1917-05-15 Regular CC Minutes4176 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE 0 ITY OF A TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 15TH, 1917. The meeting convened at 8:03 P. M. with Co president Greene Majors presiding. The roll was called and Counci.,Lmen Dillma Otis, Probst and President Majors were noted present. The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Mr. Otis moved that Oapt. Frank Hopkins of-Company P, 5th Regiment, L4. G. C. st a, ioned at, the Union Iron Works, who was present be given an opportunity to speak on a. rnatter of sanitation, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Captain Hopkins thereupon addressed the Council and called attention to the need of a sewer connection for bathing and sanitary purposes for the use of the soldiers under his command. He stated that the Company would be stationed, at the Union Iron Works for the entire period of the War and it was therefor imperative that proper sanitary measures be provided. Mr. Diliman moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager with power to act, seconded by Mr. Noy and carried. v Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved lis adoption:- "Resolution No.,49. Transferring the sum of 03352.71 Accumulated in the Various Electrolier Funds to the General Fund." Mr, Otis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Claims against the General Fund amounting to .90; against the Police Fund amounting to 033.83; against the Fire Fund amounting to e295.75; dgainst the Street Fund amounting to 01540,73; against the Health Fund amounting to $159.92; against the Recreation Fund amounting to 145.04; against the School General Fund amounting to 0765.00 and against Municipal Improvement Fund No.,, 11, amounting to $1648.92 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- Alameda Baking Company Alameda HArdware,Company Haselbacher, J. A. Hewes, Chas. E. Hogan Lumber Co. Inter-City Express Johnson, Co., S. T. Kellogg Express Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant 1 TV TV fl TV TV TV TV Nielsen, H. G. Purity Springs Water Co. Sansom, John A. Schneider, Henry TV TV vt TV 71 State Compensation Ins, Fund Times Star Co. Ya- an & Erbe Mfg, Co. GENERAL FUND. Bread for Pound Supplies Brushes Emergency Fund Case Subscript ion Fuel Oil Expressage Labor and attendance Fire Alarm 65.10 2053.93 4.95 1.50 24.00 16.33 .98 " 20.00 TV 2,21 City lighting Lettering Water. Services Supplies ". 2.75 3.75 16.00 100.00 - 42,00 3.00 48.10 6.00 50.00 TV Liability insurance premium Printing for Auditor Supplies for City Attorney YP 21.57 1278.73 13.00 36.25 1.87 401 40' May 15th, 1917. Kissel Kar Branch Pacific Tel. &'Tel Schneider, Henry Smith, F. J: Strom'Electrical Co. Western Union Co, POLICE FUND. Supplies o, Telephones Stationery Meals Batteries Clock rental Alameda Steam Laundry AssIn, Alameda Vulcanizing Works Auto Battery Service Co. Bowser & Co. Inc. S. F. Fischer, C. F. King, A. R. Koerber, A. H. W. Ty TT TV Kracke & Brunje Kreuckel, Geo. J. 1t TV TV Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Park Garage Strom Electrical Co, TiMes Star Co. Alameda Hard-re Co. Amorosa, V. Cavanaugh, J. East Bay, Water Co. Fischer, C. F. Follrath, G. Gay, A. T. Giancoli, T. Goldstone, J. Gutta Percha Rubber Mfg. Co, James, Wm. Jensen, J. Kellogg, F. H. Koerber, A. Lenz, L. C. Lopez, F. Looney, F. M. May, J. McGrath, J. Moorman, Z. Nielsen, N. C. Perata, A. Perry, Joe Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. TV TV n n 11 TV TV TV it if Samuel, W. J. Sanday, W. Schneider, Henry Sorenson, J. Stabkler, J. Stevens, A. F. Van Cott, A. H. Vosburgh, L. W. eh & Lomb Optical Coe Bischoff's Truss & Surgical House Borie, Louis J. Carpenter, T. DeLaval Dairy Supply Co, Fnery, H. D. Beall, J. P. Oakland California Towel Co. ' " TV TV TV Parisian Laundry Pearson & Swanson Purity Springs Water iley's Drugs Store Schneider, Henry Times Star CO. Total FIRE FUND. PU4 Linen service Supplies Gasoline Gasoline tank Coal Oil Horseshoeing Feed TV Supplies Apparatus repairs Phone tolls Repairs Supplies Advertising STREET FUND. Hardware Labor TV Water Supplies Labor Repairs Labor Gasoline Supplies Brooms Labor Fuel Labor TV TV TV TV TV Tf It Rock TV I! TT Labor IF Supplies Labor Repairs Labor TV Hardo e HEALTH FUND. Total Total Laboratory Emergency hospital Automobile parts Transportation Laboratory TV Auto upkeep Laboratory TV Hospital Laboratory Office expense Laboratory and emergency hospital Office expense and laboratory Printing