1917-08-21 Regular CC Minutes1. 2. 4. RES-ULAR LEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAIEDA, TUESDAY EITENIG, AUGUST 21ST, 1917. The meeting convened at 803 P. M. with Mayor Greene Maj ors Tv e si ding The roll was called. and Councilmen Dillman, Otis and President Majors were noted. present Councilman Probst arrived during the reading of the Minutes and was noted. present. Absent:Councilman Noy. The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved:. as read.. The foil owing were rec eitred:- / The Thirty-eighth Annual Report of the Library Trustees. Ordered filed.. The tate Compensation Insurance Policy for the year 1917-18 being Policy o. 231032. Ordered filed. / The report of the Street Superintendent on the completion of the construction of the sewer in Bay Street from a point 928 feet southerly from the southern line of San Antonio Avenue, then southerly 221.6 feet to the South Side Intercepting Sewer, Order ed filed. The following c ommuni c at ions were received: From the Alameda, County Society for the Study and Prevention of Tuber culosis, askiIg the Council to make provision for a municipal visiting nurse to work under the direction of the Health Officer of this City and to co- operate with the Society. The matter was referred to some future meeting of the Council at which time a member of the Society is to be present to make further explan at i ens . From the American League of Alameda asking for an appro-Jxiat ion of 0100 a month for the support of the Alameda Home Defence and Rifle Corps. Messrs. J. Sherman McDowell and J.R. Knowland spoke on the natter. Mr. Probst moved that it lay over to the next meeting of the Council, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. From St. Anne's Hospital of Treadwell, .Alaska, soliciting uppot for the hospital. As it ci.oes not lie within the power of the City to make donations for such purposes, it was ordered. filed. • n From Max M. Dill, requesting permission to install a steam heating plant to heat his cottages on Central Avenue . Mr. Probst moved that it be referred, to the City Manager with power to act seconded by Mr. Diliman and carried. From Goerge Garratt e± Portland, Oregon. , solicitlng the position n of City Manager in case of a vacancy. Ordered filed. From the City Planning Commissim stating that they deemed it inad- visable to take immediate action on the request of the Pacific Coast Borax Company for the cl °sing; of Brush Street. Ordered filed. From City Treasurer, Oswald. Lubbock, statirg that he had appointed John A. Sansom to fill the vacancy in his office caused by the resignation of L. H. Ader who bad enlisted in the Califotnia Artillery. With the comunf cation wqs Mr. S VMS.; 0M1 S bond. City Attorney St. Sure advised that under the Chart er the Treasurer was responsible for his own employees and that the Council 4. August 2lst, 1917. Mr. Otis introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 72. Commending John Conrad for the Service Rendered by Him as a Member of and Chief of the Police Department of the City of Alameda During the Period of'Thirty- one Years and Two Months." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 10. Mr. Otis introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution No. 73. Approving and Adopting Form of Demand," Mr. Dillman seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll cafl it was adopted and passed unanimously. 11. A communication was received from City Attorney St. Sure, submitting a Resolution providing for the abandonment of certain alley ways in Blocks b4, 81 and 82, as per Map o± the Western Portion of the Town of Encinal, filed Septemoer 2bth, 1854, Ordered filed. Mr. St. Sure explained that thi Resolution, while it did not conform to the actual legal requirements for the closing of alley ways, was nevertheless acceptable to the Alameda Title Company at whose request the closi. ng is made, Mr. DilIman introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No. 74, Abandoning Certain. Alley Ways in Blocks Number 54, 81 amd 82 as Such are Delineated upon a Certain Map entitled, "Map of the .Western Portion of the Town of Encinal,Filed September 25, 1854." