1917-01-16 Regular CC Minutes4176 REGULAR 1=11' ING OF THE COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF ALATEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 16TH, 1917. The meeting convened at 8;05 P. M. with Mayor F. H. Bartlett pre iding. The roll was called and Councilmen Allan Hammond, Majors, Morris, Smith Stewart and Walker 7) were noted present. Councilmen Probst and Roth arrived during the reading of the claims and were noted present. The minutes of the regixlar meeting of January 2nd, 1917 were approved as read. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of January 10th were approved as read. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 08915.99; against the Police Fund amounting to 13.45; against the Health Fund amounting to 068.62; against the Street Fund amounting to 01215.29; against Specivl Street Constriiction Pund amounting to 06291.16; against Municipal Improvement Fund No. 11 amounting o 0700,00 and against School General Fund amounting to 0777.50 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Altona, Theo. Anderson, Josephine Ascher, Augusta Atkinson, T. E. Auslen, Harry Barstow, J. N. Bates, C. Edward H. Beanston, Zora Bennett, Sophie K. Bennett, Virginia Bird, H. Blethen, Geo. W.A. Bloom, G.W. Bertelsen, Emia T. Bond, C. R. Boodt, Eliza A. Berle, C. A. Bradford, J. F. Bradley, Ida J. Brandes, Joanna E. Brandt, Fred. Breitwiser, J. E. Bridges, Marie H. Brown, Laura E. Bullock, E. B. Bullock, L. M. Byrne, J. T. Callinan, Wm. Camarena, L. Carroll, Helen Carter, Mabel C. Chenoweth, Fred H. Cleaves, Mary A. Clinton, Annie Coffman, Louise J. Collins, Harry R. Combs, Alice M. Comins, Mrs. Flora Coney, A. K. Cook, Katherine E. Cramer, Charles W. Critchlow, H. M. Degen, Wm. A. DelVecchio, Kate Deming, E. R. Dempsey, Clara Dodd, F. N. Donovan, Mary G2FE-XL Towel service Election officer TV TV Tt TV Audit of Books Election officer TV TV TT TV TV TV TV TV TV TV 11 TV TV TV Repairs Election officer TV TV TV TV TV TT IV If TT IT If TT It TV If 11 TV TT ' 1/ TV TT If TV TV IT TT It ft TV 1t TT ?I t/ IT TV IT TV TV TV 00 TV TV TV TV TV IT TV If TT TV TV IT 0 It If TV TV 17 TV TV TV TT TV 8.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 450.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00. 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 336 Januaij 16th, 1917. Ernest, Mary L. Feldhamer, Bertha Ferrero, Lucia Field, Martha E. Fish, Harold P. Fish, Sarah B. Ford, N. O. Fraser, Helen S. French, George Gaskill, H. L. Gibson, Mrs. Annie Gibson, Charlotte Glenn, A. R. Hanley, Chas. C. Hargrave, Fred. J. Hatch, Emma C. Hay, Alfred A. Hayes, G. F. Heritage, Charlotte A. Hislop, Hazel M. Hockins, G. R. Hoffman, Grace V. 11 T. J. W. H. Holland, Vincent H. Holman, Geline W. Ho-ops, Estelle R. Hunt, H. B. Irvan, Edith C. Jacobs, Ida C. JLmison, Anita C. Johnston & Co., S. T. Johnston, Herbert Jonsen, Flora L. Judd, Thos. H. Kearney, R. W. Kruger, L. Langdon, Fred W. Hattie L. Lanktre J. B. it 11 Leonard, Ernma H. Levy,Max M. Littlefield, Edgar L. Locke, True Lubbock, Oswald. Lyons, Fanny McCarty, Mary McConnell, Rushton McCurdy, Carlton A. McElwee, Jain L. McGinnis, T. P. McKean, Sallie McMurry, Eithel E. MacDonald, N. E. Mallard, Blanche R. Malloye, Co., F. Martin, Ethel B. Martin, John A. Mason, Harry Mazzini, Etta Mazzini, L. Mehrtens, H. G. Mendizabel, Raymond E. Meyer, Chas. H. • Meyer, Edwina Meyer, Louis Mitchell, Harry M. Moller, W. H. Muhlhausen, Fred Muldowney, Wm. Municipal Electric Light Plant TY If it TV Ti TT 77 ^ Murdock, Adelaide Murray, Helen. Naylor, Chas. E. Naylor, Bernice L. Norden, Lorene NOy, Freda H. Orr, Lucy Ostermaan, Miss Annie Palmer, M. E. Pawling, Evelyn Payne, Chas. B. Peterson, A. H. Plummer, E. T. Plummer, W. J. Powell Chas. Election officer 0 5.00 TT TT 5.00 n n 5.00 7, " 5.00 It n 5.00 it If 5.00 Printing 3.30 Purchase of land 300.00 Election officer 5.00 Auto service 25.00 Election officer 5.00 TT " 5.00 n n 5.00 n TT 5.00 TT 1? 