1917-05-01 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR /METING OF THE 'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. TUESDAY EVENING; MAY 1ST, 191.7. The meeting convened at 805 P, M with Council-president Majors idlng The roll was called and. Councilmen Noy, Otis, Probst and President Majors were noted present Absent:Councilman Dillman, (1). The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No, 39. Transferring $3350.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and Redemption Fund. " Mr. Otis,seconded the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. vi Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No. 40. Transferring $7395,20 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund," Mr. Otis seconded the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Claims against the General Fund amounting to $929.02; against the Police Fund amounting to $102.42; against the Fire Fund amounting $477.56; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to $6107.83. against the Street Fund amounting to $2969.54; against the Health Fund amounting to $5.00; against the Recreation Fund amounting to 111211.33 and against Municipal Improvement Fund No. 11, amounting to $15,940.58 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- Brewer, H.S & CO. It If 11 11 Cardinet, Ernest H. Daahl-Thoms Awning Co, East Bay Water Co. Furey, H. D. In La Plant, A. Majors, Greene Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel, & Tel. Co, Sansome, J. A. Steinmetz, Th. Times Star 00. 17 , te R It 711 Vosburgh, J. W. Wilkens, J. H. Conrad, John Pacific Kissel Kar Pacific Tel. & Tel. GENERAL FUND. Chairs 5.00 Rental Of election supplies 105.00 Cleaning curtains 2,00 Rental of tents 152.25 Water 15.30 Material and labor 25.00 Supplies 7.00 Curbing 15.00 Mayor's Allowance 21.65 Mazda lamps 7.20 Gas 3,06 Rental and tolls 4.08 Services in Auditor 39.00 Shades 3.50 Advertising 36.00 Printing 366.00 56.75 43.25 17,00 Supplies .98 4.00 71 11 Total POLICE FUND. Incidentals nob Auto supplies o, Phones OM 410 toer 441* 0. ava 929.02 8,95 7.75 4.15 May let, 1917. East Bay Water Co. Furey, H. D. Kennady, Warren C. Lomax, R. R. Mazzini, L. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Painter, J. H. Plummer Mfg. Co., W. A. Banta, C. F. Board of Electricity Citizens Bank of Alameda Crane Co. TT TV Degen Belting Co. L. East Bay Water Co. Eccles & Smith Co, Frey, W. E. Gamewell Fire Alarm Co, General Electric Co. TT » Tt Gilson Electric Supply Co, » IT TT » » Tt » » n TT TT TT Tt » » TT Gleason- Tiebout Glass Co. » iT TT TT Goodyear Rubber Co. Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co, Johns - Manville Co. H. W. Justinian -faire Co. Kelloggs Express Co, MacRae,. Chas. W. Marshall Newell Supply Co. TT TT Tt Tt TT TT TT T! Moore & Co., Chas. C. IT TV TT If TT Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Payot, Stratford & Kerr Schneider, Henry Standard Oil Co. Strom Electrical Co. Time Star CO. TT TT TT Union Street Garage Vosburgh, L. W. TT TT If Weaver -Ables Wells Co, K n TT TT Westphal, 4. F. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. w TT IT TT TT VT TT TT Tt TT TT 11 TV Wilkens, J. H. Zeh, Carl R. IT It It TT Amor osa, V. Associated Oil Ca,. Britt, W. Cavanaugh, J. Dahl, J. J. Devine, P. A. Follrath, G. Freeman, J. L. Furey_, H. D. Gianc©li, T. Hammond, C. J. Jamison, J. S. Jamison, R. H. Jensen, J. Kellogg, F. H. Lenz, _ L. C. Looney,, F. M. Lopez, F. TT TT TV TT FIRE FUND. Water Supplies Services rendered Horseshoe ing Supplies Gas Supplies Flag $ 342,74 5.93 84,00 4.90 4.26 11,88 15.00 8.85 Total - d am -� - - 4 7 7, . 5 6 LECTRIC LIGHT FUND, Premium on insurance Incidentals Rent Supplies » n Water Supplies Labor and mater is Supplies Tt » n n TT TT TT b Tt TT n TT TT Drayage Supplies Tt It TT IT TT Rental and tolls Binding cases Stationery and supplies Fuel Oil Installing fixtures Printing n supplies Tt TT TT Office clock Supplie s T of a1 STREET FUND. Labor Fuel Oil Teaming Labor Assisting City TT TT Labor Assisting City Supplies Labor Cement Teaming Incidentals Labor TT It Tt n ft .. .. .. .. .. _4 34,00 97.54 40,00 2.16 12.51 9.47 1,00 4,50 20,00 8,00 30,8© 521,05 177,61 335,35 78,82 79.06 159,96 280.66 100.03 11,76 6.00 32.40 1.68 50.22 2.50 7.62 2.47 8,95 4.00 11.79 12.76 5.78 7.65 2642.38 61.50 71.25 105.00 54.64 8.62 4.80 .40 10.58 6.50 13.71 47.76 330.8© 12.10 248.10 313,20 2.85 15,54 6107.83 28.50 35,00 96,00 39.00 Engineer 63.94 TT 87.30 39.00 Engineer 122.50 .20 33.00 83.71 132.00 3.95 39,00 45.50 46:.80 46.80 39.00 s9 _ nn Nielsen, H. G. Nielsen, N. C. Pacific Tel & Tel, Co. Pennock, M. Perata, A. Perry, Joe Pinal Dome Oil Co, II II It VI Powell Bros. Construction Co. If 11 Samuel, W. J. Sanday, W. Serralunga, L. Sorensen, J. Stevens, A. F. Sunset Lumber 000 Van Cott, A. H. Young Machinery Co. A. L. Hicks, Grant Alameda Hardware Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Hailawell Seed Co. Ivey, Annie Lewis, Agnes Maxwell Hardware Co. Mazzini, L. Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co, SerraluAga, L, Sherwood, A. F. Stackler, 3. J. Standard Oil Co, Sunset Lumber Co United Auto Supply Go, Weymouth, Hester May lst Painting Labor Telephone Teaming Labor tt Road Oil It Rook and screenings I/ Labor Street sweeping Labor I/ Lumber Labor Repairs Total ------- HEALTH FUND. Auto hire RE REATION FUND. Hardware Auto upkeep Bulbs Substituting Hardware Supplies Gas Rental and tolls Removing Garbage Flag Hardware Gasoline Lumber Tire Substitute Total - MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND NO . 11 Anderson & RIngrose Cunningham & Politeo Dolan Bros. Grob, Herman Gray4,E, L. Hunter Lumber Co. Knowles, WM. B. Longley, Paul McCann, F. M. Schrader Iron Works Simonds Machinery Co. Standard Electric Time Wright Paxton Payment on contraot Architectural services Plumbing fixtures Labor Carpenter Work Lumber Superintendent of construction Painting Labor Contract Installing pumping system Time clock Labor Total - - gab .spoy 7. $ 7.50 39,00 .2.60 132.00 39.00 39.00 441.58 405,24' 156.80 161.85 45050 39.00 200.00 36.00 39.00 12.15 59.80 8.82 2969.54 5.00 13.38 29.03 3.92 4.56 14.00 13.45 6.00 6000 1,44 2.55 20.58 9,00 2.90 19,00 14.32 14.20 37.00 211.33 080.00 , 1086.00 14.00 5,00 18,00 91.83 150,00 70.00 25.00 2950.00 1467.00 937.50 46.25 $15940 58 Mr. Probst moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Otis and on roll call carried unanimously. The following were received: The Poundmaster s report for the month of A?rii, 1917. Ordered filed. The Deed of C. C. Stevenson, Jr., for the property at the southeast corner of Santa Clara Avenue and. Webster Street. Ordered filed. 4. The Oaths of Office of J. B. Lanktree and Mrs. Helen A. Cross as members of the Board of Education; of A. F. St. Sure as City Attorney; and R. E. Bosshard as City Clerk. Ordered filed. The Affidavit of Publication of the Notice of Sale of Fire Horses etc. at public auction. Ordered filed. 395 1, May 1st Avenue, between the westerly line of Cersailles Avenue and the center line of Pearl Street, done by Hutchinson Company under private contract.lOrdered filed. .// Also, the report of the Street Superintendent on the grading, curb- ing,macadamizing of Second Street from the northerly line of Pacific Avenue to the southerly line of Cypress Street done by Hutchinson Company under rivet° contract. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: From Dr, Kate P. Van Orden resigning from the Board of Education. Mr. Probst moved that the resignation be accepted, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. V From Mayor Green Majors, announcing the appointment of Mrs. Helen A. Cross as a member of the Board of Education to fill the unexpired term of Dr. Kate P. Van Orden resigned, and the appointment of J. B. Lanktree as a member of the Board of Education to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration of the term of office of John Reardon. Ordered filed. 10. V From Mayor Green Majors, announcing the reappointment of Herman Krusi and E. Howard ter as members of the Board of Public Utilities. Ordered filed. 11. ; From Mayor Greene Majors announcing the reapPointmentof Dr. Harold A Miller as a member of the Board of Library Trustees. Ordered filed. 1E. From the Mayor and. Auditor announcing the counting of the money in the Treasurer's office on April 19th, 1917. Ordered filed. From City Attorney St. Sure giving a statement of the claim of Llloyd Beanston against the City of Alameda for damages received through a collision with a tree in Pacific Avenue near Wood Street on the evening of December 25th, 1916, and recommending that the claim of $56.28 be paid. Mr. Probst moved that the claim in the sum stated be paid, seconded by Mr Otis and on roll call carried unanimously. 14. v/ Mr Noy moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to remove the tree at once seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 15. Mr. Otis brought up the matter of smoking in the Council Chamber during the meetings of the Council and stated that in deference to those who do not smoke and women who may be present the practice should be abolished. He thereupon moved that somking be henceforth prohibited during the Council sessions seconded by Mr Probst and carried. Further communications:- v From the Alameda Improvement Club complaining 4* ainst the temporary buildings and shacks standing on Webster Street and Central Avenue in the vicinity of the beaches and urging that the Fire restrictions along Webster Street be extended so as to prohibit the continuance of buildings of this nature. The matter was referred to the Fire Chief to report back t� the Coun- cil. / From R. T. Boyd of the Niagara Insurance Company soliciting war risk policies, Ordered filed. May 1st, .1917, 18. From Cpl. Edw. Burr, submitting a map showing the levee proposed to be constructed by the Oakland Waterfront Company and asking for information whether the City has any objections thereto. Ordered filed. 