1915-12-07 Regular CC Minutes,00 REGuLza MEETING OF T COUNCIL (11" JE 0 ITY OF ALEED2.„ fl TUE= :VETT:1G DEGaILER 7TH1915. The meetin convened with nayor F. H. Bartlett presidin,7. The roll was called and Councilmen Hammend, Morris, P-,-obst Stewart 710,1k and President I-',ullock were noted present. Councilman 50th arrived 18ter and wasa noted present. Lbsent:Coanoilmen Heuer ayid Tilkens, The i1ues of the -reri:ali„r ::ilectig of TSTvelber 16th were approved as read. Tae 1 the adjourned reullar meeting of 7ovemher 25rd were nrproved as read, Claims against the General Fund amounting :',,:./±953.32; againet the Police Fund amounting ac7ainst the Electric Light Fund amounting to .0615.60; against the Library Fund amounting to aninst the Street Fund, Labor, amount! 1J.gaInst the Street Fund, rateral amounting to ':1462,78; agaiKist the Health. Fund r meuntin tu 51:L0. 41; against the Recreation Fund amounting to .755.18 an against lalnicial Improvement 7und No. 3 Bay Farm Road amountinF to '6,4.04 havin been -pproved and audited the proper officials were read by the Clerk. 1::r. talker moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Probst and on Toll call carried. unanimons?y. The following were received: The Poundmaster's report f r tho month of nvember, Ordered filed. Ti e ,,..uditer's balance sheet for the month of November, 1915. -00ered filed. .Anportinment o a Taxes, 1915-1916. Ordered filed. -E:e'oort of the aTanicipal Electric Liaht Plant for the month 0cte1:er,1915. Ordered filed. Contract with the California Hydraulic Engineering and. Supply Company for the installation of a new boile heater in the C.ity Hall. Ordered filed. The Lffidavits of appointment and oaths of office of 21. F. t. Sure, F. J. Croll and R. E. 2osshard as ommissianers on the openin97 of Lincoln 21veaue, under Resolution of Intention 50. 24, Sew Series. Ordered filed. .Ln affidavit showing due p-ublication of Notice to Dealers in 5"ap1ies, inviting bids for a motor driven lawn mower was presented and ordered filed. The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of two bids. lir. Hammond moved that the bids be opened, seconded by 1::lker and carried. Thereupon the Cler ope'ned and read the bids as forlows:- 4176 Deceber 7th, 191Ei seconded by Er. ':ielker and carried. An Affidevit was presented showing due publication of Yotice to Automobile Dealers, inviting bids for the motorizing of Hose ,:;agon 70. 4. Ordered filed. The Clerk stated that he vas in recei-ot of four bids. Mr. Hammond moved that the bids be opened, seconded by 7.:r. Probst and crried. The Clerk thereupon ope d and read the bids as follows:-- Pacific Kissell Kar Branch, '3105.00. Certified check4317.50. The Moreland Motor Truck Co. '2670.00. Certified oheckA500.00. The 'Mite Company, 4120.00. Certified check, '412.00. Don Lee, '2846.50.-Ce.otified check,8265.00. Cuyler Lee, :,.5350.00. Certified check,565.00. Mr. Hammond moved that they be referred to the Police, Fire and Va Committee to report back to the Council, seconded by Mx. Probst and ca.rried. 4. An Affl,mri4c Shown; ,7 due pablicotion of Yotice to Lutomobile Delers, inviting bids for an aut'':,moile truck for the Recreation COMMI88iO4 was nresented ania ordered filed. The Clerk stated tit he was in receipt of throe bids. Mr. Hammond moved that the bids be opened, seconded by President Balloc': and carried . The Clerk thereupon opened and read the bids as follows:- The Pacific Kiss ell Kar :Tranch,480.25. Certified chc53.03. Edward R. Bacon Co. .374.50. Certified chock, 70.00. Cuyler Les, :?700 and ]::785.00. Certified check, V78.50. Mr. -Hammond moved that the bids be referred to the Recreation oowm,.ssIon, seconded 7yy President 1-3nilooh and carried. The following communications were received: From Rol ph 7:hitmeyer, requestl (Y` a gratuitous license to 2,edd1e frait and vegetables. The sane bearin the endorsement of John Conrad, Chief of Police Talker moved unk, the request be granted,' seconded by Mr. Hammond and c:-,rried. G. V From 7:m. J. Tannehill, roquestin a gratuitous license to canvas for the "Housekeeper s Duster and Tindow Washer". The same beorinthe endol-semt of John Conrad, Chief of Police, Mr. V:alker moved that the request be Fronted, seconded by Hammond and carried. From Street Superintendent V. Frodden, ca T1 g the Council' attention to the overflow of mud :ln(.5 water from the property owned by the Pacific In0roV Company and requesting thnt body to take some act ion towards rJboting the nuisance. Referred to the City Attorney. From Street Saperintendent V. M. Frodden, sal line the Council's atteetion to the need of a stor sewer en the north side of the Cit, west of Paru Street. 