en i carried by the follog vote:- Ayes:Councilmen. H=mond, Heuer, llorris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, ilkens and President Bullock, (8). ,Hees:one. Absent :Councilman ViAlker, (1). President Bullock thereupon presented a claim of the 'Z,tate Compensation Insurance Fund in the sum of -!:1250..00 and maved 'that tie claim be allowed, seconJed Heuer and caroled by the following vet e:- Ayes:Co:ncilon Haiimond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, 7-leth, Stewart, ':'filkons and Prosideft Bulloc],:, (8). 17oes:ITone. Absent:Coancilman V/a117.er, (1). From the League of Californda IPL ici alit tes call in the attention of the Uayor, Council and 0 it7 fficials to the ConTention vrhich will be held at the "unicillal !u.ditoriv;,m in the City of OCE:lnd; September 7th to filth inclusive. Mr. Probst moved that the Fayor be authorized to name delegates to attend the Convention' seconded by 1.1r. ,;:ilkons and carried. 19. 7rom the Street, $ewersand llarves Denartment, rrtc,ting that at the neat rulz-.r meeting af7 the Council a comply vnd detailed report of the condi tion of the streets of the Cit;y would be presented Ordered Tiled. From the Bricklayers and 7.,Tasons c,n0 nasterers Union, Loos], 7o. S, presenting the Council with a •copy o r the By-laws of their Union. Ordered. filed. 71-an the City Tanning Commission mfifting nup liction to the Council for an ap-propriation of ::,a00.00 to cover necessary exI)onsesi flr. BirsnonP moved thA the sum of 10C.00 be set aside to cover the Commission's expenses, seconded by Er. Probst and carried by the following vote:- ,',4yes:.0 cancilmcn 7.ammond, Heuer, Ijorris, Probst 2towart, 'ailiTons and President Bullock, 0). 7:Toes:1.Tone. Absent:Councilman V:alkor, (1). 22 . Prom the Alp.moda ArDr vemait Club reuesting the Council to 550 er- 109 110 Au Ras. t Zrci, 1915. Public Ptilities Committee and to the City 2Atorney. From the Board of Education stating that they were readyto , -or oceed with the Yarcchase of ad d iti onL.1:1 roer t the erection of new buildings. Referred to the Finanbe Committ ee. Council=1 Hammond presented two maps submitted by the 000t,aein racific Com-oany shewing the land to be taken by the upenin o 7ornside Boulevard, and giving 1,scriTtions of the same. Ordered Councilman Hanmond -oresented specifications covering the -our- chase of a gasoline motor-driven tractor of the Cterillar type for the uso of the 3treot Denrt and ';ovecl their adoption, ar1:1 thot u, e Clerk be instr-leVO to advel,tio for bids, s,conded by 7':r. Fro , and c;—cri()d by the followinp; vote:- Ay :Councilmen Hammond, :forr is, i'01)2t o;h, 3tewart, Mk,ns and President Bullock (8) . Toes :one. Absent: Councilman Yfalker, (1). 26. v/ Mr. Both stated that it would be desirable to have clocks plac- ed in the Oity Hall tower while the other improvements are being made alld oved, seconded Thy 1r, Llorris and carried tintt, t he matter be referred to the Finance Coinnittec and to the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee for invest igation. 2r. / TT7r. 'Probst called attention to the bad connection made by the San Jose Lvenue cars with the Santa Clara cars at the transfer woint at .Santa Clara ilvenue and . ninth Street and moved., seended by 7,tr. Han=nd aff carried, that tilr, rublic Utilities Committee in vcstip:ate. Probst called. attention to the fact that the station at the corner of Fifth Street a,nd Lincoln Atenue had not been erected, athou7h premises to do so by the 3outhern Pacific Company had been made. He moved, seconded by :Ir. Heuer and carried, th,,:t the Public Utilities Committee take the matter ap with Wvision ngtheer, B.V. Perrin. Mr. Prob2t moved that it be the sense o the Council that in the erection of public buildings or other work in the City of Alaneda, that the contractors be required to employ local help and that the s-oeciafications for such work contain sLch pro'ision, seconded by T::r. Till:ens and carried. President Bullock moved that the Council take up the discussion of the budget at the Committee of the Mole meeting, Friday evening, Juiit lth at 8 o'clock, seconded by T.r. 'Muer and carried . There beinp.' no further business to transact the Council adjouxned t meet:in roular meeting _777_ oy evoning, ugrr ink, 1915, at 7:30 o'clock. 20. Resectf " subitted,