1999-07-07 ARRA PacketAlameda Reuse & Redevelopment Authority (A ) July 7, 1999 Meeting *Please Note: Item 4-A Has Been Withdrawn From Tonight's Agenda AGENDA Special Meeting of the Governing Body of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority * * * * * * ** Alameda City Hall Council Chamber, Room 390 2263 Santa Clara Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 1. ROLL CALL 2. PRESENTATIONS Wednesday, July 7, 1999 Meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. City Hall will open at 5:15 p.m. 2 -A. Presentation of Office of the Secretary of Defense Award to ARRA for Exemplary Work in Base Redevelopment 3. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 -A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 15, 1999. 3 -B. Report from Deputy Executive Director recommending support for Assembly Bill 473, Hertzberg. 4. ACTION ITEMS 4 -A. Report from the Deputy City Manager recommending authorization to finalize negotiations and execute an interim lease through the term of the Master Lease with the Alameda County Homeless Collaborative for Buildings 101 and 92. 4 -B. Report from the Deputy City Manager recommending authorization to lease Hangar 41 for non - museum use. 5. ORAL REPORTS 5 -A. Oral report from BRAG. 5 -B. Oral report from the Deputy City Manager (non- discussion items). 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON- AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) (Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the governing body has jurisdiction, or of which it may take cognizance, that is not on the agenda.) ARRA Agenda - July 7, 1999 Page 2 7. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY 8. ADJOURNMENT This meeting will be simultaneously broadcast on cable channel 22. The next regular ARRA meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 4, 1999. Notes: • Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the ARRA Secretary at 864- 3400 at least 72 hours before the meeting to request an interpreter. • Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) is available. • Minutes of the meeting are available in enlarged print. • Audio tapes of the meeting are available for review at the ARRA offices upon request. APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE AMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, June 15, 1999 The meeting convened at 7:20 with Councilmember Daysog presiding. ROLL CALL 1. Present: Absent: Mark Friedman, alternate to Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 3 Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda Albert DeWitt, Councilmember, City of Alameda Beverly Johnson, Councilmember, City of Alameda Barbara Kerr, Councilmember, City of Alameda Jay Leonhardy, alternate to Jerry Brown, Mayor, City of Oakland 3-11 Chair Ralph Appezzato, Mayor, City of Alameda Sandre Swanson, Vice Chair, Ninth Congressional District for Barbara Lee Kathleen Ornelas, alternate to Shelia Young, Mayor, City of San Leandro 2. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 -A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 5, 1999. Alternate Friedman moved approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Johnson and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes 0. Chair Appezzato, Alternates Swanson and Ornelas were absent. 3. ACTION ITEMS No report was given 4. ORAL REPORTS 4 -A. Oral report from the BRAG updating the ARRA on current activities. No report was given. 4 -B. Oral report from the Deputy City Manager. No report was given. 1 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) No oral communications or non - agenda items. 6. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY Councilmember Kerr requested a report on Housing Income and Expenditures. Member Kerr pointed out that a substantial amount of housing money had been used to rehab the townhouses. She pointed out that the big whites are in next years budget and the Navy has not completed them to liveability standards, thus additional money will have to spent on those. Member Kerr asked for a report on the expectations on residential leasing. Deputy City Manager David Berger responded that he will supply her with that report. Alternate Friedman congratulated the chair on running such an efficient meeting. Councilmember Daysog thanked Alternate Friedman and Alternate Leonhardy for attending the meeting, because the City had been experiencing a quorum issue. