1917-08-07 Regular CC Minutes4176 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OP ALAM.EDA, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 7TH, 1917.- The meeting convened at 8:05 P. M. with Mayor Greene Majors presidinG The roll was called and Councilmen Diliman, Otis, Probst and President Majors were noted present. Absent:Councilman Noy, (1). The Hinutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Deputy District Attorney Wittchen was present and explained to the Coun cil the Ordinance which would come up for adoption and which would give to the County certain rights in the matter of constructing a new bascule bridge to replace the present Harrison and Webster Street Bridges Surveyor Posey submitted a plan and an illustration of the Mr. Otis introduced the followin Resolution and move . Deputy County proposed new bridge. d its adoption:- "Resolution No. 70. erring 01000,00 From the General Fund to the Store Fund." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following were-receiVed: The Auditor's Balance Sheet for the month of July, 1917. Ordered filed. The report of the IJunicipal Electric Light Plant for the month of 917. Ordered filed. The Annual report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the year ending June 20th, 1917. Ordered filed. The continuation certificate on the bond of A. D. Goldsworthy. Order- ed filed. The final apportionment of 1916 taxes, suamitted by the Auditor. Ordered filed. 2. The City Manager's Budget es for the year 1917-1918. Ordered filed. The Contract between the City of Alameda and the Times Star Company for doing the city's advertising for the fiscal year 1917-1918. Ordered filed.. 4. The bond of the Oakland Waterfront Company in the sum of 0000 covering damages that might accrue for doing certain refilling and dredging. Ordered filed. b. An affidavit showing due publication of Notice to Printers inviting bids for doing the city printing for the year 1917-1918 was presented and ordered filed. In response to said Notice the Clerk stated that he was in receipt of three bids. Mr. Probst moved that the bids be received and opened, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened bids from the following firms:- Times Star Company, C. F. Guenther and N. C. Hawks. Each bid was accom-eanied by a bond in the sum of c500.00. Mr. Probst moved, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried that the bids be referred to the City Manager and pity Attorney. The following communications were received: • August 7th, 1917. ed the money in the City Treasury on July 20th, 1917. Ordered filed. 7, From Russell L. Dunn soliciting the pricilege of representing the City of Alameda before the Railroad Commission on the matter of the increase of transportation rates asked for by the Southern Pacific Company. The communica tion was ordered filed, Mr. Otis moved that the City Attorney represent the City of Alameda at such hearing, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 8. From Louis L. Wilde, Mayor of San Diego, inviting the City of Alameda to participate in a, conference to be held in that City in November. Ordered filed. 9. From Rodolph Hatfield calling attention to: a spite fence which stands in the rear of 2104 San Antonio Avenue. Referred to the City Manager with power to act 10. From the Railroad Commission of the State of California giving notice of an application for hearing of the Blue Star. Auto Stage Service. Referred to the City Attorney, 11. From the Auditor and Assessor giving the assessment figures for the year 1917-1918. Ordered filed. 12. v' From the Oakland Trpographica1 Union No. 36, urging the City of Alameda to award the printing contract tounion firms. Ordered filed. 15. From V. M. Frodden, former Street Superintendent, thanking the Council for the engrossed copy of Resolution No. 57, commending his services to the City. Ordered filed. 14. From the Alameda Chamber of Commerce urging the Council to instruct the City Attorney to appear before the State Railroad. Commission to protest the proposed increase of transportation rates made by the Southern Pacific Company. Ordered filed. lb. / From the Alameda Charnber of Commerce asking the Council to endorse the bond issue for the new bridge to be built across Oakland H-rbor.Ordered filed. 