1917-12-04 Regular CC Minutes470 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OP ThE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, DEOE1JER 4TH, 917. The meeting convened at b 2. /1 with Council-president Majors presiding The roll was called and Councilmen Otis, Probst and President Majors were noted present. Mr. Dillman arrived during the reading of the minutes and was noted present. Absent: Councilman Noy. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 92. Transferring §880.76 from Local Improvement Fund No. 20 to the General Fund in Repayment of loans." Mr. utis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it adopted and passed unanimously. Mi'. Probst introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 94. Transferring 0914.b6 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Vt. Otis seconded the motion -co adopt The Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Z. / The hour having arrived for the hearing of protests against the proposed improvements under Resolution of Intention No. 41, New Series, the Clerk stated that he was in receipt of three written protests, as follows:- From JeanetteMcVherson protesting :,ainst The work proposed in front of her .property'at 1667 Fountain-Street i Mts. McPherson was present and was given an opportunity to explain her reasons. From E. G. Cohen and D. A. Cohen. protesting against the proposed improvement on Taylor Avenue, Pearl Street and on Santa Clara Avenue. Mr. A. A. Cohen addressed the Council on behalf of the protestants. Also, from B. W. Linderman. Mr0 Majors offered the opportunity of any one else interested to state his objections to the work and there being no further protestants Mr. Dillman intreduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 94. Overruling Protest for Improvements to be made under Resolution of Intention No. 41, New Series." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roil call it was adopted and passed unanimously Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 9b. Ordering the Work for Improvements to be made under Resolution of Intention No. 41, N. S "T Mt Dillman seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. b. / Messrs. Henry Rosenthal and George S. Williams addressed the Council and protested ainst the closing of Van Buren Street, between Mound and. Court Streets, as requested by the Board of Education. Superintendent of Schools, C. J. Du. Four stated the Board's reasons for the request and after some discussion Mr. Diliman moved that the request for the closing be denied, seconded by Mr. Probst and earried. 4175 December 4th, 1917. to the reall of District Attorney Charlet. M. kert of San Francisco and asked that the same be filed. He also asked that the Colima 1 paseraResolution commend- ing Mr. Fickert's activity in the prosecution of those accused of the Prepared- ness Day bomb outrages, in which five Alamedan's lost their lives. City Attorney St. Sure was instructed to prepare such Resolution. After submitting the same to the Council Mr. Otis introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 96. Commending Charles M. Fickert, District Attorney of San Francisco, for the Able Manner in Which he has Cmaducted thePi'osection of those Accused of the Preparedness Day Bomb Explosion, July 22nd, 1916." Mr. Dillman seconded the Motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed uhanimously, 7. v/ A petition signed by fifty-three property owners residing in the vicinity of 2266 Buena Vista Avenue was presented, in which the request was made that the house at the above address be razed. City Manager Hewes stated that there was no law which authorizes the City to take action of this kind, whereupon the petition was ordered filed. 8. V' A communication from the City Clerk of Oakland enclosing a copy of Ordinance No. 991 New Series, adopted by,that City, was read which contained a section naming the waterfront of the City of Oakland as the Harbor of the City of Oakland. Mr Dillman moved that the Engineering Department in the future designate upon its maps as Alameda Harbor that portion of the water- front lying between the shores of Alameda and the City of Oakland, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 9. A communication from Rev. Josiah Sibley was received in Which the request was made that saloons be closed owing to their alleged violation of selling liquor to soldiers. A report of the special committee appointed by his church was also sthmitted. The communicated was ordered filed. A Bill entitled " A Bill For Ordinance .No. New Series. Providing for Work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within the City of Alameda, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by the City of Alameda and for the Es- tablishing of Liens for the Cost Thereof upon the Real Property Benefited thereby and Providing for the Enforcement of Liens Thus Created." came up for pas and was laid over until the next meeting of the Council Copies of the Ordinance are to be sent to each of the Councilmen. 10. V A Bill entitled " A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Providing for the Acquiring by the City of Alameda of Certain Real Property for the Use and Benefit of the Department of Public Utilities." . came up for passage Mr. Probst moved that the ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Dillman and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 11. A Bill entitled For -,"A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. _ • _ • _ 4. _ .••• • _I 471 LIrr December 4th, 1917. was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. 12. // A Bill entitled "A'Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Section 655 of Article II of Chapter XI Of the Municipal Code." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. 