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted; Lucretia Akil ARRA Secretary 2 Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum June 4, 1999 TO: Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority FROM: David A. Berger, Deputy City Manager SUBJ: Report from Deputy Executive Director recommending support for Assembly Bill 473, Hertzberg Background: The Personal Income Tax Law and the Bank and Corporation Tax Law allows to qualified taxpayers a credit against taxes imposed by those laws an amount equal to 6% of the amount paid or incurred during the taxable income year for qualified property that is placed in service in this state. In general, these laws include specified types of tangible personal property used in connection with manufacturing activities. This credit is scheduled to be repealed as of January 1, 2001. Discussion: This bill is being strongly endorsed by the California Association of Enterprise Zones, of which the ARRA is a member. AB 473, Hertzberg, will indefinitely extend the statewide Manufacturer's Investment Tax Credit (MIC). The MIC is a tax credit that is available to manufacturer's amounting to 6% of the purchase price of qualified property. Taxpayers may claim both the LAMBRA zones sales and use tax credit and the MIC for the same property. The MIC is not a benefit restricted to LAMBRA or Enterprise Zone businesses, but it does enhance those benefits by giving a double tax credit to qualified businesses. This Bill is currently being considered by the State Senate. Fiscal Impact: None Recommendation: It is recommended that the ARRA governing body show its support for AB 473, Hertzberg, by authorizing the chairman to send a letter of support to Assembly Member Hertzberg, other state legislators and Governor Davis. Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Approved: David A. Berger Deputy Executive Director Community and Economic Development Attachment: Draft Letter of Support Printed on recycled paper June 30, 1999 Page 2 By: ik f ampen ssistant Facilities Manager Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Alameda Point Redevelopment Center 950 W. Mall Square, Suite 100 Alameda, CA 94501 Governing Body Ralph Appezzato Chair Mayor, City of Alameda Sandre R. Swanson Vice -Chair District Director for 9th Congressional District Wilma Chan Supervisor, District 3 Alameda County Board of Supervisors Henry Chang, Jr. Oakland Councilmember serving for Jerry Brown Mayor, City of Oakland Shelia Young Mayor City of San Leandro Tony Daysog Councilmember City of Alameda Albert H. DeWitt Councilmember City of Alameda Barbara Kerr Councilmember City of Alameda Beverly Johnson Councilmember City of Alameda James M. Flint Executive Director David A. Berger Deputy City Manager ®Recycled paper June 30, 1999 LETTER OF SUPPORT: AB 473, HERTZBERG (510) 864-3400 Fax: (510)769 -0694 The Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority strongly supports AB 473. AB 473 will have a significant positive effect on the manufacturing base of both our state and our city and will extend the statewide Manufacturer's Investment Tax Credit (MIC), which is scheduled to expire as of January 1, 2001. The Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority markets the MIC in order to encourage manufacturing in our local community resulting in creation of skilled, well - paying jobs. The MIC assists the City in targeting manufacturers with high quality jobs and helps to bring investment to the area and stimulate development at the former Naval Air Station. The MIC will be useful in attracting manufacturers to our LAMBRA zone. Alameda Naval Air Station LAMBRA is located in the part of our community effected by the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process. The MIC, in connection with the LAMBRA, is part of our strategic effort to stimulate private sector investment in the base, and to generate revenues and increase land values which are sufficient for the long -term redevelopment of the site. Thank you for your efforts in revitalizing communities in California., The Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority