1915-09-07 Regular CC Minutes4176 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1915. The meeting convened with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Heuer, Morris Roth, Stewart and. Walker (5) were noted present. Councilmen Hammond, Probst, Wilkens and President Bullock arrived later and were noted present. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. . Claims against the General Fund amounting to $1903.79; against the police Fund amounting to $24.90; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to $2508.40; against the Street Fund amounting to 1055.09; against the Library Fund amounting to $492.12; against the Recreation Fund amounting to $59.60; against Municipal Improvement Fund No. 8, Bay Farm Road amounting to $105.17; and against Municipal Improvement Fund No. 9, Special Sewer, amounting to 070.00 were read by the Clerk. Mr. Hammond called attention of the Council to a claim of $200 presented by L. Serralunga for street cleaning during the month of August and moved that the same be paid, seconded by Mr. Probst and unanimously carried. Mr. Hammond also presented two claims against the Street .Department for E. C. Soules and A. Camarina in the sums of 102.50 and $16.15 respectively, and moved that they be paid, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Hammond, Morris, Probst, Roth, ,,Talker, Wilkens and Presi dent Bullock, (7). Noes:Councilmen Heuer and Stewart,(2). President Bullock moved that the claims asread be paid, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried unanimously. Mr. Hammond moved that a recess be taken in order that the Council could meet as a Board of Equalization, seconded by MR. Heuer and carried. Upon reconvening Councilmen Haminond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock (9) were noted present. The following were received: 1. Contract for telephone extension in the Mayor's office. Ordered filed. 2. The Auditor's receipt of 0100.00 received from the City Clerk as rebate on the two Ford autos purchased for the Police Department. Ordered filed. The policy of the Aetna. Insurance Company in the sum of $1,000 covering the City Hall and contents. Ordered filed. The Auditor's lance sheet for the month of August, 1915. Ordered filed. Thereport of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the year ending June 30, 1915. Ordered filed. Milt? nRthR nf nffion rif PnA Ag-fieirtwi.to nymnirrEmArAt September 7th, 1915. extending and widening of Eneinal Avenue, Crist, Clay and Calhoun Streets. Ordered filed. Maps and estimates of the cost of the Industrial Highway. Ordered filed. Pound Report fOr-the-month of August, 1915. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: From Mayor F. H. Bartlett recommending that $3,000 be added to the budget for the purpose of sinking an experimental well. President Bullock moved that $3,000 be added to the budget, 2,00 of which should be used for the well and $1,000 for the Library, seconded by Mr. Heuer and carried. 7 From J. E. Breitwiser giving his views on the advisability of digging an experimental well. Ordered filed. From Mayor John L. Davie of Oakland, inviting the Council to attend the League of California Municipalities Convention in Oakland. Ordered filed. From Charles M. Quintero complaining against boys playing ball in McKinley Park. Referred to the Chief of Police. 7 • v/ 10. From the Board of Health and the :Taster Plumbers Association of Alameda giving a modified form of the Ordinance governing plumbing rates and regulations. Referred to the Health Committee. From the Auditor and Assessor giving the tax rate on the Interest and Redemption Funds. Ordered filed. From the Alameda Chamber of Commerce presenting Resolution urging the Council to establish a City Pound. Referred to the Pound Committee. Mayor Bartlett announced that he had appointed Councilman Heuer as a member of that Committee to take the place of himself. 1,1 From Wm. Hammond, Jr., recommending that a Committee be appointed to revise the building laws and regulations. Mr. Hammond moved, seconded by Mr. Wilkens and carried that the Ilayor appoint a Committee of three. From the Street Committee submitting its report on the improvement of streets. Ordered filed. From Tom Lee requesting a gratuitous license to conduct an express business. Referred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting. 11. 1/ From the City Clerk notifying the Council that the term of office of Mrs. Ellen Langren as member of the Recreation Commission had expired on the 2nd of September. Mr. Hammond moved that Mrs. Minnie E. Ackerman be appointed to fill the vacancy, seconded by Mr. Probst. Mr. Heuer moved to amend, that Mrs. Langren be reappointed, seconded by Mr. Stewart and lost by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Heuer, Morris, Roth and Stewart, (4). Noes:Councilmen Hammond, Probst, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (5). AbsentNone. Mayor Bartlett thereupon declared the amendment lost and put the original motion which was carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Couhcilmen Hammond, Probst, Talker, Wilkens and President Buliock, (5). Noes:Councilmen Heuer, Morris, Roth and Stewart, (4). Absent:None. 4176 September Light Plant. Ordered filed. 13. v- From the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee recommending that the bid of W. J. Sheller for sand-blasting the City Hall be accepted, his price being $425.00. President Bullock moved that the report be adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and unanimously carried. 14. / From Mrs. L. W. Tripp, F. F. Chipman and F. J. Chipman permitting the City of Alameda to erect steps at the foot of Caroline Street and Weber Street. Ordered filed. 15. V From Samuel Poorman, Jr., resigning as Commissioner in the ope ing, extending and widening of Lincoln Avenue, under Resolution of Intention No. 22, New Series. Mr. Hammond moved that the resignation be accepted, seconded by Tr. Probst and carried. Mr. Hammond moved that A. F. St. Sure be appointed to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Poorman, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 16. From the California Girls' Training Home expressing thanks to the Council for free service connections. Ordered filed. 17. From the Alameda Women's Improvement Club asking the Council to urge the erection of a waiting station at Fifth Street and Lincoln Avenue. Councilman Wilkens reported that the Company was preparing plans and that the same would be constructed in the near future, and moved that the Clerk notify the Club to that effect, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 18. From the City Attorney stating that the Compensation Insurance policy of the State Compensation Insurance Fund covering the employees of the City of Alameda was in due form, and recommended that the Clerk be directed to notify the heads of departments of the necessity of making immediate written notice of any accident. The Clerk reported that that action had already been taken. The communication was ordered filed. 