19. V From the Fitchburg Social and Improvement Club complaining against the slaughter house district in the East Oakland section urging that the Council p , rtioipate in objections that are to be made before the Oakland City Council on the ground that a number of the wells which supply water to the City of Alameda lie in close proximity to the slaughter houses. The matter was referred to the Health Officer with instructions to appear before the Oakland City Council on behalf of the City of Alameda, 20. V From the mber of the Police Department asking for a fifteen per cent increase in salary. Referred to the net Committee to the Whole meeting. 21.'` From the Neptune Beach Company offering their establishment for the use of the City to celebrate May Day on May 12th, Mr. Probst announced that preliminary arrangements to have celebrations in the various parks had already been made and for that reason the offer of the Company could not be accepted. He moved that the communication be filed and the Clerk notify the Company of the reason for refusing the offer, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. 22. V From the San Francis o, Oakland Terminal Railways making applicaa- tion for a Resettlemen Franchise. Referred to the next Committee of the W}aoie meeting, Mr. Probst moved that the Council meet as a Committee of the Whole on Thursday evening, May 10th, at 8 o'clock, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. Further communications: 23, "` From Hutchinson Company aasking for permission to improve the north half of Encinai Avenue from the center line of Broadway to the western line of Regent Street, under private contract. A copy of the contract was submitted with the communication. Mx. Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. 24• ` From Auditor and Assessor, F. J. Croll, king for the cancellation of the following warrants which had been in his office for several years; General Fund. West Disinfectant Co, $17.50 Street Fund J. A. Wilkinson .90 Police Fund A. A. Antonio 5,00 • Fire Fund Frank Garcia 4.50 Mr. Probst moved that the request of the Auditor and Assessor be complied seconded by Mr. Otis and on roll cell carried unanimously. 25. From Auditor and Assessor, F. J. Croll, asking for permission to purchase a filing cabinet for his office. Mx. Probst moved that the matter be referred to the Purchasing Agent, with power to act , seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. 26. From J. B. Hassett Accountant as defined in Section 25, Article 2 of the new Charter. Referred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting. 27. Mr. A. M. Donovan addressed the Council and urged the adoption of application for the position of E , ert May 1st 1917. could have been avoided had there been proper protection on the front of the trains. Mr. Otis moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare such an Ordinance, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Further communications: , 2 v/ From the Executive Committee of the Biy Scouts offering the services of the Boy Scouts of Alameda for the lowering of the fl at the City Hall daily at sundown. Mr. Probst moved that the Clerk notify the Committee that the proposition was acceptable'tc the Council seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. 29. / From the Main Street Iron Works of San Francisco, asking for a twenty-five year lease on the property at the north end of Grand Street owned by the City. The matter was referred to the next Committee of the Whole Meeting and the Clerk instructed to notify the proprietor of the Works of this action. 30. From the Alame amment Club urging the abolishing of the English Sparrow nuisance. Referred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting. 31. I From S. Johnson protesting against the use of air -guns in the hands of children to rid the city of the English Sparrow nuisance. Referred to the next Committee of the Whole Meeting. 32. v/ From Fred. Staude, calling the 0ounc11s attention to the violation of provisions of the Municipal Code governing the speed of automobiles and the opening of mufflers. Mr. Probst moved that the matter be referred to the Chief of Police to enforce the law, secondedby Mr. Noy and carried. 