offers our strongest support for AB 473. Respectfully, Ralph Appezzato, Chairman Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Board and Mayor, City of Alameda Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum June 30, 1999 TO: Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority FROM: David A. Berger, Deputy City Manager SUBJ: Report from the Deputy City Manager recommending authorization to finalize negotiations and execute an interim lease through the term of the Master Lease with the Alameda County Homeless Collaborative for Buildings 101 and 92. Background: This action is similar to the action the ARRA Board has taken in the past with other non -profit organizations who have been assigned property at Alameda Point as part of ARRA's homeless accommodation. The Alameda County Homeless Collaborative has received HUD funds to begin developing their Multi - Service Center (MSC) in Building 101 and the interim lease was approved by the ARRA Governing Body in September 1998. The Collaborative has need for warehouse space provided through Building 92. As required by the federal Base Closure and Community Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance Act of 1994, the ARRA worked with Alameda County Housing and Community Development and a group of homeless services providers, identified as the Alameda County Homeless Providers Base Conversion collaborative (Homeless Collaborative) to determine a fair share of housing and commercial space at NAS Alameda to accommodate the homeless. This accommodation of the homeless was reflected in the Community Reuse Plan which was unanimously approved by the ARRA board in January 1996 and subsequently approved by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD, again, as required by federal law). The homeless service providers were expected to take possession of their property from the ARRA at the time of the Record of Decision (ROD) by signing a legally- binding agreement of the terms of their possession. Discussion: As previously mentioned, the ARRA Governing Body authorized the negotiations executing an interim lease through the term of the Master Lease with the Homeless Collaborative in September 1998. The lease is back before the ARRA because there has been a change in the use of the building. As presented to the ARRA in September, the Collaborative had planned on using Building 101 to solely to support the residents receiving housing at the base and for warehouse space. As a result of program planning with architects and local service providers, the Collaborative intends on using Building 101 as more of a community center combining local services with services to the homeless and the community. The Collaborative has had preliminary discussion with Head Start for early childhood education classes, AUSD for adult education classroom space, and a variety of other service providers to develop a community center in the civic core of Alameda Point. The original warehouse space has been eliminated from building 101 and storage needs will be accommodated in other building acquired through the homeless accommodation such as building 92. The collaborative presented the change in use to the Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) at the May BRAG meeting. The BRAG unanimously supported the change in use and recommended the change be approved by the ARRA Governing Body. Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 30, 1999 Page 2 Because there will no longer be warehouse space in building 101, the collaborative will need to meet its storage needs in other commercial buildings included in the homeless accommodation. The collaborative needs to lease building 92, which is slated to be leased by the collaborative for warehouse space through the legally binding agreement. In the interim, the collaborative will use the space to house property and equipment to be used at Alameda Point. Fiscal Impact: The Alameda County Homeless Collaborative will provide protection and maintenance for Buildings 101 and 92 as their base rent. They will also pay the Common Services charge of 2.4 cents per month per square foot of building space and 0.027 cents per month per square foot of land area. There will be no fiscal impact to the