1915-09-15 Regular CC MinutesADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAMED, EV7NING, SEPT. 28TH, 1915.' The meeting convened with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond, Morris, Pro'ost, Stewart Talker, Tilkens and President Bullock, (7) were noted present. Council men Heuer and. Roth, (2) were noted absent. President Bullock offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption; RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING $500.00 FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE CITY ENGINEER'S FUND. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alarreda, that there be transferred from the General Fund to the City Engineer's Fund the sum of Five Hun- dred. and 00/100 (500.00) Dollars, for labor per- formed on the Industrial Highway as a loan to be returned on receipt of new budget. The Audit or and the Treasurer are hereby authoriz- ed to make said transfer upcn their respective books. Mr. ',Talker seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed unanimously. President Bullock offered the follo1.7ing Resolution and moved its adopt ion: RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING $200.00 FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE RECREATION FUND. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, that there be transferred from the General Fund to the Rdcreation Fund the sum of Two Hundred Dollars as a loan to be deducted by the Auditor from the first apporti °merit of Taxes for the ensuing year. The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authoriz- ed to make said transfer upon their respective books Mr. Walker seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed unanimously. President Bullock offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption; RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING $44.36 FR011 THE GENERAL FUND TO TAX REDEMPTION FM). RESOLVED, by the Cou.nc it of the City of Alare da that there be trans ferred from the General Fund to Tax Redemption Fund (Taxes 1914) the sum of Forty-four and 36/100 (44.3 6) Dollars, adcount Sales No. 46, $12.15; No. 115, $24.56 and No. 150, $7.65, deposited in the General Fund during the months of July, August and Septemb er, , 1915. Mina nvIA +1,1n rrinnes.n,,,, :eteaber 26th, Ordered fil 3. The City Engineer presented a plan for the improvement of the south end of Laurel Street. Mr. Hammond moved to adopt the same, seconded by Mr. ',Volker and unanimously carried. • The following communications were received: 4. From the Police and Fire Commission stating that they had retired. Police Officer Louis W. Schroeder on account of disability and had placed him on the pension list co:nm.encing October 1st, 1915, at a monthly pension of ,';`=.50.00. Ordered filed. • From J. Gutleben requesting, permission to construct a„ three room per table house at 3241„ Avenue. Mr. Haamond moved that the matter be re- ferred to the Police, Fire and Water Committee with power to act seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 6. From James E. Sutton requesting permission to take his annual vacation of two weeks commencing September 29th, 1915. Mr. ',Walker moved. that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried. 7. From Mayor F. H. Bartlett in which he stated that the could not sign the contract between-the City of Alameda and the Ransome-Crummey Company for the surfacing of Santa Clare. Avenue, between ITinth Street and St. Charles Street. Ordered filed. The Clerk read the following Resolution: RESOLUTION FIXING TAX LEVY. RESOLVED, that the rate of city taxes to be levied and collected for the current fiscal year upon the assessed valuat ion of the prop erty appearing on the assessment books of the city of Alarreda, be and the sane is hereby determined and fixed at one hundred and sevety-five cents on each on e hundred dollars of said property; and be it further RESOLVED, that te portion of the whole of said rate Which shall belong to each particular fu-nd of the city and the portion thereof belonging to each special pur- pose or bonded indebtedness of the city, be and the same are hereby specified and designated as follows, to wit: General Fund. •• ••• •• • • • • •••• •••••.••. 41. • Hea.lth Fund, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . , • • Iv*. . . . Library F u n d . . . . . . . . 64.0** • • •01.11.1, .5171 .0402 .0659 Interest and Redemption Fund(To pay the interest and redemption and maintain the sinking funds of bonded indebted- ness of the city )• •••• •• • ••••• ••••• .2376 Recreation Fund (to pay for the main- tainance and improvement of the parks, squares and public grounds of the city ) .1292 Street Fund (to pay;f.or street and sewer .2600 tember 28th, 1915. "Llame de, Calif or nia • Sept emb 28th, 1915. To the Honorable, the Council of the City of ..r1lameda. Gentlemen: I have before me your Resolution fixing the tax levy adopted and passed on the 21st day of September, 1915. I hereby object to the follow- ing items that it contains and give my reasons for such object ions: 1. Motorizing one hose wagon, 63350.00. For the reason that while the motorized hose wagon is a very desirable improvement the tax rate is so high, due to the special street fiend levy, that I think it necessary to wait another year before acquiring this. 2. Installation of Sprinkler System, 6'3500.00. For the reason that while the same is a very desirable impr ovem ent , the tax rate is so high, due to the special street fund levy, that I think it necessary to wait another year before acpuiring this. Tith regard to this I beg to point out to you that the item "Sprinkler System" as put in the budget by you.rselves is not entirely frank. I am given to understand that it in- cludes not a sprinkler system but the installation of pumps in the parks. I take exception to the indirect methods employed. by the Recreation Commission in mak- ing the request for this expenditure and tru.st that no other attempt will be made by the Council or other Com- mission to cover hp their real intentions as has been done in this case. 3. Field House in V'ashington. Park, 61500.00. For the reason that while the same is a desirable im- provement, the tax rate is so high, due to the special street fund levy, that I thin t it necessary to wait another year before acquiring this. 4. Field House in Lincoln Pax For the reason that while the same is improvement, the tax rate is so high, special street fund levy, that I think to wait another year before acquiring 61500.00. a desirable due to the it necessary this. 5. Extra help in the Street Department, 6'2590.00. For the reason that the Relief Fund provided for will raise nearly $2000.00 and much of this money can be used for extra help in the Street Department. While I am on the subject, I wish to point ou.t the scandalous waste that is going on in the Street De- partment. I find upon examination of the Auditor's books that during the months of May, June, July, August and September of this year the item of extra labor amounts to nearly $4,000 more than it did during the corresponding months of last year, with practically nothing to show for it. Much of this expenditure is due to the fact that the Chairman of the Street Com- mittee, Mr. Hammond., has insisted upon putting his friends to work against the pr otest of the Superintendent of Streets. 6. Fund for investigating water supply, $2000.00. For the reason that while the same is a desirable im- provement, the tax rate is so high, due to the special street fund levy, that I think it necessary to wait another year before na.king such investigation. I also beg to 'point out that the tax rate as proposed by the Council would make a total of 63.23, including the County rate fixed by the Board of Super- visors, a rate that is not only excessive, but burdensome. e p e,n r) or 7,Tr . Hammond from the room and Mr. Harrmond retired escorted by Sergeant Jacoby. At this juncture of the meeting the Mayor questioned Superin tendent of Streets Frodd.en regarding the expenditure of moneys in the Street Department. Councilman Wilkens arose and requested that the Council and the Mayorcome to an agreement upon the budget and spoke for harmony between the Mayor and the Council. Councilma-n Walker suggested that an investigation be made of the books of the Street Department and Auditor as to the expenditure of moneys in the Street Department and moved that a Committee of three uninterested persons be appointed, one to be appointed by the Mayor, one by the Council and the two appoint( to agree upon the third, seconded by Councilman Probst and carried. Mr. Walker moved that J. S. McDowell be appointed. by the Council second- ed by Mr. Probst and carried. Upon motion of President Bullock seconded by Mr. Walker and carried, the veto of the Mayor was ordered filed. Mr. r obs t moved that the Council adjourn to meet in regular rneeting, Tue sday evening, Octob er 5th, 1915, at 7:30 o 'clock, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried. Respectfully submitted, Deputy Oity Clerk.