33. / From Barnes &Tibbitts submitting a copy of a letter submitted by them to the Alameda Chamber of Commerce relative to securing some of the wooden ships about to be built by the United States government Ordered filed. 34. v` From E. M. Piercy complaining against an egg alleged to have been given to him which was unfit for consuMpti in one of the local restaurants. The matter was referred to the Health Officer. 35. v Mr. Noy introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No. 41. Granting the Oakland Waterfront Company a Permit to Dredge Upon Certain Land within the City of Alameda." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously, 36. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- Resolution No. 42. Appointing George W. ChrIttensen, Deputy City lerk." tr. Noy seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 37. vi Mr. Probst Introduced the following resolution and moved its adopti on: - "Resolution No. 43, Appointing Hazel B. Dudgeon, Stenographer. Mr. Noy seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was May 1st 1917, 38. Mr. Otis introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No. 44. Appointing Charles E. Hewes, City Manager." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 39. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No. 45, Ordering Plans and Specifications for the laying of a Six Inch Sewer in the Centre line of Bay Street Connecting with the South Side Intercepting Sewer." Mr. Otis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 40. /7 The City Engineer thereupon presented plans and specifications, where upon Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No. 46. Adopting Plans and Specifications for the Laying of a Six Inch Sewer in the center line of Bay Street Connecting with the South Side Intercepting Sewer." Mr. Otis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 41. // Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No. 47. Resolution of Intention No, 39, New Series for the Laying of a Six Inch Sewer in the center line of Bay Street connecting with the South Side Inter- cepting Sewer." Mr. Otis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it tt s adopted and passed unanimously. 42, 4/ Mr. Probst introduced a Bill entitled "A BILL For Ordinance No, New Series Repealing Subdivision D o •dinance No. New Series." which was laid over under a provision of the Charter. 43. v/ Mr. Noy introduced a Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Fixing the Salary and Bon of the City Manager," which was laid over under a provision of the Charter. 44. , A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series, Prohibiting Loitering, PTIFeting, Carrying or Displaying Banners, Badges, Signs or Trans- parencies, or Speaking in Public Streets, Side- walks, Alleys or other Public Places, in a Loud or Unusual Tone, for Certain Purposes Therein named, and Providing a Penalty For any Violation Thereof." aid over to be taken up at the next Committee of the Whole meeting 45. / Mr. Otis introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Reeslution No. 48. Adopting Roberts Rules of Order as the Basis of the Parlimentary Procedure in the Council." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimoualy, 46. The matter of the closing of streets between Chestnut Street and (11.0-.1,1 nv,11 399 47. City Attorney St. Sure called attention to the fact that the Tidelands Bill had passed the State Legislature and was now before the Governor for signing. He urged some . action be taken which would call the Governor s attention to the necessity of signing the Bill. Mx. Otis moved that the Mayor and Clerk communicate with Governor Stephens and urge him to affix his signature to the amended Bill, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried, 48. Mr. Probst moved that the applications.. of Edward R. Allen, G. L. Barker, Adolph M. Barron, Frank J. Boland, P. N. Beringer, Frank E. Browning, Philos Cooke, Hugh Craig, Carlos F. de Berna, P, G. Denson$ N. B. Ellery, J. L. Freeman, Walter N. Frickstad, C. E. Henderson, Chas. E. Hewes, Edw. C. Jamison, J. J. Jessup, A. T. Kalas, Lochiel M. King, Joseph A. Kitts, Arthur P. Melton, Fred Muhlhausen, J. F. Nash, Eugene F. Nissen, Harrison Gray Otis, Jerome Powers J. A. Sansom, Ernest Schaeffle, Geo. W. Spencer, W. C. Spencer, George W. Stewart, Frank J. Staiger, James E. Sutton, Oliver J. Todd, John A. Turner, E. Morris Vail, Geo. J. Wellington, and J. G. Wattsfor the position of City Manager be filed in the records of the Council and all other matters be destroyed, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to in regular session Tuesday evening, May 15th, 1917. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.