1917-01-10 Regular CC Minutes332 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF ALAMEDA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 10, 1917. Tho mee ting convened at 8:05 P. M. with Mayor F. H. Bartlett esiding. The roll was called and. Councilmen Allan, Hammond, Morris, Probst, Smith, Stewart, Walker and. President Roth were noted present. The following communications were received: 0 From Mayor F. H. Bartlett appointing Greene Majors a member of the Council from the Fourth Ward., to fill .the vacanacy caused by the resignation of James. Fowler. Mr. Morris moved that the appointment be confirmed, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried. 2. Mrom Mayor F. H. Bartlett announcing the withdrawal of his suspension of Superintendent of Streets, V. M. Frodden. Ordered filed. Mr. George T. Wright addressed the Council and asked permission to present a statement from Mr. Trodden in answer to the criticisms made by Mayor Bartlett. His request was granted and Mr. Frodden's communication read and subsequently ordered filed. Mr. Hampond moved that the suspension be lifted, that Mr. Frodden's salary be paid during the period of suspension and that he be restored to office, seconcled by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unan mou ly. 3. / Mr. Greene Majors appearing, he was sworn in as a member of the Council and his oath of office ordered filed. / Mr. Smith introduced the following Resolution and moved its c„, option:- "RESOLUTION NO. 3. Creating Office of Commissioner of Finance and Revenue and Defining the Duties." Hr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Morris, Probst, Smith and Walker, (5). Noes:Councilman Allan, (1), Excused from voting: Councilmen Majors, Stewart and Roth, (3). Councilmen Harrunond, Probst and Walker qualified their aye vote as contingent upon the appointment of E. B. Bullock to the office. Further communications:- // From Mayor F. H. Bartlett calling attention to the breaking of the levee on the Oakland Waterfront Company's property west of Webster Street and urging that steps be taken to safeguard the owners of property in that neighborhood. Ordered filed. 6. From H. L. Hagan, Attorney for John Breuner Company, asking for relief from the breaking of the Oakland Waterfront Company's levee. Also, from City Engineer Jamison relative to the same matter. Mr. Hag n was present and addressed the Council on the subject and urged that some action 'oe taken. Orderod filed. From City Attorney St. Sure stating that he had received a communi ,tion from W. R. Scott of the Southern Pacific Company in which the statement was made that dredging operations on the Company's land lying east January 10th, 1917. From Mayor F. H. Bartlett appointing E. B. Bullock to the Position of Commissioner of Revenue and Finance. Mr. Morris moved that the appointment be confirmed, seconded by Mr. Smith and carried. From the Alaska Packers Association asking for the closing of Nautilus Street, between Buena Vista Avenue and Eagle Avenue and offerin as a concession for the same, to curb, sidewalk and tree plant the end of Nautilus Street at Buena Vista Avenue,. Mn. Ramona, moved that the necessary proceedings be begun to close the street, provided, that the Association would deed to the City the necessary land from their holdings t� make possible the construe ion of the proposed Induatril Highway, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 10• P/ From the First Baptist Church asking for 9ermisSion to remove the church building now Situated on the south side of Santa Clara Avenue, between BentonStreet and Stanton Street to the northwest corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Stanton Street. The reouest was accompanied by a bond of 200.00. Mr. Stewart moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Morris and on roll call carried unanimously. 11. ks From Walter J. Dray and M. L. Harts, complaining against the peddlers who stand in front of their property and sell wares to the empLbyees of the Union Iron Works. Referred to the Police, Pire and Water Committee and the Chief of Police. 12. vi From Hutchinson Company asking for a sixty day extension of time in which to complete the improvement of Second Street, between the northerly line of Pacific Avenue and the southerly line of Cypress Street. Mr. Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried. 13. // From the Union Iron Works Company presenting a petition signed by themselves and other industrial firms at the north end of Webster Street asking for additional police protection. Referred, to the Police and Fire Commission. 14. ./ The...Clerk then stated that the hour forcanvassing the returns of the Special Municipal Election held January 9th, 1917 had arrived, _whereupon the Council proceeded as follows:- Precinct ith such canvas which showecl the vote Yes No Votes Cast Precinct 22 96 65 49 6 7 24 '78 10 11 26 5 44 33 421 6 42 54 25 14 15 30 120 109 41 6 Yes No 21 39 85 31 .42 42 50 27 Votes Cast 127 81 46 18 19 20 21 1 22 72 48 V8 110 95 50 27 55 34 22 15 08 99 103 112 i132 110 January 10th, 19114 Precinct 23 24 Yes 37 30 No 62 52 Votes Cast 99 82 Precinct Yes 25 26 27 28 - 29 30 31 32 15 120 54 24 16 51 33 35 25 No 43 4.1 59 Votes Cast 76 80 84 36 - 0 22 21 45 164 48 64 63 65 6 41 84 110 170 89 36 37 38 39 40 41 21 18 48 59 24 32 54 32 36 76 44 37 75 50 84 135 68 r 69 T 0 T L 8 Yes 2095 No 1801 Votes Oast 15., Mr: Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "RESOLUTION No. 4. Declaring the Result of the Special Municipal Election held. Tuesday, January 9th, 1917." Mr. Hammond secended the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Allan brought up the matter of the inspection of the levee on the Oakland Waterfront Company's property and moved that the City Attorney prepare an Ordinance which would permit of the employment of an inspector by the City Engineer and the salary be paid by the Company doing the work, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. 17. The Clerk asked for permission to employ a stenographer and to rent an additional typewriter in order to prepare the Charter for submission to the State Legislature., Mre Hammond moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried. 18. P. Stewart stated that the trees standing in front of the Seaton property on Garfield Avenue were in need of trimming and moved that the Street Superin.- tendendent be instructed to attend to the same, seconded by Mr. Hammond and 42 8 52 60 carried. 19. v' M. Stewart also moved that the Clerk notify the various civic bodies that it was the sense of the Council that all the matters pertaining to the es- tablishment of an industrial zone be laid over for the new government which would go into effect in April, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular es on Tuesday evening, January 16th 1917, at 8 o'clock. pectfully submited, City Clerk.