ARRA. Having these programs lease the property shifts the burden from the City of Alameda cooperative services agreement budget to these agencies for the maintenance of the property. Recommendation: It is recommended that the ARRA governing body authorize the Executive Director to finalize negotiations and execute the proposed lease with the Alameda County Homeless Collaborative for Buildings 101 and 92. Approved: -17 " David A. Berger Deputy Executive Director Attachments: Map of Buildings 101 and 92 NB /la C:\MWARDWIENSLEY\ARRA\STAFFREP\1999\BLDGS101.WPD By: Nanette Banks Administrative Management Analyst Attachment One: Map of Buildings 101 and 92 di Li GOLF COURSE MAIN ST El TENNIS 4:1 COURTS PKL Ci 3 n SALUTE GUN PADS W. ESSEX DR. ( PENSACOLA 0001 0001 CORPUS 00E W. MIDWAY AVE W. RANGER AVE. W. HOPE AVE. NR SE CT 11;11313111E-11 Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority David A. Berger, Deputy Executive Director June 29, 1999 Report from the Deputy City Manager recommending authorization to Sublease Hangar 41 for Non - Museum Use Background: At the ARRA's February 1999 meeting, the Governing Body adopted the BRAG's recommendation to give the Alameda Naval Air Museum (ANAM) and Western Air Museum (WAM) consortium (ANAWAM) until July 1, 1999 to obtain guaranteed commitments for funding of code - required upgrades to Hangar 41. The Community Reuse Plan reserves Buildings 77 and 41 for use as a Naval Air Museum; however, the plan allows for alternative use if an air museum proves to be non - viable. In its January 26, 1999 report, staff indicated that over a three - year period the museum consortium had failed to produce a viable business plan or adequate commitments to fund Hangar 41 upgrades. Staff recommended against reserving this building for ANAWAM and proposed that it be offered for lease at market rent. Hangar 41 is highly leasable and could generate stabilized rental income of approximately $400,000 per year if leased to a non - museum tenant. The staff report did not recommend any change to the proposed use of Building 77 as a naval air museum. Discussion: At its June 22, 1999 meeting, the ANAWAM Board of Directors voted to dissolve the consortium of ANAM and WAM. The ANAWAM Board acknowledged that it had failed to obtain grant funding from the state and could not meet the ARRA's July 1, 1999 deadline. By dissolving, and being unable to meet the leasing criteria established by the ARRA, the museum does not appear to be a viable option for Hangar 41. In further keeping with ARRA direction, staff has elicited serious interest in subleasing Hangar 41 from two established prospective tenants. If the Governing Body agrees that this building may be used for other than a museum use, it is probable that a sublease can be signed with one of these tenants in the near future. Fiscal Impact: As indicated above, stabilized rental revenues from this building following upgrades for code compliance will be approximately $400,000 per year. Building upgrades will be financed by either tenant contributions (subject to rent rebates) or from the anticipated EDA Grant for this year. Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 29, 1999 Page 2 Recommendation: It is recommended that the ARRA Governing Body authorize sublease of Hangar 41 for other than museum purposes. This authorization is consistent with the Community Reuse Plan which allows alternative use of this building if a museum proves to be non - viable. Approved: By: David A. Berger Deputy Executive Director Ed Levine ' Facilities Manager Attachment: ANAM Letter to Ed Levine, Facilities Manager ANAM Letter to BRAG Museum Task Force EL /la June 28, 1999 16148 Via Sonora San Lorenzo, California 94580 i V L...isj JUN 2 8 1999 FACILITIES MGMT. ARRA Mr. Ed Levine, Facilities Manager Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment. Authority 950 W. Mall Square, Suite 100 Alameda, California 94501 Dear Mr. Levine, . Alameda Naval Air Museum board of directors wishes to continue our efforts of establishing a museum at Alameda Point, despite the unexpected setback caused by the withdrawal of Western Aerospace Museum from the ANAWAM joint venture agreement and the subsequent dissolution of ANAWAM as an umbrella organization. We are actively