1916-07-18 Regular CC Minutes4176 2. IEQUL.R IITO OF THE COUNCIL OF THE '-.TY OF LLALT.L.,'DA., TUEDAY EIVI=G, JULY 18TH, 1916. The meeting convened with Jay or P, H. Bartlett presiding. The roll was called 2nd Councilmen Hammond, Lierris, Prohsl, Roth, itewa-ot and P'f-esident Bullock were noted present. CounciTman 7;alher arrived later and was not d present, Councilman '.°L1.11,:ens was noted absent. The Lanutes of the regular meeting of July 5th were approved as read. he inutes of the .ildjoarned rep:ular meeting of July llth were approved rend. , Clai?rt against the Cteneral Fund amountin :5,562.20; aFT.inst the Police Fund. amounting to !!q37.;14; a,ainst the Tire aanting to '14t03; aT:).,inst the Street Fuud, amounting Fun(7, (idatorial), amountinF 802.65; against the Stret 84; against the REcreati J1.1.hu 23 ..97; ainst the elief Fund amountinp: to :S1(1.00 and ap;ainst Improvement Fla2ld 7e. 11 amounting to :;9 4,00 havin b ee wiproo d and a:udited by. the proper offi :,ials were read by the Clerk, President T5ullock moved that the claims as road 'be 1)aid, seconded by Mx. 'ialker and on roll ,1,9al carried uwtninousIy o The followin were received: The Thditors balance sheet for the month of June. Order :i ed. , annual report of the Fire Deartnent. Ordered filed. The semi-annual report of the Pollee Department. Ordered filed. The annual report of the Street Department. Ordered flied. The folloing communications were received; From Thomas H. Rees notifyin;-; the Council of a meeting on 1J1gust 17th, 1916 at which the prca9oso5, San Francisco-Oakland bridge will be dicussi. Referred to the Public Utilities Committee. From Street au..perinteylaent V. 1. Prodden, accomPanied by a letter from the Jolt 1anu facturing C;ompany iv ]Jig the cost of the repairs and replacements on the tractor owned by the Street Denartment. ::1r. Hammond moved that the sum of :),00.00 be allod ;as recolaftende to cover the cot of the reair;3 dnd the enity may the freiht both way- to Stockton, to 'dhich point the n.:igine is to be shiypea, seo::,nded by 1:r. Morris an0 on roll call carrie6 unn,nimously. From Street 2roddefl, recon7 that cer- tain-trees en diST Street, near Ster1!a .LvenTle, be removed. Referred to She Street Col.mittae. Urom t:CE t in V. h. 1o6den, rec7. that the -portion of Cent:cn1 .:17chue be .)erinanently :improved. Ordered filed. S-pecification for salfl improveent accompanied. the letter. Mr . f7,obst fnoved thn,t the speciionE3 b- ndopted, seconded. by :.[r. c)n roll call carried unanimously. 5 r, 2robt btoved that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for qpetn ers11 260 July leth, 1916. 7 Probt also moved tht, the CJerI. hotify the officiaas of the Southern Pacific ComT)any f t7.7Je int;Eition of the Council to hnprove .Central Avenue beteen Sherman and Fourth Streets, an t.;J:,at they be 1.nvio d to IDe :',resent at the next Jaeeting rt 4Aat ;ALt'i,7t777" of ;ID o 'iollheall to dions the iaiie secoh(7ed b2 LTr HarctmLnC, and carried, Further co_Hmunicaties: lo* From C. A. Z.cClure aakina appliction for the -c,aition of inapector on the inn' ovemnt of Oacitral Avenue. 7,),pierre1 to the Street Committee. Fro Leon zedor (rat 7:71(s Le. 1-0,hard. a-fTlicyetion f(r Lc :a 7,,ec2ti3nfD. *er. Thlker meyea that the f,-;-ciestE4 be ,',1!?Jilte(.1 s:econded by JO sst an:T!. (tarried. 7.ammend ilritroJed the follcr:fins--- Ieo alat ton 0..nj heved its alh:Aalhe:o.: 7.,H=*107 C'n7.7:T7 YZ,e= h=E.,1, the Costeell of In City of 2,:ialfteda ,5id an the 2St1 of LTr'il, 1910, ::0 iG0 7'.ese.lution of Tr tention Zo. 21, T o Serio, aecIsrih its to tbe s:sIc. to be done ;end, f-,1-1)roveloat. elaqe to y..'it:- 7hat Wnta CThora reh-e in otlid Oity of :lhailedh be open.