1917-03-06 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE 0. Y OF A AMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 6, 1917. The meeting convened at :07 P. M. with Mayor Y. 11. Bartlett presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Allan, Hammond, Majors Probst, Smith and President Roth were noted present. Councilman Stewart arrived during the reading of the Minutes and was doted present. Absent:Councilman Walker. The Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as ad. The Minutes of the snecial meeting held March 2nd, 1917, were Mor approved as read. Claims againe Le ral the Police Fund amounting to $70 0568.61; against he Street Fund Electric Light Fund amounting Fund amounting to $1055.99; against .56; againet the Fire Fund -mounting to amounting to 02134.91; against the 03604.0 • against the Library Fund amounting to ii0521.63; against the Recreation Fund amounting to 3409.46; against the Relief Fund amounting to 5166.25 and against Municipal Improvement Fund No. 11 amounting to ,1159.40 having been approved and dited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- GETERAI FUND. Alameda Electric Co. Alameda Hardware Co. Ascher, Augusta Bartlett, F. H. Bennett, Eugenia Bennett, Sophie K. Bledsoe Co., A.J. Danleavy, East Bay Water Co. Forrest, Annie G. Forrest, Esther E. Goggin, G. E. Hart, Emily L. Havery, Ethel B. Hunt, H.B. Johnson Co. S.T. Manuel, A. Mazzini, L. T1 McElwee, Jain L. Mcidurry, Eithel Ostermann, Annie Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. REmmel, Loreme Robinson, Mary R. Strom Electrical Co. St. Sure. A. F. Tappan, R.B. Assg. R.S.Stockton Times Star Co. IT 11 IT IT Weyer, Nellie F. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Brown Furnttare Co. Conrad, John Schneider, Henry Smith, F. J. Strom Electrical Co. Western Union Co. Phone extension Nails Services Mayor's allowance Services Subscription Services Water Services T? Premiu0 Services TT n Oil Lumber Repairs Supplies Services TI IT Gas Rental and tolls Services T1 Labor and material Stenographer's Fees Advertising Printing Services Total - 'POLICE FUND. Auto supplies Bedding Incidentals Stationery Meals Batteties Clock rental 0 4.90 " 13.50 50.00 13.50 13.50 1.00 13.50 13.81 13.50 13.50 11.00 13.50 10,50 13.50 67.89 .50' 1.00 6.62 13.50 13.50 12.00 5.49 4.26 30.00 50 .92 5.00 5.00 128.91 366.00 162.54 12.00 1055.99 • 24.21 5.39 11.90 12.98 9.00 6.08 _ nn 4 Alameda Steam Laundry Ass Alameda Vulcanizing Works East Bay Water Co. Encinal Garage Fischer, C. F. King, A. R. Koerber, A. H. W. It TT It TT Eracke & Brunje Krueckel, Geo. J. Lomax, R. R. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Young, Ed. Alameda Hardware Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Works imorosa, V. Bach, :7111. Brink, H. P. Britt, W. Dahl, James Devine, P. East Bay Watel. Co. Empire FOundry Co. Fisk Tubber Co., The Follrath, G. Freeman, J. L. Giancoli, T. Hammond, C. J. Hutchinson Co. Jamison, R. H. J. S. Johnson, C. Jensen, J. 7Kellogg, F. H. Koerbor, A. H. W. Lenz, Louis C. Looney, F. M. Manuel, A. Day, J. Moorman, Z. Nielsen, Y. C. Oakland Blue Print Co. Pennock, M. Perata, A. Perry, Joe Pinal Dome Refining Co. Rhodes-Jamieson Co. Samuel, W. J. Sanday, Schick, J. Serralunga L. Sorenson, J. tacklcr, J.J. TT TT TV Stevens, A. F. Strom Electrical Co, Sunset Lumber Co. TV TV TV Van Cott A. H. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Ba i rd, Ina M. Banta, Chas, F. Bechtle, Otto Board of Electric Clark, Herbert D. Crane Co. Dow Pump & Diesel Engine Co, East Bay Water Co. Paget Engineering Co. Gamewell Fire Alarm Tel. Co. Garlock Packing Co. Gilson Electrical Supply " VT TV y & Co. TT TT IT TT TV IT 00. Tr If Tr Tr FIRE FUND. Linen service Supplies Water Gasoline Coal 011 'Horseshoeing Peed Pixel Acid Apparatus repairs' Horse shoe ing Gas House repairs • Tota STREET FUND. ?Cl. Hardware Repairs Labor TV TV Teaming Assisting City Eng Water Castings supplies Labor Assisting City Engineer Labor Cement Rock incideptals Teaming 17 TT Labor 17 Pixel Labor Supplies Labor TV Blue prints Teaming Labor TV Road Oil Rock Labor TV TV Street cleaning Labor Repairs TT Labor Supplies Lumber TT Labor FUND. Supplies and repairs Premium on Insurance TV TT TV Glass incidentals Insurance Supplies TT Water Supplies Glasses Supplies TV TT Tr Tr tr Premium on insurance March 6th 7. Total - 16.60 1.18 342.65 23:28 6.12 4.90 119.60 24.01 6.58 1.47 4.90 12.42 4•90 8.61 4.02 .50 15.75 10.50 7.50 72.00 49.50 75.66 47.93 111.72 50.54 12.75 105.08 30.00 71.25 24.50 1,50 101.75 5.50 16.50 01.50 23.52 39.60 32.40 8.33 9.00 31.50 33.00 8.72 107.25 19.50 19.50 096.89 134.85 35.00 14.25 12.00 200.00 10.50 47.78 7.60 27.00 1.57 14.32 13.48 41.40 -02134.91 7.84 20.40 13.60 1,50 10.75 20.40 6.25 26.55 2.00 4.02 4.26 4.97 57.24 20.16 169.77 84.16 10.26 21.76 36 March 