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 12. 1 City Attorney St. Sure presented a second communication in which he advised. the adoption of an ordinance regulating the size of loaves of bread. The communication was ordered filed. 13.e' Mr. Otis introduced a Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Regulating the Sale of Bread in the City of Alameda Prescribing the Standard Weight of Loaves Thereof, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof." ghich was laid over aunder a provision of the Charter. 14. Mr. Dillman introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No. 75. Fixing Salary of the Chief of Police." Mr. Otis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Dillman, Otis and ?resident Majors, (3). Noes:Councilman Probst (1). Absent: Council- man Noy, (1). 15./ A Bill entitled 7.A. Bill For Ordinance No. New Series." ' Repealing Subdivisions B, 0, & D of Ordinance No. 35 New Serie I I came- up for passage. Mr. Probst moved that the Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Otis and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. A Bill entitled "A Ii] 1 140 August s by Mr. Dill 91'7. en and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Prohibiting the Serving or Drinking of Intoxicating Liquors in any Public Park, Playground, Place or Street or Upon any Beach or Waterfront in the City of Alameda." came ap for passage. Mr. Probst moved thattthe Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Diliman and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. A Bill entitled, "A Bill For Ordinance No. Nev Series. Amending Section 302, Chapter V, of Ordinance No. 1, New Series, Known as the Municipal Code of the City of Alameda Approved January 14th, 1913." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. 16. Mr. Dillman moved that the City Manager and City Attorney ascertain what the city's rights are in the drainage problem caused by the filling in of the marsh land and if it can be shown that the Oakland Waterfront Company is responsible, that they be compelled to put in the proper drainage facilities with power to act, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 17. Mr. Probst brought up the matter of opening Lincoln Avenue 'i between Fourth and Fifth Streets and suggested that the Commissioners take up the matter with the City Planning Commission towards carrying out the improvement Claims against the Gene .1 Fund amounting to 102.53; against the Police Fund amounting to V70,52; against the Fire Fund amounting to 670.63; against the Health Fund amounting to $35.61; against the Street Fund amounting to 1683.85; against the Recreation Fund amounting to 407.94; against the Park Fund amounting to .10.26; against the Store Fund amounting to 0468.98; and against Municipal Improvement Fund No. 11 amountin:: to 81930.35 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows:— Alameda Baking Company Alameda Electric Company F. & E. Check Writer Agency Fischer, C. F. Furey, H. D. Hermann Safe Company Ink Ribbon Mfg. Co. Magagnos, C. 2. Mrs. Mazzini, L. Purittr- Springs Water CO. Schneider, Henry Times Star Company 0 Wilkens. J. H. Alameda Vulcenizing Works Municipal Electric Light Plant Nielsen, & Son, H. P. Schneider, Henry Times Star, GENERAL FUND. Feed Supplies Check Writer Repairs Labor and material Changing combination on safe Typewriter inspections Supplies Water Supplies 0 Printing Advertising Suppli es 0, Total POLICE PIThTD. Gasoline and supplies Rechaing battery Repairs Sulgplies Printing Total 1.25 4.90 5.00 1.00 7.12 2.50 7.70 .69 3.19 1,00 3.30 1.52 6.25 51.23 5.88 6' 102.53 54.70 .50 9.10 1.47 7.75 $ 73.52 4 Alameda Hardware Co. Almeda Steam Laundry Bertero, L. Bussenius, A. G. Gheffoli-Browne Co. Goldstone, J. Gutta Percha Rubber Mfg, 00. Hanlon Dry Dock & Shipbuilding Zing, A. R. Koerber, A. H. W. Mazzini, L. Municipal Electric Light Plant TV 11 fl Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Standard Oil Co. Strom Electrical Co. Sutherland's Pharmacy Bischoff's