pursuing new funding sources and will meet in a few days to consider our options. We appreciate your offer at the last BRAG Task Force meeting to give us additional time to redouble our efforts. We thank you also for responding affirmatively to our request to delete the common services fee. Building 77. Additionally, we are grateful for your permission for us to conduct fund raising events in the area in front of Building 77. We request your help and support in expediting arrangements for ANAM to transport the historic artifacts and furnishings from Building 129 to Building 77. We are told that the Navy Transition Team can assist us in the move only if the move is accomplished by September 1, 1999. We wish to negotiate with you on this subject so that we and the community can benefit from this offer. We also ask that you allow us to review the negotiated lease for Building 77 so that we can obtain the lease as soon as possible. We appreciate the many hours of negotiation Undertaken thus far and request your support to carry it to fruition. Out goal is to continue to save the history of Alameda Naval Air Station and to preserve the collection in a suitable environment for the benefit of the community and future generations. We know that our unique knowledge of the history makes our volunteers and directors qualified to carry out this important undertaking. We request your continued patience and belief in the project to help us make it a reality. Thank you again for your support. Sincerely, Barbara Baack, President/CEO Alameda Naval Air Museum June 28, 1999 16148 Via Sonora San Lorenzo, California 94580 BRAG Task Force 950W. Mall Square Alameda, California 94501 Dear BRAG Task Force Members, REUEN .JUN 2 8 1999 FACILITIES IsAGMT ARRA As a result of the withdrawal of the Western Aerospace Museum from the joint venture agreement with the Alameda Naval Air Museum, the board members of ANAWAM met on June 22, 1999 and voted unanimously to dissolve ANAWAM. This action followed WAM's stated intention to have no further interest in Building 77 and Hangar 41 under the joint venture agreement. The board of directors of Alameda Naval Air Museum wish to assure you of our goal to continue to found the museum at Alameda Point and to preserve the collection of historic artifacts of NAS Alameda for this purpose. We ask for your continued support and patience as we seek to replace the funding lost because Western Aerospace Museum withdrew. We pledge to redouble our fund raising efforts and to seek pledges which will enable us to carry out the required upgrade of Building 77. We appreciate your offer to delete the common services fees. We ask your support in helping us to transport the artifacts collection from Building 129 to Building 77 while the Navy Transition Team is on board to help in this effort. We must complete the transfer before the team leaves in September 1999. We thank you for allowing us to conduct fund raising events in the area in front of Building 77 including a planned Oldtimers Day reunion. We request additional time to raise necessary funds and complete the on-going lease negotiations. Your help is needed to complete this work. Despite the setback caused by the loss of WAM funding and support, we pledge to you our continued efforts to build a successful historic museum at Alameda Point. We can only do this job with increased community support. Thank you for your patience and belief in our project. Sincerely, Barbara Baack, President/CEO Alameda Naval Air Museum Correspondence / Miscellaneous 06/29/1999 00:-.:12 510-740-4504 ALA MEL' L ITS` Mal 1A DER United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Washington. D.C. 20240 In Reply Refer To: FWS/RF /CCU99 -00774 Honorable Ralph Appezato Chairman, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority 950 W. Mall Square, Suite 100 Alameda, California 94501 Dear Chairman Appezato: HP*. RECEIVED JUN 2 8 1999 CRY OF AL MEDA JUN 2 t i999 MAYORS OFRCE We have been asked by Congresswoman Barbara Lee to respond to three issues regarding the former Naval Air Station, Alameda, which we discussed during our meeting on January 28, 1999. The three issues relate to management activities in and around the proposed Alameda National Wildlife Refuge. We have reviewed the