1916-10-27 Regular CC Minutes4csuT11:1, saqouT c,) 01), ceou;a112 :ca: :: ZUT7,1v-aT:.7. pouao2op T uo':;.11 aq LE 'souy,oT7.1 UT 2;:)i[c)71 (9) u:-:Ts e9p12:00 !0,00.342 TrOS ;0 .E13:4",30t Z.0 OVJ uoju T 1 aq 11 'uoTuaulTp= uc,Too sooa;) T. )7.ct pocvApaz 1-0 'S9S00 oi. o. ;o sauTI ciauo uoTJ3 ,-)-F:c3T ' :u9T2uoulTp uoTc;,00',3 uT saouT aATa.r 12.q sa-qouT OJ 453uTqaflo !apc.;a2 TT.oT;;o ov. 0. pop aq 'c4TmTI PT1,:;s OTs 1-0 Kr-1,PT21, OJ0 @ITc;- W11 :s:AoTio; si '1:1D1,1 ;() 0&J 0L0O oT;TolJE, UJ9U1j10 CI,t2, ;0 eUTI IC!"1„701.23 01. .,voaal,2 ao.q.sc ;0 auTi aT,2„ 7.11o.-c; 1.aoa7 ;o ';4T0 uT oTou aq 0C TualoaJmT ouo act )E.T.op_ ;177TLoTT0 ; aT3,9, J.o; cuoTq.oT;Toa ou-c-F_J aaaa.Td. co, p00ao .S.ciaamt rJT 1.)11:2 ja) /Z1-T0 0T-['-1- To .IT:JuH @1{9, 'r17.A70.711 a1i 7 ,JnieT,11TJo poAou- pu-c: ucTlalioaYT @Tn. paar • DimouiTuuu poss'aj puc2 outA ii Tioa uo pu'a uoTp.-cop;o: auq. p i000 sTaxorz uoToroTTJJ uoju p'au, oc." 12:ww saTdoo Ofl aoTorou 'LT6T T16 ./7a.11uP IZTamu 'uoT400To to; ix; H Lt T oq. p t;0tT 1a 0E 2T OT-f Yt 0C :q,7:010 14T0 'aaArlosH): eq glIAj !ic4T0 pT-os ;c) saag,ol, 0L. og, ucTq.nuaq..sTp zo;_ ulzo; 1.0ig(T. waTuoAuoo uT poq.I.TTa:J @c■ og. ao,),Jo 1)T-Lo ;o saTdoo ms/10K0- xTs Gsmco TI11311s 2t,ToTo ILI-To 0T-1- =1-1- 'CLS170F71-1 1.1: -pu-c :9161 '4.sT ZOCLI:J9A0 -saupa:A vo SITa 13pamT7 OT-ITuo.&a ov,A1 -:9„Tr% oor 414T0 ToToT;;o auj uT 0017.0 par.tsTiquJ aq paE;odo,r.d pT'ac 'ITolmoo 0t Jq iccurio= 9,-T a‘To;a,7_o .9T6T 'a.actcgoo ;o 196 T7.0 .4Z1,TO jc ;C .1[Z0T0 iZ1,TO 0T12r J0 eoT;:s.o ou,; LT J40 pasodozj sq.T eTTI PTL '-apemT7 1.0 14To )u,o, ao; SuTsodoJj pu'a SuTa,oa(J. 10 ao; '9151 'cz; 2LJT1 pagroaTa JO -6:1-TO oM,- To 2,1aL)ToKee JO P.T.0::1 otu, i:D=TIOHLT" 1-T sofT paAouJ pU,7: :[o o; pooupoa9ruT 1.scto,T.j in Gool4TuToD oT pozao;o'j 9vorTo poi i pacioclioa "EodoTp oZ17,, ct 0 ppTI.o'w aqq, TTounoo popuann:ooaz lo pEoL MOZZ. papuooeci.1 *.S.TuomTuuu DaTaao. TT-co Iloa uo p 0XI0j 1 oT.Laa olu4. to; portj e zabZ! aod 2;1,130 Z.q„;T; ;o tu s-purloao oTiqua paaaa,Taa ag *020TTAT3-0- 1?0,7-3J--T0 T L0Tt. 00*O1 , j. T.71 .0 ottl. uT oeo peTu2,.117 sum fpoILT.)o puno(71 o ti ajTj. :euTl.sT:ce uTp, J J.ovJs:, 1.00V V00 u.c-)71J1aoJ SuTg.sauaa, aotti:'iL UTATGI W.0,15 paATapaz aaap, su0 T9rJoTTY.ulm0 o opw ') .T, 0j) PT-03 1T-T:2 gp1701.T.MQ7 11=ITOU11.02:4.Mn(17 eq.17.0:-40,:Cc; '00011 eTe (0 ) 4SV0.7:1:ITL aoytTo uawiTOulloo pu pa-al:Jo san TToJ: ous, 'suuTs0.3: r-1.1.91a t0 : t=1-T:A 1.2'?u0Avoo *9161 17.n.5„7,07,00i1= 7g737..,17 TIO PT O 730=00 g.71 ,TO =7= ET77n= (17=notIc7 'A 0FT pU.'a October 2?h4 191C . fr. '::ilkens seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll coo it was adopted and -o,9ssed unanimon ly. The City 1-1:..jjneer thereupon oresented plans andoecifictions Tor the improvement of 7forks Street, wheteRoon lir. 'o.lker introc7Rced the follow- in Resolution and moved its adoption:- '2ESOLUTICY ,i1DC2TED Plan &PECIFIC:_TIONS. RESOLVED, that the plans arid specifications or the follow- in work to be done and improveme-At to be olade in said City to wit: The improvenent of ':orka Street, from the easterly line o-F -::ebster Street to the westerly line of the S outhern Pacific Company's riht of woo as follows:- Tht the entire width of street, between said lirei be fraded to the official grade; that redwood curbing„, our inehes by twelve inches in cross section dimension be laid alona the curb lines of said street; that two (2) courses of redwood planking,two inches by 12 inches in cross section dimension, shall be lfAd Rpon the