Trus & Surgical Cutter Laboratory DeLaval Dairy Supply Co. Encinal Ice Co. Magagnos, Mts. C. P. Oakland, Cal. Towel Service Pioneer Steam Feather Works Schneider, Henry Strom Electrical Co. Wilkens J.H. FIRE FUND. House repairs Linen service Garbage hauling Supplies Apparatus repairs Benzine Fire Hose Co, Apparatus repairs Horseshoeing Feed Supplies If It Phone toll Gasoline and oil Supplies Medicine Total - HEALTH FUND. August 21st 1917. House Emergency hospital upkeep Supplies Laboratory maintenance Alameda Hardware Co. American Corrugated Culvert Co. Amoroso-, V. Bach, Wm. Brink, H. Britt, W. Tavanaugh, J. Caya, Geo. Day, T. P. Degen Belting Co. L. P. Edwards, M. S. Finale, B. Follrath, Geo. Garavante, L. Gay, A. T. Giancoli, T. Hammond, C. J. TT 11 Island City Press, The Jamison, J. S. Kellogg, F. Kellogg Express Co. Kellogg, James Lenz, L. C. Looney, F. M. Lopez, F. May, J. Mazzini, L. McClure C. McElroy M. McGrath, J. Moorman, Z. Nielsen, N. C. Oakland Material Co. Park Garage Pennock, M. Perata, A. Perry, J. Post Co. Frederick The Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Samuel, W. J. Sanday, W. Schneider, Henry 1t TV Serralunga, L. Sorensen, J. Spackmaa, a. Stevens, A. F. IT TV T• Maintenance Cleaning Supplies Laboratory maintenance Supplies Total - STREET FUND. Supplies Pipe Labor IT It Teaming Labor TV TV Supplies Labor TT TV TT Repairs Labor Rock TV Printing Teaming TT Express charges Labor TT TT TV Supplies Labor IT IT TV TV Rock Repairs Teaming Labor supplies Rock Labor TV Supplies TV Labor TV 1r 1,96 6.60 2.50 11.76 45.60 1.00 406.70 97.00 4.90 5,65 8.00 1.00 1.68. .13 64.95 .45 670.63 11.68 3.56 1.23 3.34 1.57 1.35 ..50 .25 .40' 76 ,61 $ 4.17 36.75 33.00 39.00 39.00 52.00 39.00 39.00 43.29 6.88 2.00 12.75 39.00 45.00 12,99 39.00 122.58 32.83 8.82 71.50 43.50 .75 45.00 46.80 46.80 39.00 28.50 .40 29.97 9.00 19.50 39.00 47.00 39.00 39.20 2.65 71.50 39.00 39.00 4.83 115.15 55.00 39.00 5.59 .40 3.00 36.00 39.00 41.75 44 44:4 August 2ist, 1917. RECREATIO Hammond, C. J. Sand 8.82 Mazzini, L. Supplies 15.00 Spalding Bros. A. G. lr 18.82 SUnset Lumber Co. Lumber , 65.30 PARK FUND. Alameda Hardware Co. Supplies Goldstone, John w James, E. Bulbs Standard Oil Co. Zerolane STORE FUND. Total 107.94 3.14. .55 6.25 .32 Total 0 10.26 Goldstone, J. Distillate 4 9.50 Schneider, Henry Supplies 6.37 12.94 Union Oil Co. Road. Oil 440.17 Total ----- 0 468.98 MUIfICT2AL IMPROVEKJOT FUND NO. 11.. Hammon C. J, Improvements Manuel, A. Flag:Pole Maxwell Hardware Co. Hardware Municipal Electric Light Plant Labor Neal, J. J. Painting Oakland Concrete Terrazzo Co. Improvements Times Star, The Printing Total - 8 53.00 122.00 881.25 1.77- 575.00 270.00 27.33 -01930.35 Mr. Otis moved that the claims as listed be paid seconded by Mr. DiiIman and on_roll.call carried unanimously. The Council then took a recess of fifteen minutes and upon reconveninP, Councilmen Dillman Otis, Probst and President Majors were noted present 18. / Mr. Dillman moved that the printing be segregated according to the lowest bids on each item and that the lowest item be awarded to the respective bidder i that in cases 'here there was a tie bid between a Berkeley Bidder and an Alameda bidder the bid should go to the Alameda bidder and in cases of a tie between Alameda bidders, the Times Star should be preferred, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Di1.Lman, Otis .and President Majors, (3)..Noes:Councilman Probst, (1). Absent:Councilman Noy, (1). Messrs. C. F. Guenther and J. Sherman McDowell addre sed.the Council on the subject of printing. 19./ Mr. DilIman moved that. the bid of Walter H. Cramer for doing the auditing of the city's books for the period of December 9th, 1916 to June 30th, 1918, be accepted, his figure being 065.00 per month, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried by the following vote:- es:Councilmen Dillrnan, Otis and. Probst, (3), Noes:President Majors, (1). Absent:Councilman Noy, (1). There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesciay evening, September 4th, 1917, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.