13. City Manager Hewe brought up the matter of paying the December salaries before Christmas Mr Probst moved that salaries be paid. on December 22nd, 1917, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried ,unanimously 14. / City Manager Hewes also brought up the proposed opening of San Antonio Avenus, between Ninth Street and Burbank Street and stated that the property owners in the vicinity were opposed to reducing the width of the street It was de ed advisable to procure from the property owners who might come within an assessment district a statement of their opinion in the matter and the City Manager was instructed to notify them of the intended work and procure from them an opinion. lb. / Mr. Diliman brought up the matter of the improvement of streets and suggested that certain changes be made in the plans submitted by the City Engineer. After an ettended discussion on the subject Mr. Probst moved,Seconded by M. Otis and carried that the City Manager and. City Clerk submit to the members of the Council a questionaire containing two propositions: First, whether the citizens of Alameda would prefer a definite number of streets permanently improved irrespective of their present condition or the establishment of a policy of re- constructing those streets which now stand ub a worn out condition. Second, In the adoption of either of the above, whether the work is to be paid for by a bond election, frontage assessment or a. general tax levy, Claims against the General Fund amounting to i47.67; ainst the Police Fund amounting to $146.56; against the Fire Fund amounting to §606b.06; against the Health Fund amounting to 023 11; against the Street Fund amounting to 1188.18; bast the Recreation. Fund amounting. to 3 36; against the Park Fund amounting to $3d486; against the Electric Ligbt Fund amounting to 6S4.j z-ainst the: Store Fund amounting to $110.48; ainst the Municipal Improvement Fund No. 11 amounting to $22.39 and against'School General Fund amounting to $18.00, having been approved by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows:- GENERAL FUND. Alameda Baking Company Bread for pound $ 2.50 California Corrugated Culvert Co. Warning signs 37.50 California Oil Supply Co. . Stove oil 18.50 De Lorme, G. V. Services in Assessor office 7.50 Hewes, Charles E. Upkeep of auto 25.00 Johnson Co., S. T. Stove Oil 21.85 Majors, Greene Allowance as Mayor 50.00 MUhicipal Electric Light Plant City lighting 2497.74 Pacific Gas & Eleetrie CO. Gas 2.79 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rental and tolls 8.31 Purity Springs Water Co. ater .50 State Compensation Insurance Pund Premium 1298.75 St. Sure, A. P. Money advanced 2.50 Times Star Advertising, etc. 74.23 Total $ 4047.67 POLICE FUND. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Supplies 62.89 Harrison Co,. H. O. Langlois, E. L. Municipal Electric Light Plant 1t TV TV TV Pacific Tel. & Tel Co". Park Garage Standard Oil Co. Bosshard, R. E. Guenther, C. F. Mazzini, L. rt TV Municipal Electric Light Plant It 11 TV ft Pacific,G4s & Electric Co. Seagrave Co., The Staricco, C. T. Street Department Repairs -Supplies Labor and attendance Rental and tolls Supplies TV Total FIRE FUND. Money advanced Printing Supplies TV Recharge or battery Labor and attendance Gas Fire Engine Horseshoeing Delivering coal HEALTH FUND. Bischoff's Truss and Surgical house Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Encinal Ice Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Parisian Laundry Purity Springs Water Co* Labor Bosshard, R. E. Fire Department Hickok, C. E. Pacific Tel. & Tel Go. Powell Bros. Construotlon Co. Serralunga & Co. L. Siem, C. Steckler 3. 3. Fischer, C. F. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Spalding Bros., A. G. Fire Department Fischer, C. F. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Standard Oil Co. Alameda steam Laundry Alameda Vulcanizing Works Board of Public Utilities California State Auto, Assn. Citizens Savings Bank Crane Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Gilson Electrical Supply • n Co. 11 TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV Guenther, C. F. Hawks, N. C. Hewes, Charles E. Hunt, Mirk & Co.' Kellogg Express Co. Marshall-Newell Supply Co. Pacific Tel & Tel, Co. TV TV Total Supplies Test tubes Ice Rental and tolis Laundry Water Total STREET FUND, Money advanced Supplies Money advanced Rental and tolls Gravel and cement Street cleaning Keys Repairs Total RECREATION FUND. Plumbing Gas Rental Supplies Total PARK FUND. Coal Oil Plumbing Rental and tolls Supplies Total ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Towel service Supplies Incidentals Premiums Rent Supplies TV TV TV TV TV TV w Printing TV TV Services Expressage Supplies Rental of phones December 4th, 1917. $ .40 .98 •50.60 10.10 6.04 2.06 - $146.56 1,12 6.65- 2.79 6.28 •50 51.96 11.06 6000.00 4.90 5.25 - $6085.06 94 lb.68 3.60 1.60 .79 60 23.11 - $ 904.98 .70 6.70 3.00 2.45 26.85 215.00 .50 61.00 - 1188,18 5.10 4.77 1.15 32.34 43.36 40 33.30 1.64 .52 5 • 86 $ 1.00 4.95 13.95 43.30 40.00 1.55 14.20 159.99 99.56 123.05 33.90 136.31 93.39 45.75 4.50 15.52 25.85 4.55 23.44 9.00 4 I 4 December 4th, 1917 Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Roeblings Sons Co., John A. Schneider, Henry Serralunga, & Co. Standard Oil Co. Street Department Strom Electrical Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Weaver-Ables Wells Co. Westinghouse E. & M. go. Whittier-Coburn Co. Worthington, Co. California Pottery Co. Goldstone, J. Plummer,_W. A. Mfg. Co. Supplies 0 10.00 52.92 lt 33.03 Removing garbage 3.00 Fuel Oil 2179.46 Survey of lot 6.18 Dry cells 2.61 Supplies 20.14 13.55 289.45 Paint 48.31 Condenser Ferrules 23.73 Total STORE FUND. Sewer pipe Gasoline P1 s 0 5654.69 35.85 19.00 55.66 Total - - - - - - 0 110.48 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND NO. 11. Manuel, A. Permanent improvements $ 2 SCHOOL GENERAL FUND. Wintermu.te, Clara Postage and expressage 0 18.00 Mr. Probst moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Otis on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meeting in regular session Tuesday evening December, 18th, 1917, at 8 O'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Oity Clerk.