16. From Alice Gibbons Graves protesting the payment of a bill for weed cleaning submitted to her by the Street Superintendent. Ordered. filed. 1Y. From the Pacific Coast Borax COmpany petitioning the Council to close Brush Street, between Bryant Sti.eet and San Francisco Bay. Mr. Probst moved that the matter be referred to the City Planning Commission, seconded by Mr. Diliman and carried, Mr. Otis moved that the Clerk prepare a testtnonial similar to that given Mr. Frodden, on behalf of former Chief of Police John Conrad, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 18. A Bill entitled "A BILL For Ordinance No. New Series, Consenting to Changing the-175cation of the Present Webster Street Bridge now Being Maintained by the County of Alameda and the Board of Supervisors Thereof Across the Oakland Estuary Between the Cities of Oakland and Alameda, California, From its Present Location to the Location as Shown (Shaded in Both Dark and Light Green) upon that Certain Map Entitled, "Lo- cation Plan Proposed. Joint Bridge to be Erected by County of Alameda and S. P. Co. Between Oakland and. Alameda", tiled July 17th, 1917, in the Office of the City Clerk rs-P A1R nvlA (1n,.n-r1+;y1cr 4-n .Qaifl noP 4176 °:August 7th, 1917 Privilege,Consent and Permission to Construct and. Maintain the Same Along, Across, Over and upon Webster Street in the City of Alameda, at the Location as Shown on the Map above Referred to and Granting to the Said County of Alameda and the Said Board of Supervisors Thereof the Right, Privilege, Consent and. Permission of Contracting with any Corporation for the use of Such Portions of Such Bridge as said. Board of Supervisors May Deem Advisable, and Consenting to and Granting the said. County of Alameda and the said Board of Supervisors the Right, Privilege, Consent and. Permission of Joining and Contracting with the Southern Pacific Company, a Corporation, in the Erection and Maintenance of such Bridge as a Joint Bridge Under the Provisions of that Certain Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "An Act Concerning Bridges across Navigable Streams", Approved. February 25, 1897." came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Dillman moved that the Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the followirtg vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Dillman, Probst and President Majors 3). Noes: Councilman Otis, (1). Absent:Councilman Noy, (1). A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. To Amend Sections 21 and 22, and Repealing Sections 25 and 26 of Chapter III, Artidle I, of Ordinance No. I, New Series, Known as the Municipal Code of the City of Alameda, Relating to Demands against the City Treasury." came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Probst moved that the Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Dillman and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Regulating the Parking of Vehicles." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. ____ Series. Prohibiting the Serving or Ding of Intoxicat- ing Liquors in any Public Park, playground, Place or Street or Upon any Beach or Waterfront in the City of Alameda." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. 19. President Majors introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No. Approving.the Bond Issue of 01,507000 for the Con- struction of a New County Hospital in the City of Oakland."' which failed of passage by the following vote:- es:P e ident Majors,a). Noes:Councilmen Dillman, Otis and Probst, (3). Absent: Councilman Noy, (1). 20. President Majors introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 71. Approving the Bond. Issue of $900,000 to be voted upon at the Special Election, August 14, 1917." Mr. Diliman seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Dillman, Probst and President Ma ors (3). Noes:Councilman Otis, (1). Absent::Council man Noy, (1). August 7th, 1917. . A Bill entitled "A BILL For Ordinance No. New Series. Repealing Subdivisions B1C,Ed D of Ordinance No.-35 New Series." came up for passage. A delegration from the Draymenrs Association was present and urged the adoption of the Ordinance, which would remove the license on drays. After some discussion the Bill was laid over to the next Committee of the Whole Meeting, inasmuch as the City Manager was preparing some statistics on license matters. 