issues and provide the following responses. Aesthetics of Proposed ReInge Fencing The goal of a secure boundary fence at this location is to prevent, or greatly reduce, unrestricted human and predator access to the colony of endangered California least terns located on the Refuge. Plans for the remainder of Alameda Point call for substantially increased development and public use, and the existing four - to six -foot fence has not prevented intrusions into this area to date. We are willing to work with the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and the City of Alameda to design an aesthetically pleasing fence that does not compromise the protection of the endangered terns, Meetings are scheduled between the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, the City of Alameda, and Refuge staff to resolve this issue. Restrictions on Channel Access Through the Proposed Refuge The proposed Refuge includes open waters leading to the Navy's former seaplane lagoon. Reuse plans for the piers and the seaplane lagoon have changed over the last few years. Originally, the seaplane lagoon was going to become a recreational harbor /marina. It is our understanding that the former seaplane lagoon will now have mixed uses, including recreational boating and industrial port development with berthing provided for large ocean -going vessels. 06129/1999 OS: '2 510-74S-4504 r;Lr';P1EL'A L J. I Y t+1/- i 1M'ibk u_� u. Honorable Ralph Appezato 2 We are responsible for protecting the endangered species, migratory birds, and marine mammals which forage in the open waters of the proposed Refuge and roost, nest, or haul -out on the breakwater and on the mainland shoreline. Our proposed method to accomplish species protection, while allowing vessel traffic, is to require low vessel speed and prevent unrestricted boat access to the breakwater, shoreline, and certain open water areas. Designing an enforceable buoy -marked channel for small boats, while allowing for the occasional (once per- month) access by large ships, is a complex task. We continue to meet with the City of Alameda and Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority staff, as well as representatives of the U.S. Coast Guard and Maritime Administration, to resolve this issue. Funding for Predator Management Activities Outside Refuge Boundaries On March 22, 1999, our Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office issued a biological opinion on the Department of the Navy's proposed conveyance of portions of the Alameda Naval Air Station to the City of Alameda. We issued the opinion pursuant to section 7 of the Endangered Species Act that includes nondiscretionary measures to minimize impacts to nesting least terns on lands adjacent to the proposed Refuge. One measure in the biological opinion requires implementing a predator control program that is moderate in scope (20 hours per -week from April 1 to August 15). The biological opinion includes predator management measures s because we believe a significant population of predators that adapt to urban areas, such as feral cats, skunks. and racoons, will be associated with the development proposed by the City. In addition, this development will provide more structures for avian predators near the tern colony. For these reasons, the City, as the benefactor of the Navy's conveyance, should help shoulder the responsibility (including funding the predator control program) for minifnizing the impacts of development activities on this very important population of California Least terns. We appreciate your interest and concerns. Please contact us if you have any further questions on this matter. Sincerely, DIRECTOR c. Congresswoman Barbara Lee Bldg. Sq. Ft. I o o lel .4." o 0 VI -.. —. s N •-■ c: sa- 41 e•-■ .--, c•-i * o 0 0 o6 rn N 11' O —, 34,5401 co 0 0 O .. cr, e-. '''r.. S-0 .. .., 0 0 Q. : 0 0 S .1- 0 VI T1: v> ,,, 28,5421 14,0001 c> 00 0 oci C4 S ..-. 00 csi CT 0 41 ti, cv 00 rn 0 10,, so •-+ co 0 ser c4 0 0 IA 0 •-. ool`S 0 0 0 c■-i 0 h N vis 0 0 ci cv 0 0 co cci *--. to TO 00 0 ON ON .1") en e.... e4 *--. CV 40 en •-■ 398 01 ., ,..... (0. 00 10 •-• 141 0 N. ..... 9 10 10 0 •.