6th, 1917. Lellogg E=ess Co Yoerber, A.H.. It TT It it Marshall-Newell Supply Co. TV TV it TT McConnell, Rushton Moore, & Co., Chas. C. Nielse_,, H. G. Osborn, Jessie H. Pacific Metal ,,:orks Eacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Panama Sumber & Mill Co. Perata, Y. Ritchie, L. E. Schneider, Henry Shaw, E. M. State Compensation Inc. Fund Standard Oil Co. Sunset G.,:zage Times Star Co. Union Street Ga TV TV TV Weaver-Ables Wells Co. Western Electric 00. Western Electric Co. Whittier,Coburn Co. Ziel, F. R. Alameda Free Library Blake, Moffitt & Towne East Bay Water Co. Engineering Magazine Foster & Puternick Co. Houghton, laffin Co. Eoerber, A. H. T. Library Bureau Mildred Rutherford Hist, Circle Newbegin, John J. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Schulte, 31.a. Scribner's Chas. Strom Electrical Co, Volberg, C.C. Vosburgh, J.D. TV TV TV Wheeler Publishing Co. A1ame6a Hardware Co. Dick, E.C. East Bay Water Co. Jones, W. J. Mazzini, L. IT IT TV TV Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Skelly, Sam Sunset Lumber Co. TV TV if Theobald, Dorothy Weymouth, Helen If Hester Emery, L. C. Ford, John Grob, Herman Longley, C. P. McCaw, M. F. McGrath, John Norcross, Chas. Wright, Paxton Harden, O.I. Klyce, H.A. Knowles, W.B. Drayage Coal Rent Supplies Premium on insurance Supplies Painting sign Premium on insurance Supplies Phones Lumber Washing windows Premium on insurance Stationery and supplies Pre..ium on insurance Premium on Policy Fuel Oil Tube Printing Supplies TV TV 11 TV Red Lead Premium cin Insurance Total - LIBRARY FUND. Petty expenses Supplies Water Book Binding Books Fuel Supplies Books TV Services Substitute Books Electrical Works ' Rent Repair work Supplies Book Total -- RECREATION FUND. Hardware Gasoline Water Fertilizer Hardware 11 TV Gas Hardware Lumber TV Substiutii - TT TV ON. Total - RELIEF FUND.. Labor TT TV IT IT TV TT TT Tot al L!iUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND NO. .65 3.43 30.00 38.41 .55 40.80 17.14 10.00 54.40 35.40 17.21 11.00 1.50- 20.40 15.05 20.40 1415.50 852.35 3.25 7.00 29.25 53.34 33.27 78.39 as.50 52.28 108.80 3604.01 28.21 2.38 1.58 3.00 89.75 36.00 80.00 8.95 55.58 139.81 .10 4.50 21.60 25.00 18.00 1.67 5.00 1.63 3 , 8 1.40 4.00 152..88 130.62 25.20 2.80 2.61 18.13 15.24 6.34 2.28 4.00 5.58 409.46 16.25 18.75 27.50 30.00 26.25 18.75 2.50 26.25 166.25 Salary . Ov 139.50 Extra work 863.90 Salary 156.00 c1-1 d!t 1 1 Q tri 4 March 6 and on roll oall carried unanimously. The following were received:- Pound report for the month of February, 1917. Ordered filed. The report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of January, 1917. Ordered filed. v- . The Ilffidavit of Publication of the Notice of Appointment of Election Officers for the March 13th, election. Ordered filled. 2. v' The Affidavit of Publication of the Proclamation Calling the General linnicipal Election on March 13th,1917. Ordered filed. 4, The Auditor's receipt for the sum of 025.00 and the City Engineer's receipt for the sum of 05.00 covering expenses incurred by Resolution of In- tention No. 33, New Series, and paid for by the Southern Pacific Company. Ordered filed. The Auditor's receipt for the sum of 080.00 as balance due on a sale of house and land to C. F. Weldon by the Encinal Avenue Widening Commissioners. Ordered filed. b. The sworn statements of candidate as follows:- Paul J. Arnerich, F. H. Bartlett, A. J. Burgner, Carlos F. DeBerna, Geo. L. Dillman Robert C. Dunbar A. F. Heuer, Peter Jorgenson, Wm. S. Lane Alfred. Latham Greene Majors, H. B. Maynard, Rushton McConnell, F. P. McLennan, W. H. Noy, Frank Otis, Ernest J. Probst Conrad Roth, Nelson G. Welburn, P. J. Croll Thoma H. Judd, and G. W. Stewart. Ordered filed. The following cemunications were received:- From the Board of Education repuesting permission to t public auction the: improvements on the property acquired. for High School purposes and to -place the proceeds from such sale in the Municipal Improvemeat Fund No, 11. Mr. Hammond moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried. From the Board of Education requesting the.Council to purchase the property owned by A. H. Wolf, adjacent to the Longfellow School, for the sum of 03,000.00. Mr. Hammond moved that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance effecting such purchase, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried. u. From Commissioner of Revenue and Finance E. B. :Bullock, stating that he was in receipt of 0.18.13 the city's portion of the City Good Roads Fund for the period ending December 31st 1916. Ordered filed. 9. From Hutchinson Company requesting a sixty day extension of time in which to complete the improvement of Second Street, between Pacific Avenue and Cypress Street. Mr. Roth moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Allan and carried. 