- ed fYfld 7idened to a uniform with of ei'shty (0) foot froa tne 7,oisberly line of hebE;ter 3treet -.17or the distanoe of one 11-Taare forty (140) feet ffleaslir'ed 7->sterly alen sc.id T'zanta lasra .170e1.7,e • ii lino of "Tebster Strect, and JeeoibieL:. in T7. reoolutjh,m the li.:=.110s a2-.0 neee,ehry to be therefox., srec:;ar.yln in _,hh:;h1 resolution the "Uodc to be afYected or bfj.ted oaid ;:or] on0 Improve- eni anh'; to be aasessed to --ay coe,,:ta and e:Tones tIsea's0f; oni to ot-rect on.“-,ni_atendent of the Cit7 of larpeda did thoreuT)ou eause natIc;c of the ssage of • reolutien to be eoEted arid I)lablished for ten dayo n the flianher reuired by laws; and ERE.L6, ojec,tion13 in been filed ainst • Irre0(De Jo:': and 5,1.11-ent the tee (10) !::lay after the loo:irrtio:a of tlec tiena of the tion 0! aid. notice of the -pessage of aaid yescILutien • tO 0oanc 1. at a ayalaio iiorin on Jnne 15th, 1910, 2e-:r0. Feid 1:2rotest over-rled the same tn,3 the Colacil of the City of iTameda hLls nchillired jurisdio.ation to order s.,,a16. work 0J16 te, be done as ::,foresid and • g1,73fifIly described in said ".,:eolutton of In- ts-ntion TTo, 21, 7e7.! L. F. i tre , F. J. Croll and R. E. :Boshard, are 1re'hy alpointed commissioners to assess benefits • thraoee ?.nd to have E'eneral sapervision of sal :-)ropo'a ed work and iororovement until comoletion the in com- oliance with the law. ':!all:er seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adorit and passed una.ilimous1 0 • 7,Tammond introduced the following Resolution iod moved its ..adoption: a-EaYLJTToiT gIaERTG 00 :21D NAMING001:11:11;-6SIONER, ;=E, t':le Council of the City of !,laineda did on the 27th day of iprii A. D. 1915, 'Pass its Resolution of intention Ijo. 22, Yew '6eries, declariaP: its intention to order the J_ *lowing work to be done and improvenkent made, to Tit:- Tbt Lincoln Avenue in said City of Alamda be .opened -n0 widened to a uniform width of eihty (80) feet from the V;esterly lille of 7:il1.ow Street in said City for the listance of one hundred. (100), feet measured 7:esterly along said Lincoln Avenue from said line of :;illov,Street, ;:l.nd describing in said resolution the lands and .premises necessary to be taken therefor, and specifying in said resolution the lands to be affected or benefited by sa-id. work and imDrovement and to be assessed to pay the damages costs and expenses thereof; and 4176 July iSth, 1915. did thereupon cause a notice of the passase of said reso- lution to be posed and y:,ublished for ten days in the aanrer and as required by law; and 7HEREAS, no objections have been filed oaiast aid proposed :Tork am3. intpir ovenant, and more than ten days have elg-Dsed after the expiration of tl-le time of the publicatioa of said notice of the -:)assape of said reso- lution, and the Council of the City of Alameda has ac- quired jurisdiction to order said work and improvement be done as aforesaid and as specifically described in s*id Resolution o±' Intention No. 22, New Series, A, t. Sure, is hereby appointed coiaissioner assess benefits and dgmges aad to have e;eneral supervision of said proposed work and improvements until the completion thereof in compliance with the law. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and .passed unanimously. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. "Lieg'1 ia the Handling, Sale and Distribution 7ithin the City of ..lamed of Tilk and Certain Milk Products Intended for Haman Consumption, and Imposing a Penalty For the Violation of said Ordinance." came u: for ,)assa,7e and was read by the Clerk. 1.Tr. Stewart moved that the Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Y . aac, on r 011 call -passed aTid ade-Aed unanimously. Dill entitled Bill Por Ordinance U. New Series. Defining.: PgsteurizO =k, Regulating the Production Handling, Sale gnd, Distribiltion Thereof, the '::taf.Lelard of :ilk Intended fox Pasteurization and Imposing a Penalty for the Violation of said Ordinance." came an fur' PossPr,e and was read by the Clerk. Hr. Stewart moved 4.61:Tat the Ordinance be adol)ted, seoone d by Mr. Hammond and en roll call passed and adopt ed unanimously. A Dill entitled "A 2111 For Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Sections 347, 349, 352, 356, 360, and Re- pealin Section 363, and Section 370, Charpter VI, Article 3„ of Ordinance iTo. 1, New Series, Known as the Municipal Code of the 0ity of Alameda, Approved January 14, 1913." came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Stewart movedithat the Ordinance be adopted seconded . Hammond aoad on roll call passed and adopted umantncusly. 1\ Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Prohtitie the Serving or Drinking of Spirituous, Malt or Fermented Liquors or FLnes, or any AdmixtiJre thereof, in an Public 'Lark, Playground, Recreation 0-round or other Public Places." came u for ')assage, Mr. Prast moved that the Ordinance lay over, seconded by Mr. .12oth anfi carried. LIr . Smith introduced a Bill entitled "A 13i.11 Por Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Holdup: it Un1awfu1-77r any Person, Tith intent to Injure or Defraud to Possess any Contrivance for Prevent in the Correct 2egistration of any Gas, Later, or Electric Meter, and Prescribins; a Penalty Therefov." 4 ) ) July lSth, 1916. A Bill entibIed "A 'Rill For Ordinance Ye. New Series* Regulating the Keepi4g and Using of ;Scavenger, Garbage and ':lagons, Carts, Horses, Auto- mobiles, and L.11 Appliances used in the Butiness of collecting and Disosing of Garbase." came 11.- for -oassae. Hr Hammond moved that the matter lay over, seconded v 1,Tr. Probst an carried. 17 Ira'. Hammond moved that it be the sense of the Council that there be no further electrolier moonlii7ht schedule and that the electroliers be Thit every riiyht seconded by Mr. 7a1ker 2.rsd carried. iqr, Probst report & on the pviniDinp; -olant at Wash -irrton Park and stated thau the same was now working excellently' and 7-dvirtz' ample water U, V Mr. Roth called attention to tine broken condition of the sidewalk in front oT the City Hall an also to the need a water--oroofing the shoot- rani2‘e. Hr. Walker moved that it be.refcrred to the Public BuildinFjs cud Crounds Committee, with paver to act, seconded by a.cle.1 on roll call carried unaaimously. v Foth spoke of a permit that he desired to place a boiler in a buildin being erec ted at 2524 Clement Avenue. My. Hammond moved that '11P request be allowed, subject to the nTroval of the Tire Chief, second- ed by Mr. :alker and carried. 15, V Yr. Hammond called attention to a sewer which r7ins from a residence at 70.P, aata Clara. eaue kat() 7:eT,ster Street and moved that the se':!er be a11cars1 to remain rls it now iS, subjecit t:.) the am)roval of the Lilita-vy Inspector, seconded loy 7,1r. 2rdbat anz7, carried. There being no further busine:ss to troLloact the Council adjourned to fle6t in y'gular session, r2uesdy evening, ziugu2t 1st 1915. spectfully 2ubmitted, City Clerk.