-• ■0 •—• 00 '0 7, .... "a .0 0 0 soccer field 530, etc 530 15 CPO units en 4t. N 6211 4.1 251 Term long term long term long term long term 6 months long term long term long teen 1 long term I long term Hong term long term long term long term 1 year l year long term long term 1 long tern long term long term long term long term long term long term long term long term 0 1Signed Leases & Licenses Forty Plus (Career Counseling) Home Auto Repair Housing Units (31) IWA Engineers (Steel Fabrication) Love Center Ministries Manex Entertainment Manex Entertainment Marathon Pallet (Polyethylene) Maritime Administration Maritime Administration Marine Sanitation Navigator Systems (Furniture Mfg.) Nelson's Marine (Boat Storage) Nelson's Marine (Boat Svcs.) Operation Dignity (Homeless) Piedmont Baseball Fdn. Piedmont Soccer Fdn. 'Puglia Engr. (Ship Repair) San Leandro Womens Shelter (Homeless) Simmba Systems (Records Storage) Tower Aviation Trident 3M Services (Port Mgmt.) United Indian Nations (Homeless Coll) West Coast Seaworks (Ship Repair) Woodmasters (Cabinetry) Pacific Fine Food, Inc. (Crepe Mfg.) Richard Miller Photography Waters, Caldwell Assoc.(Consultant) Xebra Motors (Electric Vehicles) erIN'Irn e•-■ N en et Mtn 4.1 o entn s on 00 m cr. m co ut —, .1. N oos. fel cr .i) ott 10 Cr N. 'et 00 'et 0, •Ch 0 .1-1 •--. WI NI kr) NI VI NY VI IN VI V:, un N. u.> 00 v.) Bldg. Sq. Ft tr, .1 4n 1.... 00L`Z 088`7 000'81 0£4`Z1 1 110,0001 1 193,2101 N , 01 0 l',4 Lr) I0SS`6Z 0 .0. .at 8 ,D oti 170,000' 8 0 so., R. -ar o N .--- 0 cai v. IA * ,I 1■1 4t bl) = 1/43 .B' CO Pier 3 near Bldg. 530 258 25 tarmac & 405 292 Bldg 2 FISC at FISC . 01 % 0 ,_, 1 24, 25', 76 & 134! 0 397 0. .... 0 ci 0 00 Bldg. 2 FISC) .1.1 TI- ,..., ,_, 00 ,.., ,Term 11ong term E .... 00 0 0 long term long term long term long term long term long term longterm 6 months long term long term long term long term E ... 00 = !long term E 00 0 long tern long term long term short term long term long term long term long term 0 g 00 00 = = .9.9 long term NO. OF PROPERTIES CURRENTLY OCCUPIED 1 OCCUPIED BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE !Signed Leases & Licenses ACET (Environmental Tech. Incubator) AC Hornet Foundation Alameda Point Storage (Mini Storage) Alameda Unified School District Altamont Tech. (Tech. Testing) Antiques by the Bay (Collectibles Faire) Bay Ship & Yacht (Ship Repair) Bobac (Warehouse) Bureau of Electricity (Storage Yard) CAISTART (Electric Vehicle Incubator) CALSTART (Test Track) Cellular One (Cell Site) General Svcs. Admin.(Govt.) (City Garage Carstar (Vehicle Painting) City of Alameda (Dog Run Park) Tally of Alameda (Ferry Terminal Parking) City of Alameda (Gym & Pool) City of Alameda (O'Club) City of Alameda (Public Works) City of Alameda (Soccer Field) City of Alameda (Tennis Courts) CyberTran International (Test Track) Delphi Productions (Exhibit Displays) Dignity Housing (Homeless Coll.) Door Christian Fellowship Church Dunavant of California (Storage) Emerg. Svcs. Network (Homeless) Forem Metal Manufacturing Fiibel Internat'l. (Concrete Statues) CURRENT EMPLOYMENT PROJECTED FUTURE EMPLOYMENT .-. N en 1.3' 4.1 10 N 00 ON 0 •-. .-. ..-. rei .--. `et ,... of ..... 0 •-• N ..-. 00 •-. 0\ .--, 0 NI e.. NI N NI fel NI 14. NI 4.1 NI 10 e4 N 00 el (V 0' C4 0 z F. raa 0 a ALAMEDA REUSE A Bldg. Sq. Ft. 1ooS't, 0 0 41 ,..., r- N — N .1. ,f1 •-. — ,.; ,.., 0 0 0 00 N .1. '0 ,_, 34,540 ci C T ..-• -0. r-.. -- •--. 0 0 s .-. 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Operation Dignity (Homeless) Piedmont Baseball Fdn. f Piedmont Soccer Fdn. Puglia Engr. (Ship Repair) San Leandro Womens Shelter (Homeless) Simmba Systems (Records Storage) Tower Aviation Trident 3M Services (Port Mgmt.) United Indian Nations (Homeless Coll.) West Coast Seaworks (Ship Repair) Woodmasters (Cabinetry) Pacific Fine Food, Inc. (Crepe Mfg.) Richard Miller Photography Waters, Caldwell Assoc.(Consultant) Xebra Motors (Electric Vehicles) O en ,--. en el en en en •c/. en V) en 1/40 en N en 00 en Ch en 0 .4. "ct 'et 4 41 ■C:1 '.7 t•-• 00 "er Ch .1. '4 ke) .11 en te) '.0. V) WI V) VI N 00 Bldg. Sq. Ft o v-■ Wi — 12,430 c> 0 o 0 00 0 cos 00 m. c4 ,_, 0 0 0 ,.... 0 ,15 '.0 0 . .... 0 . . en C •-, S y . V) NI 0 v) 00 In 0 ■ Ch NI 17,0001 0 0 •-. ‘f 8 v, 00 8 8 ., 00§ 6 ..:r ci N NI •-• 0 v, 00 00 e, t ,_, /11 '11 v. C0 et 0 — ,eIl . Ch ,_, Building # r■ Pier 3 near Bldg. 530 00 41 N 25 tarmac & 405 292 CO Li. NI 00 •) at FISC 20 . 