sub- g:rade of the roadway of •said street; that a concrete base, six (6) inches in thickness, shall be laid upon the above described planking; that an as:ohaltic wearinp; surface, two (2) inches in thickness, shall be laid upon the aforesaid concrete base; and that a plank sidewalk, six (6) feet in width, -shall be laid on each side of the roadway of said street, between said limits, as prepared by the Enineor of said City and submitted this 27th day of October, 1916, be, end the same are hereby adopted as and for the :plans and specifications for doing said work. Mr. Wilkens seconded the motion to adopt the esolution and on roll dell it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. 'C:alker introduced the followinp; Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION OF InEKTION. RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the council of the city of Alameda, to order the followinP:,work to be done and improvement to be ::ode in said city, to wit:- The improvement of 7:orks'Street, from the easterly line of Viebster Street, ,to the Vesterly line Of the Southern Pacific Oomoany's right of way, as follows:- That the entire width of said street, between said limits, be graded to the official grade; that redwood curbing, four inches by twelve inches in cross section dimension, be leid along the curb lines of said street; that two (2) courses of redwood planking, two inches by twelve inches in cross section dimension, shall be laid upon the sub- grade of the roadway of said street; that a concrete base, six (6) inches: in thickness, shell be lu,id 111)o-A the above described plankin;7;; that an ashalt ic wearing surfce, twe (2) inches in thickness, shoal be laid uoon the afore- said concrete base, and that a plank sidewalk, six (3) feot in width, shall be laid on e-och site of the roadway of said street, between said limits. A11 of said wo rh shrlii be done In sc cordance with the -plans and -,;-pecifica.'Gions heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on file in the office of the city clerk. The cler!:. shall : cause this '....:esolution of Intsnb to be published twice in the Eve.oing Times .:;tar and. Alameda Daily Arus, a doily newaraoer published ond circulated in said CI-Ey and hereby designated for that purpose a the said Council. The Street Superintendent shall, immediately, cause to be conspicuously posted aloll3 the line o3: said contemplated work wab imorovemert and in front of all the )roperty liable to be assessed, notices of the -oasse of this Resolution of Intention, in the manner and form required by law. All of the herein proposed work shll 7oe done in pursuanoe of an act of the Leoislature of the State of California, designated the "Improvement Aot of 1911" approved. 11,pri:1 7, 1911. nr,,,,,;!,A n,1;1 ny, y‘ nil nn11 ± 17/nc: 4176 v 0ity Attorney .St. Sure 5tated that it wao neceesary October 27i1 an Abstract oi Title for the property to be :ourchased from lirs. 'Frasier at the corner of IJincoln Avenue oxid 11iOW Street. Mr tewart moved tht the City Attorney he instructed to secure such Abstract, secondec_ by Lr. i1keis and carried. 5. V Mr. i,Lori stvAed thcA the Poundmaster desired an electric light at the pound, and moved that the Jiatter be referred. to. the Public Buildi:ngs Grounds Co-Inmittee -.A_th power to act, seconded by Zr. 3tewart and carried. TheJ:e be in no farther jy.i inc s to tvJnsact, the Council adjourned • to iheet iA regm_ixr sesion ':ednesd.c.,77 evenin 7ovember 8th, 1016, at 0 o'clock. I"ZebTectfally City Clerk. 295.