10. P/ From the Alameda Improvement Club calling attention to the broken condition of the pavement in Webster Street in front of the Club house and the Webster Street Firehouse, and also to the unsightly condition o± Webster Street Roadway. The matter was referred to the Street Committee. 11. / A claim in the sum of 056.29 was presented from Lloyd Beanston as damages sustained by him in an accident in which his automobile struck the 3(34 March 6th, 1917. was referred to the City Attorney. 12. Mr. Stewart introduced the following Resolution and moved its adopt - "Resolution No. 17, Ordering the Closing of Nautilus Street, between Buena Vista Avenue and Eagle Avenue," Mr. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 15. Stewart introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: - "Resolution No. 18, Ordering Plaias and Specifications for the Improvement of Third. Street between Pacific Avenue and Brush Street." Mr. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Stewart introduced the followins Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution Uo. 19. Ordering Plans and Specifications for the Dm- Provement of Works Street from the Easterly line of Webster Street to the -esterly line of the Southern Pacific Company's Right of 7ia- under Resolution No. 38, New Series." Mr. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll it was adopted and passed unanimously. The City Engineer thereupon presented plans and specifications for the improvement of Works Street. Mr. Stewart introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No. 20. Adopting Plans and Spe6ifications for the Im- Provement of Works Street from the Easterly line of Webster Street to the Westerly line of the Southern Pacific Company's Right of Way,under Resolution No. 38, New Series." Hr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 16. Hr. Stewart introduced the following *Resolution and. moved its adoption:- "Resolution No. 21. Resolution of Intention, No. 28, New Series. Yor the Improvement of Works Street from the Easterly line of Webster Street to the Westerly Line of the Southern Pacific Company's Right of Way." Mr. Hamond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call It was adopted end passed unanimously. 17. The matter of the application of the Union Iron Works Coma for permission to lay cables for the transmission of electric energy across the tidelands of the City of Alameda was brought before the Council, having been laid over to this meeting by action taken at the: previous regular meeting. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adopt ion: - "Resolution No. 22. Granting the Union Iron Works Company per- mission to lay cables for the transmission of electric energy across the tidelands belonging to the City of Alameda." 4176 March 6th, 1917. 18 V Bill entitled "A Bill For 'Ordinance No. New Series. Providing for the Acquiring by the City of Alameda of Certain Real Property to be used as a Portion of a Public Street." came up for passage, Mr. Hammond moved that :Lt be adopted, seconded by Er. Roth and on roll call it was adopted and Passed unanimously. 19. L A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Providing for the Acquiring by the City of Alameda of Certain Real Property for the use and Benefit of the Public 3chools of said City." came up for passage. Mr. Hammond moved it be adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call adopted and passed unanimously. 20. Pf 'Ir. Morris brought up t:,e matter of additional fire Protection for the beach resorts and stated that the reconendation of the Chief of the Fire Department was that an additional hydrant be placed on Central ivenue,between ixth and :!ebster treets. He moved that the Clerk request the Peoples Water Company to place a hydrant there, seconded by Mr. Hammond and curried. 21. / Mr. Smith stated that the Park and Playground Committee had let the contract to Dowell Bros. Construction Company for the construction of the new tednis court in Washington Park. Mr. Probst brought up the matter of the price of electricity and urged that lower rate be given and moved that the Public Utilities Committee take up the matter with the Boird of Electricity to ascertain if reduction could be made, and that in the event that such reduction' be not made, the Council consider it at a future meetiAs., seconded by Mr. Hammond and Carried. 23. I Mr. Probst also brought up tne matter of asking the Board of Electri3ity to place a suitable sign at the foot of the stairs qnnouncing that the office had removed from the City Hall in order to accommodate those who had been accustomed to patronize the office in this Vailding. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, Merck 20th 1917, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk. 365