24, 25!, 76 & 134 0 'sr) N. Ch en 809, etc. Bldg. 2 FISC 613 114 00 CT Term long term long term long term long term long term long term long term long term long term 16 months long term long term long term long term E . 00 0 long term long term long term E . 00 00 .9.9 E . 00 short term long term ..... 00 long term long tern long term long term long term NO. OF PROPERTIES CURRENTLY OCCUPIED 1 OCCUPIED BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE CURRENT EMPLOYMENT PROJECTED FUTURE EMPLOYMENT 1 Signed Leases & Licenses 1ACET (Environmental Tech. Incubator) At Hornet Foundation Alameda Point Storage (Mini Storage) Alameda Unified School District (Altamont Tech. (Tech. Testing) Antiques by the Bay (Collectibles Faire) Bay Ship & Yacht (Ship Repair) Bobac (Warehouse) Bureau of Electricity (Storage Yard) CALSTART (Electric Vehicle Incubator) CALSTART (Test Track) Crllular One (Cell Site) General Svcs. Admin.(Govt.) City Garage Carstar (Vehicle Painting) �ty of Alameda (Dog Run Park) City of Alameda (Ferry Terminal Parking) [City of Alameda (Gym & Pool) City of Alameda (O'Club) City of Alameda (Public Works) City of Alameda (Soccer Field) !City of Alameda (Tennis Courts) CyberTran International (Test Track) Delphi Productions (Exhibit Displays) Dignity Housing (Homeless Coll.) Door Christian Fellowship Church Dunavant of California (Storage) Emerg. Svcs. Network (Homeless) Forem Metal Manufacturing Fiibel Intemat'I. (Concrete Statues) ..... N en 'r vl '.0 h, 00 Ch C) e-, .... •-• en VI V) ... N •-■ 00 •-• CT •--. 0 NI * NI NI IN en N ..0. r4 ,r) NI ,,o 1"-- 00 NI NI NI ON NI 00 .....) ON 1.A 4, W ha ,..... 0 sr, 00 ....1 c:A LA t....a ,-... 0 ,.0 00 --I C71 (A A Lo ha ..... 1 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE: TOTAL PENDING SUBLEASES /SUBLICENSES 1Xebra Motors (Electric Vehicles) 1U.S. Customs Service San Leandro Womens' Shelter Positive Strokes Rowing Port Distr. Warehouse Orbit Development (Property Mgmt.) Operation Dignity (Homeless Coll.) Miller & Sons (Contractor) Manex Studios Manex Entertainment 1.-, tr) = 0 cn C , 5* 00 1Doctors' Group for Elderly Housing Dignity Housing West Delphi Productions (Exhibit Displays) Container Storage (Personal) City of Alameda (Police Department City of Alameda (Fire Department) City of Alameda (Offices) Calif. State Univ. (Research Station) AREA 51 (Special Event Productions) AREA 51 (Auto Mfg. Event) Alternative Storage Altamont Technologies (Equip. Mfg.) Alameda Gateway (Shipyard) Alameda Naval Air Museum Alameda County Homeless Coll. ACET (Office Area Only) ACET (Environmental Tech Incubator) Pending Subleases & Sublicenses 29 1 531, 532, 533 LA .-- .... ,-- 816, etc. ,... Ch .-. -4..„ _52 ....."' ,--• 612 809, etc 117 494' taxiway 1 5Z ....T. '71 — n LL .--• (..) Building # ■O th tli 1.4 1.4 00 LA 1 19,480 00 5,200 22,000 270,000 - Q "tn 0 1,4 LA P 8 0 ha . ,.,a .....1 0 0 4,000 LA t...) 00 t A 0 4, A. - 4, ,0 Ch as l..71 ..0 0 0 4, 00 8 0-. IX 0 8 24,6001 21,136 .-.. 8 0 A. ..).. ...., Sq. Ft. X X X x X X Use Permit I Approved s0 00 ......1 ON VI 4, L..4 ts) 0.-■ 0 ‚000 ■.1 Ch to t..4 0 ,0 00 --I ON LA 4, L.> 1....) .... (TOTAL COMPLETED SUBLICENSES: 1Rysher Entertainment (Film Co.) 'Rosebud Touring Co. (Rehearsal Studio) 1 Off Duty Productions (Film Co.) Nadel Productions (Film Co.) Microsoft 1Manex Studios Manex Studios 1Manex Studios Mass Illusions (Film Co.) Industrial Light & Magic (Film Co.) Industrial Light & Magic (Film Co.) Great Benefit Productions (Film Co.) Disney Studios IClubhouse Pictures (Film Co.) CALSTART/Bur. of Elect. (EV Expo) 1997 & 1998 CINCPAC (Fleet Week '97) Chamber of Commerce/Bur. of Elect. (Trade Expo) Boy Scouts of America ATL/Interscope Communications ATL/Interscope Communications ATL/Interscope Communications (Film Co.) AREA 51 (Rehearsal Studio) AREA 51 Productions (Auto Mfg. Survey) AREA 51 Productions (Custom Car Show) AREA 51 Productions (Auto Mfg. Survey) AREA 51 Productions (TV Show) Alameda Recycling (Storage) Alameda H.S. Grad Night ('98 &'99) Academy of Model Aeronautics Completed Sublicenses: ha ..... roadway' * ,,,, 0 0 ...... t...) ,... 0 0 , ,... taxiway' 0 Bldgs. 24/251 Bldg. 251 Pier 31 t•-) t•-) .-1 75' 0 ,-- Bldg. 21 Bldgs. 11/12/400A l'Z; ›. t< 111