1917-10-02 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR Mil;TTYG OF TFE UOUNCIL OF TH1,:, CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENIG, OCTCBER 2na, 1917. The meeting convened 8:05 P. M. with Conac1 1-president.M'ajors presiding, The roll was called and Councilmen Dillman Otis, Probst and Presi- dent Majors were noted present. Absent:Councilman Nay. The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read, Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 80. TRansferring Q871.87 from the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and Redemption Fund." Mr..0-610 seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution aad on roll call it was- adopted and :passed unanimously. 2. M. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolu-61on No. 81. TransferrinFe from the General 'round to the PoliceRelief.and'PenSion Fund as d,Loan." Mr. Otis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following were received: The corrected budget for the year 1917-1918. Ordered filed. The Auditor's Balance Sheet for the month of September, 1917, Ordered filed. The following com'c,unications were received: 4. From the California Girl!s Tralning Home thanking the Council for providi ng a physical director at the Home. Ordered filed. b. From City Maniller Charles E. Hewes giving a list of the contraots entered into by him on behalf of the Oity, in accordance with Resolution No. 68. Ordered filed. From Hazel B. Dudgeon requesting her annual vacation beginning October 8th 1917. Mr. Probs moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. 7. From the City Planning Commission statixig , that the property owners desiring the closing of Harrison Avenue will be asked to mee with the Com- mission at special meeting to be held in the near fnture. Ordered filed. 8. From Ti_operty owners residing in the vicinity of Ninth Street and San Antonio Avenue, petitioning the opening of SanAntonio Avenue from its present terminus to Burbank Street. Referred to the City Manager. From the Alameda Free Library announcing the sale of newspapers and magazines to the amount of 013.165. Ordered filed. 10. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Repealing Ordinanace No. 25, New Series." 4 Claims against the General Fund amounting to $765.52; October 2nd, 917. 453 net the Police Fund amounting to Z'')0.72; against the Fire Fund amounting to 09.88; against the Health Fund amounting to 37.88; against the Street Fund amounting to 01294.57; against the Recreation Fund amounting to 412.41; against the Park Fund amounting to 33.26; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 3285.25; against the Sotre Fund 'amounting to 525.74; against Municipal provement Fund No. 11 amounting to 43054.90; against the Police, Relief and Pension Fund amounting to :687.50 and against the Piremen's Relief and Pension Fund amounting amouiting to 150.00 having been appro and audited by the proper officials were listed as follows: GEERAL FUND. Algneda Steam Laundry Bancroft Whitney Co. Carlisle & Co., A. Cramer, Walter H. De Lome, G. V. Fish, C. W. 'Fiord, N. O. Hewes, Charles E. Ink Ribbon Mfg. Co. Lubbock, O. Majors, Greene Mazzini, L. Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Schneider, Henry Time Star, The Laundry 5.40 Law books 34.10 Ledger sheets and binder 21.25 Accounting 375.00 Services in Auditors office 30.00 30.00 37.00 25,00 7.70 .75 50.00 .80 2.34 8.60 9.94 97.64 Total - 735.52 - 71 11 Printing Machine upkeep Typewriter inspection P. 0. Box rental Allowance as Mayor Supplies Co. Gas Rental and tolls Supnlies Advertising POLICE FUND. California Oil SurTly Go. Gay, A. T. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Recorder Printing & Publishing Co. Schneider, Henry City Front Wagon Works Lewis Bros. Mazzini, L. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pyrene Mfg. Co. Braun-Knecht-Heiman Co. De Laval Dairy Supply Co. Dickaon & Holbrook Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Schneider, Henry Labor Payroll of St. Department Ford, N. O. Gay, A. T. Hammond, C. J. Pacific Tel. & Tel. CO. Powell Bros. Construction Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Schneider Henry Stackler, J. J. 11 Gasoline Supplies Rentals and tolls Codes Supplies Total FIRE FUND. Tire Supplies Gas Pyrene Total - lEALTH FUND. Su-Tlies TV Rental and tolls upplies Total - STREET FUND. Labor Printing Repairs Rock and cenent Rental =d tolls Screenings TT Supplies Repairs RECREATION FUND. Total - *MI -V 19.36 .50 4.16 4.00 2.70 30.72 o 60.5? 2.75 1.60 10.26 4.70 79.88 23.06 2.45 5.29 1.84 5.25 37.88 001,94 11.75 9.31 62.94 2.80 29.40 82.57 46.25, 4.36 13.25 01294.57 454 October 2nd, 1917. Stevens, A. a Pacific 0-as & Electric CO. Painting of boat Gas PPLK FUND. Total Fischer C. F. Lawn mowers Municipal Electric Light Plant Repairs Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co, Rental an tolls Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Cyclery and Vul. Works Board of Public Utilities Citizens Bank Crane Coffoany Dow Pum-o & Diesel Engine Co. Eccles & Smith Co. Gamewell Fire Alarm Tel. Co. General Electric Co. Gilson Electrical Co. TT It I? If If TV If TV TV It TV TV Hawks, N. C. Kellogg Express Co. Konigshofer's MarshEll-NEwell Su) TT If Oe TT Moore & Co., Chas. C. Oakland Copper & Brass Works Plant, Rubber & Asbestos Co, Rhodes-Jamieson & Co, Ritchie, L. E. Schneider, Henry Serralunga,& Co., L. Standard Oil Co. Staples & Pfeifter Strom Electrical Co. Times Star Vosburgh, L. W. Weaver-Ables Wells Co, Westinghouse E. & M. Co. Whittier-Coburn Co. Zeh, Carl R. Zellerbach Paper Co. Goldstone, John MIlliff Refining Co. Total - ELECTR1 LIGHT ?M. Towel Service Incidental exoenses Rental SwpDli e TV Police Tel. Supplies TV IT If It IT Printing Expressage Muslin Supplies TV TT TV TV inlunis Supplies Removing garbage Fuel Oil Suoplies TV Supplies and. printing TV TV Meters Su2)plies TV Paper STORE FUND. SuDDlie s TV Total - Total TiT 10 IP AL 11,21:0V:z IM: 17,1=1. T FUND NO. Alameda Oounty Title Co. Search of title IT n n It " If IT Anderson & Ringrose C3ntrabt Cunningham & Politeo Architect Service Hammond, James Labor Hunter Lumber Co. Lumber McCaw, M. F. Labor Manuel, A. Lumber Maxwell Hardware Co. Hardware Pacific Iron Works Supplies Stackler, J. J. " Symon Bros. Return of deposit Wright, Paxton Labor Simonds Machinery Co, Supplies Conrad, John Kamp, A. Lawrence, Jos. Rogers, J. I. Schroeder, L. W. POLIO Total - IT7 A7TD 'ENSIGN FUND. Pension TV TV TT TV Total T-07 ;:r,17.7 UTI "PIPINTC T (")T7 TThT I) 30.00 1.89 112.41 31,00 .80 1.46 • 26 1.00 5.10 11.60 40.00 14.15 .98 3.00 52.50 .89 15.69 374.50 251.55 244.60 63.26 7.55 1.00 1.25 18.8L). 24.53 4.17 25.00 5.39 59.29 2.50 9.51 3.00 1874.33 3.00 5.20 95.85 3.67 .80 29.66 24.79 6.20 1.22 3285.25 0 29.50 525.74 10.00 15.00 10808.65 1050,00 90.00 21.51 54.00 199.55 293.75 52.00 6.00 387.50 54.00 12.94 0.3054.90 87.50 165.00 135.00 150.00 150.00 687.50 4: 11. October 2nd, 1917. Mr. Probst moved tat the claims as Iised be paid secoided. by Mr. Otis and on roll call carried unanimously. City Manager Hewes -bated that a request had been made by the Alameda Improvement Club for the laying of a temporary sidewalk on the east sicle of Webster Street across the marsh. He estimated and cost of the same at 625.00 and recommended thatnothing be done at present as it is the intention of the, property owners to raise the grade of the street and to widen the same in the near future. Mr. Otis moved that the report of the City Manager be adopted and laid on the table, seconded by Mr. Dillman and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to In regular session Tuesday evening, October 16th, 1917 at 6 o'clock, Respectfully submitted , meet City Clerk, 4