1916-03-14 Regular CC MinutesAIJOURNED REGULP MEETING OF THE COU7Cil, OF THE CITY 02 TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 141H, 1910. The meeting convened with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Stewart d'alker, Mkons and President Bullock, (7) Were noted present. Council man Roth arrived later and was not 1 present. Absent :Councilman Probst. Claims against the Geaer1 Fund amsuntinpi to ')29.25; against the Police Fund amouni; na to 34O $1; agairs6 the Fire Fund ameunting to 933..9G; against Street Fond amounting to 44.35; against to Re- creation Fund amounting to :233.19 ana against 8pecia1 Street Constructicn Fund amounting to -:)2022.70 having 1een speroved and audited by the proper officials were read >y the Clerlr.. President dullock moved that the claims as reed be paid, seconded by Mr. Hammond and on roll call carried by the 7 vote:- Ayes:Councilmeh 'Hammond Heuer, i,Torris, Stewart Taiker, Tilkens and President Bullock, 7). idoce:'Hono. Absent :Council- men Probst Lna Loth, The following wore received:- The Oath of Office of Jaspe r D. Mi is as member of ti1.0 3oard of Education. Ordered filed. cihe Oath , Office end bond of R. H. Jennison as City' Engineer, Ordered filed. 3, Br leff5jinvit showing doe -publication of "Teti R. L. Minor and Ches. C. Boynton for the eriviloge to construct, Install tokilaate in aria under litiss7x Street an underground storage tank -enmping station, mains, conduits, and pies and of the sale of said privi- leges was cresehted an ordered filed. In one to said rotico the Clarh stated that hs in receiPt of one blai. Mr. Ticsaaond moved that the hid be received ard oponod, ascended President Balleck and censotnisd. :hereupon the Clerk opened arB road tho hid as lowz:- From D. A. Minor and nas. C. 50wLo0 afferin ths cam of 1.00 for 1-,3-le rights above mentioned. z:,:ctitt ao,70:1 if there any ::;ne present who wished to raise the of Application of Bo one offer 1 LO to increase the same :Yr. Lammoad moved that the francielee be awarded to B. A. Minor and MILs. C. Boynton, seconded by Mr, hiIkeas oal on redil exal carried l'wL.imoa7,..J, Yr. Lorris thereupon introduced a P111 ont:itled Bill 7or Ordinance Edo. Bow Series. Authorising the making of a Contract selling to B. A. Lianor ana Shas 0 Boynton a supply of ;:alt hat sr when available as may, in the Operation of the Municipal Electric Li get Plant, be discharged from the Steam Condensors, while used by the City of Alameda at its Electric Light and Power iiorks, during the Period of Twehtyfive years from date of Contract." which was laid over under a provision of the Charter. The following communications wore received:- March 14th, 1916, of holding a mass meeting to formulate plans for fOr311iig an organ1zatien to endorse candidates for the Freeholders. Mr. V;ilkens moved that the re-- (post be granted, seconded by adker and carried. 6. From the Police and Fire COMMiSSiOh requesting the Council to set asiae the sum of ')3 .00 to pay for the services of four speoial officers for duty at the iiioose Carnival from April 5th to 16th, Referred to the rirQ and oter Committee. .7. 1 Mr. Hammond, moved that in the future where carniva7s are held ana pc7.ice protection is desired the officers so selected shall be paid for by the persons holdinF" the carnival and the selection of the officers shall be subject to the approval of the Chief of Police, seconded by 112. aiker and carried, From Joseph J. Davis requesting a Fratultous license .to peddle fruit c.nd verrotablos. MOris moved that the request be isranted seconded by Halmonel and on rell ca11 carried unanimously. 9. v From the Eoard of Education requestinc: permiSsion to use the Council Chambers on the afternoon of Sat' av Lpr41 lot to hold all auction. Mw. Ifilkens moved that the reuest be granted, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried. 10. vs. From the Finance Committee recommending that the sum of 55.00 be set aside for the employment of five special officers to handle the crowds and traffic at the beaches. Also that the clerk be instructed to advertise for bias for an automobile for the Police Department in exchange of the two now in aoe. Mr. Hammond moved that the report be adopte seconded by tr. V:alker and carried by the following vote:- Ayes :Council- man Hammond Heuer, 7oth, Pa1ior, i1kens nnd President Bullock, (6). "Iloes:Councilmen Morris and Stewar (2). Absent :Councilman Probst (1). 11, ā€˜,/ From Roy E. Walter, City Clerk of San Jose,inviting the mayor and City Council and other officialo to attend the Rodeo to be held in that City on the Fourth af July. 'dr. Hammond moved that the invitation be accepted, seconded by Mr. ',Volker an carried unanimously. 12. (// 'Prom the Street Signs Committee recommending that the contra awarded to Fred Banks in Ju.ly, 1014, be cancelled on the ground of non- fulfillment and that PI-oak B. Bowen be awarded the contract for placing one hundred and ninety-five street signs at a coot of 2.10 per sign. President Bullock moved that the report be adopted, seconded by nlkens and on roll call carried unanimously. 