21. v Mr. Probst moved that the books of the Electric Light Department be audited monthly and that all other books coming uhder the jurisdiction of the Council be audited: semi-annually, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. 22. v Mr. Probst moved that T. E. Atkinson be employed asthe Certified Public Accountant at a salary of 040,00 per month. After some discussion the matter was referred to the Committee of the Whole meeting, 2o. I/ Mr. Probst moved that the Clerk supply the City Planing Commission with such data as is in his office showing the proposed industrial highway, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. 24. 7 Mx. Probst moved that the City Manager and. City Engineer prepare estimates of the cost of permanently improving Webster Street, between Santa Clara Avenue and. Central Avenue and permanently improving Lincoln Avenue, between Webster Street and Park Street, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. 25. Mr. Dillman moved that the City Manager communicate with the East Bay Water Company and with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company for the purpose of procuring from them statements relative to the laying of mains and pipes in the city's streets before the permanent improvement is made, and in the event that these companies are unable to carry out this program, to prepare plane and estimates of costs for taking over the systems, and particularly that of the water distribution seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Diliman, Probst and. President Majors, (3), Excused from voting: Councilman Otis, (1). Absent:Councilman Noy, (1). Claims against the General Fund amounting to 01483.42; against the Police Fund amounting to 4117.54; against the Fire Fund amounting to 0407,17; against the Heelth Fund amounting to 060,58; against the Street Fund amounting to 02321.04; against the Recreation Fund amounting to 040.11; against the Park FUnd amounting to 081.68; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 03625.49; against the StOre Fund amounting to 0376.87; and against Municipal Improvement Fund No 11, amounting to 01609.00 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed as follows:- GENERAL FUND. Alameda Baking Company Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Daniels, A. N. East Bay Water Co. Fischer, C. F. Hewes, ,Charles E. Ink Ribbon Mfg. Co. Johnson, S. T. Co. Majors, Greene McGowan, J. Moebus, Russell ana Tillar+rin nn_ Bread Towel service Engrossing Water Repairs to Fountain M4chine upkeep Typewriter inspections Oil Allowance as Mayor Labor and material Removing dead horse ap.R. 0 1.25 8.00 10.00 31.58 13.00 25.00 7.70 19.95 50.00 4.00 5.00 2.43 436 Schneider, Henry - m State Compensation Insurance Strom Electrical Company Times Star Co. Tt It TV rT TT Tr fl TT m Western Union Tel. Co. Supplies' Fund Compensation insurance RePairs Printing Advertising Printing Telegram Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Cal. Corrugated Culvert Co. Conrad, John Municipal Electric Light Plant New York Lubricating Oil Co. Pacific Kissel Kar Branch Park Garage Smith, F. J. Soules, E. C. Street Department Strom Electrical Co. Times Star Company Western Union Tel. Co. East Bay Water Co. Fisclher, C. F. Hauch, H. Mazzini, L. If It Total POLICE -1UND. Cleaning bedding Street sign In Recharging batteries Auto upkeep Supplies Auto upkeep Meals Auto upkeep Auto repairs and supplies Batteries Printing Clock rental Total FIRE FUND. Water Supplies Tr Municipal Electric Light Plant TV TV TV TV • Park Garage Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rittigstein,Hardware Co. Steinmetz, T. F. Western Motors Co. Bussenius, A. G. Carpenter, T. Cutter Laboratory Godfrey, Matilda Lewis Bros. Oak. Cal. Towel Go. Oak. Pioneer Soda Water Co. Polk-Husted Directory Co. Amorosa, V. Bach, Wm. Brink, H. S. Britt, W. Cavanaugh, J. Caya, Geo. Day, Thomas P. Dearborn. Chemical Co. East Bay Water Go. Edwards, Wm. S. Electric Blue Print Co Empire Foundry Co. Finale, B. Follrath; G. Giancoli, T. TV TV Recharging batteries tt TV Supplies and repairs Gas Phone toll Supplies Repairs Apparatus repairs Total - HEALTH FUND. WNW Emergency hospital upkeep Transportation Supplies. Emergency hospital upkeep Laboratory maintenance TV TV TV TV Misc. Expense STREET FUND. Labor TV tr