5.00 n n 5.00 yr n 5.00 TV n 5.00 TT n 5.00 n 1? 5,00 ft TT 5.00 n n 5.00 TV n 5.00 It n 5.00 It 11 5.00 fT n 5.00 n Tr 5.00 It n 5.00 It 1? 5.00 " n 5.00 " " 5.00 Fuel Oil 78.46. Hauling 22.00 Election officer 5.00 n ft 5.00 n VT 5.00 17 n 5.00 n 71 5.00 IT n 5.00 Premium on bonds 12.50 n n n 31.25 Election officer 5.00 n 7? 5.00 TT n 5.00 TT IT 5.00 Incidentals 4.50 Election officer 5.00 TT I? 5.00 VT II 5.00 IT " 5.00 n n 5.00 n n 5.00 TI TT 5.00 n n 5.00 5.00 It 7, 5..00 Record book 24.50 Election officer 5.00 11 It 5.00 IT It 5.00 IT II 5.00 Rent of polling place 5.00 IT TT IT if 5.00 Election officer 5.00 m n 5.00 IT TT 5.00 II " 5.00 TT It 5.00 Rent of polling place 5.00 Election officer 5,00 IT n 5.00 Election booths 57.74 Labor and attendance (Fire Alarm) 977.67 n It TT (Signal) 100.00 City lighting 2686.69 TT TT 2773.78 Election officer 5.00 1T " 5.00 It IT 5.00 Ir n 5.00 it If 5.00 1T n 5.00 IT 1? 5.00 TT n 5.00 n n 5.00 TT It 5.00 n n 5.00 TT TT 5.00 IT if 5.00 TT TT 5.00 Ti It 5.00 4J 6 Reeve, Geo. B. Remmel, Lorene TV TV Remmel, Julietta Rhoades, J. D. Rickelson, A. J. Robinson, Mary R. Roesling, Jos. C. Rogers, Margaret E. Rowe, Albert Rue, E. D. Ryan, Edna Schauer, Ralph R. Schwartz, Annie J. Scully, Katherine A. Scully, Wm. E. Sears, Chas. E. Short, Wm. J. Silberberg, L. S. Silver, Marie A. Smith, Mrs. Helen Smith, Margaret M. Soules, Mamie R. Sousa, A. T. Stackler, J. J. Steele, Miriam D. Steinmetz, Th. F. Stewart, Wm. Taylor, G. Testa, L. Thorne, Gertrude E. Times Star Co. TT TT TT IT Traube, L. Vinzent, Emma Vollmar, Elizabeth J. Vosburgh, L. W. ' TT TT 11 Wagner Bros, Walton, Mary Pell Ward, Enuna W. Warren, Dorothy Weyer Nellie F. Whalley, Ernest M. Whitlow, Wm. Whalley, Gertrude Wilbur„ J. H. Wilson, Mary T. Wilson, Myrtle M. Winant, Mary A. Winters, Ma-, F. Wood, E. C. Wood, Anna L. Yates, Mabel E. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co. Conrad John Braun-Knecht-He ima Co. Carpenter, T. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Park Garage Purity Sp ring Water Co. Times Star C o. 'It TV TV Amorosa, V. Associated Oil Co. Clark & Sons, N. Filipelli Bros. Fischer, C. F. Follrath, G. Giancoli, T. Goldstone, J. Jensen, J. Kellogg, F. H. Lenz, Louis C. Leslie, Wm. T.nniirlir 1 V_ Election officer Services Election officer TV TT Repairs Election officer IT TV IT If TT IT It IT TT IT IT IT IT IT IT TV IT IT IT IT IT TT IT TT TV TV TV If TV TT TV It It TV TT TT 11 TT 11 Hauling garbage Election officer Advertising VT Books for Assessor Election officer VT Tr SuPplies n Haul ing Election officer IT IT IT TT IT TV If IT IT TT It It 17 TV TV IT /1 IT It IT IT IT January 16th, 1917. Rent of polling place Election officer TV IT Office furniture Total - POLICE FUND. Incidentals HEALTH FUND. Supplies for laboratory Transportation Telephone and tolls Auto upkeep Office expense Printing It STREET FUND. Labor Fuel Oil Sewer pipe Supplies Hardware Labor Gasoline Labor TV 71 " Tr Total. 5.00 6.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 .75 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 2.50 5.00 69.90 24.12 310.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 6.81 1.47 21.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 54;00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5,00 49.30 8915.99 13.45 3.27 23.30 2.47 18.58 2.50 12,50 6.00 68.62 27.00 .32.14 48.02 11.76 31.93 33.00 33.00 25.30 33.00 34.50 39.60 33.00 '2c1 rrl 337 January 16th, 1917. Nielsen, N. C. Labor O'Keefe, Y. IT Park Garage Perry, Joe Peoples Water Co. Water Perata, A. Labor Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Rock Samuel, W. J. Labor Sanday, W. Schick, J. Sorenson, J. Stackler, J.J. Repairs Stevens, A. F. Labor Times Star Co. Printing United Iron. Works Repairs T1 TV VT TT Van Cott, A. H. Labor Vosburgh, L. W. Hardware