Mos 4,44. ▪ 710, $ 2.85 5,55 6.08 16.75 60 1,00 33.83 16.60 3.92 33.25 98.15 1,96 4,90 20.42 66.79 7.05 2.45 28.42 .55 2,94 1,57 7.78 • * 296.75 TV ft TV WtAc+,1,1 nn4.1.mr On .2mm.14o.ovIn/r 17,30 30.00 36,00 61.39 .80 30.00, 9.31 36.00' 69.74 4.41 4.90 30.00 38,50 23.52 43.20 30.00 43.20 36.00 27,00 42.00 36.00 36.00 30.00 156.80 156.80 134.75 157.59 42,00 30.00 1.57 30.00 20.93 36.00 55.20 3.82 1540.73 9.18 39.50 3.53 34.30 2.48 3.50 4.00 1,10 1,10 7.55 3.00 1.50 5,64 8.04 5.00 30.25 _Pn 4176 Alameda Hardware Co. East Bay Water Co, Mazzini, L. Pacific Tel. & Tel Porep, Chas, Schneider, Henry Spalding Bros. Street Department Harrison Co H. O. Alameda Hardware Co. Fischer, C. F. TV IT 11 Groh, Herman Helmstein, J. H. Hunter Lumber Co, Klyce, H. A. Longley, Paul Manuel, A. McCaw, M. F. Wright, P ton RECREATION FUNDe Hard. re Water Baseballs o. Rental and tolls Orchestra hire Stationery Athletic supplies Rolling Lincoln Park Track SCHOOL GENE $ ' Total - FUND. ow, vox -00. Automobile ROVEMENT FUND NO. 11. Repairs to Everett School TT • TT TV Labor Repairs to Everett School Work on Porter School Labor Repairs to Everett School Labor TV Total - - May 15th, 1917, $ 68.56 4.86 6.00 2.81 27.50 4.10 24.21 8,00 $ 146.04 $ 765.00 3.92 121.43 13.15 32.50 17.10 122.75 1072.22 76.00 129.85 30.00 30.00 RIEIR31411 • - 4 1648.92 Mr, Otis-moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr, Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. The following were received:- The Auditor's Balance Sheet for the month of Apri 1917, Ordered filed. The report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of Mamie!, 3917. Ordered filed. The Affidavit o the Posting of Notices of Improvement of laying aver in filed, y Street under Resolution of Intention No.39 New Series. Ordered. The Affidavit of publication of Resolution of Intention No. New Series. Ordered filed. The Oaths of Office of City Manager Charles E. Hewes; of Harold A. Miller as a member of the Board of Library Trustees; of Herman Krusi and - E. Howard B er as members of the Board of Public Utilities. Ordered filed. 4. The Deeds of Matilda Swanson covering property purchased for the use of the Porter School Ordered filed. u The budget estimates of the Board of Education and the Board of Library Trustees for the ensuing fiscal year. Referred to The following communications were received: 6. From Sealer of Weights and Measures J. S. Furtado, urging the Council the City Manager. to adopt an ordinance regulating the s e of the loaves of bread and requir ing peddlers and hawkers to have their scales inspected by the Sealer. A copy of the proposed Ordinance was presented. Mr. M. P, Scott Deputy Sealer of Weights and Measures addressed the Council and called attention to the need of standardizing loaves of bread and also of the requiring peddlers and hawkers to have their scales inspected and sealed. Mr. Probst offered" 404 5 th, 1917. 7. V From Alameda Aerie, io. 1076, Fraternal Order of Eagles, inviting the members of the Council to a patriotia/meeting to be held.by their lodge on the 24th of this month. Mr. robst moved that the invitation be accepted, seconded by Mr, Otis and carried. 8. 7 From Health Officer, A. Hieronymu stating that he had inves ed the complaint of E. M. Pearcy, relative to an egg that had been served to him at the Palace Bakery, and 1h1 opinion the egg was not unfit for human consumption, but probably stale or a cold storage egg. The.communica- tion was ordered filed. v/ From A. Hieronymus stating that he had investigated the sources of water supply at Fitchburg which were alleged to be contaminated by the slaughter house in the vicinity. He feund that no evidence of contamination existed. The communication was ordered filed. 10. 4,/ From Mrs, Harriet Louis asking for work. Referred to the City Manager. 11. / From the North Side Improvement Club asking the Council to adopt a policy of retrenchment owing to the conditions brought about by the War and that there be no increases in salaries. Ordered filed. 12. a/ From the members of the Alameda Fire Department :sking for a fifteen per cent increase in salary. Referred to the City Manager, to port back to the Council. 13 t From the Board of Library Trustees asking for permission to enter into a contract for the remodeling of the room in the basement as a reading room_ for children. Mr. Otis thereupon introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No. 50, Delegating to the Board of Library Trustees the Power to Enter into a Contract for the Remodeling of a Room in the basement of the Library Building." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously, 14. From Alva Udell, urging that a Committee be appointed to investigate the food situation. Inasmuch as the National Government was taking action along this line, it was deemed inadvisable for the city to proceed. The commtyaication was ordered filed. 15. The proposed amendment to Section No. 518 of the Code of the City of Alameda which would require all persons, f6ms or corporations engaged in the business of repairing, storing or cleaning of automobiles or automobiles for hire, and every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling automobiles or automobile accessories and gasoline be ed per year ers referred to the City Manager and City Attorney, 10.00 16. Mt. Noy introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No. 51, Appointing Hazel B. Dudgeon, Stenographer, Fixing the Salary and Repealing Resolution No. 43." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimouely. 4176 May 15th 9.7. "Resolution No. Fixing the Salary of the City Clerk." Mr Diliman seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 18. / 19. Mr. Noy introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 53. Fixing Salary of City Attorney." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Dill nt.Noy, and Probst, (3). Noes:Councilman Otis and President Majors, (2). Absent:None. Messrs. Otis and Majors in voting no stated that they realized the worth of the City Attorney's work but felt that a policy of retrenchment should be pursued. Mr. Dillman introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution No. 54, Rescinding Resolution No. 3 Creating the Office of Commissioner of Revenue and Finance." Mr. Otis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series, Fixing the Salary and Bond of the City Manager." came up for passage and was read by the Clerk, Mr. Otis moved that the Ordi- nance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Noy introduced a Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No, New Series, To Repeal Section 6, Chap11, of Ordinance No, 1, New Series, Known as the Municipal Code of the City of Alameda." which was laid over under a provision of the Charter. 20. / A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No, New Series. Prohibiting Loitering, P1ce ing, Carrying or Dis playing Banners, Badges, Signs or Transparencies or Speaking in Public Streets, Sidewalks, Alleys, or other Public Places in a Loud or Unusual Tone, for Certain Purposes therein named, and Providing a Penalty for any violation thereof." was referred to the City Attorney to report back at the next meeting of the Council on the legal phraseology. 21. i// Mr. Diliman moved that the request of Barnes and Tibbits for the closing of the streets north of Clement Avenue and between Chestnut and Grand Streets be granted, subject to the reservation of the city's rights in the matterl, and that the City Attorney prepare the necessary papers for the same seconded by Mr. Probst and carried, 22. / Mr. Diliman moved that the request of the San Francisco, Oakland. Terminal Railways for a re-settlement frenehise be laid on the table and that the members of the Council eonetitute themselves as a Committee to meet with tie citizens of Berke]ey and Oakland in their deliberations on the franchise 406 May 15th, 1917 23, Mr, Tillman moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to re- move all trees standing in the streets between the curbs seconded by Er, robst and carried. 24. Mr. Otis moved that the City Clerk communicate with the Certified public accountants living in Alameda and San Francisco Counties to request from them bids for auditing the city's books, in accordance with the Charter, seconded by Mr, Diliman and carried, 25. / Mr. Gillman moved that the City Clerk procure copies of the Robert's Rules of Order for the Council secondea. by Mx. Probst and carried. 26. The City Clerk brought up the matter of registering those eligible to draft for the United States Army and asked for permission to expend a sum not to exceed $150,00 to meet any expenses that may arise. Mr. Probst moved that the sum of 0150.00 be allowed, seconded by Mx. Otis and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Otis, Probst and President Majors, (3). Noes:Councilmen Dillman and NT, (2). Absent:None. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, June 5th, 1917, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.