1919-10-07 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR IIETING 01? THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AIALIEDA, TUESDAY EVll- NG, OCTOBER 7TH, 1919. The meeting convened at 8:17 p. m. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called an. Councilmen Latham, Lfajors, Noy, Probst and Iresident Otis, (5) were nuted present. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. 0 Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution Jo. 245. Transferring c6937.50 from the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and Redemption "Zund." Mr. Majors seconded the ;notion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and Passed unanimously. 2. Mx. Probst introduced the following Re elution and moved its adoplion: "Resolution No. 246. Transferring ,510.70 from the General Fund to the Police Pension and Relief Fund, as a Loan." Er. Majors seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following were received: Auditorrs Balance Sheet for the month of September, 1919. Ordered filed. 3. The sewer easement to the City of Alameda from Io1ph Nav u,tion and Coal Company and the Vie.A Shore Land Camany. Ordered filed. 4. v Corrected Budget for the year 1919-1920. Ordered filed. The following communications were receivea: 5. V Prom the Southern Pacific Company making application for permission to dump dredged materials on land owned by them west of Webster Street and adjoining the Estuary. Mr. J. C. Jamiesen,of the Standard Coal Company, for whom the work being done briefly explained the matter. Yr. Probst moved that the request be granted, subject to certain easements for drainage purposes to which MT. Jamieson consented, seconded, by lir. Latham and carried. 6. / Prom the Glen Taylor School requesting permission to construct a shooting range off the bay shore, Owing to the danger involved, Mr. Latham moved that the reau,est be denied, seconded by Mr. Noy and carried. 7. / From the Alameda County Educational Association, tiariking ihe memlers o the Connell for their action providing fimds for the increase in salaries to the teachers. Ordered Tiled. 8. / From Secretary JOSOpIiUS Daniels, thanking the people of the City of Alameda for the hospitality shown him during his recent visit. Ordered filed. 9. From the League of California, Municipalities announcing the Convention to be held at Riverside, October 20 to 24 and inviting the members of the Council to be present. Mr. Latham moved that the invitation be accepted, seconded by Mr. Noy and carried. 104. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution 110. 247. Designating the Official Newspaper of the City of Alameda." . Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. came up for pass that October 7th 1919. "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. An Emergency Ordinance. Providing for the Granting of Revocable Permits to Operate Automobiles for Hire upon the Public Streets of the City of Alameda during a Strike or Other Contingency resulting in the Non-Operation of the Street Railroads, Fixing the Amount of License Fees to be Paid Therefor and Prescribing the Penalt' for the Violation of said Ordinance." ge. Several slight amendments were made, whereupon Mr. Latham moved the Ordinance as amended be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noy and on roll call carried u-nanimously. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series, Licensing Certain Kinds of Business, and Certair Shows, Exhibitions and Games, Carried on in the City of Alameda, Fixing the License Tax upon the Same, and Providing for the Collection Thereof." was laid over for further consideration. 