7,eferred to the next Committee of the Thole meetiE.g. From Street auporinteadel;A V. Si, Frodden stating that the Catorpillor Tractor .ourchased from the Holt Manufacturing Copoiy was doing good work and receir,mendig that the bill for the same be ordered s)aid., Ordered filed. A claim in too sum of ;2534.07 the some covorinp: the ' .cont-cact price of ::28b0.00 for the tractor and :14.07 covering the cost of freight for the tractor and conopy from TLookton to Alaeda 105 there- 155 December 7th, 1915. 10. From Street Superintendent 7. L Frodden, reporting that the 11. construction the bulkhead and t at the southerly end of Laurel Street, dane by Powell Bros. Construction Comany had been completed to his satisfaction. Ordered filed. From Street Superintendent V. M. Trodden. re-00:7 1_ that the construction of a sewer in Fernside Boulevard on the south side thereof from the center line of Hih Street to a point 150C.63 feet westerly therefrom done by Hutchinson Company had been complted to his satis- faction. Ordered filed. 12. v.< From the Fi.)anee Committee recommending that the Library Board co-operate with tlie Fin-nce Committee on the matter of the two 0or cent redaction or bills and that a coDy of the report be sent to the Library :Roard. Fresic'rellt BU1100 oved that the report be adopted, secndod by 1.r. il*mmond „7-fl.d. carried. 13. From the !T,oard of Health recommending the immediate re-esta- blishment of the City POiuId at the north end of Crand Street. Re- ferred to the Bound Committee. 14. From the 3oard of Health ur.q.,ing that shock absorbers and a sor-i saspension stretcher be installed in the police mIbulance. President Bullock announced that thc necessry money has been appro-oriat- ed for this improvement. 15. From Conressman aston aslz.ing for further inforni2tion on the : tter of the chnpse of harbor lines. Referred t:) the htibiic Utilities Committee. 16. 17. From Geo. D. Shadburne, requesting the Council to beautify the sidewalk saces. Fo±erred to the Street ComTdttee. From. if. Chadbourne, statin that he would hold the City of Ali.,,meda and the Rancome Crummey Company accountable for the laying of the bitacrete pavement o Santa Clara Avenue, he alleing that the nec of that -ioavement is infringement upon certain patents covering construction of bitucrete pavement. Rrerred to the City LAtorney. Anonymous communicatio:1, thren into the waste basket. 18. From the Joe Hooker Post 7.0. 11, thanking the C:,ancil for the use of the Court Room for meetin,z. purposes. Ordered filed. 19. From tho Fidelity and Casualty Compcny of 17.ew York offering to insure the boiler in the City Hall. Referred to the Public Buildings • Grounds Committee 20. From Louis Fenmon'n to the D-',,yer and Counoil offca'ina bis resig- • tion as a member of the Board of :ducation to take effect immediately. Mr. 7,mmond moved that the resisnation be -a,cce-r)ted, oecordeci by Frobet f_.-n1 carried. rol e From T.Tayor 7. H. Bartlett, appointin Jasper D. Mills as a ff-,ember of the .F3ord of :]ducation to fill the vacancy caused by the resignotion of Louis 7:einmann. Mr. Hammond moved that the ifItter be referred to the next Committee of the Thole mectin, seconded by T. 5 the Council to purchase certzoin -oroDerties a-joining Porter School. 1Hr0 Hammond moved that the matter be re-referred to the T3oard of Education, seconded by :Hr. ':;alker and carried. From Mayor H. Bartlett submitting the following communi- cation:- "Alameda,California. December lst,1915. To the. Henorable, the Council of the City of Ziamedo. C.-entlem 1 returning herewith proposed Ordinance without m 2roval for the reason that I believe that a salary of 175.00 for the 2,T)cHndent of Streets in view of the manner in which the Dco?ortmout is at oresent run, is excessive. -\ e r truly yours, H. 132rtiett, 1.:loyor of Hlameda." 