1919-07-02 Regular CC Minutes16 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 2ND, 1919. The meeting convened at 8:27 p. m. with Council-president Frank Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Latham, Majors Noy, Probst and president Otis were noted present. Absent:None. The Minutes of the regular meeting of June 17th were approved as read. The following were received: / The Affidavit of publication of delinquent tax list for the yea Ordered filed. A certificate showing due posting of notices for a hearing on the re-district- ing of the property at 3272 Briggs Avenue was received and ordered filed. The Clerk stated that no complaints, either oral or written, haibeen received. Mr. Willi F. Abt addressed the Council and briefly stated what the nature of the proposed change was. Mr. Probst thereupon introduced the followihg Resolution and moved its adopt ion: "Resolution No. 226. Changing the Premises Known as 3272 Briggs Avenue from a Residence District Class I to a Resident District Class II." Mr, Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following communications were received: 3. v' From Mayor Frank Otis, announcing that he had appointed. Brainard. C. Brown, a member of the Board of Free Library Trustees, to succeed the late E. U. Maslin. Ordered filed. 4. ,// From the Mayor, Auditor and City Manager stating that they had counted the money in the city treasury on July 2nd, 1919. Ordered filed. From Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Benton and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cadman in acknowledge- ment and appreciation of the Council's action in adjouring to the memory of the late E. J. Bevan. Ordered filed. From the Mastick-Parent-Teachers' Association and the Everett School Mothers, Club, approving the proposed increase in salary of the school teachers. Ordered filed, ham introduced a Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No, New Series. Amending Ordinance No. 144, New Series, "Establishing Districts or Zones and Regulating Therein the Use of Property, Height of Buildings, and Required Open Spaces for Light and Ventilation of such Buildings", so as to Authorize the Construction of Two-family Dwellings or Flats in Residence Districts of Class which was laid over under a provision of the Charter. 5. Mr. Latham moved that the Mayor be appointed a Committee of one to prepare Resolutions of sympathy for the family to the late E. W. Maslin, and when the Council adjourn it adjourn in respect to the memory of the late E. W. Maslin, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 6. / City Manager Hewes brought up the matter of the request of Barnes & Tibbitts Shipbuilding Corporation for the remittance of a delinquent tax penalty imposed upon July 2nd, 19 V Mr. Lath fl alled attention to the danger that exists at Central Avenue, between 8th and 9th Streets, caused by the sudden approach of the cross-town car to Central Avenue. He moved that the City Ma a,er take up thematter with the Southern pacific Company with a view of having the cars come to a full stop on approaching the Avenue, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. / Mr. Latham called attention to the congestion that exists on the Creek Route boats on Saturdays and Sundays and moved that the City Manager take up the matter with the Southern Pacific Company and request that a roadway be constructed to the Alameda Mole and that a special boat to carry automobiles be run on Saturdays and Sundays to the ferry slip south of the existing mole, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 9. / Mr. Probst moved that all city hall offices be closed Saturday morning, July 5th, 1919, seconded by Mr. Noy and carried. Mr. Latham moved that when the Council adjourn it adjourn to meet in adjourned regular session, Tuesday evening, July 8th, 1919 at 8 o'clock, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 0884.62; against the Police Fund amounting to $145,63; against the First Fund amounting to 0451.77; against the Street Fund amounting to $3 183.46; against the Health Fund amounting to 052.15; against the Recreation Fund amounting to 0151.83; against the Relief Fund amounting to 0106.43; against the Store Fund amounting to v13.50; against the Park Purchase Fund amounting to $4.28 and against the Electric Light Fund amounting to $964.81 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Baird, J. V. Bancroft-Whitney Co. East Bay Water Go. First Christian Church Fox, G. H. Hauchs Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Lubbock, O. Martin, Arthur L. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Recorder Printing & Publishing Schneider, Henry Times Star Co. 17 9 77 U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Westphal, O. F. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Downey Glass and Paint Go. Ford, N. O. Godfrey, Matilda Te Kollmann, M. Mazzini, L. Smith, F. J. Strom Electrical Co. Western Tel. Co. Anderson Machine Works 9 9 East Bay Water Co. GENERAL FUND. Repairs to Metz car Books for City Attorney Water Money refunded. Premium on bond of L. H. Ader Soap Stamps Money advanced for P. O. Box rent Hauling benches Gas Co.Code Amendments Supplies Advertising Printing Delinquent Tax list Premium on bonds Telegrams Repairs Total POLICE FUND. WAIO 0011., 10917. OM MO OM* Veedol oil Paint Printing Services as Matron IT 77 VT Numerical telephone directory Nails Meals Electric lamps Telegram FIRE FUND. Repairs It Water Total - 1J) 2.00 14.35 39,31 8.60 6.25 .50 8,36 1.00 43.75 13.53 L.50 1.18 19.30 18.40 660.99 38.75 3.60 2.25 884.62 4.90 24.50 6.50 2.00 4.00 5.00 .25 93.50 4.60 .38 145.63 4.75 19.25 350,30 Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Schneider, Henry Standard Oil Co. Strom Electrical Co. Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Austin-Western Road Machinery Co. Dick, E. C. Fischer, C. F. Ford, N. O. Gardner, U. S. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Hutchinson Company it Kopperud, A. H. TT n Mazzini, L. Municipal Electric Light Plant Times Star Co. Union Oil Co. 11 TV TT United Iron Works Vosburgh, L. W. Waddeil-Van Gundy Lumber Co. Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Encinal Ice Co. Godfrey, Matilda Nielsen, Ella Parisian Laundry Alameda Vulcanizing Works Dick, E. C. Downey Glass & Paint Co. Fischer, C. F. Garcia, Miss J. Maytorena, Marie Moise-Klinkner Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Municipal Electric Light Plant Orr, Samuel Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Waddell-Van Gundy Lumber Cu, tt TV Ft FT Hackett & San Koerber, A. H. W. Lowmann, J. H. Orr, Samuel Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Tozier, D. L. Varachi, Edward() Western Dairy Wold's Shoe Store Union Oil Company of California Waddell-Van Gundy Lumber Co. Auto Electric Service Co. Board of Public Utilities Cal. State Auto Association Cobbledicl...-Kibbee Glass Co. Collins, C. C. Recharge battery Gas Supplies Gasoline Supplies Total - STREET FUND. Repairs Parts Repairs Reducer Cards Turpentine Stamps Rock and screenings rr 1. Oil Nails, Repairs Printing Distillate T/ Repairs Supplies Lathes Total - HEALTH FUND. Laboratory supplies Ice Labor Incidentals, Laundry RECREATION FUND. Auto tires Repairs Paint Repairs Services It Door plates Repairs to pum Wire Labor Gas Shingles Lumber RELIEF FUND. Expressage Supplies Money advanced Labor Gas Labor Milk Shoes STORE FUND. Distillate PARK PURCHASE FUND. Lumber ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Supplies Incidentals Premium Supplies Painting truck Total IWO Total - Total - July 4nd, Li .50 14.50 ,74 20.50 2.10 $451.77 $1584.50 .25 1.40 .50 .25 5.00 6•25 8,00 323.52 365,00 324.66 421.50 .40 25.10 16.45 13.50 13.50 69.30 .63 3.75 -$ 3183.46 34.30 4.17 10.85 1.26 1.54 52,15 35.08 6.80 i2.25 5,00 10.00 24.00 2.25 7.'67 2.00 12.50 5.00 •98 28.30 , i 151.83 3.50 1,85 1,00 15.00 1.93 22.50 32.50 14.40 13.75 $ 106,43 41 0 4.28 3.41 18.03 22.32 15.36 39.00 1 AA July 2nd, 1919. General Electric Co. Supplies 3.80 Gilson Electrical Supply Co. n 222,43 Glidden Company, The Paint 31.85 Gutta Percha Rubber Mfg. Co, Supplies 10,78 Ink Ribbon Mfg. Co. Inspection of typewriters 2.00 Mail Advertising Co. Stencils 28.42 Marshall-Newell Supply Co. Supplies 2.89 Mazwell Hardware Co. 1? 3.30 Citizens Bank Rent 40,00 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Gas 1.10 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Toll service 20.55 Ritchie, Mre. L. E. Premium 2.50 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline 72,63 Times Star Co. Advertising 8.46 United. States Rubber Co Supplies 13.91 Vosburgh, L. W. n 4.42 Weaver-Ables-Wells Co. n 2.25 Weinstock-Nichols Co. 21 .92 Westinghouse E. & M. Co. n 376.06 Total OM *1 964.81 Mr. Noy moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned in respect to the memory of the late E. W. Maslln, and to meet in adjourned regular session Tuesday evening, July 8th, 1919, at 8 o'clock, Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.