Total SPECIAL STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND. Clark & Henry Construction Co. Contract Shrader 'Iron Works Dalziel Jr., Robt. Leland and Healey MUNICI AL D1EROVEMENT FUND NO Contract SCHOOL GENERAL FUND. Heating apparatus Engineering services Total 33.00 33.00 15.59 33.00 10.35 33.00: 133.08 35.20 33.00 33.00 30.00 17.05 33.00 20.00 157.29 32.04 50.60 2.74 1215.29 6291.16 700.00 $ 715.00 62.50 'iP 777.50 Mr. Walker moved that the claims as read be paid., seconded by Mr. Stewart ana on roll cc11 carried unanimously, The following were received: The AucTtitorts balance sheet for the month of December, 1916. Ordered filed. 1. 2. The Affidavit of publication of Notice to Voters. Ordered filed. The A fidavit of publication of Notice of Sale of Real Estate at ublic auction. Ordered filed. 3. The Oath of office of D. A. Eberly. Ordered filed. 4. The report of the expert on the auditing of the books. Referred to the 'nance Committee. The following communications were received:- 5. /' , From Mayor F.H.Bartlett recommenain- that property owners along Encinal Avenue lAho had voluntarily -widened their portion of the Avenue and who had paid sessments toward the widening of the remaining portion be re-imbursed because of the voluntary action taken by them. Referred to the Encinal Avenue Widening Commissioners. 6. // From Mayor F. H. Bartlett announcing the new order of Standing Committees as follows: Public Utilites - Roth, Morris and Majors. Police, Fire and Water - Morris, Smith and. Roth. Streets, Sewers and. Wharves - Stewart, Allan and Probst. Park and Playground - Smith, Allan and Majors. License Probst, Smith and Roth. Health - Majors, Morris and Probst. Public Buildings and Grounds - Allan, Stewart and Roth. Printing and Advertising - Majors, Smith and Stewart. Ordered filed. // From Mayor F. H. Bartlett stating that he was in receipt of a letter from J. M. Helm, Rear Admiral U. S. Navy, inquiring if the City of Alameda would be willing to cede .to the national government the tract of submerged land lying immediately west 0-r thP nit7 of Alamodn. ancl Ilth of aria naioirinp. the Alnmpfla Unlp with the rnnommprap- 41176 January 16th, 1917. rights that the City had therein. Mr. Hammond thereupon introduced the following Resolution and moved its Aoption:- "Resolution No. 5. Offering to Cede to the United States Government the City's Interest in Tidelands." Mr. Stewart seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unantmously. Further communications: From the Alameda Oh amber of Commerce recommending that the City relinquish its rights in the tide lands to the United States Government at the west end. Ordered filed. 9. v( From Auditor and Assessor Croll asking permission to employ necessary help to make a typewritten list of the rebates due for filing with the Treasurer. Mr. Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. 10. From Dora Blanchard requesting permission to move the house purchas- ed by her from the Encinal Avenue :lidening Commissioners now located at 1303 Broadway to 2522 Clement Avenue. From Wm. Turner asking permission to move the house at 1302. Broadway to 2512 Grist Street, and from Thomas Hartwein asking permission to move the house at 2709 Encinal Avenue to Post and Adams Streets. The last Mentioned request was accompanied by a bond of Ellis and Porterfield in the sirn of :;)200.00. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee and Street Superintendent with power to act, seconded by Mr. Smith and carried. 11. From W. R. Scott, inviting the Mayor and Council to be present at the launching of the "Thordis" on January 6th, 1917. Ordered filed. 12. / From Frank N. Dodd, W. W. Goggin, Geo. H. Fox Thomas, H. Judd, Rushton McConnell, Herbert D. Clark, True Locke, Jessie M. Osborn, E. M. Shaw and Ina M. Baird requesting insurance on the City Hall. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee with power to act, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. 13. v/ From the Associated Oil Company asking permission to install an oil unloading plant on the west Side of Webster Street, north of the Panama Hill and Lumber Company. The same was accompanied by a Chart ex- plaining the matter in detail. The request was accompanied by the approval of Walter T. Steinmetz, Chief of the Fire Department. Mr. Hammond moved that permission be &ranted, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried. 14. he Clerk asked permission to employ assistance in the preparation of the next n-eneral Municipal Election, whereupon Mr. Hammond moved that such permission be granted, that the pay be 0.00 per day and also that the fee of election officers be fixed at 5.00 per day, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 15. v. Mayor Bartlett efered the following foliowing Rosolution and moed its adoption:- "Resolution No. 6. Fixing the flate of Wages of Employees when same are Paid out of the Relief Fund." January 16th, 1917. and on roll call carried unanimously. Claims against the Relief Fund amounting to 86.50 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- RELIEF FUND. Cunningham, J. Perd, John Joiensuu, Frank Klaren, H.G. Langren, J.E. McCaw, M. F. McGrath, John Norcross, Charles Thom. C. J. Labor TV TT Plumbing work Labor TT TV TV Total 10.00 12.50 11.25 2.50 4.00 10.00 15.00 13.75 7.50 86.50 Mr. Walker moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Stewart and on roll call carried unanimously. 16. v' Mr. Stewart Latroduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 7. Ordering the Wol4k." Mr. Hammond called attention that there was an amount of money due to the City under action previously taken by the Connell for the improvement of Uorks Street and that same had not been paid. After some discussion, Mr. B. W. Perrin stated that the Southern Pacific Company would pay the.unount due and Mr. Hammond moved that the Clerk collect the same, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried. The motion on the Resolution was then put and carried unanimously. 17, a/ Mr. Stewart introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No.' S. "Resolution of Intention No. 36, New Series. Providing for the Closing of Nautilus Street between Buena Vista Avenue and Eagle Avenue." Mr. Hammond seconded the motj.on to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 18. Mr. Allan introduced a Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Regulating the Pilling and. Dredging upon Land. Within the City of Alameda and Providing for the Granting or Refusing of a Permit for such Work." which was laid over under a provision of the Charter. 19. . Ma or Bartlett stated that a group of business men interested in the breaking of the levee on the Oakland Waterfront Company's property desired to speak with the Council. on the matter, whereupon Mr. Hammond moved that when the Council adjourn it adjourn to meet in adjourned regular session, Wednesday evening, January 24th, 1917 at 8 o'clock, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 20. / Mr. Stewart moved that the request of the Board of Education to have the city lay the curb along Alameda Avenue in front of the Porter School be granted and that the Street Superintendent proceed to lay the curb, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. 21. 1 Mr. Hammond called attention to the launching of the vessels which is to take place Saturday morning, January 20th, and moved that the Presi- dent of the Council appoint a Canaittee to confer with Lnprovement Clubs in order that the city may get proper publicity in the matter, seconded 4176 January 16th 1917. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in adjourned regular session, .iednesday evening, January 24th, 191? at 8 o'clock. Respectfully ' -ted, City Clerk. 341