1a accordance with art. 1, Section 13 of the Charter the matter was laid oier for further considertion. 24. From li_ayor F. H. 1 rtiott ubmitting the following communication:- 25• "Alameda, Californi. December 1st, 1915. To the Honorable the Council • of ti o City of Alameda. 0-entlemen: 1 am returning': herewith the Ordina.nce on the salary of the Poundmaster without my approval. The reason 1 do this Is that 1 am not satisfied that the sum fixed, namely, .175.00, Is a proper one. The Orinance purports to be for the services of deouties and other expenso, believe that a seitable salary should be given the 2ounOmaster, that tho city shc'::uld pay his deputies if he needs any and should pay his expenses, but that no blanket sum unseroroted shogill be allowed. Very respectfully yours, h. 3artiott, of 1Jneda, " In accordance with Article 1, Section 13 of the Charter, tile matter was laid over for further consideration. . "10th introduced a 3111 entitled " A Bill For Ordinance ".Lo. .Uew Sories. Providing for the Acquirinz by the City of Alameda of Certain 1-=',eal :Eroperty for the Use and Erne 111 of the 1111 Schools of sal City. wHich Was lid oxer under a provision of the Cl arter. 23 t 14r. WiL,.ons introduced a Bill entitled " A Bill For Ordinance 110. New Series. An Ordinance Establishing and Providing for the aegulation of Inc Business of Using, Operating and Driving ..atomobiles for Hire Upon the Streets of the City of Alnmoda, for the Licensing of the same, and Erovidinc a l'eHalty for the Violation Thereof." which was le.id over under a provisien of the Chf?xtr,r. • U1,. Hammond moved. that the Street Dg,partment temporarily. improvo tile easterly end 01 Cehtral Avenue, adjoining:: Pernside ule- .7) 158 Decombe 71, 1015 . bc allowed 250.00 for the construction of steps at the southerly en of Oak Street, seconded by Mr. !.alker and on roll call carried unanimously. 29 M Y/ r. Hammond celled attention to the fact that it will be necessary 0 for the Council to ado-pt plans and specifications for the improvement Central Lvenue, instead of 'ia.lving cont racts submit their own specifications, moved tht e City Lroineer Street -prepar 6"e necesoary plans and specifications, seconded by Mr. 'alker and carried. Lr. -ioth called LIttention to the bad condition of the crossin of Lincoln :,,venue and Park 6treet and moved that the matter be 1e eferred to the Street Committee, seco-nded by Lr. Probst and carried. 31. :r. Probst stated that the Tooration Commission was desirous of purchasinp: fift benches from the Lxposition and .-ed that the sum of .100.00 bo allowed the 'Commission out of the 3enera1 to make said purchase, 0000 de by Lr Ci' nne; carri ,J by the followins vote:- 4o2:Councilmen Harmnond, Probst n, V:olker and President :Rullock, (5). .C:oos:Coun,ilmen Morris aad Stewart, asent:Councilmen :Holier and '::117ke1is, (2). Lr. Probst coaled attention to nuisance created by a sewer 32 near the Clark Pottery '.:orks and moved that the Street Committee investi- gate to hove the nuisance nbsted, seconded by Lr. aaker and carried. 00. I/ Mr. Probst called attention to a report that was being circulated that e=loyed la 'Fral-:cisco were being rewired to move to San Francisco in order to retain their positions and moved that the Clerk -vrite to ..yor Rolloh of Francisco regarding the maAter, seconded by • Hammond and carried. 34. al.. Probst moved that the City Clerk and City littorney ascertain when ,reeholders' Election may be held, seconded by Er. Valker and c=ied. 35. President 2ullock called attention to that fact that a one hundred foot fla pole for the City Hall would cost in the neichborhooa of ::150.00 clad that .100.00 of this amo.urft had been provided for in the budp:et. Er. ler moved that the winance Committee be allowed 50 .00 additional to nurchase the fiog pole, seconded by Ur. Hammond and on roll call carried unt.lnimously. There further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet ia reulr session Tuesday oveninr, December 21st 1915 at 7:30 o'clock. 1-:es-oectla11y su'mitued,