136 From City Attorney, A. F. St. Sure, relative to the claim ef A. Feldhamer against the City of Plam da for work done on the Pound builAina. red filed. lir= the Alameda Improvement Club requestilner the Council to press the Southern facific Company for the -ollowin,z imrrovements: A. A twenty minute service between San Francioco and Alameda during 191 March 14th, 1916. that the fog schedule obtains as to operation of ferry boats. A flag signal at the railway crossing at Tebster Street and Lincoln Lvenue. Referred to the :Public Utilities Committee. As Mr. J. C. McPherson was in the audience Mr. Wilkens requested that he be given an opportunity to speak, on the matters suggested by the Improvement Club. Mr. McPherson availed himself o± the opportunity and stated that the twenty minute service between San Francisco and Alameda was not warranted, inasmuch as there was not sufficient traffic to pay the cost of operating extra trains. 17egaraing7 the signal system he stated t'pat no suitable method had been devised by the engineers of the Company and further, that owing to the irregularity of the fog, it was a difficul t matter to arrive at any suitable arrangement. ding the flag signal at '::ebster Street and Lincoln Avenue, h tated that in all the years east no accident of any consequence had occurred there which showed plainly that a signal was not necessary. Ur. *Leaherson said however, on the B and C matters above mention- ed if the same were pressed and a useable system devised the Company would consider the same. Mx. Heuer offered as a suggestion the blowing Of the fire whistle which would notify commuters that a fog condition existed on the Bay. F:egarding the improvement of Central Avenue, Ur. McPherson, as well as Ur. W. F. Perrin who was called upon for a few words,said that the Southern Pacific Company would bind its to pu(, in new rails in the future and place that obligation in writing. Referred to the Committee of the Whole meeting. i6 4 V/ A eetition from residents in the Vest End complaining no:ainst a hacking of water on their Property due to dredging that is going on in the marsh, was presented and ordered filed. Mr. Hammond moved, second- ed. by President Bullock and carried, that the City Attorney notify the Oakland Waterfront Company that they will be held responsible for ell water which drains back on the proTerty on the north side through the action of the dredin, done en their land. V A petition signed by eighty-eight residents living east of Regent Street and south of San Jose Avenue complaining against a coiony of seavengers with their garbage carts and other pharaphenalia was present-- ed. Messrs. Lyman 1 Mowry and J. E. ,r itwiser appeared en behaif of the Protestants and urged that an Ordinance introduced hy Mx. Stewart regn- la. lating the eubject natter in question be paesed. stated that the Ordinance as now drawn was 'v Attorney St ā€¢ Sure whereupon Mr. Stewart moved seconded by Mr. Heuer and carried that the City Attorney draw up a suitable ordinance which will prevent the stabling of garbage wagons within the city limits. p/- Mr. Tells,- moved that the Ordinances heretofore introduced regulating jitney buses be withdrawn, seconded by Jr. V;ilkens and carried, He offer- ed as 0 euhe.;itate for jntreduction the fo11owirs Bill entitled, 4176 1,1arch 14th, 19 For Ordinance NO iTew Series. fn Ordinnce Providing for the Regulation of the Business of Using; Operating and Driving Automo- biles for Hire apon the Public 8treets of the City of filmeda, Providing for Licenses to carry on such Business and for the Revocation thsreof, Fi;tins the Lmount Of License Fees to be Paid, Requiring the Furnishing of BOAdS, makin7 the Violation of nuy of the Provisions of this Ordinance a Llisdemeanor aud Praising a Penalty therefor, and Repealir all Ordinances or icarts of Ordinances in so far as the same may be in Conflict Herewith ehich was laid over undor a provision of the Charter. 19. 3even sots of sposificatiens for the improvemert of Contrmi vonuo w_ereprosented and ordered filed. 20. V Mayor Bosriflott ctated that he had invited the co-operation of a number of civil enfngeors who resided in the Oils," of nlameda to be present and help solve the street improvement problem. hir. Hammond moved, seconded by liT0 tewart and carried thatethey be heard. Viheroupm Mr. 31rtlett called upon the following 'persons, Messrs. ,ynn Maurice C. Couehot, Thos. J. Lllan, and c,,,eo. L. Dillq..an. Councilmen T::alker, ;;,'.tewart and Hammond also took part in the discnssiu. hr. Fammond moved that the Council meet in Committee of the Whole mooting Monday eveninp7, arch 20th, 1916, for further _discussion of the specifications which had been pre.p,ared by the City 2nFineer's office and that Sr, Sutton be 7.'equosted to attend, seconded by 7Ir. Walker and carried, 21. / Mr Loth called attention t the delap ] t . r + ā€ž 1 vā€ , 4 A by the San Francisco, Oakland Terminal li.allways, between Baena Vista. Avenue and San Jose Avenue and moved that the City Clerk be instructed to notify them to repair the road bed as 60011 as possible, seconded by Sr Stewart and carried. Shore bAing no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet:in ropmlar session, Tuesday evenLig, l'iarch 21s,, 1916, at 730 o'lech. 1,:espectfully submitted, Oity Clerk, 193