1916-02-15 Regular CC Minutes17 0? e 11, REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE GITY • ALAMEDA TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 The meeting convened with Mayor P. H. Bartlett presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, talker, Wilkens an d President Bullock, (0) were noted present. Councilman Hammond arrived later and was noted present. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 51.3. • against the Police Fund amounting to 0.12.28; against the Fire Fund amounting to 039.49; against the Street Fund, Material, amounting to 0204.79; against the Street Fund, Labor, amounting to 314.15; against the Health Fund amounting to ;;!58.28; against the Recreation Fund amounting to 248.95 and against the Relief Fund amounting to 618.59 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk. President Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Valker and on roll call carried unanimously. The following were received: The Auditor's balance sheet for the month of Janua . Ordered filed. The semi-annual report of the Fire Department for the term ending December 31st, 1915. Ordered filed. The semi-annual and annual report of the Police artment for the year 1915. President Latham of the Polic e and Fire Commission requested that the recommendation of the Chief of Police to the Com- mission be read by the Clerk. The communication vas read and referred to the Finance Committee. The following communications were received: From Mayor F.H.Bartlett returning the ordinance recreating.the City Planning Commission and stating that his reason for doing so was because of an oversight it did not fix the terrns of office of members of the Commission. Mr. Hammond thereupon re-introduced a Bill entitled, "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Establishing a City Planning Commission, Pro- viding for the Appointment thereof and Pre- scribing its Powers and Duties." which was laid over under a provision of the Charter. An affidavit shaming due publication of Notice Not10 to Printers in viting sealed bids for the city printing f r the year 1916-1917 was presented and ordered filed. The Clerk stated that in response to Qat 02. said bld he was in receipt of three bids President Bullock moved thet the bids be opened, seconded by lir. Hammond and oarried. There- upon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows:- From Schwabacher- rey Stationery Co., :2820.60. Certified check of 3500.00. From V. E. Pitschke, pl3.39, bond of 500.00. February 15th, 1916. Mr. Hammond moved that the bids be referred to the Printing and Advertising Committee and that a recess of fifteen minutes be declared, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. Upon reconven*ing Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Rot] Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock (9) were noted presen 5. y/ Mr. HaAnond moved that the bid of the Time tar Company for the city orinting be accepted and that they be awarded the contract there- for they being the lowest responsible bidder, seconded by Mr. Walker and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Hammond moved, seconded by Mr. Walker and earried, that the Clerk return the bond and certified check of the unsuccessful bidders. 6. From City Attorney St. Sure, giving an opinion on the with- helding from publication documents which are addressed to the Council and which are presented to them at their next regelar meeting. Order- ed filed. 7. From the Alaska Packers Association requestint the closing of Nautilus Street. Referred to the Street Committee. From Ben P. Lamborn applying for ,a lease of the city property on the estuary. Referred to the Public Utilities Committee to report to the next Committee of the whole meeting. Two communications from Thos. H. Rees to Councilman Wilkens relative'to the change of harbor lines and the widening of the channel. in the estuary. Ordered filed. 10. From City Attorney St. Sure giving the condition of the i provernent of the land deeded by Emily A. Rogers to the City of Alameda for Sixth Street, together with the Deed. Mr. Hammond moved that the conditions specified be accepted and that the City Attorney record the Deed, seconded by Mr. Walker and on roll call carried unanimously. From the Tax Payevs League of Alameda County submitting reso- lit'ons for city and county consolidation. Ordered filed. 12. From G. E. Stiefvater complaining against the nuisance made by the street cars at the crossing of Ninth Street and Central Avenue. Referred to the Street Committee. From the Board of Electricity recommending electric service rates for the Surf Beaoh Amusement Company. Referred to the Public Utilities Committee. 14. From the Board of Education requesting the Council to authorize them to dispose of, either by public or private sale, the improvements on the property acquired and to be acquired by the city for school purposes. Mr. Stewart moved that the Board of Education be and it is hereby empowered to sell at public auction all of the buildings situated upon lands recently purchased for the use of the Lincoln School and to be purchased for the use of the Porter, High and Longfellow Schools the money received at all sales to be deposited in Municipal Improve- 177 178 February 15th, 1916. 