12. Mr. Latham brought up the matter of the closing of streets in the Alaska Packers Association propertLi, also, a right of way for the municipal railway. After some discussion Hr. Latham moved that the City Manager offer to the Association the propo- sition of the cloin.2_: of the street as requested by them and to secure from theM' a ten year option on an eleven foot strip along the southerly line of their property for the use of the industrial railway, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 13. City Manager Hewes brought up the matter of the lease of tidelands and suggested that public hearings be held on the same. Yr. Latham moved that the City Manager notify the various owners of property abutting the property of the tidelands of the rates proposed to be charged as prepared by him, together with a statement thst the public hearing on the same will be held November llth, seconded by Hr. Majors and carried.. 14. Mr. Noy brought 1.11) the matter of the lack of proper drainage of storm water on the Ghiglione property in the West End and Hr. Latham moved that the City Manager and City Attorney be empowered to inetali a suitable piirnp to drain the same in the .::vent that the city is legally responsible, seconded by Hr. Noy and carried. Claims against the General Fund mounting to 06 4 - against the Police Fund amounting to ::,181.31; against the Fire Fund amounting to 661.84; against the Street Pun d amounting ±0 029V. ; against the Health Fund amounting to '?13-5.11; against the Recreation Fund amounting to ::2"75.15; a-ainst the Store Fund amounting to . 126.90; against the Relief Fund amounting to :?1.60.6„r), against the Electric Light Fund amounting to ,:,;7822.53; aga inst the Fire-:len's Relief and 2ension Fund amounting to 180.00 and against the Police Relief and Pension Fund amountil to '1915.00 having been approved and audited by the Croil, 2. J. East lay .:later Co. Fischer, C.=F. Frost, C. K. Gardner, U. S. Hagan, H. L. Sec. & Treas. East Bay Water Commission Herrick, 1st. Lieut. Hewes, Charles E. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager IT IT fl Lubbock, Oswald proper officials were listed GEnl:Ali 211TD. by the Cleri: as follows: Auto upkeep 25.00 Water 21.14 Supplies 8.41 Fhotommphs 4.50 Supplies 7.90 Water investigation 200.00 Articles lost - Naval Base inspection 9.25 Auto upkeep for Sept.1010 25.00 Money advanced- water investigation 20.35 Stamps 13.00 Rent of P. O. Box 1.00 9 October 7th, 1919. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Hicks, Grant Otis, Prank Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Recorder Printing and Publishing Schneider, Henry Southern Pacific Company Times Star Co. U. S. Fidelity & Guarantz, Vosburgh, L. W. Waddell Lumber Co. TV TT n n n TV m TT TV n TT Zellel'bach Paper Co. Alameda GArage Crocker-Langley Directory Co. Godfrey, Mrs. M. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager M. E. L. P. Schneider, Henry Smith, P. J. Standard Oil Co. Times Star Co. Western Union Rel, Co. Auto Electric Service Co East Bay Water Co. Fischer, C. F. Ford, N. O. Hauchs Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Municipal Electric Light Plant Tr 11 TT TV Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Standard Oil CO. TT TT Steinmetz, R. Western Union Tel. Co. Labor Austin-Western Road Machinery Co. California Pottery Co. Dick, E. C. East Bay Water Co. Fischer, C. F. Gay, A. T. TT TT TT Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Hickok, C. E. Hutchinson Company Kopperud, A. H. Mazzini, L. Moreland Motor Truck Co. Powell Bros, Construction Co. It TV Standard Oil Co. Union Oil Co. Union Oil Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Waddell Lumber Co. Young Machinery Co. Braun-Knecht Heimann Co. Carpenter, T. Crum, Howard C. M. D. Cutter Laboratory Encinal Ice Co. Godfrey, Mrs. M. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Hynson, Westcott & Dunning Parisian Laundry Money advanced Auto upkeep Mayor's Allowance Gas Co. Subscription Stamp Switching charge Advertising Bonds Supplies Lumber TV Adding rachine rolls Total - POLICE FUND. Gas cline S. F. Directory Ilatron servi ces Stamps Repairs Supplies Heals for prisoner Zerolene oil Printing Clock rental ancl. telegram Total - FIRE FUND. Repairs Water Supplies Printing Supplies Money advanced Recharge battery and supplies TV TT Gas Gasoline IT Mattresses Clock rental Total - ST= FUND Washers Sewers Repairs and material Water Cans Tool repairs TV TT Stamps Carfare and incidentals Screenings Oil String Supplies Cement and gravel TT IT Oil Distillate Supplies Stakes Winch Total IF/ILTH FUUD. Laboratory supplies Auto upkeep Emergency services Vaccine Ice Labor Staps 1 Hydrogen Ion Outfit Laundry 7.10 35.00 50.00 8.65 6.00 .25 6.70 37.23 13.75 10.25 14.75 5.71 6.70 77.77 3.32 3.71 622.44 1.08 8.00 2.00 4.00 2.75 .15 47.50 8.25 5.10 2.48 81.31 2.77 348.92 2.25 22.75 2.76 102.66 50.98 1.00 14.90 14.85 30.75 66.00 1.25 661.84 2003.06 1.45 104.29 1.25 7.08 60.00 10.60 11.75 17.00 2..50 388.50 187.50 .50 2.10 6.22 7.94 43.31 6.78 12.83 31.64 16.25 55.00 9 07. 60.47 ,Z.00 10.00 1.20 4.31 8.75 16.00 5.00 3.63 T7F Cohen, Emilie East Bay Water Co. Maxwell Hardware Co. Morse & Co., 0. C. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Orr, Sameul Sherwin-Willians Co. Spalding & Bros., A. G. Waddell Lumber Company Emerson Manufacturing CO. Union Oil Company Hewes, Charles E. TT TT TT Orr, Samuel Varachi, Edward° Western Dairy Co. TT TT City Manager TT TT Alameda Sdavenger Company Auto Electric Service Co. Berg Co., A. E. Board of Public Utilities Certain-teed Products Corporation Citizens Bank Dick, E. C. TT ir TT East Bay Water Co. Ford, J. O. General Electric Company Gilson Electrical SupPly Co. Gilson, ,Zosse E. Goodrich Rubber Co., B. F. Great Western Power Co. Harrison Co., H. O. In]: 2-11)bon Mfg. Co. ILellogg Express Co. TT IT TT Mail Advertising Co. Earshall-Touell Supp y CO. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel, & Tel, Co. TV TT IT TT TV Powell Bros. Construction Co. TT TV TV TV 2itchie, Mrs. L. E. Rittigstoin Hardware Co. Roeblings Sons Co., John TT TT Tr IT Schneider, Henry Standr%rd Oil Co. TT IT It Street Depart-,olit Times Str U. Shipping 2',1yd. Lumber Co. Weaver-olls Company Thinstocichols Co. 'd"ostern Electric Co. '2,restral Weavy Hardware & Iron Co. 1et ii. r0110 . L; L. Co. TV TV u u TV '„Viton, D. Sullr r A. Scraffo-.L d, EAr.1 2. II,I;CREATIOH IU1TD. Play Director Water hardware Deed Gas Services as laborer Paint otballs Lumber Total - STORE FUZD. Flags Distillate Total =LT= FUUD. Money advanced TT TT Tr Labor IT • Eli 1.17: IT TOtal - ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Garbage removed Supplies IT at Paint Rent Supplies 11 Water Supplies TT If Rel)airs Electric current Supplies Inspection Draygge TV Su- ):p 1 ie s 2u-plies and credits Gas Phone TV Contra ct Concrete bases rremjums SITP7ies Co-.)er wire TV TT OuH2lies Gasoline TV SCW02 coa:lection 11-11 cl)ar,'es nJuriPlies -u Total I'ETS Oil FUITD. Pension POLICE 2E= 2= PETSIOIT IUIT October 7th 5? 16.00 1.69 17.39 8.50 4.20 21.50 122.92 23.51 57.42 275.13 113.40 13.50 126,90 8.00 60.00 12.00 24.75 37.50 4.65 18.75 165.65 3.00 50.48 25.50 16.01 4.80 40.00 5.68 11.47 6.21 6.50 136.48 263.57 27.63 9.50 3616.90 3.00 2.00 1,95 1.96 6.49 .21 .40 11.50 19.47 1657.00 63.60 7.50 9.26 101.15 366.09. 21.23 1745 62.54 29.17 53.25 64.00 9.52 4.60 17.44 53.16 15.50 570.14 17.20 1.86 7622.53 October /th. 1919 Iathm move6 that the claims as listed be aid, seconded by lir. L;ajors and on roll cal:L ied unanimously. 15. — Probst moved that the salary of the Dout:v- Troasirer be increased from 135.00 to :150.00 per month; 1so, that the salary of thc Janitor 1,c increased from 1 0.00 to 125.00 -ocr month, seconded by Er. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. The increases to be effective as of Octob er lot, 1919. 16. iir. Latha:a movo that Er. Otis reTresent the Council at the League of California LLU11!c alities Convention to be held at Riverside, October 20-24, seconded by 1,:r. Erobst and carried. There beiii; no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday eventng, October 21st 1919, at 8 o'clock. 7es-f.,ectfully submitted, City Clerk.