Teaming Labor TV TV Supplies Water Labor Blue prints Supplies. Labor TV Hammond, C. J. Supplies Hunter Lumber Co. Lumber Hickok, C. E. Incident Garvante, L. Labor Jamison, J. S. Teaming Joo0t, B. Assg. H. Pierson Labor Kellogg, Frank. Assg. A.H.VanCott " TV Kelly, J. Lenz, L. C. Looney, F. M. Lopez, F. May, F. TV TV it It IT If To August 7 .59 7.40 1250.00 2.75 4,00 8.05 16.25 6.00 1.50 3,42 -14 0 32.70 .75 2.65 37.50 1.00 8.68 2.35 15.50 1.00 - 0117.54 342.67 7.50 4.90 11.30 .25 2.68 .50 8,82 9,00 .10 17.50 .50 1,45 07,17 1.81 27.40 .88 16.25 5.39 1.35 .50 7,00 60.58 36.00 42.00 6,00 100.00 42.00 36,00 50.40 12.25 75.07 8.00 3.92 21.56 39.00 42.00 42,00 180.32 19.21 1.12 15.00 137.b0 33.00 55.20 49.00 42.00 50.40 50.40 42,00 42.00 August 7th, 1917. McElroy, M. McClure, C. A. McGrath, T. Moorman, Z. Neal Scale Co. Nielsen, N. C. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Park Garage Pennock, M. Perata, A. Perry, Joe Plummer & Son, Geo, E. Samuel. W. J. Sanday, W. Schneider, Henry Serralunga, L. Smith, F.J. Assg. D. L. Tozier Sorenson, Spackman, Standard Standard Stevens, Weule Co. Yawman & J. J. Blue Print Co. Oil Co. A. F. L. Erbe Mfg. Bueseinuis, A. G. Fischer, C. F. Joseph, Manuel Mazzini, L. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Plummer & Son, Geo. E. Schaefer, V. L. East Bay Water Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Serralunga, L. Street Department Sunset Lumber Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Baird, J. V. Bussenius, A. G. Board of Public Utilities Cal. State Automobile Assn. Central Alameda Garage Citizens Savings Bank Crane Co. TV TV TV TT East Bay Water Co. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. 11 TV TV TV TT TV Gleason-Tiebout TV TT Goodyear Rubber Kellogg Express Konigshofer's Marshall-Newell TT TV Glass Co. 17 71 Company Co. Supply Co. Maxwell Hardware Co. Moore & Co., Chas. C. TV TT Tr Tr TT TV O'Brien, W. B. Pacific. Tel. & Tel. Co. Perfection Vulcanizing Works Plant Rubber & Asbestos Co. Polk-HUsted Directory Co. Pollard & Son, W. H. Powell Bros. Construction Co. TT TT TT It Labor It TT TV Scale Labor Rental and switches Repairs Teaming Labor VI Lumber Labor 7 Supplies Street sweeping Labor Blue prints Fuel Oil Labor Charts Supplies Total RECREATION FUND. Supplies Nails Labor Athletic supplies Gas Lumber upplies Total - - PARK FUND. Water Repairs Removing rubbish Oil and labor Lumber ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Rhodes-Jamieson & CO. San Francisco, Oakland Terminal Rwys Schneider, Henry Standard Oil Co. Strom Electrical Co. Times Star Co. Total Towel service Repairs Supplies Incidentals Insurance policy Repairs Rent Supplies Water Supplies VT TV TV Drayage Supplies Rags Bupplies Tr Lettering Phones Supplies City Directory Premium Repairing sidewalk Labor and material Electrolier bases Labor and uaterial Coal Globes Stationery and supplies Fuel Oil Supplies Printing 42.0Q 50.40 9.00 40,25 16.66 42.00 3.-30 10.19 137.50 42.00 42.00 1.08, 56.00 42.00 20.48 204.25 18.00 42.00 42.00 .28 43.69 42.50 6.16 2.45 - 02321.04 4.56 9.85 12.50 6.00 2.88 1.72 2.60 40,11 25.92 5.62 18.00 4.00 28.14 81.68 0 1.00 1,25 1.76 187.35 3.85 1.50 40.00 20.97 49.04 48.42 1.00 212.60 293.87 20.35 94.25 129.59 11.76 5.60 .45 21.98 18,56 8,02 6.50 48,85 5.00 15.04 168.30 1,08 7.00 40.80 79.50 13.00 160,00 82,15 3.00 126.00 .98 935.24 1.68 73.00 4 Westinghouse E. & M. Co. Westinghouse PacifiC Coast Brake Co. Whittier, Coburn Co. Zeh, Carl R. Clark & Sons, N. Goldstone, John Hunter Lumber Co. Plummer Mfg. Co., W. A. Schneider Henry Britt, GEO. Catton, Thos. R. Cottino, Chas. Hammond., James Klyce, Harvey A. Knowles, Wm. B. Manuel, A. Munro, J. A. Pollard, Frank L. Ca. Wright, Paxton Supplies it STORE FUND. Sewer pipe Gasoline Lumber Rlags, Supplies Total - Total - MUNICIPAL DIEROVEMENT FUND NO. 11 Sidewalks Plumbing Return deposit Labor Extras, Porter School Salary Equipment Services Equipment Labor Total - August 7th, 1917. 330.80 2.70 10.78 1.57 tp 3625.49 22.05 58.09 24.50 67.33 4.90 176.87 0 246.41 5.00 93.75 55.00 369.69 94.90 156.00 96.00 96.25 7b.00 51.00 1309.00 Mr. Probst moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr-. Otis and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, August 21st 1917, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted. City Clerk. 437