15. v/ From A. L. Louder, again requesting that suitable signs to drive slow be placed near the entrances to McKinaly Park as a protection to the children who patronize the place. Referred to the Poli e Fire and Water Committee with power to act. 16. V From the Alameda Improvement Club inviting the Mayor and members of the Council to attend the installation of the officers at the meeting of the Club Thursday evening, February 15th, 1916. Mr. Hammond moved that the invitation be accepted, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 17. / From Auditor and Assessor F. J. troll requesting permissioii to emnloy the necessary help which was allowed him in the budget to carry on the work for the present assessment season. President Bullock moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Hammond and on roll call carried unanimously.' 18. V From Congressman J. A. Elston to Councilman Wilkens stating that he has received the action of the Council in which the protest against the proposed widening of the harbor was receinded and stating that he would forward the communication to the proper authority. Ordered filed. 19. Mr. Probst introduced a Bill entitled "A Bill FOR Ordinance No. New Series. Calling and. Providing for a Special Election in and for the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, to be held in said City on Tuesday, the 23rd day of Hay, A. D. 1916, For the Purpose of E- lecting a Board of Fifteen Freeholders, whose Duties it shall be to Prepare and Propose a New Charter for said City of Alameda, Pursuant to the 2rovisions of, and in the Manner Provided by the Constitution of the State of California; Establishing the Election Pre- cincts and Designating the Polling Places Therein for such Elextion, and the Names of Election Officers for each such Precinct, and Appointing such Election Officers, and Proclaiming such Election and Providing for Giving NotiCe thereof" which was laid over under a provision of the Chartex. Mr. Probst moved that When the Council adjourn, it adjourn to meet in adjourned regular session, Wednesday evening, February 23rd, 191 at 8 o'clock, seconded by Mr. Hanmnnd and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Providing for the Acquiring the City of Alameda of Certain Real Property for the use and Benefit of the Public Schools of said City." came up for passage. On.motion it was laid over to the adjourned regular meeting to be held February 23rd, 916, 20. 1/7 A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. ____ Series. An Ordinance Providing for tegulation of the Business of Using, Operating and Driving Automobiles for Hire upon the Palle Streets of the City of Alameda, Providing for Licenses to Carry on such Business and for the Revocation Thereof, Fixing the Amount go License Fees to be Paid, Requiring the Furnishing of Bonds, Making the Violation of any of the Probisions of this Ordinance a Misdemeanor and Providing a Penalty therefor, and Repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in so for as the same may be in conflict herewith" came up for passage. Mr. Heuer moved that it be referred to the next February 15th, 1916. 2l V President Bullock called attention to the need of keeping all city hall offices open during the noon hour, and moved that the Council instruct the same to be so kept open, seconded by Mr. Hammond and cnrried. 22. Mr. Wilkens brought up the matter of the street signs and Mr. Roth responded by saying that his Committee is still endeavoring to t the glass and thought that possibly some arrangements could he made with Frank Bowen whereby he will complete the contract which had been given to Fred Banks. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred back to the Committee which has been handling the matter, with power to act, seconded by Mr. Wilkens and on roll call carried unanimously. 26. Mr. Walker called attention to the fact that the. Golden Gate Gun Club had been forced to abandon theur shooting grounds on the marsh near the Southern Pacific Shops on account of the dredging work that is going on and that they desired to locate at the foot of Jay Street. He moved that they be granted the privilege of maintaining their shootinc, grounds there, seconded by Ur. Wilkens and carried. V Mr. Hammond moved that the Public Utilities Committee be structed to confer with the San Francisco, Oakland Terminal Railways to have their High Street cars make closer connection at the San Jose Avenue and Park Street transfer point, seconded by Lir. Talker and carried. • Mr. Hammond called attention to the construction of dykes for in purposes on the property owned by the Oakland Waterfront Company west of ';ebster Street, He moved that the City Attorney com- municate with the proper parties for the purpose of preventing the drainage of any of the slickens into the water on the west side and that they be required to dram only northward, seconded by Mr. :alker and carried. 26. v Mr. Ben F. Lamborn called the Council s attention to efforts made in 1896 to have streets extended through the marsh lend and suggested that it would be advisable for the Council to carry out such a project. 1:or. Hammond moved, seconded by Ur. li:alker and carried that the matter be referred to the Pubile Utilities Committee. 27. V Mr. Heuer moved that the Public Utilities Committee take up with the Southern Pacific Comeany the matter of providing a signal system whereby the commuters can be informed of foggy morning ferry service, thus preventing the congested condition at the mole, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourn- ed to meet in adjourned regular sessioi, Wednesday evening, February 23rd, 1916, at 8 oc1ock. Repeetful1y subrnitted, /