19. Specifications for the pumping plants in Washington and Lincoln Parks were presented and ordered filed. 20. v An Affidavit showing due publication of Notice to Contractors inviting bids for the laying of a wearing surface on Santa Clara Avenue between St. Charles Street and Ninth Street was presented, and ordered filed. In response to said notice the Clerk stated that he was in receipt of one bid. Mr. Probst moved, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried that the Clerk open the bid. Thereupon the Clerk opened the bid which was from the Ransome-Crununey Company offering to lay the wearing surface at the rate of one and one-half cents per square foot. As the bid contained no statement of a five year guarantee as called for in the advertisement, Mr. Hannord moved that the contract be awarded to Ransome-Crummey Company upon the condition that they sign a contract including the five year guarantee and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign a contract covering the guarantee, seconded by Mr. Probst and unanimously cerried. The bid of Ransome-Crummey Company was accompanied by $60.00 in nurrnnniT_ 121 bptem:ber , 1915. 21. / An Affidavit showing due publication of Notice to Dealers in Tractors inviting bids for a motor driven tractor of the Caterpillar type was presented and ordered filed. In response to said notice the Clerk stated that he was in receipt of five bids. President Bullock motred that the bids be opened, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows:- From the C. L. Best Gas Traction Company, offering a 40-45 H. P. C.L.Best Round Theel Tractor for 2660.00. A 75 H. P. Track laying Tractor for $4346.75. A 30 H. P. Track laying Tractor for 02556:.25. Certified Check, 0434.68. From the Yuba Construction Company, offering a Model 18 Yuba Bali Tread Tractor for $2850.00. Certified check 285.00. From Fairbanks, Morse and Company, 1- 30-60 H. P. Fairbanks Morse Tractor for 2500. Certified check of $250.00 From the Holt Manufacturing Company, 1- 60 H. P. Caterpillar Tractor, price, 4275.00. Certified check of 0427.40; From the Holt Manufacturing Company, 1-45 H. P. Caterpillar Tractor, price $3,000. Certified check of 0300.00. The bids were referred to the Street Committee, Superintendent of Streets and City Attorney. A Bill entitled "A. Bill for Ordinance NO. 51, New Series. Authorizing and Empowering the Board of Education to Recommend and arrange for the Purchase of Land for School purposes mentioned in Proposition No. Two or Ordinance No. 40, New Series, and to Report thereon to the Council of the City of Alameda; and Authorizing and empowering the Board of Education to Employ Architects to make Plans and Specifications for the Construction and Completion of the Work mentioned in said Proposition No. Two of said. Ordinance, and to adopt Plans and Specifications qnd to Advertise for Bids for said Work, and to Award. Contracts for said. Work to the Lowest Responsible Bidders; and Authorizing and Empowering the Board of Education to enter into Contracts on Behalf of the City of Alameda; and Establishing Municipal Improvement Fund No. Eleven" came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Hammond moved that the ordinance be adopted, seconded byMr.Probst, and it was adopted and passed. Unanimously. Mr. Hammond stated that three items of $250.00 which had been placed in the budget for the donstruction of steps leading to the beach were not necessary and moved that they be stricken out, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Under reports of Committees:- 22. / Mr. Wilkens stated that he had taken up the matter of the connections of street cars at Ninth Street and Santa Clara Avenue and that the Company had acreed to remedy the condition. 23. Mr. Walker stated that the California Girls' Training Home had told him that an additional fire escape would be built but that as yet the work had not been begun and moved that the City Clerk be instruct- ed to notify the officials of the Training Home to at once order the fire escpae constructed, seconded by President Bullock and carried. n ,/ U,mmn-ImA o+.n.4-eNA -1-1nc147 C A TInn.lo remsner n+ 7,eptember 7th, 1915. off the sidewalk upon the condition that the city construct a walk. He moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to construct the sidewalk when the building shall have been removed, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried unanimously. 25. - Mr. Probst called attention to the fact that the Western Union Telegraph Company was charging a twenty-five cent toll for the delivery of messages west of Sixth Street. Mr. Probst moved, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried that the Public Utilities Committeetake up wht matter to ascertain if the toll cannot be removed. 26. Mr. Probst also called attention to the way in which the life preservers are stored on the Ferry boats and stated that they were so placed as to render them practically useless in case of accident or other need, and moved seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried that the Public Utilities Committee take up the matter with the Southern Pacific Company. Mr. Graves, of the Graves-Spears Raod Machinery Company invited the Council to inspect the Buffalo-Pitts Traction Engine for sale by his Company at a price of 04700.00. The matter was referred to the Street Committee to report at the next meeting of the Council. 27, Mr. Hammond stated that a balance of about 04600.00 would be left in the funds of the Street Department and asked what disposition should be made of the same. Mr. Wilkens moved that the money be spent on the im- provement of Santa Clara Avenue, secomded by Mr. Walker and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Morris, Probst, Stewart, Talker Wilkens and President Bullock, (7). Noes:Councilmen Heuer and Roth, (2). 28. Mr. Walker spoke of the jitney buses that frequent the streets of Alameda and which come to the beaches particularly on holidays and moved, seconded by Mr. Heuer and carried, that the Public Utilities Committee take up the matter as to license regulations etc. 29. Mr. Roth called attneiton to the rate of electricity charged by the Alameda Municipal Electric Light Plant and the :'33.00 charge for service connections and moved, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried, that the Public Utilities Committee take up wht matter with the Electric Light Commission to ascertain if a reduction in rates could be obtained and the charge for service connections be eliminated. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, September 21st 1915, at 7: 30 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk. 123